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Sr9. R.R;Ljtl ^, .*U ^ STUDIES ON THE AUTUMN PLANTS OF KAVIR.IRAN M. Assadi Assadi, M. 198412 10: Studies on the autumn plants of Kavir, Iran. - Iran. journ. Bot. 2(2):725- 148. Tehran. A brief information on the autumn vegetation of Kavirs In Iran is given, followed by the collecting stations. Then list of plants including 104 species is added. Stipagrostis barelinii (Trin. & Rupr.) Tzelev (Cramineae) and Zygophyllurn eichwaldii C. A. Mey. (Zygophyllaceae) are recorded as new to the flora of lran. Salsola abarghuensls Assadi, sp. nov. and S. yazdiana Assadi, sp. nov. (ChenopodiaceaeJ are described as new species to the science Comments are also given for some of the species presented. Mostafa Assadi, Iranian Botanical Garden, P.O,Box 13 - 116 Tehran, Iran. ulrl , xf ,F\ erL"lrS sr9. r.r;lJtL ,5-r-l *.lt* .;l o5$'U.oK. 1 oT jl ,, *; r;f ,ro15 .Fx rr r.s,pi;- -1.)ltl u-rLL.t o5.r-f.oo;9S 6Ll ,:...,,. lr"* . ss S* o.9 l.rl au 6rl:ru4 6[l-:. ,rS . r+.i.#, a--rS .g|1".l- ^, .*u ^ 9-r .+J e-rlJr cil;l I of ,l--b o.r"; ol)-ljlrl. oJ.rl 61, Zygophyllum eichwaldii s Stipagrostis karelinii gSalsolaabarghuens66L,n-tj * .;!r r : .i,;.t' osl.r ;rl;J <-L .,,.r- --f J qSrl'. ..rh o|"5 r:;ls .gl, .gl,oo:9S gln:r, S, yazdiana .r9.;# osls 6*;92 VT C* 126 M. Assadi IRAN. JOURN. BOT.2(2), 1984 INTRODUCTION then list of species is given. Nombers after names refer to localities list. UTM In years 1981 and 1982 two Chenopod grid square designations are added in excursios made to the Kavirs of Iran by order to make relocation of the loca- the author and N. .Abouhamzeh (a her- lities easier. barium specimen mounter inthe herbarium of Research Institute of Forests and Ran- NOTES ON THE VEGETATION gelands). First excursion started from 10. 10. 1981 for 11 days, starting from As the nature of autumm Chenopod coll- Tehran going to Kashan, Yazd, Bafgh, ections demand long distances travelled Kavirs N. and NE. of Bafgh to the small during the two excursions and because village Saghandi situated between Tabas first aim was to collect the plant family and Yazd. Again starting from Yazd in Chenopodiaceae arrd not to study the direction of SW. going to the Kavir-e vegetation of the area, which extensive Abarghou and then to Abadeh and Is- time consuming studies are needed for a fahan. Third part of this excursion was limited area. Therefore what is discussed to the Eastem parb of Esfahan and W. here is a rough explanations on the au- of Batlagh-e Gavkhuni. In this excursion tumn vegetation of different habitats altogether 297 nombers from .36319 to and also some of the interesting vege- 36616 collected (no. 1-52 in locality tation featutes seen in the excursions. list). Second excursion made to the margins of great Kavir of Iran. Starting Dry steppe vegetation from Tehran to Semnan and Sabzevar, from Sabzevar to Kashmal and then The characteristic feature of this type of Tabas and Yazd. From Yazd through vegetation which mostly seen on lim- the villages E. of Batlagh-e Gavkhuni estone hills and foot mountains is plant and going back to Tehran. This exc- communities of Artemisiaherba-alba. ursion started from 2i-" 10. 1982 for 11 This species is dominant and I always days,collecting 293 nombers from 40002 mixed with salsola tomentosa. This type to 4O2295 (no. 53-98 in locaiity list). of vegetation frequently seen between All originals are deposited in the her- Tehran and Naein, beginning of the road barium of Research Institute cf Forests Yazd to Abarghou, mountains between and Rangelands (TARI). In this paper Semnan and Shahrud and especially on some notes given on the vegetation of the mountain slopes between Ferdows the area, followed by the localil,ies list, to Boshrooyeh which make a beautiful IRAN. JOURN. BOT.2(2), L984 Plants of Kauir 127 dense coverage of mixed Artemisiaherba- Seidlitzia rosmarinus alba and Salsola tomentosa. Following Suaeda spp. species collected or observed here. Bienertia cycloptera H alost ac h y s bellangeriana Artemisia herba-alba Halimione uerrucifera Sakola tomentosa Limonium iranicum S, orientalis Cressa cretica S. incanescens Salsola turkomanica S. nitraria Halopeplk pygrnaea Zy go phyllum eury pterum Aeluropus littoralis Aellenia subaphylla lagopoides Noaea mucronata - Phragmites australis Saluia eremophila Tamarix spp. Heliotropium aucheri Frankenia hirsuta In valleys following species are more frequent: Sand dunes Pulicaria gnaphalodes following psammophiles can be men- Launaea acanthodes tioned: Pteropyrum sp. Stipagrostis pennatq S. karelinii Salty wet places S. plumosa Hammada salicornica The vegetation of this kind of habitat Haloxylon ammodendron seen in salty wet riverbeds and flat Z y g o phyllum e ichw aldii grounds with underground water table Cornulaca leucantha close to the surface of the soil. Espe- Calligonum spp. cially in the second type of habitat due- H elio t ro p ium t r an s o x anu m to the depth of underground water table Agriophyllum minus and, ot density of the saltiness, coo- A.latifoliun't centric circles of plant communities seen. Sakola sclerantha Following species from this kind of hab- itat can be mentioned: LIST OF TOCALITIES Salicornia herbacea H alo cne mum s t rob ilac eu m 1. Tehran: 51 km from Ghom to Kashan L28 M. Assadi IRAN. JOURN. BOT.2(2), 1984 (WTl), 800 m, flat Artemisia steppe. 15. Yazd: 2L km from Ardakan to 2. Tehran: 50 km from Kashan to Ard- Yazd (BA1), 1100 m. estan (WT4), L250 m, flat Artemisia 16. Yazd: beginnig of Bafgh road (BA4), steppe. 1200 m. 3. Esfatran: 10 km to Ardestan on the road from Natanz (XT2), 950 m, flat L7. Yazd: 26 km from Yazd-Kerman desert dominated by Cornulaca mona- road to Bafgh (BA4), 1200 m, Pebbly cantha Del. desert of Hammada salicornica. 4. Esfahan: 10 km from Ardestan to 18. Yazd: 36 km from Yazd-Kerman Zavarch (XSl), 1050 m, flat Artemisia road to Bafgh (BA4), 1320 m, mountain steppe. base of Artemisia steppe. 5. Esfahan: Ardestan, E.of Zavarch (XT2) 19. Yazd: 57 - 67 km from Yazd-Ker- 950 m, in a Haloxybn ammodendron man road to Bafgh (CA2), 1280 m, in woodland. a wadi dominated by Seidlitzia rosmar- 6. Esfahan: Ardestan, ca. 20 km E. of inus. Zavateh (XT4), 900 m, salty flat desert. 20. Yazd: near Bafgh, Rud-eShur(CVl), 7. Esfahan: 5 km from Zavareh to Ard- 950 m, river bed with salty soil. estan (XT2), 1000 m, at a brooklet-side. 27. Yazd: ca. 15 - 25 km NE. of Ba- 8. Esfahan: 32 km from Ardestan to fgh (CA4), 900 m, sand dunes. Naein (XSl), 1830 m, Artemisia steppe. 22. Yazd: ca 40 km NE. of Bafgh 9. Esfahan: near Naein, Bafran (YS2), (CA4), 1200 m, sterile slopes. 1450 m. 23. Yazd,: ca. 75 - 85 km NE. of Bafgh (CA3), 1750 m, Arternisia steppe. 10. Esfahan: 25 - 40 km from Naein 24. Yazd:4 km from Saghandito Kho- to Anarak (YSl, 2), LL20 m, flat Art- ranagh (CAl), 1350 m. emkia desert. 25. Yazd: 43 km from Saghandi to 11. Esfahan: 25 km from Naein to Khoranagh (BAg), 1100 m, Pebbly flat Anarak (YS2), 1300 m, flat Artemisia desert. steppe. 26. Yazd: near Khoranagh (BA3), 1600 L2. Yazd: 61 km from Naein to Ard- m. akan (YS2), LL?A m, Salty place. 27. Yazd,: 11 km from Khoranagh to 13. Yazd: 29 km to Ardakan from Yazd (BAB), 1750 m. Naein (YR3), 1100 m. 28. Yazd: 42 km from Khoranagh to t4. Yazd: 8 km to Ardakan from Naein Yazd (BAB), 1200 m, river bed dom- (YR3), 1000 m. inated by Cornulaca monacantha. IRAN. JOURN. BOT.2(2), 1e84 Plants of Kauir L29 29. Yazd: 6 km from Yazd to Mehriz 43. Esfahan: W. of Batlagh-e Gavkhuni, (BA4), 1200 m, in field. 41 km from Hoseinabad to Varzeneh 30. Yazd; 20 km from Mehriz to Deh- (XRg), 1350 m, salty wet place. shir (BV3), 1600 m, Artemisia steppe. 44. Esfahan: W. of Batlagh-e Gavkhuni 31. Yazd,: 46 - 53 km from Mehriz to (XRg), 1350 m. Abarghou (BVl), 2200 m, slopes dom- 45. Esfahan: 19 km S. of Kuhpayeh, inated by Artemisia, near Harand (XS2), 1500 m. 32. Yazd: ca. 40 km SE. of Dehshir 46. Esfahan: 4 km from Kuhpayeh to (YQg), 1750 m, Artemisia steppe. Esfahan (XS2), 1650 m, flat Artemisia 33. Yazd,: ca. 30 km S. of Dehshir steppe. (YQg), 1600 m, Partly sand dunes. 47. Esfahan: Murche-Khort (WS1), 1600 34. Yazd: ca. 11 km from Dehshir to m, dominated by Anabasis aphylk Abarghou (YQg), 1500 m. 48. Esfahan: 7 km from Meimeh to 35. Fars: 6 km W. of Abarghou (YQ2), Delijan (WT2), dominated by Anabasis 1500 m. aphylk Fars: 31 km W. Abarghou, near 36. of 49. Esfahan: 42 km from Meimeh to Faragheh (YQ2), 1700 m. Delijan (VT4). fromShiraz (XQ4), 37. 23 km to Abadeh 50. Esfahan: 35 km to Delijan from 1850 m, flat place dominated by Ana- Meymeh (VT4), 1700 m. basis aphylk. 51. Tehran: 11 km from Neyzar to Gh- Fars: From Abadeh to 38. 28 km om, 1100 m. Shatrreza (XQl), 22DO m. 52. Tehran: 11 km from Ghom to 39. Esfahan: 10 km from Shahreza to Tehran, 1800 m. Esfahan (WRg), 1600 m. 53. Tehran: ca. 2O km from Garmsar 40. Esfahan: ca. 50 km SE. of Esfahan, to Semnan (XV2), 800 m, salty wet near Mohammdabad (WRg), 1450 m, soil dominated by Halocnemum strobi- flat place dominated by Anabasis aphylla.
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