(See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) October I, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE, , D. C. 8: lOam Wednesdav PHO~E TIME P=placed R=Rece:ved ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD

8: 10 The President had breakfast.

8: 13 R The President received a call from his Ass t, Henry A. Kissinger. The call was not completed.

8: 26 The President went to his office.

8: 29 8: 30 The President met with his Personal Secy, Rose Mary Woods.

The President met with: 8:40 11: 35 H. R. Haldeman. Ass t 8:40 10:25 Henry A. Kissinger, Asst 8:40 11: 05 John R. Ehrlichman, Counsel 8:45 II: 02 Bryce N. Harlow, Asst

The President met with: 10: 32 11: 3 0 ~ Henry A. Kissinger" Asst 11: 10 11:40 John R. Ehrlichman, Counsel 11: 10 11 :40 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secy

11:08 R The President received a long distance call from Hobart Lewis. The call was not completed.

11: 33 P The President telephoned his daughter, Patricia Nixon. The call was not completed.

11: 34 11:36 P The President telephoned his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

11: 38 11:43 P The President telephoned Senator William B. Saxbe.

11:47 11:48 R The President received a call from his daughter, Patricia Nixon.

11:58 P The President telephoned Asst Secy of Labo1; Arthur A. Fletcher. The call was not completed.

The President met with: 12:02 12: 25 H. R. Haldeman, Asst 12:02 12: 25 Herbert G. Klein, Dir of Communications 12: 08 12: 25 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secy

·u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING ornCE ,1l69-'"O-332-vel Record for Travel Activity)

PLAn DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) October II 1969 I TIME DAY --'------', THE WHITE HOUSE ­ WASHINGTON, D. C. 12:28 pm Wednesday PHONE TIME P=Pbled R=Rcceived ACTIVITY Out Lo LD

12: 28 1: 16 The President met with his daughter, Patricia Nixon.

2: 00 p The President telephoned Asst Seey of Labor, Arthur Fletcher. The call was not completed.

2:16 2:40 The President met with his Counsell John D. Ehrlichll1an.

3: 00 3: 01 R The President received a long distance call from Asst Secy of Labor, Arthur Fletcher.

3: 02 3: 50 The President met with his Asst, H. R. Haldem.an.

3: 15 4:47 The President met with his Dep Counsel Clark R. Mollenhoff.

3:45 3:48 The President met with Press SecYI Ronald L. Ziegler.

4:05 4:34 The President met with: Henry A. Kissinger, Asst Stewart Alsop, Journalist

4:31 4:42 P The President telephoned long distance to Mr. Schwandner in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The call was not com.pleted.

4:37 4:3..9 P The President talked with Congressll1an Sall1uel S. Stratton.

4:47 4:52 R The President talked long distance with Martin S. Hayden, in Detroit, Michigan.

4: 54 4:55 P The President talked long distance with D. T. Bryan in .

5:00 5:25 The President met with: Bryce N. Harlow, Asst John R. Ehrlichmanl Counsel

5:32 6: 15 The President met with: Stuart Symingtonl Senator Bryce N. Harlow, Asst Henry A. Kissinger, Asst

U.S_ GOVERNMENT PRINTING oma:, 1~O-332-oe8 Palte 02 of 3 Page(s). I THE WHITE HOUSE I PRESIDENT RICHARU NIXUN':) UAILY UIAIH I (See Travel Record for Travd Activity) ------~------...... ;...------I \ PLACE DAY BEGAN DA TE (Mo., Day. Yr.) October I, 1969 ) TIME DAY !THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. 6:21 pm Wednesday i PHO~E I TIME P=Pl.ced i~~~ R=Receivd ACTIVITY

1__In_-+__OU_t_-1-_L_0-l-_L_D-l- ~------__I I 6: 21 6: 24 P The President talked long distance with Jerry Blircken in Boston, Massachusetts.

I 6:25 P The President telephoned his Asst, Bryce N. Harlow. The call was not completed.

6:25 P The President telephoned Bill Roberts. The call was not completed.

6:35 6:50 The President met with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

6:52 6:55 The President met with his Asst, Bryce N. Harlow.

6:55 7: 12 The President, accompanied by his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman, motored from the White House to the residence of Dir of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover.

7: 12 9:48 The President was a dinner guest of J. Edgar Hoover. Also present were: John N. Mitchell, Atty General John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel

9:48 10: 03 The President motored from the residence of J. Edgar Hoover to the White House.

10: 05 The President went to the Residence.

U.S. GOVERNMENT PRl,_T1NG OFFJa:: 1~332-C68 Page _3.. of J.. Pagels). (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo.. Day. Yr.) October ~_l~L__ THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, D. C. -­ TIME DAY KEY BISCAYNE FLORIDA 8:20 am Thursday PHONE TIME P=P!aced R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD

8:20 The President had breakfast.

8: 39 The President went to his office.

The President met with: 8:55 10: 30 John N. Mitchell, Atty General 8: 55 10: 30 Bryce N. Harlow, Asst 8:55 10: 30 John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel 9: 00 10: 30 Kenneth E. BeLieu, Dep Asst 9:00 10: 30 Gordon Allott, Senator 9:00 10: 30 Marlow W. Cook, Senator 9:00 10: 30 Robert P. Griffin, Senator 9: 00 10: 30 Roman L. Hruska, Senator 9:00 10: 30 Hugh Scott, Senator 9:00 10: 30 Milton R. Young, Senator

10:45 11: 15 The President went to the Cabinet Room and met with members of the National Security Council. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX \tAil.

11: 15 The President went to the Blue Room to receive credentials from the following Ambassadors: Mario READ Vittani, Dominican Republic John Joseph Akar, Sierra Leone Julio SOSA Rodriguez, Venezuela Fidele Nkundabagenzi, Rwanda Jean Wagner, Luxembourg

12: 1 0 The President and the First Lady went to the Gold Room to view the gifts to be given to the Heads of State. They were accompanied by Amb Emil Mosbacher.

12: 30 The President returned to his office accompanied by his Asst H. R. Haldeman.

12:40 12:45 The President met with Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey M. Myers of Pomona, California.

12:40 12:46 The President met with Harold Lee.

Page of Pagels). U.S. GOVER'W,NT PRINTING om~, '~o-332-068 _L _-z. 'Ht. WHIIt. HUU:>t. PRESIDENT 'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) October 2, 1969 THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, D. C.-­ TIME DAY KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA. 2: 10 pm Thursdav PHONE TIME P=PiJced R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 2:10 2:20 The President met with: John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel William F. Rehnquist, Asst Atty General

2:45 2: 59 The President met with Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman.

2: 51 3: 15 The President met with his Counsellor. Arthur F. Burns.

2: 59 3: 05 The President met with his Asst. Henry A. Kissinger.

3: 15 4:15 The President met with Senator John Williams.

4: 17 4:19 The President met with his Press Secy. Ronald L. Ziegler.

4:20 5: 20 The President met with his Asst. Bryce N. Harlow.

4:40 4:43 P The President talked long distance with Governor Richard Ogilvie in Chicago. .

5:04 5: 30 The President met with his Asst. Henry A. Kissinger.

4:59 5: 04 p The President talked with Senator John S. Cooper.

5:29 5:34 The President talked with Atty General. John N. Mithcell.

5:36 5: 51 The President flew by helicopter from the South Grounds of the White House to Andrews AFB. For a list of passengers. see APPENDIX IIB".

6:04 8: 1 0 The President flew by AF I from Andrews AFB to Hom.estead AFB. For a list of passengers. see APPENDIX "crt.

6:42 The President received a long distance call from Secy of of Labor George P. Shultz in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The call was not completed.

At the airport the President was greeted by Dick Merrill. 75 year old Eastern Airline pilot.

u.s. GOVERNIo4ENT PRINTING oma::: 1169-O-332-ll611 rnc.';)ILla:.I~ I nl\"nMnLl IlIJ\Vn,:) UMILf UIIUt f (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) October 2, 1969 THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, D. C. -­ TIME DAY KEY BlSeAYNE, FLORIDA 8:21 pm Thursday PHONE TIME P=Pbced R=Received ACTIVITY ---r-----~~- ..~---- In Out La LO 8: 21 8:33 The President flew by helicopter from Homestead AFB to Key Biscayne Heliport. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX ItB".

8: 38 The President motored to 500 Bay Lane.

9:27 9:32 P The President talked long distance with his daughter, Julie Eisenhower in Northampton, Massachusetts.

9:45 9: 58 R The President talked long distance with Rev Billy Graham. in Anaheim, California.

10: 00 The President and the First Lady saw the film, II The Guns

of Navarone. II. Also present was C. G. Rebozo.


October 2, 1969

Richard V. Allen Robert Behr C. Fred Bergsten Mrs. Jeanne Davis Alexander M. Haig John Holdridge William A. Lake Winston Lord Laurence E. Lynn David McManis Roger Morris Robert Osgood Hal Saunde rs Hal Sonnenfeldt Viron P. Vaky William Watts (



FROM: White House TO: Andrews AFB

President Nixon The First Lady John D. Ehrlichrnan Henry A. Kissinger H. R. Haldeman Ronald L. Ziegle r Alexande r P. Butte rfield Walter R. Tkach John V. Brennan Ronald M. Pontius T. James Whan

FROM: Homestead AFB TO: Key Biscayne

The s'ame as above APPENDIX rlC11


MSN: 1757 - VC137C - 26000 AIR FORCE ONE ANDREWS AFB, WASH DC to HOMESTEAD AFB, FLA. 2 Oct 1969 Depart 6:07pm Arrive 8:08pm 2+01 980sm

1. The President 2. lIlrs. Nixon 3. lIIr. John Ehrlichman 4. Mr. Raymond Price 5. Mr. H. R. Haldeman 6. Dr. Henry A. Kissinger 7. ~r. Ronald Ziegler 8. Ambassador Mosbacher 9. Mrs. Mosbacher 10. Dr. Walter Tkach 11. Major Jack V. Brennan 12. Miss Gerry Van Der Heuvel 13. Mr. Alexander Butterfield 14. Mr. William Watts 15. Mr. William Duncan 16. Mr. Ronald Pontius 17. ;·rr. Edward Cliff 18. Chief William Cuff 19. Miss Inette Lipkin 20. Mr. Manuel Sanchez 21. Mrs. Manuel Sanchez 22. Mr. Wilson Livingood 23. Mr. Richard Keiser 24. Mr. William Hudson 25. Mr. Gordon Jenkins 26. Mr. J. Mitchell 27. Mr. M. Endicott 28. Mr. J. Whan 29. Mr. J. Kightlinger 30. Mr. Francis Lewlynn 31. Mr. Don Fulson 32. Mr. James Atherton 33. Mr. John Duricka 34. Mr. D. Thomas 35. Mr. Loye Miller 36. Mr. Jim Large FOR OFFICIAL USE.. ONLY ( rKl:.~IUl:.N I KlliHI\KU I'II)\UN' ~ UI\ILJ UII\K r (See Travel Record for Travel Activity)

PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo" Day, Yr.) OCTOBER 3, 1969 TIME DAY KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA 1:30 pm FRIDAY PHONE TIME P=Phced R=Received ACTIVITY ~---- -~-----+---r----j In Out Lo LD

1:30an The President walked alone around his property and inspect ed some of the suppo rt facilities; among them, the heli­ copter pad and the Secret Service Command Post.

11:39 11:52 P The President talked with his Assistant,Henry A. Kissinger

11 ;52 12 :04 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

12:04 12 :19 P The President talked long distance with Congressman John W. McCormack in Washington, D. C.

12 :21 12 37 P The President talked with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

1:09 1:12 P The P resident talked wi th his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman

During the late afternoon, the President met for one hour with: H. R. Haldeman, Assistant John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel

6:12 8 :25 The President and the First Lady went boating on the "Ju1ie" with: Ambassador and Mrs. Emil Mosbacher C. G. R ebozo and a guest

8 :35 8 :43 The President went from his Residence to C. G. Rebozo's residence.

10:57 10 :59 The President went to 516 Bay Lane.

11:04 11 :05 The President went to his Residence.

U.S. GOV"R~ME~!T PRINTiNG OffiCE, 19~332-068 rrH.;:)1 UC.I~ I I111.M/o\tW NIAUN'~ UAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity)


12.:18 12 :25 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

12:27 1;12 P The President talked \Vith his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

5:13 6:48 The President went boating on the "Julie" with C. G. Rebozo.

8;! [ 8:31 The President and C. G. Rebozo motored from 500 Bay Lane to Miami.

8:31 10 : 46 The President and C. G. Rebozo attended the Miami Dolphins-Oakland Raiders Football Jame at the Orange Bowl.

10 :46 11:06 The President and C. G. Rebozo motored from Miami to SOO.Bay Lane.

U.S. GO'lEP.~ME~lT PR1Nl1NGomCf;'I~33Z-ll68 ----- Irlt:. VVnllt. HUU~t:. PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Tflvel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) OCTOBER 5, 1969 _ TIME DAY KZY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA 10:36 am SUNDAY PHONE TIME P=Pilced R=R,ceived ACTIVITY -~---- In Out Lo LD 10 :36 10:39 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

10 :53 11 :05 R The President talked with his As sis tant, H. R. Haldemna.

11:09 11:36 R The President talked with his Assistant, Henry A. Kis singe r.

11:37 11:41 P The President talked with his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman

12 :39 12 :43 P The President talked with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

2:07 2 :09 R The President talked with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

2:25 3:59 The P resident went boating with C. G. Rebozo on the latter's houseboat.

3 :59 The President returned to the Key Biscayne Residence.

5 :13 5:15 R The President talked with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

8 :25 8 :28 The Presidential party motored from the Key Biscayne Residence to the helipad.

8 :28 8 :38 The President party flew by helicopter from the Key Biscayne helipad to the the Homestead AFB. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "A".

8 :51 10 :45 The Presidential party flew by AF-l from Homestead AFB, Florida to the Andrews AFB. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "B'T.

10:53 11 :00 The P residential party flew by helicopte r from the Andrews AFB to the South Grounds of the White House. For a list of passengers. see APPENDIX "All.

11:03 The P resident went to the Residence.



FROM: Key Biscayne TO: Homestead AFB, Fla.

P resident Nixon First Lady C. G. Rebozo Emil Mosbacher and Mrs. H. R. Haldeman Henry A. Kissinger John D. Ehrlichman Mr. Warren Walter R. Tkach ,j-t::'hn V. Brennan, Maj. Agent Whan Agent Jameson

FROM: Andrews AFB TO: South Grounds, White House

P resident Nixon First Lady Emil Mosbacher and Mrs. JohnV. Brennan, Maj. Henry A. Kissinger H. R. Haldeman John D. Ehrlichman Alexander P. Butterfield Mr. Warren Walter R. Tkach Mr. Pontius Mr. McCarthy ( MSN: 1757 - VC13 7C - 260 aa AIR FORC]] ONE HmilESTEAD AFB, FLA to ANDREWS AFE, WASH DC 5 Oct 1969 Dep.21r~~ Slpm _Arrive 10:45pm 1+57 980sm 1. The President 2. Mrs. Nixon 3. Ambassador Mosbacher 4. Mrs. Mosbacher S. Mr. John Ehrlichman 6. Mr. H. R. H2-ldeman 7. Dr. Henry A. Kissinger 8. Mr. William L. Safire 9. ~r. Raymond Price 10. Dr.·Walter Tkach 11. Mrs. Walter Tkach 12. Major John V. Brennan 13. Mrs. Gerry Van del' Heuvel 14. Mr. Alexander Butterfield 15. Mr. Gerald Warren 16. Mr. Ni]liam Watts 17. Mr. William Duncan ( 18. Mr. Ronald Pontius 19. Mr. EdKard Cliff 20. Chief William Cuff 21. Miss Inette Lipkin 22·. Mr. i\lanuel Sanchez 23. Mrs. Manuel Sanchez 24. Mr. Wilson Livingood 25. Mr. Richard Keiser 26. Mr. J. Mitchell 27. Mr. M. Endicott 28. Mr. C. Zboril 29. Mr. J. Golden 30. j\lr. D. HcCarthy 31. r·lr. Jack Kightlinger 32. Miss Francis Lewine 33. Mr. D. Rappaport 34 • ;'.1 r. J 0 : 1Il Duric k a 35. ~.lr. J. Atchison 36. ::'I1's. 0:. Ball 37 • ?,1 iss IiveEd s t r o;n 38. Mr. Dan Rather FOR OFFICIAL USE O~LY ---~------( ..__ ..._------, lHE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) THE WHITE HOUSE 1)CTOBER 6, 1969 TIME DAY WASHINGTON I D. C. 8:05 am MONDAY PHONE TIME P=Pbced R==Received ACTIVITY _._.. --­ ICI Out Lo 10 8:05 The President had breakfast.

8 :22 The President went to his office.

9:14 9:25 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

9:27 9 :47 The President met with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

9:31 9 :36 P The President talked with Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird.

9:51 10:02 The President met with Press Secretary Ronald L. Zi~gler.

10:03 11:21 The President met with Secretary of State William P. Rogers.

11 :24 11:54 The President met with: Elmer Staats, U. S. Comptroller General Robert Keller, Assistant Comptroller General Alexander P. Butterfield, Deputy Assistant

11:55 12:03 The President met with members of the Secret Service. He was presented a Gold Secret Service Badge and Medallion. Those present were: James J. Rowley, Director of the Secret Service Rufus Youngblood, Assistant Director Robert Taylor, Agent in Charge Eugene Rossides, Assistant Secretary of the Treas Lilburn E. Boggs, Assistant Director Robert J. Ne'Nbrand, Assistant to the Agent in Charge

12 :04 12 :16 The President met ,,\'ith: Gene Boyle, Congressional Candidate for New Jerseys' 8th District Harry S. Dent, Deputy Counsel

12 :20 12 :21 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

/ •. -=?~ ,. us. GOVERNMeNT PRINTING OFFICI' ·l-..o-"?-""R THE WHlTE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAilY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity)

PLACE DAY BEGA.."l DATE (Mo .• Day. Yr.) THE WHIT E HOUSE OCTOBER 6, 1969 TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 12 :21 pm MONDAY PHONE TrME P=Phced -_.­ R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD The tJresl_dent met '.HEn: 12 :21 1:24 . H. R. Haldeman, Assistant 12 :19 1:25 John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel 12 :19 1:45 Bryce N. Harlow, Assistant 12 :21 1:25 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant

2:35 3:08 The President went to the barbershop.

3:09 3:10 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

3:09 3 :45 The President met with Senator Charles McC. Mathias.

3 :46 4 :15 The President met with: Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Egal, Prime Minister of Somali Emil Mosbacher, Protocol Chief

4:15 4 :55 The President met with Senator John Sherman Cooper.

4:56 5:08 The President met with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

5 :11 6:38 The President met with Senators: Gordon Allott Marlow W. Cook Charles H. Percy Winston L, Prouty Ted Stevens J. Caleb Boggs Richard S. Schweiker

5:26 R The President was called by Senator John Sherman Cooper. Special Assistant Dwight L. Chapin took the call.

6:40 The President met with his Assistant, Bryce N. Harlow.

6:39 6:41 P The President talked with the First Lady.

6 :43 6:44 The President went to his E. O. B. Office. He was accom­ panied by: Bryce N. Harlow, Assistant H. R. Haldeman, Assistant

8:11 The President returned to his White House Office.

8 :13 The President went to the Residence for dinner. IHt. WHilE HOU::iE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAilY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON D. C. 8:18 pm MONDAY PHO~E TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD

8:18 P The President telephoned Secretary of H. E. W., Robert H. Finch. The call \\tas not completed.

8:38 P The President telephoned his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. The call \\tas not completed.

8:39 P The President telephoned his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichrnan. The call was not completed.

8:43 8:44 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

8 :48 8:52 P The President talked with his Assistant, Bryce N. Harlow.

8 :55 8:57 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman/

9: 0 4 P The President telephoned his Assistant, Henry A .. Kissinger. The call was not completed.

9:13 9:20 R The President talked with his Assistant, Bryce N. Harlow.

9:27 10 :30 The President went to his office.

10 :30 11:28 The President went to the bowling alley.

11 :28 The President went to the Residence.

.~ - ~ ­ U.S. GOVER~MENT PAINllNG oFFICE, \16!l-O-JJ2·068 ...._ ,.IIlIC. nUU.;)c. PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAilY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) OCTOBER 7, 1969 THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY A~HrNr,T()N W n c: 8:05 am TUESDAY PHONE TIME P=Phced R=Received _ ---_. ------+--,-----1 ACTIVITY In Out 10 LD 8:05 The President had breakfast.

8 :15 8 :17 The President went to his office.

The President met with: 8:20 8:30 Bryce N. Harlow, Assistant 8 :20 8:32 H. R. Haldeman, Assistant

8 :32 10 :11 The President attended a meeting of the Republican Con­ gressional Leadership in the Cabinet Room. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A".

10:11 The President returned to his office.

The President met \Nith: 10 :11 10:1~ Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary 10:17 10:4 10 :11 10 :15 > Bryce N. Harlow, Assistant 10 :17 10 :45 10 :11 10 :15> Herbert G. Klein, Director of Communications 10 :17 10:45 10 :11 10 :51 Spiro T. Agne\N, Vice Pre sident 10 :11 10:45 Hugh Scott, Senato r 10 :11 10 :45 Gerald R. Ford, Congressman 10 :11 10 :45 Patrick J. Buchanan:,. Special Assistant

10 :51 12 :J4 The President met \Nith: His Highness Souvanna Phouma,Pre.mier, Royal Laotian Government and an interpreter 11:25 12:04 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant for NSA

11:29 R The President was called by Congressman Carl D. Perkins The call \Nas not comp~e i.

12 :05 12:07 The President \Na1ked \Nith Premie r Souvanna Phouma to his car.

12:07 The President returned to his office.

The President met \Nith: 12 :10 12:30 H. E. Mainoyn Tahire and an interpreter 12 :10 12 :30 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant forNSA 12.:15 12 :30 Ahmed Osman, Ambassador of Morocco 12 :15 12 :30 David Newsome, Assistant Secretary of State

I _ .7 _ .. u.s GO'/ERN MEN1 PRIN11HG ornCE: 19O'l-Q-33Z-068 I Ht. WHITE H(,JUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travd Activity)

PL.-I.e': DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.)


12 :35 12 :40 The President presented an Air Medal to Dr. Walter R. Tkach. Among those present were: Mrs. Walter R. Tkach

James D. Hughes J Col. , Military Aide Bryce N. Harlow, Assistant Rose Mary Woods, Secretary William J. Hopkins, Special Assistant John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel H. R. Haldeman, Assistant

3 :40 4:32 The President met "With: Robert P. Mayo, Director, BOB James R. Schlisinger, Assistant Director, BOB John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel

4:34 5 :15 The President met "With:

J D. Patrick Moynihan, Assistant for Urban Affairs John D. Ehr1ichman, Counsel

5 :15 6:10 The President met "With Senator George D. Aiken.

6:11 7:17 The President met "With his Assistant for NSA. Henry A. Kissinger.

7 :17 The President went to the Residence.

8:05 The President "Went to the North Portico to greet Prince Souvanna phouma, Prime Minister of Laos.

8:08 10 :27 The President hosted a Stag Dinner honoring Prince Souvanna. For a list of attendees. see APPENDIX" B".

10 :30 The President "Went to the Residence.

10 :40 10:49 R The President talked "With Hobart Le"Wis.

10 :54 11 :19 P The President talked "With his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP MEETING


Executive The President , The Vice President Melvin R. Laird, Secretary of Defense

Senate ~ugh Scott, Minority Leader Robert P. Griffin, Minority Whip Margaret Chase Smith, Chairman, Conference Committee Milton Young, Secretary, Conference Committee Gordon ABott, Chairman, Policy Committee John G. Tower, Chairman, Campaign Committee


Gerald R. Ford, Minority Leader Leslie C. Arends, Minority Whip John B. Anderson, Chairman, Conference Committee William C. Cramer, Vice Chairman, Conference Committee Richard H. Poff, Sec retary, Conference Committee John J. Rhodes, Chairman, Policy Committee H. Allen Smith, Ranking Minority Member, Rules Committee Bob Wilson, Chairman, Congressional Campaign Committee

Republican National Committee

Rogers C. B. Morton, Chairman


Bryce N. Harlow, Peter Flanigan William E. Timmons Kenneth E. BeLieu Lyn Nofziger Herb Klein Ronald L. Ziegler Patrick Buchanan APPENDIX"B"

( DINJ.\JER A':;:' THE WElTE HOUSE . Tuesday, October 7, 1969 at eight o'clock

The President

His Highnes s Prine Souvanna Phouma Prin'le Minister of Laos H. E. Sisouk na Champassak Minister of Finance H. E. Khamphan Panya Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs H. E. The Ambassad.or of Laos (Kh<,,~mking Sot:vanlasy) Mr. La. Norindr Special Assistant to the Prime Minister Wlajor Mangkhra Sou-vanna Phouma P.ide de Camp to the Prime Minister {Prime Minister's Son}

The Secretary of State {William P. Rogers} The Secretary of Defense '(Melvin R. Laird) I { Hon. Robert P. Mayo " Dir., Bureau of the Budget Sen. Henry M. Jackson {Washington} Sen. Stuart Symington (Missouri) Sen. Robert P. Griffin (Michigan) .Rep. William M. Colmer {Mississippi} Rep. W. R. Poage {Texas} Rep. John W. Byrnes (Wisconsin) Rep. Olin E~ Teague (Texas) Rep. Page Belcher () Rep. J onn S. Monagan (Connecticut) .Rep. Vernon W. Thomson (Wisconsin) Hon. Richard Helms Dir .• Centrai Intelligence Agency Hon. Fra:l k J. Shakespeare, Jr. Dir., U. S. Information Age:lcy Hon. Emil Mos bacher, Jr. Chief of Protocol Hon. Peter M. Flanigan Assistant to the President Hon. Henry A. Kissb.ger Assistar,t to the President { ( , - 10/7/69

Di:r ecto:r: of Cc ':,catiol1s for the Executive Branch BO~1. Roaald L. Ziei:" u ,', S "c'· .~;,_. ,-' "' ..... 'J-"e<'~Q' ""1'­ ..L res.. >;) \:: .. c; Loci J. ~ \~ ...... u J. t;.L l,.. O~" 1 n~ c CO'..... ",Joe;. J"'-Cl.LJ. e lJ D • '-'"J,.J.U,(:.'. ri" Armed Forces!' -:0 ~he Preside"1.t Hon. Marsnall Gre8~'l Assista;''lt Secretary of $tate hon. G. Warren Nu'der Assistant Secre~ary of Defense Hon. Roderic L. O'Con.."lor Asst. Admin., Agency for International Development Gener-al J arnes F. Collins Pres., Amel'ican National Red Cros s Lt. Gen. John B. McPherson Assistant to the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Mr. J onathan Moore Deputy Assistant Secre:ary of State '.: Mr. John Boldridge National Security Council Mr. J os eph W. Alsop Washington, D. C. (Columnist; author) Mr. Walter Cronkite New York, N. Y. (CBS-TV) Dr. Lucian W. Pye Cambridge, Massachusetts (Prof. of Political Science, M.1. T. )

Inte YP :.. e te r s

Jorge Berez Sam Maggio Mark Pratt Inc. vvnllc. nVU ...H... t't


8:0S The President had breakfast.

8:20 The President went to the office.

The President met with: 8:33 8:49 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant for NSA 8 :40 10 :46 Bryce N. Harlow, Assistant 8 :40 10 :46 John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel 8:40 10:46 H. R. Haldeman, Assistant

10:50 10 :55 The President met with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

11 :10 12:00 The President attended a National Security Counsel meeting For those in attendance see APPENDIX lI"~r.

12 :15 The President went to the Blue Room to greet and speak to thefimerican Revolution BiCentennial Commission. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B".

12 :35 12 :44 The President returned to his office with his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler.

The President met with: 12:45 12:47 Rose Mary Woods, Personal Secretary 12 :45 12:51' Ben Reagan

The President met with: 12 :51 1:10 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant for NSA 12:51 1:33 Hobart Lewis, Reders Diges t 1 :15 1:33 John Hubbell, Editor, Readers Digest 1 :15 1:33 David Reed, Editor, Readers Digest

I 3:22. 3:2.4 The President met with his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler.

3 :25 3:2. 7 The President met with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger.

3 :2. 7 3 :35 The President went to the Roos evelt Room fa r the filming of TV Clips for William T. Cahill and Linwood Holton Campaigns.

3:35 4:2.2 The President met with Sec retary of State William P. Roge s.

Page _1_ of ~_ Pagels), I I\L.;l'ULn I 1\I\.IHMnU nlJ\VI' '" IJMIL' IJIMrl' (See Travel Record for Trav", Activity)

PLACE DAY BEGAJ.'il DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) OCTOBER 8, 1969 THE vVHITE HOUSE TIME DAY ------1 W A,C;HTNI,T()N n r: 4: 02 pm WEDNESDAY PHONE TIME P=PI.ced R=Received ACTIVITY ------r-----/---,---­ In Out Lo LD 4:02 R The President was called by Postmaster General Winton M. Blount. The call was not completed.

The President met with: 4:35 5:02 Daniel P. Moynihan. Assistant for Urban Affairs 4 :35 6:02 John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel 4:35 6:02 H. R. Haldeman, Assistant 5:02 5:52 John N. Mitchell, Atto rney Gene ral 5:05 6:02 Bryce N. Harlow, Assistant

4 :52 R The President was called by Senator George D. Aiken. The call was not completed.

6:02 6 :23 The President went to the dentist's office.

6 :23 The President went to the Residence.

6 :30 6:44 P The President talked with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger.

6:55 P The President telephoned his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. The call was not completed.

6:58 The' President had dinne r with: The First Lady Patricia Nixon

6:59 7:02 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

7:27 7:33 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

7 :51 8:05 P The President talked with Congressman Gerald R. Ford.

8:14 The President went to his office.

9 :50 11:02 The President went to the bowling alley. He bowled with: Frankie Blair, a helpe r in the kitchen of the Residence.

11:02 The President went to the Residence.

~_ ~_ u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING ornCE, 1969--

LIST OF INVITEES FOR NSC MEETING , WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1969, CABINET ROOM, 10:00 A. M. Spiro T. Agnew, Vice President William P. Rogers, Secretary of State Melvin R. Laird, Secretary of Defense John N. Mitchell, Attorney General George A. Lincoln, Director, Office of Emergency Preparedness Gerard Smith, Director, Arms Control and Disarm.ament Agency Thomas:-t Moorer, Adm. ,Acting Chairman, JCS Richard Helms, Director of Central Intelligence

Elliot Richardson, Under Secretary of State David Pac kard, Deputy Sec retary of Defens e Paul Nitze, Department of Defense

Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant to the President for NSA


Philip J. Farley (ACDA) Clinton Conger (CIA) Laurence E. Lynn, Jr. (NSC) Helmut Sonnenfeldt (NSC) William Watts (NSC) / '.

( ,MSMBERS - AMERICAN REVOLUTION BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION - 10?81.9~ Roger Abraham , ' John H. Eversole ~'


M. W. Bales ~. Robert H. Finch v--­ (

Wilson K. Barnes Morris Ford

James Biddl~ ~ Luther H. Foster v--­

Daniel Boorstin ~ Richard F. Gibbs ~-

'Rayr1lOnd. J. Broderick V- Hugh Hall ~

Rene Bouchard y--­ Catherine D. Bowen Godfrey Harris ~

Arthur Burgess ~ Ed HUe s ;..---­

. Daniel Buser V-­ Arthur A. Houghton, Jr. t31:'~N,tf

Mark Wayne Clark Ann Hawkes Hutton V---'

B. L. Coffindaffer ~ Barnaby C. Keeney ~

Charle s J. Conrad Marvin Kivett ~

Mary Darcy ~ Joseph C. DiCarlo ~ Melvin R. Laird ~

Adolf Disandro ~. Pat Dodson ~ George Lang ~

Harold D. Donohue ~. Charles E. Lee ~.

{ Mark Evans ~ Hobart D. Lewis ~ Dale Mallicoat ,.,--- John H. G. Pell V---­

John O. Marsh, Jr. V-- Richard Pourade ~-

w. c. McCain Harold Prince

Roland C. McConnell ~ Clarke Reed

Richard P. McCormick V-- Ed Reimecke

• -

Robert A. McGraw ~ S. Dillon Ripley ______

Lewis A. McMurran, Jr. ~ Robert M. Robeson ~

Andrew McNally .------William P. Rogers ~ ( John N. Mitchell ~- _.Aline B. Saarinen .W ~ L-l.-i 1'1 /Y) .:s' t1 F I /":? E v---- Willlam Morris ~ Frederick A. Seaton

Charles Morrissey ~ Richard Se ssoms

L. Quincy Mumford ~ Jane Shay ~

( Richard Lewis Murchison ~RobertH. Sisson ~

John Skates ~ Charle s Pasarcll t---- Gene Skora

John O. Pastore Paul S. Smith v--­

Randy Pendleton Melbourne L. Spector ~ Maurice H. Stans

J. E. Wallace Sterling ~ (

William Fletcher Thompson ~

Jean K. Tool V--'

Jack Tooley ~.

l0 v-..:: { ~ L, \' U( V-c; K- t­ Roy A7 Whitcomb, Jr. ~ "

G. William Whitehurst CHA-R.L c 5 iAJt4..(..!I'}MS J.---' !.~ ,"r \ ./-7 ;\ ;] J'" 1 -'" f- U I ." cC 1\ ..::.... /3 U D u"'It... ktN.r O/Y V--.

, , '\

. '.-:::- .•.: '-- ' .. : -(

.. 7 ... ·- - ...... -.-,-'--.::::'- ---' .... ~~~-.------":-- , . __ . ~-_._..' ,...... -.-­ ITHE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY I (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY IlEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) ~~TOBER 9, 1969_-1 THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY '.'l_~, SHIFGTON, D. C. 8 :05 am THURSDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY ....,.....------~-- ~-- In Out Lo LO 8:05 The President had breakfast.

8 :17 The President went to his office.

8 :34 8:45 The President met with: Jerry Wilson, Chief of Police, D .• C. John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel

8:45 10:09 The President attended a meeting of the Bi-Partisan Leader­ ship in the Cabinet Room. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX IIAII.

10:09 The President went to his office.

10:2.2. 10 :41 The President attended the Medal of Honor Ceremony on the South Grounds. Fa r a list of attendees, see APPENDIX \tBII.

10 :41 The President \Vent to his office.

10:46 11:15 The President met \Vith his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman.

11 :20 12.:03 The President met with: Aldo Mora, Italian Foreign Ministe r Egidio Ortona, Italian Ambassador to the U. S. Robe rto Gaja, Director General Political Affairs, Italian Foreign Ministry Graham Martin, U~ S. Ambassador-designate to Italy Martin Hillenbrand, Assistant Secy. of State Emil Mosbacher, Chief of Protocol Helmut Sonnenfeldt, NSC staff member Neil A. Seidenman, Dept. of State, interpreter

12.:06 12:2.5 The President met with: El Hadj Ahamdou Ahidjo, President of Came roon Simon Nko'o Etoungou, Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph N. awano, Cameroon Amb. to the U. S. David D. Newsom, Assistant Sec. of State Roger Morris, NSC staff member Emil Mosbache r, Chief of Protocol Saeed Khan, Protocol Officer Sophia Parson, Dept. of State, interpreter tTHE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Oay. Yr.)

THE WHIT E HOUSE OCTOBER 9, 1969 TIME DAY '~VASHINGTON, D. C. 12 :25 pm THU3.SDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY -­ --­ -~----+--,---1 In Out Lo LD

12 :25 12:27 The President walked President Ahidjo to his car on the South Grounds.

12 :27 The President went to his office.

12 :29 12 :31 P The President talked 'Nith the President of the AFL-CIO, George Meany.

12 :36 1:15 The President met 'Nith his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

1:15 1:50 The President met 'Nith his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

3:05 3:10 The President met 'Nith his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler.

The President met 'Nith: John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary

The President met 'Nith the follo'Ning Congressmen: 5:10 6:30 John McCormack 5:10 6:30 Carl Albert 5 :10 6:30 Wilbur Mills 5:10 6:30 L. Mendel Ricers 5:36 6:3'0 George Mahon

6:32 7:03 The President met 'Nith his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman.

7:07 The President 'Nent to the Residence.

7:15 7:22 R The President talked 'Nith his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

7 :24 7:32 R The President talked long distance 'Nith his daughter, Julie Eisenho'Ner')in Massachusetts.

7:35 The President had dinner 'Nith the First Lady.

7:39 7 :49 P The President talked 'Nith Attorney General John N. Mitchell.

8:13 The President 'Nent to his office.

8 :18 8 :19 P The President talked with his Special Assistant, D'Night L. Chapin.

u s. C;OVr:R~ME~T PRINTING Omr.F'·l~~_~,.-nn)l ,·,H:.':lIVC,I'1J n1\,nMRU n,J\VI'f';) UI'\ILI U"UI:f (See Travel Record for Travel Activity)

PLACE DAy BEG.~'1 DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) THE WHIT E HOUSE OCTOBER 9. 1969 TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 8:26 pm THURSDAY PHONE TI~IE P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 8:26 The President went to the Residence.

8:30 8 :32 P The President talked ""ith his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

8:32 8:34 P The President talked with his As sistant, H. R. Haldeman.

8:42 P The President telephoned his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger. The call was not completed.

8 :52 8 :53 P The President talked with Mrs. .

8:56 9:04 P The President talked long distance with Jeremiah Milbank in Connecticut.

9:06 P The President telephoned his Assistant, Bryce N. Harlow. The call was not completed.

9 :15 9:16 P The President telephoned Congressman Glenard P. Lipscomb. He talked with Miss Bruner, the Congressman's secretary.

9:16 9 :17 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

Page 3 of3 • Pagel,). APPENDIX A


White House John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel Egil Krogh, Dep Counsel D. Patrick Moynihan. Asst for UA Bryce N. Harlow, Asst William E. Timmons, Dep Asst Kenneth E. BeLieu, Dep Asst

Justice Department Richard G. Kleindienst, Dep Attorny General Donald E. Santarelli, Associate Dep Attorney General


J Gerald Ford t Ancher Nelsen William McCulloch Glenn Davis William Natcher

Dis trict of Columbia Jerry Wilson, Chief of Police Maurice J. Cullinane. Asst Chief of Police


Thursday, October 9,1969

10:00 A. M.

Pa rticipants :

Melvin R. Laird, Secretary of Defense Stanley Resor, Secretary of the Army Bruce Palmer, Gen., Vice Chief of Staff of the Army Alton Lennon, Congressman

The following medal recipients from the U. S. Army were present with their pa rents and families.

Patrick H. Brady, Major Jack H. Jacobs, Captain James M. Sprayberry, Captain Robert M. Patterson, Sergeant

( rnc,.;)IUc,.'I n1\"ntutU "..AUI'.;) UI1ILI UIl1rtl (See Travel Record for Travel Act;vity)

PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) THE WHITE HOUSE OCTOBER 10, 1969 TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 8 :00 am FRIDAY PHONE TI~IE P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY ------,-----1-----.---1 In Out Lo to

8:00 9 :17 The P resident hosted a breakfast in the First Floor Dining Room for: John N. Mitchell, Attorney General Hugh Scott, Senator

9:17 9:19 The President went to his office accompanied by Attorney General John N. Mitchell,

The President met with: 9:19 9 :40 John N. Mitchell, Attorney General 9 :30 9 :42 H. R. Haldeman, As sistant 9:40 10 :50 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant 9 :50 10 :50 Hubert H. Humphrey, former Vice President 10:46 10 :49 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary 10:46 10 :49 Members of the Press

The President met with: 10 :51 10:5& Congressman and Mrs. Dan H. Kuykendall 10 :51 11 :08 William E. Timmons, Deputy Assistant

10 :59 11 :08 Jerry L. Pettis J Congressman 10:59 11:08 Catherine May, Congresswoman 10 :59 11:08 Presidents of Seventh Day Adventist Colleges in in the U. S. For list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A".

11 :10 11 :15 The President met with: William C. Wampler, Congressman William E. Timmons, Deputy Assistant Jam es Jullins, teacher Larry C. Akers, high school student

11 :16 12 :11 The President went to the Blue Room in the Residence to re­ ceive the diplomatic credentials of five Ambassadors. The President held brief private discussions with each in the Red Room. Those present were: Valerie T. McComie, Amb. from Barbados Sunthorn Hong1adarom, Amb. from Thailand Justin-Marie Momboko, Amb. from Congo Rijnhard Bernhard Van Lynden, Amb. from the Netherlands Seydou Traore, Amb. from Mali Emil Mosbache r, Chief of Protocol

11 :43 R The President received a call from Hobart Lewis. The call was not completed.


PLACE DAY BEGAl"J" DATE (No., Day, Yr.) OCTOBER 10, 1969 THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON D. C. 12:11 pm FRIDAY PHO!SE TI~IE P=Placed R=Recelved ------,-----+--r---1 ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD

12 :11 The President went to his office.

12 :12 12 :13 The President met with his Military Aide, Colonel James D. Hughes.

12:13 12 :14 P The President talked with the First Lady.

12 :15 12 :36 The President met with: Adela Rogers St. John, friend Rose Mary Woods, Personal Secretary

The President met with: 12 :37 1;00 D. Patrick Moynihan, Assistant 12:37 1;55 Robert H. Finch, Secretary of HEW 12.:37 1:55 John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel

3 ;15 3:46 The Pre-'sident met with: Lewis B. Hershey, Director of Selective Service Peter M. Flanigan, Assistant

4;16 5:00 The President met with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

5:00 5:45 The President met with Senator Michael Mansfield.

6:00 6:30 The President recorded his Congressional Message on radio tape.

The President met with: 6 :30 6:50 H. R. Haldeman, As sistant 6 :30 6:40 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary

6;33 6:34 P The President talked with his Personal Sec retary, Rose Mary Woods.

6:53 The President went to the Residence.

7:05 The President had dinner with: The First Lady Patricia Nixon

7 :28 7 :47 P The President talked with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

8:02 8 :03 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. ~----_. _.. _.,._...­ THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAilY DIARY i (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo.. Day. Yr.) OCTOBER 10, 1969 "-­ THE WHIT E HOUSE TIME DAY \VASHINGTON D C 8:42pm FRIDAY PHONE TI~IE P=Placed R=Rtceived ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD

8 :42 The President went to his office.

9:05 9:10 The President went to the bowling alley.

9:10 The President went to his office.

9:12 9 :29 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

9 :55 The President went to the Residence.

10 :15 10:17 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

10 :18 P The President telephoned his Assistant, Henry A. Kis singer. The call was not completed•



Friday, October 10, 1969 {


Fourteen (14) Presidents of Seventh-Day Adventist Colleges in the . were invited. Thirteen (13) attended.

c. B. Hirsch, Ph. D. - Secretary of the Board of Education of the General Conference Dr. T. S. Geraty - Executive Secretary of Department of Education, Tacoma Park, Maryland M. Schaffner, Ph. D. - Kettering College, Ohio R. Hammill, Ph. D. - Andrews Unive rsity, Michigan H. E. Douglass, Ph. D. - Atlantic Union College, Massachusetts W. H. Beaven, Ph. D. - Columbia Union College, Maryland D. J. Bieber, M.A. ,- Lorna Linda University, California F. W. Hale, Jr. , Ph. D. - Oakwood College, Alabama F. O. Rittenhouse, Ph. D. - Pacific Union College, California W. M. Schneider, Ph.D. -SouthernMissionaryCollege, Tenn. E. C. Wines, M.A. - Southwestern Union College, Texas R. W. Fowler, Ph.D. - Union College, Nebraska ( E. R. Walde, Ph.D. - Chairman of the Board, Walla Walla College R r -b.. -R eyae1Gs-,- -Fh-.-:9r -- .J,¥aJ:.la- :w:a.l.J.a-GeJ:.I-e-g-e;- W-a-&h-i-ng4:ea


PLACE O.~ Y BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) OCTOBER 11,1969 THE WHIT E HOUSE TIME D....Y I~ASHrNGTON D C 8:55 am SATURDAY PHO~E TnlE P=PJaced R=Received ACTIVITY ------t------,----l In Out 10 LD

8:55 The President had breakfast.

9:08 The President went to his office.

The President met with: 9:35 9 :45 H. R. Haldeman, Assistant 9 :40 9 :45 Henry A. Kissing~r, Assistant

9 :45 The President went to his E. O. B. office with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

9 :45 12 :45 The President met with: Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant Earle G. Wheele r, Chairman, JCS John D. Ryan, General Leonard Chapman, Gene ral Thomas H. Moorer, Admiral Melvin R. Laird, Secretary of Defense

12 :45 The P resident went to his office in the West Wing accompanied by his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

1:35 The President went to the Residence.

2 :11 The P resident went to his office.

3 :00 3 :45 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

3:45 3 :50 The President met with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

3 :52 4:18 The President flew by helicopter from the South Grounds to Camp David, Maryland. For a passenger list, see APPENDIX flAil.

4:21 4:2. 3 The P resident motored from the helipad to his Residence (Aspen).

4:39 4:40 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

4:45 4:46 P The President talked with his valet, Manolo Sanchez.

6:33 6:34 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

n._. / .J d n (See Teavel Record for T"ve! Activity)

PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) OCTOBE R 11 J.4-9-=...69L---_r THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 8:19 pm SATURDAY PHONE TIME P=Pbced R=Received ACTIVITY --~--T------t--- -­ In Out Lo LD

8:19 8:21 The President went to the bowling alley.

The President and the First Lady saw the movie, llHo'W to

Commit Marriage. 11 Also present were: Patricia Nixon Julie and David Eisenhower

9:13 9 :15 The President went to his Residence.



FROM: White House TO: Camp David

President The First Lady Julie Eisenhower David Eisenhower Patricia Nixon H. R. Haldeman Dr. Lukash LtCol. Coffey Mr. Whelehan Mr. Godfrey Mr. McCarthy I ,rot:. "'" " ... "vv.>~ r'~t.~IUt.I'f I RllrnlU\U I'UAVI'.;) UMILI UIMn I I (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) I-P-L-AC-_E-.r:;-A-Y-BE-G-A-N------O--A-:"-T-=E-(-M-o-,.-O-ay-.-Y-r.;")-----1 \ i OCTOBER 12 I 1969 i i CAMP DAVID, MARYLAND TIME OAY I 12:02 pm SUNDAY !------,---..,.....------IPHONE TIME P=PJaced R=Rcceived ACTIVITY -----,------,--~ In Out Lo LD 12 :02 12 :08 P The President talked long distance with his Counsel, John I D. Ehrlichman, in Washington, D. C.

112 :09 12 :10 P The P resident talked with his As sistant, H. R. Haldeman. I 112:13 12 :34 p The President talked long distance with Attorney General John N. Mitchell in Washington, D. C.

12:56 P The President telephoned long distance to Postmaster General Winton M. Blount in Washington, D. C. The call was not completed.

1 :53 2:05 P The President talked long distance with Secretary of State William P. Rogers, in Washington, D. C.

4:35 4 :37 The President motored from his Residence to the helipad.

4:40 5:08 The President flew by helicopter from Camp David to the South Grounds of the White House. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "A".

5 :11 The President went to the Residence.

5:16 5 :24 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. . :; :52 5 :58 R The President talked with Attorney General John N. Mitchell.

6:03 P The President telephoned his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman. The call was not completed.

6:58 7 :16 P The President talked long distance with the Virginia Republical gube rnatorial candidate, Linwood Holton, in Roanoke, Va.

7 :19 7 :30 P The President talked long distance with Congressman William Cahill in Collingswood, New Jersey.

8:12 10 :45 The President and the First Lady hosted a dinner for the Board of Directors of the Associated Press. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B'I.

10 :45 11:13 The President and the male guests conversed in the Parlors while the First Lady and the female guests toured the second floor of the Residence.

11 :16 The President and the First Lady went to the second floor. 11 :23 11 :52 R The President talked with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.



TO: White House FROM: CamILPavid, Martland

President Nixon The First Lady Julie EisenhoViler David EisenhoVile r Patricia Nixon Dr. Lukash LtCol. Vern C. Coffey Mr. Godfrey Mr. McCarthy



( DINNER AT TEE WHITE HOUSE Sunday. October 12, 1969 at eight o'clock

.. The Sc.::reto.ry of St3.te &: Mrs. Rogers The Secr(:;;ary 0: the TreaSU1"y &: Mrs. Kennedy The Attorney General &: Mrs. Mitchell The Postmaster Gene:cal &: Mrs. Blount Tc.e Sec:... ~tary of the Inte.:ior &: Mrs. Hickel The Se-::.:etary of Agl'icuJ.ture & Mrs. Hard.in Tne Scc:.:etary of Co:;:-mne::o:ce (, Mi"S. Stal1s The Secre'cary of Labor &: Mrs. Shultz The Se-::.:eto.ry of Health, Education &: Wel£al-e &: Mrs. Finch The Secret2.ry of Housing (x Urban Developrn.ent &: M:rs. Romney Sen. ~-<: 1\1;:::O:s. Harry F. Byrd, Jr. Eon. &: Mrs. Robe.:t P. Mayo Hon. &: Mrs. ArU1Ul" F. Burns Eon. &:Mrs. CharlesW. Yost ( Hon. &: ?\{rs. Donald RUHlsfcld Eon, (\C Mrs. John D. Ehrlichman Hon. &: Mrs. H. R. Haldeman (. Hom -& -};1.-r-s-.- B-l'J"C'"C N.- tla-·:e-kl".;,. Hon.· Henry A. Kis singer HOtl, &: Mrs. Herbert G. Klein Hon. &: Mrs. Ronald Ziegler 1v';:r. &: Mrs. Crosby Boyd 1v1r. &: Mrs. D. Ter.u.'1ant Bryan Mr. &: Mrs. John Cowles, Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. 'Willia::OTI DVlight, Sr. 111'. &: Mrs. Wes Gallagher Mrs. Philip L. G:.:a.ham Mr. &: Mrs. Martin S. Hayden Mr. &: Mrs. Jack R. Ho"\vard Mr. &: Mrs. Richard L. Jones, Jr. )..{r. &: Mrs. Janies S. Lyon lv~r. :Vl~s. &: John lYl. McClelland J Jr. Mi'. 8: Mrs. B enj amin M. lvfcl

( - 2 Guest List White House Dinner October 12, 1969

, "\ ' .. , Paul Miller ...... (.:. ","'J,..L oJ • ..... \..: 2\:l's. Harry Montgo:-n.e:c'y ..... ~, ;\~r5. Kewbold Noyes, Jr. ',:'.;. Cc:r.c S. Robb ._. ,.: ;...,::':5. Dolph C. Si~rl'1.0nS, Jr• . ,. ,~~.~~:S. J. Kelly Sisk ..... ,: :-.=~'s. Richard C. Steele . _. ,~ ~:.;-:.cs Tomlinson " ;' ..~ ).: ..·s. Thornas V. E. Vail '. _'. ;.: :.:;:-5. J. Howc:.rc. Vlood

Mr. and Mrs. David Eisenho'Ner

..." :


<. rnc.;:'IUc." I nl\lnnnu l'II\VI1" "'''11.. 1 1.11"" 1 (See Travel Record lor Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo.. Day, Yr.) OCTOBER 13, 1969 TIME DAY 8:40 am MONDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY Lo LD 8 :40 The President had breakfast.

8:50 The President went to his office •

. The President met with: 9:15 10:07 Henry A. Kis singer, Assistant 9:50 10:07 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary

9:32 R The President received a call from Senator Bob Dole. The call was not completed.

10:10 10 :20 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

10:20 10:50 The President met with and spoke to members of the Advisory Council for Minority Enterprise. in the E. O. B. Indian Treaty Room. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A".

10 :50 The President went to his office.

10 :51 10:55 P The President talked with Senator Bob Dole.

10 :55 11 :04 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

11:04 11 :22 The President met with: Tunku Abdul Rahman, Prime Minister of Malaysia Henry A. Kis singer, As sistant

11 :42 1:02 The President attended a meeting on Oil Import Controls in the Cabinet Room. Those present were: George P. Shultz, Secretary of Labor Phill Areeda, Executive Director, Oil Import Tas k Force Bryce N. Harlow, Assistant John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel Peter M. Flanigan, Assistant

1:02 1:50 The President went to his office and met with his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman.

3:30 3 :40 The President met with his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler.

U.S. GOVER~MEMT PRINTING om01: ~ __-o-332-oe8 • ","-.1''''1.." 1\1\,1 IInl\II 11lJ\VI1" Vf1.L. IIIf1n, (See Travel Record for Travel Activity)


The President met with., 3:44 4:56 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant 3:44 4:56 Philip C. Habib, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State 3:44 5 :11 HenryC. Lodge, Ambassador

5:15 5:43 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

5:37 5 :38 P The President talked with the First Lady.

5 :45 6:06 The President met with his Deputy Counsel, Harry S. Dent.

6:09 6:39 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

6:39 The President went to the Residence.

7:15 The President and the First Lady had dinner with: Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower Milton Eisenhower

8:25 The President went to his office.

10:48 The President went to the Residence.

Pa~. _~_ U.S. GOVERNME~T PAIHT1~G orncr, l!l69-O-331-008 _.2_ of Pag.h). ADVISORY DClfN'tlL l"OR~MINORITY ENTERPHrSE "'17'7' 4;:4}J&j4. I !/ 1­ 1 Mr: Junius L. Allison (!~~ ( . [1) ,., E:::ecutive Director ¥t/r &(. Nationc.J Legal Aid &: Defenders Association Chicago; Illinois

Mr. William M. Batten Chairman of the Board J. C. Penney Company, Inc. New York. New York

, Mr. J olm Belindo Executive .Director National Congre s s of Arne rican Indians

WashirigtonJ D. C .

. Mr. Herman W. Bevis (Retired Senior P;::.rtnc r) Price•. \\Taterhouse & Company Ne'\v York. New York

: ( Mr. Robert Beyer /­ ,Managing Partne r Touche. Ross, Bailey & Smart New York, New York

Mr. Darwin W. Bolden Executive Director Interracial Council for Business Opport~nity New York,New York / I

Mr. Rawn Brinkley ~ ,'" Executive Director National Association of Accountants New York, New York

.,'_,-'" .. _=.. :~.,,~.,_.. -=,._='-~'-_.~.---_--- _''--_"'_'-----'-'.---:.''-_'--_'"'~f- _ Mr. Robert A. Brooks Pre siclent Harbridgc House

Boston J Massachusetts (

Mr: Le ster A, Burcham President , ,,I F. W. Woolworth Company , I New York; New York . . 0. Bur:ell~Chairman Mr. Berkeley G. of Council) President National Busine s s League

Washington J D. C.

Mr. Arturo Carrion substitut~dfor: . Mr. Rafael Carrion~ Jr.. ?'I if) President CV;" If' ·,,-,,·t- Baneo Popular de Puerto Rico San Juan~ Pue rto Rico'

Mr. John H. Clay President ( Busines smen' s Development Corporation Philadelphia~ Pennsylvania

Mr•.Robert O. Dehlendorf II President Arcata National Corporation Menlo Park~ Calif-ornia

. . . . "Q~ ~. Mr. C. L. Dellums ~.1 . International Pre sident .'. Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters~ AFL-CIO Oakland~' California

------=-:-::.~- _. .-. '. -­

, .. --- -;,,:;,~~,;;,r?..;.c..,~_~_':-·-_.:._·' - -:-_.'.- :-.- -:- ~_.-.--_:_ -- :--_~. ------'. '. ..~.::. -'0",";. -'- -,------.__ .:-::--~--;- .. - -._------~. ­

( ------

---'"'"'- .~_ .. --~.-- --._•.. ~--_.~..:.-_ .. - .~,.,-~._;;;-, -:-'".--.--:;-..----:-:-::'.. -" _... _. ___-----.---:--~-.---J-- Mr. H. Naylor Fitzhugh Vice President - Director Special M:arkets Department Pepsicola, Inc. ( New York, New York

Mr. J. Robert Fluor Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer .I Fluor Corporation Los Angele s, CaJifornia ..

Mr. Joseph W. Goodloe /. President North Caxolina Mutual Life Insurance Company Durham, North Carolil1a

Mr. Paul D. Grady J f)"'2.-.. .." Chairman of the Board ~ Nationwicle Life Insurance Company Columbus,Ohio

( Mr. Donald M. Graham Chairman of the Board Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company Chicago, 'Illinois .

Mr. W. P. Gullahder President National Association of Manufacturers New York. New York

-.." Mr. Walter A. Haas~ Jr. .'. f) 7--'. President L--JL-­ Levi Strauss &: Company San Francisco, California

--_._---_ ..­

, . -- -- -_. _._ .• _--_._-~ --- --_.~_._------._-- ......

.- .. '. --~ .-. --- ". ---- _._------_..­

. "- .. -- ...-._- --_. ..•.__ .~..-._-_. --- --_. __ .~ - ---._~-_. - _.­ Dr. David B. Hertz Director McKinsey ~{Company, Inc. New York, Nc\v York ( Mr. John Cosgrove substituted for,: The Right Rcvc rend Monsignor Francis T. Eude y Associate General Secretary United State s Catholic Conference ...' Washington, D. C.

. .

. Mr. John H. Johnson President and Publishe r Johnson Publishing Company Chicago. Illinois (h~~ Cu--n- ~ 4.~'h S~mu~l C. Johnson Chail'man of the Board and President S. C. Johnson & Son•.Inc. -.Racine,- Wisconsin


Mr. W. W. Keeler .' Chairman of the Board Phillips Petroleum .Company Bartl e s ville. Oklahoma

, . (

!­ Mr. Robert P. Keim .. ~ President The Advertising Council New York, New York ( Mr. Petel' Kiewit .. f) C--­.. ".' Chairman ~ I I Peter Kiewit Sons, Inc. /.I I Omaha, Nebraska !

Mr. Joe W. I<'irven President ABCO Building Maintenance Company . Dallas, Texas Lawl~r Mr. John . /'. Admillis trative Vice Pre sideht American Institute of Certified Public Accountants New York, Nevl York·

Mr. Donald S, MacNaughton -. ·President ( Prudential Insurance Company of America Newark, New Jersey

. Mr", J. _Willard Marriott, Jr'i-Jl~

President ". Marriott Corpora,tion Washington, D. C"

The Reverend Arthur Marshall, Jr./ Pastor Metropolitan AME Zion Church· St. Louis, Mis souri

.­ F·· r Mr. H. C. 1{cCldlan V President Management Council for Merit "Employment Training &. Re search -. Los Angele s, California

Mr. Robert Bruce McKersi~ /' Professor of Industrial Relations University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois

"Mr. Alex Mercure Executive Director Home Education Livelihood Program, Inc. (HELP, Inc.)

Albuquerque I New Mexico'

Mr. Albert C. 'Meyer/ Senior Vice President Bank of America ". Los Angele s, California

Mr. J. Joseph Kruse substituted for: Mr. G. William Miller President -( Textron, Inc. Providence, Rhode Island

Mr. Clinton Morrison Chairman of the Trust Committee &. Director .First National B~k of Minneapolis Minneapolis, Minne sota

Mr. A. C. Nielsen, Jr. Pre sident , A. C. Nielsen Company Chicago, Illinois Mr. H. ~r " . /7 IJ ~ crf.-~ -r:::tL~c'U President 1J.A~~&7(,.C~~..-'-I~ . . Natiol12.1 Inc1usll'ial Conference Boa.rd ~ New. York, New York . (

Mr. H. La\vrcnce Parker Partner Morgan Stanley & Company New York, N~w YOl·k ..

:Mr. Lawrence S. Phillips President Pnillips - Va.n Heusen C02·poration.. New York, New York

Honorable Samuel R. Pierce .. Jr. Battle, Fo\.vler. Stokes &: Kheel New York, "New York

Mr. James M. Roche" / Chairman of the Board "General Motors Corp~ratron { Detroit. Mic1~igan

"- Mr.. Charle s G. Rodman President ~ Grand Union Company - r East Paterson, . N:w Jersey .

Mr. Edward B. Rust . J2-=:C"1./ 7--.". . President State FC'.rm Insurance Company Bloomlrigton. Illinois

Mr. "Nicolas ?vi. Salgo. /fL, Lf Chairman of the Bo:trd LJP--t- ­ __ ~~.__"__Bangor punta Corporation. . Ne~~- York.-Ne~~Y~-;k . 0 __ ---.

------.. -:.-::--~- ---... ­

"''''_ J. . ':...:...... ::- .•.-. - -_._-­ --~_:...-: r ----.­ - -'. ...-...:=: , . _ ...... ~ _-­ _ .::t!i5::.-=-_ Mr. Herbert R. Silverman Chairman of the Board Jamef> Talcott, Inc. New York, New York

( Mr. John Gerald Simon ~ President 1 D , Taconic Foundation ~.. I ! New York New York , l I

Mr. Donald S. Slaiman Director, Civil Rights Division AFL-CIO Washington, D. C .

. Mr.· Donald Sneed President Unity Bank & Trust Company Boston, :Massachusetts /

. Mr. W: Clement Stone President ( Combined Insurance Company of America Chicago, Illinois

.. Mr; Robert D. Stuart. Jr. President ~ Quaker Oats Company Chicago. Illinois',

n~ReverendDr. Leon H. Sullivan .. ~ ~~~:or, Zion Baptist Church . Founder & Chairman of the Boarel Opp()rtunities Indus trialization Celite r Philadelph.ia, Pennsylvania



, . ---- -~-~,- .~-_._"--'.'------.. ---.- .._- r--_..... -- _ =r-=--. Mr. Mitchell Sviric10ff Vice Pre sidcnt, Division of National Affairs The Ford Founc1a.tion

New Yorkl New York

Honorable William S. Thompson/ ,i Associate Judge • ,1 Court of Gene. ral Se s sions of the District of Columbia

Washington l D. C.

. IJ-Z- Dr. Wilford L. White ~ Director Small Businc s s Guidance and Development Center Howard unive. rsity 0/0. Washington, D. C. 0 .. ~~ Mr. Kendrick R. Wilson, Jr. Chairman of the Board . p~ Aveo Corporation L-t:--=:. New York, New York .~.

Mr. Arthur M. Wooc1 ° /1 -Z- President LX.­ Sears. Roebuck & Company Chicago, D.linois

.' .

. Mr. Sam Wyly (C~airman of the Council) Chairman of the Board University Computing Company Dallas, Texas


r o· ! ---- ..._-_. Government attendees at the President's Advisory Council on Minority Enterprise meeting, October 13, 1969.

Gary Baden, OMBE, Dept of Commerce Anthony Chase, Asst to the Sec of Commerce John Davis, photographer, Dept of Commerce Janet DeSasso, Sec to the Dep Director, OMBE, Dept of Commerce R. T. Ebenreiter, OMBE, Dept of Commerce Geoffrey Faux, OMBE, Dept of Commerce William Geimer, OMBE, Dept of Commerce Thomas Gibbons, OMBE, Dept of Commerce James Griffin, Office of Public Affairs, Dept of Commerce Richard Hurt, Public Inormation Specialist, Dept of Commerce James Yilleisley, OMBE, Dept of Commerce Herbert Koster Maurice Mann, Asst Direcotr, BOB Arthur McZier, Asst Administrator, SBA Richard Podesta, As st Sec of Commerce Jan Saggett, OMBE, Dept of Commerce Arthur V. Sampson, Commissioner for Federal Supply Service, GSA Robert M. Sansone, White House Fellow, Dept of Commerce Steve Schanes, Dir of Office of Program Planning, Dept of Commerce Samuel Simmons, Asst Sec for Equal Opportunity, HUD Robert Smalley, Office of Public Affairs, Dept of Commerce Leroy Smith, projectionist, Office of Public Affairs, Dept of Commerce Richard Smith, Commissioner, SEC Richard Sparrow, staff member, OEO , Sec of Commerce Ben Stern, OMBE, Dept of Commerce Elizabeth Stone, OMBE, Dept of Commerce Barbara Zartman, OMBE, Dept of Commerce


Martin I-Ioffman, University Computer Co., Dallas, Texas Love B. Johnson, Dir. Negro Voter Program, Republican Party of Texas John McClaughry, McClaughry Assoc., Washington, D. C. William Medina, University Computer Co., Dallas, Texas Alan Steelman, Sam Wyly Foundation, Dallas, Texas Clarence Townes, Dir, Minorities Division, Republican Nat! Committee i pL.\CE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo.• Day. Yr.)

I October 14 1 1969 I TIME DAY I I THS WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON 1 D. C. 8:20 am Tuesday ! PHONE ! TIME P=Placed I R=Recei,ed ACTIVITY 1- -In--- r-----o~u-t-+-L-o--r--L-~D--j

I 8:20 8:21 p The President talked 'With his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

8:23 The President had breakfast.

p 8:27 8:28 The President talked with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

8:30 8:35 The President met with Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

8:31 P The President telephoned Secretary of Ddense, Melvin R. Laird. The call 'Was not completed.

8:35 The President went to the Cabinet Room to attend a Republican Congressional Leadership meeting. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "Alt .

8 :55 The President returned to his office.

8 :58 9:01 P The Presi~ent went to the office of his Spec Asst, Dwight Chapin, whe re he talked with Sec retary of Defens e, Melvin R. Laird.

8:59 10:20 The President returned to the Cabinet Room for the completion of the Republican Congressional Leadership meeting.

10:2.0 10:40' The President went to his office where he met with: Hugh D. Scott, Senator Gerald R. Ford, Congressman Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secy

1 11 :05 The President went to the East Room where he attended the People to People Ceremony. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "Ell.

11 :32 The President returned to his office.

The President met with: 11:40 12:25 Fahd bin abd al-Aziz, Prince of Saudi Arabia 11 :40 12:25 Sayyid Omar Saqqaf, Minister for Foreign Affairs

~_ U.5. GO~E?~MENT PRINTING OffiCE: 1169-0-332-068 Page __ L of Pagels). THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAilY DIARY (See Ttlvel Record for Travel Activity)

PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) October 14, 1969 ---I TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON D. C. 11 :40 am Tuesday PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo to

(Continuation of same meeting) 11 :40 12 :25 Camile Nowfel, interpreter, Dept of State 11:50 12 :25 Ibrahim al-Sowayel, Amb of Saudi Arabia to the US 11:50 12 :25 Hermann Eilts, US Amb to Saudi Arabia 11 :50 12 :25 Emil Mosbacher, Chief of Protocol 11 :50 12 :25 Hal Saunders, member, NSC Staff

12 :25 12 :26 The President esco rted Prince Fahd bin abd al-Aziz to his car whe re he departed.

12:26 The President returned to his office and met with the First Lady.

12:27 The President and the First Lady were joined by Mrs. Edward M. Boehm.

12 :30 12:45 The President and the First Lady as well as their guest, Mrs. Edward M. Boehm met with the Press.

1 :16 1 :1 7 P The President talked with Atty Gen John N. Mitchell.

3:20 3 :43 The President met with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

3:45 4:32 The President met with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

3:45 4:40 The President met with Vice President Spiro T. Agnew.

4:32 5:02 The President met with former Governor Thomas Dewey.

5:12 6:17 The President met with Senate Democratic leaders. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX r'c'r .

5:25 5:34 Senator Sparkman joined the meeting.

6:1 7 6:35 The President met with his Asst, Bryce N. Harlow.

6:35 6:50 The President met with his Press Secy, Ronald L. Ziegler.

7:01 7 :02 P The President talked with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING ornCE, l<&-O-~."-OAA ) .. .. _ _ _--­ rnt.'lIUI:.I'I nl"nMnU nlJ\VI'f;3 UlilLl Ull\tcT (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLA(E DAY BEGA:" DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) Oc tober 14, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. 7:25 pm Tuesday PHO~E TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY Lo LD

7:25 The President and the First Lady had dinner.

9:11 9:17 The President and the First Lady motored from the South Grounds of the White House to the Washington Hilton Hotel.

9:17 11 :07 The President, the First Lady and Patricia Nixon attended the Eisenho'Wer College Dinner at the Washington Hilton Hotel. For a list of invitees, see APPENDIX "D".

11:07 11 :12 The Presidential party motored from the Washington Hilton Hotel to the Residence.

11 :17 11:25 P The President talked 'With his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

11:30 12 :12 R The President talked 'With his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.



Executive Honorable Richard Nixon, The President Honorable Spiro Agnew, The Vice President Honorable John N~ Mitchell, The Attorney General

Senate Honorable Hugh Scott, Minority Leader Honorable Robert P. Griffin, Minority Whip Honor~le Margaret Chase Smith, Chairman, Conference Co~~ittee Honorable Milton Young, Secretary, Conference Co~~ittee Honorable Gordon Allott, Chairman, policy Committee Honorable John G. Tower, Chairman, C&~paign Co~~ittee . Ho~orable Roman L. Hruska, R~~king Republican, JUdiciary Co~~ittee Honorable Howard H. Baker, Jr., . Honorable Marlow W. CoOk

House Honorable Gerald R. Ford, Minority Leader Honorable John B. Anderson, Chairman, Conference Committee I( Ho~orable Willi~~ C. Cramer, Vice Chairman, Conference Committee Honorable Richard H. Poff, Secretary, Conference COIDrr,ittee Honorable John J. Rhodes, Chairman, Policy Committee Honorable H. Allen Smith, Ranking Minority Member, Rules Committee Honorable Bob Wilson, Chairman, Congressional Campaign Co~~ittee Honorable Robert Taft, Jr., Chair.man, Committee on Research

Republican National Co~~ittee Honorable Rogers C. B. Morton, Chairman

Staff Bryce N. Harlow John Ehrlichman Clark Mollenhoff Bill Tircunons Ken BeLieu Lyn Nofziger Harry Dent Herb Klein Ron Ziegler Pat Buchanan Lamar Alexander

. " '." " --- -_ .. -. -- •• .. __ ...... __ ..... ~ ...... "J~_ ...... '<:::~\' ,;:.yI_' I ! l',~\.:.:-~./· . . APPENDIX IIBlf '\~' :"- ,. . U1 PEO: Lb~ / ~ to 1PEOPLE October 14, 1969 .. ~ ­

~illes, Theodore Cartcr.( Ambass~dor ~nd Mrs. ( Mr~ Adams, Willianj P. J Mr!'and I Allen, George Jv. I Ambassador and Mrs. Barnett, Frank, Mr. and ~~. . tI" Mr~ Beckinsale J William' F., Ni'f and BerchtoldJ William E. J Mr. and Mri vmrdJ Mr. William ../' '/' Blunck, Herbert C. J NrI:. and Mr).

Bradley-, Gene E. J 'M~ and Mr'l/f Bradley, Paul L., Mi( and Mrs. /' Bragarnick, Robert, MK' and Mrs~ ~gham, Mr. David ~ ./ Brittan, Fred VI., W. and Mrs./; Caplin, Mortimer, M/~d Mrs.'} Cater, S. Douglass, Mi': and Mr . Ca.!per, Myers B., Mfr. and Mrs. ~ary, Mrs. ?illian Collins, Mrs/ Carter / Corker, R. Stephen, Mt. and . Cr'onkitc, Mr. Walter / . Cur~is,. Mitchell. T. ,!-r. and Dav~s, John S., yr.. / c. ·Davls, Le~, Mr. and M}5. .. !; Deems, Rlchard E., Jr. and :;:r . Doty, James T., Mr. an~r .

. .~ ~tynghaus, Fred W., Mr'. and Mrs. . ' . ~rland, Joseph S., Aunbassador and Mrs. For.~, Mr. Gerald R./ .. I FralITI. John P" Mr. and Mr' . Gans, Robert, Mr;/'and Mrs . i· : . 9I1more, Mr. Gord~ L. . / ) Green, M. L., Mr. and t:rs. Greenburg, William. Mr. and Mrs. J7fuenther. General Alfred M. /. .. Gunderson. Robert, Mr/and Mrs. . :.:, .... -. , ~aby, Mr. Najeeb E. . . :./ J'{a.rdin, Clifford M., Se cretary and Mr15. Hayden, Lyle J., Dr.f"and Mrs/ . Healy, Patrick, Mr.( and Mrs/ Hickel. Walter J., Secretary i " ; , , ., -2­

( ~lrn, Mrs. John \ Ifulac, Dr, Charles R. JrunterJ Dr. Robert, j' Kassarides, J. M. J Mr/ and Mrs., , Keirn, Robert P., Mr. and Mrs. .. tXennedYJ D2.vid M., Secretary and Mrs . .. .jrusen, Frank H. t Dr. and Mrs/' Leibman, Morris t, l\1r, and Mrs, 'tJ{6ndon, Daniel E., . M+. and Mrs. Loomis, Henry . Jt0rdJ Mrs. Oswald Bates . Lyng, Richard, Mr. and Mrs. XacGregor, Clark, Mr. and Mrs. fi< /lVfcCahil~; William P" Jr. / McGee'/ Gale .\~., Senator and. M!fs. Main, Earl WI/, Mr. and Mrs.// Marsh, John 0., Mr. and Mrs. ~upin, Thomas -.: ....:. ~caskey, H. Neil, Jr. / )(enninger, Mrs. Willjarn/ /' Miller, J. Cloyd, D~ and Mr~ ;' Millman, Daniel S., MK and M~s. ,I" t Milton, Leonard, Dr! and Mrs.! i ~itchell, John N., Attorney General /':" ,.r, Morgan, Harry , ' NabritJ James M., Jr., nY. and l'4rs. NewellJ William E. J MV and Mrs{

,~ ~[~holsJ Thomas S. /' / ':~j Nichols, William 1., ~. and Mrs. OrthJ Franklin L., M1 and Mrs":'/ . !"ne, Melvin M., IDf. and MrsV' 7,.yson, Charles S. L t-Phillips. Paul L. / ' Pick, Albert, Jr. ,M.f. and rs/ / Powell, Donald y'.DI. and Mr-.5. ' Rambo, Charles ., Col. and Mrs. j Richardson, Joh , Jr., Secretary d}11k5· ".' . ~ Rickercl. Donald S., Mr( and M~. Riddick. Perry, Mr.! and Mrs} " Rikli. Carroll, MT~and Mrs. t:.ftoge.rs, William P., Secretary and Mrs. I . }., ".

Savnder::>, 1. F'.J

Schmitt, William J. J fir. an? Mrs! ( S~ultzJ George P. J Se crctary Slotki n, Stanley S. J' Spaulding, Asa T., M . and Mrs. vS1(;rague, Dale ~vens, Mrs. Ruth E . .. ~neJ Edward D. ,--:":i..­ ~ausz-Hupe', Robe"rXDr. I :.~~. . Swanson, C. E. J Mr. and Mr 'j , Tatham, D. Keith, Md and Mr . Jhach, W. Thomas ,y6n Braun, M~gnus / /. Walker, Lewis M., Mr. and Mrs. 5-1­ --w-alsh, Ira P., Mr. and Mrs. J' Walsh, William B., n;/and Mrs. JP:

.. ~ Additions

L,;Bustin, Dr. J. G. L/Culver, Mr. Russell ~ster.' Mr'. H. Scott MacLean, Mr. Don

.•~~. J

. .. APPENDIX tpC rp



OCTOBER 14, 1969

Richard Russell John Stennis Clinton Ander son John Sparkman Gale McGee i Hon. emel Mrs. Lcdie C. Arends \ Vi2.shiilgtOiJ, D. C.

Mrs..Annette Arons New York, New York

', 1 to .t~ ~ .1.M t 1 i .. c-·'na 1?r,rVJ-...J .. K:" \.... S "c""rn­ 1 G. .\ Hon. "\Yilliarn H. Ayres W3.shington, D. C.

Miss Bertha S. Adkins Lt. Gen. Milton G. Baker O=,,:fOl'd, Maryland \Vayne, Pennsylva:1ia'

Mr. a.nd Mrs. Floyd D. AcUdns MI'. Robert C. Baker Viv.sbington, D. C. Vlashington, D. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Meade Alcorn Mr. and Ml·S. J. William, Barba Suffield, Connecticut Short I-iills,' New Jersey

Dr. Donald S. Allen' Mr. cmd Mrs. Harry P.Barrand SC:iH;Ca Falls, New YOl'k Greenwich, Connecticut

Mr. and Mrs. George R. Allen Mr. and Mrs. James P. Beardley Washington, D. C. Auburn, New York

Mr. and :Mrs. George V. l ..llen 1....11's. He.nry Bendel Washington, D. C. New YOTk, New York

lAr. and. Mrs. Jarn.es E. Allen, Jr. Mr. Karl'R. Bendetsen W2.shington, D. C. New York, New York

Mr. John D. Ames Mr. Stephen Benedict Lake Forest, Illinois New York, New York

Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Ammidon Hon.Elmer F. Bennett

Cold Spring Harbor Washington j D. C.

Admiral and Mrs. George W. Anderson Senator and Mrs. Wallace F. Bennett l-.1cLea.n, Virginia. "Washington, D. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Andrus Mr. and Mrs. Edga.r Bergen Ne'.v Orleans, Louisiana Lo's Angeles, California

Mr. and Mrs. Harry 1-.1. Anhalt Rear Admiral John J. Bergen

North Palm. Beach1 Florida Ne,v York, New York ." 2 ­

1v11'. JeLln(;U SIYli.th l.hJ.sh and ~ , 1\('·\\' 1,·j.:!.·E;. Jolr:l Bucknell ( Nc\'v YO:r'k, New Yo"d: },-ir. alld :tSrs, I~e::forc.l BJ(ti~C'::C As hlGtE(\ Eentucky Mr. c:.ndhhs. Vli1l1amA.M. Burdc!J. New YOl"k; I'\ew York l

,Washington, D. C. Admiral ~tnd Mrs. Arleigh Burke Bethesda, lv1arylanc1 Mr. Herbert C. Blunck \Y2..~;hirjgton. D. C. Mr. and Mrs. George Bush Washington, D. C. M1'. ann Iv'lrs. Carlton Blunt ChicClgO, Illinois Mr. J. R. Butler Houston, Texas Mr. Harold Bocschenstein (Mrs.) New York, New YOI'k Han. and Mrs.· Joseph Campbell Washington, D. C. Hon. Frances P. Bolton vYas hington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Carpenter Scarsdale, New YOl'k ( Congressnlan Frank T. Bow ·Washington,. D. C. Mr. Vvaltel' S. Carpenter, Jr. Vlilm.ington, Dela\vare lvIr. and Mrs. Ch?rles P. Bo",I/en, Jr.

Greenv/ichJ Connecticut My. a.nd 1-.1r s. George .Cham.pion New York, New York Mr. and },1rs. Albert Bradley Greenwich, Connecticut Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Coffee, Jr. Seneca Falls, New York Dr. and Mrs. Detlev W. Bronk New York, New York Mr. George Cham.pion, Jr. Jacksonville, Florida Mr. cmd Mrs. C. Wellman Brown Iv1ac1ison, New Jersey . Mr. Robert H.Craft Scarsdale, NeVi York Mr. and Ivirs. Herbert Bro\y-nell New York, New York Mr. Rex D. Cross Stanford, Connecticut }O/fr. Percival F. Brund2.ge Washington, D. C. Mr. cmc1 Mrs. John J. Curtis Darien, Connecticut .. j .,

I"J.'j~I:,,"li~~::·. G(~ncral1ZobcrL CUnel" MI' ~'l'lC1 1\I. ,<.: T, .., o '.. - ... J1...... 1. 0. C • Eaker -1" 'l 1 Jl J 0 ~>:'J: ~, j .. ~(~. s s(' c ;;'.'.:: C l·\.:S

'. ,~ l' ."..1 '\ ,fl' ~ ',' .. ~ ,,' 1) ~ ? .,. . 1 l',J...... ('"II U 1\1. :;.. 10..0;:·.:: .tJ!1 .. (:..114.J(". ... n.~ !"-,.. r l\·1r. IJI R. J~a.k.i11 D. C, VfashingtoD, D. C.

Mr. 2nd l\'~rs. Juslin D2.rt Dr. M:ilton Eisenhower Los Angeles s C"jifornic:. Baltimore, Maryland

Dr. and Mrs. Irving D~J

1\'1;... ccncll'/lrs. Nelson B. D~12.van Mr. and Mrs. J. 'WallaceEly Seneca Falls) New York Rochester) Nc'\v York

General Jacob L. Devers Congressman John N. El'leborn (Mrs, V,rashi~1gton) D. C. Washingtm1) D. C. t..1y. and 1v1rs. Thornas E. Dewey Congressman and :Mrs. Marvin Esch Ne'\,v York) New York Washington) D. C.

Mr. J. Doyle DeVlitt Dr. and ~1r5. William. B. Ewald) Jr.

Hartford) Connecticut Greenwichj Connecticut

Mr. Charles R. Diebold Hon. and Mrs. Joseph S. Farland Buffalo, New YOl'k Washil'.gton) D. C.

HO!1- and lvfr s. C. Douglas Dillon Judge Homer Ferguson New York, Ne\".T York Washington, D. C ..

1'.tl:rs. J as eph M. Dodge Secretary and 1'v1rs. Robert H. Finch Gr 0 sse Pointe, NEe higan Washington, D. C.·

Hon. C'.ncl lArs. Peter H. Dominick Mr. and Mrs. Leonard K. Firestone 'Washington, D. C. Los Angeles) California

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar John Darwin Mr. Clifford L. Fitzgerald Greenv"ich) Connecticut Greenwich, Co·nnecticut

1,.111'. and Mrs. Joseph J. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert W. Fitzhugh Seneca Falls, New York New York) New York

Hon. Robert W. Duggan Hon. and Mrs. Daniel J. Flood Pittsburgh, Peili.1sylvC'.-oia Washington) D. C.

My. George E. Duncan Mr. and 1....11'5. Robert \V. Fleming Bcauw.ont, Texas Washington, D. C.

lkrs. F.unice Dunigan Pont:i.;;~c, lviichigan - 4 ..

Bon. ::nc11'/lrs. John Clifford Folger \;tc~.sli]rtt~to1)" D. C.

Eo:1. and J",lr3. Gerald n., :F'cxcl Mr, and l\{rs. Isaac B. Grcd.nger

'IV 2.;; hl11&lOn J D. C. NevI York, New York

Hon. and 1",11's. V/il1iam Fastel' Han. Gordon Gray Wa.shington, D. C. Vlashington, D. C.

lvfr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Fullerton Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gray Rumson~ New Jersey Nc\v Yo.ck J New York

Mr. and Mrs. John "Y. Galbl:eath My. Rober.t Keith Gray Colurobus, Ollio Washington$ D. C.

Iv1r. and Mrs. Harold J. Gallagher Gen. and l.11's. Alfred M. Gruenther Ne\'/ York, New York Washington, D. C.

1\11'. and M:rs. Alex G2.l1ov/ay Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. Grunther Vlinston-.SalclYl, NOl'th C2.1'olina Washington, D. C.

Mrs. Frank E. Gannett 1\11'. Jam.es Hagerty Rochester, Ne\v York Nevi Yod;:, New York

{ Mr. ~mc1 Mrs. Henry E. Gardiner Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Haider 'Yashillgtoll, D. C. Nc\v York. r~ew York

:Mr. 'NaUer C. Ayres and General and Mrs. Wade Haislip Mis s 1v1.ic helle G2.rruto Washington, D. C. Seneca Falls, I'Jew York Lt. Gen. William E. Hall Mr. Irving GeisL Washington. D. C.

Ncv,' York3 NeVI York Mr. Charles A. Halleck Mr. John J. Gilhooley Renssc12.er. Indiana Brooklyn, New York Hon. and Mrs. !v1r. and Mrs. Freeman F. Gosden Washington, D. C.

Beverly Hills l California Chairman and Mr s. Robert E. Hampt 1v1r .. and Mrs. Lawrence 'V. Gracey Washington, D. C. Geneva, New York Mr. John IN. Hanes. Jr. Dr. Billy Gra.h3.m Great Falls, Virginia Montre2.t, North Carolina Hon. and 1'<11' s. Clifford ~/L Hardin

Washington3 D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ricbcl.1'd Iversen Gurharn, Nc\.v York

( <~nd 1\11'. Mrs. Maxime Hel'l1!21110S Mr. and 1/11' i.e:. SUtnlcy R. Jacobs Ne\'y' './ oj:k, 1\C\'1 York Nc\v York, Ne\v York

Mayor ,,'nd M:c;. James 1'v1. Hewgley Mr. and Mrs. J. Kcnncth Jamieson Tu]scl., Oklahorna },l2.ma.1'oneck, NC'N Yol"!.;:.

Mr. anr11'vlTs. Ben I-Iibbs Mr. and Mrs. Maxey J2..rman Narbcfh, Penn V(dlcy, Pennsylvania Nashville, Tennessee

SeCl'ctary and Mrs. \'.fa1LcJ~ J. Hickel Dr. Paul C. Jenks Washington, D. C. \VateJ"loo, Nev,; York

Dr. and Mrs. \Van"en L. Hickman Mr. and Mrs. Lewellyn A. Jenning Truluansburg, Nc"\v York Washington, D. C.

Mr s. Edwin 1. Hilson Dr. and Mrs. C. Harold Johnson Nc'';'; York, New York Getl:ysburg, Pennsylvania

Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby :rVlr. Lcrn Jones Hous to;'l, Texas ./ New York, New YOl'k

Mr. George A. Borkan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kachlein, U :~D· rJ.. "'T\'i11'"'-' -...... , Vl"rCfl"n;a t.;>­ Washington, D. C.

:Mr. and 1v1rs. lunory Houghton Mr. Lealancl J. Kahnbach Cm"ning, New York SpringfieJ.d, Massachusetts

Dr. and 1'Ars. W. Eugene Honston Bon. and l\1rs. Henry Kearns Springfield; Gardens, New York Washington, D. C.

Miss Howlett Hon. and Mrs. David Kendall Chicago, illinois Detroit, Michigan

1\'1r. Edward J. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. David W. Kendall Houston, Texas Gros 5e Pointe Farms) Michigaii

1v1:r. and Mrs. Fred L. Huntington Secretary David M. Kennedy Seneca Falls, Nc\v York Washington, D. C.

Rev. Ch

('~-l IVr. t • _ d...... IN,' r c;, C>, ,'j",1 \\TI A K'.;.. \( h}~)'1, : (v.,, --.. J- j J' ,.J. t " r ," 1 1'111', (',1101\11·S. C"lCC,'ol'ge IT_'1. Love G"'01'""'~ -.1.r,"]····"· 1 , .(',: tJ.. doJ I.:...... c.,Jd. C'~' ~ }Jl' ~ 'C"L'" }) "'rll'l C' V"111' a:;.' w ... J. 0 1.1. ) \....-... oJ "1J..... (,.... C\P

I' f \ SCCj:cl2.ry and MI"E:, Melvin L"'.il'd lvfl'. and Mrs. John F. Lynch W

Dr. anc11vlr s. AltIer A, McAuley

Seneca Falls J New York

Dr. and 1\11'5. Arthur Larso~1 Mr. cnd Mrs. Edw,ud A. McCabe D\u'ha,m, NOTth CaTolina Washington, D. C.

1\,11. and,Mrs, f.)ernal"c1 J. Lasker Mr, Thomas B. McCabe New York, New York Philadelphia, Pen...n.sylvania

lkr. a:n.d 1v1r s. Justus B. Lavlrence Mrs. Mary Jane McCaffree New York, Nc\v York Washington, D. C.

lvh'. and },,1Ts. Fl'ed Lazarus,' Jr. Mr. and Ml"S. Howard \V. McCall, Jr. Cbcinnati, Ohio New York, New York

Mr. and Ml'S .M. O. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McCann , VVyoln:i.s sing, Pennsylvania Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

'},:fr. and Mrs'. Barry Leithe2.d Mr. and :tVlrs. Austin V. McClain {, Scarsdale, New York White Plains, New York

Genel'2-1 and }"1rs. Lo L. Lernnitzer Mr. H. C. McClellan 'Vlcshinglon, D. C. San Ivlarino, Geol'gia

1\11r. and Mrs. Jalnes H. Lemon Hon. John E. McClure \Yashington, D. Co Chevy Chase, Maryland

:Mr. and Mrs. Gcne Leone Han. and Mrs. John McCone Central Valley, Ne\v York Beverly Hills, California

Mr. Hobart Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. 1'/1cCracken Bedford Hills Chevy Chase, Maryland

Mr. and Mr s. Sol M. Linowitz Hon..and ,Mrs. Neil McElroy

Rochester I New York Cincinnati, Ohio

1,,11'3. Osw2.1d B. Lord Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. McKeldin Ne,w York, New York Baltitnore, Maryland

Ml·. Donald B. Lourie Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roemer :McPhee Chic€!.go, Illinois Potomac, Maryland ~ 7 ­

]\'11". 2:1;l1..,'~rs. \~.ra]cs 1/1.2-c1dcn" J'y. AJn;:,:ljlJo , Te:,::::,::, ( Ho:l. c:ncl l'v1rr:.~ R'OcrCI'S'0 C • B). 1\),1 0 r'Con "',f ,. I I) C \\l:.~;:lUl.gt()n, • '. Washj,ngton, D. C.

Mr. and [virs. V/Dli3.JY) MeC. Ivfartin, 31'. 10r. and Mrs. 1'hu1'ston B·. Morton V/c:s hington, D. C. Lonisyille, Kentucky

1\'11'. aDd Mrs. Joseph lJayel', Jr. Sena.tol· c..ncl Mrs. George Murphy

.c:O;)'o'('"~ ~ 1:'3115 1\:",\", "1..'01'1., ....., \"' .. \...,- (I,. .r ,_. ,_ ., \... I J. ':'\. Was hington, D. C .

Hem. and Mrs. Robert P. Mayo Mr. Vernon F. Neuhaus 1Vashington, D. C. Mission, Texas

Mr. and 1.11's. D?"vic1 H. Marx Brigadier General Arthur S. Nevins Nc\v York. NC\'l YOl"k Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

1\111'8. Henry D. Id:erccr 1'/11'. Thornas S. Nichols RurDson, Ne\7 JC1"sey New York) Ne-w York

M,r. Robert E. Merriam, Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Nolen Chicago, Illinois Bronxville, New York

Hon. Perle l.1esta Mrs. :tvlary Moody NOl'thcrn Washington, D. C. Galveston, Texas

lvlr. an~l Mrs. Andre Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Spencer T. Olin New York, Nev.f York St. Louis, lviis s ouri

Hon. R. H. Michel 1v1:r. Philip J. Olmstead Washington, D. C. Seneca Falls, -New York

M:c. Charles S. Mitchell Mrs. Tompkins Parker, New York, ,NevI York Wa"shington, D. C.

Hon, and Mrs. John N. Mitchell .Mr. and Mrs. William J. Patton W2.shington, D. C. 1\1organton, North Carolina

l',{r. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Payson New York, NeVI York Manhasset, L. L, New York

1'..11'. and r~1r s. Dougl2.s S. Moore Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Perot Kew York, Ncv7 York Dallas, Texas

My. and Mr s. Gerald D. Morgan Mr. and 1·/1rs. Paul A. Porter G3:i.thersburg, lvlaryland Washington) D. C. ]\ ~;'. ('. nd 1\1.1' ,;. J O) ':1 j\,. I;' c ();~ C V,." H

N ("'00 Y OJ' k, F ',;\'/ Yo" k D Ztll;~~;, T exa s ( Mr. and :r.irs. II. Ch.-'p:JI.(I.n Ros e Dr. and Ml';:;. Scott Y{. Ski!1ncr l,·,~,·n C .~- f ...... l::l_~ J..L··'u' , 011' (\_ , Sc:ncc2, }"a11s, N C\\' Yor}:

MC',j. Gen, ?ncll\~.!·s. Vlill~~·.m C. Rose Mr. 2.nd Mrs. Spyros P. Skouras '\'/ashil1gton, D. C. Rye, :New York

1..,11". John RoscnL:rans :Mr. and Mrs. Ellis D. Slater Seneca Falls; New Yark Landrurn, South Carolina.

Ml'. and 11/f1' s. Kenneth C. ROY211 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, Jr. Rc:JJ,i.gh, North CaroEn2. St. Louis, Misso'_u'i

1v1r. and Mrs. Peter B. RuHin 1v1:1·. and Mrs. l...1:urra.y Snyder Rye, New York 'Washington, D. C.

lv'il'. and Mrs. Steenley!vi. Runbough Mr. and Mrs. CharlesE. Spahr Nev... York~ New York CJ.evcLtnd, Ohio

111'. and Mrs. Echvard L. Ryers on The Han. and M.1"s. Maurice Stans Chicago, Illinois Washington, D. C.

Dr. and 1\.1rs. RapTIond J. Saulnier Mr. and !'.1rs. Lewis L. Straus s Ne\v York.. Ne\~/ Yo:ck Brandy Station; Virginia

1-,1,1'. and X,'1rs. Henry I'lL Scharf Mr. and Mrs. Jackson T. Stephens Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Little Rock, Arkansas

MI'. J. Fred Schoelkop£, IV Mr. anc11vfrs. Thomas E. Stephens 1)-\.1.£1a10, New York New York. New York

Brig. Gen. Robert L. Schulz Mr. and Mrs. W. Clement Stone Vrashington, D. C. Chicago, Illinois

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Shanley Mr. and Mrs. George B. Storer Washington, D. C. Saratoga, '\Vyom.ing

},1r. and 1-hs. Dudley C. Sharp The Hon. and Iv1rs. Samuel S. StraLtor Houston, Texas 'Washington, D. C.

1'.;1.1'. and l\'11's. Allan Shivers The Hon. and l'/11's. Arthur Summerfie Austin, Texas Flint. Michigan

Mr. 2.nd Mrs. George P. Shultz Gen. and h1r s. 1vlcxwell D. Taylor Viashington, D. C. Chevy Chase, Maryland

:Mr. 2.nd Mrs. Rocco C. Siciliano Mr. and Mrs. Harold Titus "Nc.shington, D. C. Washington, D. C. - 9 .'

},~ To L(~ :L' old IE:l '1' itus, J f • M1'. 2.11(1 r/~rs. Fl·cin~'.. A. Willard \·{?~:}tinzt()rl, J). C:41 SC21'schlc\ New York

,I Mrs. Cb;-..rJe:s E. Wilson Bloot:nfielcl Bills, Nlichigan

lv'h' s. Cbarlcs H. Tornpkiu:', l Jr. aDd Her Ivlr. and l'lirs. Conrad L. V{irth Fizl.ncc Lt. Col. f ... ushn Y/. Bach Kensinglon, Maryland. Cc.sanov.:'..; Virgini.a Mr. and Mrs. Felix E. Wro:;nser Mr. and Mrs. BC1.ilic Vinson Greenwich, Connecticut Tds2., Oklahol"ClG.

SecH~t<'.1'Y <'.nd :Mrs. John A. Volpe Vrashi.ngton, D. C.

HODcn"able and lArs. James J. 'Wadsworth V.,r ashington, D. C.

1'/Lr. and Mrs. VI. Allen VllalEs Rochester, New Yorl~

1,1.1', Gcorge E. 'Warren Ncw YOl'k, NevI Yorl\:

~ The Hon. Abbott \\T2.shbul'il and M.1"s. WashhlJTn V/c.E;hington, D. C.

Mr. Smnuel C. ",Vaugh '\Vashington, D. C ..

Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Weeks Lancaster, New Hampshire

Gen. <,.!ld 1.1.rs. William Childs Vvestmoreland Washington, D. C.

:Mrs. Anne Vlheaton Yfashington, D. C.

1.1rs. Ann Whitm.an N8\i' York, N8\\' York

Dean c.nd 1\lrs. Fr2.ncis O. Wilcox \.'{ashington, D. C. -.10 -,

LDj)iTIOl.~AL NAtdES _..--..-.-...... -..-- ·_---_.__ ._, .. ~_. __ .__ ._.~ ..,._.-­

Dr. 'l'. W. WilSOll D. C. IvJod:rcat, North CrtroJina

Mr. 2.nd Mrs. Sam Wyly Dallas, Tex~~s

ML C'.nd Mrs. M2.xweJ.l M. Rabb Mr. Charles R. Yates New Yo:ck, New York Atlanta, Georgia

Admiral. and IVln;. Arthur iN. Radford GeneI'al of the Anny Olllar N. B1'adl( \\(;:'.s hingtol1, D. C, Bevel'ly Hills, Califol:nia

lvIr. Den Regan Hon. and Mrs. Harry F. Byrd, Jr. New Yol"1~, Nc\v York Washington, D. C.

Uncler S0Cl'etary and Mrs. Elliot L. Richardson Washington, D. C.

Iv1r. and IviTs. Clifford Roberts Mr. and Mrs. William. Howlett New York. New York Chicago, Illinois

Han. and :Mrs. William P. Rogers Mr. cmd Mrs. James D. Robinson III i Washington. D. C, New YOl-k, New York

Hon. and 1\·11'S. George Rornney Washington. D. C.

Mr. and 1\o'1rs. John E. Rooney Tulsa. Oklahoma

General and Mrs. Carl A. Spaatz Chevy Chase, Maryland

Col. and Mrs. Richard \1.[. Streiff

SpringfieldJ Virginia

lvfr. and Mrs. R. Doughts Stuart Lake F()rest, Illinois

l'...lT. and Mrs. Norfleet Tu:cner . }/tCDlphis: Tenne.ssee THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGA.'\' DATE (Mo.. Day, Yr.) OCTOBER 15, 1969 THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON D. C. 9:02 am WEDNESDAY PHONE TIME P=Pbced R=Received ACTIVITY -----~-~~--+----.---~ In Out Lo LD

9:02 The President had breakfast.

9:15 The President went to his office.

The President met with: 9:17 9:35 H. R. Haldeman, Assistant 9:40 10:05 9 :23 9:35 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant 9 :55 10:00

9:23 9:35 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary 9 :23 10:05 John D. Ehrlichman, CcUnsel

10:05 12 :20 The President attended a meeting of the National SecUl:ity Council in the Cabinet Room. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "N'.

10:46 R The Presldent received a call from Governor . The call was not completed.

12.:20 12 :42 The President went to his office and met with: Melvin R. Laird, Secretary of Defense William P •. Rogers, Secretary of State

The President met with: 12:45 1:19 D. Patrick Moynihan, Assistant 12:45 1:19 Jean Mayer, Special Consultant 12:46 1:24 John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel

1:30 The President went to the Residence.

Z.:38 The President went to his office.

The President met with: 2 :39 2 :55 H. R. Haldeman, Assistant 2:50 2 :55 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary

3 :00 3 :13 The President met with the Board of Directors of the Mutual Broadcasting Corporation. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX I'B".

3:13 3:25 The President met with: Paul W. McCracken, Chairman, CEA Peter Flanigan, As sistant (See Travel Record (or Travel Activity)


3 :25 5 :16 The President attended a joint meeting of the Cabinet Committ e on Economic Policy and the Quadriad in the Cabinet Room. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX IIC".

5:16 5:35 The President went to his office and met v,.ith the Chairman of the CEA William M. Martin.

The President met with: 5 :36 6:10 H. R. Haldeman. Assistant 5:36 6:29 John D. Ehrlichman. Counsel

5 :39 5:40 P The President talked with his daughter. Julia Eisenhower.

6:12 6:22 P The President talked long distance with Governor John Love in Denver. Colorado.

6:23 The President went to the Residence.

6:52 The President and the First Lady had dinner with: Patricia Nixon Julie and David Eisenhower

7:29 7 :43 P The President talked with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

7:47 P The President telephoned Congressman Gerald Ford. The call was not completed.

7:49 P The P resident telephoned Congressman Leslie Arends. The call was not completed.

7 :58 8:05 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

8 :09 8:16 P The P resident talked with Attorney General John N. Mitchell.

8:23 8:27 P The President talked with his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman.

8:33 P The President telephoned long distance to C. G. Rebozo in in Florida. The call was not completed.

8:56 9 :03 P The President talked long distance with C. G. Rebozo in Florida.

9:30 The President went to his office.

9 :39 9:42 P The President talked with the First Lady.

U.S, GOVERNMENT PRINTING omt!, I~O-332-Q68 Pa!(e ;:1_ 01 :l_ Page(s). rrO:'03IUc,.'1 ru\"nl'Utu I'UAVn 03 UMILr UIMnJ (See Travel Record for Travel Activity)



11:30 11:34 P The President talked long distance with; Bob Hope) comedian George Murphy) Senator at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles.

11:36 The President went to the Residence.

Page of Pagels). , u.s. GOVERN~ENT PRINTING OFl'lCE: 1-.0-332-068 _3_ :J..._ APPENDIX liN I.


~ce President ~;:;, P. Rogers, Secretary of Stat. ~nR. Laird, Secretary of Defense . /. , . General George A. Lincoln, Director, Office of Emergency ~ Preparedness

. E}avid M. Kennedy, Secretary of the Treasury

•.~ N. Mitchell, Attorney General .

7rd M. Hardin, Secretary of Agriculture

Rocco C. Siciliano, Under Secretary of Commerce

~t L. Richardson, Under Secreta:ry of State

Lral Earle G.' Wheeler, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

R~rd M. Helms., Director, Central Intelligence AgenCY· ~ A. Hannah, Administrator, Ag~ncy for International Development I~l J. Gilbert, Special Representative for Trade Negotiations ~ry A. Kissinger, Assistant to the President .~les .A. Meyer, Assistant Secretary of State 4trril;:;,../Ie-L SiTiv)V;;Ls (1)~{J. (j..5. EC~1, ;1FT S;-rrfE) cf:( J-iJ?':;'.!Ji}t.'i:S ~neth N. Davis, Jr. (Commerce) J'c:;nes R. Schlesinger (Budget) Ylron P. Vaky (NSC)

,Ylilliam Watts (NSC)

/F;e.d Bergsten (NSC)

( ~e;t E. Osgood (NSC) ~<{ -)0.)6 APPENDIX liB"

i i~, lvleeting with the Board of Directors of the Mutual Broadcasting Corporation 10/15/69

Mr. Eugene Alnwick Mr. Loren M. Berry Mr. Wiley T. Buchanan, Jr. Mr John Callow Mr. Dudley Cox Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Diehm Mr. and Mrs. John P. Frain Mr. and Mrs, Willard Garvey Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hardin Mr. Charles A. King Mr. Les Learned Mr. Henry W. Meers Mr. G. Frederick Mullen Mr. and Mrs. George C. McConnaughey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Jno. G. Pew Mr. Charles G. Slemmons Mr. David C. Stradley Mrs. Henry H. Timken

( Appendix C

( Attendees at the joint meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy and the Ouadriad on October 15, 1969.

Spiro T. Agnew, Vice President David M. Kennedy, Sec of the Treasury Clifford M. Hardin, Sec of Agriculture Maurice H. Stans, Sec of Commerce George P. Shultz, Sec of Labor George W. Romney, Sec of HEW Robert P. Mayo, Dir of the BOB Paul W. McCracken, Chairmn of the CEA He'rbe'rt-5tei:ni'" -member -of-the- £-13A Hendrik Houthakker, member of the CEA Arthur F. Burns, Counsellor D. Patrick Moynihan, As sistant William M. Martin, Chairman of the FRB Nathaniel Samuels, Deputy Under Secretary of State Fred Bergsten, member of the NSC staff William L. Safire, Special Assistant Bert Cox, member of the CEA staff I I (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) !-:P-::L~AC:::E~D;::"A-::l:-' ";,"BE:::::G::-:'A7~;------~------OA-T-E-(-1-{()- .• -O-ay-,-Y-r.-)-----1

1 THE WHITE HOUSE OCTOBER 1b, 1969 ; TIME DAY !._\~_A_S_H_I_N_G_T_O_Nr,--;:D::-::.~C...,.:-­ 8-.:..:1_0_a~m_.:..T:.::H_=U.:..R:...::.S..=.D:..:.A~Y__1 PHONE : TIME P=P!aced , R=Recejved I------r------/----,-----­ ACTIVIIT In Out Lo LO 8:10 The President had breakfast.

8:25 The President went to his office.

8:35 10 :15 The President attended a Bi-Partisan Congressional Leader­ ship meeting in the Cabinet Room. For a list of those in attendance. see APPENDIX "A".

10 :15 The President returned to his office.

10:15 10 :20 The President met with Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler.

10:20 10:50 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

10 :55 11:38 The President met with membe rs of the Executive Committee of the Business Council. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B". I 11:45 12 :00 The President presented Medals of Honor (Posthumous) in a I ce remony in the Oval Office. For a list of those present, ,I see APPENDIX "G".

12 :01 12 :31 The President went to the Residence where he received the I credent i a1s of: Magnus Vignir Magnusson, Ambassador of Iceland Ivan Rohal-Ilkiv, Ambassador of Czechoslavakia AsIan Aphar, Ambassador of Iran

12 :31 The President returned to his office with his Press Secretary. Ronald L. Ziegler.

12 :31 12 :32 The President met with Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler.

12 :38 1:15 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

3:13 3:28 The President met with: Richard V. Allen, former staff member of NSC, his wife and family.

3 :28 3 :38 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

3 :35 3 :39 P The President talked long distance with Mrs. Payson in New York.

Faae __ L of _~_ Page(s)_ us. GOVER~ME~TPRIN1INGOmCE'I969-0-=3::32-{)6=8 -:"~ -=-- _ • n ...., • .,... ' ... , .. "'."tI.,nl\'" IU/''''.'!J ..,nll.1 Lltn.". (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) OCTOBER 16, 1969 THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 3:38 pm THURSDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed .-----_._----+----..---R=Rcceived.. _-­ ACTIVITY In Out Lo LO

3 :38 4:18 The President met with the Farmers for Nixon Group in the Cabinet Room. For a list of those in attendan.ce, see APPENDIX "DII.

4:18 4:40 The President met \'lith: Roger C. B. Morton, Congressman Harry S. Dent, Deputy Counsel

4:45 5:02 The President met with Ambassador Kenneth Keating.

5 :35 7:13 The President met with a group of Congressional GOP Third Termers. For a list of those in attendance, see APPENDIX "E".

7 :15 The President went to the second floor of the Residence.

8:07 10:45 The President and the First Lady hosted a private dinner for members of the law firm, Mudge, Rose, Guthrie and Alexander. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "F".

11:02 P The President telephoned his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger. The call was not completed.

11:05 11:08 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. . 11:11 11:17 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

11:18 11:36 P The President talked with Sec retary of HEW Robert H. Finch.

11:37 P The P resident telephoned Congressman Gerald R. Ford. The call was not completed.

11:49 P The President talked with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.



( OCTOBER 16, 1969 - 8:30a.m. - CABINET ROOM



The President Robert P. Mayo, Director, Bureau of the Budget Paul W. McCracken, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers


Milton R. Young, Ranking Republican, Appropriations Committee Russell B. Long, Chairman, Finance Committee John J. Williams, Ranking Republican, Finane e Committee


George H. Mahon, Chairman, Appropriations Committee Frank T. Bow, Ranking Republican, Appropriations Committee Wilbut D. Mills, Chairman, Ways and Means Committee John W. Byrnes, Ranking Republican, Ways and Means Committee , ( Staff

Bryce N. Harlow, Assistant Peter M. Flanigan, Assistant John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel


Richard B. Russell, Chairman, Appropriations Committee APPENDIX "B"


White Hous e Liaison Committee

Fred J. Borch, Chairman, General Electric Company and Chairman of The Business Council

Fred R. Kappel, Chairman, Executive Committee, American Telephone and Telegraph Company

Russell DeYoung, Chairman, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company

Tom F. Patton, Chairman, Republic Steel Corpo ration

Bob Hansberger, President, Boise Cascade Corporation

Jack K. Horton, Chairman, Southern California Edison Company

Barry T. Leithead, Chairman, Cluett, Peabody & Co. Inc.

Albert L. Nickerson, Chairman, Mobil Oil Corpo ration

Vice Chairmen

Birny Mason, Jr., Chairman, Union Carbide Co rpo ration

John D. Harper, President, Aluminum Company of America

Patrick E. Haggerty, Chairman, Texas Instruments Inc.

In addition to the above, the following members of the White House Staff were present:

Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant for NSA Arthur F. Burns, Counsellor Herbert G. Stein, member, CEA & Director of Communications for the Executive Branch Peter M. Flanigan, Assistant r,., APPENDIX" Gil"

( FA~rILY }~lnERS - Medal of Honor Cer~~ony) 16 October 1969

. --SPl! Cannel-B. "Harvey; °Jr. (Deceased)

.... Mr. Carmel B. Harvey, Sr.; Father Mrs. Car~el B. Harvey, Sr., Mother Master Clyde Harvey, Brother - Age 12 Mrs. Barbara McKinney, Sister Miss Marcella McKinney, Niece - Age 4 Master Curtis T. McKinney, Neph~v - Age" 6 Miss Francis Harvey, Sister -Age 16 PVT Robert J. Harvey, Brother SP4 Dale"E;Wayrynen (Deceased)

Mr. Eugene E. Wayrynen, Father Mrs. Eugene E. Wayrynen, Nather Mr. David Wayrynen, Brother - Age 21 Hr. Randolph Hayrynen,Brother - Age 15 Master John Wayrynen, Bro~her - Age 8 Mr. Einar Johnson (Uncle) ..

SP5 Edgar L. McWethy, Jr. (Deceased) I ~. Mr. Edgar L. McWethy, Sr., Father Mrs. Edgar 1. NcHethy, Sr., Nother Mr. Kenne th Ndlethy, Brother - Age 18 Miss Christie McWethy, Sister - Age 16

Family e~corts: / Captain Ray Gillespie (McWethy family) Captain Jerome Hansen (Harvey family) Major Edmund Greenwell (Wayrynen family) Lt Colonel Peter Lasb. unit ;representative Captain Lucius Reeves, unit representative Captain Patrick D. LMulroy, MDW (Military District of Washington) Captain Charles W. B.Qwens,. MD:N. . , Captain Michael E. Hudson, MDW o SFC Oscar M. Harvey, MDW . SSgt Albert C. Huddy, MDW SSgt Ronald E. Sparks, MDW SSgt David R. Walter, MDW SFC John C. Calhoun, Information Office, Department of the Army

j ... -.

, " Melvin R. Laird, Secretary of Defense ( Stanley R. Resor, Secretary of the Army William C. Westmoreland, Gen., Chairman, JCS George W. Dunaway, Sergeant Major (Army) Fred Karhohs, Brigadier General - Unit Representative John J. Tolson, Lieutenant General - Commander Nancy K. Johnson, Major, Information Office, Dept. of the Army Jack B. Farris, Lt. Colonel, Dept. of the Army Richard Scott, Major William Bagnal, Lt. Colonel, Aide to Secy. of the Army Franklin A. Hart, Lt. Colonel, Aide to General Westmoreland Wayne C. O'Neill, Army Photographer

Cong res smen:

James B. Pearson, Senator Bob Dole, Senator Joe Skubitz, Congressman Abner J. Mikva, Congressman John A. Blatnik, Congressman

MSgt Abel Araiza, Office of the Military Assistant to the President Lt. Colonel Vernon C. Coffey, Jr., Army Aide to the President APPENDIX II D'I


OCTOBER 16, 1969


Robert R. Spitzer, President Frank Gildne r Murphy Products Co. , Inc. The Evansville Review 124 South Dodge Street Evansville, Wisconsin 53536 Burlington, Wisconsin 53105 H-a-l-I;}eaa Robert H. Brogoitti S1:-.- ...:6

William Ga1brith Meeting with GOP third term Congressmen, October 16, 1969.

John Buchanan Tim Lee Carter Bill Dicki.nson Don Brotzman Jack Edwards John Erlenborn Bob McEwen Chester Mize Henry P. Smith Gene Snyder Guy Vander Jagt Bob Watkins Louis Wyman Clarence J. Brown John J. Duncan William J. Stanton Wendell Wyatt Albert Watson

Also present: William Timmons, Dep Asst APPENDIX"Fti


DINl\ER AT TEE WHITE HOUSE Thursday, October 1o, 1969 at eight 0' clock

The President: and Mrs. Nixon

T~'le Attorr:ey Genera~ and Mrs. Mitchell

Eo:::orao':'e and Mrs. Leonard GarrrH~nt

Mr. a:ld M:Ls. John H. Alexander

~VI14. and :\.irs. Arthur M. ,Becker

1t~r. and Mrs. Rando~ph H. Guthrie

HOi~.orable and Mrs. Franklin B. Lincoln, Jr.

Mr. ar.d Mrs. Richard S. Ritzel

Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. Rose I THE. WHII E HlJU::.l PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DJAHY (See Travel Record for Travel !lctivity)

PLACE DAY BEGA;'; DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) I OCTOBER 17, 1969 THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 8:50am FRIDAY PHONE TI:-1E P=Pbced R=Received ACTIVITY ---'~-r Out to tD 8:50 The President had breakfast.

9:04 The President went to his office.

The President met with: 9:05 9:50 H. R. Haldeman, Assistant 9:05 10 :12 John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel 9:30 10:05 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant for NSA 9:30 9:50 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary 10:10 10:12 Daniel P. Moynihan, Assistant

10:12 11 :45 The President accompanied by his Assistant, Daniel P. Moynihan, and his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman went to the Cabinet Room for an Urban Affairs Council meeting. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A".

11:45 The PresiCient returned to his office.

11:46 12 :05 The President met with: Philip Crane, Congressional Candidate James N. Allison, Deputy Chairman, Republic National Committee Harry S. Dent, Deputy Couns el

11:48 11:49' P The President telephoned Congressman L. Mendel Rivers. Miss Canti, the Congressman's Secretary, took the call.

The President met with: 12 :10 12:22 H. R. Haldeman, Assistant 12 :10 12:15 Ros e Mary Woods, Personal Secretary

The President met with: 12:22 12 :30 Loren Berry, friend 12:22 12 :30 Paul Henson, President, United Utilities, Inc. 12:22 12 ;30 William Graham, President, North Electric Co. 12 :22 12:22 Rose Mary Woods, Personal Secretary to the President.

12 :31 1:10 The President met with his Personal Secretary, Rose Mary Woods.

2:30 2:31 The President met with his Personal Secretary, Rose Mary Woods. (See Travel Record fo' Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN I DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) THE WHITE HOUSE OCTOBER 17, 1969 TIME DAY WASEINGTON, D. C. 3:20pm FRIDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 3:2.0 The President was filmed by TV cameras as he read selected excerpts of his address On inflation.

3:30 3:32 P The President talked long distance with former Governor George Craig in Indiana.

3 :34 3:46 P The President telephoned Senator Russell Long. The Senatorl~ Secretary, Miss Robinson, took the call.

3:49 3:57 P The President talked with the Director of OEO, .

3:57 R The President was called by Senator Russell Long. The call was not completed.

4:00 4 :16 The President made a nation-wide radio addres s on inflation.

4:16 4:19 The President met with members of the Press Corps.

4:23 4 :41 R The P resident talked with Senator Rus sell Long.

The President met with: 4:40 4:46 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary 4:45 4:48 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant for NSA . 4:43 4:46 P The President talked with his Assistant, Daniel P. Moynihan.

4:49 5 :45 The President met with: Sir Robert Thompson, Author and Expert on Vietnam Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant for NSA John H. Holdridge, NSC staff member

S :46 5 :50 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

5:54 6 :29 The President flew by helicopter from the South Grounds of the White House to Camp David. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "B".

6:31 6:33 The Presidential party motored from the Camp David helipad to the Aspen Residence.

At sometime during the evening the President saw the movie, "A Hard Contract". Also present were: The First Lady C. G. Rebozo

Pa~. _~ _~_ u.s, GO'IERl'iMEhT PRINTING OffiCE: \969-0-332-069 01 Page(s). APPENDIX "A"


List of Attendees Octoberl?,1969

The President Honorable John N. Mitchell Honorable J. Phil Campbell, substituting for Honorable Clifford M. Hardin Honorable Mauric e H. Stans Honorable James D. Hodgson, substituting for Honorable George P. Shultz Honorable John G. Veneman, substituting for Honorable Robert H. Finch Honorable George W. Romney Honorable James M. Beggs, substituting for H~norable John A. Volp~ Honorable Russell E. Train, substituting for Hono rable Walter J. Hickel ( Mr. David Murdock, substituting for Honorable Donald Rumsfeld Honorable Winton M. Blount Mr. Holman Head Dr. Daniel P. Moynihan Mr. Stephen Hess Mr. John R. Price Mr. Roger Freeman, substituting for Dr. Arthur Burns Dr. Lee A. DuBridge Mr. John D. Ehrlichman Mr. Herbert G. Klein Mr. Sam Hughes, substituting for Honorable Mr. Richard Nathan Mr. Raymond K. Price, Jr. Mr. C. D. Ward Mr. John C. Whitaker Mr. Ronald Ziegler Dr. James E. Allen Mr. Lewis Butler ( HEI1COPTER PASSENGER MANIFEST - OCTOBER 17, 1969


Pre sident Nixon First Lady John D. Ehrlichman C. G. Rebozo Henry A. Kis singe r H. R. Haldema n CDR. Larson Dr. Bear Mr. Grant Mr. Whan


10:39 10 :40 P The President talked 'With his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

10:40 10:41 P The President talked 'With his Assis tant, H. R. Haldeman.

10:50 10 :53 The President \Vent from his Residence (Aspen) to the bo\Vling alley.

11:29 11:32 The President went from the bowling alley to his Residence.

11:30 1:00 The President met with: H. R. Haldeman, Assistant John D. Eh.rlichman, Counsel

11:48 11:56 P The President talked long distance with Senato r John Williams in Delaware .

1:34 1:35 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

1:50 3 :55 The President met with: Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant Richard M. Helms, Director, CIA Robert E. Cushman. Deputy Director. CIA

3:55 4:00. The President went to the bowling alley accompanied by his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

4:00 4 :20 The President met with his Assistant. Henry A. Kissinger.

4:25 4 :26 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

4:35 5:00 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

6:33 6 :36 The President went to his Residence.

During the eve.ning the President and the First Lady watched the movie, "Roman Holiday!!. Also present we re: Patricia Nixon and a friend C. G. Rebozo I THE WHITE HUU~:' t't

2:14 2 :28 The President toured Camp David by golf cart.

2:28 The President departed Camp David by golf cart.

2:29 The President returned to Camp David by golf cart.

2:47 The President \Vent to his Residence.

4:03 4 :15 P The President talked long distance with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman at the White House.

4:15 4 :17 The President motored from his Residence to the helipad.

4:19 4 :51 The President flew by helicopte r from Camp David to the South Grounds of the White House. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "A".

4:54 The President and the First Lady went to the Residence accompanied by C. G. Rebozo.

5 :23 P The President telephoned his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinge r. The call was not completed.

5:33 5 :34 R The President talked with his Assistant. H. R. Haldeman.

5:47 R The President talked with his Assistant. Henry A. Kissinger.

6:25 R The President received a long distance call from Reverend Billy Graham in Montreat, North Carolina. The call was not completed.

7 :00 The President and the First Lady had dinner with C. G. Reba zoo

7:30 C. G. Rebozo departed.

8 :15 8:44 P The President talked long distance V'Jith Reverend Billy Graham in Montreat, North Carolina.

U.S. GO'Eil.'ME.'l PRINllNG oma:, 1969-0-332-068 THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record lor Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) OCTOBER 19, 1969 TIME DAY CAMP DAVID I MAR YLAND 9:02 pm SUNDAY PHONE TlME P=Pbced R=Received ACTIVIIT In Out Lo LD

9:02 9:06 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

9:22 9:24 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

9:44 9:52 P The President talked with his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman. APPENDIX ffAlf


FROM: Camp David, Md. TO: White House

President Nixon The First Lady Cdr. Larson Dr. Lukash Alexander Butterfield Mr. Whelihan C. G. Rebozo Mr. Grant Mr. Whan

( IHI:. WHtl1:. HVU::>t:. PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAilY DIARY (See Travel Record for T"vel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., O.y, Yr.) TH£ WHITE HOUSE OCTOBER 20, 1969 TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 8:35 am MONDAY PHONE TIME P=Phced R=Received

._~-. ACTIVITY In Out to LD

8:35 The President had breakfast.

9:26 9 :27 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

9:28 9:29 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

9:47 9 :57 R The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

10:15 The President went to his office.

10:17 10 :17 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

11:15 11 :45 The President held a press briefing in his office.

11:36 R The President was called long distance by Gave rno r Nelson Rockefeller in NYC. Rose Mary Woods talked with the Governor}s Secretary, Mrs. Whit:nnan.

11:46 12:10 The President met with: Kofi A. Busia, Prime Minister of Ghana Victor Owusu, Minister of External Affairs Ebenezer Moses Debrah, Ambassador of Ghana David D. Newsom, Assistant Secy. of State for African Affairs Clement E. Conger, Deputy Chief of Ptorocol Richard T. Kennedy, member of NSC 12 :10 12 :13 l\trembers of the press

12:13 The President walked the Prime Minister to his car and return~d to his office.

12 :13 12 :15 The President met with his Personal Secretary, Rose Mary Woods.

12 :17 12:50 The President met with: Harry S. Dent, Deputy Counsel Rogers C. B. Morton, Congressman James Allison, Deputy Chairman, RNC and Republican State Chairmen. Fo r a list of attendees see APPENDIX "A".

12:55 1:10 The President met with his Assistant for NSC, Henry A. Kissinger. \ I Pa~e u.s. G(JVERNMC,r PRINllNG OFF1CE: t969-0-33Z-

DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.)

THE WHITE HOUSE OCTOBER 20 1 1969 WASHINGTON, D. C. TIME DAY 3:10 pm MONDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out La LD 3:10 3:14 The President met 'With: Mr. & Mrs :-Stewart Hudspeth, Whittier, Calif. , friends Dr. and Mrs. Robert Osborne and son

3:15 3:20 The President met v.-ith his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegle r.

3 :20 The President met with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger.

·4:46 5:01 The President met with: Graham Martin, U. S. Ambassador to Italy Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant for NSA

5 :01 5:05 The President, accompanied by Ambassador Graham, went to the Rose Garden for a USIA filming.

5:06 5 :50 The President met with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger.

5 :50 5:53 P The President talked with his Special Assistant, Patrick J. Buchanan:

5 :55 6:35 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

5:57 6:02 P The President talked with his Assistant, Peter M. Flanigan.

6:40 The President went to the second floor of the Residence.

6:46 6:47 P The President talked with his Special Assistant, Dwight L. Chapin.

6:47 6:57 P The President talked with his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler.

6:58 7 :01 P The President talked with his Deputy Counsel, Harry S. Dent.

7:05 P The President telephoned his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. ThE call was not completed.

7:05 7:14 P The President talked with his Director of Communications for the Executive Branch, Herbert G. Klein.

7 :25 The President had dinner. PKESlDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGA."i DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) THE WHITE HOUSE OCTOBER 20, 1969 WASHINGTON, D. C. TIME DAY 7:58 pm MONDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY Out 10 LD

7:58 The President went to his office.

8:37 8:41 P The President talked 'With his daughter, Julie Eisenhower.

8:42 P The President telephoned his Deputy Counsel, Harry S. Dent. The call was not completed.

8:46 8:50 P The P resident talked with his Special As sistant, Patrick J. Buchanan.

8:54 P The President telephoned Senato r Marlow Cook. The call was Qot completed.

8:57 P The President telephoned Senator Howard Baker. The call wa~ not completed.

9:09 9:10 P The Presjdent talked with his Deputy Counsel, Harry S. Dent.

9:27 9 :29 R The President talked long distance with Senator Howard Baker. in Tennessee.

10:04 P The President telephoned his Deputy Counsel,. Clark Mollenhof . The call was not completed.

10:09 The President returned to the Residence.

u.s. GO'JER\MENT PRII'!11NG OffiCE: t96!r-O-332-06S APPENDIX 11A"



ALA3AMA - Dick Bennett

AL~SKA - George Walton

ARI{ANSAS - Odell Pollard

CALIFORNIA - Denny Carpenter

COLORADO- Bob Flanigan

CONNECTICUT - Howard Hausman

DELAw~RE - Clayt Harrison


FLORIDA - Duke Crittenden

GEORGIA - Wiley Wasden

cGUAM - -..:roe--P.l-ore15­

HAWAII - Tom Rice

ILLINOIS - Vic Smith

I~~IANA Buena Chaney

IOWA - John McDonald

o KANSAS - 1Jon -eoncann'Orr-

KENTUCKY - John Kerr

C LOUISIANA - €h'iH:'-l-i-e--deGl:'ave~-l-es- ( .lI.1AIXE - Cy ;;0·

NARYLA~'D - 1)'. <:e!1dall

Y~SSACtluSETTS - Si Spaulding

MICINGAN - Bill McLaughlin

MINNESOTA - George Thiss


MISSOURI - Elmer Smith

MONTANA ­ Ott Tschache

NEBRASKA - Mrs. Lorraine Orr

NEVADA ­ George Abbott

{ c NEW HAr

NEW MEXICO - Bob Davidson

NEW YORK - Chuck Lanigan

NORTH CAROLINA - Jim Holshouser

NORTH DAKOTA - Tom Secrest

OHIO - John Andrews

OKLAHOMA - Clarence Warner

OREGON - Irving Enna


() PUERTO RICO - ~rttH:'-o.-'I!o);O

RHODE ISLAND - George DeStefano ( SOUTH DAKOTA - Charles Howard SOUTH CAROLINA - Ray Harris


TEXAS - Bill Steger

UTAH - Fred Wright

VIRGINIA - Sam Carpenter

VIRGIN IS~uS - Omar Brown

w~SHINGTON - Gummie Johnson



WYOMING - Clarence Brimmer

Other Attendees:

Howard Russell Peter Milbough David Lissy Gary C unningha m IOL.vlL/l:.11 I (\1\lI1MI\LI I1IJ\Vn", LlMILI Lllt'\n I (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DA.Y BEG,-u'l DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) October 21, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE H JlIS/< - WASHr1\fr~T()N n c: 8:40 am Tuesday PHONE T1ME P"",Placed R=Received ----.r-­ ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 8:40 The President had breakfast.

8:45 The President went to his office.

9:04 The President went to the barbershop.

9: 22 The President returned to his office.

9: 25 9:26 P The President talked with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

9:26 9:32 The President met with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

The President met with: 9:32 9:40 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secy 9:32 10: OS H. R. Haldeman, Asst 9:32 10: OS John D. Ehrlichman, Asst

10: 12 10: 32 The Presldent met with Gen Andrew Goodpaster.

10: 12 10:25 The President met with NSC staff member, Helmut Sonnenfeldt.

10:25 11:02 The President went to the South Grounds of the White House to greet Mohammad Reza Shah Pah1avi, the Shah of Iran.

11:02 12:41 The President returned to his office with the Shah for a private meeting.

12:21 12:33 The President and the Shah were joined by the President's Asst, Peter Flanigan.

12:41 12:43 The President escorted the Shah to his car for his departure.

12:47 12:55 The President met with the Russian Cosmonauts and their

party. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX 11 A" •

1: 04 1: 35 The President met with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

U.S. GO\i~R'IMENT PRINTING omCE: 19$--0-332-068 IHe WHII E HUUSt:. PRESIDENl RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity} PLACE D,.Y BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) _October 21, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. 1: 05 pm Tuesdav PHONE TIl-IE P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out 10 10

1: 05 1:40 The President met with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

2: 10 R The President was called by Senator Gale McGee. The call was not completed.

3:02 3:06 The President met with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

During the Congressional Half Hour, the President met with: 3: 07 3: 13 Mr. and Mrs. Kickapoo Logan Robert J. Dole, Senator Chester Mize, Congressman and 3: 15 3:56 Gerald R. Ford, Congressman Mrs. Thomas McAllister, President, American Library Assoc and other members of the ALTA. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B".

3:56 4:12 The President met with his Press Secy, Ronald L. Ziegler.

3:56 4:09 P The President talked with Governor Edgar D. Whitcomb.

4:30 6:31 The President met with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

4:55 4:58 P The President talked with Congressman Roman C. Pucinski.

5:08 5: 15 P The President talked with Atty Gen John N. Mitchell.

5: 30 5:48 P The President talked with his Asst, Bryce N. Harlow.

5:50 5:54 P The President talked long distance with Governor Tom McCall in Oregon.

6:31 The President went to his EOB Office.

6:41 6:42 P The President talked with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

6: 50 6: 51 The President talked with his Asst, Henry A. Kis singer.

Pa~e _~ ~_ P:lI1I"{CC\ U.S. GOVER'ME~T PRINTING OFFICE: 1~J32-068 of I IH.""I U I.., I '\'''''lnI\V ,,,"u.. "" un".1 v,n" I (See Travel Record lor Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) October 21, 1969 ----I TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C 54 nm 'T'llpc::r1:lV PHONE 6· TIlliE P=P:lced R=Received ACTIVITY -----~r-~~----jr----r-~~- In Out Lo LO

6:54 6:58 P The President talked with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

7: 30 The President went to the Second Floor of the Residence where he met with his house guests, Rev Billy Graham and T. W. {Grady} Wilson.

7:58 11:30 The President and the First Lady hosted a dinner for the Shah of Iran. For a list of dinner guests and after dinner guests, see APPENDIX llell .

Pal':e of Page(s). u.s. GOVER.'i,..ENT PRINTING OFfla: 1969--0-332-068 3 3 APPENDIX l!N'

OCTOBER 21, 1969

Meeting with the Russian Cosmonauts.

Russian Party

Major General Georgiy Timofeyevich Beregovoy Mrs. Lidiya Matveyevna Beregovoya Mr. Viktor Georgiyevich Beregovoy (son of Gen. & Mrs. Beregovoya) Mr. Konstantin Petrovich Feoktistov Mr. Ivan Konstantinovich Shklyar (Interpreter) Ambassador Anatoliy F. Dobrynin Mrs. Dobrynin

American Party

Vice President Spiro T. Agnew Ambassador Emil Mosbacher Mr. William R. Codus, Asst Chief of Protocol Colonel Frank Borman Mrs. Susan Borman Mr. Constantine G. Barsky (Interpreter) APPENDIX liB It

( OCTOBER 21, 1969

Me;:r~bers of the American Library Trustee Association APPENDIX~ !. '. DIN~ER .;. T TE:2 V,·~IT<2: HOUSZ SW Gate Tuesday, O.ctober. 'ZL )969 Pa~ty - NVr Gate at eight otdoGk' '. LQ .... ~ ~ixon .The President & '. '

L--Hi-slrnperial Majesty Moham:mad Reza Sh?-h' Pahlavi Shahanshah of Iran "~~ Asadollah Alam . " Minister of Court ,;'-, , ,,~. Ardeshir Zahedi ' .., , Minister for Foreign Affairs: ,: " L--+~The Ambassador of Iran , . (Amir AsIan Afshar) . ,', .:' ~~ Hormuz Qarib. . ' . Grand Master of Ceremonies' of the Imperial Court ~tenantGeneral Abc1:o1 Karim AyacF' ' Personal Physi"cian to'His Maje~ty ~tenantGeneral Monanuna.'d Faz~~i " ." , , Military Aide':de-Camp to His'Imperial Majesty ~. Reza Fallah, " .' , ':. ',', ,Director~ Natiotial Iranian Oil Company ,~.Cyrus Farzaneh , '. c."', .' , ( Master of Geremones;. The Imperial Court, Civil Adjutant to His Imperial Majesty , : " L-H-;rE:' Farhad Nikoukhah , ' " , Under Secretary of the Ministry of, Information ," -;:MI. It;;;~~ !tMU' . :i, : ,'. " " , . . ' ..~, ': ,~ .Director General of Foreign'Affai:rs~ Ministry of Court ~Ab'olfathMahvi, ' ", '::,' '. ,,' _ . . , Private Iranian Businessman and 'Oil Consultant , ' " :"(Jt).iRiNC.~ I J-, t-l y: '::, ..:.. ' . " AGNEW, The ~President& ~, ',' Vt;rt!l2. f G!~ I?, D~. J I! IVl N (J, I rz , ::. ,. AIKEN, ~& ~ George p. '! • :. ALLOTT, ~& £r;;::qord~~ :;li'~::"·C.4ILD " , ,', I , . ' ~bert ANDERSON, B. I, , . , ". .I . ( B.ECKER~ M~ J::' 'R'alph 'E. , " h ~ ,'" '. BENNETT. ~ & Mrs. Charles E.: ...... '. ~Edwa,rdMar'shall' <~"",,; ~. BOEHM, ".. ,," .. . ", ... ( BOUSHA~L~ ~. }V~h~in~S .~.,.,:,:

BROVrNELL. -k:::& ~He';ber~', . ~, , -, BROYI-IILL. ~&. James T. Mrs. 'J ....., , 'BUHSE, ~ --k::: Howa.~d E. .~ Atl~i;: ca.rd reads B';'she

, . CHAPMAN, G~l &K :~eona,n:l:'i'~ .···~r·~ . ,DOYLE, ~& ~M. Dorland .,' .

DUNDORE, ~& KHarr~A. .. ' :. -4· ,~ ' 1'~ . , .. • J '".iI! ." 0 . /:- .. ,. . ; . .' ..... ­

.'.. - 2 ..-, 1.0...J21/69 .. '.. .­ ~ .. ~AHAM, The Rev.' Dr. BillY' J • . .': HiATH, ~Cy: ',,' ;,'" . ' ,JACKSON, ~ ~n: No,':{}4P.O . ., I) .• 'JARMAN, ~& ~john.~.

KA Y, ~ ~Cbnllie -'fi/~C-A~D ~'S· KEi\ ",';SI .LHOn.o'-----n.&g Nfrs.··}I Jr •...H.··enry·.· . 7': ..: " 1 ...... ~. ·KENNEDY, The se~y of the r'reas.~ry. &" Mr.s. ;11t!1 ·Cfi«J) .. '­ . . L/'/' KISSINGER, Hon. Henri A. . '. .

". ~ . L~IRD~ The S~y of Def~.nse it ~ '.

LE:WIS~ ~& £Gohn ~'., .

f . . ~ .. • .< : :"; " . \.. . LONGWORTH, Mrs. Nicholas'

MacA~THUR, .~ & '~OUglas,~:Ii . M~CLOY, ~& kGiJohn~. ·#O::eA((j).,:

.~ M~~EELEY, ~& ~H. ,~. : ..:'

'. MES'T~, ~erle" : : . . ':.:

MOSBACHER, ~~l, J~~', , NEWHOUSE, ~.'~sa~ueli. ;'. '

" Nlc'riO~S, i6:i.~ouiS·B. ' ~J¥~t h".~~,±- PAINE,' .'-ko'::& ~Thomas/O •. " ';: . , ir~;IFEL:~ ~en / ; \: . - . : "r '. ' RIPLE~,~ ~ I)ill~n /t/b'.CAfL.D·

'. ,,' ROGERS, Th~ S.~of St~te 1; ~ /1/0' CI)j(P .. I ---- V ," .:;./. '. ' . Kermi~ ·~e-@#.dt:9=';", ROOSEVELT, !Y1r:. & MrsV-:"•. .', .. , ! ... RUMSFELD, ~. lV1;'S. Donald ':~'IJ D CA-It.D·

. ~ .. SCHNEEBE'iI,·Jc;•.&·~~erm~~·T•.

'SCRANTON, ~& '~Vi~liam w: ": '~,'- . .' .. . SHAKESPE'ARE, ~·~n~.:J:;;.Jr~IJDC4IlD:"~· "/~ ~'.: I ••• ·.:. . SIKES, Rep. & Mrs. Robert ~. F. • . ~'j~". SISCO, Hon. & Nrrs. Josel?h J. ' ..

SWEARINGEN, ~& '~h..'1 'F.:~,':~" ... I ~ ./ . '. .~ . , " "

( '~ - 3 iO/21/69 " 'WOLFE, Mr 0 Preston' o WYLY, '~& ~Ch~rles .Jo, Jr" , . " ~..

, ,

'.' .

.r: .'

No Interpreters "

" " , 0 ..

' ..~. , ' , " - ",.


" ,

, " \ .':

.' -.: , . "

, ~

" , . '

" "


, , : "

, ' " '.

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/ "

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, o. , . " "

.. • -. • 10'" • .";. .

,; " " • , "

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. "...

'ENTERTAINlvfENT -, Tuesday, OctobeI:' '?'1, '1969' at 10:00 rn:::::=~UT Gate LQ ."J: •

( IRANIAN PARTY: ,,,,' ·.~··-·i

Batmangelij, Mr. Husha.ng o Embassy of Iran '

:Dana, ·'Colo~\1rs. ~ah Military, Air & Naval Attache

Hate!, ~ M~m~d ... Counselor, Embas,sy of Iran

Izadi, ~~ssan' First Secy•• Embassy of Iran

" ' Jahanshahi, Dr. & Mrs.' Abdol,Ali . Alt. Exec. Dir., The World Bank " . Officer of the Imperial Cou:r:t

.Mohammadi, Major Hadi:, Officer of the Imperial Court

" Sepahbodi, Mr. Farhad ,~ , , , Embassy of Iran , , , ~~e~) The H~~~~'om~r's' , Minister-Counselor, Embassy Iran ~.rF\,AJJ.0K. -r"S~T C~O ( JR.. AtJU2£G:ARj , .. +!(1i.rr­ W :Yazdanpanah, _~~ KaIl?-bizl, , ,', Press Counselor, .Emb. of Iran ~L:..JK.C:LQE L,LLY - -:s~""('" t1uti7 u i:(a:2:l

/ .' , ' A~LISON, ~&~rW:~es'~., Jt';" Dep. Chmn., RNC

'BARTH, M~r~erV. ' , Asst. to Comr., Internal Rev, Sen

/' .:,' " BAUER. ~homas ;F'. Dir., Finance Comte., RNC :'/ ~AUSER, ~&(M~E,dward/. " 'Joint Comte. on Atomic Energy

'BIBBY, D~Mr~~~~~ , Research Dir., House Rep. Coni.

,COPEN~~VER, M4j411ia~'~~'." . House Comte. on Govt. Operations

:COX, H~~~~r:~nee~. ':."" Asst. Seey. of HUD

DUNCAN, vicelA~~"~hari'e'5':~"/ Washington, D. C. . . ": . rIO 'EGEBERG, H~~oger0., ' ',: Asst. Secy. of HEW. ~.z G:'i'R.A-~) 0EN I Fl::~ :- ',sG.-r t-1lfrvT".r~ c u..:.:L:. FLETCHER, Hon. &: Mrs. Arthur Asst. Secy. of Labor •• i>- - /".,.... • . ~ h' '1 . ", NC 'OARBETT, W~!"'&:.../J/': M~.... s. "Rie ard W. .' Dir. t Politica Div., R

' Ma~n.' VRol~l.nd.:,,!:~.­ Virgini~ GLESZER, &. Ft. Myer, ,. , ." , HAIG, CoJ,..& Mi,vAle:a:nder M., ,Jr,:" ' National Security Council

~ALLMAN, '¥y&'~'~Willi;rn H. " Office of Iranian .A-ffairs - State

HEMBERGER, M~&: ~ M~rtin Admin. Asst: to Sen. Hugh Scott

HULLIN, M~~~ :'F~'d' WH

1 /";./;.' ' HYMEL,MIi/&: w~ Ga,ry G. ' Admin. Asst. to House 1v~aj.· 'Vhi2.

, ... " ~"'" ' , ~,¥ - ~- ~,r ) / ' . ' , " M~r"., Da...."'1H~~ .h..i.:\G::>L.L...... , ::v .....:'. 6. T. .' , GSA Cornmissioner

~lT __ ..... t...:_-_+...... _ ' .. . . . , .. "

( -10/2,1/69 at'10 p.m.

Asst. Postmaster General .' New York, N. Y.

Arlington, Virginia

1 ~ . ,/ LYNG, Ho~ MrVi-Cnard E~ Asst. Secy. of Agriculture

M~RTIN, M~r~. Jdp~ Jr. ,.,. , . Chief Counsel, House Ways & Mean~ .'

. , /..:./ '. '. ..~cCLELLAND, ~ ,¥~alter ~: Office of Iranian Affairs -, Stat'e

MlKLOS, ~V~~kC.·' ' . Country Dir. for Iran -State

MOLLENHOFF, H~~~arkR: Dep. Counsel to the President , '. 'MOOT, H~~obertC··.. Asst. Secy. of Defense

~ORRISON, ~~: Sacramento, California

MURPHY, Mr. & Mrs: George F., J:c.: Joint Comte. on Atomic Energy · . PAN~OS, w~M~~6~orge...... Spec. Asst. to Under Secy. Canrrero: M~~'i~ce PASSMAN, ..... '.' WH

. . ' " ~ ~EDMAN,- c~~~er~ . Falls Church, Virginia , ·r . " .REINCKE, ·M~~aI).· ,:., WH

, , .. ~"'''t '1~/' • . ROCKWELL, ~&""~~StuartW. Dep. Asst. Secy. 'of State - . . .:,,' ,SCHEDL;ER, ~& ~~Spencer J •.~ ,'. '. Asst. Secy. of the Air Force

'SCH~LTZ, M~~;rank: Dalla'S, Texas . , . 1V~ *~enn~th SPRANKLE, ' .. House Approp. Comte. .' . / , I ./. "; . ~L rHARIN, Lt.:~.& M~ r~nk C. Washington, D. C.

J /" t 'r;;'" , .TREZISE, ,HQp~& M~'philip'H. Asst. Secy. of State

WATTS, Mr. & Mrs. Wiliiam" . .' Dir., NSC. S~a££. WH ... . ') '--/<" !L' " . WERTHEUviER, 1~ & Mr~?~ Fred M;· . Hou'se ~elect Cornte. on Sm. Bus. . . . .

'. VnLBUR, ~....liL~~·icha,r.d.:C.;· . House Ways & Means Coxnte.

" ' ..;-, , .

p. . .

· .. .'.. (S.. Tr>vel Record for Travel Activity)

PLACE DAY BEG"'''' DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) October 22, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON D. C. 8:20 am Wednesday PHONE TI~IE P=Placed R=Rccei'-ed ------1-----.-­ ACTIVITY la Out Lo LO

8:20 9:40 The President, accompanied by Rev Billy Graham, went to the State Dining Room to attend the Prayer Breakfast. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "All.

9:40 9: 55 The President went to his office where he met with: T. W. (Grady) Wilson, Rev Billy Graham, Rev

9:40 R The President was called by Secretary of State, William P. Rogers. The call was not completed.

10: 05 10: 35 The President met with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

10: 14 R The President was called by Senator Michael J. Mansfield. The call was not completed.

10: 31 10: 33 R The President was called by Senator Michael J. Mansfield.

10:40 12: 05 The President met with his Advisory Council on Executive Organization. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX liB".

11: 35 11: 37 R The President was called by Secretary of State, William P. Rogers.

12: 10 12: 28 The President met with the delegation of National Bible Week and was presented a statue of commemoration. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "C".

12:20 1:05 The President met with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

12: 29 1~ 18 The President met with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

1: 31 P The President telephoned Senator Gale McGee. The call was not completed.

2:40 3:01 The President met with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

2:48 2:55 R The President talked with Senator Gale McGee.

2:50 3: 30 The President met with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

US_ GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFl'lCE, 1969-----0-332-066 Pa)!e _.1_ of.;l_ Page(s). PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity)

PLACE DAY BEGAl\: DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) October 22. 1969 __ 1 TfME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. 3:30 pm . Wednesday PHONE TIME P=P!aced R=Received -----.---J---.--I ACTIVITY In Out Lo LO

3: 30 The President accompanied by his Asst. Henry A. Kissinger. went to his office in the EOB.

3:55 Henry A. Kissinger departed.

3:54 3:56 The President talked with his Asst. Henry A. Kissinger.

4:13 4:15 P The President talked with Lee W. Huebner.

4:15 P The President telephoned his As st, Clark Mollenhoff. The call was not completed.

4:18 4:27 R The President was called by his As st, Henry A. Kissinger.

4:28 4:31 R The President was called by his Asst, Clark Mollenhoff.

4:36 4:41 P The President telephoned his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

5:00 6: 00 The President met with Senator Michael J. Mansfield.

6:05 The President went to the Second Floor of the White House.

6:07 R The President was called long distance by Hobart Lewis in White Plains, New York" The call was not completed.

6:09 6: 13 P The President was called by his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

6: 55 The President and the First Lady had dinner with Art Linkletter.

7: 30 The President went to the South Grounds of the White House and attended the White House Staff Party and Marine Corps Sunset Parade. He was accompanied by: The First Lady Art Linkletter Patricia Nixon

8:37 The President went to the Second Floor of the White House accompanied by: The First Lady Patricia Nixon Art Linklette r


u.s. GOV""MENT PRINTING OffiCE, 196'r-Q-332-068 I Mt. IlIMII t. MVU:;,t. t"RESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAilY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity)

PLACE D.W BEGA.'i DATE (Mo.• Day. Yr.) October 22, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE ­ WASHINGTON D. C. 8:50 urn Wednesday PHO:--:E TIME P=P!,ced R=Received ACTIVlTY III Out Lo LD

8:50 9:16 P The President talked with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

9: 17 9: 22 P The President talked with Congressman, Gerald R. Ford.

9:44 The President went to his office in the EOB.

10: 53 10: 5 7 The President talked with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

11: 55 The President returned to the Second Floor of the White House.

U,S. GC'JCRN"'E1H PRINTiNG omCE, 1~332-()6a Pa;:e .3 of 3 P;tge(s). October 22, 1969

( Attendees at Prayer Breakfast

House Senate Other

Flowers Schadeberg Allen Dr. Billy Graham Pollock Cordova Bellman 'r. W. (Grady) Wilson Udall Pryor Bennett Hammerschmidt Buchanan Boggs Talcott Bevill Cook Claws on, Del Stephens Cranston Pettis McClure Curtis Brotzman Landgrebe Fannin Bennett Mize Hansen Hagan Winn Hughes Hogan Clausen Jordan, Everett Hansen, Orval Gude :M'Crth:ias - . McClory E~±ea~e1"'a­ M~'S-­ Adair Conte Murphy Bray B'O:rR'e"; -.ra:nre-s­ Packwood Myers B"'1'n-e~­ S'8.~be-­ Zion Stanton Thurmond Schwengel Williams, John Sebelius Stennis ( Carter Yarborough Vander Jagt Schweiker Zwach Byrd, Robert Montgomery Hatfield Hunt Randolph Smith, Henry €-a-nnon- -­ Mizell :&OO-d--­ Kleppe E agl-et-on- ­ Wylie Miller Dellenback Meat-<>ye:- - ­ Goodling Pe:&te3!'e-­ Dorn Gettys Reifel Kuykendall Purcell Marsh Hicks At'.t-',ta~lJ1A "jj'


October 22, 1969

Roy Ash C-eorge Baker Fred Kappel Richard Paget vlalter Thayer Peter Flanigan John D. Ebrlichman Murray Camarow Andrew Rouse


Meeting with Bible Week delegation) October 22, 1969.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Clement Stone Dr. Leyton Holmgren Rev. Louis Hartman Mr. K. S. Giniger Miss Clara Cox

( (See Travel Record for Trave! Activity) PLACE DAY BiGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) OCTOBER 23, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. 8:31 am THURSDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY

8:31\ 8:31 The President met with: Art Linkletter, TV Star John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel

8:40 8:41 The President met with: Michael Sonnenreich, Deputy Chief Counsel - Justice Dept John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel

8 :41 8 :43 The President met v,ith: John E. Ingersoll, Director, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel

8:43 10:34 The President attended a Bi-Partisan Leadership meeting in the Cabinet Room. For a lis t of attendees, see APPENDIX

10:34 10:36 The President returned to his office and met with Art Link1ette r.

The President met with:

I 10:44 11 :17 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant for NSA 10:55 11 :17 Mohammad Reza Shah Pah1avi, Shah of Iran 10:55 10:56 Emil Mosbacher, Chief of Protocol 11:09 11 :17 . William P. Rogers, Secretary of State

11 :17 11 :29 The President, Secretary of State William P. Rogers and Assistant fo r NSA Henry A. Kis singer accompanied the Shah to his car.

11:29 The President returned to his office.

11:32 11 :51 The President met with members of the Atlantic Treaty Association in the Cabinet room. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B".

11:48 The President returned to his office where he met with: 12:10 William P. Rogers, Secretary of State

12 :11 12 :12 The President met with Deputy Counsel Harry S. Dent.

12:12 12:13 The President met with Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler.

u.s. GOV"R~:.tENT PAINTING OffiCE, 1~332-069 (See Travel Record for Travel Activity)


OCTOBER 23, 19~6-,-'9__1 T!ME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON D. C. 12:13 pm THURSDAY PHONE T!ME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY Out Lo LD The President met ""ith: 12 :13 12.:56 Mrs. Elly Peterson, Assistant Chairman of RNC 12 :13 12 :56 Rogers C. B. Morton, Chairman of RNC 12 :13 12 :56 Jim Allison, Deputy Chairman 12 :13 12 :59 Harry S. Dent, Deputy Counsel 12 :40 12 :56 Jeremiah Milbank

1 :03 1 :1 7 The P resident met with: John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel H. R. Haldeman, Assistant

2. :54 2. :55 The President met with his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegle r.

During the Congressional Half Hour, the President met with 2:55 3:08 The First Lady 3:00 3 :08 Frank Weinrauch, Mayor of Elko, Nevada Frank Weinrauch, Jr. , his son Mrs. Sandra Saar, his daughter

3:10 3 :12 Jackson Betts, Congressman William E. Timmons, Deputy Assistant

3 :13 3 :16 Charles Jones, Congressman Harry L. Dalton, industrialist, Charlotte, N. C. William E. Timmons, Deputy Assistant

3 :17 3 :18 p The President talked with Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird.

3 :16 3:32 The President met with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger.

The President met with: 3 :32 4:25 Walter J. Hickel, Secretary of the Interior 3 :32 4:25 John C. Whitaker, Secretary to the Cabinet 3:32 5:15 Bryce N. Harlow, Assistant 3:32 5 :20 John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel 4:30 5:14 Ronald L. Ziegle r

5 :22 6:17 The President met with: Arthur F. Burns, Counsello r John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel

Pa~e U.S. GOVER~MENl PRINTING OffiCE: 1~332-068 _;;I, of ;1_ Page(s). THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAilY DIARY (See Ttlv<1 Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo.. Day. Yr.) OCTOBER 23. 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. 5:23 pm THURSDAY PHONE TrME P=Pbced R=Rereived ACTIVITY In Out Lo to

5 :23 5 :24 P The President talked \Vith his daughter, Patricia Nixon.

5:25 p The President telephoned Congressman F. Edward Hebert. The call \Vas not completed.

5:32 5 :33 P The President talked with Congressman F. Edward Hebert.

6:17 The President went to the Residence.

6:22 P The President telephoned Secretary of HEW Robert H. Finch. The call was not completed.

6:24 6:27 P The President talked with his Assistant for Urban Affairs, Daniel P. Moynihan.

6:27 6:30 P The President talked with Secretary of HEW Robert H. Finch.

6:40 The President had dinner with: The First Lady Patricia Nixon

7:50 The President went to his office.

8:31 8:42 P The President talked with his Assistant for NSA. Henry A. Kissinger.

10:07 P The President telephoned his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger. The call was not completed.

10:13 10 :22 P The President talked long distance with Hobart Lewis in Bedford Hills. New York.

10:38 10:50 P The President talked with Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger.

10:50 The President went to the Residence. \ \ '. APPENDIX "B" -October 23, 1969 "


Ambassador W. Randolpi-, :'ur.ges s (United States), Vice Chairman of the Atlantic Treaty Association, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Atlantic Council of the United States, and former U. S. Peramanet Representative to NATO.

Halvard Lange (Norway), former Norwegian Foreign Minister

Pierre Mahias (France), Secretary General of the Atlantic Treaty Association

Sir Frank Roberts (United Kingdom), President of the Atlantic Treaty Association, former Ambassador to Moscow and Bonn

Julian Critchley (United Kingdom), President of the Atlantic Association of Young Political Leader s

Ambassador Sergio Fenoaltea (Italy), former Permanent Representative to NATO and former Ambassador to the United States

( Dr. Martin Blank (Federal Republic of Germany), Vice Chairman of the Atlantic Treaty Association

Dr. Mario Felice (Malta) APPENDIX "A" October 23, 1969 Bi-Partisan Leadership Meeting

( Legislative Branch


Michael Mansfield Thomas J. Dodd Robert Griffin Ralph Yarborough -Ja~~.-~~gaRe. Harold E. Hughes Roman L. Hruska -Hligli-seo.t4: -­ Jacob K. J avits


John W. McCormack Wilbur Mills Carl Albert JeMt.-W.., -B-y~~ HarleyO. Staggers William H. Ayres William L. Springer Ca-a--i -:9,. -Pe;F:kffis.­ John Jarman Gerald Ford Ancher Nelsen Emanuel Celler Richard H. Poff

Executive Branch ( John N. Mitchell, Attorney General John E. Ingersoll, Dir, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Michael R. Sonnenreich, Dep Chief Counsel, Justice Dept Robert H. Finch, Sec of HEW

White House

John D. Ehrlichman William E. Timmons D. Patrick Moynihan Lamar Alexander Charles B. Wilkinson Leonard Garment Bryce N. Harlow Ronald L. Ziegler Kenneth E. BeLieu John Campbell Egil Krogh Jeb McGruder


Art Linkletter IH...-.JIU..... ' 'U""MnU "'/\U" 03 VnlJ..1 VIM'\I (See Travel Record (or Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) _Octobe r 24, 1969 THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. TIME DAY CAMP DAVID 8: 30 am Friday PHONE TIME P=P!aced R=Received ACTIVITY La LD 8: 30 The President went to the Red Room for coffee.

8:35 The President went to the family dining room for breakfast with: John W. McCormack, Congressman Carl Albert, Congressman Bryce N. Harlow, Asst

9:48 The President went to his office.

9:48 9:51 The President met with his As st, Ronald L. Ziegler.

9:50 10:01 The President met with his As st, Henry A. Kissinger.

10: 01 11: 08 The President, accompanied by his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger, went to the Cabinet Room for a meeting with Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "AI!.

11:09 11:15 The President met with: Hiram L. Fang, Senator Lynn Nofziger, Asst

11:16 11:22 The President met with: Harry S. Dent, Dep Counsel John C. Danforth, Atty Cen of Missouri

11:23 11:40 The President and his Dep Counsel, Harry S. Dent met with the following American Medical Political Action Committee leaders: Dr. Blair J. Henningsgaard, Chairman, Research Committee Dr. James H. Sammons, Chairman of the Board Dr. Joe D. Miller, Director, Public Affairs Division

11:41 12:06 The President met with: Peter Flanigan, Asst , Chairman, Corporation for Public Broadcasting Al Cole, Director, Corporation for Public Broadcasting

u.s. CO'iffiNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1~332-06B Page _-,_ 01 3_ Page(,). (See Travel Record for Travel Activity)

PLACE DAY BEGAt"i DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. October 24, 1969 TIME DAY CAMP DAVID 12:08 pm Friday PHONE TIME P=Pl1ced R=Received --.---,------+- --,-----1 ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD

12:08 12:55 The President met with his Asst, Daniel P. Moynihan.

The President met with: 12: 09 12:41 Peter Flanigan, Asst 12: 09 12:55 John Price, Report Urban Affairs Council 12: 09 12:41 Lynn Townsend, Chairman, Chrysler Corporation 12: 09 12:41 Donald Kendall, Chairman, National Alliance of Busines smen

12:55 12:56 The President met with his Personal Physician Walter R. Tkach.

12:57 2:15 The President met with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

12:59 1:05 The President talked with Secy of State William P. Rogers.

2:04 The President telephoned the First Lady. The call was not completed.

.2:51 4: 08 The President met with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

3: 15 3: 35 The President met with his Personal Secy, Rose Mary Woods.

3: 50 4:08 The President met with his Press Secy, Ronald L. Ziegler.

3: 59 4:01 P The President talked with Secy of State William P. Rogers.

The President met with: 4:08 4:20 Arlene Dahl and her husband 4:08 4:32 Henry A. Kissinger, Asst

4:24 4:26 P The President talked with the First Lady.

4: 33 4:35 The President met with his Press Secy, Ronald L. Ziegler.

4:37 5: 30 The President met with his Press Secy, Ronald L. Ziegler.

4:50 5: 10 The President met with his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman.

4:57 4:59 P The President talked with Senator George D. Aiken.

Pa~e u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTI.NG OFFICE, 1969-0-332-066 _;?,. of 3_ Page(s). · •• __ .. __••• •• .... t,••t,_ "''''''t,V _6'...... t, .... t (See Tt,vel Recotd for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGA.."1 DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. October 24, 1969 TIME DAY '~---I CAMP DAVID 5: 1Op_m Friday PHO!'\E TIME P=Pbced R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD

5: 10 5:57 The President met with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

6:12 6:39 The President flew by helicopter from the South Grounds of the White House to Camp David. For a list of attendees I see ------_.APPENDIX II BlI 6:42 6:44 The Presidential party motored from Camp David to the Aspen Residence.

6:49 7:05 P The President talked long distance with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger at the White House.

7:09 P The President called his daughter, Julie Eisenhowe:r; long distance in North Hampton, Massachusetts. The call was not completed.

7: 11 7: 14 P The President talked long distance with his As st, H. R. Haldeman at the White House.

7:15 7: 18 P The President talked long distance with his Asst. Henry A. Kis singer at the White House.

7:48 7:50 p The President talked long distance with Henry A. Kissinger at the White House.

10:1510:17 The President went to the bowling alley.

The President watched the film, lIS cal p Hunters. It

11:20 11:23 The President went to his Residence.

us. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFl'lCE, 196r.--o-332-068 APPENDIX "A"

( Meeting with the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, October 24, 1969.

George W. Anderson A. Russell Ash William O. Baker Gerard P. Burke J. Patrick Coyne Gordon Gray Edwin H. Land Franklin B. Lincoln, Jr. Franklin D. Murphy Robert D. Murphy Frank Pace. Jr. Nelson A. Rockefeller Maxwell D. Taylor I.


( {,



President Nixon Dr. \{a1ter R. Tkach Maj. Halter Brennan Manolo Sanchez Carroll L. Hamilton Robert H. Taylor Dr. Hilliam Hudson Mr. Vermillion Mr. La Burge


(" (See Travel Record for Travel Activity)

PLACE DAY BEGAt'l DATE (Mo .• Day. Yr.) OCTOBER 25, _!--,-96---.:.9__ 1 TIME DAY CAMP DAVID, MAR YLAND 1l:50am SATURDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY [[\ Out Lo LD 11:50 12 :00 R The President talked long distance with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinge r, at the White House in Washington, D. C.

12 :06 12 :11 R The President talked long distance with his daughter Julie Eisenhower in Northhampton, Massachusetts.

12 :17 12 :22 P The President talked long distance with his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler at the White House in Washington, D. C.

12 :24 12 :37 P The President talked long distance with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman in Washington, D. C.

4:14 4:17 P The President talked long distance with his Personal Secretar) Rose Mary Woods in Washington, D. C.

4 :30 5:01 P The President talked long distance with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger at the White House in Washington, D. C.


5 :17 5:32 P The President talked long distance with David Eisenhower in Northhampton, Mas sachus etts.

5 :33 5:45 P The President talked long distance with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger, in Washington, D. C.

9 :22 10:12. The President left his Aspen Residence and went to the bowlin~ alley.

10 :12 10:14 The President left the bowling alley and returned to his Aspen Residence.

Page __ L of _1_ Page(s). HIE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAilY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY lIEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) OCTOBER 26. 1969 TIME DAY CAMP DAVrD, MD. 10:55 am SUNDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY

10:55 11 :08 p The President talked long distance with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger in Washington, D. C.

12:09 12 :10 p The President talked long distance with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger in Washington, D. C.

12 :46 1:02 R The President talked long distance 'With his Assistant for NSA. Henry A. Kissinger.

2:34 2:35 The President motored from his Aspen Residence to the Camp David helipad.

2:38 3 :07 The President flew by helicopte r from Camp David to the South Grounds of the White House. For a list of passengers. APPENDIX "A".

3 :09 The President went to the Residence.

4:18 4:45 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

4:34 R The President was called by his Personal Secretary, Rose Mary Woods. The call was not completed.

4:45 P The President telephoned his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman. The call was not completed.

4:45 4:46 R The President talked with his Personal Secretary. Rose Mary Woods.

4:50 R The President was called by his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegle r. The call was not completed.

5:02 5:42 P The President talked with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger. 5 :14 R The President was called by his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler. The call was not completed.

5 :43 5:57 R The President talked with his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler. 6:20 The President had dinner alone.

7 :33 7:52 R The President talked long distance with GOP gubernatorial candidate Linwood Holton in Virginia.

U.S GOVERf'fMENT PRINTING OFFlCE:lqijq...... o-~-:t;;J-Of;.R I HI:: WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAilY DIARY (See TClvel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAV BEGA0I DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.} OCTOBER 26, 1969 TIME DAY CAMP DAVID, MD. 8:03 pm SUNDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ___ 0 __------i---r--l ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD

8:03 P The President telephoned long distance to Congressman William T. Cahill, GOP gubernatorial candidate, in New Jersey. The call was not completed.

8:07 8:12 P The President talked long distance with Congressman William T. Cahill in Sea Girt, New Jersey.

8:40 8:42 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

9 :56 10:01 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

.., .... APPENDIX IIA't



President Nixon Dr. William Lukash Maj. Walter Brennan B ruc e Whelihan Robert H. Taylor Edward P. Walsh Richard T. McCann Mr. La Burge


( rltt~IUl:.ru tUl;HAtW NIXUN'S UAILY UIAHY (See Travel Record (or Travel Activity) PLACE DAY bEG,\!" DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) THE WHITE HOUSE OCTOBER 27, 1969 WASHINGTON, D. C. TIME DAY 8:30 am MONDAY PHONE TIME P=Pbccd R=Received ACTIVITY ~----.----+--.--....--.j In Out Lo LD 8:30 The President had breakfast.

8 :43 The President went to his office.

9:17 9:45 The President met with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger.

9:42 9:42 P The President talked with his Assistant, Bryce N. Harlow.

9:50 10:04 The President met with his Assistant,Bryce N. Harlow.

10:04 10:06 The President met with his Personal Physician, Dr. Walter R. Tkach.

10 :10 10:45 The President met with: Dean Acheson, former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant for NSA

10:46 11:27 The President met with Attorney .General John N. Mitchell.

11:27 11 :40 The President met with: Captain James G. Stahlman, Publisher, Nashville Banner Harry S. Dent, Deputy Counsel

11:40 11 :53 The President met with: Edwardo Roca, Ambassador of Argentina Peter Vaky, NSC staff member Emil Mosbacher, Chief of Protocol

11 :53 11:55 P The President talked with his daughter, Patricia Nixon.

The President met with: 112 :12 12 :32 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant for NSA 12.:12 1:32 Bryce N. Harlow, Assistant 12:12 1:32 John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel 12:12 1:46 H. R. Haldeman, Assistant

2:51 2:57 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

3:01 6:00 The President went to his E. O. B. office.

4:54 4 :55 P The President talked with his Special Assistant, Dwight Chapin. rl'(t.~IUtl'l1 ttl~HAKU NI'\UN'~ UAllY UIAIH (See Teavel Recoed for Teavel A,tiv(ty} PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) THE WHIT E HOUSE OCTOBER 27, 1969 TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 4:57pm MONDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LO

4:57 4:58 P The President talked with his Special Assistant, Dwight L. Chapin.

5 :17 5:21 P The President talked with his Special Assistant, Dwight L. Chapin.

5 :23 5 :24 P The President talked with his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler.

5 :24 R The President received a call from his Assistant, Bryce N. Harlow. The call was not completed.

5 :27 5:58 P The President talked \\'ith his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger.

6:00 6:45 The President went to the barber shop.

6:45 The President went to the second floor of the Residence.

6:58 P The President talked with his Personal Physician, Dr. Walter R. Tkach.

7 :15 The President had dinner with Patricia Nixon.

7:35 12:19' The President went to his E. O. B. office.

12 :19 The President returned to the Residence.

u.s. GOVEP.~ ""E~T PRINT!NG OFFlCE: \'969-0-332-008 Page _2 of _;5._ Pagel,) (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGA..'I DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) OCTOBER 28, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITEHOUSE - WASHINGTON. D. C. 8:05 am TUESDAY PHONE T[~{E P=PJaced R=Received ------­ -­ AcnVITY In Out Lo LD 8:05 The President had breakfast.

8 :25 The President went to his office.

8:26 8:28 The President met with his Assistant, Peter M. Flanigan.

8:35 10 :46 The President attended a Republican Congressional Leader­ ship meeting in the Cabinet room. For a lis t of attendees,


10 :46 The President returned to his office and met with: 10 :46 11 :06 Hugh Scott, Congressman 10 :46 11:06 Bryce N. Harlow, Assistant 10 :48 11 :06 Gerald R. Ford, Congres sman 10:48 11:06 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary

11:08 11:27 The President met with his As sistant, H. R. Haldeman.

11:28 11:29 P The President talked with his Daughter, Patricia Nixon.

11 :30 5:37 The President went to his E. O. B. office.

1:42 1:43 P The President talked with his Personal Secretary, Rose Mary Woods . . 4:43 4:44 P The President talked with his Personal Secretary, Rose Mary Woods.

4:58 5:26 P The President talked with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger.

5 :29 5 :31 P The President talked with his Assistant for NSA, Henry A. Kissinger.

5:32 5 :33 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

5:37 The President went to the Residence.

6:00 The President had dinner.

6 :11 6:13 P The President talked with his .counsel, John D. Ehrlichman.

6:13 6:19 p The President talked with his Assistant, Bryce N. Harlow.

~ U.S. GGV~R~MENl PRfNlING OFFICE: 1'm-0-332-Q68 Page _L_ of Page(s). I fHE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGA;-.< DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) OCTOBER 28, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITEHOUSE - WASHINGTON D. C. 6:46 pm TUESDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD

6:46 6:53 The President neVi by helicopter from the South Lawn of the White House to Andrews AFB. For a list of passengers,


Y.:fJ2 7:39 The Presidential party flew by AF-l to the Woodrum Airport in Roanoke, Virginia. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "C". The President was greeted at the airport by GOP gubernatorial candidate Linwood Holton and Mrs. Holton.

7:59 8:13 The Presidential party motored from the Woodrum Airport to the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center, Salem. Virginia.

8:13 9 :00 The President participated in the Virginia gubernatorial campaing for Linwood Holton at the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center, Salem, Virginia.

9:00 9 :22 The Presidential party motored from the Civic Center to the Woodrum Airport.

9 :32 10:05 The Presidential party flew by AF-I from the Woodrum Airport, Roanoke, Virginia, to Andrews AFB. For a list

of passengers, see APPENDIX II D".

10 :12 10:20 The Presidential party flew by helicopter from Andrews AFB to the South Grounds of the White House. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "E".

10:23 The President went to the second floor of the Residence.

u.s. (;(lVEaNl



Executive Honorable Richard Nixon, The President Honorable Spiro Agnew, The Vice President Honorable Robert P. Mayo, Director, Bureau of the Budget

Senate Honorable Hugh Scott, Minority Leader Honorable Robert P. Griffin, Minority Whip Honorable Margaret Chase Smith, Chairman, Conference Coromittee Honorable Milton Young, Secretary, Conference Committee Honorable Gordon Allott, Chairman, Policy Committee Honorable Norris Cotton, Ranking RepUblican, Commerce Committee

House Honorable Gerald R. Ford, Minority Leader Honorable Leslie C. Arends, Minority Whip Honorable John B. Anderson, Chairman, Conference Committee Honorable Williili~ C. Cramer, Vice Chairman, Conference Co~~ittee Honorable Richard H. Poff, Secretary, Conference Committee ( Honorable John J. Rhodes, Chairman, Policy Committee Honorable Bob Wilson, Chairman, Congressional Campaign Co~~ittee Honorable Robert Taft, Jr., Chairman, Committee on Research Honorable Frank T. Bow, Ranking Republican, Appropriations Committee Honorable ~illiam L. Springer, Ranking RepUblican, Interstate and Foreign Comrnerce Committee Honorable Florence P. Dwyer, Ranking Republican, Government Operations Co~mittee .

RepUblican National Co~mittee Honorable Rogers C. B. Morton, Chairman

Staff Bryce N. Harlm·J Lamar Alexander Virginia Knauer William E. Timmons Harry Dent Ron ziegler Kenneth E. BeLieu Pat Buchanan Lyn Nofziger John Ehrlic'b.man Herb Klein ( HELICOPTER PASSENGER MANIFEST - OCTOBER 28) 1969

FRO!:1: Wnite House TO: AndrevTs APB

President Nixon H. R. Haldeman Harry S. Dent Alexander P. Butterfield Patrick J. Buchanan Dvlight L. Chapin Ronald Ziegler Stephen Bull LTCOL Vernon C. Coffey William. Lu.~ash William. L. Duncan Carroll L. Hamilton

I (

( .... -... .

•," I

( AIR FORCE· ONE MSN: 1908 - VC137C ­ 26000 ANDREWS AFB, WASH DC TO ROANOKE, VA 28 Oct 1969 - Depart 7:02pm Arrive 7:39pm 0+37 215SM

1. The President 2. Congressman Richard H. Poff 3. Congressman William L. Scott 4. Co~gress~an William C. Wampler 5 . Congressman William C. Whitehurst 6. Mr.H.R. Haldeman 7 • Mr. Dwight Chapin 8 . Mr. Ron Ziegler 9 • Mr. Alexander Butterfield 10. Dr. William Lukash 11. LTC Vernon C. Coffey, Jr. 12. Mr. Steve Bul~ 13. Mr. Pat Buchanan 14. Mr. Jack Caufield 15. Mr. Harry Dent 16. Mr. Harry Flemming 17. Agent William Duncan ( 18. Agent David Grant 19. Agent C. Hamilton 20. Agent W. Hudson 2l. Agent D. Welch 22. Agent T. Vermillion 23. Agent P. Wolfe 24. Agent J. Christian 25. Ag"en t A. Hut ch 26. TSgt Louis Dextraze 27. Mr. Jack Cliff 28. Frank Cormier CAP) 29. Helen Thomas (UPI) 30. B. Thei s (Hears t) 31. Jack Sutherland CUSN&WP) 32. Frank Boyd (Mutual) 33. R. Daugherty (AP Photo) 34. R. Mims (UPI Photo) 35. Ollie Atkins CWH Photo) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

( ( AIR FORCE ONE MSN: 1908 ~ VC137 - 26000 ROANOKE, VA TO ANDREWS AFB, WASH DC 28 Oct 1969 - Depart 9:31pm Arrive 10:04pm 0+33 21SSM

1. The President 2• Congressman Richard H. Poff 3. Co~gressman William L. Scott 4. Congressman William C. Wampler 5. Congressman William C. Whitehurst 6. Mr. H.R. Haldeman 7 • Mr. Dw~ght Chapin 8. Mr. Ron Ziegler 9. Mr. Alexander Butterfield 10. Dr. William Lukash II. LTC Vernon C. Coffey, Jr. 12. Mr. Steve Bull 13. Mr. Pat Buchanan 14. Mr. Jack Caufield 15. Mr. Harry Dent 16. Mr. Harry Flemmi~g 17. Mr. Boyd Gibbons ( 18. Mr. Sam Culbertson 19. Mr. Ed Murphy 20 . Agent William Duncan 2l. . Agent David Grant 22. Agent 0. Hamilton 23. Agent Hudson 24. Agent D. Welch 25. Agent T. Vermillion 26. Agent P. Wolfe 27. Agent J. Christian 28. Agent A. Hutch 29. TSgt Louis Dextraze 30. Mr. Jack Cli-ff 3l. Frank Cormier (AP) 32. Helen Thomas (UPI) 33. B. Theis (Hears t) 34. J. Sutherland (USN&WP) 35. Frank Boyd (Mutual) 36. R. Daugherty (AP Photo) 37. R. Mims (UP~ Photo) 38. Ollie Atkins (WH Photo)




President Nixon Harry S. Dent Alexander P. Butterfield Patrick J. Buchanan Dwigh~ L. Chapin Ronald Ziegler Stephen Bull LTCOL Vernon C. Coffey Hilliam Lu.~ash William L. Duncan Carroll L. Hamilton


( (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAy BEGA1\1 DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) October 29, 1969 TfME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE ~ WASHINGTON, D. C. 8:55 am Wednesdav PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY ------r-----+---.---~ In Out Lo LD 8:55 The President had breakfast.

9:07 The President went to his office.

The President met with: 9: 50 10: 12 George P. Shultz, Secy of Labor 9:50 9: 55 Henry C. Cashen, Dep Counsel 9:56 10: 12 George Meany, Pres, AFL-CIO

10: 12 12: 11 The President met with members of the AFL-CIO Executive Council in the Cabinet Room. He was accompanied by: Geor ge P. Shultz, Secy of Labor George Meany, Pres, AFL-CIO

For a list of other attendees, see APPENDIX 11 C". 12 12:06 12:11 The President and the members of the AFL-CIO Executive Council remained in the Cabinet Room for the Signing Ceremony of E. O. 10988. For a list of other attendees, see APPENDIX itA".

12: 13 The President returned to his office.

12: 14 12:17 The President met with Secy of Labor, George P. Shultz. . 12: 16 12: 39 The President met with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

12: 36 1: 15 The President met with his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman.

1: 14 1: 16 P The President talked with his Personal Physician, Walter R. Tkach.

2:45 3:20 The President met with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

3: 25 3: 30 The President met with his Personal Secy, Rose Mary Woods.

3:40 4:05 The President met wi th his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

4:35 The President went to the Residence.

I .;z U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING omcr, 1~332-068 Pa.ge of Page(s). I Ht: WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Ye.) October 29, 1969 TIME DAY 5:12 pm Wednesday PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ---~------r-----t--r---I ACTIVITY In Out J.o LD

5:12 6:05 The President went to the Library and met with Atty Gen John N. Mitchell and a group of senators. For a list of attendees, see ------_.APPENDIX "Blt

6:07 6: 13 The President flew by helicopter from the South Grounds of the White House to Andrews AFB. For a list of passengers. see APPENDIX IIDll.

6: 23 7:03 The President flew by AF-I from Andrews AFB to Newark, New Jersey. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX II E" •

7: 10 7:23 The President flew by helicopter from Newark, New Jersey to Morristown, New Jersey. For a list of passengers, II see APPENDIX IID •

7: 35 7:48 The Pres-idential party motored from the Morristown Airport to the Governor Morris Inn.

8:34 8:40 The Presidential party motored from the Governor Morris Inn to the Morristown Airport.

8:44 8:59 The Presidential party flew by helicopter from Morristown Airport. New Jersey to Hackensack Highschool. For a

list of passengers, see APPENDIX It D".

9:43 9:45 P The President talked with Mr. T. Danskin at the Seagirt Inn in Hackensack, New Jersey.

9:50 10:03 The Presidential party flew by helicopter from Hackensack Highschool to Newark, New Jersey. For a list of

passengers, see APPENDIX II Gil.

10:09 10:42 The Presidential party flew by AF I from Newark, New Jerse' Airport to Andrews AFB. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX llFlI.

10:52 11:02 The Presidential party flew by helicopter from Andrews AFB to the South. Grounds of the White House. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "Gl.


October 29, 1969

Gale McGee, Senator Hiram Fang, Senator Thaddeus Dulinski, Congressman Robert Corbett, Congressman Melvin R. Laird, Secretary of Defense George P. Shultz, Secretary of Labor Winton M. Blount, Postmaster General Robert P. Mayo, Director, Bureau of the BUdget Robert E. Hampton, Chairman, U. S. Civil Service Commission Roger T. Kelley, Assistant Secretary of Defense Willie J. Usery, Assistant Secretary of Labor Kenneth A. Housman, Assistant Postmaster General Roger W. Jones, Assistant Director, Bureau of the BUdget Wilfred V. Gill, Assistant to Chairman, Civil Service James Rademacher, Letter Carriers Union Francis S. Filbey, Postal Clerks Maywood Boggs, Metal Trades Department John Campbell James E. Johnson, Vice Chairman, Civil Service Carl Clew APPENDIX liB"

( GROUP Of' SENATORS - October 29, 1969

George D. Aiken Caleb Boggs Robert J. Dole Mark O. Hatfield Roman Hruska Len B. Jordan Charles MeC. Mathias Jack Miller Winston L. Prouty Hugh Scott Ralph Smith Ted Stevens

( APPE!mrX He tI

.AFL.-CIO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ( October 29, 1969 - 10:00 a. m.... CABll~ET ROOM

PARTICIPANTS ­ .. .i I I .. ' I AE/iCIO Executive Council ; ! ' \ . G~fge Meany President, AFL-CIO .k}£'e Kirkland . Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO .rameoC. Gilde~_,~ : Executive Assistant to the President, AFL,-CIO 1.)1(. Abel V "\\. President, United Steelworkers of America J~fph A. Beirne ". President, Communications Workers of America. P,£er A. Bommarito. President, United Rubbe~ Workers . J'J~h Curran . . President, National Maritime Union A. J. DeAndrade President, International Printing Pressmen's .. and Assistant's Union C. L. Dennis President, Brotherhood of Railway, Airline .' j and Steamship Clerks Karl F. Feller .~-? ' • '. . President, International. Union of United Brewery'I / Workers :! Peter J. Fosco . President, Laborers' Ip'-~~rnational Union . :

T.-h"omas W. Qleason President, International Longshoremen's II"

./ -., Association Max Greenberg President, Retail, Wholesale and Department '-'/ Store Union J~hn F. Griner President, American Federation of Government / . Employees ..; . A. F. Grospiron President, Oil, Chemica~ and Atomic Workers ,/ International Union I Matthew Guinan . President, Transport Workers Union of America ::PCl\lt~l'lCFH-. . ~-eaident,~Seafarers-Intenrational-Uniona­ Hutche6on~ .... President, United Brotherhood of Carpenters M;J. and Joiners Paul·Jennings President. International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers ..Y'os/ eph D. Keenan Secretary, International Brotherhood of ­ Electrical Workers Herman Kenin President. American Federation of Musicians John Lyons President, International Association of Bridge

~- . and Structural Iron Workers . Prederick O'Neal , President. Actors' Equity Association / W~am Pollock V;:.'·< President, Textile Workers Union of America Jacob Poto{sky President. Amalgamated ,Clothing Workers of America

. , President Emeritus, Brotherhood of Sleeping · ! Car Porters • i , i ' \ Peter T, 'Schoemann . i President, United Association of Plumbers · t .. ' Floyd' E, Smith President, International Association of ., ~ ••' • I : ... .I // Machinists , '.: I . I LLo'uis Stulberg President, International Ladies I Garment I 1 / Workers Union' / .. i. i .. James A. Sufftidge I - President Emeritus, Retail Glerks International' .: . / / Association .i· .David Sullivan , President, Service Employ.ees International Union ',!\ichard Walsh 'President, International Alliance of Theatrical . // . Stage Employees Hunter P. Wharton ' , President, International Union of Operating Engineers . "/ ' 'Jerry Wurf President, American Federation of Sta~e, County .and Municipal Employ.ees

Secretary of Labor Assistant to the Secretary for Labo~ Management Relations . , . . '. ... ": I. David Taylor Executive Assistant tothe Secretary oiLabor , t ~. . .:-.' . ~' ..:...... I ( " White House Staff" .. i Henry Cashen,-' " Deputy Counsel to the President I " I, .' .' , i

~; M'{?S,a ,u . "'\Q .'~__~.lY-~0·.I' i , r ,.;: ...... " ' ..•.. '. J

,.1 :.' , ,.:;. :. " ...... :.' '. ' ..' .,;" " I'. ( • . '.'!' .

-,' ,­ •.r­I ..... --I •

. ' ," .":', -:. ; ..' .. .. . :. I •• ", " " .., , ' '". '.:: .,~. . .' ~ .

• • • ". :.~~. :'. '. 1 ;~·t"i..~-' .~' ." . .1 , , . : .. . II I .'


FROM: White House TO: Andrews MB

President Nixon H. R. Haldeman Dwight L. Chapin Jack Caulfield Walter R. Tkach MAJ J olm V. Brennan Patrick J. Buchanan Stephen Bull Ronald Ziegler Mr. Horst Ronald Pontius vTilliam Hudson

FROM: Newark, New Jersey Airport TO: Morristo~vn2 New Jersey

President Nixon William T. Cahill Clifford P. Case <. Mrs. William. T. Cahill Peter Frelinghuysen H. R. Haldeman Florence P. Dwyer MAJ John V. Brennan Ronald Ziegler Stanley Bear

FROM: Morristo~l New Jersey TO: Hackensack High School, N. J.

President Nixon William. T. Cahill Clifford P. Case Mrs. vlilliam T. Cahill Willia."'ll Widnall John Hunt H. R. Haldeman MAJ Jolm V. Brennan Ronald Ziegler Stanley Bear '. ( PASSENGER MANIFEST AIR FORCE ONE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY MSN: 1909' - VC137C - 26000

ANDREWS AFB I WASH DC TO NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 29 Oct 1969 ­ Depart 6:23pm Arrive 7:03pm 0+40 19S5M

l. The President 2, Mr. Ronald L. Ziegler 3. Major Jack Brennan 4. Mr. Patrick Buchanan S. Mr. Jack Caulfield 6. Mr. Steve Bull 7 • Mr. H.R. Haldeman 8. Mr. Dwight L. Chapin 9. Mr. Peter Flanagian 10. Senator Clifford P. Case II. Congressman Peter H.B. Freli~ghuysen 12. Congressman William B. Widnall 13. Congressman John E. Hunt 14. Congressman Charles W. Sandman, Jr. IS. Congresswoman Flore~ce P. Dwyer 16. Mr. Harry Dent 17. Mr. Bill Timmons 18. Dr. Stanley Bear 19. Mr. Bill Cahill 20 . Regina Cahill 2I. .r-Iary Cahill 22. Chief Bill Cuff 23. Mr. Jack Cliff 24. Mr. Robert H. Taylor 25. Mr. Ronald M. Pontius 26. Mr. William E. Hudson 27. Mr. G. LaBarge 28. ~lr. T. Wolfe 29. Mr. J. Christian 30. Mr. T. Vermillion 31. Mr. R. Newbrand 32. Mr. Oliver T. Atkins 33. Frank Cormier 34. Helen Thomas 35. B. Daugherty ·36. R. ~lims 37. T. Jerriel 38. C.J. Cook 39. G. Terhorst 40. ~1. Rich a r dson


1. The President 2. Mr. Ronald 1. Zi~gler 3. Major Jack Brennan - ---4 .--Mr.-PatrickBuchanan 5. Mr. Jack Caulfield 6. Mr. Steve Bull 7. Mr. H.R. Haldeman 8. Mr. Dwight L. Chapin 9. Mr. Peter Flanagian 10. Senator Clifford P. Case 11. Congressman Peter H.B. Frelinghuysen 12. Co~gressman William B. Widnall 13. Congressman John E. Hunt 14. Congressman Charles W. Sandman, Jr. 15. Congresswoman Florence P. Dwyer 16. .Mr. Harry Dent i 17. Mr. Bill Timmons 18. Dr. Stanley Bear " 19. Mr. Bill Cahill 20. Regina Cahill 21. Chief Bill Cuff 22. Mr. Jack Cliff 23. Mr. Robert H. Taylor 24. M~. Ronald M. Pontius 25. Mr. William E. Hudson 26. Mr. G. LaBarge 27. Mr. T. Wolfe 28. Mr. J. Christian ·29. Mr. T. Vermillion 30. Mr. R. Newbrand 31. Mr. Oliver T. Atkins 32. Frank Cormier ~ 33. Helen Thomas 34. B. Daugherty 35. R. Mims 36. T. Jerriel 37. C.J. Cook 38. G. Terhorst ( 39. M. Richardson \,



FROH: Hackensack High School, New Jersey TO: Newark Airport, N. J.

President Nixon William T. Cahill ~trs. William T. Cahill Clifford P. Case Charles W. Sandman Peter Frelinghuysen H. R. Haldeman r.1AJ John V. Brennan Ronald Ziegler Stanley Bear

FROH: . Andrews AFB TO: White House

President Nixon ( H. R. Haldeman Jack Caulfield MAJ John V. Brennan Ronald Ziegler Stanley Bear Stephen Bull Dwight L. Chapin Harry S. Dent Robert H. Taylor "lillia-rn Hudson

( (See Travel Record for Travel Adivity)


9:32 The President went to his office.

9 :50 P The President telephoned Attorney General John N. Mitchell. The call was not completed.

9:52 9:56 P The President talked with Attorney General John N. Mitchell.

The President met with: 9 :54 10:20 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant for NSA 9 :55 10:10 H. R. Haldeman, Assistant

9 :57 P The President telephoned Secretary of HEW Robert H. Finch. The call was not completed.

10 :20 10 :51 The President attended a reception in the State Dining room for the Heritage Groups Division of the Republic National Committee. For a list of invitees, see APPENDIX "A".

10:51 The President returned to his office.

10 :52 11:11 The President met with: J. Hugo Aronson, former Governor of Montana Darrell Coover, former Executive Director to Gove rno r Aronson Sven Johanson, nephew of Governor Aronson

11:11 11 :12 The President met with his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler.

11 :15 11 :22 The President met with: Florence Dwyer, Congresswoman Virginia Knauer, Special Adviser to the President for Consumer Affairs Peter M. Flanigan, Assistant 11:22 11 :23 Members of the Press

11 :23 11:25 The President met with H. R. Haldeman.

11:25 11:37 The P resident met with: Ralph Smith, Senator Bryce N. Harlow, Assistant I 1\"''''11,1''''1. '\I\.II.n'\1J 1111'V'1 tJ LlnlLI LI.nn 1 (See Travel Record for Travel Activity)

PLACE DAY BEGA'" DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) OCTOBER 30, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITEHOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. 11:37 pm THURSDAY PHONE TI~fE P=Placed R=Rcceived ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 11: The President met with: 11:37 1:14 William P. Rage rs, Sec retary of State 11:37 1:14 Melvin R. Laird, Secretary of Defense 11:37 2:00 John N. Mitchell, Attorney General 11:37 1:14 "It> Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant 1:26 2:00,1

_, i 2:04 P The President called his Personal Physician, Walter R. Tkacr. i f The call was not completed.

2:07 2:08 P The President talked with his Personal Physician. Walter R. Tkach.

3:05 3 :50 The President met with his As sistant. H. R. Haldeman.

4:00 The President went to his E. O. B. office.

4:02 4 :15 P The President talked with his Assistant for NSA. Henry A. Kissinger.

4 :38 4:45 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman.

4:52 4:57 P The President talked with Senator Robert P. Griffin.

5 :33 5 :34 P The President talked with his Personal Secretary. Rose Mary Woods.

6 :33 The President went to the second floor of the Residence.

6:55 The President had dinne l' with: The First Lady Patricia Nixon David a,-nd Julie Eisenhower

8:05 The President went to his E. O. B. office.

8:07 8:07 P The President talked with his Personal Secretary. Rose Mary Woods.

10 :03 10:20 P The President talked with his Counsel. John D. Ehrlichman.

10:22 11:03 P The President talked with his Assistant, Bryce N. Harlow. 12:35 The President :!"eturned to the second floor of the Residence.

U.S. GOVER~MENT PRINTING ornCE, 196!>-O-332--068 Page ii?: of ;s._ Page(s). AIf

-_._----­~ I


Miss Vera A. Dowhan

Miss Dora Merkle

Miss virginia T. Ruddy

Mr. Laszlo C. Pasztor

Miss Laura-Anne Genero

Mr. Jack Burg~ss

. \ ( ROSTER

Mr. Vytautis Abraitis Mr. Ibrahim Dzinich 8 Tulip Drive, Apt. 3T 3700 39th Street, N.W. Fords, New Jersey 08863 Washington, D.C. 20016 Lithuanian Croatian

Mr. Bob Angers, Jr. Mr. Charles Eames P.O. Boy. 52247 New York Republican State Committee Lafayette, Louisiana 70501 315 State Street Albany, New York Mr. Mike Bcmko 112 State Street Mr. James Fusscus Harrisburg, Pennsylvania New York State Athletic Carom. Polish 226 West 47th Street New York, New York Bishop Zoltan Beky Greek 5221 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20016 Mr. Miro Gal Hungarian 68-32 Groton Street Forest Hills, Long Island, New York 11375 Mr. William D. Belroy Croatian 105 West Madison Street Chicago, Illinois 60602 Mr. Istvan B. Gereben ( Greek 4101 Blackpool Road Rockville, Maryland 20853 Mrs. Claire Lee Chennault Hungarian 1511 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 Mr. Thomas M. Gioia Asian 50 Crestwood Executive Center Mr. Roger Clark Suppington, Missouri 1730·K Street, N.W. Italian Washington, D.C. 20006' Mr. Phil Guarino Dr. Raul E.L. Comesanas 7303 Georgia Avenue, N.W. 622 Livingston Street Washington, D.C. 20012 Elizabeth, New Jersey 07206 Italian Cuban Mr. Ilmar Heinaru Hr. Dumitru Danielopol 2117 E Street, N.W., Apt. 512 Suite 1200 Washington, D.C. 1629 K Street, N.W. Estonian Washington, D.C. 20006 Rumanian Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fong Sui Hong 186-26 Avon Road Mr. and Mrs. Sargon D. David Jamaica, New York 11432 5626 N. Wayne Avenue Chinese Chicago, Illinois 60626

'\ Assyrian Mr. Peter Jameson 825 Penobscot Building Mr. Leonidas T. Delyannis Detroit, Michigan 48226 2350 N. Taylor Street Greek Arlington, Virginia 22207 GreQk Mr. John L. Jevitz 810 Oakland Avenue Dr. Lev E. Oobriansky Joliet, Illinois 60435 4520 Kling Drive Slovene Alexandria, Virginia 22312 Cantive Nations Mrs. Arthur W. Jicha 141 Patricia Lane Dr. Ivan Docheff, National Chairman Palatine, Illinois 60067 American Friends of the ABN Czech P.O •. Box 1204 New York, New York 10017 Mr. Paul Kachilu5 Bulgarian c/o roir. Mike Banko 112 State Street Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Greek r.lr. J(lIrtKcydcl *Nr. Aloysius A. r.Ti\zewski, Prc-sidcnt Polish Amcrican Conurcs5, Inc. ( IJ26 East Woodbridge Strect D~troit, Michigan 48207 1200 North Ashland Avenue Gcrm;l.n Chicago, Illinois 60622 Polish Dr. K~lin Koicheff 5900 Arlington Avenue Mr. Vincent Mercurio Riverdale, New York 10471 820 E. Madison Street Bulgarian Milwaukee, Wisconsin

~!r. ~.:ati Koiva Mr. Carl Millen Rt. 66 10356 West Warren Columbia, Connecticut 06237 Dearborn, Michigan 48126 Estonian Mr.' John Modderno Mr. Walter Kollacks, President Gambrills German American National Congress Maryland 4740 N. Western Avenue Italian Chicago, Illinois 60625 German Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Molina 818 W. 45th Place r.lr. Alfred Korn Hialeah, Florida 1025 Gerard Avenue Bronx, New York 10452 Mr. Br9nius Nainys 6804 S. Maplewood Avenue l-lr. voldcoars Korsts Chicago, Illinois 60629 2932 W. Eastwood Avenue Lithuanian ( Chicago, Illinois 60625 Latvian Mr. Nicholas Nazarenko P.O. Box 323 Mr. Raymond Kudukis Blauvelt, New York 10913 380 Balmoral Drive Cossack Richmond Heights, Ohio 44143 Mr. Anthony W. Novasitis, Jr. Mr. Myron B. Kuropas 1004 Robinson Building 1752 N. Normandy 15th and Chestnut Streets Chicago, Illinois Philadclphia, Pennsylvania 19102 Ukrainian Lithuanian

Mr. and Nrs. Richard Lallmang Dr. Joseph Pauco 4700 Surry Place 313 Ridge Avenue Alexandria! Virginia Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 American Indian Slovak

Mr. Sal Lauricella Dr. Fernando Penabaz 1040 West Fort Street P.O. Box 591 Detroit, Michigan 48226 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Italian Cuban

Mr. Walter Leska Dr. NiCholas M. Petruzzelli c/o Mr. Mike Banko 11522 ~1aple View Drive 112 State Street Silver Spring, Maryland 20902 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Polish Mr. Ilmar Pleer 7 Ethel Place Nr. Nyron Leskiw Metuchen, New Jersey 08840 728 Ridge Street Estonian Newark, New Jersey Ukrainian Mr. Albert Polgar 150 White Street Mr. John K. Lopez Belmont, Massachusetts Republican State Cnntral'" COrollil. °·f Ca:1.. 1°f Hungarian p.O. -Box 640 Cupertino, California 95014 Mr. Kaljo Popp Spanish American 226 S. Oldham Street Baltimore, Maryland Mr. Louis p. Maniatis Estonian 6841 Wilson Lane Bethesda, Maryland 20034 Mr. Peter Pucilo GrcC'k 81-83 Grand Street Jerscy City, New Jersey 0730J Ukrainian ., Hf~RlTj\G~ Crn!?S C(J\T;-:P;·::'~Cr::. ()CTnGrR 2Q-31, 1969, R0STr~R Pl\Gr:: TlIREr:

( Mr. Miguel Recarcy Mr. Edward M. Yturri c/o V~riety Children's Hospital Six Hundred Building Miami, Florida Corpus Christi, Texas 78403

Mrs. Bette Richardson Mr. Jos~ph S. Zukowski r-rassachusetts Republican State Committee 5378 N. Lynch Avenue 73 Tremont Street Chicago, ~llinois 60630 Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Polish English Mrs. Nola Allen Mr. Karol Sitko 321 Illinois Building 133 Adams Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Scranton, Pennsylvania 18503 German Mr. George Georgevich 824 r-tadison Mr. Steve Skubik Gary Indiana 46402 7500 Acadia Road Alexandria, Virginia Mr. Frank Mitan 1237 121st Street Dr. Ilgvars Spiln~rs Whiting, India na 940 Garden city Drive Monroeville, Pennsylvania Dr. Emilio Nunez Portuondo Latvian 320 Leucadrendra Drive Coral Gables, Florida 33156 Dr. Stanislau Stankevich 90-20 179th Street The Honorable Carlos Romero Barcelo Jamaica, N~w York City Hall Byelorussian San Juan, puerto, Rico

Mr. Nick Stepanovich Mr. Eriks Dunders 370~ Main Street Rt. 1, Box 796 East Chicago, Indiana Excelsior, Minnesota 55331 Serbian . Latvian

Mr. Edward F. Stodolink 616 Chickadee Lane Stratford, Connecticut

Dr. James H. Tashjian 212 Stuart· Street .. Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Armenian

Mr. Joseph C. Trubinsky 12657 Lorain Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44111 Slovak

Dr. John B. Tsu Seton Hall University South Orange, New Jersey 07b79 Chinese

Mr. Frank P. Tufaro 35 Maplewood Road Hartsdale, New York 10530 Italian

Mr. Emil Vale 1703 Union Central Building Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Mrs, Toshi Yamamoto • 253 South Gchart Avenue Los Angeles, California Japanese Rf~PlmLICI\N NI\T1()!~f\l, C\)':i·:ITTEr~ III~RITI\GE GROOPS mNFr~W~NCE, OCTOI1ER 2C)-::3l , P~>9 ( INVITSD GU~STS BUT UNABLE TO ATT~ND:

Mr. Charles Alawan 7016 Heather Heath Lane Birmingham, r·Yichigan 48010

Miss Barbara Curran Cahill for Governor Headquarters Military Park Hotel Newark, New Jersey

Mr. Walter Darmopray 1738 Philadelphia National Bank Building Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Ukrainian

Mr. M.H. Jacaban Bataan News 2741 Fruitridge Road Sacramento, California 95820 Filipino

Mr. Arne Kalm 2800 Neilson Way Santa Monica, California 90405 Estonian

The Honorable William Laukaitis 684 Washington Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland 21230

Mr. Alexander Melnychenko 3324 Portland Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55407 Ukrainian

Mr. Vincent Murovich 103 Smithfield Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Croatian

Dr. Andras Pogany 201 Raymond Avenue South Orange, New Jersey 07079 Hungarian

Mr. Leonard Valiukas 535 South Catalina Street, #123 Los Angeles, California 90005 Lithuanian (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) IPLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) October 31, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. 9:18 am Friday

TI~IE ACTIVITY In Out 9:18 9:21 P The President talked with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

9:22 9 :23 P The President talked with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

9:25 The President went to his office in the EOB.

9:28 9:29 P The President talked with his Spec Asst, Dwight Chapin.

9:27 9:32 P The President talked with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

9:48 9:55 P The President talked with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

10:00 10:25 The President met with his Personal Secy, Rose Mary Woods.

10:56 10:57 P The President talked with his Personal Secy, Ros e Mary Woods.

10:55 11:20 The President met with his Personal Secy, Rose Mary Woods.

11 :07 11 :20 P The President talked with Congressman Gerald R. Ford.

11 :22 11:25 P The President talked with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger. . I 11 :28 11 :29 P The. President talked with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

11:30 P The President talked with Congressman Lesley C. Arends.

11 :51 12:10 R The President talked long distance with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger in New York.

12.:00 12:05 The President met with his Personal Secy, Rose Mary Woods.

The President met with: 12:10 2 :13 HenryA. Kissinger, Asst 1 :45 2 :13 Nelson Rockefeller, Governor

12:20 12 :21 P The President talked with his Personal Secy, Rose Mary Woods.

12:35 12:36 P The President talked with the secretary of his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFflCE: 1969-0-332-068 Pa~e __L of 3_ Page(s). Inc. Y'fl"lll C. nuu.,:,c. t'1ft.SIUENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAilY DIARY (See Travel Record for Tr.vel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., D.y. Yr.) October 31, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON D. C PHONE TIME P=PI.ced R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 12 :40 12 :41 P The President talked with Marjorie Acker.

12 :42 12 :43 P The President talked with Marjorie Acker.

1 :07 1:08 P The President talked with Marjorie Acker.

1 :42 1:43 P The President talked with the secretary of his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger.

2:30 2:31 P The President talked with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

2 :32 2:34 The President met with his Spec Asst, Dwight Chapin.

2 :35 The President, accompanied by his Spec Asst, Dwight Chapin went to his office in the West Wing.

2 :39 2 :51 The President went to the Cabinet Room to meet with -' Congressional Members. Fora list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A".

2 :51 The President went to the barbershop.

3 :00 R The President received a long distance telephone call from Governor Raymond P. Shafer in Harrisburg, . Pennsylvania. The call was not completed•

3:10 The President returned to his office in the EOB.

3 :18 3:25 The President met with his Personal Secy, Rose Mary Woods.

·4:58 '1;:59 P The President talked with his Personal Secy, Rose Mary Woods.

5 :01 5:10 The President met with his Personal Secy, Rose Mary Woods.

5 :40 The President went to the Residence.

6:16 6:17 P The President talked with his Personal Secy, Rose Mary Woods.

7:16 7 :21 P The President talked with Senator Russell Long.

u.s. GOV@N,..ENl PRIN11NG ornCl!, 1~332-«;8 F",e _J,. of 3-_ F'R:eh). r THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) r:.ACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., D.y. Yr.) October 31, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. 7 :26 pm Friday PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 7 :26 7:27 P The President talked with his Asst, H. R. Haldeman.

7:26 P The President telephoned long distance to Senator Harry Byrd in Virginia. The call was not completed.

7:51 7:56 The President motored from the White House to the Washington Hilton Hotel.

7:56 10:07 The President attended the Inter-American Press Association Dinner. For a list of the invitees at the head table, see APPENDIX "B".

10:07 10:13 The President motored from the Washington Hilton Hotel to the South Grounds of the White House.

10:26 11:18 The President flew by helicopter from the South Grounds of the White House to the Thurmont, Maryland Ball Field. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "C".

11:21 11:38 The President motored from the Thurmont Ball Field to his Residence (Aspen) in Camp David.

11 :43 P The President telephoned long distance to his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger in New York, New York. The call was not completed.

11:51 12:10 R The President talked long distance with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger in New York, New York. APPENDIX "BII

( Inter -American Pres s As sociation Dinner Head Table - Protocol Order

October 31, 1969

In order from left to right as you face audience:

Newly elected Treasurer, IAPA Newly elected Secretary, IAPA Newly elected 2nd Vice President's wife Dr. Alberto Gainza Paz, Honorary Board Chairman, IAPA Mrs. Charles Meyer The Secretary General of the Organization of American States Don Galo Plaza Senora de Holguin Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Mrs. Secretary of Commerce Stans Mrs. David Kennedy The Ambassador of Nicaragua Mrs. James Copley . Secretary of State Rogers ( Mr. Augustin Edwards ROSTRUM Mr. James Copley The Pre.sident Mrs. Augustin Edwards Senora de Sevilla-Sacasa Secretary of the Treasury Kennedy Mrs. Maurice Stans Secretary of Labor Shultz Mrs. Nel son Rockefeller The Chairman of The Organization of American States de Holguin Senora de Plaza Assistant Secretary of State and US Coordinator, Alliance For Progress Mrs. Katharine Graham Mr. Manoel F. do Nascimento Brito, Incorning First Vice President, IAPA Newly elected Secretary's wife Newly elected Treasurer's wife Newly elected 2nd Vice President APPENDIX "AI!


( OCTOBER 31, 1969 - 2:30 p.m. - ROOSEVELT ROOM


Senate itonorabi~~-3eott7-~i~~~~y-~eaQ~­ Honorable Mike Mansfield, Majority Leader Honorable J. W. Fulbright, Chairman, Foreign Relations Committee Honorable Geroge Aiken, Ranking Republican, Western Hemisphere Affairs Subcommittee of Foreign Relations Committee Honorable Frank Church, Chairman, Western Hemisphere Affairs Subcommittee of Foreign Relations Committee Honorable Thomas Dodd, Member, Western Hemisphere Affairs Subcommittee of Foreign Relations Committee

House Honorable Gerald R. Ford, Minority Leader Honorable John B. Anderson, Chairman, Conference Committee Honorable Hale Boggs, Majority Whip Honorable E. Ross Adair, Ranking RepUblican, Foreign Affairs Committee Honorable William S. Mailliard, Ranking RepUblican, Inter-American Affairs Subcommittee of Poreign Affairs Committee Honorable Edward R. Roybal, Member, Inter-American Affairs ( Subcommittee of Foreign Affairs Committee Hon~1~-bee-H~-~~~~eR7-Me~r-~ft~e£-~~~a-ABfai~£­ £-ubo-oraffi:i.1;"68 e - ~- -F-oa:-...e.i.gR - A ff-a-i"rS- <:-emmi 'tt.ee­ Hen~}e-Al:H'\afiam- ~ r -J£,., - MembeF r - ±R~EH::'.-..Am&:r;:.j,..QaR -Ai'.;fa-i.,r-s­ SY~~e~~k~-eB-Fe~~~~~~ai£s-~~~~9~­ Honorable James G. Fulton, Member, Inter-American Affairs Subcommittee of Foreign Affairs Committee Hefl~-ab-J:e.-.19R:R- ~... - -Cu-J..¥Qlr T -MelllOOl:'-,- -I.nt;fi.::'~.i.ca.n. .Affairs fl~:i.t.t;fi Q- €>f- -F-o-r-e-:i:

Department of State Honorable Charles A. Meyer, Assistant Secretary of State APPENDIX "C If


FROM: 'mite House TO: Camp David, Md.

President Nixon Rose Mary Woods Mar jorie Acker Stanley Bear LTCOL Vernon C. Coffey Ronald Pontius Mr. Zboril

