(See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) October I, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, D. C. 8: lOam Wednesdav PHO~E TIME P=placed R=Rece:ved ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 8: 10 The President had breakfast. 8: 13 R The President received a call from his Ass t, Henry A. Kissinger. The call was not completed. 8: 26 The President went to his office. 8: 29 8: 30 The President met with his Personal Secy, Rose Mary Woods. The President met with: 8:40 11: 35 H. R. Haldeman. Ass t 8:40 10:25 Henry A. Kissinger, Asst 8:40 11: 05 John R. Ehrlichman, Counsel 8:45 II: 02 Bryce N. Harlow, Asst The President met with: 10: 32 11: 3 0 ~ Henry A. Kissinger" Asst 11: 10 11:40 John R. Ehrlichman, Counsel 11: 10 11 :40 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secy 11:08 R The President received a long distance call from Hobart Lewis. The call was not completed. 11: 33 P The President telephoned his daughter, Patricia Nixon. The call was not completed. 11: 34 11:36 P The President telephoned his Asst, H. R. Haldeman. 11: 38 11:43 P The President telephoned Senator William B. Saxbe. 11:47 11:48 R The President received a call from his daughter, Patricia Nixon. 11:58 P The President telephoned Asst Secy of Labo1; Arthur A. Fletcher. The call was not completed. The President met with: 12:02 12: 25 H. R. Haldeman, Asst 12:02 12: 25 Herbert G. Klein, Dir of Communications 12: 08 12: 25 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secy ·u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING ornCE ,1l69-'"O-332-<l68 Page I of .3 Page(.). (See Tr>vel Record for Travel Activity) PLAn DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) October II 1969 I TIME DAY --'------', THE WHITE HOUSE ­ WASHINGTON, D. C. 12:28 pm Wednesday PHONE TIME P=Pbled R=Rcceived ACTIVITY Out Lo LD 12: 28 1: 16 The President met with his daughter, Patricia Nixon. 2: 00 p The President telephoned Asst Seey of Labor, Arthur Fletcher. The call was not completed. 2:16 2:40 The President met with his Counsell John D. Ehrlichll1an. 3: 00 3: 01 R The President received a long distance call from Asst Secy of Labor, Arthur Fletcher. 3: 02 3: 50 The President met with his Asst, H. R. Haldem.an. 3: 15 4:47 The President met with his Dep Counsel Clark R. Mollenhoff. 3:45 3:48 The President met with Press SecYI Ronald L. Ziegler. 4:05 4:34 The President met with: Henry A. Kissinger, Asst Stewart Alsop, Journalist 4:31 4:42 P The President telephoned long distance to Mr. Schwandner in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The call was not com.pleted. 4:37 4:3..9 P The President talked with Congressll1an Sall1uel S. Stratton. 4:47 4:52 R The President talked long distance with Martin S. Hayden, in Detroit, Michigan. 4: 54 4:55 P The President talked long distance with D. T. Bryan in Virginia. 5:00 5:25 The President met with: Bryce N. Harlow, Asst John R. Ehrlichmanl Counsel 5:32 6: 15 The President met with: Stuart Symingtonl Senator Bryce N. Harlow, Asst Henry A. Kissinger, Asst U.S_ GOVERNMENT PRINTING oma:, 1~O-332-oe8 Palte 02 of 3 Page(s). I THE WHITE HOUSE I PRESIDENT RICHARU NIXUN':) UAILY UIAIH I (See Travel Record for Travd Activity) ---------------~--------......;...---------------I \ PLACE DAY BEGAN DA TE (Mo., Day. Yr.) October I, 1969 ) TIME DAY !THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON, D. C. 6:21 pm Wednesday i PHO~E I TIME P=Pl.ced i~~~ R=Receivd ACTIVITY 1__In_-+__OU_t_-1-_L_0-l-_L_D-l- ~-------------__I I 6: 21 6: 24 P The President talked long distance with Jerry Blircken in Boston, Massachusetts. I 6:25 P The President telephoned his Asst, Bryce N. Harlow. The call was not completed. 6:25 P The President telephoned Bill Roberts. The call was not completed. 6:35 6:50 The President met with his Asst, Henry A. Kissinger. 6:52 6:55 The President met with his Asst, Bryce N. Harlow. 6:55 7: 12 The President, accompanied by his Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman, motored from the White House to the residence of Dir of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover. 7: 12 9:48 The President was a dinner guest of J. Edgar Hoover. Also present were: John N. Mitchell, Atty General John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel 9:48 10: 03 The President motored from the residence of J. Edgar Hoover to the White House. 10: 05 The President went to the Residence. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRl,_T1NG OFFJa:: 1~332-C68 Page _3.. of J.. Pagels). (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo.. Day. Yr.) October ~_l~L__ THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, D. C. -­ TIME DAY KEY BISCAYNE FLORIDA 8:20 am Thursday PHONE TIME P=P!aced R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 8:20 The President had breakfast. 8: 39 The President went to his office. The President met with: 8:55 10: 30 John N. Mitchell, Atty General 8: 55 10: 30 Bryce N. Harlow, Asst 8:55 10: 30 John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel 9: 00 10: 30 Kenneth E. BeLieu, Dep Asst 9:00 10: 30 Gordon Allott, Senator 9:00 10: 30 Marlow W. Cook, Senator 9:00 10: 30 Robert P. Griffin, Senator 9: 00 10: 30 Roman L. Hruska, Senator 9:00 10: 30 Hugh Scott, Senator 9:00 10: 30 Milton R. Young, Senator 10:45 11: 15 The President went to the Cabinet Room and met with members of the National Security Council. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX \tAil. 11: 15 The President went to the Blue Room to receive credentials from the following Ambassadors: Mario READ Vittani, Dominican Republic John Joseph Akar, Sierra Leone Julio SOSA Rodriguez, Venezuela Fidele Nkundabagenzi, Rwanda Jean Wagner, Luxembourg 12: 1 0 The President and the First Lady went to the Gold Room to view the gifts to be given to the Heads of State. They were accompanied by Amb Emil Mosbacher. 12: 30 The President returned to his office accompanied by his Asst H. R. Haldeman. 12:40 12:45 The President met with Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey M. Myers of Pomona, California. 12:40 12:46 The President met with Harold Lee. Page of Pagels). U.S. GOVER'W,NT PRINTING om~, '~o-332-068 _L _-z. 'Ht. WHIIt. HUU:>t. PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) October 2, 1969 THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, D. C.-­ TIME DAY KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA. 2: 10 pm Thursdav PHONE TIME P=PiJced R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 2:10 2:20 The President met with: John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel William F. Rehnquist, Asst Atty General 2:45 2: 59 The President met with Counsel, John D. Ehrlichman. 2: 51 3: 15 The President met with his Counsellor. Arthur F. Burns. 2: 59 3: 05 The President met with his Asst. Henry A. Kissinger. 3: 15 4:15 The President met with Senator John Williams. 4: 17 4:19 The President met with his Press Secy. Ronald L. Ziegler. 4:20 5: 20 The President met with his Asst. Bryce N. Harlow. 4:40 4:43 P The President talked long distance with Governor Richard Ogilvie in Chicago. Illinois. 5:04 5: 30 The President met with his Asst. Henry A. Kissinger. 4:59 5: 04 p The President talked with Senator John S. Cooper. 5:29 5:34 The President talked with Atty General. John N. Mithcell. 5:36 5: 51 The President flew by helicopter from the South Grounds of the White House to Andrews AFB. For a list of passengers. see APPENDIX IIB". 6:04 8: 1 0 The President flew by AF I from Andrews AFB to Hom.estead AFB. For a list of passengers. see APPENDIX "crt. 6:42 The President received a long distance call from Secy of of Labor George P. Shultz in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The call was not completed. At the airport the President was greeted by Dick Merrill. 75 year old Eastern Airline pilot. u.s. GOVERNIo4ENT PRINTING oma::: 1169-O-332-ll611 rnc.';)ILla:.I~ I nl\"nMnLl IlIJ\Vn,:) UMILf UIIUt f (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) October 2, 1969 THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, D. C. -­ TIME DAY KEY BlSeAYNE, FLORIDA 8:21 pm Thursday PHONE TIME P=Pbced R=Received ACTIVITY ---r-----~~- ..~---- In Out La LO 8: 21 8:33 The President flew by helicopter from Homestead AFB to Key Biscayne Heliport. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX ItB". 8: 38 The President motored to 500 Bay Lane. 9:27 9:32 P The President talked long distance with his daughter, Julie Eisenhower in Northampton, Massachusetts. 9:45 9: 58 R The President talked long distance with Rev Billy Graham. in Anaheim, California. 10: 00 The President and the First Lady saw the film, II The Guns of Navarone. II. Also present was C. G. Rebozo. u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING ornCE: \--.0-332-068 ( MEETING WITH SENIOR NSC STAFF MEMBERS October 2, 1969 Richard V. Allen Robert Behr C. Fred Bergsten Mrs. Jeanne Davis Alexander M. Haig John Holdridge William A. Lake Winston Lord Laurence E. Lynn David McManis Roger Morris Robert Osgood Hal Saunde rs Hal Sonnenfeldt Viron P. Vaky William Watts ( ( APPENDIX "BII HELICOPT ER PASSENGER MANIFEST - OCTOBER 2.
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