
Newsletter Friday 3rd May 2019


It is a joy to welcome you all back to the new term! Light mornings, long evenings, warm days and a busy calendar mean the Summer Term is a very special time at Feltonfleet. The school site is looking stunning due to the efforts of our outstanding estates team. The term has started happily, and your children have been bouncing both through the Pre-Prep doors and onto the school terrace, excitedly re-connecting with friends and teachers as well as getting to know some new faces. We welcome a number of children to Feltonfleet this term and I have been so impressed with the positive and enthusiastic attitude they have shown, as well as the warm welcome they have received from our community.

Our children of all ages returned keen, eager and focused in the classroom. The senior sporting fixtures programme got underway with the U13 girls securing the runners-up spot against strong competition in the St. George’s College invitation cricket tournament. Feltonfleet hosted a brilliant athletics fixture at ACS Cobham on Thursday with over 280 pupils competing from 6 schools. The results bode extremely well for the season ahead.

In assemblies this term, the Pre -Prep will be focusing on the school value of honesty and learning to reflect on the choices they make. In Years 3- 8 we will explore the value of resilience, learning how we can develop resilience through facing our fears and coping with the failures we all experience. We can all learn ‘bouncebackability’ by building up the strength and confidence to persevere when things don’t go well and it is this that enables us to achieve the goals we seek in lessons, sport, music and our friendships. 1 FROM THE HEADMISTRESS

The 46 children on the amazing ski trip to Austria certainly showed bundles of resilience as they took to the slopes undeterred by their aching limbs and minor ailments. The Feltonfleet community on tour was a pleasure to be with and every single child was a superb ambassador for our school.

Alex Hibbert, the world record polar traveller, delivered an inspiring Leonardo Lecture in the Ashbee Theatre on the theme of exploration and resilience. Our senior pupils were captivated by his accounts of gaining the world record through skiing further than anyone else as on an unsupported Arctic expedition. His experiences on polar journeys certainly exemplify what is involved in developing mental toughness.

Today we said goodbye to Mr Barnes, long-serving Caretaker. In assembly on Wednesday we reflected on Mr and Mrs Barnes’ faithful and committed 18 years service to our school community. The Heads of School, Charlie and Emily led a vote of thanks from the pupils and wished them every happiness and good health in their retirement.

On the social front we are looking forward this term to the Annual Royal Marsden Quiz on Friday 10th May, this year hosted in the Ashbee Theatre, and also the Jazz Night on Tuesday 21st May featuring Feltonfleet pupils and the Alan Barnes Quartet. Both events promise to be excellent entertainment and I look forward to seeing you there.

Have a lovely weekend. Shelley Lance


Pre-Prep News 3 Sports News 8-10 What’s coming up? 15

Lower School News 4 Music News 11 Weekly Bulletin 16

Middle School News 5 Other News 12 Notices 17-20

Upper School News 6 Pupil & Staff Achievement 13

Ski Trip Report 7 Headmistress Awards 14 2 PRE - P R E P N E W S

Our new term at Pre-Prep has welcomed a new Pupil Parliament. This term’s MPs have met with last term’s MPs to create a stunning plan of games and stalls for pupils to participate in during our May Festival next week. The games have been chosen by the MPs and Year 2 have collaboratively created posters and plans of who will run each stall, showing a fair degree of enterprise. Pupil Parliament consists of MPs representing each of our four Sections and every pupil in Year 2 has experienced an opportunity of this leadership.

We have to count the tokens each term to find out which section has won. We took all the interview teachers here on a tour

Our cycle of school values this year was determined by pupil vote as a demonstration of democracy. This term we are exploring honesty. Pupils were quick to say this means telling the truth and not telling lies. However, we have begun to consider more closely what that means. In RE lessons, Early Years children have been finding out that people live by rules, and one of the rules from the Bible story of the Ten Commandments that Christians follow is to be honest and not tell lies. Mrs Burton Smith shared the ultimate (true) confession with Nursery of having lied to her teacher when she was 4 years old. Having been found out, she has been honest ever since! The story of the ‘Boy who cried wolf’ is used as one example. In assembly we have heard the story of ‘The truth according to Arthur’. When faced with having to explain how his mum’s car and his brother’s bike were damaged, Arthur tried to bend, hide and ignore the truth but ultimately he felt whole lot better when he turned and faced it. Whenever a pupil makes a less than sensible choice, we always reflect on the fact that if they are honest about what has happened, then we can all begin to put things right together. As such we are proud to say that most of our Pre-Prep pupils, most of the time, are exceptionally open

Amanda Burton Smith Head of Pre-Prep 3 LOWER SCHOOL NEWS

"We've been back for ages!"

This exclamation from a Year 4 pupil at the beginning of Week 2 shows just how quickly and fully the Lower School pupils have immersed themselves in the busy Summer Term.

As always, our pupils are the most reliable reporters of what exactly has been going on:

This week we found out our new IPC Unit of Work. We had a compass and a map. We had to use directions to find a treasure chest that had in it cinnamon, coins, paprika, coriander and silk. Then we went back to class to work out what it all was. In the end we found out that our Unit of Work was 'Explorers and Adventurers'. I can't wait to find out all about it!" Libby R (3HM)

This term in IPC we are learning about explorers. We had to use a map to get us to a chest that showed us our Unit of Work. Next half-term I am excited to go on our Bushcraft trip. I think it's going to be exciting. In RS we are learning about Islam and Allah. It is v e r y i n t e r e s t i n g . Alexander T (3HM)

With Bushcraft in mind, if you were unable to attend Monday's information evening, the presentation (including the kit list) is available for viewing on Firefly.

Elizabeth Cherry Helen Marland Head of Lower School Year 3 Leader 4 MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWS


Throughout Week 3, pupils in the Middle School will start to relearn and revisit relevant topics in preparation for the Middle School examinations which take place in Week 4.

The Year 5 and 6 exams serve partly as a summative assessment of their knowledge and understanding. This is in addition to the ongoing class work, prep and formative assessments that happen in each subject. The aim of this process is to give all pupils the experience of sitting some tests in a formal setting which in turn will help them develop good learning habits as they move through their Feltonfleet journey and beyond.

We appreciate that the formal exam process can seem a little stressful, especially when you experience it for the first time. Taking this into consideration we will be carrying out a mindful minute before every exam to allow pupils to clear their minds and bring themselves back to the present moment.

Amanda Wright Head of Middle School


This week Years 5 & 6 have carried out the second round of STAR testing on the Accelerated Reader scheme. The results of this show progress across the board for both year groups, which is evidence of their hard work and focus on reading! The interactive assessment identifies pupils’ ideal reading range, allowing them to select accessible and comfortably challenging books, which are clearly labelled in the library. Ahead of the summer exams we would encourage continued reading aloud at home, with verbal questioning and discussion to assess levels of comprehension and understanding. The recent STAR testing results are testimony to the benefits of consistent reading and follow-up comprehension activities. Well done Middle School!

Hollie Kenrick English Subject Leader

Blanche Sibbald and Claire Kohler Librarians 5 UPPER SCHOOL NEWS


This term in Science, Year 7 are getting their fingers green through dabbling in the wonderful world of plants. So far, they have explored photosynthesis and seen how to test leaves for the food they produce. This involved cooperating in pairs to accurately follow each step of the practical experiment having observed a teacher-led demonstration. Safety considerations were paramount throughout as the pupils were using very hot water and flammable ethanol.

Next, they used an online simulation to examine how light affects the speed of photosynthesis, utilising their graphing skills, use of digital technologies and ability to draw conclusions from results.

Some pupils have also been exploring cross- curricular links by producing a rhyming poem on photosynthesis. This required a great deal of collaboration and compromise to come up with a poem that they were happy with. It also meant the children had to adopt an evaluative approach to their work by rereading and editing it until both the rhyme and rhythm worked effectively.

As we move towards half term, pupils will also start to explore various concepts in ecology: examining food webs, habitats, adaptations and how scientists study populations. These topics will involve observing and sampling the environment and drawing conclusions from observations. All these Biology topics will continue after the Summer term exams, as we head towards the end of the year.

Steve Falconi Science Subject Leader



Over the first week of the Easter Holidays 51 members of the Feltonfleet community, including 46 children and five staff, travelled to Axamer Lizum in Austria for the school ski trip. Throughout the week we skied, jumped, fell, swam, shopped and played, all with glorious blue skies and great snow.

We enjoyed some great skiing during the week. In our group we had a whole range of abilities. For some this was the first time they had ever put skis on, then there were those who have skied regularly before. It was wonderful to see each group making progress through the week. Watching the beginners working on their snow plough stopping on the first morning to seeing them ski down using some parallel turns on the final day was amazing. Both intermediate groups were zipping around the mountain, working on technique, enjoying the fun run and gaining confidence throughout. Our advanced group showed some impressive skills through the week and a few of them even rivalled the staff for their jumping skills in the snow park!

Away from the slopes there was also plenty of fun to be had in our down time. Each evening we had a different activity to take part in. At the hotel we had a scavenger hunt one evening, a quiz night (the staff team didn’t win) and a candlelit walk through the local woods followed by hot chocolate. We also travelled down the valley for two evenings. The first took us to the nearby swimming pool, where we found an amazing facility with outdoor river rapids which the children had a great time playing in. We also travelled to the nearby city of Innsbruck where we were able to go shopping, picking up souvenirs for loved ones at home as well as some ice cream!

The thing that makes trips away so special is the people on them. This was a wonderful group of children to share a holiday with. They were constantly amusing, displaying great manners and taking responsibility for themselves brilliantly. They were a credit to themselves and the school.

Parents can read the Daily Blog and see more James Thompson photos of the trip on Head of Boys’ Games and PE Firefly via this link. 7 SPORTS NEWS

What a sporting week we have had!

On Monday the Feltonfleet table tennis stars played against Reeds and KCS Wimbledon ahead of the Nationals this weekend. It was a lovely tournament with Henry winning the individual competition and Feltonfleet A team beating all opposition; fantastic preparation for the weekend! On Tuesday the tennis team hosted Amesbury for U13 mixed tennis. Hugh led the team really well, beating the opposition in a close game 9-7. The girls cricket season has started with silverware, finishing second in the St George's tournament and winning the tournament at Danes Hill. In cricket, the boys first team had an impressive two run win against Aldro, and the U10 girls had a clean sweep of results at Cranleigh. On Thursday, the inaugural Feltonfleet athletics meet was a huge success. Thanks go to Mrs Brown and Mr Thompson for organising the event and to the Year 5 boys, Year 6 girls and the Year 8 boys teams. All 46 of our pupils ran, jumped and threw really well, Anna captained the team expertly and Noah, Tabby, Olivia and James all did brilliantly, winning a number of first place positions. The full results will be available over the next week.

Save the Date Friday 7th June Sports Dinner Ashbee Theatre Guest of Honour Lewis Moody MBE Ed Smith Director of Sport Invites to follow



I was absolutely thrilled when I found out that I was going to be Cricket Captain for the girls. I was lucky enough to play in last years girls cricket team. We went on to come third in the Surrey schools league. I can't wait to continue to help develop and strengthen Feltonfleet girls cricket over the coming season. To me, being Cricket Captain means leading the 1st cricket team with pride and hopefully to another final in the Surrey League. I am going to do my best this year to encourage everyone to enjoy themselves, and most importantly have fun! Sophie

News from our Boys Cricket Captain to follow in our next Newsletter.


The girls cricket team started the season off with a fantastic start by winning our first match in the St George's tournament against Danes Hill. We all played extremely well and Tabby E caught some outstanding catches. We then went on to win all four of our other matches. We all played amazingly as a team and had so much fun. We came top out of ten teams with the most runs. Though we were just beaten by St George’s in the final. However we still came second out of ten teams which was a great achievement for our first fixture of the season.

We then went on to win a Surrey tournament at Danes Hill. It was a great afternoon of cricket and every single one of us played brilliantly. Our bowling was on point and Lucy M’s batting was superb and Alex R’s bowling was fantastic. We won all of our matches and qualified to the Surrey final. Let’s hope we are as successful in the final as we have been so far. Sophie, Cricket Captain



Our 1st XI Cricket team celebrated their first victory for the season with a nail biting victory over Aldro. Feltonfleet lost the toss and were sent in to bat first. After a good start and partnership between Daniel O and Freddie D, a couple of quick wickets slowed the run rate down a bit. Luckily Daniel and Jack T had their eyes in, pushing our total to a respectable 126 for 9 after 25 overs. Daniel was finally caught out after 53 magnificent runs.

Aldro's attack was very quickly stopped by the brilliant bowling of Nathan F, who took four wickets in his first three overs, supported by Mike van R who added another Daniel O is congratulated by Mr Thompson and the rest of the three runs to our wicket tally. The team for scoring a well-deserved 53 runs from only 66 balls. bowlers and fielders, especially Henry M, kept the runs down during the last few overs to allow Feltonfleet to win the match by only two runs.

Congratulations to the whole team for an exceptional performance! We are proud of you boys.

Mr Coetzee Art Subject Leader & Cricket Coach

Congratulations go to brothers James O and Adam O for both winning the Player of the Season in their respective age groups. This was matched at Reeds by Alex H. To play consistently well all season is an excellent achievement - well done boys.

James should also be congratulated for being a part of the Leatherhead football team that won their league cup - a brilliant season with the round and oval ball James - Well done, we are very proud of you. Ed Smith Director of Sport

10 M U S I C N E W S


Today, the guitar pupils of Mr Maunder put on a terrific lunchtime concert. There was a varied programme of music from rock to folk songs and a real contrast of styles from fast and rhythmic to gentle and lilting. All of the children involved should be very proud of themselves as it was obvious that a lot of careful practice had gone into these assured performances. A big thank you to Mr Maunder for all of his hard work. It really was a very enjoyable event and lovely to hear such accomplished playing.

Emma Weinel Music Teacher

11 O T H E R N E W S

We are delighted that nearly 40 pupils participated in the Awesome Book Awards this year, reading the five shortlisted titles over several months. Feltonfleet’s own school vote was for the book Being Miss Nobody by Tamsin Winter and the pupils who attended the Awards ceremony on Thursday evening were thrilled that this was also the overall winner of 2019.

The book tells the story of Rosalind who suffers from a severe anxiety disorder called selective mutism. She ends up being the victim of bullying at school and eventually begins an anonymous blog to start speaking up about everything she can’t in real life. The book skilfully asks the question, “What happens when you have infinite power under the guise of anonymity on social media, and what are its consequences?” The author gives the reader a heart-warming (and at times heart-breaking) story about a brave 11-year old who learns the importance of speaking up, even while dealing with loss and grief.

This is an important and relevant book for our times, and one that we hope many parents will read as well. Although it explores difficult themes - sometimes we say too much, sometimes not enough and sometimes we fail to consider how our actions make other people feel - it is a touching, sensitive, gripping story full of laughter and positivity.

Blanche Sibbald and Claire Kohler Librarians 12 PUPIL AND STAFF ACHIEVEMENT


On Friday 26th April, 07:29am Deborah Jumped into the 15.6 degree water off the coast of Tarifa, Spain to swim across the 15.4 km Gibraltar Strait to Punta Cires, Morocco. Deborah was accompanied by two other marathon swimmers representing Jersey and the USA. The Strait is notorious for strong tides and winds and very heavy shipping traffic. Less than a 1000 swimmers have achieved this ocean swim and only two other women over the age of 60 are recorded as completing the swim. The swim took 5hours 40 minutes. In marathon swimming swimmers are only allowed to wear a costume, single cap and goggles. Deborah said ‘Our pilot and crew boat told us that during the swim we were accompanied by a group of pilot whales and also a Rorqual whale (species of Minke whale). Thank heavens I did not see any of them!! The swim was exhausting - to be told, after four hours in the water, that a “one hour sprint is required to push through a tide”, is not exactly music to the ears, but by that stage nothing was going to stop me finishing.

Deborah Vine Swimming Coach


Elspeth auditioned and got a part in a Radio 4 comedy series called 'Leg Breakers' . It is a comedy-drama that follows the fortunes of Bridget, the Principal of Leg Breakers School of Performing Arts, a struggling stage school for kids. Elspeth features in every episode of the series which is aired on Wednesday 19th June.

Elspeth also achieved the Player of the Tournament in a U11 Rugby Festival which took place during the holidays. Well done Elspeth!



Each fortnight four pupils are nominated by their teachers for a Headmistress Award for outstanding examples of Positive Learning, Living or Leading. We are pleased to announce this week’s award winners, who will receive their certificates in assembly on Monday.

Nursery Year 3

Ellie O and Camilla S Harry N

For always trying his best- a For their fantastic story writing true example of our core and illustrations. values.

Year 5 Year 8

George P Anna P For outstanding effort and progress For growth mindset and sheer determination in the Athletics in Maths Meeting.







ASHBEE THEATRE See attached poster and entry form



OLD LIBRARY Parents are invited to join our Senior Leadership Team for tea, coffee and pastries.



MEMORIAL HALL Parents, pupils and staff are invited to join us for this informal concert featuring pupils of Amanda Allen



ASHBEE THEATRE Following last year’s highly acclaimed event, we are delighted to welcome back the Alan Barnes Quintet to perform alongside our own Jazz Band, Orchestra and Middle and Upper Choirs


Weekly Bulletin

Week 3 – May 6 – May 12 2019

Monday 6 All day Bank Holiday Exeat Tuesday 7 07:00 - 07:45 Upper Swim Squad (Years 6, 7 & 8) Pool 08:10 Pupils Return 09:30 – 14:15 Year 1 trip to 09:00 - 12:00 Nursery 2020 "Come and See" Pre-Prep 13:30 - 15:30 Reception 2020 "Come and See" Pre-Prep 14:30 Girls Cricket U11A XI v U11 West Surrey Tournament Danes Hill 15:30 Boys Cricket 1st XI v Northcote Lodge Home Wednesday 8 14:00 Pre-Prep May Festival Pre-Prep 14:30 Boys Cricket 1st, 5th XI v Eagle House Away 14:30 Boys Cricket U10A, U10B XI v Eagle House Away 14:30 Boys Cricket 2nd, 3rd XI v Eagle House Home 14:30 Boys Cricket 4th XI v Eagle House Effingham CC 14:30 Boys Cricket U11A, U11B XI v Eagle House Horsley & Send 14:30 Girls Cricket 1st, 2nd, 4th XI v Hall Grove Whiteley Vill CC 14:30 Girls Cricket 3rd, U10C XI v Milbourne Lodge Away 16:00 Girls Cricket U11A, U11B, U11C XI v St Teresa's Effingham Away 16:30 Girls Cricket U10A, U10B XI v Notre Dame Prep Home Thursday 9 07:00 - 07:45 Middle Swim Squad (Years 4 & 5) Pool 09:15 – 14:30 Nursery & Reception Trip to Park 14:15 Girls Cricket U9A, U9B, U9C XI v Lambrook Home 14:30 Boys Cricket U9A, U9B XI v Aldro Away 14:30 Boys Cricket U8A, U8B, U8C XI v Aldro Home 15:20 - 16:15 Years 5 - 8 Enrichment 16:00 Boys Cricket 1st XI v Reigate Grammar Away Friday 10 08:30 - 09:30 Sleep Hygiene Parents Workshop Ashbee Theatre 09:45 - 10:45 Sleep Hygiene Pupil Workshop for Years 5 - 7 Ashbee Theatre 19:00 Charity Quiz night Ashbee Theatre Saturday 11 09:00 Boys Cricket 1st, U11B XI v The Hawthorns Away 09:00 Boys Cricket 2nd XI v The Hawthorns Home 09:30 Girls Cricket 1st, 2nd XI v Danes Hill (pupils direct) Away 09:30 Girls Cricket U10A - C XI v St George's Junior, Weybridge Home 18:00 Mixed Swimming U13A v U11A ESSA SE Qualifier (pupils direct) Guildford Spectrum


Quiz Night

Friday 10th May 2019 7pm Ashbee Theatre

The evening will include: Entry into quiz and disco with DJ

Hot meal with dessert.

Prizes for the winning and second placed teams.


Please bring your own drinks.

Quiz rounds include: General Knowledge £20 per person Mr Carradine’s Round Children's TV and Film Teams of 8 - 10 Picture Round What Children Say!! Music Round

Please contact Sarah Bray to enter the quiz using the entry form attached.

Quiz Night Friday 10th May 2019

Entry Form

Team Organiser…………………………….

Number in team…………………….

If you can enter a whole team that would be great otherwise we will try match up groups to make another team.

Please tick if you require any vegetarian options …………

Amount Paid £………………………………….

Cheques payable to ‘Feltonfleet School’


Please return this entry to Sarah Bray in Year 2 Feltonfleet School, Byfleet Road, Cobham, Surrey. KT11 1DR Feltonfleet Music Department presents.... JAZZ NIGHT

Middle Choir Tuesday 21st May Upper Choir 6pm Orchestra Ashbee Theatre Jazz Band All Welcome with the

Alan Barnes Quintet Feltonfleet School

5 -A- Side £160 per squad of 8 Sunday 13th October 2019 (10:00am—3:00pm) Held at Feltonfleet Preparatory School, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 1DR All proceeds to Matt Kendall Foundation email: [email protected]