HOG's EYE" IS ALL RIGHT Cey Kipp, Aged 75, and His Wife, of L-2(J|'16C; No
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Lowell Home Coming An?. 0 and 7,1913 (i and 7, 1913 A PROGRESSIVE PAPER FOR PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE ify'M'pon Public I/i lira vy No. VOL. XXI LOWELL, MICHIGAN, JULY 17, IQI3 6 < • • ! ffl 1RING your money to this bank and you can JOSI TEWS ALL STARTS OUT ILL ISLAND PARK READ* SNIPPING LPR I Look's Drug & Book store I !! [ P 1 sleep in perfect peace, knowing that it cannot ¥ 1 For Picnics. Grounds and Riv- * get away, and that when you want, it T Might Havci Started Something Opening Matiaee Has Good * ;; you only have to sign your name to a check and it is } but They Didn't. Crowd and Fast Races. ers Cleared of Rubbish. ' WILL NOT RE EASY j • Paris Green Machine Oil * ! i yours. Those who owe you gratitude often fail you I Jet ween .^12,000 and $13,000 The harness matinee at Recrea- Village Marshal Taylor has * AFTER AUG. 15 WHEN PRAY * * !! when you most need them, but an account at our run the .yearly expensos of the tion park Saturday afternoon had a gang of men gett ing Is- • land park in shape for picnic vis- that Kills that Wears Y !! bank always stands with open arms to receive you Lc.)\vell village schools; and the drew a large and orderly crowd. BILL TAKES EFFECT. } • public IntereHl in ways and means As an opening of tiie season itors. The rubbish and dead • Make sure you have the J very next time you !! when you need financial help. It it only wisdom to and disbursements thereto and event it was satisfactory to the and downed trees have been re- Record. Kepi of Shipper, .nd I ^ Paris GreGreec n come to right nil for your farm m&- J !! cultivate such friendship. Why not begin today ? thereol" is such that TKN TA \- promoters, who advertised a moved from river and grounds, Receivers and Package Con- • our store and ask for chinery, sewing machines, J I'AVlOltS actually attended the day of clean races. seats and tables made ready, tents by Railroads. { annual meetin^^• of School Dis- the races were sharply con- wells driven supplying good, etc. We have the oil that J trict No. 1 .Monday evenm£. tested and notable for close cold water; and swings put up. After August 15, the Fray bil !• ANSBACHER'S does the work perfectly These patriots deserve to have finishes. Only one race, the li.o.'t In addition to this, a muck- passed by the last legislature.!* and meets the requirements pacing was won in three straight needed work has been done in will be in force, and the shipment { their names written hi^li on the PARIS GREEN of the miichine upon which I CITY STATE BANK scroll of fame. Head the roll: heats, (ieorge I'riggs" LakeUdcs- protecting wearing river banks of liquor into dry territory iu J I). (J. Look, \V. S. Winegar. \\ sa horse, Woodbury, classing by with stone fronts. About 200 Michigan will not be the easy!* it kill!-1hr-piira^llw, hut I ICH it is to he used. not leirm tin- plant, netnem- himself in that event. wagon-loads of cobbie stone have The Bank that Pays Four Per Cent. l», Khodi'.s, U. 10. Sprinnett, 1\ matter it has been in the past.!} her, tfinl many pnrtn jf^'ens on DON'T buy machine oil M. .lohnson, .1. I'.. Veiter, F. 10. •lohu Mold of (I rand Ha pids been used in the work, which can when no •record ^ s were kept and *^ thiiie' markeiii •* ii*' t i c'inl ji11n li l • ' arscnl*ii '•'ill' 1 indiscrioriinately the use of White, U. Vaunhan, M. 13. Conk- carried off the free for-all purse be extended iroin year to year as the "packages'" could be marked * hi danttt'nniH i|u»ntiiicF—tii^y tht: ritfht oil means econ- lin, It. VanDyke. with Darby Allerlon, after hav- necessity arises. in any old way. Hereafter when either kill tht plunt nr "tent Its omy. TI.e old speakers' platform has growth. Ausbaeher's contains These gentlemen might have ing been beaten in heats '2 ami liquor is shipped into Ionia coun- nothing li/irmfiil t>I PIMHI Mfe •'started somethin"" tlmt would by Miss (ireatlu'.'iii. ;dso of been cut in half and sirengthei.ed ty for instance. the name of the and everyihliiK tlmt If (Jeu(ii\ When Machine (irand Hapids. Time in the final to serve this season. Another company or corporation that to Insect I lie. have made the taxpayers of Oil is needed Lowell "sli up and take not ice" ! half mile I.()(». will have to be provided next ships the "wet" goods must ap- WATCHES for vears to eome. lUit they 1 •lames llawley of Lowell got year, unless the long neglected pa- pear on the package, also the We Guarantee it in set. us. didn't. Thev simply— ' 1 away with the i'. in trot by win- villion idea is taken up and put name of the party to whom they Hn;) Every Way. Prices are right. Heard and approved the Sec-j ning third, fifth and sixth heats, lhrough to completion. are shipped. On the package retary's, Treasurer's and Librar- j Summaries as follows; The patronage the Island is must also be printed the kind If you ian's reports. j 2:40 CLASS. receiving this year would warrant and quantity of liquor it con- indorsed the financial reeom- ' Mildred Splnkw (.lann-H providing guests with shelter in tains, and its intended use. Tfci mendations of the Hoard to! .'141211 case of storms: and the picnic There is a stiff line of of ."?.'()(» • D. fl. LOOK. Re.vall Slorei business would increase if proper provided in the Pray bill for any ••air *T,.11,.. tor sdm,,! p.,jj;', 112! 2 I are up in 1 faeilit ies were pre)v"uied. including librarian s salary. Helva (J. (Woodwln. person who accepts a consign- mi 1 1 1 •• ment of liquor upon whi< h u falsi* • IIN tin-1"irt lire Inking IIIH-H 0 Voted $100 for director's* s da-1 I'ortinnd) ry and $100 fur new library Kli'Iiwood 1 'ic 1 trite Temperance Orator is Coming. statement appears if he knows ii tne air lion, KODAK tiiiality wil| Tcrklnn. l-'n-cport) 2 2 t :i 2 1 niiincv Lee Moirow, field secre- is false. For instance, if .lohn «ivi' yon 11mt conti'iitod books. Tiine-l.ir.l llt, 1:1\ 1:17. ills',. LHJ , a lie-elecled Trustees Look and tary of the American Temper- Doe accepts a shipment of liquor feeling which comes from owning the 2CI-ASS. 1*At I NO. 1 Van Dyke. anc' board, will speak at an op- marked for Kichard Hoe, claim- SPECIAL SALE OF BEST on the market. Woodhur.v (lico. That's all this time. Dnl not Lake () ICSHM) I I 1 en air meeting on Hill's shoo ing that Kicha rd lloe is his right (<You will remember the quality always. Sometime you may The Clown (.lanu'H Kurt, store corner Wednesday evening, name: or if he deceives the rail-• Wrand UapldH) 2 2 J July 'J3, at s o'clock, p. m. after you have forgotten the price.'' wish yon had been tliciv: and road or express agent by claim- ALARM CLOCKS .1. K (.lolm KelioKir. Lowell) 1 •"5 >' Mr. Morrow comes recommeii- ing his name is something other! And Kodak Small Priccs and Sim- you'll kick—"and be jigirered." i )ra Hancock ( W. Ut-a vcf, The finaiirial report is printj'd Lowm IO r» i ileij by press and pulpit as an than it is, and thereby conies in-! 1 For a short time i will seJ the best $1 Clock plicity will smooth out your troubles elsewhere in this paper for the I'lora Online (Mktanw, able, logical and convincing to possession of a cousignment Come and talk it over and we will gladly convenience of the other lO'.M) Crank iJaptdHj I I spi'jiker. of liquor which is not marked to 1 made for 63c each. These clocks are made 'Time—1:15, 1:11, 1:1(1. give you picture pointers that will help you people of the (list rict who did not Turn out and give him a hear- his real name. by one of the best manufacturer., of alarm clocks FIO.IMOH ALL. ing on this greatest of problems. The Pray bill ulso imposes a get good results. hear it. 0 I»iirl»y Allerton (John The Liiiuor Traffic. flue of JJoOt) upon the railroad ' r! and this sale is a chance to get one cheap- Mohl, Crand KapldM 1 :• 2 I I PRICES FROM $1.00 UP MIhh (ireatheart I I rank express company it it fails to We also have the "Big Ben and "Little Ben" 0 Fuller. Crand Kaptdni 1112 2| kuep a record open to inspecrion ; on Brownies and Kodaks and Premos. ANOTHER RIG DA!Mikad o (L. Anaway, of officers of the law, which must and "Alternating' styles of alnrm clocks On Lake <)dewna) 2 2 1 :i show the names of the consignor; S Koyal Ideal I W. Ik'aver, these we are not allowed to cut prices. Of "Clean Races" at Recrea- Lowelh I:: I I and the consignee of the liquor, j •nine—LOT;1,. Losl,. ltdti',. l:(»7, I:'•(!. CONGREGATIONAL and also the marking on the See our window. A. D. Oliver Ti tion Park August 7.