House Programme

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House Programme ಋᖚ୺ he Hong Kong Arts Festival is a prominent ࠗຝ̯ܰ Tarts event in the cultural calendar of Hong Δʥԓʪਂ Kong and the Asia Pacific region. Proudly ؿʼʝଞ stepping into its 33rd year, the Festival ಳም continues its vigorous pursuit of innovativeסԑe ɃɍɊɍ՚ development; the presentation of new works αc˚ፒዀ and the provision of quality arts. ೸ٻ࿚ᆅʘুұ௚ณcɺᒾ˞၀ ࠷ؿຝ͌ȹณᜮଠϦ͌e In terms of the number and diversity of programmes, the 2005 Festival is one of the ʌαᖚ୺ຝʑࢀҡᔔఒΛۜcஃ largest festivals to date, offering a wide variety ᅡɾɣዃαӢӮcݯࣵʑ̔΃Ρ of inspiring art, music and cultural ੓Ԟਝ჌Ίࡼၤ̯Δ၀ߜᐰϳᖚ programmes by prestigious international ࠭Ͳؿ൚ɓ࿫ˮc๫ผ˥ࠗಋ஛ artists and leading local talents. I am sure that ਝ჌ʼʝ஭ผࠛ૚ቤɈe the Festival will further enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international cultural metropolis. ΈϽᖚ୺ࡼ਄ၤܰωଞٴᔑϊᚭ ఻d I extend our warmest welcome to all؀ผcԎूࣵʑ̔ᜮଠʶ̈́ သጙϤᓊe participating artists and wish all local and overseas members of the audience a most enjoyable time. ւٽܧϷਂܧࠗಋऋПϷ TUNG Chee Hwa Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ˚࢐ᘆᖽ Message from the Chairman .਄ၤ଱ɍɊɍ։ࠗಋᖚ୺ warmly welcome you to the 33rd Arts Festivalٴ ᚭ ຝc஛ܰࠗಋʼʝވʥԓʪΔ IAs a premier event in the Hong Kong cultural ؿࠇ߬ʼʝଞԑcමၙਝ჌՗ԓʪ calendar as well as the Asia Pacific region, theਂ ᖚ୺၀ߜc˞ʥ̯Δ௚෮ݗึؿᖚ Festival presents the finest international andਂ ୺ɮАّe regional artists in an intense series of concerts and performances, as well as showcases the creativity ̯Ɂটʶ෰ᑢ஦༦੖ᅥʥʼʝԑ৻ອ of artistic talent in Hong Kong. c˞ʥࠗಋᑩ৛֚ܧ༅Х҈ࠨؿࠗಋ ԭɣ˚߬༅Хዀ࿚c Appreciation and thanks are due to our mainټপਥڌผ෯ഁ ˢࠨΛαԞྦྷࠗಋᖚ୺ຝؿྐྵషʻ subventing organisations – the Hong Kong ܛc҈ࠨ૯ߎᑢ҃e Government, through the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and the Hong Kong Jockey ϊ̔cࠗಋᖚ୺ຝྦྷֺτᖳХዀ࿚d Club Charities Trust. Their long and continued ᖚ୺྆᛽˞ʥ࠯Ɂ༅Хc͛ߎ˞টʶ patronage are what make these cultural ᑢ෮e presentations possible. In addition, we gratefully acknowledge the ,ȹΣ˞֡cࠗಋᖚ୺ຝ஦༦˸ძነ́ generous support of many corporate sponsors .ʭαɾʤི߮cߎɈ arts institutions and individualsڇ଩᎚య˞ʥ ར᎞ነ́ʥαႦᜮଠઅᘩΈᗘᖚ୺e ɐ߸ི߮ΛαԞᏵଠΛዀ࿚ʥ࠯Ɂ༅ The Festival has always made our programmes Хcɻነʥɣነነ́ɖʦᎶᆅईe accessible to students and young audiences through half-price student tickets and our Young 2005αࠗಋᖚ୺ຝຝ͌ᔔఒd˳ᖓ Friends Scheme. These schemes are funded by the ΋ɺ΃ᜮଠؿ௩ΡʥɟՈc generous donations from numerous corporateٴຒτc .փe and individual donorsڻϢ̢ c౨શၤ੬Ε The 2005 Festival offers a rich and stimulatingܛω෰ᑢჇɎؿʻʹ 2005αࠗಋᖚ୺ຝɻӮࠍe programme, with a variety of captivating performances and choices, presenting a diverse range of tastes with artistic excellence. We hope to offer something enjoyable and of interest to everyone. Above all, I would like to thank you, our patrons, for your support and participation in the 2005 Festival. ңพᄤ Charles Lee :ࠗಋᖚ୺ຝؿ༅ХԞϬ The Hong Kong Arts Festival is made possible with the funding support of Ϸܧᐢဟᘆᖽ Message from the Executive Director 005αࠗಋᖚ୺ຝؿຝ͌˞ he starting point for the programming of this 2005 ݯ˚ᕀeु T Festival was the idea of contrasting opposites – ‘sacredڙ˖2ुັၤ ஛ԭඖʏॖc஭ܰΈိ and profane’. Both of these elements are rich sources ofڙ˖dັ ᖚ୺Ѽβؿ੒Ӯᕀҥၤ᜙෰ݖ creative impulses for the performing arts in most cultures ฻cʌ։ຝ͌గऋПॶਪʦܮ஛ and this thematic link is evident in much of our ᗐ programming. We hope these connections and contrastsޚܫ࠯෮֨e҈ࠨѴશ஛ԭඖ Ɍྦྷ͓ؿʏॖcॶݯɣࡼొԜҡ will make your Festival experience more engaging and .৽Ɂdҡᗒѿؿᜮሌ᛽᛻e memorable ࿘۾৖ȿࣵ̔ᖚ୺ɮАّc҈ࠨ Alongside all of our international artists, we are proud to ॶᑼᇼ̯Δ࿫ᖚ၀ߜcΣࠗಋ֗ present many outstanding Hong Kong artists. For example, ဳ֞ᅥ྆dࠗಋ໷ჱ྆d̯Δ௑ ˮαႦ፡ೄ࿫ۗࡼਜ਼ᆼ౟d૜ࠓ the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Ⴛဳʄࠇۗᘆᖚeԯˢ਄ၤ࿫ˮ Kong Repertory Theatre, as well as the fine young Hong ຣჱΊД૆ Kong musicians, pianist Rachel Cheung and the Fresh Airܢ˳ؿ̯Δ࿫ᖚ၀ߜ ு໱ʥң᎘d7AऒᎻჱୂdɻߜ Brass Quintet. Other important Hong Kong artists taking ɩմdࠗಋ part include Cantonese opera stars Mui Suet-see and Leeټܖჱ྆d89268d ϐcᑹτ΋Ɉݵႇ Lung; Class 7A Drama Group; Chung Ying Theatre; Groupܬᇁၦࡼฦ лؿྡྷɈݢୂ΋ ңᔪ 89268; the Material Girls; choreographer Daniel Yeungؒ ,ݘdષഥࠦdңɻͲʥ୥૆֍e and the remarkable combined talents of Lee Chun-chow Faye Leong, Gabriel Lee and Chong Mui-ngam in The ᖚ୺ຝᘗᙩዶรկ޸̯Δၤࣵ̔ French Kiss. ܢ˳ˮϳؿ௚АɁc̯։ณА In addition, our commitment to commissioning new work קdէᚗdʌէ࿨ၦރು ਝ჌࠭ᅥ஫dཫ҈ from Hong Kong and around the world continues, withټܖd̡ dؒлd׭ pieces such as Amber, The Nightingale, All That Shanghai̟ے஛ᅚؿȹ࠯ ˚τ௩ʥɩ˔ɥనʊতe Jazz, Material Girls, i-City, The French Kiss, Come Out & Play and Little Prince Hamlet. 2005αࠗಋᖚ୺ຝݯᜮଠᘆɐȹ ࿫྆᛽ٲϛɀɊ̒௿࿫ˮc਄ၤ The 2005 Festival will offer a total of 124 performances ༠̒Ɋɀ࠯˳ܢɍɊɀ࠯ࣵ̔ with 42 performing groups (32 overseas and 10 local), two ʥɊ࠯̯Δ྆᛽cᑹτԭ࠯ࢄ ,ᙴc˞ʥɺࢀ፟༦ؿᖚ୺ຝ˱ࢿ exhibitions and our Festival Plus programme of talks ຝ͌iᑟ࢔d࢔ᇹผʥᖚɁᇹe seminars and meet-the-artist sessions. ΛۜcࠓࣟΛʏ This is one of our largest Festivals to date, in terms of theٻ։ຝ͌Λ̯ ʝcܰࠗಋዃԞஃᅡ௖ɣd௖˥ number and the diversity of programmes. I am sure too, Ɂሌʶࢧ͌d௖Ԯઢೕֲؿᖚ୺ that it will be one of our most enjoyable and inspiring. We .਄ၤe are delighted that you could join usيຝɾȹc෰ᑢჇɎ׊ ঢ়ᄨᓤ Douglas Gautier 24 Material Girls 5 ޸1ɩࣂ10ʗᘸcٽ࿫ˮ ɺஉɻ௿ͤࢠ Running time: approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes with no interval ࠗಋɣผਦࠑᅥᜨ Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall, Performing Arts 8 - 9.3.2005 ࠗಋᖚ୺ຝկ޸ Commissioned by the Hong Kong Arts Festival ᗐઌʹ፜dಲᇃཋ໷ʥඨՓዀؿᚊባ໦کݯȿᜑɣࡼྦྷ஛ω࿫ˮजɎ޻ΡͿോcᇼʘতΕຝ͌඀௿ ສeผ௿ʑᇼʜኞϬᙘᄧd፣ࠑֶ፣ᄧc͛ɺ˿ඝࠕ՗мํcΛᑢ΋Аk To make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of the audience, PLEASE switch off your ALARM WATCHES, MOBILE PHONES and PAGERS. Eating, drinking, smoking, unauthorised photography and audio or video recording are forbidden in the auditorium. Thank you for your cooperation. 8 ႇАʥ࿫ˮ Credit List ࿫ˮ ˔ɩմஹݿձdңဲᄐþ˿ᅥټܖ ႇАɁࡗ þɁɬɁࣵעࠑᅥผᐢဟ ඡᘚ ਨϷဟႇ ʿᗸშ ኒ࿫þၦ̎ʥ዗ͮஉ߮ ᎘౺ϑ ై྇௚А ˿ᅥ˔ Ҍ୺ᐢဟ ңᅳޔ* Хଉၦ̎຤ଉ ષਝᐊ ၦ̎Хଉ ፳ኹ࿘ ཋ຾ࠑᅥೡβ Єɬ ፣ཫҌ୺ࡗ Еߜሑ (ӻdஹ݇ͮ (Eye Cut Studioە፣ཫ ჳ ࠑᚊɮೡ ޻ˡऋޫҌτࠉʔ̇ ໦ Pinky ChenþKin & Lennonר ɩմ Derrick Ng of Chin.Gټܖێቡ ʝїңဲᄐ Chris Chau ஹݿձ ஹݿձ ؀þ઴ᅥغࠑᅥผХଉ ңᗫࢀþχз ᅥඅιࡗ ࠑᅥᐢဟþᒄೄ ңဲᄐ ೶ˢ ࢘ɝӞ ᒄೄþɩ໔ ષҁι Гࠑ΁ˢ ңዉ̵ ར ඡ৩ቺ ၬࠗಋ٢ᑂၦ྆ғ࠿਄ၤႇАֻ * ႇАʥ࿫ˮ Credit List 9 Performers Material Girls (Sandee Chan and Veronica Lee) and Cola King Production Team Producers Anthony Wong People Mountain People Sea Executive Producer Sandy Fong Director / Stage and Edwin Lung Lighting Designer Illustrator Cola King Technical Director Lina Lee* Assistant Stage Manager Leung Kwok-hei Stage Hand Fok Shu-wing Music Programmer Ho Shan Video Technician Yue Ying-yin Video Liu Yi Chen and Chen Po-kuang (of Eye Cut Studio) Sound System Miso Tech Company Ltd Costumes Pinky Chen and Kin & Lennon Hair Stylist Derrick Ng of Chin.G Make Up (Veronica Lee) Chris Chau (Sandee Chen) Sandee Chen Assistant Wincy Lee, Chu Kwan-yuet and Winnie Cho Band Members Music Director / Keyboard Veronica Lee Guitar Hsu Chien-hsiu Keyboard / Trumpet Leung Chi-shing Bass Leonard Lee Drums Stephane S Wong * By kind permission of Hong Kong Ballet ֺτై྇ All illustration © Cola King ς͌ Song List 11 ɩை઄ʷςiஹ ݿձ ɩմټ ܖᗫᚉᚉςiؐ ɩմټ ܖɁ́࿨˔ςi ɩմټ ܖȹ࢔ɝαؿѝ၀ࣁ֙ςi ɩմټ ܖԅ෰ᘨܰ෬ࠓςi ᄘ೽஛࠯Ɏʟςiஹ ݿձ ૜઱ࠑᅥςiஹ ݿձ ҄ᅥɁ́ςiң ဲᄐ ȹိᓯ௰ؿሣ๕ςiң ဲᄐ ˀςiஹ ݿձ̱ވ˖Էق ɩմټ ܖ՚̱ᄂˋϑᔪᅘ஫අɾ࿨ςi ɩմټܖࡐࡐհհϛஒʔ̇ςi ԅαࡧʨྟ፷ؿࣵςiஹ ݿձ ᒨഀ࡝ςiஹ ݿձ ᝍ࿨ςiң ဲᄐܬڇႩؿ̷ ɩմټ ܖςiܬᅢ̽ ᇦᛞ٦ςiң ဲᄐ ɩմټ ܖЍ˦༝ςi ਝ჌࠭ᅥ஫ਈਈඅɾ࿨ʪඈӡਿ͂ςiң ဲᄐټܖ ਈͲαಲͤςiң ဲᄐۄ ඣњ৛ɥςiң ဲᄐ Ͳ஫࿨ീi˿ᅥ˔ ࿨ീ࿨ീ Lyrics 13 ɩை઄ʷ ːڋؿϸႂτȼ੟҈ ؿ፾ɐτȹ࠯Ϳ٦҈ ๫ɾᕡК ҈ؿɟ޴൚ज़ɣ޴ޚؿ፾ቡ҈ ஻፮۾ዀӹ ҈ؿʹݒ۾ؿ࠯ֲ҈ ҈ȹˮʹ࿶ɟᛐ໷ ைࠨ႓҈ʪཫɁᗘ ɩை઄ʷ ɩை઄ʷ ɩைؿΊΥ̉઄ʷ઄ʷ ɩை઄ʷ ɩை઄ʷ ɩைؿΊΥ̉઄ʷ઄ʷ ᗫᚉᚉؐ ȹᒛ෋෋ؿΔଈܰވ˖ ᗫᚉᚉ ؐᗫᚉᚉؐ ᗫᚉᚉ ؐᗫᚉᚉ ҈ࠨؿ຾஁ɖܰ෋෋ؿΔଈؐ ᗫᚉᚉ ؐᗫᚉᚉ ଡकɖܰ෋෋ؿΔଈؐ ιࢪ፾ɖܰ෋෋ؿΔଈోܞʹ ᗫᚉᚉ ؐᗫᚉᚉؐ ᗫᚉᚉ ؐᗫᚉᚉ ɤ́ؿॳ஫ɖܰ෋෋ؿΔଈؐ ᗫᚉᚉ ؐᗫᚉᚉ Ә́ؿѬٖɖܰ෋෋ؿΔଈؐ Ɂ́࿨˔ గሢΕ዇ޕ㛾ࠍ਎࿨ గሢΕ዇ޕ㛾ࠍ਎࿨ ɣᐰ۾ᙡ Ўܰ߬਎੡۾ᒖಳ਎੡ గሢΕ዇ޕ㛾ࠍ਎࿨ గሢΕ዇ޕ㛾ࠍ਎࿨ ૽۾ᙡ Ў҈ɖ߬਎੡۾ᒖಳ਎੡ ਈਈਈਈਈmm߬਎ιȹ࠯Ɂ́࿨˔ ਈਈਈਈਈmm߬਎ιȹ࠯Ɂ́࿨˔ ȹ࢔ɝαؿѝ၀ࣁ֙ Ɏᙜ٦ኹɎؿպي༤Ӯܱ҈ ༤ӮɊȹ˂ᙜ٦ኹɎؿպ҈ एѝ၀ ྦྷ֌Χքصӡᘄ㛈 ᚹˋݚᐰᛷଊܱ ɊȹɁ ԅ෰ᘨܰ෬ࠓ ԅ෰ᘨܰ෬ࠓ Ɋȼัؿຝ׏ ૗૗ؿͮᄧ ܰଏଏؿጅ׮ ˅ʶѼؿ׮࠽ཫѳ୺ؿᚓؒ Ґࣂං஭ቷ ޜպۦጱෲؿɤ ؿ݇ؖ༏ ᕉɣɣԃబؿፅ܃چԅ෰ᘨܰ෬ࠓ ࡧˀ ؿ̜ɣ׮࠽̠Ȼرؿ਻ྞਝ ᑹτࣵஎѼܬڇٯ຤༦Ϣ يؿɐ̟ے࿴ࣺΕ ԅ෰ᘨܰ෬ࠓ ൚ෲБؿ҈ גȹိ̷܏ؿኟ˞ ̋߬ޜ㠥Бmm 14 ࿨ീ࿨ീ Lyrics ᄘ೽஛࠯Ɏʟ ᗂࠍ ҈඀ӹ੣ႩʿԞҒպޮ̨ˋچ ፚΕպαႦؿѷɐ ѷܰ٧ٟࣩՈؿࣵݗ ː㛐ޚᚭॐӶ༦ɀɊัؿҳᚯ պޮ҈঺Бؿ؈ϸ Ε τॐᐰ Ⴆᅁ Ε॑޴ϳؿָං㛾ࠍ ᔝтᔝтѽ֣ཋࢩ τ٦ יτᐰࠑΕɎࠌ τ٦၁ τ٦ࠔ౔ ЎԅԒമʲ ЎԅԒമʲᒷਜ਼ ̚ɺᒾΔɺᒾΔᒷਜ਼ᒷਜ਼ᒷਜ਼ ૜઱ࠑᅥ ʪඈܰң౜ऋؿʪඈ ɩைܰັࣚؿɩை ೥ܰᒚᄨဍͱ́ؿ೥ ᘸܰᄨ̠Ϲؿᘸ ညܰജࣟढ़ͱ́ؿည ேܰഒਅؿே ࠓࢩ͉ܰፗɡؿࠓࢩ ͱ́ؿ٦ۄ٦ܰʱ ๫҈ΕᚹϹӴݚɡؿࣂ࠰ τȹ࠯ɤ́Εᚹ͢Ԡؿฎ࿬ᅥ ϊԳኹܰฎᒻᅥؿኹ ҄ᅥɁ́ Ρཫဣϋ ಳ܃ɻʟ঴ѷᛢʪඈ યɐɐৈᎂ௦ৈ̨Ѭ ݯ҄ᅥɁ́ܰ ਈਈਈmm҄ᅥɁ́ ਈਈਈmm҄ᅥؿɁ́ ȹိᓯ௰ؿሣ๕ గ஛ᅚሢ㠥 ਜ਼඀҈ؿॳᇏ ӵႆؿˀɥ ਜ਼඀҈ؿॳᇏ ɩؿ෱ؒ۾ፚԞ ሢ㠥 ȹ࠯܃ɾ Ͳ˖ވ̋ᑫɎ҈ࠨԭ࠯Ɂ պࠝΕ୽ጮɾɐᆃဣ รτ˿ॶྒӮʇფؿჽӯॐȿȹɎ ࿨ീ࿨ീ Lyrics 15 ˀ̱ވ˖Էق ޜ҈බΣ वϜ ޜБ̍Ώࠓඔ ಄኉ ʨਦɰ࿶͌ᆖଚې࠻֚ᒾ ՜༜ಲੱכҰȹ௿ෲੱ೶ѫ า ๑ඨթٵԞؿɝᆖϛʬ িͮ܃ ɖஈ̟ܰࣵໝᅢ ɖஈܰ؞ᄧʲྒ Ɂංؿ˦ྊ ᔴ ϤʌɖϛᔝɝΑ Ϭ҈ؿ๐တچϤʌɖܱౙ ༦ ҈ෲ༦ ஛Ԓෲੱؿ࿨܍҈ Ԟ༦҈ ҈כ༦ ҈ෲ༦ ஛Ԓෲੱؿ࿨ ᙔ܍҈ Ԟ༦҈ ޜ҈බΣवϜ ޜБ̍Ώࠓඔ ՜༜ಲੱכҰȹ௿ෲੱ೶ѫ า ɖஈܰࣵ႑ɬ๷ ɖஈܰࣵܽ͏ᙡ Ɂංؿ˦ྊ ᔴ ϤʌɖϛᔝɝΑ Ϭ҈ؿ๐တچϤʌɖܱౙ ༦ ҈ෲ༦ ஛Ԓෲੱؿ࿨܍҈ Ԟ༦҈ ҈כ༦ ҈ෲ༦ ஛Ԓෲੱؿ࿨ ᙔ܍҈ Ԟ༦҈ ༦ ҈ෲ༦ ஛Ԓෲੱؿ࿨܍҈ Ԟ༦҈ ҈כ༦ ҈ෲ༦ ஛Ԓෲੱؿ࿨ ᙔ܍҈ Ԟ༦҈ ՚̱ᄂˋϑᔪᅘ஫අɾ࿨ ќؿɁᗘ۾ ผ ϛಲ୎ፆߕࣵಲᖾم஛ޜБ Бޜ஛ਝࡼ ɁɬɁࣵӫԶΕ߇ గ҄߬า฾ ȹ঴ɐ Ρ˚෮ ૎૎ ୛ Ͳ஫໬Һيሒਝ̗ ʪ ਍ۄ ሒɈ ਈਈ۾ М۟۟ ވ˖Ͳיჼ ҈߬໬ ჼ ฎ࿏п௥ܰሂ ჼ ৈбၺ໖ᇥᇦ Ӛჱ ˚ࡺȿȹʘٓ ผمჼ ஛ܰሂؿ ჼ ਝ˔ᅓɁܰሂ ჼ νΑБؿРҺ ਈਈਈ ਈਈਈ਍ ผ ʄ੟ᏬᏬᅘ༐Σཊ ೸ќؿɁᗘم஛ޜБ ஛ਝࡼ ดಎஹ࠸࿶຾ືٓ గ҄߬า฾ޜБ Ρ၇ਜ਼ ΡԶው ૎૎ ҈ᘅˌ Бक़૜ ཙ˞Ϣࢪ ਍ۄ ΦΕ Бʻ৉ ਈਈ҈ ჼ Χքᛰʝຒɝ ჼ ˒ৠ୰ुܰሂ ჼ ˚ຮʻᔴव຅ Ϊ፷ᒨ ᚹ҈ؿࠑᅥ ჼ Δࠍ඀նʠঢ় ჼ ࣵˋ඀նࠧঽ ჼ ʌ౩τৈʌ౩ሶ ஛గܰ ҈ؿАݯ 16 ࿨ീ࿨ീ Lyrics ࡐࡐհհϛஒʔ̇ ࠓʄʏ ݚˋȼʏ ํˌȹʏڲ ஻ɍʏͮ ˉɄɊʏ๫ʄʏ׊ Ұωȹ ᛮᇟ೻ი̒ʏ ૓ํଝʒʏ ଏଏਜȾʏ ౲̷˒̘ȹʏ ࠓʄʏ ʄɊʏ๫Ʉʏ׊ Ұωɍӯڲ ஻ɍʏͮ ॐ㠥ؿͮ፾ؿᚼ߫ۄۄ ؿ͵౵ۦ㠥˃ࢅؿɩה ᔘᔘ༐༐ؿӘ́ؿཋ৽ ซȹซ፾ؿɤ́ؿ؈໦ ض˾ʨႢ҄҄Ԟע ʌʨႢ҄҄˾ဣᘨ հհࡐࡐዖიؖૈ ࡐࡐհհؿϛஒʔ̇ ԅαࡧʨྟ፷ؿࣵ ɺ຤෮Ꮒ٘Ϥ༦ؿᐻ ̟ے ˀ੒ؿ́ݠɻ૗૗ؿܺȹʨ ৤˅Փм ְᕝȿȹʘ ፘѿؿԅࡧˀྟ፷ࣵᖾ҈ ᇂ αʭࣂʪႦӔഽց߬ܰา฾ۥ஧ޚˋ՜ؿࣂԳ ഗ́ ԅᙜ٦ʪ޻ ᔝଡࣱ̖ɺӮ ͨንБ෵Ԟ෵Ⴉ ՜༜ܰޭˋ ็ࣵၤࣚ̈́ Ɂ́గཫܰ ʨɐࡾᔳ મ ᜑํ٦তՅ ܱˌᏬᙡؿɁංٽ૯ᔧؿႺ، ຒ̀ၤ ᇂ αʭࣂʪႦӔഽց߬ܰา฾ۥ஧ޚˋ՜ؿࣂԳ㛾ഗ́ ஶɐଡ๸ ְѿȿȹʘ ͨንБ෵Ԟ෵Ⴉ҈ ՜༜ܰޭˋ ็ࣵၤࣚ̈́ Ɂ́గཫܰ ʨɐࡾᔳ তՅ ֡ԑΣํؿܲʨܬڇમ ᜑٽ૯ᔧؿႺ، ຒ̀ၤ ᒨഀ࡝ ேټງቔԭ৙ڇᐢᘨ੡Бܰ࠯ᑜ ਻ྞΕ ୥́ኮྒޮ̀ ʌ ҈ܬˀཱཱུུಲʶ ᔶɁ඀ӹԷಙʶ Ρࠓͮᇹॐಲ౨ Λფ ᄘ෮ے࣠ኹʝАɝ࠯Б ݯБඪਝඪ ڇڇ޻ᗫɩ،ᕝഎࣩ ᒨ၈ι੟ᒘၤ،४ ɢඈࠋɐೋᅢх ᇼҐ҈ᔧΕ Бؿ ؿుʶ ૫ଡಲ߮ኹฎܮ ঒ധɺ໬ϸɐඔ ʌɢЄɢ ͨ̚ےʝАຒ࠯Б ݯБඪਝඪܱܱ ɐʶ፾൙়ᔴڳ ைҵࣺϐɬᄧڇ Λფ ፿ᗕےϳඈ̳ͮജᗫ ݯБඪਝඪټ ࿨ീ࿨ീ Lyrics 17 ᝍ࿨ܬڇ Ɍܰȹ࠯
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