Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 No. 98 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. WELCOMING THE REVEREND DR. Due to the large attendance that is The Reverend Dr. Jerry C. White, JERRY C. WHITE anticipated, the Chair feels the rule re- Pastor, Riverside Baptist Church, (Mr. INGLIS of South Carolina asked garding the privilege of the floor must Greer, South Carolina, offered the fol- and was given permission to address be strictly adhered to. lowing prayer: the House for 1 minute.) Children of Members will not be per- Almighty God, our Nation has experi- Mr. INGLIS of South Carolina. Mr. mitted on the floor, and the coopera- enced many victories because of people Speaker, I rise today to welcome to the tion of all Members is requested. like those here today. Often success did House Dr. Jerry White, the president of The practice of reserving seats prior not come with rushing speed but by the South Carolina Baptist Convention to the joint meeting by placard will persistence and faithfulness. We are in and our guest chaplain this morning. not be allowed. Members may reserve Your hands as were our forefathers of Jerry has been preaching since the age their seat by physical presence only old. Enlighten the minds of Your serv- of 13, pastoring for 33 years, 24 of those following the security sweep of the ants with wisdom, guide their counsel, years in South Carolina, the last 7 at Chamber. and prosper their work that what they Riverside Baptist Church in Greer, f do shall result in good. Give calmness South Carolina. His wife Janet and his in the face of storms, encouragement father are here with us today. They RECESS in the face of frustration, and humility have two sons, and, maybe most sig- The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the in the face of their success. May You nificantly, a brand new baby grand- order of the House of Monday, July 11, grant them wisdom and virtue to per- daughter. 2005, the House stands in recess subject form their part with the fervor of a pa- Jerry’s favorite hymn is Amazing to the call of the Chair. triot and the art of a statesman in Grace. His life verse is Philippians 4:13, Accordingly (at 9 o’clock and 8 min- thought, in word, and in deed. Direct ‘‘I can do all things through Christ who utes a.m.), the House stood in recess their paths that they may lead with strengthens me.’’ Truly the two work subject to the call of the Chair. boldness and assurance knowing that together because one of the stanzas of During the recess, beginning at about our cause is far greater than any one of Amazing Grace is, ‘‘Twas grace that 9:48 a.m., the following proceedings us. I pray this prayer in the name of taught my heart to fear and grace my were had: my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. fears relieved.’’ f Amen. That is what enables people like Jerry to pastor as they do, realizing b 0948 f that it is grace that causes them to be JOINT MEETING OF THE HOUSE THE JOURNAL able to do all things through Christ AND SENATE TO HEAR AN AD- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- who strengthens them. We thank him DRESS BY HIS EXCELLENCY ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- for offering the prayer this morning, MANMOHAN SINGH, PRIME MIN- ceedings and announces to the House and we welcome him to the House. ISTER OF THE REPUBLIC OF his approval thereof. f INDIA Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER The Speaker of the House presided. nal stands approved. The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to The Deputy Sergeant at Arms, Mrs. f make an announcement. Kerri Hanley, announced the Vice After consultation among the Speak- President and Members of the U.S. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE er, the majority and minority leaders, Senate who entered the Hall of the The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- the Chair announces that during the House of Representatives, the Vice woman from Washington (Miss joint meeting to hear an address by His President taking the chair at the right MCMORRIS) come forward and lead the Excellency Manmohan Singh, Prime of the Speaker, and the Members of the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. Minister of the Republic of India, only Senate the seats reserved for them. Miss MCMORRIS led the Pledge of the doors immediately opposite the The SPEAKER. The Chair appoints Allegiance as follows: Speaker and those on his right and left as members of the committee on the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the will be open. part of the House to escort His Excel- United States of America, and to the Repub- No one will be allowed on the floor of lency Manmohan Singh, the Prime lic for which it stands, one nation under God, the House who does not have the privi- Minister of the Republic of India, into indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. lege of the floor of the House. the Chamber: b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5965 . VerDate Aug 04 2004 02:42 Jul 20, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19JY7.000 H19PT1 H5966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 19, 2005 The gentleman from Texas (Mr. Senators and Representatives, entered came independent. Our political leader- DELAY); the Hall of the House of Representa- ship remained true to this commitment The gentleman from Missouri (Mr. tives and stood at the Clerk’s desk. and the Constitution we adopted after BLUNT); [Applause, the Members rising.] independence enshrined democracy The gentleman from Arizona (Mr. The SPEAKER. Members of the Con- based on free elections and the associ- SHADEGG); gress, it is my great privilege and I ated principles of tolerance of dissent, The gentleman from California (Mr. deem it a high honor and a personal freedom for political activity, protec- DOOLITTLE); pleasure to present to you His Excel- tion of human rights, and commitment The gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. lency Manmohan Singh, Prime Min- to the rule of law. ROS-LEHTINEN); ister of the Republic of India. Our first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal The gentleman from Virginia (Mr. [Applause, the Members rising.] Nehru, acknowledged our debt to TOM DAVIS); f America on this score. He said that you The gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. could hear in our Constitution the echo ADDRESS BY HIS EXCELLENCY JINDAL); of the great voices of the Founding Fa- MANMOHAN SINGH, PRIME MIN- The gentlewoman from California thers of your own Republic. (Ms. PELOSI); ISTER OF THE REPUBLIC OF Ladies and gentlemen, the real test The gentleman from Maryland (Mr. INDIA of a democracy is not in what is said in HOYER); Prime Minister SINGH. Mr. Speaker, the Constitution, but in how it func- The gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. sir; Mr. Vice President; distinguished tions on the ground. All Indians can be MENENDEZ); Members of the U.S. Congress; ladies proud of what we have achieved in this The gentleman from California (Mr. and gentlemen, I deem it a great privi- area, and I suggest that our experience LANTOS); lege to be invited to address this joint in this regard is also relevant beyond The gentleman from American session of the U.S. Congress. I thank our own boundaries. Free and fair elec- Samoa (Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA); you from the core of my heart for this tions are the foundations of a democ- The gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. invitation. racy. Over the past six decades, govern- PALLONE); and I bring you the greetings and good ments in India, at both the national The gentleman from New York (Mr. wishes of our Parliament members and, and state level, have regularly sought CROWLEY). indeed, of the entire Indian people. the mandate of the people through The VICE PRESIDENT. The Presi- India and the United States have elections. dent of the Senate, at the direction of much in common that is very impor- Our elections are conducted under that body, appoints the following Sen- tant to both our countries. You are the the supervision of a statutory inde- ators as members of the committee on world’s oldest democracy; we are its pendent election commission, which the part of the Senate to escort His Ex- largest. Our shared commitment to has earned respect for its fairness and cellency Manmohan Singh, the Prime democratic values and processes has transparency, both at home and Minister of the Republic of India, into been a bond that has helped us tran- abroad. The independent judiciary has the House Chamber: scend our differences, if any. We ad- been a zealous defender of our Con- The Senator from Tennessee (Mr. mire the creativity, the spirit of adven- stitution and a credible guarantor of FRIST); ture and enterprise of the American the rule of law. The press is a key in- The Senator from Kentucky (Mr. people, the excellence of your institu- stitution in any democracy, and our MCCONNELL); tions of learning, the openness of your media has a well-earned reputation for The Senator from Alaska (Mr. STE- economy, and of your ready embrace of being both free and fearless.