Animals in Science Final Mon 20 May.Indd
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES DVD ISSUE: 4 A HUMANE EDUCATION RESOURCE CONTAINING: ANIMALs in science 12 visual and oral texts ETHICAL ARGUMENTS AND ALTERNATIVES TO ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS current affairs, activist footage and film clips. 51 images ideal for students as visual aids. ISSN: 117-3804 Published in New Zealand. If this DVD is misplaced or © SAFE 2013. SAFE, PO Box 13366, CHRISTCHURCH damaged a free replacement copy is available on request. See page ii for contact details. WEBSITE OFFERING: invaluable free information for both teachers and students enhancing critical thinking about the relationship between humans and animals. ISSUE: 1 A HUMANE EDUCATION RE SOURCE ISSN: 117-3804 A HUMANE EDUCATION RESOURCE PUBLISHED RESOURCES: ISSUE 1 – Battery Hen Farming in New Zealand: A C R I T I C A L E V A L U A T I O N A Critical Evaluation ISSUE 2 – Animal Rights, Human Values, Social Action ISSUE 3 – Animals on Show: A Critical Analysis of the Animal Entertainment Industry ANIMALS IN SCIENCE Ethical argumEnts and altErnativEs to animal ExpErimEnts RESOURCE MATERIALS suitable for Years 9-13 in science and Biology ANIMALS IN SCIENCE ETHICAL ARGUMENTS AND ALTERNATIVES TO ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS ISSN: 117-3804 Cover design FLIGHTLESS Cover image ANTHONY BRADSHAW – Getty Images Design Rose Cottage Design Printer FEDERAL PRINT Acknowledgements SAFE wishes to thank those who generously permitted the use of their materials free of charge or at a reduced rate. These include: Animal Aid, Jonathan Balcombe, Marc Bekoff, Continuum International Publishing Group, Judy Diamond, Fairfax Media, FVLB, Getty Images, Ray Greek, Andrew Knight, Macmillan Publishers Ltd, Mediaworks Interactive, New World Library, New Zealand Listener, NHNZ, NZAVS, Organic NZ, Oxford University Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Safer Medicines, Ken Shapiro (Animals and Society Institute), Peter Singer, The New Zealand Herald, The Resurgence Trust, Tribune Media Services International, University of California Press and University of Chicago Press.
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