The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum VOLUME 69 • NUMBER 2 The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum VOLUME 69 • NUMBER 2 • 2011 CONTENTS Arnoldia (ISSN 0004–2633; USPS 866–100) 2 One Hundred Years of Popular is published quarterly by the Arnold Arboretum Information of Harvard University. Periodicals postage paid Peter Del Tredici; with additional text at Boston, Massachusetts. by William (Ned) Friedman Subscriptions are $20.00 per calendar year domestic, $25.00 foreign, payable in advance. 11 Can Taxodium Be Improved? Remittances may be made in U.S. dollars, by David Creech, Lijing Zhou, Yin Yunlong, check drawn on a U.S. bank; by international and Teobaldo Eguiluz-Piedra money order; or by Visa, Mastercard, or American Express. Send orders, remittances, requests to 21 The Writing of New Trees: Recent purchase back issues, change-of-address notices, Introductions to Cultivation and all other subscription-related communica- tions to Circulation Manager, Arnoldia, Arnold John Grimshaw Arboretum, 125 Arborway, Boston, MA 02130- 3500. Telephone 617.524.1718; fax 617.524.1418; 29 A Year With the Apples of the e-mail
[email protected] Arnold Arboretum Arnold Arboretum members receive a subscrip- Miles Sax tion to Arnoldia as a membership benefit. To become a member or receive more information, 40 The Royal Azalea: Rhododendron please call Wendy Krauss at 617.384.5766 or schlippenbachii email
[email protected] Nancy Rose Postmaster: Send address changes to Front cover: This specimen of Malus sargentii (acces- Arnoldia Circulation Manager sion 20408-D), collected by Charles S. Sargent during The Arnold Arboretum 125 Arborway his 1892 expedition to Japan, has no single leader but Boston, MA 02130–3500 instead has several trunks and a uniquely intertwined branching structure.