Claim for Emergency Capital Funding Exceptional Damage to County Council’s Highways in the ‘Fens’ March 2012

Norfolk County Council

1 Contents


Executive Summary 3

1 Introduction 4

1.1 Background 4

1.2 Physical Parameters 6

1.3 Other Funding Possibilities 6

2 Analysis 7

2.1 Outline 7

2.2 Network level Summary 7

2.3 ‘A’ Roads 7

2.4 ‘B’ Roads 10

2.5 ‘C’ Roads 12

2.6 ‘U’ Roads 13

2.7 Identified drought damage schemes – Group Analysis 15

2.8 Identified drought damage schemes – Individual Analysis 16

3 Options considered 17

4 Officer Contact Information 17


A. Plan showing drought damage scheme proposals on geological background

B. A summary sheet detailing all of the drought damage scheme proposals

C. Details of each individual scheme proposal

2 Executive Summary

1. Background 1.1. This region of has experienced a period of significant drought. 1.2. The Fenland area predominantly has of sub-soils containing substantial quantities of peat and other water susceptible sub-strata. The lowering of the water table results in shrinkage off these susceptible soils causing significant drought damage to the road network in the form of differential settlement and cracking. These defects represent safety hazards and are causing local concern. 1.3. The five local authorities in the area have agreed a traffic sign protocol to produce a consistent approach for the road damage in Fenland. In some severe circumstances this may include road closure which would impose a burden on the economic activity in the locality. 2. Claim for additional capital funding 2.1. Our network analysis of condition data in Norfolk County Council’s Fen area has shown deterioration in condition that amounts to £8.92 million. If a betterment deduction of 40% for previous fair condition this would still amount to £5.35 million. 2.2. We have so far identified 45 drought damage related schemes totalling £3.8million and this is likely to increase. 2.3. We are making a request for additional emergency capital funding of £3.8million for the full cost of the identified drought damage related schemes.

3 1 Introduction

1.1 Background

1.1.1 This region of England is continuing to experience a period of extreme drought. Information from the Environment Agency indicates:

“Lincolnshire, , parts of Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire, and west Norfolk are still in drought because the water resources situation (especially groundwater) has not improved”

1.1.2 The Map from the Environment Agency below, details the situation in June 2011.


4 1.1.4 As a result of the drought, the ground water levels are falling and the moisture content in our road formation is changing. The consequence of this is exceptional damage to all categories of roads in the Fens. This is predominantly because of sub-soils containing substantial quantities of peat and other water susceptible sub-strata. The extent of this in western Norfolk is detailed in the following map.


1.1.6 On many roads, including principal roads, the damage is resulting in safety hazards including:

o Increased deterioration of the longitudinal profile of roads requiring drivers to reduce speeds below those that would normally be appropriate for the width and alignment of the roads to minimise the risk of vehicles leaving the roads. o Severe localised transverse depressions which require drivers to slow to speeds below 20mph. o Longitudinal differential settlement and cracking requiring the provision of supplementary road signs to warn drivers and enable the road to remain open.

5 1.2 Physical Parameters

1.2.1 The following table indicates the length of the Fen Roads in relation to our total network km. 1.2.2 Classification Total Length kms Fen Length Fen Length % kms ‘A’ Roads 769.43 106 14% ‘B’ Roads 644.57 39 6% ‘C’ Roads 3418.94 308 9% ‘U’ Roads 4406.55 364 8% ‘U’ Roads (unmade) 498.42 115 23% Back Lanes (V) 26.71 0 0% Total 9764.62 932 10%

1.3 Other Funding Possibilities 1.3.1 In Norfolk we have developed our asset management practices and these have indicated that we need between £30m and £35m to maintain our highway assets at their current condition. The allocation from the Department for Transport for 2012/13 is £21.403m, well short of our need. 1.3.2 In view of the importance we place on maintaining our assets we have used the funding flexibility to transfer all but £2.1m of the integrated transport funding to maintenance, and added £3.5m of our own resources. The resulting budget of £28.9m is still short of that required. Given the level of under-funding it is not practical for us to hold a contingency for extraordinary events. 1.3.3 We do of course have the flexibility to deal with less widespread or single site issues by varying our programme and deferring planned schemes. However, this drought-related damage affects such a significant proportion of our network (10%) that diverting resources from the planned programme would delay other essential schemes, leading to further deterioration, escalating costs and a growing maintenance backlog. 1.3.4 Our network analysis of condition data in Norfolk County Council’s Fen area has shown deterioration in condition that amounts to £8.92 million. If a betterment deduction of 40% for previous fair condition this would still amount to £5.35 million. 1.3.5 We have so far identified 45 drought damage related schemes totalling £3.8 million and this is likely to increase. 1.3.6 We are making a request for additional emergency capital funding of £3.8 million for the full cost of the identified drought damage related schemes.

6 2 Analysis

2.1 Outline

2.1.1 We have put together an analysis which details increased deterioration in the Fens as a consequence of the drought. This is at three levels;- • Network per class • Identified ‘damage’ schemes - On a group basis • Identified ‘damage’ schemes - Individual site details

2.2 Network level Summary

2.2.1 By analysing condition survey data sets we have determined the extent of change in the Fen Roads compared with the whole network.

2.2.2 We have established the works cost of the drought damage caused by;- • Measuring ukpms defects • Applied our appropriate treatment response • Applied our typical scheme efficiency in targeting these defects

as shown in the following table;- Classification Cost of additional works damage in millions ‘A’ Roads £1.33 ‘B’ Roads £1.08 ‘C’ Roads £0.71 ‘U’ Roads £4.81 Total £7.93 The average fee cost for our surfacing schemes is currently 12.5%. When applied to the cost of the works this gives an overall cost to the authority for drought damage so far as;- Total Cost of additional damage in millions Works & fees £8.92 The evidence for each road class follows. 2.3 ‘A’ Roads Fen analysis

2.3.1 We utilise annual ‘SCANNER’ surveys on our ‘A’ road to comply with the requirements of the single data set, of whole of government accounts and our asset management requirements.

2.3.2 We undertake these surveys annual during September and October which is after the summer season of surface dressing.

2.3.3 We have aligned the defect to treatments utilised in Norfolk, our price schedule and typical treatment efficiencies in order to present the actual estimated costs for the works required.

7 2.3.4 We have separated out our ‘A’ Fen roads as a dataset so we can compare the impact of the drought to here in comparison with the remainder of Non- Fen ‘A’ roads as a control.

2.3.5 This network analysis shows ‘A’ fen roads deteriorating as follows;- 2010/11 £3.99 million 2011/12 £5.32 million Deterioration £1.33 million

2.3.6 This is the cost of treating defects, with our appropriate treatments and typical scheme efficiency.

2.3.7 Assumptions • Costs o Surface dressing - £5.43/m² o Plane and inlay 40mm - £24.77/m² o Plane and inlay 100mm - £45.70/m² o These all include some element of soft spot repair or pre- dressing patching • Efficiency o Rate of defects removed per scheme of 53%.

2.3.8 We have carried out a detailed analysis of the defect types in the Fen and Non-Fen ‘A’ roads.

2.3.9 Our analysis has identified that Norfolk’s Fen ‘A’ roads as having a markedly higher percentage of defective carriageway than our Non-Fen ‘A’ network.

2.3.10 SCANNER survey results of “Plan work” (at the top of the Scanner defective threshold/Red) or “investigate work” (defective along the Scanner scale/Amber) categories are as shown in the following table. A roads Red Amber Total 2011 Fen 5.6% 26.7% 32.3% 2011 Non-Fen 3.4% 22.2% 25.6%

2.3.11 The following graph shows equivalent year RCI percentage for Red. In line with the rules and parameters the RCI is aggregated over 2-years representing 100% of the network in both directions. Here we can see, by the gradient of the graph that the Fen area has deteriorated at a higher rate per year than the Non-Fen network. This is despite efforts to target schemes in the Fen area due to recognised structural issues :-

8 2.3.12

2.3.13 The higher Fen NI appears to have been triggered by a larger proportion of structural defects, • Longitudinal variance, both at 3m and 10m, have increased considerably in the Fen area where over the same period this has fallen elsewhere is the County - again this leads us to conclude that the variable soils have different magnitudes of susceptibility to drying • Left rut also having a significantly larger portion in the Fens rising by 28% in quantity in the year from 2010 to 2011 - again this leads us to conclude that the road edges are more susceptible to drying • Cracking also increased by a significant length - due to rapid drying of the underlying soils, consequently we have had excess cracking that will rapidly lead to structural defects if not addressed

2.3.14 The following graph shows the actual quantity, in metres, of the four chosen defects and the gradient shows the speed with which the deterioration is developing. The years chosen show the differences between the same roads surveyed in the same direction.

9 2.3.15

2.3.16 As can clearly be seen in the following table there has been a significant upturn over the recent past in the Fen Area in the number of defects, which we believe has been exacerbated by the drought.


10 2.4 ‘B’ Roads

2.4.1 We utilise annual ‘SCANNER’ surveys on our ‘B’ road to comply with the requirements of the single data set, of whole of government accounts and our asset management needs.

2.4.2 We undertake these surveys annual during September and October which is after the summer season of surface dressing.

2.4.3 We have aligned the defect to treatments utilised in Norfolk, our price schedule and typical treatment efficiencies, so we can present the actual estimated costs for the works required.

2.4.4 We have separated out our ‘B’ fen roads as a dataset so we can compare the impact of the drought to here in comparison with the remainder of non- fen ‘B’ roads as a control.

2.4.5 This network analysis shows ‘B’ fen roads deteriorating as follows;- 2010/11 £1.49 million 2011/12 £2.57 million Deterioration £ 1.08 million

2.4.6 This is the cost of treating defects, with our appropriate treatments and typical scheme efficiency.

2.4.7 Assumptions • Costs o Surface dressing - £4.44/m² o Plane and inlay 40mm - £22.74/m² o Plane and inlay 100mm - £35.12/m² o These all include some element of soft spot repair or pre- dressing patching • Efficiency o Rate of defects removed per scheme at 63%.

2.4.8 We have carried out detailed analysis of the defect types in the Fen and Non-Fen ‘B’ roads. This has identified that Norfolk’s Fen Area has a markedly higher percentage of defective carriageway than our Non-Fen network.

2.4.9 Norfolk’s Fen Area ‘B’ roads have seen a significant rise in their ‘plan work’ (at the top of the Scanner defective threshold/Red) defective length. This has been mirrored by the Non-Fen ‘B’ roads but to a smaller degree.

2.4.10 The graph following, show this information graphically and clearly indicate rapid deterioration.

11 2.4.11

2.4.12 The higher Fen indicator appears to have been triggered by a larger proportion of structural defects, • measured cracking has risen by 50% - due to rapid drying of the underlying soils, consequently we have had excess cracking that will rapidly lead to structural defects if not addressed • left rut up by 106% - again this leads us to conclude that the road edges are more susceptible to drying

2.4.13 As can clearly be seen in the following table there has been a significant upturn over the recent past in the Fen Area in the number of defects, which we believe has been exacerbated by the drought.


12 2.5 ‘C’ Roads

2.5.1 We utilise annual ‘SCANNER’ surveys on our ‘C’ road to comply with the requirements of the single data set, whole of government accounts and our asset management needs.

2.5.2 We undertake these surveys annual during September and October which is after the summer season of surface dressing.

2.5.3 We have aligned the defect to treatments utilised in Norfolk, our price schedule and typical treatment efficiencies we can present the actual estimated costs for the works required.

2.5.4 We have separated out our ‘C’ fen roads as a dataset so we can compare the impact of the drought to here in comparison with the remainder of non- fen ‘C’ roads as a control.

2.5.5 This network analysis shows ‘C’ fen roads deteriorating as follows;- 2.5.6 2009/10 £14.03 million 2011/12 £14.74 million Deterioration £0.71 million 2.5.7 We have chosen these 2 years as they represent the same network lengths, (although in opposite directions) and span the drought event.

2.5.8 This is the cost of treating defects, with our appropriate treatments and typical scheme efficiency.

2.5.9 Assumptions • Costs o Surface dressing - £4.63/m² o Surfacing scheme - £28.36/m² (this is an average surfacing scheme cost for C whether overlay/plane or 40mm/100mm) o These all include some element of soft spot repair or pre- dressing patching • Efficiency o Rate of defects removed per scheme of 63%.

2.5.10 At this high level network analysis it would appear that the Fen ‘C’ roads are in slightly better condition than the Non-Fen areas.

2.5.11 However the rate of deterioration is the issue we have identified and below we can see that the rest of Norfolk’s ‘C’ road network has improved except that found in the Fen area. The graph below shows all defectiveness (Red/Amber combined count) in the Scanner range. The relevant years have been chosen as they represent the return of the survey on the same roads in the same direction.

13 2.5.12

2.5.13 Overall our ‘C’ road indicator has remained constant between 2010-11 and 2011-12 so it is clear that the deterioration on the fen ‘C’ road is drought related.

2.6 ‘Unclassified’ Roads

2.6.1 We utilise Coarse Visual Inspection (CVI) surveys on our ‘U’ road to comply with the requirements of whole of government accounts and our asset management needs.

2.6.2 They have coverage of 25% per annum, thereby covering 100% of the ‘U’ class network every 4 years.

2.6.3 We undertake these surveys annual during September and October which is after the summer season of surface dressing.

2.6.4 Additionally in 2011-12 in response to the drought we have repeated the survey on the same roads in the Fen area in 2011/12 as in 2010/11 using the same survey company.

2.6.5 We have thereby created a data set detailing the direct change in the last year. This sample set is 107km which is a significant sample of the 364km network length in the fen area. This represents some 29% of the network and can be treated as statistically significant.

2.6.6 Fen Area ‘U’ roads 2010/11 2011/12 PI reportable defective condition 42% 49% Edge defects 4Km(3.4) 7Km(6.8) Wearing course defects 42Km(39.3) 48Km(45.1)

Structural defects 32Km(29.6) 42Km(38.7)

14 2.6.7 In the one year we have seen a very significant increase in all of the reported defect condition indexes with the structural element increasing by 9.1%. These figures show that we have an increase of 10km (24%) of U’ roads that requiring deep structural work within the 107km sample.

2.6.8 A sample of this size can be considered to be representative of the Fen ‘U’ network and therefore we can indicate the approximate lengths of defects using a pro-rata figure :-

2.6.9 Fen Area ‘U’ roads 2010/11 2011/12 PI reportable defective condition 42% 49% Edge defects 13.6Km(3.4) 23.8Km(6.8) Wearing course defects 142.9Km(39.3) 163.3Km(45.1) Structural defects 108.9Km(29.6) 142.9Km(38.7)

2.6.10 We have aligned the defect to treatments utilised in Norfolk, our price schedule and typical treatment efficiencies we can present the actual estimated costs for the works required.

2.6.11 We have separated out our ‘U’ fen roads as a differential dataset so we can compare the impact of the drought to here in comparison with the remainder of non-fen ‘U’ roads as a control.

2.6.12 Due to potential overlapping defect types from the CVI we have just applied costs to the structural treatments.

2.6.13 Assumptions • Costs o Deep structural treatment - £31.80/m² • Average ‘U’ Road Width o 3.5m. 2.6.14 This network analysis shows ‘U’ fen roads deteriorating as follows;- 2010/11 £15.39 million 2011/12 £20.20 million Deterioration £4.81 million

2.6.15 This is the cost of treating defects, with our appropriate treatments and typical scheme efficiency.

2.6.16 The defects that trigger the structural defects report are items such as settlement/subsidence, rutting and severe edge deterioration and these are the same defects that can be seen in the photographs attached to the separate scheme sheets later in this report

2.6.17 On a whole county basis, our ‘U’ road indicator has remained constant between 2010-11 and 2011-12 so it is clear that the deterioration on the fen ‘U’ road is drought related.

15 2.7 Identified drought damage schemes – Group Analysis

2.7.1 We have so far identified 45 sites over the last few months exhibiting concentrated areas of defects related to soil shrinkage in the fen area of Norfolk.

2.7.2 ‘A’ roads – 3 schemes ‘B’ roads – 5 schemes ‘C’ roads – 17 schemes ‘U’ roads – 20 schemes Total – 45 schemes

2.7.3 These are detailed on a plan with a geological background in Appendix A.

2.7.4 Detailed examination at a ‘macro’ level of schemes has been limited to relative percentage deterioration as the number of schemes is low in some of the classes.

2.7.5 All classes show an increase in the condition index within the lengths of the schemes when held up against the survey data.

2.7.6 For the ‘A’ & ‘B’ roads this means that the quantity of Scanner Red defects, which would be removed by the schemes. The relative percentage increase in 2011-12 from the archived 2010/11 survey data is as follows ; - ‘A’ roads – 45% (3 schemes) ‘B’ roads – 56% (5 schemes)

2.7.7 For the ‘C’ roads we have used the same measure. The lesser frequency of surveys on this network limits the sample as only 12 of the 17 identified schemes were surveyed in 2011-12. These have increased in 2011-12 from the archived 2009/10 survey data by ; - ‘C’ roads – 27% (12 schemes)

2.7.8 For ‘U’ roads we use the CVI survey and have considered the change in the Condition index for structural and wearing course elements. As stated in 1.8.4 we returned to the areas surveyed in 2010-11 to establish trend deterioration this has enabled us to study the annual change in condition of 4 of the 20 schemes.

2.7.9 They show significant change:-

2.7.10 Fen Area U roads 2010/11 2011/12

Wearing course CI 55.90% 77.10%

Structural CI 42.50% 71.50%

CI = Condition Index

16 2.7.11 This shows a relative percentage increase of 38% for wearing course and 68% for structural.

2.8 Identified drought damage schemes – Individual Analysis

2.8.1 A summary sheet detailing all of the 45 identified schemes can be found in Appendix B. These do not include any sites that were originally in our fixed structural maintenance programme.

2.8.2 Details of each individual site are contained in Appendix C

2.8.3 Each site is presented separately detailing;- • Description, location ,functional importance • Condition surveys, ukmps treatment recommendations and condition indices, survey reference year • Observed defects, contributory factors, dimensions, proposed treatment and cost. • Photographs. • Site plan

3 Options considered

3.1.1 Norfolk has over the years developed a set of treatments for repairs to drought damage roads. These treatments are deployed as appropriate depending upon the degree of damage, functional importance of the highway, effectiveness of the proposed repair and cost.

3.1.2 Treatments are • Localised patching repair o Tar & chip to seal cracks o Layered patching and replace o Larger scale machine patching • Re-profiling of roads o Planing off the high points followed by surface dressing. o Retread similar to above with some stabilisation o Recycling with increased stabilisation and use of surfacing layers

3.1.3 Each of the sites listed in the Appendices B and C have been assessed visually and also by using relevant condition surveys. Costs are based upon experience of our current contracts.

3.1.4 Should this bid for additional funding not be successful the County Council will be exposed to the risks previously mentioned. Sites would be treated as budgets and programming constraints allow, however sites would remain in a state of disrepair for a significant number of years. In the meantime a signing strategy would be implemented to warn road users.

17 4 Officer Contact Information

4.1 The nominated officer for contact on all matters (budget, sites and condition information is:

Paul Elliott, CEng, MICE Transportation Programmes Manager Highways Environment, Transport & Development Norfolk County Council County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2SG Email: [email protected] Telephone : 01603 222210

Signature:……………………...... (Section 151 Officer)

Harvey Bullen Head of Budgeting and Financial Management Norfolk County Council

18 Appendix A

Distribution of Identified Drought Damage Road Proposals in Norfolk


Appendix C

Individual Site Reports

Fen Road Damage Sites Site Summary Sheet for W200A

Road No. A1101 Road Name Road

Hierarchy 2 Parish Upwell Env. Rural

Location Near uneven road signs

Type of road use Principal

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2010-11 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be strengthened (11%) and resurfaced (63%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 53%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 25.1% Amber: 25.1% Green: 49.8% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 50.2%

Defects observed Full width subsidence

Contributory Ditches parallel and perpendicular. Road side Sluice. factors


Length: 164m Area: 1090.6m2 Av. Width: 6.65m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Recycle £56.87 per m2

Total estimated cost of £62022.42 scheme:


2 Site Summary Sheet for W197A

Road No. A1101 Road Name Wash rd

Hierarchy 2 Parish Welney Env. Rural

Location Suspension Bridge to County Boundry

Type of road use Principal

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2010-11 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be strengthened (19%) and resurfaced (57%) and surface improved (12%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 12%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 3.2% Amber: 13.6% Green: 83.2% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 16.8%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditch and tree line to south east and a large Fen/Drain bank to the factors North-west


Length: 400m Area: 650.0m2 Av. Width: 1.5m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Machine patching (March 2011-12) £49.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £31850.0 scheme:


4 Site Summary Sheet for W196A

Road No. A1122 Road Name Downham rd

Hierarchy 2 Parish Downham west Env. Rural

Location Various between ladys drove and Salters Lode

Type of road use Principal

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2010-11 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be strengthened (8%) and resurfaced (24%) and surface improved (17%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 11%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 1.8% Amber: 8.7% Green: 89.4% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 10.6%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditch and river bank factors


Length: 75m Area: 555.0m2 Av. Width: 7.4m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Machine patching £49.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £27195.0 scheme:


6 Site Summary Sheet for W160B

Road No. B1094 Road Name Ha Penny Toll Road

Hierarchy 3A(ii) Parish Upwell Env. Rural

Location County boundary to after bends

Type of road use Main Distributor

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2010-11 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be resurfaced (9%) and surface improved (62%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 68%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 22% Amber: 58.8% Green: 19.3% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 80.7%

Defects observed Full width subsidence

Contributory Ditches factors


Length: 397m Area: 2890.16m2 Av. Width: 7.28m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Recycle £56.87 per m2

Total estimated cost of £164363.4 scheme:


8 Site Summary Sheet for W161B

Road No. B1094 Road Name Ha Penny Toll Road

Hierarchy 3A(ii) Parish Upwell Env. Rural

Location 21132 Greenend to farm southwards

Type of road use Main Distributor

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2010-11 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be resurfaced (20%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 53%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 15.3% Amber: 60% Green: 24.7% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 75.3%

Defects observed Full width subsidence

Contributory Ditches parallel both sides of road factors


Length: 552m Area: 2997.36m2 Av. Width: 5.43m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Recycle £56.87 per m2

Total estimated cost of £170459.86 scheme:


10 Site Summary Sheet for W158B

Road No. B1094 Road Name Silt rd

Hierarchy 3A(ii) Parish Nordelph Env. Rural

Location Near the Old School House

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2010-11 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be resurfaced (27%) and surface improved (8%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 11%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 3.5% Amber: 18.1% Green: 78.4% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 21.6%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory factors


Length: 50m Area: 325.0m2 Av. Width: 6.5m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Machine patching (March 2011-12) £49.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £15925.0 scheme:


12 Site Summary Sheet for W159B

Road No. B1100 Road Name March rd

Hierarchy 3A(ii) Parish Welney Env. Rural

Location Various between Peck Farm and Transport depot

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2010-11 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be resurfaced (17%) and surface improved (12%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 77%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 39.8% Amber: 50.8% Green: 9.5% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 90.5%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches parallel and perpendicular to road side factors


Length: 400m Area: 650.0m2 Av. Width: 1.5m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Machine patching (March 2011-12) £49.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £31850.0 scheme:


14 Site Summary Sheet for W162B

Road No. B1112 Road Name Methwold Rd

Hierarchy 3A(ii) Parish Stoke Ferry / Whittington Env. Rural

Location From roundabout to Old Methwold rd

Type of road use Main Distributor

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2010-11 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be strengthened (29%) and resurfaced (64%) and surface improved (7%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 72%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 9.4% Amber: 63.4% Green: 27.2% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 72.8%

Defects observed Wearing course faliure

Contributory factors


Length: 100m Area: 700.0m2 Av. Width: 7.0m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Machine patching (March 2011-12) £40.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £28000.0 scheme:


16 Site Summary Sheet for W78C

Road No. C16 Road Name Edge bank rd

Hierarchy 3B(i) Parish Env. Rural

Location Various between Moors lodge Farm and Emneth Hungate

Type of road use HGV access route

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be resurfaced (40%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 25%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 8.5% Amber: 27.9% Green: 63.6% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 36.4%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches parallel and perpendicular to road side factors


Length: 250m Area: 375.0m2 Av. Width: 1.5m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Heavy patching £49.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £18375.0 scheme:


18 Site Summary Sheet for W76C

Road No. C19 Road Name Smeeth Rd

Hierarchy 3B(i) Parish Marshland st James Env. Rural

Location Speed Limit to C19

Type of road use HGV access route

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be strengthened (11%) and resurfaced (38%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 49%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 29.8% Amber: 34.3% Green: 35.9% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 64.1%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches parallel and perpendicular to road side factors


Length: 250m Area: 300.0m2 Av. Width: 1.2m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Machine patching £49.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £14700.0 scheme:


20 Site Summary Sheet for W81C

Road No. C31 Road Name River Rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Tenmile Bank Env. Rural

Location The Meadows & Mantons Farm

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be surface improved (8%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 58%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 25.7% Amber: 42.3% Green: 32% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 68%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Beside river factors


Length: 1780m Area: 7120.0m2 Av. Width: 4.0m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Recycle £56.87 per m2

Total estimated cost of £404914.4 scheme:


22 Site Summary Sheet for W70C

Road No. C37 Road Name Station Rd

Hierarchy 3B(ii) Parish Tenmile Bank Env. Rural

Location Speed limit to Railway crossing

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2008-09 & 2010-11

SCANNER reports show that this site should be . The total SCANNER score for this site is 52%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 9.8% Amber: 35% Green: 55.2% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 44.8%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches perpendicular factors


Length: 880m Area: 3696.0m2 Av. Width: 4.2m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £47604.48 scheme:


24 Site Summary Sheet for W75C

Road No. C37 Road Name Hundred foot Bank

Hierarchy 3B(ii) Parish Welney Env. Rural

Location Outside Flights End

Type of road use Local Access Route

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2008-09 & 2010-11

SCANNER reports show that this site should be strengthened (6%), resurfaced (43%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 100%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 85.8% Amber: 14.2% Green: 0% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 100%

Defects observed Full width subsidence

Contributory Beside river factors


Length: 75m Area: 315.0m2 Av. Width: 4.2m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Re construct £75.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £23625.0 scheme:


26 Site Summary Sheet for W69C

Road No. C4 Road Name Middle Drove

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Marshland st James Env. Rural

Location Neeps bridge to C5 Stow Rd

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2008-09 & 2010-11

SCANNER reports show that this site should be . The total SCANNER score for this site is 62%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 30.8% Amber: 41.5% Green: 27.6% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 72.4%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Crosses river factors


Length: 2000m Area: 8000.0m2 Av. Width: 4.0m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £103040.0 scheme:


28 Site Summary Sheet for W67C

Road No. C40 Road Name Severals Rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Methwold Env. Rural

Location Bridge west of Rosedene Fm east for 2250m

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be . The total SCANNER score for this site is 50%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 22.3% Amber: 45.3% Green: 32.3% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 67.7%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches parallel to road factors


Length: 2250m Area: 14625.0m2 Av. Width: 6.5m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £188370.0 scheme:


30 Site Summary Sheet for W73C

Road No. C5 Road Name Stow rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Stowbardolph Env. Rural

Location C4 to Mortons Bridge

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be resurfaced (51%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 39%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 12.9% Amber: 33.4% Green: 53.6% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 46.4%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches parallel to road factors


Length: 1500m Area: 8550.0m2 Av. Width: 5.7m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Recycle £56.87 per m2

Total estimated cost of £486238.5 scheme:


32 Site Summary Sheet for W72C

Road No. C548 Road Name Bridge rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Stokeferry Env. Urban

Location A134 to Bridge

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2008-09 & 2010-11

SCANNER reports show that this site should be . The total SCANNER score for this site is 50%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 16.1% Amber: 33.4% Green: 50.4% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 49.6%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory factors


Length: 300m Area: 450.0m2 Av. Width: 1.5m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Recycle Patching £56.87 per m2

Total estimated cost of £25591.5 scheme:


34 Site Summary Sheet for W68C

Road No. C7 Road Name Ladys drove

Hierarchy 3b(ii) Parish Barroway drove Env. Rural

Location From Downham Fen Drain to A1122

Type of road use Local Access Route

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be surface improved (6%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 34%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 4.5% Amber: 37.1% Green: 58.4% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 41.6%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Trees (Willows) factors


Length: 910m Area: 4832.1m2 Av. Width: 5.31m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Recycle (to be carried out in 2012-13) £56.87 per m2

Total estimated cost of £274801.53 scheme:


36 Site Summary Sheet for W80C

Road No. C790 Road Name Sedge fen rd

Hierarchy 3B(i) Parish Southery Env. Rural

Location A10 to Bibby's Mill

Type of road use HGV access route

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be strengthened (6%), resurfaced (47%) and surface improved (20%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 88%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 57.1% Amber: 30.2% Green: 12.7% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 87.3%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches parallel to road, river nearby factors


Length: 615m Area: 1230.0m2 Av. Width: 2.0m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Haunching £56.87 per m2

Total estimated cost of £69950.1 scheme:


38 Site Summary Sheet for W71C

Road No. C8 Road Name Stow Rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Wiggenhall St Mary Mag Env. Rural

Location Various between Crabbs Abbey & Speed Limit

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be . The total SCANNER score for this site is 31%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 6.6% Amber: 32.1% Green: 61.3% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 38.7%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Road runs parallel to river factors


Length: 100m Area: 250.0m2 Av. Width: 2.5m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Recycled Haunch / Patch £56.87 per m2

Total estimated cost of £14217.5 scheme:


40 Site Summary Sheet for W79C

Road No. C8 Road Name Low rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Stowbridge Env. Rural

Location Vine Hill to Crabbs Abbey

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be resurfaced (9%) and surface improved (48%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 45%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 8.3% Amber: 47.2% Green: 44.5% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 55.5%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Parallel to river Great Ouse factors


Length: 100m Area: 200.0m2 Av. Width: 2.0m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Heavy patching £49.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £9800.0 scheme:


42 Site Summary Sheet for W77C

Road No. C80 Road Name Lynn Rd

Hierarchy 3B(ii) Parish Clenchwarton Env. Urban

Location Various between 23593 & C27

Type of road use Local Access Route

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be resurfaced (17%) and surface improved (14%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 58%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 0.6% Amber: 31.4% Green: 68% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 32%

Defects observed Cracking to HRA surface

Contributory Ditches parallel to road factors


Length: 150m Area: 1080.0m2 Av. Width: 7.2m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Machine patching £49.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £52920.0 scheme:


44 Site Summary Sheet for W74C

Road No. C872 Road Name Southery rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Feltwell Env. Rural

Location B1160 & Ploughmans Drove

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be surface improved (7%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 35%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 4% Amber: 21.7% Green: 74.3% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 25.7%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory factors


Length: 150m Area: 900.0m2 Av. Width: 6.0m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Recycle £56.87 per m2

Total estimated cost of £51183.0 scheme:


46 Site Summary Sheet for W82C

Road No. C872 Road Name Southery rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Feltwell Env. Rural

Location B1160 to Ploughmans drove

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10 & 2011-12

SCANNER reports show that this site should be strengthened (8%), resurfaced (51%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 73%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 6.3% Amber: 39.8% Green: 54% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 46%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches parallel to road factors


Length: 600m Area: 1080.0m2 Av. Width: 1.8m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Machine Recyclepatching £49.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £52920.0 scheme:


48 Site Summary Sheet for W66C

Road No. C9 Road Name Hgh rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Wiggenhall St Mary Mag Env. Rural

Location Red Farm Barn to High Road Farm

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2008-09 & 2010-11

SCANNER reports show that this site should be resurfaced (28%) and surface improved (25%). The total SCANNER score for this site is 47%.

The average indicator score from the two latest SCANNER condition survey results, as a percentage of the total site length, are: Red: 7.9% Amber: 28.1% Green: 64.1% The treatment effectiveness for this site is 35.9%

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditch and hedge line. factors


Length: 1208m Area: 6692.32m2 Av. Width: 5.54m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Recycle £56.87 per m2

Total estimated cost of £380592.24 scheme:


50 Site Summary Sheet for W9U

Road No. 21010 Road Name Pincushion Rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Outwell Env. Rural

Location Whole length

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2010-11

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Wear CI (13.31%) and Struc CI (5.8%). The total PI score for this site is 76.38%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory factors


Length: 800m Area: 2400.0m2 Av. Width: 3.0m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £30912.0 scheme:


52 Site Summary Sheet for W10U

Road No. 21022 Road Name Cock Fen Rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Upwell Env. Urban

Location A1101 to end

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2008-09

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Edge CI (0&) and Wear CI (9%). The total PI score for this site is 12.12%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Several ditches perpendicular to road factors


Length: 450m Area: 1800.0m2 Av. Width: 4.0m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £23184.0 scheme:


54 Site Summary Sheet for W17U

Road No. 21033 Road Name Moyses Bank

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Marshland st James Env. Rural

Location Fen Rd to End

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2010-11

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Wear CI (43.69%) and Struc CI (33.98%). The total PI score for this site is 62.1%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory factors


Length: 1100m Area: 3575.0m2 Av. Width: 3.25m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £46046.0 scheme:


56 Site Summary Sheet for W21U

Road No. 21034 Road Name Fen rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Emneth Fen rd Env. Rural

Location C13 to Rustons Rd

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2011-12

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Wear CI (99.08%) and Struc CI (96.43%). The total PI score for this site is 27.29%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Several ditches perpendicular to road factors


Length: 1700m Area: 6375.0m2 Av. Width: 3.75m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £82110.0 scheme:


58 Site Summary Sheet for W25U

Road No. 21039 Road Name West Drove North

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Walpole Env. Rural

Location Various between Walpole to C570

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Edge CI (0&), Wear CI (0%) and Struc CI (0%). The total PI score for this site is 19.11%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory factors


Length: 400m Area: 600.0m2 Av. Width: 1.5m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Heavy patching £49.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £29400.0 scheme:


60 Site Summary Sheet for W27U

Road No. 21045 Road Name Rungays Bridge Rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Marshland st James Env. Rural

Location Entire length

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2010-11

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Wear CI (7.05%) and Struc CI (3.94%). The total PI score for this site is 9%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Crosses middle main drain factors


Length: 2450m Area: 7962.5m2 Av. Width: 3.25m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £102557.0 scheme:


62 Site Summary Sheet for W19U

Road No. 21052 Road Name Bailey Lane

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Clenchwarton Env. Urban

Location Whole length

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Wear CI (70%) and Struc CI (60%). The total PI score for this site is 46.69%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches running parallel and perpendicular to road factors


Length: 1250m Area: 4687.5m2 Av. Width: 3.75m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £60375.0 scheme:


64 Site Summary Sheet for W18U

Road No. 21120 Road Name Rustons rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Marshland st James Env. Rural

Location Fen Rd to End

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2010-11

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Wear CI (87.54%) and Struc CI (83.3%). The total PI score for this site is 75.98%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches running parallel and perpendicular to road factors


Length: 1070m Area: 3477.5m2 Av. Width: 3.25m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £44790.2 scheme:


66 Site Summary Sheet for W23U

Road No. 21185 Road Name Hotch Lane

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Terrington st John Env. Rural

Location Entire length

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2008-09

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Edge CI (0&), Wear CI (0%) and Struc CI (0%). The total PI score for this site is 100%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches running parallel to road factors


Length: 550m Area: 1650.0m2 Av. Width: 3.0m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Planings and surface dressing £10.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £16500.0 scheme:


68 Site Summary Sheet for W24U

Road No. 21186 Road Name Middle Drove

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Terrington st John Env. Rural

Location Entire length

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2008-09

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Wear CI (0%) and Struc CI (0%). The total PI score for this site is 99.92%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches running parallel to road factors


Length: 1324m Area: 3972.0m2 Av. Width: 3.0m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Planings and surface dressing £10.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £39720.0 scheme:


70 Site Summary Sheet for W11U

Road No. 21241 Road Name Booth Rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Nordelph Env. Rural

Location B1094 to end

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2011-12

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Wear CI (46.69%) and Struc CI (39.59%). The total PI score for this site is 85.88%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory factors


Length: 400m Area: 1200.0m2 Av. Width: 3.0m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £15456.0 scheme:


72 Site Summary Sheet for W16U

Road No. 21242 Road Name Birchfield rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Nordelph Env. Rural

Location High Street to End

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2011-12

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Wear CI (94.39%) and Struc CI (90.88%). The total PI score for this site is 96.07%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches running parallel and perpendicular to road. Near river. factors


Length: 550m Area: 1760.0m2 Av. Width: 3.2m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £22668.8 scheme:


74 Site Summary Sheet for W26U

Road No. 21283 Road Name Cross drove

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Tenmile Bank Env. Rural

Location From Station Rd to End

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Edge CI (0&), Wear CI (0%) and Struc CI (0%). The total PI score for this site is 94.39%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches running perpendicular to road factors


Length: 565m Area: 1751.5m2 Av. Width: 3.1m

Proposed Treatment Rate

DBM Regulate and Tar & Chip surf £30.0 per m2

Total estimated cost of £52545.0 scheme:


76 Site Summary Sheet for W13U

Road No. 21309 Road Name Creammore lane

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Wiggenhall St Mary Mag Env. Rural

Location Burnt lane to end

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Wear CI (100%) and Struc CI (81.94%). The total PI score for this site is 43.69%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches running parallel and perpendicular to road factors


Length: 220m Area: 660.0m2 Av. Width: 3.0m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £8500.8 scheme:


78 Site Summary Sheet for W14U

Road No. 21310 Road Name Common rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Wiggenhall St Germans Env. Rural

Location C9 to C10

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Wear CI (99.92%) and Struc CI (90.01%). The total PI score for this site is 87.54%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Road runs parallel to river factors


Length: 1900m Area: 7600.0m2 Av. Width: 4.0m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £97888.0 scheme:


80 Site Summary Sheet for W20U

Road No. 21310 Road Name Church lane

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Wiggenhall St Germans Env. Rural

Location C10 to end

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Wear CI (85.76%) and Struc CI (81.75%). The total PI score for this site is 70%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditch running parallel to road. Near river factors


Length: 620m Area: 1984.0m2 Av. Width: 3.2m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £25553.92 scheme:


82 Site Summary Sheet for W8U

Road No. 21311 Road Name St Peters Drove

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Wiggenhall St Germans Env. Rural

Location Whole length

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2009-10

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Wear CI (76.38%) and Struc CI (71.25%). The total PI score for this site is 85.76%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Road runs parallel to river factors


Length: 1995m Area: 8159.55m2 Av. Width: 4.09m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £105095.0 scheme:


84 Site Summary Sheet for W22U

Road No. 21318 Road Name St Peters rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Watlington Env. Rural

Location Railway crossing to first corner

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2011-12

CVI reports indicate that this site has the following significant defects: Wear CI (0%) and Struc CI (0%). The total PI score for this site is 99.08%.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Deep Ditches factors


Length: 750m Area: 3600.0m2 Av. Width: 4.8m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Recycle £56.87 per m2

Total estimated cost of £204732.0 scheme:


86 Site Summary Sheet for W15U

Road No. 21376 Road Name Cowels Drove

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Hockwold Env. Rural

Location B1112 to riding centre

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: 2008-09

CVI reports indicate that this site has not scored under any of the CIs. The total PI score for this site is 0%. 68.6% of this site has been identified as needing surface improvement.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditch runs parallel to road factors


Length: 200m Area: 1300.0m2 Av. Width: 6.5m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £16744.0 scheme:


88 Site Summary Sheet for W12U

Road No. 21436 Road Name Fen Rd

Hierarchy 4a(ii) Parish Wiggenhall St Mary Mag Env. Rural

Location 21435 to end

Type of road use Link Road

Condition Survey Treatments Survey Year: Not surveyed

There is no condition survey data available for this site.

Defects observed Ruts, depressions and cracking

Contributory Ditches running perpendicular to road factors


Length: 1060m Area: 3180.0m2 Av. Width: 3.0m

Proposed Treatment Rate

Retread £12.88 per m2

Total estimated cost of £40958.4 scheme: