N D% Govlailmlayriv Tneral Rfides
n d% govlailmlayRiv (') '1,0110011AL. "Here is the.Patience of the Saints —riere are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14 :12. VOL. 78, To. 49. BATTLE CREEK, MICH., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1901. WilOLE No., X457.. Or ever they came to the floor of the den. have not kept them." Souls are perishing in sin vardvsi xvasitirms xrf rrrqxirav E'en thus the Lord saveth His people; He saveth because church-members-are, robbing God, lav- The souls who delight in His counsel, to-day; ishing indulgences upon themselves, while .the artital 33totg. The workers of evil not always shall triumph, For soon shall He come and no longer delay. treasury of God is poorly supplied with funds. NEMEC EACH TUESDAY BY THE Thus God is dishonored, and His cause is im- Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association. poverished. There is not means enough in' the, Ternis, in. Advance. ROBBING GOD.—No. z. treasury to supply God's laborers in the field of service. Christ looks upon a vineyard unworked, One,17#ar• • • • •,1.• •-•.•,•• • • .$1.50 Pour Months $ .50 Palg•Noighs:$ 1 00 Three Neighs .40 MRS. E. G. WHITE. a world unwarned, with wickedness increasing on Six Neighs. .75 Two North's .25 every hand. Men and women are spending the Address all communications and make all Drafts and Money TIIE Lord desires His people to realize that Lord's goods in selfish gratification, preparing ofders 'payable to — selfishness is the great sin of the world, and that for the fearful punishment that must come upon REViDW AND lliERALD, Kittle Creek, Mich.
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