The Diaries of Thomas Brem Wilson, 1865-1929: African Businessman and Pentecostal Pioneer in Britain
The Diaries of Thomas Brem Wilson, 1865-1929: African Businessman and Pentecostal Pioneer in Britain. The Diaries of Thomas Brem Wilson, 1865-1929: African Businessman and Pentecostal Pioneer in Britain. This disk contains transcripts of the diaries of Thomas Brem Wilson, an African businessman from the Gold Coast, who settled in Britain in 1901. I am grateful to members of the Brem Wilson family who gave me access to the diaries, provided photographs and other papers, and allowed me to transcribe the diaries and make them available to other scholars. As an introduction to the Diaries I have included an essay which is an extended version of a paper of mine earlier published as ‘TransAtlantic networks of early African Pentecostalism: the role of Thomas Brem Wilson, 1901-1929’, Studies in World Christianity, 23, 3, (2017), 218-36. Many of Brem Wilson’s entries in his dairies consist of single lines, often mentioning his friends and acquaintances. I have added footnotes to the transcripts to help readers know who some of these people were and the circumstances in which they contributed to Brem Wilson’s life and his varied activities. I would be grateful to receive comments on the diaries, corrections to the footnotes and the essay, and comments on the value of the diary, to David Killingray, July 2019 Professor Emeritus of Modern History, Goldsmiths, and a Senior Research Fellow in the School of Advanced Study, University of London 1 THOMAS BREM WILSON AND EARLY AFRICAN PENTECOSTAL ORIGINS IN BRITAIN, 1901-29’ ABSTRACT Thomas Brem Wilson, a west African businessman who settled in London in 1901, is a little-known figure in early British Pentecostalism.
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