50 Projekata 50 Projects

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50 Projekata 50 Projects Europska unija 50 PROJEKATA SHEME DODJELE BESPOVRATNIH SREDSTAVA ZA POSLOVNU INFRASTRUKTURU - PRVA PRIORITETNA OS - ------------ 50 PROJECTS THE GRANT SCHEME FOR BUSINESS RELATED INFRASTRUCTURE - PRIORITY AXIS I - Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj 1 Europska unija KONTAKT INFORMACIJE / CONTACT INFORMATION: Ministarstvo regionalnoga razvoja i fondova Europske unije / Ministry of Regional Development and EU funds Račkoga 6, 10000 Zagreb Tel/Phone: 01/64 00 600 Kontakt osoba / Contact Person: Katarina Dundjer [email protected] www.mrrfeu.hr Više informacija o EU fondovima na www.strukturnifondovi.hr Središnja agencija za financiranje i ugovaranje programa i projekata Europske unije / Central Finance and Contracting Agency Ulica grada Vukovara 284 (objekt C), 10000 Zagreb Tel/Phone: 01/45 91 245 www.safu.hr [email protected] Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj Sadržaj ove publikacije isključiva je odgovornost Ministarstva regionalnoga razvoja i fondova Europske unije / The Contents of this Publication are the sole responsibility of the Ministry of Regional Development and EU funds 2 Dragi čitatelji, Prvenstveni cilj Vlade Republike Hrvatske je osigurati ulaganjima iz EU fondova posao za što više hrvatskih građana, osnažiti gospodarstvo, smanjiti rizik od siromaštva i postići ravnomjerni razvoj svih krajeva Republike Hrvatske. Pred vama je prikaz 50 projekata koji su doprinijeli ostvarenju tih ciljeva. Razvojem poslovne i turističke infrastrukture pružena je potpora poduzetnicima, povećana je konkurentnost gospodarstva, otvorena su nova radna mjesta, poboljšani su radni i životni uvjeti naših građana. Za razliku od pretpristupnih programa kroz koje je realiziran i najveći dio ovih projekata, ulaskom Republike Hrvatske u Europsku uniju znatno je povećan iznos sredstava koja su nam na raspolaganju. U razdoblju 2014. - 2020. imamo više od 80 milijardi kuna iz Europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova uz oko 15 milijardi kuna nacionalnog sufinanciranja. Nikada dosada Hrvatska nije imala toliko sredstava za ulaganje u rast i razvoj. U skladu s glavnim ciljevima, odabrali smo prioritete ulaganja, među kojima su podrška poduzetnicima, novo zapošljavanje, bolja prometna povezanost, inovacije, čist okoliš, ravnomjerni regionalni razvoj, povećanje pokrivenosti širokopojasnom mrežom i poticanje korištenja e-usluga, povećanje energetske učinkovitosti, povećanje socijalne jednakosti, smanjenje rizika od siromaštva, kao i povećanje učinkovitosti javne uprave i pravosuđa. Važno nam je na najbolji mogući način iskoristiti sredstva iz EU fondova ulaganjima u ona područja koja će svim građanima u svim krajevima Hrvatske pružiti nove mogućnosti i poboljšati kvalitetu života. Na tragu tih prioriteta, cijeli niz projekata već je proveden, mnogi su u provedbi ili u pripremi. Svi oni mijenjaju sliku Hrvatske na bolje. Primjeri dobre prakse u korištenju EU fondova, kakvi su i na ovim stranicama, uvijek su dobrodošli. Ta iskustva poticajna su i za sve buduće korisnike, a ujedno i podsjetnik na sve što je učinjeno, ovom prigodom kroz četiri poziva Sheme za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava za poslovnu infrastrukturu. prof. dr. sc. Branko Grčić Potpredsjednik Vlade Republike Hrvatske i ministar regionalnoga razvoja i fondova Europske unije 3 Dear Readers, The primary objective of the Government of the Republic of Croatia is to provide job for as many Croatian citizens as possible through the investments in the EU funds in order to strengthen the economy, reduce the risk of poverty and achieve a balanced development of all Croatian regions. Here you can find the review of 50 projects which contributed to the completion of these goals. By developing business and tourism infrastructure the support to the entrepreneurs has been provided, the competitiveness of the economy increased, new jobs opened, working and living conditions of our citizens improved. Unlike the pre-accession programs which enabled the completion of the majority of these projects, by the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union the amount of available resources has been increased. Croatia has more than HRK 80 billion allocated from the European structural and investment funds for the 2014-2020 financial period as well as HRK 15 billion of national co-financing. Croatia has never had so many resources aimed at the investment in growth and development so far. In accordance with the most important objectives, we have defined the investment priorities, including the support for the entrepreneurs, new jobs, the improved transport connection communication, innovation, clean environment, a balanced regional development, the increased coverage of broadband network and encouragement to use e-services, the increased energy efficiency, the increased social equality, the reduction of poverty risk, as well as the increased efficiency of public administration and the judiciary. It is important to us to use the EU funds as best as possible by investing into those areas that will provide all citizens in all Croatian regions with new opportunities and to improve the quality of their life. Following those priorities, a number of projects has already been implemented, many projects are in the process of implementation or preparation. All of them have improved the picture of the Republic of Croatia. The Examples of good practice in the use of EU funds are considered most welcome. These experiences are stimulating for all future users and they are a reminder of everything that has been done so far. This time it is shown through four calls for proposals of the Scheme for business related infrastructure. prof. dr. sc. Branko Grčić Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds 4 S AD R Ž A J / C O N T E S T Uvod / Introduction.......................................................................................................................................8, 10 PRVI POZIV / FIRST CALL Završetak Memorijalnog centra Faust Vrančić.................................................................................................13 Completion of the Faust Vrančić Memorial Centre.......................................................................................... 14 Centar za posjetitelje Srijem.............................................................................................................................15 Srijem Visitor Centre.........................................................................................................................................16 Izgradnja Regionalnog centra u Općini Lovas..................................................................................................17 Regional Business Support Center in Lovas....................................................................................................18 Tehnološki park BISC Nova Gradiška..............................................................................................................19 Technology Park BISC Nova gradiška.............................................................................................................20 Tehnološko inovacijski centar u Pleternici........................................................................................................21 Technology Innovation Centre in Pleternica.....................................................................................................22 Eko-etno centar Adica – Vukovar.....................................................................................................................23 Eco-Ethno Centre Adica – Vukovar..................................................................................................................24 DRUGI POZIV / SECOND CALL E-ncubator Virovitičko-podravske županije......................................................................................................26 Virovitica-Podravina County E-ncubator..........................................................................................................27 Vinske ceste....................................................................................................................................................28 Wine roads......................................................................................................................................................29 Gospodarska zona Podudbina/Buljme............................................................................................................30 Podudbina/Buljme Commercial Zone..............................................................................................................31 Biotehnološki centar Brodsko-posavske županije...........................................................................................32 Brod-Posavina County Biotechnology Centre.................................................................................................33 Razvoj poslovne infrastrukture KOSA.............................................................................................................34 Development of commercial infrastructure KOSA...........................................................................................35 Poticanje poslovne infrastrukture grada Siska................................................................................................36 Stimulating the commercial infrastructure of Sisak.........................................................................................37
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