RECENT ACQUISITIONS: Department of Manuscripts
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RECENT ACQUISITIONS Department of Manuscripts Acquisitions, January-December 1976 William Johnson {c. 1610-65), operator to the Whatley, and other Church dignitaries. The Royal College of Physicians: 'Thesaurus addressees also include Sir Robert Wilson, Chymicus Patefactus Sive Polluctum Bunsen, Fonblanque, and Mrs. Hemans, the Remediorum Chymicorum Selectissimorum novelist. Presented by the British Records Praeparatum Et Vires eorum ex singulis Association. Add. MS. 59655. Auctoribus collectae'; 1658. Formerly in the Commonplace book of verse compiled by Patent Office Library. Add. MS. 59653. members of the Tickell family, in England Frederick II, King of Prussia: papers relating and India; c. 1787-1816. Included are verses to, 1816-1902. (i) A copy of 'Les Matinees of Richard Tickell, Richard Brinsley Sheridan du Roi de Prusse', attributed to him, made and his wife, and William Linley. Presented from the supposed original in the possession by the British Records Association. Add, ofMarshal A, J, MR Savary,DucdeRovigo, MS. 59656, by Charlton Whittall, 1816. (2) A memo- 'Reparation'. Acts IV and V of a play thus randum on Rovigo and Gen, C. F. A. entitled, apparently by C. W. Ward (signed Lallemand by Whittall, with two letters from on last folio); c. 1800. Presented by the British Rovigo to Whittall, (3) A letter and press Records Association. Add, MS, 59657. cutting relating to the publication of (i) in Paul Bloomfield (b. 1898): letters, with illustra- Sir James William Whittall, Frederick the tions, to Dr. F. Uhlman; 1960-76. Presented Great im Kingcraft (1901). Presented by Dr. by Dr. F. Uhtman. Add. MS. 59658, G. W. Whittall. Add. MS. 59654. Stella Benson (1892-1933): correspondence; Miscellaneous letters ofthe late i8th and early 1919-33, n.d. Mainly typescript copies. Pre- 19th centuries, many addressed to General sented by C. H. Roberts, C.B.E. Add. MSS. Sir Frederick Stovin, K,C.M,G,, and his wife. 59659, 59660. The autographs include those of Longfellow, William West, of Middleton, near Lancaster: Wellington, Admiral Sir Charles Napier, correspondence and papers, 1637-61, and Lord Cardigan, Sir Herbert Taylor, Lord letters addressed chiefly to Henry West, Gambier, Lord Gough, Kossuth, Bolivar, 1666-85. Add, MS, 59661. Capo d'Istrias, Barthelemy, Thomas Arnold, Edward, ist Baron Lytton, and Edward Robert, Archbishop A. C, Tait, Archbishop R, 2nd Baron and (1880) ist Earl of Lytton: correspondence with Mrs. Anna Caroline of John Wilkes, by John Jaques, author of Steele, sister of Kitty O'Shea; 1867-82, n.d. The History of Junius and his works (1843). Add. MS. 59662. 59680 contains illustrations and cartoons Captain Henry Edward Napier, R,N,: manu- from i8th- and 19th-century newspapers and script in six volumes, bound in cloth, of his magazines; this was possibly the first attempt Florentine History, written in 1835 ^"d 1836 at a full-scale biography of Wilkes. Two and published in 1846-7. Presented by the volumes; 1836, Add, MSS. S9^19^ 59680. Misses Ursula and Grizelda Williams-Freeman.John Dee (1527-1608): copy of unpublished Add. MSS. 59663-59668. treatises by Dee on sovereignty etc.; c. 1593. Letters to John Elliot Burns, P.C., M.P., on Included are: (i) 'Her Majesty's Title Royal political matters, with one letter from Burns to many foreign countries, kingdoms and (21 Jan. 1911); some letters are endorsed by provinces', dated here 4 May 1576; Burns and others; 1890-1924, Add. MS. (2) 'Brytanici Imperii Limites' (title on cover) 59669. dated 22 July 1576. Add. MS. 59681, Letters to Cecil B. Oldman and Rupert Richard Arnell: autograph music manuscripts; Erlebach relating to the Proceedings Com- ^947-73- ^11 except 59684, sg()8j presented by mittee ofthe Royal Musical Association from the composer. Add. MSS. 59682-59688. musicians and musicologists, including Copy-book of William Kitchin, apparently an Charles van den Borren, Percy Buck, apprentice surveyor; 183 5. The volume chiefly Kathleen Dale, Edmund Fellowes, Eric contains rules, examples, and exercises in Greene, Frank Howes, Edgar Hunt, Ernest land surveying, but also has sections dealing Irving, Frank Merrick, Richard Newton, with quantity surveying. Included as an Marion Scott, Alan Yorke-Long, etc.; 1936- example are plans of an estate in Preston, 51, Add. MS. 59670. E,R. Yorks, Add, MS. 59689. Lord Herbert of Lea (1810-61) and Lady Chuter-Ede Diaries. Diaries of James Herbert: family correspondence, 1856-61, Chuter Ede, afterwards Chuter-Ede, P. C, mainly between them and their children. M,P. (1882-1965), Baron Chuter-Ede 1964, Presented by Mrs. Althea Davts. Add. MS. mostly as Parliamentary Secretary to the 59671- Ministry of Education; 1941-5, 1952. Auto- Vladimir Sergeivich Pecherin (1807-85), graph. Partly printed. Bequeathed by the com- classical scholar, poet, voluntary exile from piler. Add. MSS. 59690-59703. Russia, and subsequently Catholic priest of Pitt-Auckland Correspondence, Corre- the Redemptorist Order (1843-61) and spondence between William Pitt and the chaplain to the Mater Misericordiae Hospital 1st Baron Auckland, concerning Pitt's friend- in Dublin: letters and papers. Mostly Russian, ship with the latter's daughter Eleanor, English, Latin, and French. Add, MSS, 20-3 Jan. 1797, together witb drafts of the 59672 59676. two letters from Pitt. The letters were Book of Verse Fables, in French, offered by published privately, with other letters now in Pierre Sala to Louise of Savoy, mother of the Auckland Papers (Add. MS. 46491, fols. Francis I, in 1526-9. Purchased [at a special 163-74) ^" Lord Rosebery, Letters relating price) from Miss Jean Grattan. Add. MS. to the Love Episode of William Pitt (1900). 59677- Bequeathed by F. A. Gibson. Add. MS. 59704. Sir Thomas Malory, 'Le Morte D'Arthur': George William Chad, diplomatist. Minister tbe unique manuscript; c. 1470-90. Imperf. at the Hague, 1818-24, Dresden, 1824-8, Add. MS. 59678. Frankfurt, 1829-30, and Berlin, 1830-2: Draft and fair copy of a manuscript biography diaries; 1807-49. Add. MSS. 59705-59736. 79 Robert Southey: six letters to Sharon Turner; 1858-1921. Bequeathed by Mrs. Elsa Cahen, 1820-37. Presented by Miss C. L. Hawker. daughter of E. B. Freeman. Add. MSS. Add, MS. 59737(1). 59746-59770- John Hardcastle (b. 1821): 'Recollections' Journal, in French, of travels in France and (covering the years 1821-40). Autograph. Italy, I Jan. 1605 to 21 Oct, 1608. Probably Presented by Miss Phoebe M. Hardcastle. copied by the author, who seems to have Add. MS. 59737(2). travelled in the train of Ludovic (Stuart), Copies of papers relating to the construction Duke of Lennox, Add. MS. 59771. of the proposed Clyde-Forth canal, with Liverpool Papers. Letters from the 2nd Earl manuscript and printed maps; 1767, Add, of Liverpool to his father whilst at school and MS. 59738. at Oxford; 1779-90; and private letters, Memoranda on ammunition and pyrotechny mostly drafts and copies, from the former as from the Royal Laboratory, Woolwich, Secretary for War and the Colonies to the illustrated with drawings; 1784-1805. Add. Earl of Wellington, later (1815) ist Duke of MS. 59739. Wellington, Commander-in-Chief in the Manuscript Catalogue of the Cracherode Peninsular War; 1811-12. Add. MS. 59772. Library; c. 1800. Add. MS, 59740. Clifford Papers. Correspondence and papers 'Britaities Monarchie. Containinge the most of Major-General Miller Clifford ofthe Royal Royall descent of our glorious Soueraigne Artillery; consisting mainly of correspondence [James I], collected out of the Cronicle with his wife Harriet, during his service in the Histories, and reduced in to a Genealogicall Crimea, 1855-6; i855-[<:, 1888]. Add. MSS. Table'; 1605. An historical epitome of British 59773-59775- history, apparently in the autograph of Captain Jasper Hall of the 4th Regiment: Thomas Lyte (i568?-i638), of Lytescary, diary recorditig his service in the Crimea; CO. Somerset, written to accompany his 30 May 1855 to 27 Jan, 1856. Add. MS. pedigree tracing the descent of James I from 59776. Brutus, now known only from Lyte's pen- An anonymous account, in two versions of and-ink version (Add. MS. 48343). An different dates, ofthe society and trade ofthe illuminated version ofthe pedigree, presented Canary Islands and West Africa, with observa- to James I on 12 July 1610, is not apparently tions on the slave trade. The writer was extant. The volume also contains one leaf of probably a trader from Liverpool; n.d. an emblem book, an account of the House of [1779-C. Jan. 1784?]. Add. MS. 59777 Stuart, entitled 'The Fate of British Majesty', A, B. written after 1714 (death of Queen Anne), Album of autographs, mostly from letters to and printed extracts. Add. MS, 59741. Sir Anthony Panizzi, Principal Librarian of Ellen Maria Hardcastle (later Williams) (1826- the British Museum, presented by him to 1906): copies of letters to her family, written F. Yeats Edwards; 19th century. Presented by from Russia; 1852-60. Presented by Miss Miss Mary Stella Edwards. Add. MS. 59778- Phoebe M. Hardcastle. Add. MSS. 59742- Papers relating to De Wervelwind, a monthly 59745- wartime magazine edited by Sir George Edward Bothamley Freeman (1838-1921), Clark, of which twenty-three numbers were Chancellor in the British Consulates at issued and dropped over the Netherlands by Diarbekir and Sarajevo, 1858-76; Vice- the R.A.F.; 1942-5. English and Dutch. Consul, Mostar, 1876; Consul, Sarajevo, Mostly typewritten. Presented hy Sir George 1879; Consul-General for Bosnia and Clark. Add. MS. 59779. Herzegovina, 1891-1905: private journals; Bulstrode Whitelocke: 'Lectures Uppon 80 Particular Occasions by a Father To His Thomas James Wise: five letters and two notes Family', exposition ofthe Scriptures delivered to William Douglas Seymour concerning the by Whitelocke to his family; 1666. Autograph. bibliography of Byron's juvenilia; 20 Mar, to Add, MS. 59780.