Cretaceous to Tertiary magmatism and associated mineralization in the Lime Hills C-1 Quadrangle, Western Range

Karri R. Sicard 1, Evan Twelker1, Larry K. Freeman1, Alicja Wypych1, Jeff A. Benowitz2 , and M. Andy Kass3 1Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, Alaska 2Geophysical Institute, Department of Geology & Geophysics, University of Alaska Fairbanks 3Crustal Geophysics and Geochemistry Science Center, US Geological Survey, Denver, CO

Alaska Miners Association Annual Convention 1 November 5, 2014 – Anchorage, Alaska Outline

► Location and geology ► Mineralization highlights ► New 40Ar/39Ar geochronology . With relevant geochemistry ► 3D voxel model of Copper Joe resistivity ► Relationship to Revelation Mountains uplift ► Acknowledgments

2 Photo by T.C. Wright Cretaceous-Tertiary Porphyry Trend

~70 Ma

Select Northern Cordillera ~90 Ma porphyry copper deposits

~6 Ma



Project Area



Modified from Colpron and Nelson, 2011 Denali-Farewell Fault System

Jurassic-Cretaceous Revelation flysch Mountains

Lime Hills C-1 Cretaceous and Tertiary Quad plutonic rocks Tordrillo Mountains Tertiary volcanics 5

Map modified from Wilson and others, 1998 Airborne Geophysical Surveys

Farewell (Burns and others, 2014) Middle Styx (Burns and others, 2013)

East Styx More positive magnetic values (Released November 2014)

Styx Lime Hills (Burns and More negative others 2008) 6 magnetic values C-1 Quad nT Anomalous Gold Occurrences Circles = High Gold & Copper occurrences

► Points are colored by standard deviations above or below the mean ► Z = value-mean std dev (Actual values are in geochemical reports)


(Map modified from Gamble and others, 2013) Magmatic crystallization: Mount Estelle pluton 62.0 ± 0.2 Ma 13RN312A BI#L1 Age spectrum 100 ~70.1 (U-Pb) to ~66.7 Ma (K-Ar) 40 39 80 ~62 (new Ar/ Ar) Biotite ► Biotite-hornblende granodiorite 60

► Chiefly medium-grained, seriate, 40 hypidiomorphic-granular Age in Ma

► These new ages extend plutonism and 20 highlight continued emplacement in to the 0 upper crust in this composite pluton 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Fraction of 39Ar Released

61.8 ± 0.5 Ma 13RN312A HO#L1 Age spectrum 100

80 Hornblende


40 Age in Ma


0 8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Fraction of 39Ar Released (K-Ar Dates: Reed and Lanphere, 1972)

Sericite Alteration: 63.9 ± 0.4 Ma Mount Estelle pluton 13DR035A SER#L1 Age spectrum 100 ~70.1 (U-Pb) to ~66.7 Ma (K-Ar)) 80 40 39 Sericite ~62 (new Ar/ Ar) ~64 alteration 60

40 Age in Ma

► Contains aplite and lamprophyre 20 dikes (NW trending) with quartz, 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, and Fraction of 39Ar Released magnetite veins

► The dated sample had anomalous copper and silver

► Suggests that post ~70 Ma plutons may have mineral potential and that circulation of fertile melt and fluids

may have occurred before the composite pluton finished crystallizing



Summary ~64 Ma Sericite

~62 Ma Biotite & Hornblende

10 Map modified from Gamble and others, 2013 South Fork pluton Magmatic crystallization:

71.4 Ma (K-Ar) (Reed and Lanphere, 1972) 63.5 ± 0.4 Ma 40 39 ~64 (new Ar/ Ar) 13RN168 BI#L1 Age spectrum 100

80 ► Hornblende-pyroxene-biotite Biotite

diorite to gabbro 60 ► Fine- to medium-grained, 40

seriate, hypidiomorphic- Age in Ma granular 20 ► Cu, Au, Ag mineralization

0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Fraction of 39Ar Released

63.8 ± 0.4 Ma

13LF168A HO#L1 Age spectrum 100

Hornblende 80



Age in Ma


11 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Fraction of 39Ar Released

Merrill Pass pluton 40 39 ~40.0-41.6 Ma ( Ar/ Ar) (Reed and Lanphere, 1972)

► Biotite granite to granodiorite to alkali-feldspar granite ► Hypidiomorphic granular textures with miarolitic cavities, xenoliths ► Closely related to Tertiary volcanics (~33.6-41.0 Ma) (Looking West)

12 Total Field Magnetics

Copper Joe Cu-Au-Mo Porphyry System

► Extensive quartz-sericite pyrite (QSP) nT alteration with D-veins is expressed as a surface conductor in the 7200 Hz 7200 Hz Apparent Resistivity resistivity, corresponding to the phyllic, pyrite-rich zone (QSP zone) of porphyry Ohm/m systems

7200 Hz Apparent Resistivity


13 Alteration age: Young Porphyry 11.5 ± 0.1 Ma

13RN204A SER#L1 Age spectrum Mineralization 40

30 Sericite 13RN204A 20

► Pervasive quartz–sericite–pyrite Age in Ma overprint zone with stockwork quartz– 10 molybdenite veinlets 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 13LF205A Fraction of 39Ar Released

► Pyrite–chalcopyrite–molybdenite-bearing 10.7 ± 0.1 Ma quartz vein 13LF205A SER#L1 Age spectrum 40

► Suggestive of sustained hydrothermal

alteration 30 Sericite

► K/Ar data from Kiska support these 20 young ages Age in Ma 10

0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Fraction of 39Ar Released 14

Resistivity Inversion 3D Model

A lower shell of conductive material appears to reach the surface where magnetite breccias and Red = Most conductive highly magnetic material are found

View in the model is looking to 15 the South, North arrow is at the left of the screen Age

Summary ~64 Ma Sericite

~62 Ma Biotite & Hornblende

~11.7 Ma ~64 Ma Sericite Biotite & ~10.5 Ma hornblende Sericite 16 Map modified from Gamble and others, 2013 Revelation Revelation Mountains Lime Hills Mountains C-1 Quad Tordrillo Mountains Age of Host Granite: ~60 Ma Revelation Mountains Biotite

Age of Mafic Dike: ~58 Ma

Whole Rock

Countless dike swarms: a relative 18 “gold mine” of rocks to work on! Mount Apocalypse: HeFTy AFT thermal models Revelation Mountains

2709 m

2004 m

Document rapid cooling initiation around ~15 Ma to ~10 Ma 1467 m

19 Young uplift in the Western ?

Kitchatna Mountains (Ward, 2010)

Revelation Lime Hills C-1 Mountains Quad Tordrillos (Haeussler and others, 2008)

? 20 Young Uplift in the Western Alaska Range?

Figure (above) from Freymueller and others (2008), and (left) modified in Finzel and others, (2011) SOAK=Southern Alaska Block

21 Conclusions

► New 40Ar/39Ar geochronology . Extended Mt. Estelle plutonism to the south, highlighting the composite nature . Dated new young porphyry system of Copper Joe ► Anomalous Copper and Gold ► 3D voxel model of resistivity . Shows a lower shell of conductive material that appears to connect to magnetite breccias at the surface ► Revelation Mountains uplift . Suggests a region of rapid uplift and magmatic and hydrothermal alteration in the Western Alaska Range ~11 Ma 22 Photo by T.C. Wright Acknowledgments & Future Work

Project has benefited from unpublished data and discussions with geologists of:

► USGS Western Alaska Range Project (WARP) Millrock Resources Inc., Kiska Metals Corp., WestMountain Gold Inc., Alaska Earth Sciences

► Funded by the Alaska State Legislature as part of the ongoing Airborne Geophysical/Geological Mineral Inventory (AGGMI) Program

► Field work: Larry Freeman, Evan Twelker, Rainer Newberry, Erik Bachmann, David Reioux, Colby Wright, Amy Tuzzolino Future Work

► Geologic map of the Lime Hills C-1 Quadrangle with explanatory text ► U-Pb Geochronology

► Data releases: Contact: [email protected] 23 Stop by the poster session or our booth with further questions Works Cited p. 1

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