M E I I I T O R Nation's Jobless Are Seeing Few Signs of Recovery

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M E I I I T O R Nation's Jobless Are Seeing Few Signs of Recovery Casualties of Texas’ Oldest Hispanic Owned Newspaper Celebrating War in 35 Years of Iraq 4,795 Publishing Afghan 2738 as of Oct. ‘El Respeto al Derecho 13,2011 Ajeno es la Paz” m e i i i t o r Lie Benito Juarez VOL. XXXIV No. 51 Week of Oct. 13 thru 19, 2011 www.eleditor.com Lubbock/Midland-Odessa Region Nation’s Jobless Are Seeing Few Signs of Recovery The recession officially ended "Literally, if you worked one hour seeking a job and haven't found economy is based on consumer more than two years ago. but don't in the week, you're considered to be one," Busier said. spending, and people just aren't tell that to the 6 2 million Ameticans employed," Smith said. Vicious cycle buying stuff like they used to, Re­ who have been out of woik for half a If you add discouraged workers, In January 2001, it took a me­ ich wrote. Many Americans owe year or more. people who became "consultants.” dian of 5.8 weeks for a terminated more on their homes than they For the long-tenn unemployed, the and those forced to settle for part- worker to be rehired, and only 11 are worth, and those who are still downnim feels more like a depres­ time work, the nation's unemploy­ percent were unemployed for 27 employed are seeing wage cuts. sion - a word that is starting to pop ment rate is closer to 16 percent or weeks or longer, the Bureau of La­ Busier said that business has to up in economists' blogs and business 17 percent. Smith said. bor Statistics figures show. Those grow in order to reduce unem­ news. On Friday, the Bureau of Labor figures have just about quadrupled ployment, and so far, government 'The last time we had a depression Statistics repotted an overall national in the past decade. policy has been to stimulate the in this country, the unemployment unemployment rate of 9 .1 percent "We haven’t seen that kind of public sector. Jobs such as repair­ rate hit 10 percent by early 1931 for September, unchanged from duration of unemployment since ing roads and bridges are only and kept on going up. By March of August and down from 9.6 percent World War 11,” Buitless said. temporary. 1933, it was 25 percent,” said Gary in September 2010. Economic forecasters had hoped Businesses are afraid to expand Buitless, a labor economist with the Robert Reich, a professor of public the past trend - the more severe because they’re uncertain about Brookings Institution in Washington. policy at the University of California the recession, the stronger the what their tax rates will be next “We're not remotely close to what at Berkeley, calls it "the American we'd have to create 400,000 jobs a had been out of woik for 27 weeks recovery - would be the case this year, he said . A project that can be would have been called a depression jobs depression." month, Shietholz said. or longer, up from 43 percent in time, Buitless said. It was believed profitable al one lax rate might not in the 19th century or up to 1945 .” Since the start of the recession Slow job growth August. The median duration of consumers and businesses would be at a higher one. But we are in a severe recession in 2007, the number of Americans The U.S. economy created about unemployment rose ftom 21.8 release their pent-up demand The small-business owners with a recovery that "seems to be who want to work has increased by 103fX)0 non-agricultutal jobs in weeks in August to 222 weeks in for goods and services, and start he knows are reluctant to hire sputtering,” Buitless said. 7 million, while the number who September, but the unemployment September. spending again. because those with more than 50 Other economists say unemploy­ have jobs has shrunk by more than rate remained steady at 9.1 percent, About 93 milhon Americans are But for several reasons, that isn’t employees will have to provide ment is pushmg depression levels. 300000, Reich said in an email. numbers released Friday by the fed­ working part time, either because happening, he said. health coverage under Obama’s "Some people argue that if we “In other words, we're in a deep eral Bureau of Labor Statistics show. their employers cut back their hours Sales in key industries such health care plan. Busier said. They measure the way they did during hole and the hole is deepening,” About 14 million Americans remain or they could not find a full-time job, as housing and automobiles are would rather pay overtime to cur­ the Great Depression, we'd be over Reich wrote. without woik. the report states. That is up ftom 8.6 nowhere near their pre-recession rent employees and cut back on 20 percent" unemployment, said As of July, there were 43 job There was job growth in pro­ million a year ago. ' levels, Buitless said. hours if needed. Yves Smith, who writes the Naked hunters for every opening, said fessional and business services, Growth in population means Meanwhile, worker productivity "The worst thing in business is Capitalism blog site. She is also the Heidi Shietholz, a labor economist health care, and construction, while the economy must creatf^bout is going up, so businesses don’t uncertainty,” Busier said. "You author of “ECONned,” a book about with the Economic Policy Institute employment in the pubhc sec­ 125,000 jobs a month jiAl to keep need as many workers to get the can’t plan unless you have some how economists in key positions in Washington. That made 134 tor continued to decline. Some of the unemployment rate-steady. job done, he said. The statistics idea of what’s going to happen .” contributed to the financial melt­ consecutive weeks - or more than 2 September’s gains were due to about Busier said. And the statistics do don’t show whether that rise is "They don’t see any growth down by putting doctrine ahead of 1/2 years - that the ratio was higher 45,000 Verizon workers returning to not count discouraged workers due to employees working harder in their business, so why should evidence. than 4 to I. the job after a strike in August, the who stopped looking for a job. or because technology made work they hire people?” she said. "You The problem is the way the statis­ To return to the pre-recession report noted. “You’re not counted as unem­ more efficient. don’t hire people because you are tics are kept. Smith said. unemployment rate in three years. About 45 percent of the jobless ployed unless you’re actively About 70 percent of the U.S. a charity.” Obama pide ayuda Refoniia de salud: entit el amor y el odio con ley a hispanos Los votantes latinos tienen esperan mucho de la medida. una relacion compUcada con la Seguiri igual Ley de Refbrma de Salud que se Cuando se les pregunta cuil aprobd en marzo de 2010. ya que seri el efecto de la ley sobre la por un lado ^x>yan la mayona calidad de la atenci6n m ^ c a que de sus cUusulas y se oponen a su recibirin. un 47% cree que seguiri anulacidn. pero se resislen. como mis o menos igual, s61o 23% otros votantes, a la disposicidn de piensa que seri mejor y otro 23% la ley que les obligar^ a comprar piensa que empeorari. cobertura. el llamado “mandato”, Algo similar ocurre en cuanto al Asi lo revel6 la encuesta Impre- costo de la salud. un 38% consid- media/Latino Decisions (IM-LD). era que permaneceri mas o menos la quinta en una serie de seis igual, un 24% considera que mejo- encuestas nacionales que exploran rari y un 31 % que iri a peor. las opininiones de la poblacidn M is preocupante politicamente El presidente Barack Obama nos, presionando y votando hasta iatina integrado a la sociedad para Washington es que estos pidi6 ayer ayuda a la comunidad que este Congreso haga algo para estadounidense: los votantes reg- votantes sienten que sus problemas hispana para que comunique a sus poner a la gente a trabajar”, dijo istrados. Esta entrega del sondeo basandose en su historial m6dico. han usado los grupos republicanos no estin siendo escuchados en el representantes en el congreso c6mo Obama en una intervencidn de 14 se enfoed en el tema de la cober- Apoyan reforma sanitaria para cuestionar la ley en general, gobiemo -algo que no es unico a el proyecto de ley para la creacidn minutos que no incluyd menciones lura de salud y la ley de reforma “Los votantes latinos apoyan este resultado refleja el ixito de esa eUos en este momento. Un 58% de empleo. rechazado la vispera en a la reforma migratoria integral o sanitaria. la reforma sanitaria y particular- estrategia. de votantes latinos piensa que sus el Senado, beneficiaria a 25 mil- a la reciente ley aprobada en Ala­ Los resuliados revelan que el menie. apoyan muchas de sus “El mandato no es popular entre necesidades no se toman en cuenta lones de hispanos. bama contra la inmigracidn. 50% de los votantes latinos apoyan cliusulas excepto el mandato. ningun grupo de la sociedad. en la capital o que se toman en Durante un discurso pronunciado El evento contd con la partici- a que se mantenga la legislacidn Cuando exploramos un poco mis Obviamente, es alli donde se han cuenta muy poco. ante el Foro sobre la Herencia Lati­ pacidn de los funcionarios hispanos denominada “Ley Federal de Salud sobre las razones.
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