NELL THOMPSON Animal Welfare and Animal Management
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AIAM Proceedings 2013 Animal welfare and animal management - never the twain shall meet? Of course they can! NELL THOMPSON Coordinator Getting 2 Zero (G2Z) Abstract If a safe, happy and healthy home for every companion animal is achieved, both animal welfare Animal welfare and animal management have and animal managements' goals will be met. traditionally been seen as separate service sectors. The animal welfare movement grew in response to Background individuals in the community realising that there were Historic roles of animal management and animal no animal protection laws, often in conjunction with welfare inadequate child protection laws. Animal welfare 1 advocacy activities commenced back in the 1820’s in In 1822, a British MP named Richard Martin , the United Kingdom (UK) and in the 1860’s in the pushed through a Parliamentary bill, the Cruel United States of America (USA). Animal management Treatment of Cattle Act 1822. In 1824 he assisted in was borne of the need for local authorities to deal founding the world's first animal welfare organization, with community health, safety and amenity problems the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. In 1835 the Cruel Treatment of Cattle Act was revised that related to unwanted, stray, pest and irresponsibly and widened to include other species (although not owned animals. This was consistent with their wildlife) and created provisions for animal shelters, responsibility to keep municipal streets safe, clean veterinary hospitals and improved transport and and healthy. slaughter standards. In 1840 the society was given However, since then, changing values in relation to the Royal approval and became the RSPCA. how animals should be treated have brought the two Comparatively, it wasn’t until 1889 that the sectors closer together. In recent times, animals Prevention of Cruelty to, and Protection of, Children have been increasingly welcomed into our homes as Act was developed to impose criminal penalties to part of the family. There is greater recognition of their deter mistreatment of children. needs, and higher community expectations about the At the same time City staff were struggling to deal way lost and abandoned companion animals should with the stray dog population. In an effort to achieve a be treated. So while the purpose of animal safe and clean environment for the residents, stray management hasn't changed, the way the community animals were being killed in a variety of horrendous expects animal management to exercise its duties ways, including by drowning in a cage in the river. A has changed substantially. Most Australian few years later in the USA, similar animal protection communities now recognise companion animals as groups were being formed. By the late 1800s, several friends and contributors, expecting compassionate Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals had care when humans neglect or abandon them, or they been established throughout the United States, become lost. Ensuring high animal welfare is now an including the American Society for the Prevention of expectation within animal management. Cruelty to Animals in 1866. In 1873, the highly As well, the animal welfare shelter and advocacy publicised case of child mistreatment to Mary Ellen sectors have recognised that companion animal Wilson resulted in the creation of the first Society for welfare is better when animals don't cause harm or the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. It was the 2 nuisance to others. Consideration of both animals' founder of the ASPCA, Henry Bergh , who rescued Mary Ellen and he then went on to form the New York and community needs are necessary. Although Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. In primary reasons for existence may vary, both sectors time the two services of animal care and animal are therefore moving toward a shared strategic control came together in an effort to improve the approach. Both groups are committed to developing outcomes for the stray and unwanted animals in the community awareness with consideration for animals’ City’s care. and neighbourhood needs through responsible breeding, informed ownership behaviour and setting In 1877 the American Humane Association 3 was standards through supportive legislation. The goals of formed consisting of representatives from 27 animal welfare and animal management are merging. humane organizations from 10 states with the focus 1 2 3 AIAM Proceedings 2013 2 on ending the inhumane treatment of farm animals. don't have the knowledge, resources and/or don't One year later child safety and protection was added understand their impacts on other animals and the to their agenda. wider community. However, animal welfare groups and the wider community do have the motivation and The will to protect both animals and humans brought commitment to provide services and the opportunity about a “humane movement”, an attitude and ethical to recruit resources and support. approach to the lives and welfare of these two species that live so closely together. This attitude and The way forward is through cooperation and a approach is no less important today than it was all preventative approach to minimise harm to both those years ago. animals and communities i.e. coordinating Difficulties with separate operations stakeholders to develop, support and help implement laws, supportive policies and resources and Most Municipal Animal Management Departments community education strategies to make it easier for around Australia are still struggling to manage large people to be responsible pet owners. numbers of stray and unwanted animals in conjunction with increasing demands from their Cooperation works! communities for abandoned animals to be cared for Cooperation in Disaster and Emergency Situations and rehomed. While the proportion of dogs euthanased in many pounds is gradually reducing, In disaster situations, there are recognised and Animal Management Officers still have to respond to significant benefits for animal management and large numbers of nuisance complaints regarding animal welfare agencies to work together. Rarely does barking dogs, safety issues from menacing dogs, as any one agency have all the resources required to well as wandering dogs. Further complaints then deal with the care and management of the result from owners who are angry that their dog has community’s pets in times of disaster. At the 2008 4 been impounded or given a menacing or dangerous AIAM conference Laura Maloney spoke about Saving dog classification. Pets/Saving People during the Hurricane Katrina disaster in 2005. In her paper she detailed the Key Kitten season results in a flood of surrendered cats Lessons Learned and Number 1 was “Include and their litters. If surrendered cats are not accepted, animals in planning”. She goes on to say if the surrender fee is high, or the public are aware “municipalities must appoint an animal agency to that the kittens will most likely be euthanased, more serve as the official lead in animal rescue and cats and kittens are abandoned to fend for response. The fact that the various responsible themselves. This results in further breeding of cats, agencies were not coordinated pre-Katrina meant further nuisance issues and more complaints from that they did not know how to leverage each other’s those annoyed by cats and those who care about cats capabilities and this resulted in missed opportunities who don't want to see them abandoned or destroyed. and wasted effort.” The work Laura and others did While animal management departments primarily following the disaster event resulted in The PETS concern themselves with community safety by (Pets Evacuation ad Transport Standards) Act of investing their energy and budgets into managing 2006 which ensures that state and local emergency stray and unrestrained animals, the need to preparedness operational plans address the needs of euthanase the unclaimed, animals may be perceived individuals with household pets and service animals as inadvertently supporting a disposable, laissez-faire prior to, during and following a major disaster or mentality towards pets, and perpetuating a never- emergency. ending flow of hundreds of thousands of stray and Missed opportunities and wasted efforts were also abandoned animals. Consequently, it is often difficult evident during the Victorian Black Saturday fires of to gain public support for animal management. Both 2009 in Australia. One municipality in particular, AMO’s and pound staff experience stress and Yarra Ranges Council, has done an enormous amount compassion fatigue having to euthanase healthy and of work toward ensuring this does not occur again in treatable pets. the future. One of the integral components of the Animal welfare groups are also struggling. They are comprehensive emergency plan developed following often largely volunteer organisations working to this disaster is a memorandum of understanding prevent animals paying the ultimate price for people's (MOU) with the local animal welfare shelter failure to care for and manage their animals well. organisation, Animal Aid. Roles have been clearly They often struggle with poor facilities, lack of defined and documented. This will result in families financial resources and legislative power to address and their pets coping with the next disaster in a the issues of irresponsible breeding and ownership. significantly improved manner, which will, in turn, These are owners who usually love their pets but who improve rates of recovery. Response to the needs of 4 Maloney, L. (2008). Saving Pets-Saving People: Lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina. Proceedings of the 2008 AIAM Conference. AIAM Proceedings 2013 3 the community will be swift and comprehensive. The animals can intimidate and injure community process undertaken to develop this plan included members and unhealthy animals can cause health meetings of all stakeholders in the region.