4802 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 22, 1988 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE SO-CALLED JEWISH Therefore, the discussion in our press agents of Western intelligence. When it PROBLEM IN THE U.S.S.R. about the activity of the "Pamyat Society," comes to this problem, our newspapers which has been in existence since May 1987, cannot take a step without using threats. is remarkable for the strange paralysis and Thus, Orarefiev and Strokov in Vecher­ HON. JOHN EDWARD PORTER avoidance of the Jewish question. There is naya Moskva threaten the Jew with charges OF ILLINOIS an impression that "someone" or "some­ under Article 7 4 of the Criminal Code of the thing" is not permitting the discussion on a RSFSR: "Breach of national and racial IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES level which could help people work out their equality." Tuesday, March 22, 1988 own clear attitude on the problem which The anonymous author, who perhaps can be based on complete understanding. It forgot that the letter of the "Initiative Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, 60 years ago is evident that to achieve such a clear atti­ Group" was published in Vechernaya millions of Jews were murdered. And, for too tude, it is necessary to arrive at a true pres­ Moskva, wrote that in this letter, the activi­ long, the world was left unaware because no entation of the situation. ty of some leaders of "Pamyat" are identi­ one came forward to reveal the atrocities The problem cannot be formulated clearly fied as the official opinion of the authori­ being committed. Today, hundreds of thou­ before there is an end to the assertion that ties. There is nothing of the kind in this sands of Jews and other innocent citizens the Jewish question does not exist in the letter, in fact just the opposite is true-the suffer in the Soviet Union. Many people are USSR and until there is an end to the de­ "Initiative Group" was looking for a dia­ imprisoned, held in exile, or institutionalized, fense of manifestations of social anti-Semi­ logue with the authorities. This inane state­ tism as being atypical. ment is an invention of the author of the Iz­ solely because of their religious beliefs or But "Pamyat" is not the only issue: It vestia, the same as his statement about desire to leave their country. Many Soviet citi­ must be understood that the political situa­ state anti-Semitism, though in the last case zens suffer from serious illnesses and are tion in our country is unstable. he perhaps knows better. He declared the being denied passage to the West for treat­ This is not the place to discuss the pros­ official position in the following way: "We ment. pects of the development of the present sit­ are internationalists-our attitude toward Pam Cohen, President of the Union of uation; these prospects may be as unclear to both anti-Semitism and Zionism is equally Councils for Soviet Jews, recently sent me the higher authorities as they are to us. negative." But the same attitude toward translation of an open letter about the so­ For our letter, the following is important: anti-Semitism and Zionism is achieved by In the existing instability, aggressive Rus­ juggling the text and as a result, the good called Jewish problem in the Soviet Union. sian nationalism-the manifestations of word "internationalism" is compromised. This letter was written by seven non-Jewish which are not limited to "Pamyat"-aspires Anti-Semitism is a hatred towards Jews intellectuals, some of them associated with to become a real political force and suggests who are considered to be the source and tool dissident human rights movements in the its own national-socialist version of "peres­ of all kinds of evil. This hatred is molded in U.S.S.R., and sent to Mr. Yakovlev, Secretary troika." In such a situation, Soviet Jews various forms and takes various mythical of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U., and have reason to be apprehensive. and ideological covers. It applies in many four Soviet newspapers. This document em­ It is important to note also, that even the pseudo-rational arguments. We know the phasizes not the human and civil aspects of part of our society which strives for demo­ Hellenistic myth about the "stinky Jews­ cratic change has no clear moral position on man haters." For centuries the myth about the Jewish problem in the U.S.S.R., but rather the national question. the Jews as murderers of God and ministers the danger threatening the mere existence of From Vechernaya Moskva, September 7, of the devil was also illuminated in Christi­ the Jewish community by the growing anti­ 1987 and September 8, 1987, we learned that anity. Inside Christianity, nearly all the semitism in that country. Ispolkom Mossoveta

e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. March 22, 1988 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4803 ated just to make anti-Semitism legal in the twenties and have been used since the 50's the AHEPA Voice, as the best 1987 district frame of Communist ideology, i.e. without for the same purpose in Arab countries. publication in the domain. Evaluation for breaching internationalistic taboos. The memory of makes us the award was based on the quality of the Anti-Zionism became a pseudonym for of­ write: The definition of Zionism as a kind of publication, journalistic proficiency, quality ficially approved anti-Semitism for the first racism and an indentification of Zionism of layout, and design and quality of infor­ time at the end of the 40's, the time of the with Fascism, used by Soviet literature is mation. great fight against "homeless cosmopolites" derisive abuse of the memory of the victims The selection of the AHEPA Voice should who were declared "agents of American im­ of genocide. It is no mere chance that come as no surprise. The Voice is read perialism.'' almost nothing was published in our coun­ widely by the District 5 membership, and Then the Jewish people, as a whole, took try from the vast literature on the theory has been rendered a serious publication by on the official image of the enemy, a target and practice of Hitler's "Final Solution of other districts and chapters. for hatred by all people, and under the the Jewish Problem." In regard to "quality of the publication", threat of deportation. We see in this case, Heinrich Bohl wrote that it was better to the Voice is an inviting news medium from one of the classic variations of the anti-Se­ be a dead Jew than a living German. its overall appearance. Adequate in size, but mitic myth: The Jews as the tools and bear­ For us, Soviet citizens of non-Jewish ex­ not bulky, it can be placed anywhere. ers of alien influence-in this case a West­ traction, the alternative is fortunately not "Journalistic proficiency" has been main­ ern one. so sharp, but our silence may lead even now tained throughout the issues, in that the This version has been used up to the to our becoming assistants to a potential editorial staff strives to ensure that only rel­ present by both official ideology and by pogrom. evant issues are incorporated. Also, in order Russian nationalism. Andrei Cherkizov, in Signed: Sergey Liozov, philologist; to assure relevancy, articles relating to the the paper Sovietskaya Kultura on March 31, Sergey Tishenko, physicist; Elena Var­ domain as a whole have been particularly 1987, asked, "Why and what are the reasons digulova, philologist; Vladimir Priby­ emphasized. for emphasizing the national structure of lovsky, historian; Kyrill Popov, chem­ In evaluating "quality of layout", the the Bolshevik Party?" Of course, he knows ist; Margarita Petrosian, lawyer; Voice has been carefully supervised by its the answer. 1 Sergey Pestov, librarian; Andrey Shil­ chief editor who has thorough knowledge, Up to the present day, the Jews feel the kov, historian; Nina Lsovsky, biochem­ and who relies on professional expertise. consequences of the fight against cosmopoli­ ist. Finally, "design and quality of informa­ tanism. One of them, well known and impos­ tion" take priority in the planning of each sible to prove, is the discrimination of Jews issue. Great care and deep pride by the when they apply for a job or to be admitted PROGRESSIVES IN PUBLICATION editor make certain that the contents are to Universities. current and relevant to the District and to Jewish culture was not given a possibility HON. JAMES J. FLORIO the AHEPA Family at large. of recovering after the pogroms at the end OF NEW JERSEY It would be remiss, if not mentioned, that of the 1940's and beginning of the 50's. Now the AHEPA Voice has not neglected the the strategy of official anti-Semitism has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES duty of journalism to include issues of con­ changed: only those Jews who are self-will­ Tuesday, March 22, 1988 troversy. The Voice editorials have often ingly mindful of their Jewishness, who Mr. FLORIO. Mr. Speaker, for many years, provided constructive criticism on several of strive for revival of national culture and es­ the major issues which confront District 5 pecially those who struggle for their right the Greek community throughout the Nation and the Order. These editorials have intend­ to emigrate to Israel are delcared Zionists, has demonstrated its support for cultural and ed to induce thinking and dialogue neces­ traitors and agents of secret services; all academic excellence. Through programs and sary for a "progressive"

19-059 0-89-7 (Pt. 4) 4816 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 22, 1988 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of (b) TERMINATION OF CONSTRUCTION.-At hydration therapy, immunization, nutrition, and Representatives of the United States of any time following the first advance of child spacing. While methods are part of an America in Congress assembled, funds by the Canadian River Municipal Water Authority the Canadian River Mu­ overall international strategy and should there­ SECTION 1. AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT, OPER­ fore be readily available, the community of na­ ATE, TEST, AND MAINTAIN. nicipal Water Authority may request that The Secretary of the Interior to construct, the Secretary terminate activities then in tions must do much more. Establishing health operate, test, and maintain the Lake Mere­ progress, and such request shall be binding care systems and the technical assistance to dith Salinity Control Project, New Mexico upon the Secretary. deliver medical supplies in targeted areas of and Texas, in accordance with the Federal (C) TRANSFER OF CONTROL.-Upon comple­ the world require strong support and coopera­ Reclamation Laws payment of construction costs by the Cana­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dian River Municipal Water Authority. Op­ CHILD SURVIVAL PROGRAM erations and maintenance of project facili­ Tuesday, March 22, 1988 ties upon completion of construction and testing shall be the responsibility of the Ca­ HON. GUS YATRON Mr. WYDEN. Mr. Speaker, every day 38 nadian River Municipal Water Authority. OF PENNSYLVANIA people die of acquired immune deficiency syn­ (b) CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENT ON CON­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES drome [AIDS], while countless others unknow­ TRACT.-Construction of the project shall ingly acquire the virus. To date, close to not be commenced until a suitable contract Tuesday, March 22, 1988 50,000 AIDS cases have been reporte .... to the has been executed by the Secretary with Mr. YATRON. Mr. Speaker, last week the Centers for Disease Control, and th~ . 'ublic the Canadian River Municipal Water Au­ U.S. Agency for International Development re­ Health Service estimates that more han thority of Texas and the State of New Mexico has granted the necessary permits leased its third report to Congress on the 250,000 other people could be infected with for the project facilities. Child Survival Program. the virus. SEC. 3. PROJECT COSTS. As chairman of the House Subcommittee on AIDS has overwhelmed the health care (a) CANADIAN RIVER MUNICIPAL WATER Au­ Human Rights and International Organizations, community, disrupted our cities' social service THORITY SHARE.-All costs of construction of which authorizes appropriations for the child networks, and instilled fear throughout the project facilities (estimated at an amount survival fund, I believe the activities detailed in Nation. Despite the attention AIDS has gotten not to exceed $6,400,000) shall be advanced USAID's report demonstrate an unparalleled in the last 2 years, our ability to fight the dis­ by the Canadian River Municipal Water Au­ commitment on the part of the United States ease remains limited. There is no vaccine and thority as the non-Federal contribution to save the lives of children. At a time when no cure. toward implementation of this Act. Pursu­ critics are suggesting that the period of What we do know, however, is that educat­ ant to the terms of the contract authorized achieving a bipartisan foreign policy has long ed individuals are responsible individuals. In by section 2, these funds shall be advanced on a schedule mutually acceptable to the since past, it is heartening to see a genuinely areas where large-scale public education cam­ Canadian River Municipal Water Authority bipartisan effort to promote child survival. paigns have been mounted, the spread of and the Secretary, as necessary to meet the Under the leadership of the USAID's Admin­ AIDS is slowing. Currently, education and pre­ expense of carrying out construction and istrator, Alan Woods, and his capable and cautions against high-risk behavior are our land acquisition activities. committed staff, the Child Survival Program only weapons against this deadly disease. (b) FEDERAL SHARE.-All project costs for continues to engender wide support from both Mr. Speaker, today I'm introducing the AIDS verification, design preparation, and con­ sides of the aisle. The report details the out­ Public Education Act to require the Depart­ struction management in the continu­ businesses, labor, schools, religious groups, supporting the "contributions made by the ation of negotiations pertaining to the issues pending in the Agreement on security communities, and parents. It will require Presidents of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guate­ creative thinking such as that displayed re­ matters, according to point seven of the mala, Honduras, and Nicaragua to the peace Guatemala Procedure: cently in Maryland, where local officials process," by signing the Guatemala accords. agreed to plans for a major office complex Commitments with regard to arma­ when the developer promised to provide day The communique also stressed "the need to ment and troops. care for workers there. put a stop to the assistance given to irregular Commitments concerning military ma­ Making quality child care available and af­ forces operating in the region." Moreover, the neuvers. fordable also means training and encourag­ Foreign Ministers reiterated their pledge to Issues regarding procedure and oper­ ing people to become part of what should be continue their role as mediator "in the con­ ation of the by-laws or statutes of the Com­ a burgeoning new profession. mission for Control and Verification in Mat­ tinuation of negotiations pertaining to issues ters of Security. Testifying almost two years ago before a pending in the agreement on security mat­ hearing of the New Jersey Child Care Advi­ Steps for the disarmament of the ir­ sory Council, Bettie Witherspoon, a day­ ters." regular forces that wish to benefit from the care center director, said, "It is difficult, but Mr. Speaker, we would stop trying to devel­ amnesty laws. not impossible, to instill a series of profes­ op new formulas to pass more assistance for 5. The success of said negotiations, as well sionalism in your staff when you know in the Contras, and instead focus our energies as the entire peace process, requires not your heart that parking-lot attendants earn on supporting the peace process in Central only the political will of the Central Ameri­ more money then they do." America. The Presidents of the Contadora and can governments, but also strict compliance, We must give providers of child care the where applicable, with the Guatemala Pro­ Support Group nations, in their communique cedure by the countries with ties and inter­ standards, respect, and compensation that following the Group of Eight Meeting in Aca­ they deserve. ests in the region. It isn't hard to come up with reasons why pulco, stated that "peace and stability in Cen­ 6. The progress of the peace process de­ affordable child care is a necessity, whether tral America are priorities for our govern­ mands the maintenance of an impartial and for low-income families whose day-care costs ments." The Reagan administration and this objective procedure for verification of com­ keep them from rising above the poverty Congress must also make peace in Central pliance with the commitments made; and line or seemingly well-to-do parents for America-not renewed aid to the Contras­ for this purpose it is essential to have an whom the basics of previous generations are the priority. adequate framework of national and inter­ national mechanisms. now luxuries. The full text of the communique follows: Our nation will be better able to compete This verification is particularly important in the global economy, if our workers can COMMUNIQUE ISSUED BY THE MINISTERS OF in regard to security issues and issues con­ concentrate on their jobs, knowing that THE CONTADORA GROUP AND THE GROUP OF cerning political commitments leading to their kids are all right. Skilled female work­ SUPPORT, IN CARTAGENA DE INDIAS, COLOM­ the creation of conditions for the consolida­ ers will be able to fill key jobs, because they BIA, ON FEBRUARY 26, 1988 tion of democracy in the region. won't be caught in the Catch-22 of work or At their meeting in the city of Cartagena The report of the International Follow-up family. Youngsters will be better prepared de Indias, Colombia, on February 26, 1988, and Verification Commission has presented for their future, if their days are filled with the Ministers of Foreign Relations of the a clear and impartial description of regional solid, developmental educational activities. Contadora Group and the Group of Support conditions. The commitments remaining un- March 22, 1988 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4819 observed require an immediate need to McGoff, as well as athletic trainer John Rob­ Congress and the administration are united agree on new specific ways to carry out the ertson. They have been inspirational in their in speaking out for the ouster of General Nor­ verification process. methodic and caring work with the team this iega. 7. Economic and social deficiencies are a threat to the stability of political institu­ year. America has placed funds for Panama in an tions in Central America, and a hindrance Congratulations to the athletes, coaches escrow account. to achieving independent and sovereign de­ and staff of the University of Scranton's 1988 I, along with my colleagues on the Panama velopment. There is an urgent need to men's basketball team. Canal Subcommittee, pressed the United expand economic cooperation with the States administration to continue the pressure region, and to contribute in solidarity with for reform. the reconstruction of the Central American SUPPORT OF DEMOCRACY IN We must move in the direction of helping countries' economies. Consequently, the PANAMA Contadora Group and Group of Support Panamanians to develop the ideals of free­ call for the participation of the internation­ dom and democracy shared by America and al community in an international emergency HON. JOSEPH E. BRENNAN all free peoples of the world. Working with the program of cooperation with the Central OF MAINE OAS and the countries of Central and South American countries, according to the terms IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES America, we can do just this. of the Acapulco Commitment. Tuesday, March 22, 1988 A prosperous people living in a society 8. We reaffirm the legitimate demand that which guarantees its freedom and human the juridical order be fully respected as the Mr. BRENNAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in essential basis for peaceful coexistence in rights is the world's greatest guarantor of se­ support of democracy in Panama. Confusion curity and peace. the region. Also, we are convinced that the reigns in that country today, and it is impera­ peaceful solution of the Central American Let us work together for democracy in conflicts is a legitimate aspiration of the tive that the United States do all it can to Panama. Latin American countries, as stated by our work for a free and democratic Panama. presidents in the Acapulco Commitment. Panama's crisis centers on one person­ "Peace and stability in Central America General Manuel Noriega. The evidence PENNSYLVANIA'S OUTSTANDING are priorities for our governments. At risk against Noriega shows that he has been in­ VOTERS are not only the consolidation of democracy volved in selling narcotics, running guns, laun­ and development following the Central dering money, selling visas, committing elec­ American countries' own self-determination, tion fraud, and in the murder of Doctor Hugo HON. WILLIAM F. GOODUNG but also the national interests of our coun­ OF PENNSYLVANIA tries." Spadafora. Consequently, we, the Contadora Group His leadership of the Panamanian defense IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Group of Support, are expressing today forces, and position as Panama's ruthless, Tuesday, March 22, 1988 our firm determination to continue seeking nonelected head of state, has resulted in the regional peace, in an active manner and fol­ violence we see today. And, I must add, this Mr. GOODLING. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased lowing a jointly accepted criterium. violence is responsible for a major threat to to bring to your attention, and to that of my the security of the Panama Canal-a water­ colleagues, four citizens from the 19th District TRIBUTE TO UNIVERSITY OF way important to the world's security. of Pennsylvania who were inducted into the SCRANTON BASKETBALL TEAM The Panamanian people, longtime friends of Voter Hall of Fame. There are now a total of the United States, believers in free enterprise 31 inductees in the Pennsylvania Hall of Fame HON. JOSEPH M. McDADE and democracy, want only what freedom­ from my district. loving people around the world want: Membership is open to all registered Penn­ OF PENNSYLVANIA Elections without fraud resulting in a demo­ sylvania voters who have voted consecutively IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cratically elected government; in every November election for which they Tuesday, March 22, 1988 Respect by the government for the rule of were eligible for at least 50 years. The candi­ Mr. McDADE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay trib­ law; dates must also encourage the registration of ute to the University of Scranton men's bas­ Respect by the government for human new voters. ketball team, which made it to the finals of the rights; and Lyndon B. Johnson once said: NCAA Division Ill Final Four Tournament Freedom of speech and expression. This right to vote is the basic right with­ before losing to Ohio Wesleyan. With America's assistance, Panama's to­ out which all others are meaningless. It Rarely is a coach bold enough to predict morrow can be brighter. gives people-people as individuals--control over their own destinies. outstanding accomplishments for his team By forming a vital link between the Ameri­ before the season begins. But that is just what ca's Atlantic and Pacific fleets, the Panama I am especially proud of the four citizens University of Scranton coach Bob Bessoir did Canal gives our Navy the chance to respond from my district who have shown through the last November, when he stated that the royals quickly to any threat to the world's freedom. years that the right to vote is a most powerful would make the Final Four. The team com­ Indeed, the canal carried many of the sup­ instrument in participating in our Govern­ piled an impressive 23-2 won/loss record plies needed by U.S. Forces in Korea and ment's legislative process. during the regular season and won 6 games in Vietnam. During the Cuban missile crisis, a Congratulations to Frank H. Menaker and the NCAA tournament before encountering contingent of marines traveled through the Romaine S. Menaker, of Spring Grove, Ohio Wesleyan. canal to be on the ready. More recently, in George A. Anderson, Jr., of York, and Mary The men's basketball team from the Univer­ 1983, the U.S.S. New Jersey went through the Perry Null, of York, for their outstanding sity of Scranton did much more than provide canal to join a multinational flotilla off the record of citizenship. enthusiastic athletic entertainment for the coast of Lebanon. community this year. During the 1988 season In 1985, more than 17 million tons of United TRIBUTE TO LODWRICK M. this group of athletes displayed tremendous States grain went from Atlantic and gulf ports COOK, CHAIRMAN OF ARCO pride, class, and sportsmanship throughout. I through the canal to markets in the Far East. speak for the entire community when I say For many manufacturers in the eastern half of thank you for representing the University of the United States, the Panama Canal is the HON. TOM LANTOS Scranton and the entire region this season. most economical route to ship products to OF CALIFORNIA This group of young men dedicated the Asia. And for western producers, the same IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES season to the late Rev. John Fitzpatrick. The holds true for shipping their products to qualities of togetherness and friendly competi­ Europe. Tuesday, March 22, 1988 tion exhibited by this team would have made The security of the Panama Canal is essen­ Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, those of us who Reverand Fitzpatrick very proud. tial to the economic and military security of serve here in the Congress of the United A special note of praise goes to University the free world. General Noriega's continued States frequently deal with business leaders­ of Scranton coach Bob Bessoir and his assist­ position as Panama's leader endangers the men and women of varying abilities and vary­ ants, Bob Walsh, Canio Cianci, and Bob Panama Canal. ing commitment. 4820 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 22, 1988 Today, Mr. Speaker, I would like to pay trib­ MAINE WEST HIGH GIRLS WIN marriage requirements for all potential DIC re­ ute to one of the truly outstanding leaders of CHAMPIONSHIP cipients. This provision was passed by the the American and international business com­ House last year as part of H.R. 2945, but it munity-Lodwrick M. Cook, chairman of the HON. HENRY J. HYDE does not appear that it will be accepted by board of directors and chief executive officer OF ILLINOIS the other body. of ARCO. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The bill would also extend and expand the Although he has been chief executive offi­ eligibility for participation in the temporary pro­ cer of ARCO only since January 1, 1986, he Tuesday, March 22, 1988 gram of vocational rehabilitation for certain has been a leader of the ARCO corporate Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, recently, the stu­ veterans in receipt of nonservice-connected team since he became vice president in 1970. dents and supporters of Maine West High disability pension. The temporary program is The task he assumed as CEO was a parti­ School in Des Plaines, I L, had cause for cele­ set to expire on January 31, 1989. This bill cuarly difficult one-he had to complete a bration when their girls' basketball team, one would extend the duration of the program major restructing of the corporation at a time of the Nation's highest ranked teams, won the period until January 31, 1992. This is a good when the oil industry was under severe eco­ Illinois State championship. program and one which ultimately will pay for nomic pressures. An indication of just how Throughout this season the Warriors met itself by helping veterans get off the VA's pen­ well Lod Cook has succeeded as CEO of and defeated their opposition by large margins sion rolls and resume productive lives. ARCO is in this week's edition of Forbes mag­ and entered the championship tournament Finally, the bill contains a provision to azine. ARCO, says Forbes, "may well be the with an undefeated record. In a semifinal extend the authority of the Administrator of best-managed U.S. company in the game." game against Chicago's Marshall High School, Veterans' Affairs to operate the VA regional Lod Cook's leadership, interests, and ac­ a team also undefeated in regular season office in the Republic of the Philippines. Under complishments go well beyond the corporate play, the Warriors won the game at the final current law this authority is set to expire on boardroom, however. He has an interest in buzzer with a difficult baseline shot-an unfor­ September 30, 1988. This bill would provide education, youth, and minority programs. He gettable moment for all who were present. authority for the operation of the regional serves as chairman or board member of the The Warriors continued on in the champion­ office unitl September 30, 1991. National Junior Achievement, the Aspen Insti­ ship tournament to defeat York High School for the State Class AA title. tute, and the Los Angeles Music Center, to NATIONAL AGRICULTURE WEEK name only a few. Coached by Derril Kipp, the team competed Under his leadership, the ARCO Foundation often in games in which all members partici­ has pursued a number of important and bene­ pated in play, a somewhat unusual practice HON. NORMAN D. SHUMWAY ficial cultural projects of interest to all Ameri­ that permitted victory to be shared by the OF CALIFORNIA cans. I would like to call the attention of my entire group. They are a talented group of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES people who finished where they deserved­ colleagues to one of the most recent of his Tuesday, March 22, 1988 valuable contributions to our Nation's culture. first. Mr. SHUMWAY. Mr. Speaker, March 20 In the Rotunda of the Cannon House Office The team included among its members through 26 has been designated as "National Building is a display of paintings by contempo­ Moira H. Kennelly, Kerin W. Joerg, Mary E. Agriculture Week" and, as one Member with rary American artist Alice Lok Cahana, "From Spielman, Susanne M. Hardiman, Stephanie the privilege of representing a highly agricul­ Ashes to the Rainbow: A Tribute to Raoul E. Pinske, Nancy M. Kennelly, Kristin M. Lund, tural district, I am pleased to take this oppor­ Wallenberg." The exhibit, which my wife An­ Anastasia Georganas, Diana M. Raupp, Mar­ garette Georgoulis, Heather D. Ertel, Cristy L. tunity to pay tribute to the Nation's farming nette and I are sponsoring together with Lod community. Cook, has been made possible through the Nelson, and Kristine L. Bonney. I want to also extend my heartfelt congratu­ Agriculture's contributions to America's generosity of the ARCO Foundation. economy are significant, through both produc­ At the age of 15, Alice Cahana was brutally lations to Coach Kipp, Athletic Director Dave Winter, Principal James Coburn, and Dr. tion and the creation of jobs. Additionally, we uprooted from her birthplace in Sarvar, Hun­ are blessed with both quantity and quality of gary, and began a year and a half of terror in James Elliott, superintendent of district 207. Des Plaines has reason for celebration. harvests, enabling us to feed and clothe the Nazi concentration and labor camps. Alice people of the world. and her father, who was saved through the ef­ California's 14th District produces a rich and forts of Swedish diplomat and humanitarian INTRODUCTION OF COMPENSA­ diverse variety of speciality crops, including , are the only members of TION COST-OF-LIVING ADJUST­ asparagus, almonds, cherries, peaches, apri­ her family to survive. This exhibit is her per­ MENT BILL FOR VETERANS' cots and walnuts, just to name a few. It is the sonal testimony of that experience. COMPENSATION AND DIC most rural district in the State, and it recog­ The ARCO Foundation, under the leader­ nizes the value of its farming community. ship of Lod Cook, provided a grant to Skirball HON. DOUGLAS APPLEGATE I am honored to have this opportunity to Museum of Hebrew Union College in Los An­ OF OHIO recognize American agriculture, and I strongly geles to organize this exhibit and arrange for it IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES urge my colleagues to join with me in encour­ to tavel to Washington, as well five other Tuesday, March 22, 1988 aging appropriate tribute during this special cities in the United States. week. Furthermore, Mr. Speaker, I am delighted to Mr. APPLEGATE. Mr. Speaker, I am today report that I have been able to arrange for introducing legislation to effect a statutory 4.5 Lod Cook and the ARCO Foundation to percent cost-of-living ·adjustment in veterans' UNIVERSAL AID FOR CHILDREN donate the panels on which the art is being service-connected disability compensation and HONORS LEE KLEIN WITH 1988 displayed to the House of Representatives. survivors' dependency and indemnity compen­ KATHRYN LEHMAN WEINER These striking panels were custom-built for sation benefits. This percentage is consistent ADVOCATE OF CHILDREN the Rotunda and will be a wonderful addition with the Congressional Budget Office baseline AWARD to that space. As my colleagues know, having for fiscal year 1989 and with the recommen­ appropriate means to display art in the dation of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs HON. WILLIAM LEHMAN Cannon Rotunda has been a continuing prob­ submitted to the Budget Committee on March OF FLORIDA lem. Now-thanks to Lod Cook and the 10 of this year. The effective date for this in­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ARCO Foundation-it will be possible to dis­ crease would be December 1, 1988. Last De­ play other oustanding art here on Capitol Hill. cember, we increased these benefits by 4.2 Tuesday, March 22, 1988 Mr. Speaker, it is a great pleasure for me to percent in line with the increase provided for Mr. LEHMAN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I call to the attention of my colleagues the ac­ Social Security benefits and nonservice-con­ would like to congratulate Lee Klein of North complishments and the outstanding civic com­ nected VA pension. Miami Beach, FL, on being selected as the re­ mitment of Lod Cook. I invite my colleagues to The bill also contains an amendment to title cipient of the Kathryn Lehman Weiner Advo­ join me in paying tribute to him. 38, United States Code, that would conform cate of Children Award for 1988. March 22, 1988 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4821 Founded in memory of my late daughter Year, 1987; Dade County Outstanding Citizen The purposes of this legislation are to reaf­ Kathryn Lehman Weiner, who devoted her life of the Year, 1987; University of Miami School firm the importance of renewable energy and to educating and improving the well-being of of Medicine Helping Hands Award Woman of energy conservation in our national energy children, this will be the 1Oth annual award to the Year, 1986; Miami Herald Spirit of Excel­ policy; to orient DOE's renewable energy re­ be given in Kathy's memory. Universal Aid for lence Finalist, 1985; Greater Miami Chapter search more toward achieving commercial ap­ Children, Inc., a licensed non-profit adoption Woman's American OAT, Outstanding Woman plications; to provide stable authorization agency in my congressional district, founded of the Year, 1981; National Jefferson Award levels for the renewable energy and energy and directed by Lorri Kellogg, will present the for Outstanding Service to the Community, conservation research and development pro­ award at its annual luncheon on March 26, 1980; Zonta Club of Greater Miami 1, Interna­ grams over the next 3 years; and to expand 1988. tional Year of the Child, Outstanding Service commercial markets for renewable energy Selected from many other fine nominees, Benefiting Children, 1979, and Women in products both here and abroad. Lee Klein is a very special person, and I am Communication, Community Headlines Award, THE IMPORTANCE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY most pleased that she will be honored this 1974. Renewable energy has multiple benefits for year. Lee is a founding member of the Deed To Universal Aid for Children, Inc., its exec­ our economy. The most obvious benefits are Club which has created our Nation's only to­ utive director, Lorri Kellogg, to its dedicated environmental. While renewable energy tech­ tally free, comprehensive medical care clinic employees and board of directors, I also wish nologies do have some environmental im­ for children with cancer. The Deed Club Chil­ to congratulate you on the very fine job you pacts, by and large they are not as severe as dren's Cancer Clinic opened in 1965 at the are doing. Your dedication to our children, and those of more conventional technologies. This University of Miami's Jackson Medical Center. to our future, is commendable. becomes increasingly important as we learn Lee Klein's love and concern for these chil­ more each year about the dangers of the dren kept her at the clinic long hours but "greenhouse effect" caused by carbon diox­ brought here beyond the clinic into the homes TRIBUTE TO DONALD L. of the young patients' families. Her support for WATSON ide buildup and the severe institutional difficul­ a full family-oriented program involved here in ties with storing radioactive waste. finding solutions for the awesome psychologi­ HON. VIC FAZIO Renewable energy technologies also offer us diversity and therefore security. The more cal and financial devastation caused by this OF CALIFORNIA number one killer disease of children. She set IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES different types of energy we rely on, the less chance that any one of them will be interrupt­ out and succeeded to do the impossible-to Tuesday, March 22, 1988 develop a total care program for cancer-strick­ ed or curtailed. Diversification is a sort of in­ en children at no cost whatsoever to the fami­ Mr. FAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay surance policy against interruption. Renew­ lies regardless of race, religion, socioeconom­ tribute to Donald L. Watson, current deputy ables also contributes to energy security more ic status or nationality. and former interim director of the California directly to the extent that they displace import­ Over 350, youngsters, newborns to 19 years Department of Transportation who was re­ ed energy supplies. of age, from Dade, Broward, Monroe, Collier cently named "Black Engineer of the Year" by Finally, renewables help with the trade defi­ counties as well as the Caribbean and South the deans of America's black colleges. cit. Not only do they displace imported energy, and Central America are receiving long-term, Mr. Watson received the President's Award but perhaps more importantly, they provide a multidisciplinary medical treatement at the for his outstanding contributions in science, growing international opportunity for exports. Deed Club Children's Cancer Clinic. Lee Klein engineering, and technology. Over 150 individ­ This last point is worth expanding upon. insists that no child coming to the Deed Clinic uals were nominated from all over the country, The international market for wind turbines will ever be denied the life-giving treatment he yet, Mr. Watson's impressive civil engineering today is roughly $200 million per year and is or she deserves. background and his superb work as director of expected to rise to $1 billion per year by 1994 Lee's leadership, creative genius, financial the 16,000-person California Department of and $3 to $6 billion by the year 2000. But, in wizardry, and administrative expertise has Transportation was recognized by the selec­ the last 7 years the share of the U.S. wind over the years catalyzed the formation of a to­ tion committee as worthy of this prestigious machine market captured by foreign imports tally free ancillary network of programs to award. As I am familiar with Mr. Watson's has gone from zero to 70 percent. compliment the total care medical program at dedication and commitment to his job, I know The international market for photovoltaics is the clinic. These programs include the Deed that a finer man or individual could not have currently $500 million and is expected to in­ Club Love and Wishes Program, Family Calen­ been chosen. crease to $5.4 billion by the year 2010. dar of Events, Family Friend, The Deed Club I would also like to take this opportunity to Not all this benefit is in the future either. Lodging (at Ronald McDonald House), the commend Mr. Watson for his work as head of These technologies are contributing right now. Deed's Camp F.I.R.E., the first summer oncol­ Caltrans, and thank him for his assistance on Wind generated 1. 7 billion kilowatt-hours in ogy camp in South Florida, as well as a re­ road and highway projects in the Fourth Con­ California in 1987, roughly enough electricity search and education program in pediatric on­ gressional District of California. for the residential customers in a city the size cology at the University of Miami School of I know that my colleagues join with me in of San Francisco. Geothermal contributes Medicine. offering sincere congratulations to Donald L. roughly 1,600 megawatts of capacity in Cali­ Universal Aid for Children, Inc., whose pro­ Watson for being named "Black Engineer of fornia. Photovoltaics are currently cost effec­ gram not only places adoptable children in the Year," and wish him the best of luck in tive in remote applications such as buoys, loving homes but has an active medical care the future. communication towers and oil and gas wells and relief program for children in need, has and pipelines. Between 5 and 10 percent of made an excellent choice in Lee Klein. She THE RENEWABLE ENERGY AND all homes in the United States rely primarily has been the guiding light in making it possi­ ENERGY CONSERVATION COM­ on wood for home heating. ble for the community to have the Nation's MERCIALIZATION AND DEVEL­ FEDERAL FUNDING FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY only totally free, family-oriented total care pro­ OPMENT ACT Funding for renewable energy has been gram for children with cancer supported en­ steadily declining since the beginning of the tirely by volunteers and private funds. For this HON. PHIUP R. SHARP 1980's. For example, DOE renewable energy profound contribution and the limitless love OF INDIANA R&D funding dropped from $647 million in she has given to so many in need, and for all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1980 to $1 03 million in 1987 and $97 in 1988. her accomplishments, I am honored to ap­ This comes at a time when international mar­ plaud Lee Klein as the recipient of the 1988 Tuesday, March 22, 1988 kets are expanding and other countries are in­ Kathryn Lehman Weiner Advocate of Children Mr. SHARP. Mr. Speaker, today I rise on creasing their spending in these areas. Award. behalf of myself and my good friend and col­ In 1988, for the first time, the United States On previous occasions, Lee has been the league the Honorable MARILYN LLOYD to intro­ Government will spend less on research for recipient of numerous other awards, including duce the Renewable Energy and Energy Con­ photovoltaics, $35 million, than either Japan, the University of Miami School of Medicine servation Commercialization and Development $43 million, or West Germany $61 million. The Helping Hands Award, Humanitarian of the Act. same is true in wind research where the 4822 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 22, 1988 United States will spend $8.5 million while velop commercial products. A delicate bal­ put this promise into law with a pledge that West Germany and the tiny Netherlands will ance needs to be struck between doing basic the full faith and credit of the United States spend $10.2 and $9.7 million, respectively. research which private firms would not under­ was committed to restoring Bikini to "habit­ While the deficit compels us to limit spend­ take but may never have commercial applica­ ability." ing in all areas, cuts of the size we have seen tion and development work that can lead to With this background, I would like to share in renewable energy are not the way to main­ direct commercial applications. with my colleagues an editorial regarding tain our technological leadership and interna­ The bill authorizes higher, 3-year funding some recent actions of the executive branch tional competitiveness. levels for the Renewable Energy and Energy that run contrary to the history of this subject. THE IMPORTANCE OF ENERGY CONSERVATION Conservation Research and Development Pro­ I therefore insert into the CONGRESSIONAL Efficiency has already saved the United grams. RECORD at this point an editorial from the States tremendous amounts of energy. Be­ The 3-year authorization levels have two March 11, 1988, issue of the Marshall Islands tween 1973 and 1985 the GNP grew 33 per­ purposes. One is to redress the imbalance Journal. I agree wholeheartedly with the facts cent while energy use has stayed steady at 73 which has occurred in absolute funding levels and sentiments expressed in the editorial. quads. If the economy had continued to grow through cuts in recent years. Hence, the small The editorial follows: at that same level of energy use per GNP, we increases in budget authority. Second, by pro­ [From the Marshall Islands Journal, Mar. would have used an additional 25 quads. That viding authorizations for 3 years we hope to 11, 19881 25 quads is more energy than the total new provide some stability for the researchers and supplies from all other forms of energy since firms depending on them. Such stability AN UNLIKELy STORY 1973. It also represents an estimated $150 should lead toward better planning and effi­ MBC Television aired National Geogra­ billion savings per year. ciency for these programs. phic's special feature on the Bikinians, "Nu­ clear Exiles," last week. The program ex­ Compared to historical trends, our savings The bill authorizes higher, 3-year funding pressed with striking clarity the roadblock in oil and gas alone equal roughly half of levels for the Committee on Renewable the Reagan administration is throwing up OPEC's current capacity. This reduction in Energy, Commerce and Trade [CORECT]. against the proposed nuclear cleanup. demand was a major factor in reducing CORECT is an interagency task force that co­ Though the U.S. signed an agreement in OPEC's grip on the market. ordinates the Government's effort to encour­ 1985 to underwrite a nuclear cleanup and re­ There is much additional efficiency left to age markets for renewable energy products. habilitation at Bikini, U.S. officials appear exploit in the economy. Various studies esti­ The bill requires DOE to provide a strategic to be suffering from a serious case of amne­ mate there are between 5 and 18 million bar­ plan that shows how its research and devel­ sia. The film interviews the leading U.S. of­ rels of oil equivalent per day of efficiency im­ opment plans help achieve the policy goals in ficial on Micronesia, Jim Berg of the State provements available in our economy. Many the national energy policy plan [NEPP]. The Department, telling the world that the of these savings are available at fractions of cleanup is entirely the Bikinians' affair, and intent is to more closely tie the allocation of if they want to the people can certainly use the cost of new supply. DOE resources in research to the goals speci­ their Compact compensation money to pay Many exciting efficiency technologies are fied in the NEPP. We should have some idea for it. What rubbish. Besides its moral obli­ available to us such as heat mirror glass, of the relative ranking of how much energy is gation, the U.S. has a legal commitment electronic ballasts for fluorescent lights, cars potentially going to be produced or saved per documented in black and white to restore in the 30 to 50 miles per gallon range, and re­ dollar spent. Bikini to its former inhabitants. Compact frigerators, air conditioners and furnaces that CONCLUSION compensation money is entirely separate use far less energy while offering the same from the U.S. commitment to clean up Renewable energy and energy conservation Bikini. Why the Director of the Office of comfort and convenience. are too important to give up on now. We need Just as renewable energy can help with the Freely Associated State Affairs spends his to build on the progress we have already time issuing this type of disinformation is trade deficit, so can energy efficiency. Obvi­ made through more emphasis on commercial beyond us. The State Department's time ously, greater efficiency can reduce imports. application and by stabilizing funding for these could be more constructively spent debating In addition, lower energy costs mean lower programs. We welcome our colleagues' sup­ and analyzing cleanup options now under production costs and hence more competitive port and cosponsorship. consideration by other U.S. agencies and the U.S. products. U.S. Congress. There is also a burgeoning world market for efficient products including appliances, effi­ OUR PROMISE TO BIKINI cient motors and motor controls, automobiles OAKLAND PRIVATE INDUSTRY and computerized energy management sys­ HON. RON de LUGO COUNCIL tems. Federal research and development can OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS help us enhance our competitive edge in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES these growing markets. HON. RONALD V. DELLUMS Conservation R&D spending has undergone Tuesday, March 22, 1988 OF CALIFORNIA the same kind of cutbacks that have occurred Mr. DE LUGO. Mr. Speaker, the Compact of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in renewable energy. Funding dropped from Free Association Act of 1985 established a $344 million in 1980 to $162 in 1987 and new political relationship between the United Tuesday, March 22, 1988 $156 million in 1988. States and the Marshall Islands, which have Mr. DELLUMS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to WHAT THIS BILL DOES been a part of the Trust Territory of the Pacif­ take this opportunity to bring to the attention This bill requires DOE to set technical per­ ic Islands. of my colleagues the fine work of the Oakland formance goals, with consultation from indus­ In reporting the legislation, the Committee Private Industry Council. Particularly, I would try, for the year 1995 for its photovoltaics, on Interior and Insular Affairs felt that it was like to describe activity that Oakland PIC has solar thermal, wind, biofuels, solar building, imperative that it provide for United States undertaken to focus attention in the communi­ ocean energy systems and geothermal re­ trusteeship obligations to be fulfilled as the is­ ty on the outstanding contributions of older search programs. lands entered a new political status. workers. It also requires DOE to propose three re­ One of the most important aspects of com­ The second week in March has been pro­ newable energy joint venture demonstration pleting trusteeship business in the Marshall Is­ claimed "Employ the Older Worker Week" by projects for the year 1990. The Federal Gov­ lands that remained was to restore beautiful Gov. . The purpose is to ernment shall contribute 50 percent of the Bikini Atoll for its original inhabitants. As Mem­ acknowledge the worth of the mature worker cost and industry will have to contribute 50 bers will recall, Bikini had been despoiled by and is a means of publicly recognizing the ex­ percent. testing of atomic weapons and the people of panding role the older worker plays in the These provisions are in response to industry Bikini have spent some 40 years waiting to be labor force. Several national and statewide criticism that the Renewable Energy R&D Pro­ returned to their homeland. demographic trends indicate that there is a gram is too oriented toward long-term re­ The executive branch settled a lawsuit in potential labor and skills shortage on the hori­ search and not oriented enough toward 1985 with the people of Bikini Atoll with a zon-a shortage that can be filled by the older nearer term research that firms can use to de- promise to clean up Bikini. The Compact Act worker: March 22, 1988 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4823 America is growing older: In 1980, one of weekend magazine staff, and columnist Pete "One of the values we try to instill in every five Americans-over 46 million-was Waldmeir tells us a bit about why that honor workers in the mall industries is that they 55 or older. has been so appropriately designated. I am are not only helping themselves but that be­ The older population will continue to grow pleased to share it with my colleagues, par­ cause they are being productive, their chil­ dren can have a chance at a better life, too. as the birth rate declines and as the "baby ticularly those from urban areas, who will most So if, say, a young mother who has an boomers" age. By the year 2000, people 65 assuredly benefit from Father Cunningham's infant and is working at her first job with and older will represent 13.1 percent of the message of "Hope": us knows that her child is in the same class Nation's population; in 2030 it could reach 21 [From the Detroit News, Mar. 9, 19881 with the kids of people who have achieved percent. PRIEST HELP Focus:HOPE LIVE ITS NAME something in life, she'll work hard to stay According to a recent AARP survey, 36 per­ approved by the employer's board of di­ deduction would allow the family to regain quence of the decision made by the budget rectors or other governing body ; the erosion of family income. That is caused originally included in H.R. 3312. The legisla­ 2. The individual in connection with many challenges and obstacles in their efforts networks. Economic nationalism was mostly the decision of the board of directors or to provide quality education. Through com­ forgotten and the target became the Mis­ other governing body approving such plan or populism. agreement; teachers, administrators, students, parents, 3. The written plan or agreement does not and legislators, these schools have met the There is one point which Shields did not grant the individual (individuals) accruing challenges of providing quality education and make concerning this affair which I think is benefits under the plan or arrangement an deserve this special recognition. This special very important. The real victim of this mistreat­ option to receive increased current compen­ statewide recognition has gone to only a small ment has not been DICK GEPHARDT. The real sation in lieu of plan participation or bene­ handful of the thousands of elementary victim has been the national dialog that we fits; and schools in California. should have been having on trade. Many seri­ 4. Either- For the Nation to prepare for the future and ous scholars with no particular involvement in The compensation of individuals accru­ ing benefits under the plan or arrangement meet the challenges which lie ahead, all chil­ Presidential nominating politics believe that is not reduced as the result of the establish­ dren and young adults must receive quality the current world wide imbalance in trade has ment or maintenance of the plan arrange­ education. Teachers must be trained and ade­ placed the United States and the world on the ment, or quately compensated for their efforts. Parents brink of economic disaster. How public policy The plan applies to 100 percent of the must be involved and supportive of these ef­ can be used to prevent that disaster should employees above a compensation level or of­ forts, and administrators and policymakers be a central topic of national debate. Instead ficer status specified by the employer that must work to provide the necessary re­ of that dialog, we have had an argument over do not change frequently over time. sources. It is only through a combination of If deferred compensation is provided pur­ how Mr. GEPHARDT should be labeled and suant to the terms of an individual employ­ these ingredients that programs will be devel­ what were his true motives in putting forward ment contract entered into by an executive oped to meet the many and diverse needs of such proposals. That kind of coverage short­ or a managerial employee with his or her the Nation's students. changes not only those who think GEPHARDT employer . the criteria de­ and have provided to the children of the Tuo­ scribed in paragraph 3 and 4 above will be should be persuaded to view the problem dif­ lumne County region the type of education ferently. Neither side has had their day in deemed to be satisfied if deferred compensa­ which is vital for all of America's children. Let tion provided under the contract is subject court. to substantial performance conditions . The three year service requirement be, for themselves and for the future of this see the need for an open and full discussion also will be deemed to be satisfied if the em­ great Nation. of this topic free of labels or challenges to the ployee in question is being provided with de­ I wish to congratulate and extend to these ferred compensation income under a con­ character or motives of those who may three elementary schools, the praise they de­ choose to participate: tract entered into within the three year serve. period preceding his or her termination of DESERTED BY THE PREss: GEPHARDT DESERVES service which is in recognition of a period of BETTER substantial service to his or her employer. DESERTED BY THE PRESS The conferees also recognize that some In his sudden emergence as a presidential tax-exempt organizations face salary limita­ challenger, Albert Gore Jr. of Tennessee hit tions gressional operator, the question was raised evolved under heavy pressure by bison, elk, Community College physically disabled stu­ several thousand times, really be a populist and other large grazing animals. Livestock dents. outsider? In order to be a genuine populist, replaced the native animals soon after set­ Mr. Speaker, we should be proud of these apparently you can only be ineffectual. It is young men and women. They have volun­ true that his switches on both abortion and tlement, and the settlers from more humid tuition tax credits encouraged his critics to areas overestimated the capacity of the teered their time and talents to promote hand­ raise doubts about his philosophical fickle­ semi-arid western range. Overstocking, com­ icap awareness in both their community and ness. So the press criticism of the Iowa bined with drought in the last half of the on their college campus. winner focused not on the content of his 19th century, caused most western ranges to message but on the character of the messen­ deterioriate badly within three decades ger himself. after settlement. MOTHER TERESA AND THE For effectively raising the trade issue, Most ranges continued in poor condition MIRACLE OF LIFE Gephardt was accused of "pandering." until the late 1930's when modern range According to the published tabulations of management techniques developed. Western media watchdog John Merriam, Gephardt ranges have improved substantially since HON. ROBERT K. DORNAN has received far and away the most negative World War II and are now in the best condi­ OF CALIFORNIA TV coverage of any Democratic candidate. tion they have been in this century. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Only Pat Robertson has gotten worse cover­ The effect of grazing on plants is related Tuesday, March 22, 1988 age. Deprived of free media to deliver his to the forage preference of the animal, the distinctive message to voters in some 20 animal's behavior, the resistance of the Mr. DORNAN of California. Mr. Speaker, states, Gephardt lacked the funds to buy plant, the timing of grazing, and climatic former California Gov. and I have enough commercial time to compete with often found ourselves at odds over fundamen­ Gore and Gov. Michael Dukakis of Massa­ events. The process is complex and not well chusetts. Then the Missourian had to watch understood, but research information and tal family values. While we continue to dis­ the lavishly financed Dukakis attack him in experience is expanding at a rapid rate. Two agree on certain issues, thanks to the grace TV spots that charged Gephardt with research areas show particular promise for of God, and the compassion of Mother Teresa taking unclean political action committee increasing production: stress physiology of of Calcutta and her Sisters of Charity, abortion contributions. The irony went unnoticed in plants and animal behavior in grazing. is no longer an issue that separates us. the press: Gephardt had apparently not Recent physiological research has helped It is a sign of hope that Governor Brown, an taken enough PAC money to be able to redefine the response of bunchgrasses and Irish Catholic politician from my home State of make a rebuttal. He could not point out shrubs to grazing. Studies in the early learn­ California, has seen the light-the right to life that it was the Bradley-Gephardt fair tax ing of grazing animals indicates that ani­ bill that led to the elimination of $90 billion mals can be conditioned to graze the ranges light-after a 3-week visit with Mother Teresa. worth of loopholes for the rich and the pow­ more uniformly and enter feedlots more re­ I am heartened that he has broken his links to erful. ceptive to concentrate feeding. the chains of death forged within the liberal But the press has mostly not seen the More is known about managing range­ elements of his Democratic Party. I urge my Gephardt story this way. On the issue of lands than is currently applied. With proper colleagues to read about Governor Brown's economic nationalism, the press has chosen extension of research results, most range profound conversion on the key life issue and overwhelmingly to join the ranks of the goals can be met with today's knowledge. ponder its meaning for their own fragile ca­ privileged and to desert the people. Dick Gephardt and working Americans deserve More information is needed in the basic bi­ reers. "What doth it profit a man to gain the better. ology of plants and behavior of the grazing whole world and * * *." animal if ranchers are to become competi­ [From the Arlington Catholic Herald, Feb. tive with other industries. 18, 1988] Public policies guiding rangeland use are GRAZING ON AMERICAN Ex-GovERNOR JERRY BROWN CHANGES VIEW RANGELANDS poorly developed and are not likely to im­ ON ABORTION prove unless the public is better informed about the needs of society and the effects of horns of Calcutta as background" other person, built. other countries. while the Nobel laureate nun spoke. Mr. Speaker, I know that you and my col­ Through these steps, not only we create thousands of additional jobs both directly She taught that "Christ is in your hand" leagues in the House of Representatives will in "what you do for me . Zaire Who are these interests? In truth, I have freedom. Although I am a devout Catholic, I is plagued by "uncontrollable corruption" been singled out for attack because I am a abolished religious inequality and placed all and the "illegal outflow of wealth from the nationalist. Moreover, I am intransigent on religious denominations on an equal footing. country." The IMF charges that money for the subject of nationalism. In 1967, for ex­ I did so in order to serve freedom and jus­ improving farms, roads and agricultural ample, I nationalized the Union Miniere, tice. projects has been diverted into personal use today known as Gecamines, making it the Mervyn M. Dymally: But Amnesty Inter­ by government officials. In one speech, you exclusive property of the Zairian people. national maintains that hundreds of politi­ yourself called bribery "the Zairian illness." Ironically, from that date on I became the cal prisoners have been arrested, detained If this is true, why hasn't your government object of scorn and derision, as I was widely or imprisoned, often without ever being punished the guilty parties and adopted considered to have pilfered Gecamines' charged or tried. Do you dispute these accu­ strong measures to prevent future corrup­ profits in order to enrich myself, even sations? If so, why do you think they per­ tion? though its finances are closely monitored by sist? Mobutu: Your last quotation is inaccurate. company auditors. Yet, its balance sheet Mobutu: I wonder if a head of state I never stated that bribery is "the Zairian bears no budget titles suggesting my in­ should swear, but if anyone can cite the illness." I once condemned corrpution, but I volvement in its financial operations. Let me name of a single political prisoner, support­ never described it as my country's illness. repeat: Gecamines is the exclusive property ed by hard fact, who is presently in any To be accurate, I stated-while expressing of the Zairian people. Zairian prison, I will immediately resign. As New Year's wishes to my officers-"We keep When I assumed power, my budget was far as Amnesty International is concerned, I hearing about corrpution, without knowing called a "dotation"-a special presidential indicated that they were in Zaire last No­ who is corrupt and who is corrupting." fund. However, unlike other presidential vember at the invitation of the special de­ At the time, I was specifically referring to funds, mine is known and is subject to par­ partment that oversees human rights and you-the American and Europeans-who liamentary approval. Every year I submit a civil liberties. They left satisfied, and so am taught us the art of corrupting. When you budget proposal which must be approved by I. Without overstating the case, I am con­ come to Zaire to sell your products, you tell Parliament. At times, it has voted to disap­ vinced that Amnesty International's atti­ our officials, "It costs $800. But for you, I'll prove various presidential requests. This tude towards Zaire has changed markedly as set aside $200 per piece. That would amount year, without my requesting a raise, Zaire's a result of their investigation. to one million dollars-all yours." That is elected representatives voted to increase the Elliot: You opponents contend that the corruption, and you introduced it. You are presidential fund, after assessing the uses to government does not respect the fundamen­ therefore unfit to educate us on public which it was put. Thus, my budget is offi­ tal rights of workers. There is no freedom of morals, since you have yet to address the cially known by the Parliament and the association with respect to independent same ethical concerns in you respective soci­ people. trade unions; collective bargaining agree­ eties. In the past, when I went to Europe, I ments are not guaranteed; working condi­ Corruption is not a Zairian problem; it is a stayed in sundry hotels. However, my Euro­ tions are abysmal; purchasing power has world problem. Take the Lockheed case, for pean friends repeatedly advised me, "Mr. plummeted; and unemployment is at a example, which involved high-ranking gov- President, your security is not assured when March 22, 1988 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4831 you reside in such hotels. We strongly urge them to ease the crisis. This was done quiet­ cles originate from Belgium. I can produce you to purchase several homes, as your se­ ly and without fanfare. Similarly, when copies of all of them from my home library. curity is of the utmost importance. You Sekou Toure's Guinea was hit by an earth­ There is not a grain of truth in any of them, should own your own homes, where you can quake, I sent a check for vne million dollars for their sole purpose is to spoil the good guarantee your security. Look at such and to help them as a sister nation. They were name of Zaire. I hold nothing against the such head of state. He has proper security. the ones who made it public. Last year, Belgians, or Belgium, for that matter. I By the way, if Zaire can afford to spend so when yet another African country, Came­ simply cannot harness my nationalistic much on your security when you travel roon, suffered a gas explosion, I sent them pride. It is only natural for me, as an un­ abroad, then buying homes should not $200,000, as well as doctors and 20 soldiers abashed nationalist, to resist any attempt prove exhorbitant." The very friends who who delivered tents and medicines worth by another country smaller than mine to gave me this advice are the same ones who over $200,000. interfere in our internal affairs, even if by a disseminated the false rumors about the That is how I have used my alleged for­ historical misfortune they once colonized myriad castles and villas I am supposed to tune-to strengthen the security of African us. I will never live to see that happen have. These are typical of the kinds of in­ countries and to lessen the plight of disaster again. I place the interests of my country trigues and conspiracies to which I have victims. We have not done this because first; everything else comes after. I might been subjected. Zaire is rich; we are no richer than any sound like an unprogressive leader, but Clearly, I would be lying if I said I do not other African nation. No, we want to teach before criticizing Zaire, compare it with have a bank account in Europe. I do. I our fellow African citizens the noble art of other African countries. In my view, we would also be lying if I said I do not have sharing. During 22 years as head of state, I have have made enormous progress. considerable money in my account; I do. Elliot: Granted that you have made con­ Yes, I have a fair amount of money. Howev­ never disclosed such inside information to anyone, for my mother taught me never to siderable economic progress, most experts er, I would estimate it to total less than $50 insist . that the economy of Zaire remains million. What is that after 22 years as head brag about my deeds of kindness to others. Because your question was so searching, I fundamentally weak and vulnerable. Indeed, of state of such a big country? many observers contend that the Zairian As for my alleged fortune, do you recall decided to be forthright and to open my mind to you, not for the pride of it, but in people are deeply resentful of their econom­ the remark which a Belgian once made to ic plight-the "pauperization of the one of his country's top-ranking officials? order to lay out the facts. Elliot: Still, after over 20 years of your masses," as one analyst put it-but that The man who made the remark has been they have been frightened into silence. Spe­ my subordinate for over 20 years, first in rule, the evidence reveals little improvement in the quality of life for the average Zairian. cifically, what measures have you initiated the army, and now at the Presidency. He to improve the economic plight of the aver­ was asked a similar question about my fi­ Indeed, the ordinary Zairian earns one­ tenth of what he or she earned in 1965 age Zairian? nances, to which he replied: "From the way Mobutu: As you know, Zaire, like many things are going, I am afraid for this man. before your government took power. It has been reported that half of the children die other sub-Saharan African countries, has He has a large family, with many children. experienced slower economic growth and de­ If he dies, he will do so in misery. He has before the age of three, and one-third of those who survive past the age of three will teriorating terms of trade since it won its in­ spent his money building chapels, temples, dependence in 1960. However, we are among cathedrals, schools and clinics. Patients who die of malnutrition. Are you fighting a losing battle? Can the present situation be those few nations fortunate enough to have could not be treated at home were flown to reversed? Is there reason for optimism? benefited from a prolonged period of civil Europe or the United States. That is how he Mobutu: The statistics and criticisms you stability and peace, which has provided our has spent his money." people with relative physical security for Besides, of Africa's 50 independent coun­ cite, which have been published by The Washington Post, come from the Belgian the past 20 years. tries, can you name one leader-just one­ press. They stem from the kind of dishones­ Since 1982, I have initiated several major who can boast of having spent as much of ty and unfairness that you would expect to economic reforms which have increased his own money to benefit so many people? find, given our checkered historical relation­ business confidence in Zaire's future and No, I have a clear conscience. I am an ship. have had a positive impact on the overall honest man. I have not pocketed one dollar There is, however, a major difference be­ standard of living. Owing to the elimination of the people's money. tween the People's Republic of Zaire, my fa­ of exchange and price controls, parallel Finally, my so-called fortune has proven therland, and many other African countries. markets have virtually disappeared and extremely beneficial to many African Let's go back to 1960 to 1965, a period I profits now accrue to legitimate marketers causes. An American journalist should be know quite well. At the time, Zaire was in and small farmers, thus encouraging more sent to Mozambique, so that that country's complete ruins, following the most destruc­ regular supplies to markets. As a result, the president, Joaquim Chissano, could tell him tive civil war ever fought in Africa. Schools, supply of both foreign and domestic goods how helpful I have been to that nation's churches, ports, roads and ferries stood in in Zaire's markets has noticeably increased, freedom fighters. The former president, ruin. When I took power in 1965, my priori­ eliminating the periodic shortages that used Samora Machel, was likewise aware of my ty was to launch a massive reconstruction to occur. assistance. Thanks to my alleged fortune, I effort, whereas other African nations, such Moreover, improved fiscal controls since sent trucks, jeeps and officers to train Mo­ as the Ivory Coast, Gabon and Morocco 1983 insure that key industries like mining zambique's army in Tanzania, while arms began by building on what the colonial now receive the foreign exchange and local and ammunition were sent day and night powers had left behind. This is an impor­ currency they need to operate and to main­ via our pilots. On Mozambique's independ­ tant difference, both from a social and eco­ tain their productive capacity, thus provid­ ence day, 3,000 Mozambique soldiers nomic standpoint. I rebuilt schools, bridges ing continued employment to Zaire's indus­ marched into that country through Tanza­ and hospitals throughout the country. I also trial workforce. In addition, improved fiscal nia, all of whom were clad in helmets, bo9ts repaired damaged tracks and replaced both and monetary policies have reduced rates of and uniforms supplied by Zaire. broken engines and railroad cars. The inflation and currency depreciation, and The same alleged fortune has proved ex­ projects culminated in the construction of have encouraged a modest resumption of tremely helpful to the security of my neigh­ the lnga Dam and the conveyance of hydro­ business investment. Although there have bors and other African states. It enabled me electric power, which spans a distance of been setbacks in the external environment, to train five battalions of paratroopers-two over 2,000 kilometers, from Inga to Shaba. the reform program has survived and con­ for Burundi, one for Rwanda, one for Togo In addition, I opened a much-needed mari­ served its momentum, leading to realistic and one for Benin. It also enabled me to time company, the Zairian Maritime Com­ hopes of progress and real growth in the train 250 Mauritanian commando-para­ pany, as well as Air Zaire. Reconstruction medium term. troopers, as well as to help Chad score a took a long time. crushing victory over Qaddafi. We trained Meanwhile, I still had to deal with the HEALTH CARE five battalions in Zaire, and a sixth is pres­ problem of terrorism. For nearly a year, I Dymally: Many experts argue that your ently being trained. All of this has been left the capital and assumed residence in government has done little to improve done without publicity, very much unlike Shaba province in order to conduct the war. health care in the country. For example, France, the United States, Great Britain, These obstacles should be considered when isn't it true that your government has not Japan or Canada, who would typically assessing my record. The rehabilitation pro­ built one new hospital since 1965? They follow up such good deeds with self-serving gram, coupled with the war against terror­ point out that in 1965, Zaire had at least press releases. ism, cost Zaire billions of dollars and two hospitals in every city. Today, less than Moreover, when Mauritania, Senegal, plunged my nation into debt-one that now 50% of these hospitals are functioning at Mali, Cape Verde and Guinea were hit by a totals $5.1 billion. 80%. Of the five hospitals in Kinshasa, only drought, for two years running I sent them My friend, when you criticize me, please two are accessible to the general public. checks drawn on the Bank of Zaire to help do not cite the foreign press, for these arti- Why does your government tolerate such a 4832 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 22, 1988 situation? Isn't this reason enough for In addition to these preventive measures, we owed $40 million to Canada, but they actiori? Zaire is presently collaborating with the chose to cancel it. Mobutu: First, I must take strong excep­ international medical community, including Let me discuss our agreements with the tion to the statistics you've cited. They're the Pasteur Institute of Paris and the International Monetary Fund. These agree­ simply not accurate. I suspect you obtained United States Centers for Disease Control, ments were signed at the end of 1982. Up them from The Washington Post, which, as in an effort to find a cure for the disease. until 1986, Zaire had fully complied with I stated earlier, simply parrots whatever the Only recently, a team of Zairian and the terms of the agreement with her inter­ Belgian press reports. These sources are Egyptian doctors announced promising find­ national partners, including the World completely unreliable. ings with a new drug known as MMl. Bank and the IMF. In October, 1986, the Let's talk facts. At independence, Zaire During a six-month study of 39 AIDS pa­ Central Committee of our national party had one of the most extensive infrastruc­ tients, 12 of the 19 members of the test . has introduced legislation to and radio accounts of AIDS and question­ international banks, while only 5% of withdraw military aid and put controls on and-answer columns and programs have Zaire's foreign debt is due private interna­ economic aid to Zaire by the United States. been produced; churches and other organi­ tional banks. The remaining 95% results How do you respond? zations have been used to spread the word from financial assistance and government Mobutu: Does Zaire, in fact, receive mili­ at services and special meetings; and 100,000 loans granted by the friendly countries, in­ tary aid from the United States? In my copies of a comic book has been published, cluding the United States, France, Great view, such legislation only complicates our which tells the story of a businessman who Britain, Belgium, Canada and Japan. Thus, present relationship. You know all too well ignored warnings about promiscuity and no one could claim that Zaire would be en­ that American military aid is, for the most caught the disease, passing it on to his dangering the international banking system part, negligible. Two years ago, it amounted family and friends. if it failed to repay its debts. For instance, to the equivalent of 21 jeeps and assorted March 22, 1988 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4833 spare parts for our aircraft. If that is the reach this land-locked country, it must pass or retreat from Chad. Recently, we dis­ extent of your aid, how would we suffer if it through South Africa or some other coun­ patched 3,000 paratroopers to Chad. Since were curtailed? try, but not Zaire. Any aid that we might that time, we have lost 22 of our best young Since independence, Zaire has been a de­ provide would inevitably fail to reach Sa­ men. pendable ally of the United States. Howev­ vimbi, who is well off to the south-indeed, Dymally: Many critics have argued that er, we are paying dearly for our friendship. less than 20 kilometers from Angola's south­ consistency is not your most prominent Indeed, time after time, the United States ern border with South Africa. trait. You speak of the need for African has invented myriad excuses for denying us Not long ago, I officially requested that "authenticity" and for Africans to cast aside aid-human rights violations, South Africa, the chairman of the Organization of Afri­ the bonds of "neocolonialism," yet Zaire is corruption, etc. These charges are complete­ can Unity appoint several military one of white-ruled South Africa's top Afri­ ly unfounded. experts to improve the surveillance system can trading partners. How do you square In all sincerity, I believe that those Afri­ at Kamina Base. They would be paid by this apparent inconsistency? can countries which are inclined toward a OAU member states-although Zaire would Mobutu: Your question makes me laugh. Marxist-Leninist ideology, with close ties to be prepared to shoulder all of the ex­ But, please don't think that I am laughing the Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc allies, penses-and would be charged with the re­ at you. You are an American, a citizen of are tre<;~.ted far better than is Zaire, which sponsibility to examine the contents of the United States. You are fully aware that has opted for close ties with the West. For every aircraft that lands or takes off. Al­ your country enjoys diplomatic ties with us, it has been a virtual sea of troubles. I ex­ though this approach would run contrary to South Africa, as evidenced by the existence pressed this same view to Vice President current military practice, it would go a long in Washington and in Pretoria of your re­ Bush, when he visited Zaire. In reality, way toward monitoring any possible viola­ spective embassies. My situation is quite dif­ Zaire receives little if any aid from the tions. ferent. We are drawn together by one United States. How are we repaid? With in­ Dymally: The Organization of African simple fact: the transportation of our min­ gratitude and criticism. Bush himself ac­ Unity has, for many years, supported a boy­ erals through the Southern Road to our knowledged that America's strongest critics cott against Israel. Yet, Zaire was the first land-locked country. That is the extent of are always rewarded, while their faithful African country to renew diplomatic rela­ our relations. By the way, are Western jour­ friends are always poorly treated. tions with Israel that were severed during nalists unaware that all European countries Let me cite a case in point-namely, the the 1973 Middle East War. At the same have embassies in South Africa-that they August, 1975 OAU summit, which was held time, you have openly criticized Israel engage in economic trade and military coop­ in Kampala under the auspices of Ugandan before members of Congress and castigated eration? President Idi Amin. President Jaafar Nu­ Israel for its Palestinian policy. How do you Don't forget, Zaire is hemmed in, and is meiry of Sudan introduced a virulent explain this seeming contradiction? required to use the Southern Road, which motion aimed at the Western powers. Al­ Mobutu: No contradiction exists. I view transports 25% to 30% of our minerals. The though I am not paid by these nations to Israel as a friend, but this does not imply national port simply cannot accommodate defend their interests at the OAU, I strong­ that I am slavishly obliged to endorse her more than 40% of our imports or exports. ly opposed Numeiry's motion, not wanting policies. Even within Israel, where the gov­ The remaining 60% is transported by the the OAU to be regarded as ideologically ernment has hitherto enjoyed the complete Southern Road or the Tanzanian Road. anti-West or at the disposition of the East. backing of the people, voices of disapproba­ President Numeiry again took the floor and tion regarding her West Bank policy can be Therefore, our relationship with South lambasted me, stating, "He [Mobutul can't heard. Thus, we are friends with Israel, but Africa is, strictly speaking, a matter of sur­ speak up. He is a servant of the United we have voiced strong opposition to those vival. Moreover, it is not a gift from the States, a puppet of the West." This caused actions that we deem unjustifiable. There­ South African government; we are billed for an uproar. The motion was then put to the fore, no contradiction exists. The United using their railway. floor for a vote. Almost everyone else fol­ States supports Israel 100%. Yet, you re­ Obviously, my policy has drawn sharp lowed my lead, and the motion was defeat­ cently criticized her West Bank policy, but criticism. However, consider those other Af­ ed. Two years later, President Numeiry are still friends. We view our relationship rican nations that cannot survive without chased out the Russians and his Eastern much the same way. South Africa; nothing is said about them. allies from Sudan and opened his doors to Elliot: In recent years, you have expressed Zaire is the only scapegoat. That is my re­ the United States. Since then, Sudan has strong opposition to Libyan President sponse. been a yearly candidate for $100 million in Muammar Qaddafi and his efforts to Elliot: As far as South Africa is concerned, American economic assistance. expand his sphere of influence. How serious do you support President Reagan's policy of In answering your question, I am making is the Libyan threat in the region? "constructive engagement"? Do you favor a great effort to choose my words carefully, Mobutu: First, my goal is not to oust Qad­ stronger sanctions or direct military inter­ for when I recall that trying accident, I am dafi as head of state. Rather, I oppose many vention in South Africa? tempted to break all ties with your country. of his policies aimed at his sister countries Mobutu: Let's not go too far afield. If only Numeiry insulted me, condemned you, and in Africa, including Zaire. His occupation of the actions recommended by the United Na­ then reversed his stand, only to be rewarded Chad, for example, is in direct violation of tions were implemented to the letter, and with $100 million each year for additional one of the major clauses of the OAU Char­ with the full backing of the Western aircraft, cannons, etc., while Zaire hasn't re­ ter, which prohibits the occupation of one powers, we would not be where we are ceived a cartridge. At the same time, the African country by another. The Charter today. Clearly, the great powers are playing United States has been fulminating a varie­ recommends that all disputes be settled games in South Africa. ty of problems in Zaire under the pretext of through peaceful negotiations. Dymally: According to your critics, you human rights violations, political corrup­ Obviously, Qaddafi has resorted to mili­ bear direct responsibility for the death of tion, South Africa and the like. If I have, tary occupation for the simple reason that former Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, against all odds, decided to remain a faith­ Libya is far more powerful than Chad. who was arrested by your troops and flown ful friend to the United States, it is because While Zaire is also less powerful, it still con­ to Katanga, where, it is believed, he was in politics one must be courageous. Political demns Libya, both verbally in international killed by Congolese or Katangese troops. courage cannot be defined as doting after a forums and through its unconditional sup­ Indeed, some observers maintain that you great power in the anticipation of future port for an independent Chad. Our position were part of a CIA plot to assassinate Lu­ aid; what matters most to be are friendship is consistent with the OAU Charter, which mumba. What role, if any, did you play in and faith. That is the true meaning of cour­ calls for non-interference in the internal af­ the collapse of the Lumumba government age. fairs of other countries. and the subsequent assassination of Lu­ Elliot: Isn't it true that Zaire has, at the In this regard, I decided to brave Qadda­ mumba himself? urging of the CIA, allowed the Kamina Base fi's threats by intervening in Chad. This Mobutu: As a black leader in your coun­ to be used to provide covert American aid to may be called the "right of interference," try, you are obviously sensitive to the plight Jonas Savimbi's rebels in Angola and that since Zaire does not share a common bound­ of Africa and its peoples. However, your in­ you have provided direct assistance to Sa­ ary with Chad. We are merely close friends. terest in Zaire's internal affairs is consistent vimbi? I do not expect praise for my position; it is a with your nation's treatment of African Mobutu: No. You know very well the geog­ question of justice. Unfortunately, I have countries as a whole. It seems to me that raphy of Africa. If you examine a map of become a target, and wherever I travel in you are here in search of a scapegoat, as re­ Africa, you will discover that Angola Europe I am heavily guarded. We are aware flected by your probing questions concern­ stretches 2,600 kilometers along our south­ of, and are closely monitoring, Zairian ing human rights, Savimbi, South Africa ern frontier. This boundary line is con­ Libyan-trained terrorists seeking to destabi­ and now Lumumba. In some ways, I feel trolled by the legitimate ruling government lize our country. Regardless of the personal that I am on trial. In any event, let me re­ of Angola. Everyone knows that for aid to consequences, I will not haul down my flag spond. 4834 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 22, 1988 First, I was not a high-ranking govern­ view, it wasn't dignified for the wife of an more popular and more successful than was ment official in 1961; I was in charge of the ex-president, so I decided to erect a more any emperor in our history." That is how I armed forces, not the Head of State. I don't spacious home for her and her family. All of came to be honored with the song "Ndja­ wish to criticize my predecessor, President Kasavubu's children, who survived him, lelo," which is now sung not only when I Kasavubu, but it was he who ordered Lu­ studied in Europe at my expense. His eldest visit Shaba province, but whenever I salute mumba's arrest and his subsequent transfer son, a veterinary surgeon, is presently work­ the army. to Lubumbashi in Shaba province, where he ing closely with me; his daughter is a This reverence has never been imposed on died. member of the Central Committee; and his the people. It emanates from deep within When Lumumba was assassinated, I was wife is earning a salary equivalent to a full them, and it is a demonstration of their per­ in Kinshasa, carrying out my duties as chief cabinet minister. Where else can you find a sonal loyalty. Yet, this treatment is far of staff of the army. I was as surprised as similar situation in Africa? It would be in­ short of what our African traditions require anyone when the news of his de8.th was re­ structive if you could meet and talk to Mrs. ported. Since I wasn't there at the time, I Kasavubu, so that you could learn the facts of the people. Therefore, when the Zairian don't know exactly what occurred. Neither first-hand. people pay tribute to me as their chief, they do I know President Kasavubu's motives for As for Lumumba, his son, a virulent critic are simply following their authentic, indige­ transferring him to Shaba province. I don't of my government, and one who fomented nous traditions. know who assassinated Lumumba, and thus rebellion in Europe, is slated to return to Dymally: Finally, at age 57, you have sur­ can't be of much help. To repeat: I wasn't Zaire within a fortnight. Go to Cairo, where vived it all: coup attempts, invasions by Ka­ the head of state; I was a soldier. I did not Mrs. Lumumba has taken up temporary res­ tanganese rebels, defections by your highest initiate policy; I merely executed orders idence, and ask her whether she has re­ officials. To what do you attribute your lon­ from above. Besides, Lumumba's transfer ceived help from President Mobutu, what gevity-your survival? What explains your was not within my jurisdiction. Nonetheless, favors I've done her. I would like you to act remarkable durability? I was, and remain, implicated in Lumumba's as an intermediary in securing her return Mobutu: The answer is quite simple. My assassination because I was a member of the home, either through the intervention of a support over the past 22 years has come ruling government. journalist or a friend. I am prepared to fi­ from the Zairian people-their loyalty and Let me try to shed some light on the nance the mission. their love. Beyond that I can't say more. actual sequence of events. In January, 1961, The widow of Liberia's former president, That relationship, viewed on a somewhat the period in which Lumumba was trans­ William Tolbert, is presently residing in formal level, is one of complete loyalty. Al­ ferred and later murdered, the troops that New York. Ask her if I have been helpful to though I am the boss, when I meet the were stationed in Shaba province, then her and her son, a law student in New York, troops, they regard me more or less as a known as Katanga province, were not under whenever I visit there. Ask her son whether comrade, particularly the paratroopers. As my command. This absolves me of the I have provided him with financial assist­ you know, I was a paratrooper myself. charge that "It was you, the army officers, ance? Ask him how many times he has vis­ Among the military pilots, I am considered who gave the orders." I had no control over ited Zaire? Ask him how President Mobutu to be one of theirs. Since the army issues the troops in Shabva, but was under orders received him? These are facts that shouldn't from the people, it is a reflection of their from the government to suppress the seces­ be overlooked, although, of course. I don't faith and confidence. My political survival is sion. Thus, I held no position of power, mean to blow my own trumpet. that simple. either politically in Kinshasa or militarily in Elliot: Your opponents insist that you are I cannot judge myself, only the people Katanga, to be held accountable for any­ extremely egotistical. Indeed, a Zairian pres­ can. For a country as large as Zaire, the thing. idential hymn includes the words: "Today, leader must know his job, and must be ac­ Why did I begin my answer with such a we are going to admire the Guide Mobutu. cepted by the people. I know I am doing my prologue? It appears that some people in If you see him, admire him. If everyone sees your country would like to tie economic and him, let them admire him. The country is job-that I am responding to the people's military assistance to African countries to called Zaire." Why have you so attempted needs. Thus, I shouldn't brag about it. The events such as this. Liberia is a case in to personalize Zairian politics? Aren't there people are the ultimate judge. point. As head of state, I shouldn't criticize dangers in establishing a government based I've never had any illusions about the peo­ another nation. However, you force me to on the cult of personality? ple's loyalty and faith, for there are clear give you an example. If you calculate Amer­ Mobutu: Believe it or not, there is no "cult signs and these signs do not mislead. ican aid to Liberia, dating back to when of personality" in Zaire. It exists only in the You might have heard rumors, for exam­ Samuel Doe took power up until 1987, you minds of our critics. Zaire is not France, ple, about my so-called illness and alleged would find that it is double that of Zaire's. Great Britain, Denmark of the United death, which surfaced recently when I was Why don't you question Doe on his pre­ States. Zaire is Africa in miniature. The cus­ out of the country. When I returned to cecessor's assassination? Liberia receives far toms and traditions you have witnessed over Zaire and the people discovered that these more aid, but is not asked such questions; the past week do not even represent a quar­ rumors were baseless, I was accorded an un­ we receive virtually no aid, and can't live in ter of what is tribal, authentic Africa. Since precedented welcome by the Kinshasa popu­ peace. How can you compare Zaire's presi­ becoming head of state, I have supported a lation. dent, who did not murder his predecessor policy of cultural revival, in the hope that According to the media, of that city's 3 but merely removed him from power, to Zairians will rediscover themselves and million inhabitants, 2.5 million men, women someone who brutally murdered his prede­ their heritage. and children flooded the streets to give me a cessor? [Note: Mobutu refers here to his Ambassador [Nguz a] Karl-i-Bond, for ex­ triumphant welcome. Neither me, nor a vis­ overthrow of President Joseph Kasavubu in ample, comes from a tribe in Shaba prov­ iting statesman, had ever before received 1965.] ince, which has dedicated a song to its para­ such a welcome. That is a clear sign-an un­ Until his death, for example, President mount chief. The song is called "Ndjalelo", mistakable sign-of the people's affection. I Kasavubu enjoyed all of the privileges due which means "Hail to the Chief." In that will not belabor the point. an ex-president: a full salary, car, etc. When tribe, the chief appeared only once a year, I have an idea. Let's drive to the universi­ he died, he was given full military honors at and when he did the event was celebrated ty in my car, without a bodyguard, and his funeral. Thus, how can you compare for days on end, sometimes up to a week. without notice. I'll just bring my hat. Don't these two cases? I am unable, however, to disappear for a leave me for a second, so you won't think it Today, you can still see the small home year; I must be visible every day. The para­ was pre-planned. Let's try this experiment. President Kasavubu left in Kinshasa, and in mount chiefs of that province decided to It will reveal, most clearly, how I am viewed which his widow and family resided. In my dedicate the song to me, stating, "He is by the people.