The Case of Cyprus*
Perceptions of difference in the Greek sphere The case of Cyprus* Marina Terkourafi University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Cypriot Greek has been cited as “the last surviving Modern Greek dialect” (Con- tossopoulos 1969:92, 2000:21), and differences between it and Standard Modern Greek are often seen as seriously disruptive of communication by Mainland and Cypriot Greeks alike. This paper attempts an anatomy of the linguistic ‘differ- ence’ of the Cypriot variety of Greek. By placing this in the wider context of the history of Cypriot Greek, the study and current state of other Modern Greek dia- lects, and state and national ideology in the two countries, Greece and Cyprus, it is possible to identify both diachronic and synchronic, as well as structural and ideological factors as constitutive of this difference. Keywords: Modern Greek dialects, language attitudes, ideology, identity, Cypriot Greek 1. Introduction: Gauging the difference A question frequently asked of the linguist who studies the Cypriot variety of Greek is “Why is Cypriot Greek so different?”1 The sheer phrasing of this question betrays some of its implicit assumptions: ‘different’ being a two-place predicate, the designation of Cypriot Greek as ‘different’ points to the existence of a second term to which Cypriot Greek is being implicitly compared. This second term is, of course, Standard Modern Greek (henceforth SMG), which, nevertheless, being ‘Standard,’ also represents the norm — or, if you prefer, the yardstick — by which divergences are measured. As Matsuda (1991, cited in Lippi Green 1997:59) points out, “[w]hen the parties are in a relationship of domination and subordination, we tend to say that the dominant is normal, and the subordinate is different from normal” (emphasis added).
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