A Smart Investment Agenda for the Next Decade, and Moving the Ball
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CENTER FOR A PROSPEROUS, FAIR, AND SUSTAINABLE MINNESOTA ECONOMY Volume 12 Spring 2010 A Smart Investment Agenda for the Next Decade, and moving the ball on government accountability and redesign rowth & Justice has been work- This new eight-page brochure features Well before the latest state budget G ing since its founding in 2002 a grid detailing a vision, measurable crisis began to take shape, we led the on a strategic public investment plan goals and specific action ideas for job way in flagging government account- for improving both business growth growth, economic justice, and each of ability and performance as a top prior- and economic justice, four major policy areas in ity for research and advocacy. focusing mostly on which public investments education, transporta- are crucial. We have long argued that a majority tion, tax fairness, eco- of our citizens do support smarter pub- nomic development and We’ve already shared this lic investments that advance economic improving government agenda with gubernatorial fairness and business growth, as long accountability. candidates in all political as they believe that our governments parties and we’ll be distrib- are making a good-faith effort at As political campaigns uting it widely to candi- efficiency, effectiveness and account- focus more attention dates, community leaders, ability in the use of public revenue. on public policy in news media and others in the coming months, the coming months. Our policy report, Governing with Ac- we’ll be in the thick of countability, established fundamental it, promulgating our Meanwhile, we are keeping principles for good and effective gov- comprehensive, at-a-glance summary, up the drumbeat on an equally im- ernment. We identified the topmost A Smart Investment Agenda for Min- portant policy front, namely, making “cost-driving” areas in need of reform nesota’s Next Decade. government work better. in state and local government, from continued on page 5 New briefs show need, strategies for making Smart InvestmentsSM in Minnesota’s Students New web video highlights rowth & Justice has produced an important series Growth & Justice education initiative G of two-page policy briefs on education that presents his March Growth & Justice debuted a new web new research and recommends actions to improve edu- T video that outlines a strategic plan for improv- cation and boost the share of Minnesota’s young people ing educational outcomes for Minnesota’s students. successfully completing higher education. The video, “I want to go to college,” highlights the most effective evidence-based practices, measures The new series – called What We Know about Smart In- and methods of accountability featured in our Smart SM vestments in Minnesota’s Students – offers key facts and InvestmentsSM in Minnesota’s Students investment policy proposals useful to state lawmakers, school district proposal. It is part of a new section of our website that officials, education advocates, engaged citizens and candi- lays out reasons for the proposal, investment strate- dates for office from all political parties. gies, and allows visitors to take action in support of improved education outcomes in Minnesota. The policy briefs emphasize the importance of education to the past strength of Minnesota’s economy and under- The video features Growth & Justice president Dane score the critical need to improve education – especially Smith, education expert Angie Eilers, and some of the among Minnesotans of color – in order to keep the state’s students that stand to benefit from better investments economy strong going forward. in education. They cite data that demonstrates how a strong focus on education in Minnesota is to thank for continued on page 4 continued on page 4 From the President By Dane Smith CONTENTS t the Capitol or mixing with to reach toward nothing less than A Smart Investment Agenda for A civic leaders we frequently hear renovating our essential character as the next decade . .1 praise for our impact as the persistent a progressive good-government state. voice of progressive and practical And we are firing on all cylinders in New web video highlights common sense on tax-and-budget the drive toward that end. growth & Justice education and economic issues, and on the piv- initiative . .1 otal questions about the proper size In April, we sent all the gubernatorial and role of government. candidates a comprehensive and New briefs show need, strate- concise Smart Investment Agenda, gies for making Smart Invest- And we won’t be falsely modest with aspirational visions and ments in Minnesota’s Students . .1 about our output. We’ve produced goals, measurable outcomes, and more than 50 policy-related columns specific strategies for a Minnesota From the President . 2 for the Capitol Report legislative economic renaissance. We hope newspaper alone, and have written you’ll familiarize yourself with this g & J transportation report on more than two dozen pieces that have document, available on our website freight garners attention . 3 appeared in the Star Tribune, the Pio- and we encourage you to share it Meet the newest members of neer Press and many of Minnesota’s with others. other leading newspapers, along with the growth & Justice Board of Our goal of a 50 percent increase Directors . .5 scores of blogs that have been picked up by MinnPost, MPR NewsQ, Poli- in the higher-education attainment Thank you 2010 donors . 6 tics in Minnesota and other online rate in Minnesota is something sources. You’ll also find Growth & that business leaders and education Meet the growth & Justice Justice staff providing commentary advocates alike overwhelmingly spring interns . .8 and analysis on local and statewide embrace. We’re digging into a new radio and television programs. dimension of that project in alliance with the Minnesota Minority Educa- Our research and analysis on educa- tion Partnership, focusing on the per- GROWTH & JUSTICE tion, transportation, economic devel- sistent achievement gap that puts too opment, government redesign and many of our children, and our state’s accountability, and tax fairness and future work force, at a disadvantage. Our mission is to make Minnesota’s sufficiency is respected and sought economy simultaneously more after. We are asked to testify before We’ve been developing new work on prosperous and fair. We are a non- committees at the Legislature, and what it will take to close a prosperity partisan advocate for fair taxation policymakers from both sides of the gap between the Twin Cities and the and “smart” public investment — aisle respect and value our work. rest of our state. We’ll be contribut- fiscally responsible, accountable ing a major statement on that subject investment that advances prosperity A former legislator who is helping to the Center for Rural Policy and for all Minnesotans. We believe a craft a government accountability Development’s Rural Minnesota package recently told us that a partic- Journal, in an upcoming edition sustainable economy provides the ular bill, creating a Minnesota Gov- devoted to telling Minnesota’s next foundation for a just society. ernment Innovation and Research governor what he or she needs to Council, probably would not have know about Greater Minnesota. happened without our pro-active ad- vocacy and networking skills. That’s We are making a difference for Min- nesota – but we can’t do it without grOWTH & JUSTiCE as good as it gets, hearing that our efforts really make a difference. your ongoing support, for which we 2324 University Ave. W. thank you deeply. Suite 120A The stakes are high this election year, Saint Paul, MN 55114 as Minnesotans reach a fork in the phone: 651-917-6037 policy road. We’re working to edu- fax: 651-641-7223 cate citizens and candidates about the email: [email protected] power of smart public investments www.growthandjustice.org in human capital and infrastructure that provide for business growth and Newsletter layout: Mark Tundel a more broadly shared prosperity. We reject the dogma of public disin- vestment, and urge all Minnesotans 2 • Spring 2010 Volume 12 Growth & Justice transportation report on freight garners attention wo of Minnesota’s major daily said the article in the Star Tribune. Intermodal freight movement. Min- T newspapers – the Minneapolis nesota relies more than most states Star Tribune and the Duluth News “Given Duluth’s critical role as a on rail and water for freight ship- Tribune – featured Growth & Justice transportation hub, leaders in the re- ments because it is a major producer opinion articles about our recent gion and statewide will need to target of bulk commodities, including iron report on freight transportation, call- the area for investments to improve ore, grain and other crops. Railways ing attention to ideas for how best to freight handling and hauling,” said handle about one-third of Minne- improve travel the article in the News Tribune. sota freight shipments measured by time and ef- The Star weight. This freight often must be ficiency for Tribune transferred between modes. Transfer trucks and commen- points may be privately owned but intermodal tary called require good access to public roads freight. out four and waterways. The freight key areas Impact of truck weights. A fully report, avail- of con- loaded commercial truck cre- able at urges cern for ates thousands of times the wear Minnesota to freight: and tear caused by an automobile. invest more Traffic Heavy trucks shorten the life span of dollars in conges- bridges, while trucks with heavy axle smarter tion. Es- loads damage roads. Most neighbor- ways for pecially in ing states and all Canadian provinces the publicly the metro region, trucks face signifi- allow heavier weights, larger com- financed infrastructure that allows cantly higher costs from delays than binations of freight trailers or both, timely, efficient freight movement do commuters, but they also contrib- putting Minnesota at a competitive and benefits the state’s businesses ute disproportionately to congestion.