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Iianrijfstfr Su? Tttng I? Ralji TBB WBATHUB £ t » W dues grown by ths unemployed of Manchester last summer tn the gar­ AVERAOB DAH.T omcmJETION E DANCE STILL SEEK REPORT dens supplied by the charity depart­ tor the Month of Beptaaber. IBM TBB WBATHUB ment ami the American legion. Fetoeaot of D. 8. Wenthor lliiriaii. l^'FoIiah WooMo's Bodetjr. When the gardenera Were provid­ Hartford Z. P. W. A. ed with seeds and fertilizer last ta a BUI, North Bt. ON HOME GARDENS spring, each wap given a blank on 5 , 5 7 1 rCniDAT, OCTOBBR IB which to make a report to Mr. Msmhor of tho Audit Fair, sUghHy warmer toirigM! for OaotmnM. AdndMtoa S6c Bchrend. Only a few returns have Bnroaa of Olieiilatioiis Simd^r partly dondy. been mnd«i (to date. Mr. Behrend iianrijfstfr Su? tttng I? ralJi Bat Few Have Responded to requests that the remaining re- I>ortB bo returned to him Immediate­ I VOL.l v .. NO. 17. (ClaaatBed Advertlaing on Pago lU.) ABOUT TOWN ly. Additional blanks for the pur­ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTg Hea for Information On pose are available tn his office. \4iooitxx*9 Junior Flfo md Drum UMsa U ffolngr to enlarge lU mem- Produce Raised. b «M lp by adding glrla to the roater. Smart New Styles for Saturday Shoppers HUNKS RETURN 700 ARE BUSY Roads and Water May Hold Italy’s Fate Any local glrla wishing to Join ATLANTIC e h ^ d leave their names at Con- Albert B. Bchrend, assistant su­ No. 2 FURNACE OIL mn'a restaurant, Phone 3808 or ace perintendent of charity, has been OF I^ROHIBrnON ilMEDITERRANEAN SHIPS Mhjor Danny Shea during the week. asked by the state office of the 6c per gallon ON AMMUNITION Emergency Relief commission to supply It with an account of the L. T. WOOD CO. DRESSY MODELS amount of potatoes and other pro- 1NU.SJSSDRE FOR A J I W NRA Take these coats, for Instance. They're as lavish with fur as they can be. Their fabrics have that new rlchnesa of color... OF BRITAIN WILL STAY J . S A L A that softness of texture.. .we associate with high prices.' But a glance at the price tags wlU reassure you. Hrad of W. C. T. U. in Penn­ Administration Has Big Force A ll Kinds of Furni- b Black, Brown, Green, Wine, and Nayy. Trlmpied with ^ture Reupholstered Bqulrrel, Beaver, Fitch, Fox, Skunk and Marmink. sylvania P redict Parents Getting Fignres as A. F. and Refinished RANGE Fill Bring Back Dry Era of L. Plans More for Con- SS|ConferenccatP^ Compare Our Prices! All Work Guaranteed. <" * 4 9 -m to Save Children. sb’tnb’onal Amendment '' IMMEDIATE AID; Eases the Tension No Deposit Necessary. OIL ! Mrs. Ella Boucher Black of 83 Chestnut St. Phone 8806 Washington, Oct. 19.— (A P )— Beaverdale, Pa., State President of Whllij the American Federation of British Steamer in Distress Later On, London States, Few ^ p s May Be RemoTed 2 5 Gallons the Pennsylvania Woman’s Chris­ Labor complained that^ lengthened I/2C g a l. SPORT MODELS tian Union, In her convention ad­ work hours were hindering reem­ Or Over dress In the Center Congregational ployment. administration officials in North Atlanb'c Has from Gibraltar As a Conciliatory Gesture— France RAPIDOL Most of us have a flare for sport coats , . and thla season church yesterddy afternoon assert­ kept close guard today on statlatlcs sport coats flare. Not In an unrestrained manner, but with Just ed that Prohibition "la coming enough fullness to make them look new and feci carefree. upon which President Roosevelt Crew of 40 and No Pass­ Not to Replace British Warcraft If This Action Is Taken HAIR DYE back” when the men and women of will base his decision whether to MANCHESTER RANGE Whether you wear them belted tightly about you, or gayly blow­ thla country, parents of children Quick, Wonderful Results. ing In the breeze, you’ll like the nonchalance of these new sport recommend new NRA legislation. Go&nuiteed Not flnmiful. that are quickly slipping down the The statistlca, showing to what engers, Report Says. — League Adds to Boycott— Ethiopia Reports ChU OIL DEALERS coats. You'll like their colors, too. Grey, Brown, and Ombre new road to sin and death, realize Flalds, Checks and Natural Camera Hair. extent Industry has abandoned ARTHUR DRUG STORE that the control of the situation wage and hour standards of the de- Killed by Italian Air Bombs. rests In their hands. reaaed codes, were flowing In frpm London, Oct. 19 -(A P )—Lloyd’s Forgotten Man 700 field workers all over the coun­ reported the British steamer Var- Mrs. Black, speaking on the sub­ try, but no Inkling of what they b u l l e t i n i ject, "The Forgotten Man” said disclosed was available. Roads and waterater will play vital roles In success or failure of Italy's attempt to conquer Ethiopia- Italian dulla sent a wireless message today ITTHIOPIA NOT TO LWOT $10.95 to $29-75 that tha child of tomorrow—or the The survey was being conducted engineers are cutting highways tlirough tho difficult territory which has fallen into tho Invaders’ hands. saying "now abandoning ship,” soon tVoroester, Eng., Oct. 19.— BOMBS FROM AnFLAN V day after—is the forgotten one. and under the President’s directions, pm eedtng at the rate-of 12 to 15 mileu a day. Beginning of' a now road is shown at the left, marked by a after asking for Immediate assist­ (A P )—Prime Minister Stanley charged parents, church workers and those In charge o f It expected triumphal arch bearing the legend, “Tliis is the Imperial Way.** At tho right an Italian trooper is draw­ ance because of a ifhngerous Hat. Baldwin declared today that no Addis Ababa, O ct 19— (A F )'-; CIOATB—Main Floor, Rear. that the results would play a large ing a supply of f.'ater from a tank behind the lines. The ‘‘prccloiui fluid is carried in large tanks with tho and teachers of day and Sunday The vessel waa about 420 miles nation Is secure from war and —Emperor Halle Selasrie .aOB i schools with the responsibility of part In determining, whether new armies and is carefully rationed out each day. Soldiers are not allowed to drink at waterholcs along the “even America is up against today that even If Ethiopia haa legislation would be asked o f the line of march, for fear of poisoning. northwest of the Hebrides, an .island that peril.” sufficient money to purchai|f permitting the evils of the present next Congress to replace NRA. group northwest of Scotland. She day to encompass the young of to­ A. F. of L. Action carried a crew of a ^ u t 40 and no The prime minister sold “It Is bombing planes, It would n ot o day. A similar survey, also Incomplete, pasoengers. a dangsrous Ue to say the ob­ The use of bombing planes, ^ i Mrs. Black gave a stirring ad' was under way at American Feder­ The Vardulla three yean ago sav­ ject of the British govemment stated, la contrary to all Bthior ; dress o f the evils of alcoholism as ation of Labor headqua-ters. Mean­ WILL QUIZ YOUTHS ed 22 Danish seamen from the Is to overthrow Fascist Italy.” plan Ideas of gallantry In batU«y^ she found them In her hoipe state. while, the Federation contended on QUAKE ROCKS MONTANA; steamer Aggersund, which was In Instead, Baldwin sold, “ tha The Ethiopian Idea of heroism She said that the homes for Imbe­ the basis of employment and pro­ distress tn the North Atlantic. Her object we see Is peace and we Is hand-to-hand fighting with ciles and mental defectives were duction figures, that increased In­ captain and members of the crew see It with the nations compos­ spear or rifle. overcrowded with large waiting dustrial activity was bringing long­ ON POUCE MURDERS received presentations from the ing .the Leogno of Nations." Such fighting, said ths E m -.' Ufts. Aliments of these children er working hours Instead of more ONE DEAD, BIG DAMAGE Danish government. He added: “ In 'no step do we Jobs. V peror, la the moat suprems tast were caused. In a large measure, she The Dutch steamer Veendam and go before them, In no step be­ of human courage. He called at­ the British steamers Lord Elvin, hind, and no step do wa toks said, by the, effects of alcoholism, In Its monthly survey of business tack’s from the sky cowardly. Newfoundland and Manchester pro­ except In full unison with those Vaccination this week, the Federation said pro­ Two Taken in New Britain to A t the present time, Ethiopia . Mrs. Black stated that we have duction had increased eight per Score Injured; Loss Estimat* ALIEN SMUGGLING ducer wlrlessed via Valentis they who are working with us.” cent this year over last, but em­ were proceeding to the Vardulla. haa virtually no air fleet beyond \ \ provided for the vaccination of chil­ a dozen mediocre observation. - V / dren to stop epidemics of Infectious ployment and workers income had Be Quesb’oned as to Arrive Tomorrow London, Oct. 19.— (A P )— Great A Beautiful Showing not been raised. It estimated unem­ planes. diseases; we have Initiated control Tha Manchester Producer said it Britain Intends to maintain her bat­ measures relative to motor vehicles ployment in excess of 11,000.000, or r* ^ A GROWING MENACE can arrive at the distressed vessel’s more than last jea r despite increas­ position at 2:00 p.
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