Z~Clian~ C.Dmmi Vol
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C)MCM 6 ,z~cLian~ C.dmmI Vol. VI, No. 29 U. S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 23 January 1954 8,000 Fleet Sailors CAPT Bull Honored as'Mayor of Wonsan' N S Deot Commended CAPT C. E. Bull, USN, Training Tax Officer of the Fleet Training Group Base Facilities in Guantanamo Bay has been ac- In I. G, Inspection corded the dubious, and somewhat Almost 8,000 fleet sailors mythical, title of "Mayor of poured Following the recent inspection ashore from the ships anchored in Wonsan." It all started as a joke among by the Inspector General of the the harbor last week-end in what the various commanders of the Supply Corps and his party, during was the biggest influx of fleet per- units blockading the port the week of 11-15 January, the of Won- following sonnel since the midshipmen cruise san, Korea during the fighting. As letter was presented to last fall. each unit would arrive to assume CDR E. W. Sutherling, SC, USN, commanding officer The various exchanges, transpor- the blockade and patrol of the of the Naval Supply Depot, by tation, and recreational facilities Communist held port the command- CAPT R. R. Thompson, SC, USN, were taxed to and beyond the en would be given a large wooden senior in- saturation point "key to the city." specting officer and representative as the sightseeing of the Inspector fleet men swarmed over the base. The blockade and patrol route General: "To: NSD Gtmo Personnel Catching the brunt of the on- inside Wonsan harbor sometimes took the naval units to within The splendid reputation for slaught was the main store of the 2,000 service yards of the Communist shore bat- which the Naval Supply Navy Exchange. Hundreds upon Depot Guantanamo bears with its hundreds jammed the store during teries. The entire route was within 8,000 yards of the shore. Thus, the customers has a solid foundation. the week-end. The biggest seller, This foundation is anchored to the according to an Exchange spokes- blockading units were practically within the city and under the con- combined conscientious efforts of man, was alligator goods followed the NSD personnel to maintain an closely by perfume and cameras. stant and "at will" fire of the Com- munist defenders. Captain Bull displays the plaque orderly operation and the desire Of all things coming in as a solid and miniature key he received to serve fully and promptly, which fourth place best-seller were 400- CAPT Bull's group was made up making him one of the mythical of Korean Navy lead to effective and efficient supply. day clocks. and Marines plus of Wonsan, Korea. United States Navy and Marines. "mayors" The progress has been for- Transportation facilities were The Marines were stationed on a ward since my last inspection two hard pressed to keep up with the small island within 3,000 seum of the United and a half years ago. You deserve yards of States Naval well tremendous amount of additional the beach and required constant Academy. Accompanying the letter the word which I am happy to passengers. Three extra busses protection from shore fire. was a miniature plaque with a be able to pass to your Com- were added to carry the men di- Captain Bull led small-scale manding Officer for you - 'Well his patrol unit key appointing Cap- done'. rectly to the various Exchanges from the USS Twining (DD 540). tain Bull "mayor" of Wonsan. throughout the base. Keep up the good work- His ships were hit several times The letter states, in part, "In Hundreds of fleet men jammed but none serious do not become satisfied completely enough to put recognition of the excellent per- with the skating rink in the Fleet Rec- them out of action. formance of duty, and your accomplishments, be- as a token cause, reation Area, the basketball courts A letter received by Captain Bull of the appreciation of Commander if you do, your forward were busy all week-end and the from RADM C. E. Olsen, Com- Blockading and Escort Force, Paci- progress will stop and decline will P.O. Club and the Enlisted Men's mander Blockading and Escort fic Fleet, a miniature award is be- start. There remain many goals Club were filled to capacity. Force, Pacific Fleet, states that the ing forwarded to you with my for you to accomplish." /Signed/ The crush of visitors can, for original "key to the city" has been thanks, best wishes, and a hearty Captain Thompson the most part, be attributed to the forwarded to the Historical Mu- well done." Prior to departure from the four large ships of the line anchor- Naval Base, CAPT Thompson also ed in the bay over the week-end. informed CDR Sutherling, that he The battleships New Jersey and Dog-8 Flies Her considered the Naval Supply Depot Iowa, the carrier Hornet and the Last Nolo to be operating in an outstanding cruiser Columbus all sent liberty By Jerry Lewis manner. He further stated he was parties ashore. Not to be ignored, recommending to the Chief of the however, in computing liberty par- Dateline- her own story. The termination of Bureau of Supplies and Accounts ties are 18 destroyer-type vessels Tuesday, January 19th 1954 years of flying came about when the that Naval Supply Depot, Guan- along with their tenders and num- A berthing place between VU- red Hellcat crashed into the Carib- tanamo Bay, be given an official erous small craft in port for the 10's 'Dog-7' and 'Dog-9' is empty bean at 2:21 P.M. commendation by that bureau in week-end. today on the drone line at MacCalla recognition of outstanding per- There was something very warm Added to the difficulties providing Field. formance. This is particularly sig- and human in the feelings of the nificant inasmuch for the fleet was the arrival Sunday The drone referred to as 'Dog-8', as CAPT Thomp- men towards that plane, the men on son explained that only five such of the USNS Thomas, the Military one of the first radio-controlled Sea Transport ship, with families the deck who were responsible for commendations had been awarded drones to operate in Guantanamo the maintainence and personnel returning from and mechanical in the past seven years. Christmas leave. Another bus Bay, was blasted out of the sky operation and the pilots who guided The Supply Depot is presently was her added to the regular service to during a nolo flight (pilotless from the 'mother' plane. It was staffed by fourteen officers headed carry flight) at 2:21 P.M. this afternoon as if an old friend, who had served by their Commanding Officer, CDR Thomas passengers to the the Exchanges during their 5-hour stay by the sharp-shooting gun crews navy and country well, was E. W. Sutherling, SC, USN, with in port. of the USS W. L. Lind, DD-703. suddenly lost in action. CDR J. W. Graham, SC, USN, as Dog-8, a re-converted Hellcat, The general comment of the en- Executive Officer. one of the hardest hitting carrier- listed men when they heard the There are fifty-seven enlisted men class fighter planes of World War news was, "So they finally got her." and four hundred and eighty one 1. G. Impressed II, went down pilotless with six "Too bad. She was a good plane." civilians currently on board. In- hash marks on her cowling. There is hardly enough column cluded among the civilians are nine Painted bright red, the drones space in the 'Indian' to relate some individuals each with over thirty By Gtmo Supply are operated by the pilot of a of the experiences of the plane and years of federal service. 'mother' plane flying close by and the men who were connected with maneuvered with remarkable pre- her during her many months of During the week of 11 - 15 Jan- cision while acting as an aggressor 'robot' operation. uary all supply and fiscal activities for ships going through the rigid In carrying out the motto, "Serv- CAPT McCracken Here on the Naval Base were the sub- paces of simulated combat ex- icio ala Floata" the drone division ject of an inspection by the Inspec- cercises. of Utility Squadron Ten, has served tor General of the Supply Corps That appears to be the end of the fleet well while operating off For NAS Command represented by CAPT R. R. Thomp- the story but fate left and ironic the shores of Guantanamo Bay. son, SC, USN, and his inspection twist. One week ago, this reporter The officers and enlisted men CAPT Reginald R. McCracken, group. These activities included the planned a story about Dog-8 and Naval Supply Depot, NAS Supply of VU-10's drone section are well USN, reported aboard Sunday via her six hash marks, one for each deserving of the good reputation the USNS Pvt. W. H. Thomas, ac- and Fiscal Department, Commis- successful nolo flight. This noon, given them and sary Store, Navy Exchange, and the entire squadron companied by Mrs. McCracken and I went to McCalla Field with inten- by the men the Naval Station General Mess. of the ships who leave their son. They are temporarily tions of photographing the old vet- Guantanamo Bay better trained, occupying Quarters AV-14, Paola CAPT M. E. Norcross, SC, USN, eran. Number eight was "upstairs" disciplined and Officer for Tenth more knowing in Point. No date has been set for District Supply at the time. I never got the picture.