20/02/2013 Learning Outcomes • The Mandible • The Submandibular – Surface Anatomy Region – Muscle Attachments – Submandibular Gland Submandibular Region • The Floor of the Mouth – Sublingual Gland (FOM) – Lingual Nerve – Muscles of the FOM • The Head & Neck Mohammed A Al-Muharraqi MBChB, BDS, MSc, MRCS Glas, FFD RCS Irel, MFDS RCS Eng • The Tongue Parasympathetics – Muscles of the Tongue e-mail:
[email protected] Mandible Mandible Head of Condylar Process Coronoid Process Neck of Pterygoid Fovea Neck of Condylar Condylar Process Condylar Process Ramus of Mandible Process Condylar Process Anterior Border of Ramus Lingula Coronoid Process Mandibular Coronoid Lingual (Genial) Foramen (Mandibular) Foramen Notch Alveolar Ridge Mylohyoid Line Oblique Line Alveolar Ridge Posterior Border of Ramus of Mandible Ramus Angle of Mandible Incisive Fossa Mylohyoid Groove Angle of Mandible Symphysis Menti (Median Ridge) Inferior Border of Submandibular Fossa Body of Mandible Body Mental Protuberance Sublingual Fossa Digastric Fossa Mental Foramen Superior Mental Spine Inferior Mental Spine Mental Tubercle (Genial Tubercle) (Genial Tubercle) Inferior Border of Body Muscle Attachments The mental tubercle (a raised prominence at Mandible Ligaments the mental symphysis) is a point of muscular attachment. The external surface of the ramus is covered by the attachment of the masseter muscle. On the inner surface of the body of the mandible, there is a horizontal mylohyoid line, which attaches the mylohyoid muscle. Above it, there is a shallow depression for the sublingual salivary gland and below it a deeper depression for the submandibular gland. At the anterior ends of the mylohyoid lines and superior to them, near the symphysis, there is the genial tubercles.