Congressional Record-House. 3185~
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1920. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 3185~ MISSOURr. SPECIAL MESSENGER AND ASSISTANT PAIR CLERK. James R. Pollock, Crunpbell. 1\Ir: H'UMPliREYS. Mr. Spealrer, I ask unanimous consent: :MONTANA. ' ·for the present consideration of a resolution, which I send to Walter V. Grimes, Dillon. the Clerk's desk to be read for information. ·· Hattie- E. Fest, Polson. The SPEAKER. "The getrtleman froin Mississippi asks unani~ · NEW HAMPSHIRE. mous consent for ~e present consideration o:f the resolution, 'which the Clerk will report. George- F. Plummer, Ashland. The Clerk read as f<?llows: . E<lward J". Maley, Newport. · Resolved, That William E. Kenney be, and he is hereby, appointed Arthur l\1. Rolfe, Salem Depot. -a special messenger and ·assistant pair clerk to· fill tbe vacancy caused .John E. Sunivun, Somersworth. by the resignation of Kenneth Romney, named in the resolution adopted Addie J. Faulkner, West Swanzey. by the House May 19. 191.9, to be effective from September 16, 1919. , NEW YORK. - The SPEAKER. Is there objection? , ·~ Mr. WALSH. Reserving the right to object, Mr. Speaker, how: John J. Drumm, Cedarhurst. is it that this does not come from the chairman of the Com• John A. Hendrickson, Fru·mingdale. mittee on Accounts? George A. Hoffman, Floral Park. 1\Ir. HUl\IPHREYS. This is one of the minority employees Carrie A. Kinn, I;I.ewlett. John J. Breen, Mineola.. that were provided for in the resolution adopted on the 19th of William Nacey, Oswego. 1\fay, when the House organized. Mr. Romney was named in: that resolution for this place. Mr. Romney was fo1·merly in NORTH CAROLINA. the office of the Sergeant at Arms, and at the request of the Jesse W. Wood, Littleton. Sergeant at Arms he remained there for some little while, up James L. Bfvens, 1\larshville. until the 19th of September, whatever the date here shows.· RosaQelle L. Chestnutt, Snow Hill. .A,nother young man was put in the place temporarily to fill Lillian D. Williams, Stantonsburg. that place. It then developed that the Sergeant. at Arms was SOUTH C.AROI.iN A. going to retain 1\Ir. Romney . permanently in his o.ffice, and he Howard A. Littlejohn, Belton. so notified us, and this is to fill that place. It is one of the Cecil S. Rice, Denmark. regular minority places. Edgar E. Poag, Rock Hill. Mr. GARl.~ER. It is already provided for by law_ It is no new place. WYOMING. Mr. HUl\IPHB.EYS. Yes. It is one of the regular minority; Flossie A. Speckman, Gle~rock. employees. Mr. WALSH. Is this retroactive? • l\.Ir. HUMPHREYS. Yes. This man has been on the job ever, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. since the 19th of September. _ Mr. vV ALSH. Who has been paying him? FRIDAY, F e:bruary ~0, 19f0. Mr. HUMPHREYS. Nobody. 1\Ir. WALSH. Has he not beeh receiving .any pay? The House met at 12..o'clock noon~ 1\f.r. HUl\iPHREYS. No. The Chaplain, Rev. Heru-y N. Conden., D. D., offered the fol Mr. DYER. Has he been doing any work? lowing prayer : Mr. HUMPHREYS. Yes. · Infinite Spirit~ Father of all souls, we lift up our hearts in Mr. WALSH. What is the pay? - gratitude and praise to Thee, that under the dispensation of 1\fr. HUMPHREYS. Eighteen hundred dollars,. I think. Thy providence the course of human events has been upward Mr. DYER.. How much time -has he been giving to the wor~? not downward, forward not backward; hence we confidently Mr. HU~fPHREYS. The same amonnt of time that every look :t'orward to the coming of Thy' kingdom in all its glory; pair clerk gi~es every day.. · in the fullness of time, when.. every man shall know the truth, Mr~ WALSH. Has this been referred to the Committee on the truth that makes him free; and the ruling passion shall Accounts? · be to serve, not to be served; and brotherly love have -its sway lli. HUMPHREYS No. This -has not been referred to the in accordance with the laws which Thou hast ordained. In the Committee on -Accounts. It would not belong to the Committee. spirit of the 1\Iaster. Amen. on . Accounts. _ , l\lr. :MANN of Illinois. He is one of the minority employees. The Journal of the- prcceedin.g..;; of yesterday was read an9. ap The custom for years has been at the organization of a Congress proved. for the minority -to offer a reso1ntion for the employment of •BEADING OF WASIDNG.TON'S FABEWELL ADIIRESS ON FEB-RUARY 23. the person. This changes the designation .of th.e person, not of The SPEAKER. Under the orde-r of the House the Chair the oflic:e?. was authorized to designate a Member to read W~shington's ~Ir. HUMPHREYS. No. FaJ:ewell Address on l\1onday, the 23d. Under that authority the 1\Ir. MANN of Illinois. I do not know why it has not been Chair designates M!. RoDENBERG, of Illinois. brought in before. BRIDGE ACROSS ROANOKE RIVER, N.C. Mr. 'V ALSH. The gentleman is touching upon an interesting st_ory. I will not object. Mr. KITCHIN. M~~ Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the The SPEAKER. Is the~e objection? present consideration of the bill H. R. 12351. There was no objection. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from North Carolina asks The SPEAKER. The question is on the passage of the resolu- unanimous consent for the present consideration of the bill tion. · H. R. 12351, which the Clerk will report. The Clerk read as follows:· · The resoluti<?Ii was agreed to. A bill (H. R. 12251) to extend thee time for the construction o:f. a bridge EXTENSION OF REMARKS. across the Roanoke River in Halifax County, N. C. Be it enacted, etc., That the times for commencing and completing l\1r. LINTHICUM. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to the construction of a bridge authorized by act of Congress approved extend my remarks in the REcoRD by printing an index of the March 1, 1919, to be built by the county of Halifax, N, C., across conf~ence r~ort on the railroad bill. , · Roanoke River between Hills Ferry and the ferry near the town of Halifax, in said county and State, are hereby extend.ed one and three The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Maryland asks unani... years, respectively~ from the date of appro-val bereof. mons consent to print in the RECORD an index of the confer·enee SEc. 2. That tbe right to alter., amend, or repeal this act is hereby report on the railroad bill. Is there objection? : expressly reserved. · _ Mr. ·wALSH. Who prepared it? The SPEAKER. Is there objection t<>' the present considera- 1\Ir. LINTHICUM. It was prepared in my office. tion of the bill'! The SPEAKER. Is there objection? There was no objection. There was no objection. The SPEAKER. Is there any amendment<? Mr. LONERGAN. Mr. Speaker, as to-morrow will mark the 1\fr. KITCHIN. No. fourth anniversary of the Battle of Ver.dun, I ask unanimous The SP·EAKER. The question is on 1ihe engrossment and consent to extend my remarks in the REcoRD on that histvrical third reading of the hill. ' event and the achievements of the French Army. The bill was ordered to be: engrossed and read a third time, T1ie SPEAKER. The gentleman from Connecticut af'!kS Uilani• was read the third time, and passed.. mous consent to extend his remarks on the achievements E:! the On motion of Mr. KITCHIN, a motion to reconsider the vote French Army. Is there objection 1 · whereby the bill was passed was laid on the ~able. 'l'he~e was no objeetion. - 3186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOtJSE. -FEBRUARY 20, LEGISLA.TTYE. EXECUTIVE, AND JUDICIAL APPROPRIATION BILL. to diSCUSS the resolution. ',rhat:is one reason why I did not care 1\fr. 'VOOD of Indiana. l\Ir. Speaker, I move that the House to discuss the question of personal pr'rilege -yesterday or to resolve itself into Committee of the Whole House on the state of enter into the merits of the pro.Po.sition. I desire to say this. the Union. for the further conslderation.of the bill H. R. 12610, That I voted my best judgment and the follo\ving gentlemen the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill. voted with me. I ask the House to pay attention to their names, The motion was agreed to. to determine whether the House will accept any reports or any The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Ohio [Mr. LoNGWORTH] recommendations made by these gentlemen hereafter, for Mr. Will please take the chair. Cu.mmings, chairman of the Democratic national committee, Accordingly the House resolved itself iuto Committee of the ObJects to them on the same gr~mndr These gentlemen voted Whole House on the state of the Union for the further considera- with me on the McLemore resolution: tion of the bill H. R. ,12610, the legislative, executive, and judi- Mr. JULres KAHN, present chairman of the 1\Iiiitary Affairs dal appropriation bill, with Mr. LoNGWORTH in the chair. Committee. The CHAIRMAN. The House is in Committee of the Whole Mr. ToM BUTI.EB, chairman of the Naval Affairs Committee. House on the state of the Union for the further consideration of Mr. JoE FORDNEY, chaii·man of the Ways and Means Com- the bill H. R. 12610, which the Clerk will report by title. mittee. The Clerk read us follows: Dr. FEss, chair-man of the Committee on Education. A biU (H. R. 12610) making appropriations for the legislative, e:s:ecu- Senator LENROOT, promoted to the other branch of Congress.