TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 1 of 28 Requisite: legal requirement Responsible Committee: Full Governing Body Vers. Approval Date Committee Head Chair Next Review Date F 22/06/2017 FGB 01/06/2018

G 26/09/2018 FGB 01/09/2020 H 08/07/2020 FGB 01/09/2022

Governors’ Statement of Principles which informs the Behaviour and exclusions policy

We believe that exemplary behaviour is essential to allow all our students to achieve outstanding outcomes. Exemplary behaviour promotes high standards of learning; high standards of teaching and learning promotes exemplary behaviour. No student has the right to disrupt the learning of others. Teachers will have disruption free classrooms in which they can teach and pupils will have disruption free classrooms in which they can learn. We believe in a culture of inclusion, equal opportunities and respect for all members of our community and in the importance of self-discipline and self-esteem. Discrimination in any form is not tolerated. We recognise that students with particular emotional or behavioural needs may require support to achieve the expected standard of behaviour; however, making excuses for poor behaviour will not enable all students to thrive and achieve outcomes that will increase their opportunities and life chances.

We view as essential a system of rewards to recognise consistently good or improving behaviour and attendance, as well as to celebrate success and recognise achievement, and sanctions where standards fall below an expected level. These rewards and sanctions are applied consistently and fairly. Individual students’ behaviour is monitored and their parents or carers are kept informed.

Introduction from the Headteacher

‘High standards of learning in the classroom requires high expectations of behaviour, clear boundaries and a ‘no excuses’ culture. All students have the right to these high standards, regardless of their background, advantage or disadvantage. Disruption to learning of any kind will not be tolerated. To lower our expectation is to lower the life chances of our students – ‘tough love’ is what is needed to bridge the gap. At The Dorcan , we care enough to ensure that all students at all times meet these high standards. ‘

Sherryl Bareham Headteacher

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, , SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 2 of 28 This policy document contains:

1. Introduction 2. Academy expectations 3. Binary Behaviour Process 4. Mobile phone policy 5. Miscellaneous items policy 6. Uniform and Equipment policy 7. Rewards 8. Exclusions


1. The ‘Ready to Learn’ Policy

The Academy has an effective Behaviour Policy which explains clearly its approach to behaviour for learning and conduct, and the schedule of rewards and sanctions as set out. On a lesson by lesson basis, students have one simple choice, to either be in class working hard and progressing with their learning or to be isolated from their peers for a period of one working day so that the learning of others is not disrupted.

1.1 Examples of behaviours which disrupt learning are:

• lateness to lesson • lack of equipment • not listening to or following teachers’ instructions • lack of engagement • lack of participation • low level, ‘off task’ chat of social issues • out of seat • shouting out

1.2 To be Outstanding for Personal Development Behaviour and Welfare

The aim of the ‘Ready to Learn’ Behaviour system is to ensure that students learn in a disruption free environment.

Ofsted Grade Descriptors for Outstanding for Behaviour and attitudes.

Outstanding (1) • The school meets all the criteria for good in behaviour and attitudes securely and consistently. • Behaviour and attitudes are exceptional. In addition, the following apply: • Pupils behave with consistently high levels of respect for others. They play a highly positive role in creating a school environment in which commonalities are identified

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 3 of 28 and celebrated, difference is valued and nurtured, and bullying, harassment and violence are never tolerated. • Pupils consistently have highly positive attitudes and commitment to their education. They are highly motivated and persistent in the face of difficulties. Pupils make a highly positive, tangible contribution to the life of the school and/or the wider community. Pupils actively support the wellbeing of other pupils. • Pupils behave consistently well, demonstrating high levels of self-control and consistently positive attitudes to their education. If pupils struggle with this, the school takes intelligent, fair and highly effective action to support them to succeed in their education.

Good (2) • The school has high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and conduct. These expectations are commonly understood and applied consistently and fairly. This is reflected in pupils’ positive behaviour and conduct. Low-level disruption is not tolerated and pupils’ behaviour does not disrupt lessons or the day-to-day life of the school. Leaders support all staff well in managing pupil behaviour. Staff make sure that pupils follow appropriate routines. • Leaders, staff and pupils create a positive environment in which bullying is not tolerated. If bullying, aggression, discrimination and derogatory language occur, they are dealt with quickly and effectively and are not allowed to spread. • There is demonstrable improvement in the behaviour and attendance of pupils who have particular needs. • Pupils’ attitudes to their education are positive. They are committed to their learning, know how to study effectively and do so, are resilient to setbacks and take pride in their achievements. • Pupils have high attendance, come to school on time and are punctual to lessons. When this is not the case, the school takes appropriate, swift and effective action. • Fixed-term and internal exclusions are used appropriately. The school reintegrates excluded pupils on their return and manages their behaviour effectively. Permanent exclusions are used appropriately as a last resort. • Relationships among pupils and staff reflect a positive and respectful culture; pupils are safe and they feel safe.

Ofsted, Page 56 and 57 School inspection handbook Sept 2019

2. Academy Expectations

2.1 Conduct in lessons

Students are required to:

• Arrive to every lesson on time, in full school uniform and fully equipped for learning • Listen silently, track the speaker and respond positively to instructions • Raise their hand to ask a question or make a relevant comment, without calling out

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 4 of 28 • Be respectful to everyone in word, tone and action • Participate fully in lessons and work exceptionally hard without disrupting any other student’s learning

Every lesson will begin with The Dorcan Academy Starter Steps (Threshold)

1. Enter lesson calmly, promptly and orderly following the teacher’s instructions 2. Sit in allocated seat 3. Remove coat and bag 4. Take out required equipment (eg. Pencil case, link book and knowledge organiser) 5. Complete ‘Do Now’ activity silently while the register is being taken

If a student fails to meet any of these simple expectations they may be given a correction if it is a minor offence that can easily be remedied. If this fails to bring about the desired behaviour their name will be written on the whiteboard by way of a formal warning and the member of staff leading the lesson will briefly explain to the student why their name has been written on the board. The second time during a lesson that a student fails to meet these expectations they will be sent to an isolation room for a period of one working day. Failure or refusal to go to the isolation room will result in a one day fixed term exclusion or a reintegration placement, unless the parent supports us and can accompany their child back into school and accept the isolation within one hour of the refusal or consents to the reintegration placement, with the day in isolation completed upon their re-admittance to the school. Students will have 5 minutes to arrive at the isolation room.

2.2 If a student is sent to isolation

The member of staff who sent the student to isolation will meet with the student at the end of the day (possibly at break or lunchtime if unable to have conversation after school) for a restorative conversation where they will be made aware of what they did wrong, why it disrupted learning and what needs to be done differently next lesson. To allow this to take place students sent to isolation will be required to remain in school until 3.30pm that day.

2.3 Conduct in school generally

Outside expectations

Students are required to: • Walk sensibly around the building, keeping to the left • Eat only in designated areas (not in the corridors) and put litter in bins • Respect everyone in word, tone and action • Respect the school building and environment • Follow instructions by staff/prefects and give name if requested to do so

During social times students are expected to sit/stand with their friends before school, break, lunch and after school in either the Playground Areas or the Canteen, not in the corridors.

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 5 of 28

2.4 The Journey Home

Students are expected to demonstrate a high standard of conduct on the journey to and from school as they are ambassadors for past and future generations of children who will attend The Dorcan Academy:

Students are expected:

1. to arrive at school and leave school in full uniform (students are not permitted to wear hoodies); 2. to use the traffic lights safely on Dorcan Way; 3. to use the cycle lanes/pedestrian zones safely; 4. to take any litter home and dispose of it properly; 5. to respect our neighbours and all local residents.

We have three simple rules: 1. Be Kind 2. Show respect 3. Do your best

3. Binary Behaviour Process:

What Happens Next?

The Teacher will:

• Issue student with a correction as a reminder of the academy expectations. • Issue student with warning, explaining (with reference to the academy expectations) what infringement has been made and why and write name on board. • Record warning/negative on SIMS which will result in a loss of House points. • For a 2nd incident, explain (with reference to the academy expectations) what infringement has been made and why. • Send e-mail to Isolation for the attention of the Behaviour Intervention team (BIT) and CC to HOH stating which expectation has not been met with a brief explanation. • The BIT team will record on SIMS. They will text the parent and inform them of the incident which led to the isolation and the 30 minute same day detention.

For an outside incident, a similar process will be applied. Students will be issued with a warning by the duty member of staff. The duty member of staff will email the SLT duty leader to inform them of the warning that has been issued and this warning will be logged on SIMS by the SLT duty leader. A 2nd incident or failure to respond to the first warning by the same student will result in a referral to the SLT Duty leader. The SLT duty leader

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 6 of 28 collects the student and escorts them to isolation, or delegates this responsibility to Head/Deputy Head of House due to teaching commitments. If the incident is not serious the isolation may be deferred to the next school day due to availability of staff. The student is to be placed in isolation for one working day. The SLT duty leader calls home to inform parents of the isolation and completes the restorative conversation with the student at the end of that school day.

3.1 There are a number of things that will happen once a student has been sent to the Isolation Room. The following is a simplified version of the new “Ready to Learn” behaviour process:

a. The student arrives at isolation:

• The student hands over their mobile phone. • The student completes a reflection sheet. • Once the reflective sheet is completed the student is then given additional work to complete. • At the end of the day the student is expected to engage in a restorative conversation with the teacher (see p28). • The student remains in isolation the next day until the time they were sent out of lessons (e.g. sent out P3 remain isolated until the end of P3 the following day). • If the student does not engage with any of the above expectations they will be given a Fixed Term Exclusion (FTE) or a reintegration placement. b. Parents will be contacted by the BIT to inform them their child has been isolated: • The BIT will email the teacher concerned to remind them to attend the restorative conversation and contact home. • The teacher will have a restorative conversation with the student (see p28). • The teacher will then contact home to explain/discuss the incident (see p29)

Refer to FAQs for further information about this stage (see p30-32). c. If the student receives three isolations at any point in the year they will be required to meet with a Pastoral Support Officer and complete the Barriers to Learning questionnaire. The tutor or Head of faculty/Subject Leader (if it is a single subject concern) will call home and discuss the concerns regarding the student’s behaviour with the parents/carers and agree actions and/or support needed to improve the behaviour of the student. The tutor will send a letter of concern to the parents. Tutors will be informed of this by the BIT team. The tutor or Head of faculty/Subject Leader will provide the parent/carer with an update on the student’s behaviour by the agreed timescale or end of term d. If the student receives five isolations at any point in the year they will be required to: • Meet with the Head of House (HOH) who will formally warn them that if two further Isolations occur it will result in a one day Fixed Term Exclusion (FTE) or a reintegration placement (see p25-26). • Meet with the HOH with their parents. The HOH will share and discuss the Behaviour

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 7 of 28 Log for the student ensuring concerns are shared and actions/support agreed. • HOH will send a formal letter home confirming the concerns and actions agreed at the meeting • The HOH will provide the parent/carer with an update on the student’s behaviour by the agreed timescale or end of term

1. If the student receives seven isolations at any point in the year they will be required to: • Complete a three or five-day Reintegration Placement at . If parents/carers do not consent to this a one day FTE will be issued. • Meet with PPL and PM with their parents and complete a re-entry meeting • Complete one week minimum on a reintegration report to their tutor. • The tutor will provide the parent/carer with an update on the student’s behaviour at the end of the report period.

2. If the student receives a FTE and it is their first exclusion they will be offered a Reintegration Placement at Kingsdown School. Should the parent/carer not consent then the student will proceed to the FTE graduated response and will be expected to:

FTE 1 • Meet with the DHT (Behaviour) and PM with their parents and complete a re-entry meeting • Complete one week minimum on a reintegration report to their HOH. • The HOH will provide the parent/carer with an update on the student’s behaviour at the end of the report period. • An Early Help Record (EHR) and plan C will be completed with parent/carer and student which will be led by the HOH or SENCo.

FTE 2 • Meet with the HT and/or PPL/PM with their parents and complete a re-entry meeting and review their Behaviour Log. • Complete one week minimum on a reintegration report to PPL. • The PPL will provide the parent/carer with an update on the student’s behaviour at the end of the report period. • A meeting will be arranged to review the EHR and Plan C with the parent/carer and student • A Pastoral Support Plan (PSP) is set up by the Pastoral Progress Leader. • The DHT will attend the first and/or second review meeting if a student is causing a concern to warn about the seriousness of the PSP. • If PSP’s are still not working after 3 reviews the Head Teacher will meet with the student and parents to explain that if the behaviour continues we would need to consider a managed move through Fair Access Panel (FAP) or a permanent exclusion.

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 8 of 28

FTE 3 • Meet with the Governors with their parents and complete a re-entry meeting • Complete one week minimum on a reintegration report to a member of SLT. • The designated member of SLT will provide the parent/carer with an update on the student’s behaviour at the end of the report period. • PPL meets with student and parent/carer and completes referral to the Fair Access Panel (FAP) for a Managed Move.

FTE 4 • Meet with the HT and the DHT (Behaviour) with their parents and complete a re-entry meeting • Complete one week minimum on a reintegration report to the DHT (Behaviour). • The DHT (Behaviour) will provide the parent/carer with an update on the student’s behaviour at the end of the report period. • PPL and DHT (Behaviour) meets with student and parent/carer and completes a referral to Fernbrook for a Care Placement.

FTE 5 • Student and parent/carer attend a Governors Disciplinary meeting and are issued with a final warning regarding the student’s behaviour • Complete one week minimum on a reintegration report to the HT. • The HT will provide the parent/carer with an update on the student’s behaviour at the end of the report period.

FTE 6 • Meet with the HT, DHT (Behaviour) and PPL with their parents and complete a re- entry meeting and to outline the concern regarding the persistent disruptive behaviour and the consequence of this if it does not change. The student could be asked to leave the academy. • Behaviour contract is agreed and signed by student, parent and the academy. • The HT will provide the parent/carer with an update on the student’s behaviour at the end of the report period.

4. Mobile Communication Devices (Phones/Tablets) policy

Mobile phones and all electronic devices must be switched off and put away before entering the building at the start of the day (ie phones, i-pods, earphones, MP3 players etc). They may only be used if the teacher gives permission to use them for educational reasons or in an emergency situation.

If a phone/tablet is seen or heard in lessons or during the day it will be confiscated and parents/carers will be required to collect it from the academy’s reception. (It is the student’s responsibility to inform parents on their return home; the academy will not be calling home to explain). The same applies to headphones. Headphones are not to be worn

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 9 of 28 around the neck. They should be placed in bags during lesson time. If a student refuses to hand their ‘phone over they will be sent to isolation for a period of one working day. Refusal to go to isolation will result in a one day fixed term exclusion or a Reintegration Placement, unless the parent supports us and can accompany their child back into school and accept the isolation within one hour of the refusal, with the day in isolation completed upon their re-admittance to the academy.

5. Miscellaneous items policy • Fizzy and/or energy drinks are not permitted on the academy site. Students found to be in possession of such drinks and/or consuming them will have them confiscated and destroyed. The student will be issued with a first warning and be reminded of the academy expectations. If the student refuses to hand over the drink and/or continues to consume it they will be isolated for failing to follow the reasonable instruction of a member of staff. • Aerosol cans are not permitted on the academy site. Students found to be in possession of such items and/or using them will have them confiscated and destroyed. The student will be issued with a first warning and be reminded of the academy expectations. If the student refuses to hand over the aerosol can and/or continues to use/spray it they will be isolated for failing to follow the reasonable instruction of a member of staff.

6. Uniform and Equipment policy

At the Dorcan Academy the wearing of uniform is integral to our ethos and we expect our students to wear it with pride. Uniform enables all children to feel equal with regard to race, creed or economic ability.

In order to maintain high standards students will be isolated if they fail to wear the correct uniform. If appropriate, students will be given permission to return home to collect a forgotten item. Where this is not possible or, where students have a note explaining the reason for their uniform infringement, the academy will endeavour to lend the missing item for the day to ensure that learning is not affected in any way. Where this is not possible, or if students refuse to borrow the item or where students persistently refuse to wear the appropriate uniform, they will remain in isolation until the situation is rectified. Tutors will check uniform every morning.

Uniform - Boys • TDA Blazer • TDA Black V-neck jumper (students may choose when to wear it). No other jumpers, cardigans or tops acceptable. • White shirt. Top buttons must be done up at all times. • Plain Black school trousers – Formal, tailored full length trousers only. No denim like material, jeans or jean style, cargo pants, chinos, leggings or jeggings of any description permitted. Shorts are not allowed. • TDA House tie • Black Shoes only – Shoes should be completely black, (including soles and laces), leather- like, sturdy and be able to protect from the weather. There should be no logos visible. The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 10 of 28 Sports and/or training shoes in whatever form or boots are not allowed. The school website has pictures of shoes which are and are not acceptable. • Coats and Jackets – Coats should protect students against the elements. No coat or jacket should be worn as an alternative to the blazer. Hoodies, tracksuit tops and denim are not acceptable and if worn will be confiscated. • Socks – Dark grey or black socks.

Uniform - Girls • TDA Blazer • TDA Black V-neck jumper (students may choose when to wear it). No other jumpers, cardigans or tops acceptable. • White shirt/blouse. Top buttons must be done up at all times. • TDA Tartan Skirt – The skirt should touch the top of the knee when standing up. OR: • Plain Black school trousers – Formal, tailored full length trousers only. No denim like material, jeans or jean style, cargo pants, chinos, leggings or jeggings of any description permitted. No skinny/figure hugging trousers. Shorts and cropped trousers are not allowed. • TDA House tie • Black Shoes only – Shoes should be completely black, (including soles and laces), leather- like, (not canvas) sturdy and be able to protect from the weather. There should be no logos visible. Sports and/or training shoes in whatever form, fashion shoes or boots are not allowed. Sensible, low heels only. The school website has pictures of shoes which are and are not acceptable. • Coats and Jackets – Coats should protect students against the elements. No coat or jacket should be worn as an alternative to the blazer. Hoodies, tracksuit tops and denim are not acceptable and if worn will be confiscated. • Socks and Tights – White or black ankle or knee length socks. Black or natural coloured tights.

Jewellery • A watch is useful. • Small plain stud earrings are allowed, one per ear lobe. For health and safety reasons, no hooped or stretchers/expanders are allowed. • Bracelets and necklaces should not be visible. • No facial/tongue piercings are allowed, even clear/plastic bars or studs.

Miscellaneous • Hats and scarves may be worn during winter months, but must be removed inside buildings. • Hair styles should avoid the extremes of fashion, in style and colour. E.g. a number 1 haircut or tramlines would be considered extreme. No unnatural/obvious hair colourants. • Make up should be natural and subtle/enhancing. False eye lashes, false nails, coloured nail varnish, nail art or tattoos are not allowed.


The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 11 of 28

Students are required to bring to school every day the following items:

• A school bag of at least A4 size suitable for carrying exercise books and folders • A pencil case containing: o At least 2 black pens o A green pen o At least 2 pencils o Ruler o Rubber o Pencil sharpener o Calculator o Protractor o Compass • The link book (provided by the academy) • The Knowledge Organiser (provided by the academy) • A reading book

Desirable: • Coloured crayons, not felt tips • English Language Pocket Dictionary

Tutors will check equipment every morning. Students will be able to purchase single items of uniform from the Learning Centre before school and at break and lunchtimes. Failure to bring the required equipment will result in loss of House points. The academy will have some equipment available to lend out for the day to avoid isolation. Refusal to borrow or persistent failure to bring correct equipment to result in isolation until the situation is rectified.

7. Rewards

Rewards can be given for many reasons and the list is updated on SIMS: • Homework • Outstanding Work • Sustained Effort • Test / End of Module Result • Representing teams • Involvement in performances • Helping out at school events • Positively following School Expectations

These rewards can be any of the following:

• House points which add up to Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum awards as well as the House cup • Certificates awarded at end of term rewards assemblies The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 12 of 28 • Letters or postcards home congratulating achievement and effort • Rewards for the tutor group with the best attendance • Rewards for the class with the best attitude and effort; this can be a class meal, a class movie. • Bi-termly House award for the winning House • End of Year Trip for students who meet the criteria set by the student council.

8. Exclusions

8.1 At The Dorcan Academy we believe that learning is the most important reason for being at school. In order to support this ethos, it may be necessary to consider exclusion as a consequence for behaviour which threatens it.

o A student will always be fixed term excluded or placed on a Reintegration Placement if they:

• Swear directly at a member of staff. • Defy a member of staff by walking off when being spoken to/reprimanded • Physically attack another student or member of staff • Smoke on the school premises or when dressed in the uniform of the academy or associate with smokers. Smoking paraphernalia will be confiscated and destroyed.

o “Lines in the Sand”

There are some lines that we will not tolerate any students crossing. If they do, their place at the Academy will be at risk. An indicative but non exhaustive list would include:

• Bringing recreational drugs into school • A weapon of any sort including pen knives and BB guns, including imitation weapons • Persistent bullying • Persistent disruption of lessons • An unprovoked physical assault of another student or a member of staff

o Sections • Guidance framework • Links to other policies • Principles • The decision to exclude • Fixed-term exclusion • Permanent exclusion • Appeals • Informing parents / carers • Internal procedures

8.2 Section 1 – Guidance Framework

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 13 of 28

The Academy Exclusion policy is written in line with the following areas of guidance:

Exclusions – Department for Education Guidance

8.3 Section 2 – Principles

8.3.1 The Academy is a learning institution which aims to provide the best possible life chances for all of its students. We view exclusion as a last resort when all other possible methods of managing student behaviour have been exhausted. The decision to exclude is never taken lightly and careful consideration is taken of the facts and the surrounding circumstances before reaching a decision to exclude.

8.3.2 We recognise the detrimental impact of exclusion on both the education and well-being of students and their families. We also recognise the impact of social exclusion, which can result from the permanent exclusion of a student and will try hard to avoid it.

8.3.3 Permanent exclusion is an extremely serious step to take and has a significant impact on the ability of a student to access education in the future. It is only used where it is unavoidable and where every reasonable appropriate alternative have been considered. We are committed to using alternatives to permanent exclusion such as Reintegration Placements, managed moves, Care placements and alternative provision where appropriate.

8.3.4 We take account of the Equality Act and of our duty not to discriminate against students for any reason.

8.3.5 We also take account of our statutory duties in relation to SEN.

8.3.6 We aim to involve parents as early as possible in any process.

8.4 Section 3 - The decision to exclude

8.4.1 The decision to exclude is made by the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher in their absence.

8.4.2 There are five circumstances where a student may be required to

Leave the Academy site with the authorisation of the Headteacher:

• Where a decision has been made to exclude. • Where a student has committed a serious criminal offence outside the jurisdiction of the Academy and it is determined by the Headteacher that it is in the interests of the community for the student to be educated off-site. This is not an exclusion. • Where, for medical reasons, the presence of a student represents a serious risk to the health or safety of other students or staff. This is not an exclusion. • If a student is given permission by the Headteacher to leave the premises briefly to remedy The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 14 of 28 a breach of the Academy rules on appearance or uniform. This should be for no longer than is necessary to remedy the breach and is not an exclusion but an authorised absence. • Where there is good reason to believe that a student is carrying an item which is not allowed onto the site such as an illegal substance or an offensive weapon and they refuse to be screened. In this circumstance the student can be refused entry. This is not an exclusion but an unauthorised absence in the first instance but could lead to exclusion following a full investigation.

8.4.3 The decision to exclude a student is not taken lightly and the Headteacher will:

• Ensure that a thorough investigation has been carried out • Consider all the evidence available to support the allegations • Allow and encourage the student to give their version of events • Keep a written record of the actions taken including the signed statements of witnesses • Be confident that the procedures detailed later in this policy have been carried out • Ensure SEN expert advice has been taken into account where appropriate. • Ensure that parents have been kept informed throughout the process and consulted where appropriate.

The standard of proof applied when deciding to exclude is ‘balance of probabilities’, ie in all probability did this happen and not as in a Court of Law ‘beyond reasonable doubt.

8.4.4 Exclusion will not be used as a consequence for the following: • Minor incidents such as a failure to complete home learning • Poor academic performance • Lateness or truancy • Breaches of Academy rules on uniform or appearance except where these are persistent or in open defiance of such rules • Pregnancy • As a punishment for the behaviour of their parent / carer

8.4.5 Once the decision has been made to exclude, a student will only be sent home once contact has been made with parents/carers and where it is clear that the student will be returning to a place of safety. Work will be provided and either sent with the student or arrangements made for collection.

8.5 Section 4 - Fixed-term Exclusion (Level 1: fewer than 15 school days in any term/ level 2: 15 school days or more during any term)

8.5.1 The decision to exclude a student for a fixed-term may be taken in response to breaches of the school’s behaviour for learning policy.

8.5.2 Examples of behaviour that may lead to a fixed-term exclusion include the following:

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 15 of 28 • Verbal abuse of staff or students • Physical abuse of staff or students • Indecent behaviour • Damage to property • Misuse of illegal drugs or other substances • Theft • Serious actual or threatened violence against another student or a member • of staff • Sexual abuse or assault • Carrying and / or supplying an illegal substance • Carrying an offensive weapon* or a banned item (see Behaviour for • Learning Policy) • Arson • Persistent poor behaviour contrary to acceptable behaviour outlined in the • Academy expectations • Bullying including cyber-bullying

* a weapon is defined as any item made or potentially used for causing injury

This is not an exhaustive list and there may be other examples of behaviour where the Headteacher judges that exclusion is an appropriate sanction.

8.5.3 The Headteacher may exclude a student for one or more fixed periods which do not exceed a total of 45 school days in a single school year.

8.5.4 During a fixed term exclusion of 5 or fewer days, work will be set by the Academy for the student to complete at home. This work should be returned completed at the end of the exclusion for marking.

8.5.5 For an exclusion of longer than 5 days, the Academy will arrange full-time educational provision from the sixth day of exclusion.

8.5.6 Before the end of any fixed-term exclusion, parents/carers will be invited to attend a reintegration meeting at the Academy with their son/daughter. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure that the student understands the reason for the exclusion and is committed to preventing the behaviour that led to the exclusion from being repeated. The Academy will consider all further support needed to help the student, including referral to external agencies if appropriate. If excluded due to failure to follow rules in the isolation room, on re-integration students will spend the remaining time owed in the isolation room.

8.5.7 During the first five days of any exclusion, the parents of an excluded student must ensure that they are not present in a public place during normal school hours without reasonable justification, whether with or without a parent/carer. Failure to comply with this is an offence for which a fixed penalty notice can be issued.

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 16 of 28 8.5.8 Whilst each exclusion is treated on its own merit we do operate a tariff for exclusions in most cases. A first exclusion is likely to be for a period of 1 or 2 days. Further exclusions could be between 3 and 5 days.

8.6 Section 5 – Permanent Exclusion (Level 3 Exclusion)

8.6.1 Permanent exclusion is an extremely rare sanction at the Academy and always avoided wherever possible. The decision to permanently exclude is taken only: a) in response to serious breaches of the Academy behaviour for learning policy and b) if allowing the student to remain would seriously harm the education or welfare of that student or others at the Academy.

8.6.2 A student may be permanently excluded where there have been repeated breaches of the behaviour for learning policy for which a range of consequences and strategies have been applied without success. It is an acknowledgement that the Academy has exhausted all available strategies for dealing with the student and is a last resort.

8.6.3 There may be exceptional circumstances where, in the judgement of the Headteacher, it is appropriate to permanently exclude a student for a first or ‘one off’ offence. These might include:

• Serious actual or threatened violence against another student or member of staff • Sexual abuse or assault • Serious bullying including cyber-bullying • Being in possession of an illegal substance and / or supplying an illegal substance • Carrying an offensive weapon • Again this is not an exhaustive list and there may be other examples of behaviour where the Headteacher judges that a permanent exclusion is an appropriate sanction for a first or ‘one off’ offence.

8.6.4 The Academy operates a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to the carrying of offensive weapons and the carrying and supplying of illegal substances. This is communicated clearly to students in assemblies and the link book.

8.6.5 Any student found in possession of an offensive weapon or banned item on the school premises runs the risk of permanent exclusion. A student who supplies an illegal substance on site will be permanently excluded.

8.6.6 The Headteacher will meet with the parents and student before reaching a decision to permanently exclude a student. In most cases, a student will have moved up the graduated response and had a number of fixed term exclusions before a permanent exclusion is issued. An exception to this is where a student has committed a one-off serious offence which warrants a permanent exclusion according to our policy. In this case, a thorough

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 17 of 28 investigation will take place before a decision is made; students will remain in isolation while this happens.

8.7 Section 6 – Governors Discipline Committee

8.7.1 The Academy has a Full Governing Body (FGB) which has responsibility for reviewing decisions in relation to exclusions. The Disciplinary Committee consists of at least 3 members of the FGB and all of whom should be involved in reviewing Level 2 and 3 exclusions. For Level 1exclusions the Discipline Committee need not meet in person and decisions can be delegated to one member of the Committee.

8.7.2 The Discipline Committee of the Governing Body will automatically review any exclusion which results in a student being excluded for more than 15 school days in any one term, or any permanent exclusion.

8.7.3 Parents / carers have the right to appeal the decision to exclude their son / daughter. The process is common across The Dorcan Academy and is different for different levels of exclusion.

Full details of how these meetings operate can be found in the following appendices and also within the Department for Education Guidance (2017) but the summary is contained below:

Level 1 exclusion (less than 15 days) • A parent / carer may request that the Discipline Committee review the process within 15 school days of receiving notice of the exclusion. • The request should be made in writing and should set out the question(s) which they wish the Discipline Committee to consider. • The committee will respond in writing within 15 school days.

Level 2 exclusion (more than 15 days fixed – term) • Headteacher meets with parents to discuss exclusion. • Behaviour committee meets to review the exclusion within 15 days of receiving notice of the exclusion.

Level 3 exclusion (permanent) • Student is given initial fixed term exclusion and a full investigation is carried out by an investigating officer. The student and their parents will be given an opportunity to meet with the investigating officer to give their version of events and to hear any evidence against them. The investigating officer presents their findings to the Headteacher. The Headteacher meets with parents/carers to discuss her decision having completed the process fully and having consulted with others including an SEN. expert if appropriate. If the decision is to re instate then the student will return immediately. If the decision is made to permanently exclude the student, parents / carers will be informed by the Headteacher both verbally and in writing. Following the Headteacher’s decision to

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 18 of 28 permanently exclude, the Discipline Committee meets to review the decision within 15 school days of receiving notice of the exclusion.

If the Discipline Committee upholds the Headteacher’s decision to permanently exclude, parents / carers may appeal to an Independent Review Panel.

8.7.4 An Independent Review Panel will consist of 3 people and will chaired by a lay member and two other independent members, one with governance experience; the other with Headship experience. This panel will decide whether to uphold the decision to exclude a student.

8.7.5 The Independent Review Panel can uphold the exclusion decision; recommend that the Governing Body reconsiders its decision or quash the decision and direct the Governing Body to consider the exclusion again. It cannot reinstate a student.

8.8 Section 7 – Informing parents / carers

8.8.1 Following any decision to exclude, the Headteacher must inform parents / carers putting the decision to exclude in writing and stating the date the exclusion takes effect.

The letter must also explain: • The circumstances leading up to the decision to exclude; • Why the Headteacher decided to exclude the student; • If relevant, what steps were taken to try and avoid the exclusion; details of any relevant previous warnings, fixed period exclusions or other disciplinary measures taken before the present incident;

8.8.2 The arrangements for enabling the student to continue his/her education, including setting and marking the student’s work; 8.8.3 The parents’ right to see and have a copy of their child’s record; 8.8.4 The parents’ responsibilities to ensure their child is not in a public place in school hours during the first five days of an exclusion; 8.8.5 If the exclusion is for a fixed period, the letter will also state the length of the exclusion and the date and time the student should return to the academy; 8.8.6 The arrangements for a parent interview at the end of the exclusion to discuss the process of reintegration; 8.8.7 For Level 2 and Level 3 exclusions, the letter will also state the parents’ right to appeal to the Independent Appeals Panel and the appropriate mechanism for that to happen as well as the fact that governors will meet to review the decision; 8.8.8 For Level 1 exclusions, the letter will also state that if parents are concerned about the way in which the exclusion was managed, they may write to the Discipline Committee to ask for it to review the process. This may be done by just one member of the Committee. The Committee cannot overturn the decision to exclude but may put a note on file; 8.8.9 The involvement, if appropriate, of SEN expert advice.

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

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8.9 Section 8 – Behaviour outside the school gates

Our exclusion and behaviour policy covers behaviour not only within school but outside of school. We will sanction students, up to and including Permanent Exclusion, for any behaviour which contravenes our policies when a student is:

• Taking part in any school-organised or school-related activity, or • Travelling to or from school, or • Wearing our school uniform, or in some other way identifiable as a Dorcan Academy student. Or for behaviour which at any time:

• Could have repercussions for the orderly running of the school, or • Poses a threat to another student or member of the public, or • Could adversely affect the reputation of the school.

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 20 of 28

Reintegration Placement Procedures The Dorcan Academy/Kingsdown School

The Dorcan Academy and Kingsdown School are working together to reduce the number of Fixed Term Exclusions by offering an alternative sanction. This would take place in the following circumstances: 1. To avoid a first exclusion when a student has been in breach of the behaviour policy 2. When a student has refused or failed isolation and would have been excluded 3. When a student who has had 3 previous exclusions (in fairly quick succession) requires a further exclusion

Arrangement of the placement Should this arrangement be needed, the following steps will be taken: 1. A phone call between the behaviour leaders of Dorcan & Kingsdown to confirm that the placement can take place the following day 2. The parent will be contacted and informed of the consequence; this will be followed up by an email confirming the arrangement for the placement 3. A student information pack will be put together by the sending school containing the name, contact details, address, timetable, medical and relevant information of the student. This will be handed to the receiving staff member on the day.

Transportation 1. Kingsdown school will use minibuses to transport students who will be accompanied by 2 staff members for the journey. If a Dorcan student is on placement in return, they will return to Kingsdown in the minibus. Dorcan students attending Kingsdown when there is nobody attending from KDS that day will be brought to Kingsdown by 2 Dorcan Staff members. 2. Kingsdown school minibuses will undergo all regular checks including MOT and services to ensure they are safe for road use 3. Students must wear seatbelts – this will be checked by staff.

On the day 1. Students will attend their current school at 8:30 for registration 2. They will receive a B code for educated off site 3. They will be transported to the placement school 4. Student will work in the annexe/ isolation 5. The host school will provide work unless specific option subject work is required 6. The student will return to the sending school by 3:30pm

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 21 of 28 7. Lunch must be provided by the parent. If FSM, the host school should provide a packed lunch 8. All relevant parties must be informed of placement taking place: school reception staff at both schools, Tutor, HOY and/or HOH, DHT (Behaviour), BIT Team, safeguarding lead and headteacher.

Emergency Circumstances 1. Should the child leave school site without permission – usual procedure will apply. Parents will be contacted and the police informed. The sending school will be informed following this. 2. Behaviour concerns during the day that are deemed worthy of an exclusion will be treated as such. The host school should contact the parent to collect the student and the behaviour leader / headteacher of the sending school should be informed of all details of the incident. 3. In the event of fire drill, the student must follow procedures of the host school. They should be kept separate from the main body of students. At Kingsdown school, the annexe does not evacuate in a main school fire drill.

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 22 of 28

Behaviour FAQs What does disruptive and defiant behaviour look like?

Disruptive behaviour is anything that stops a student/students from learning. Defiant behaviour is any time the student refuses, directly or indirectly, to follow instructions of a member of staff.

Behaviours may include:

• Lateness to lesson • Truancy • Uniform infringement • Lack of equipment • Talking over the teacher • Calling out answers or comments without permission • ‘Off task’ chatter • Not following instructions promptly or at all • Failure to sit in allocated seat • Leaving seat without permission • Making unpleasant comments • Bickering • Name calling • Failure to actively listen to teacher, adult or student who has been given permission to speak • Distracting others from learning • Disrespectful body language / slouching / head down • Arguing with the teacher or answering back • Belittling language or ‘put downs’ • Disrespectful tone of voice • Rude or lewd behaviour • Silly / immature behaviour • Failure or refusal to participate in lesson • Lack of effort / Inadequate or insufficient work • Making intentional noises to disrupt learning • Poor choice of language • Chewing/eating in class

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 23 of 28

• Revision Notes

Rev A original Rev B: amended to reflect changes to school procedures. Rev C: amended into new format and considered at Student Support Committee on 27/02/13 and ratified by Full Governing Body on 20/03/13 Rev D: Amended in line with policy schedule considered and approved by Student Support Committee on 11/03/2015 Rev E: Draft policy statement agreed in principle by Governors May 2017 Rev F: Revised policy considered, agreed and approved by Full Governing Body on 20/09/2017 Rev G: Revisions to policy, considered by Full Governing Body and agreed and approved on 26/09/2018 Rev H: Revisions to the policy, considered by the Full Governing Body and agreed and approved July 2020

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 24 of 28 Appendix 1

COVID-19 Full re-opening – Behaviour policy amendments or additions

Rationale There may be bereavements experienced by students during the lockdown and who continue to attend school. Other students, whilst they may not have suffered a bereavement will be struggling with a sense of loss. There may be feelings of loss related to lack of: • Social connection with family and friends • Routine • Support from the school community • Freedom and opportunity

This complex trauma could be displayed in the form of disruptive or challenging behaviour and we need to support our students in processing these emotions by offering support and by clarifying behaviour expectations that will allow us all to keep safe and respect the wellbeing of other members of the academy.

Supporting Bereaved students We will support students who have had a bereavement in their family by: • An appropriate member of staff will be allocated to be the family contact. This will normally be a member of the Pastoral team but will depend on the individual student as some students already have designated members of staff allocated to them e.g. mentor. • The member of staff will contact the family and student, to offer the academy’s condolences, check on their welfare, offer information on bereavement support agencies, discuss a referral to the school counsellor and, if appropriate, to see what they would like to happen when they return to school. • The member of staff will maintain at least weekly contact until the student returns to school. If the funeral details are known they will send an email on the day to let the family and student know that we are thinking of them and follow this up with a welfare telephone call the following day. • When the student returns to the academy the member of staff will complete a 1:1 check in with the student. In this they will: o Acknowledge their loss “I’m sorry that (name of deceased) died. I know that you are sad. It is ok to cry”. o Agree any support that is appropriate and how they can access this. For example, Access to a ‘quiet room’ where they can go to be alone (Island room in the BIT office) by showing their green card.

Guidance for the allocated member of staff when supporting the bereaved student: • Use words that the student understands and are age appropriate • Tell them that you are sorry such an event has occurred, and you want to understand and help them • Use pictures and storybooks. These are particularly helpful for younger children or children with special needs. Social Stories can be used for children with communication difficulties

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 25 of 28 • Encourage the student to ask questions and answer their questions honestly and simply. • Accept that some things cannot be ‘made better’ • Do not be afraid to show the student how you are feeling • Tell them that the reactions they are having are normal • Pay extra attention and spend extra time with them, be more nurturing and comforting • Reassure them that they are safe • Do not take their anger or other feelings personally. Help them to understand the relationship between anger and trauma. Help them find safe ways to express their feelings, for example by drawing, talking or exercising • Do not be surprised by changes in behaviour or personality. They will return to their usual selves in time • If they are feeling guilt or shame, emphasise that they did not choose for this to happen and that they are not to blame. Even if they were angry with the person who died, or had been mean to them, this did not make it happen • As well as advising the student about appropriate use of social media, monitor their use, particularly during this vulnerable time.

We want all members of the academy to feel safe and supported and aim to do this by building a culture where the individual feels:

S – Safe W – Welcomed A – All together: not needing to deal with things on their own N – Nurtured

Ready to Learn – Behaviour expectations

Behaviour for safe arrival to school Students arriving with face coverings to place them in a plastic bag before entering the school gates and keep in their school bag until home time. Temporary face coverings to be disposed of in the lidded bin on entry into the classroom and then sanitiser used to clean hands.

Students should arrive in school no earlier than 10 minutes before their start time unless they are having breakfast.

Year Entrance Time of Breakfast Designated area if Tutor room bubble arrival (Dining room) arrive prior to start time 7 Main 8:30am 8:00-8:20am Basketball court M1-M6 8 Student 8:30am 8:00-8:20am Courtyard 1 G1-4 + PE1 and 2 9 Main 8:40am 8:15-8:30am Basketball court L1-3 and G6-8 10 Student 8:40am 8:15-8:30am Outside Science S2-3 and S6-8 block 11 Student 8:50am 8:25-8:40am Outside the library E1-6 and G5

At the time of arrival stated above for each year group the students should make their way The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 26 of 28 immediately to their tutor base within their year bubble following their designated route.

Behaviour for Safe Learning in the classroom

Our Ready to Learn policy will run as per normal except for: • No reintegration placements will be possible so students will only have the option of a Fixed Term Exclusion • No school movements are possible at this time so no student will be put forward to the Fair Access Panel for a managed move to another school. Students will be socially distanced within the isolation area; should numbers not make this possible the isolation room will relocate to the café where students will be seated within their year bubble and with an adequate distance between cohorts.

Central Detentions will take place in the Dining room with each year group being seated in their bubble at an appropriate social distance to others.

Year group Start time Notes 7 2.50pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8 3.00pm 9 3.00pm 10 3.10pm 11 3.10pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

No Y7 or Y11 students will be booked for a Central Detention (CD) on a Tuesday or Thursday as they have extra-curricular activities or intervention to attend. If students from these year groups arrive, they will be redirected to their intended activity and the CD will be rescheduled for the next available session.

In addition to the Ready to Learn policy the following guidelines are expected to be followed and are based on the advice given by the Department for Education and are being implemented for the health, safety and well-being of all those in the Dorcan Academy community.

Students are required to:

1. Use hand sanitiser when entering the school or a classroom. 2. If you are going to cough or sneeze, use a tissue and then put it into the bin when it is safe to do so. If you do not have a tissue, then cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow. 3. Avoid any unsafe behaviours such as spitting and deliberately coughing in someone’s face 4. When entering a classroom for the first time wipe down your work surfaces and equipment. 5. Minimise contact by staying at your desk or work area and facing forward. If possible, remain in the same seat throughout the day when using the same room. 6. In communal areas, always social distance by staying 2 metres apart. 7. Bring your own equipment including pens, pencils, rubbers, rulers, calculators etc. You will not be able to borrow anything from school or your peers.

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 27 of 28 8. Take ownership of the new exercise books issued to you and ensure that you have them available to work in for each subject lesson. 9. Normal personal hygiene is to be maintained and clothes should be washed following the day you have attended school. 10. Students and staff will not be asked to wear masks.

Behaviour for Safe Learning outside of the classroom 1. Everyone attending The Dorcan Academy must employ a ‘common sense’ approach and do all they can to abide by the principle of social distancing, staying 2 metres apart from others. This includes when walking or cycling to and from school, arriving at school, when moving around the school, during breaks and lunchtimes and when exiting the school. 2. Toilet breaks should take place in the designated break and lunch time but if required outside of these slots they will be agreed with staff and students should use the allocated facilities for their year group. Students should wash their hands thoroughly after using the toilets. Designated toilets are:

Y7 By the Music room Y8 Technology toilets Y9 Café toilets Y10 Science toilets Y11 Main Hall toilets

3. At lunch and break times students will be required to sit in the designated dining area and keep their distance from others.

Students will be briefed on these expectations at the beginning of the academic year, through regular reminders as part of our Term 1 Tutor programme and they are displayed on posters throughout the site so there will be no excuse for not being to conduct themselves in a manner that ensures the safety and wellbeing of others. If a student is deliberately flouting the rules or putting others at risk by their behaviour choices this will lead to an isolation if that prevents no further risk to themselves or others. If a student cannot be isolated due to the risk they present to themselves or others, this will lead to a Fixed Term Exclusion and parents/carers being contacted to remove their child from the site with immediate effect. The student will remain at home until a reintegration meeting can take place which will include a risk assessment to ascertain whether they are able to return and what support, if any, needs to be put in place to manage any risk identified.

Uniform and equipment Students will need to bring their own equipment including pens, pencils, rubbers, rulers, calculators etc. For the foreseeable future, they will not be able to borrow anything from the academy or their peers.

Students should attend in full uniform. Replacement ties can be purchased from main reception, no other uniform items will be available for students to buy or loan from the academy. On days when students have PE lessons, they will be required to wear The Dorcan Academy PE kit. This is to avoid the need for changing. The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)

TDAP022H BEHAVIOUR and EXCLUSIONS POLICY – Ready to Learn - and Governor statement that informs the policy Page 28 of 28

*Appendix 2

The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies

• Complaints • Safeguarding Children and Young people • Behaviour • Anti-Bullying • Lettings and Use of Premises • Special Educational Needs • School trips • Curriculum • Children in Care • Health and Safety • Sex and Relationships Education • Security • Equality Diversity and Community Cohesion • Students with Additional Needs • Internet Access and Use • Use of ICT and Website • Young Carers • Privacy, Confidentiality, Information Sharing and Data • Whistle blowing

The above list is not exhaustive but when undertaking development or planning of any kind the school will consider safeguarding matters.

The Dorcan Academy, St. Paul’s Drive, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA 25. August 2020

*The Governing Body’s legal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children goes beyond basic child protection procedures. The duty is now to ensure that safeguarding permeates all activity and functions. This policy therefore complements and supports a range of other policies (Appendix 2)