Case No. 3089: Laboratory Data, Qa Checklist (Data Is

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Case No. 3089: Laboratory Data, Qa Checklist (Data Is UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION VI HOUSTON BRANCH 6608 HORNWOOD DRIVE HOUSTON. TEXAS 77074 DATE: ll-S^'8^ SUBJECT: CLP Data Review '~,S^^L^'fi~Z^^—/- FROM: /William Lag^fey, Chj.s'f Houston Branch (6Efr4l) TO; Keith Bradley Hazardous Waste Section (6ES-SH) i".i^t li^i"-) A review of the laboratory raw data for case il Si^ S 'I has been completed by members of the Laboratory Section. Attached please find copies of the reevant QC notices for the following samples. INORGANIC: WS ^ / _/^JL°^ / •^-S'S i> "• ORGANIC: Please call me if you have any questions regarding the data review. Attachments 80417 C^^: Si\5 f^TfF - -/^f-; POT fF •• ' .-TFA^f ORGANIC QA CHEC./LIST Contractor _Q(\L fil\L(\L____ Contract ? Case Do. S(\ S I 3- S'S P Matrix ^^"^g^- Site 1/g^rAC. Sample Mo. /^ 5'J'l")/ OVERALL COMt-iENTS (TO BE COI-iPLETED BY EPA PERSO;1?;EL) Data Completeness __^ Acceptable__ Not Acceptable Instruinsnt Tune y Acceptable___ Mot Acceptable Chromatography 'V Acceptable Hot Acceptable Blank Analysis t/ Acceptabie _ Mot Acceptable Matrix Spikes v^ Acceptable Mot Acceptable Duplicates j/ Acceptabi e _ Not Acceptable Surrogate v Acceptable^ Not Acceptable Field Blank ^?^\ Acceptable _ Hot Acceptable OTHER COMMENTS OR CLARIFICATIONS lA.r[,7£^ SA-MI^G-S / <-~i^o Fnc rc-op A Oe7^.c7{w 6-gygL (j p i- 3 Pf^ S/^/^r c A-T. y /?p si 77 ^(T__ jg ^-$ ^ ^7- ^ryF-or i^! 7l-h\T -7'r, J^ p /•fo"- (-• ^vr\_j —f v n. i i t-i———r. ..______ .^<L.__^&/-42^..___Q\:m__^cQfJ^^___^?^L_^aQ2. UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION VI HOUSTON BRANCH 6608 HORNWOOD DRIVE HOUSTON. TEXAS 77074 DATE: //-^- ^ SUBJECT: CLE,Data Review FROM: /William Lang^y, Chl-y Houston Branch (6ES-H) TO: Keith Bradley Hazardous Haste Section (6ES-SH) A review of the laboratory raw data for case ii .^i£:' J- 7 has been completed by members of the Laboratory Section. Attached please find copies of the reevant QC notices for the following samples. INORGANIC: ORGANIC:SIC: D P D 0 L'/ / ^ '! -^ 0 ^-L'- ^u !^ (^rii\^U^;„e.} f7)' c'vi." [ l>r\.i Please call me if you have any questions Tpparr'ir.c. i-ho ,'ara ,-ot^n,, / /' r Attachments / '^ >,' L/' c^ ^^ ' ^c /fi7w i^r. ^-71 ^^(^L 5\" '' (Tn 1'y T ORGAmC QA CHECKLIST / ' Contractor \-\ ^T^ETL'Tbl^ Contract p ^^-Cl- ^ ^ I 3 Case Mo. "^QS'7_________ Matrix ______30( L___________ Site ^n^Tt\C ^[JFpS^r^ A^O/^/ satnp1e r'0- ..PP <10^ / ^ —^. OFfG^/^^ (/tyc t .y ^ ^--1 \>.^7 , OVERALL COMMENTS (TO BE COMPLETED BY EPA PERSG^EL} Data Completeness '^ Acceptable___ Mot Acceptable Instrument Tuns i/' Acceptable__ Mot Acceptabi e Chromatograph.y i^ Acceptable Hot Acceptable Blank Analysis l^ Acceptable___ Mot Acceptable Matrix Spikes v^ Acceptable___• Mot Acceptable Duplicates j^ Acceptable___ Not Acceptable Surrogate ''/ Acceptable__ Mot Acceptable Field Blank ^.^ Acceptable__ Hot Accept abTe OTHER COMMEHTS 0° CLARIFICflTIOMS ^ Sar C^'\\^\^ST^ AT7rKl4(•:D9 /^ Y GP^ 6^- H L ^ F/CL-P ^tfrKAc ^/2-(Nr$ftTc)-$£^ c^-w^o^rs , CASE 3089- VERTAC Batch no. 09 ACT: AA71 SF#: TFAH04 Dioxin samples analyses from Hazelton Labs EPA_HOUSTOH 6ES-HL COMMEMTS In the initial shipment of data from the lab, sample DF004105 showed the highest level of 2,3,7,8-TCDD at 22.3ppb;duplicate analysis gave 33-9 Ppb by peak height as reported by the lab (36.4 ppb by area ) and was confirmed by partial scan analysis. Results of this duplic- ate analysis agreed to<50^ RPD as per Sect E5 of the contract,but note that this was not one of the specified duplicates to be done as per the packing list. The duplicate specified in the traffic form was DF004112 and what appeared to be also marked DF004117. SMO has been requested to try and find out why the lab did not do the specified sample duplicate , although duplicate analysis on the sample of highest concentration is a bonus. No other sample had^ppb,exclusive of the native spike,in this first shipment. The lab stated that several samples,DF0041-13,-14,-l6 and -17 would require re-analysis with results to follow. One of these samples, DF 004116, showed^ 50ppb in early results. The resubmission report confirmed the high levels of TCDD in these samples; DF 004116 had 119 ppb DF 004117 had 15.3 ppb. Sample DF004114 had 30.9ppb TCDD but the surrogate recovery was out- side of acceptable limits; DF 004113 had analytical problems and the estimated max. concentration was 6.6ppb. Final comment- The labs continue to receive, in error, an acetone equipment rinsate sample. Conversation with EPA Project Officer(Joan Fisk) on 11/19/^4 confirms that this rinsate sample is suppose to be trichloroethylene and not acetone. M.L.HITTER 6ES-HL 11/19/8^ UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 6608 HORNVOOD DRIVE HOUSTON, TEMS 77074 »TE, H/^U^ JECT! CA^ ^ry /r^H o? - lILk ^ (4^-yfc ^ t^V^. fcfc , Q,G-kh- l^A f^A,^^ fc^-s^ l^u^? ^^^ 4-^? £>-Ur^-, L-^A^—^^ -h G^e 7o37;' U^^k U^ ^OL^K-^ •^^ <^^ t^-^^VA; l.CA-</3- •s^, VA^T^-1- ^-^rt- ' S^vo v^JJ^I [(.f^^f^f ^J^v^-^ f..Jz<^(f<.'^ 6^4- -./^J^Q ' d-o y-^JlvysA .^v^^-4 [) P U-c^flZ. ^ ^/a c^^-^-i-e- ycwv^<x. -/^ /^ '•?<^ S/K0 'y^^yL( // . ^ ^|^-<»/) . (y^^^^ r ^^ ./ .^^'.^ C^p^^J^J^y^, ^ ^W^l •^T-^Tk ^>^VS>-<.w<^- S^-^ uv^J. -^/l/w.y^U <^A- ^ -A ^^-^ ^ ^ ^w \A-~o^i\ -r^ r^^iLi^ c^w ^v'J^--i_u^;x -/^^ ^1-P ^-vU!~<-i\ c^~^--A/^--<-g. oJf- T-Co-T" /X-w^ ^/v\& ^^ ^ /^ ^^-^ ^.^ ^-'•\^3-£•J^4_ ^V^<f-^.\.^^~f /vi -y-^,•^,•^-y^4..^^s . CAI-A.'^ ^•r^^wff^--^^u . instrumental chemistry true analysis United States Testing Company, Inc. analytical chemistry methods development Metals and Environmental Chemistry Division chemical specialties quality control 1415 PARK AVENUE failure analysis HOBOKEN. NEW JERSEY 07030 (201)792-2400 (212)043-0488 USCW- syvo 0 ^ \ ^- \^^-'^ ^ •"'-"-- ->. 6 2 P ^ 0 0 SOIL SURROGATE PERCENT RECOVERY SUMMARY Caae No>. ^O^_________ Contract Laboratory V S "Tg<TT^ ^ Contract No. IJ^Oh^W Low___kl . Medium. -------- -- VOLATILE-- - ---- --------- ----------- SEUI-VOLATILE --------------- -- --PESTK t-fLUCBO-- I,».| THie«0*JO- OIBUT «MO PHENOL-OS TiiJirnc PMCNOL ^"tHOL CHLOME^ NO. no-ro> <ZU-lSOl (ZO-1*0> (10-1*0) tl0-l«0) (»1>-1: '^IM^ ^ W4 \^ 2>(? ^ ^ .} •• 3-1 -4 - ^y .1 •• S0! ^ i to -/^ '-L t^. In * ^ 0 ^ ^1^- -L± ^-* v7is- ^-<i v^ 8^. ^^1 , S^ ^^ CO \:^^ 1 , : \Q V- ^-m^ 0 (r- i >. ' * VALUES ARE OUTSIDE OF CONTRACT REQUIRED OC LIMITS Vi>latiles: ; outside of OC limits *», ADVISORY LIMITS ONLY Scmi-Volatiles: _ i outside of OC limits Pisticides: • '.—!_ ; outside of QC limits •Comments: Q 'S*^- ^xK^t7 AA\kA>^ ^1^) ^_ 1 'L ? :/ 0 0 SOIL MATRIX SPIKE/MATBJ1X SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY Case No.. Contractor —— Contract No.. Low Level, Medium Level. % FRACTION COMPOUND ;CONC. SPIKE SAMPLE CONC. % CONC. RPD i ADDED (ug) RESULT MS REC MSO REC -WtPJr™^ ^ .... 22 59-172 VOA 1,1-Dlcholoretnene 24 62-137 SMO Trichloroethern 21 60-133 SAMPLE NO. CMorobeniene i Tolutn» 21 59-139 Bentene • 21 66-142 1,2,4-Ttlchlorobenzent j 23 38-107 B/N Actnaphtnene i 19 31-137 SMO 2,4 Oinitrotoluent 47 28-89 SAMPLE NO. Di-n-ButylphthalalD 47 29-135 Pvr«ne •• 36 35-142 N-Nitrosodl.n-Propylamlne 38 41-126 1,4-Oichlorobeniene 27 28-104 Penttchlorophenol ,• 47 • 17-109 ACID Phenol ' 35 26-90 SMO 2-Chlorophenol 50 25-102 SAMPLE NO. 4-Chloro-3-Methylphenol 33 26-103 ^- 50 : 11-114 «—-, : Undane '• 0.^ .^ i ^^ 0 50 . 46-127 PEST .o^ [ ^-^ Heptachlor ——-, .b^ ; 40 ^0 0 31 : 35-130 SMO -.J—— ;ot - Aldrin ' M^ -—— .01 ' 2'S ,0-1 y? 0 43 ; 34-132 SAMPLE NO. Dieldrin^[ i ^.5 ——. Si0-» A^ SXX- 0 38 • 31-134 1 w- 1 v^ Endrin : i ,1 , .^'=»-I S^ .rT ^ D 45 42-139 4,4'-DDTl I \i/' .^CT- ! ^. .^ ^ -1 50 23-134 wFRISKED VALUES AREpUTSIDE QC L^^TS. RPD: VOAs————outof.i-1; outsce OC limin ; 1 RECOVERY: iVOAs:out o . outside QC li"nits B/N out of; outs ( e QC liniitt outside QC linnits ACID——outof^-j——; oulslde QC limit) ^ACID—ioul of: outside QC lirrnits PEST 0 out of i-- ;\.gi .• outs de QC limits ' PEST ^A.-out of^5; outside QC lin>ils Connmanta; • i : ' • 'I REAGENT BLANK SUMMARY 138 NO. Contractor M5Lr^D^___l_____ Contract No. M^L^l^L n<uof UNITS CROL f«-tl0\f ^c -m^ pJi^ ^\^ ^ ^^A I/- C-W ^?^ c^MsA^ , 1 '; ,i ' ; ', 1 1 1 i mmentB: . I i • , 1 File name: HT011775A03 DMA # 03 Lab; CompuChem Labs Date Analyzed: 09/05/B4 11:39 SAS/Case: D'7'10 E ec column: CP 5IL 88 Batch # : 113 Bottle date: 9/4/B4 CC ft 11775 EPA Sample tt RB Extra Net 237B-TCDD Detect Area Area Surrogate Clean-up Weight Cone. Limit (Height) (Height) Percent' (gms ) (ppb > <ppb) 320/322 332/334 Accuracy Yes 10. 00 ND 1. 630 2. 70 205. 9.;,- < -——) ( 2.40) Area Area Area Area Area Area 332 334 320 322 257 328 31568. 11712. 0. 18000. Height Height BkGnd BkCnd Multipoint Multipoint 332 334 320 322 RF-Native RF-Surr 5951. 5476. 1215. 784. 0. 91 1. 01 C1.3-TCDD eluted at scan_10B3 The condition code is SU REJECTED RB - Reagent Blank ND - Not Detected N - Native TCDD Spike FB - Field Blank D - Duplicate (Intralab) P - Partial Scan SU - Surrogate '/.
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