Robin $14.990 GASTON Realiy
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:-'7 '■ :r' i ■ . V —- y v \ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 ■"ii'-r '" "’"''.......'"'.""."■■i"""' PAOB TWELVl Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather lE m ttn g For the Week Ended — FM«eaat ef <7. 0. Waftber Bnraaa October 17, 1957 ■ m you should send your sheep to tte Fair, ebUly tOBlgbt. Low In- mM lauiidry. - 12,674 SIKs. ISiesdey Mcreaning NaudtaMw, A ^ u t T o w n But the "best laid plans of mice BREAKFAST Heard Along Main Street and m en ..." etc. As they were .... Member Of the Audit' rattie.r mild. High la mM eO’n. ,. unloading the' pair of shebp from Business Bodies Aircraft Post Bureau of Circulation Manchester— A City of Village Charm Th« O ra c i^ ru p of Center Con- And on Some of Manche$ter'$ Sid^ Street*, Too the truck Ibto their pen in the rrefetioM l CniiKh win hold Its show, the hlean one, who'd had October meetlnrNn the Robbins about enough of the public-rela Paul E. Willhide of 88 Porter room Mondey evehlng st 6:30. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTTOBER 21, 1957 (ClaaMfled Adverttolng on Fsga 16) PRICE FIVE CBNT9 Mies Ruth Munson wlltshow slides , . Who Came to.Dtaner ‘^on the main floor, good feeling was tions business, .decided to . quit. Street, has been named aaslstant. VOL. LXXVIL NO. 18 jind tell of her trip to the Hawsl- One morning this week. Joseph everywhere. With a few bounds, he was away. to, the factory manager of Pratt Barth stepped out of the Skywatch So convivial was the spirit that He zipped adross the street and Isn Islands. Final plans for the led his. pursuers on a chase up A Whitney Aircraft, it was an art exhibit will be discussed. Post atop the police station and when an observer walked down the nounced today by J. L. Bunce, fac Turkey Rail Crash found a large black crow perched stairs, he thought he heard a and doWn streets, through yards, Red SateUites^ on thi platform falling. The bird gentleman singing exuberantly— fand across ths river and Into the tory manager. RUSCO The .Greater Hartford Chapter trees. No, wrong story.) until he Willhide was formerly admin Kills 79, Hurts 70 of the National Women'i Commit was munching away on an obvious "H-A-double R-I" . ly stale Cigarette butt. The tartan-clad bandsman In ended up In back of one of our istrative assistant in the manyfac- Tian tee of Brandels .University will Cembinotfen front of the observer confirmed the local fuel dealer's plants. turing - department and succeeds Visible in Area , Cataica, Turkey, Oct. 21 i^ — tnaufurate this season's activities Barth was amated at the bird's Donald A. Korper, who baa bitn with a fall luncheon meeting at tameness. It didn’t appear the least unlikely event. Here, employes of the fuel com The Simplon-Balkan Express and a "Thot men's in the wrong place,” pany, exhibitors from the show, promoted to assistant personnel - Windows and Doors local passenger train collided near Tumblebrook. Country Club bit scared or concerned over being manager. Willhide is a native of Next 3 ■Wednesday. Lunch will be served gazed upon by a human being he commented. and other members of the hunting this Turkish military base last phrty finally trapped their quar Washington, D. C.,; and Joined A naUomU braild in every de^ night and laltnesses said they at 12:15 and the meeting will start standing only a foot away. Pratt A Whitney Aircraft in 1947 *lgn, 2 track or 8 track. For Csrnbrldge. Maas.. 'Dct, 1 iJPt— at 1:30. ___ After a few minutes, the Sky- Friendly Conversation ry. The trouble was, that when counted 79 Turkish dead in the watch volunteer reached into his We stopped for lunch at a local the sheep was brought back to as an occupational analyst In the demoaetnition Ths United States tonight shotild wreckage. Seventy suffered seri the Armory it was hard to tell personnel department after hts ous injuries. .• The Ingraham Circle of the pocket and withdrew a package sandwichbhop recently. After tak graduation from Pennsylania get its .best view of the Russian of cigarettes. The bird lrhmedlatel>' ing a seat, an elderly woman camd which one was supposed to be CaU Ml 9-4856 or MI 9-3641 a plan of aggreaaion rpcket-satelllte ajnee it was The two speeding trains met North Methodist Church will meet "clean” and which one "dirty.” So', State University. In 1948, he be Cairo, Egypt, Oct. 21 headon between the tiny stations Monday-night at 8 o'clock in the dropped the one which it had been in and sat dbwn next to us. Ths came an occupational analyst againat Oib.^Arab» in hi* confer launched Oct. 4. Smithsonian As- picking apart with its long beak conversation between the woman after bring chased all over the 149 Middle Turnpike West The Saudi Arabian govern ence* in Washington thl* week. of Yarim Biirgaz and Isfiarta Kule, fireplace room. neighborhood, our poor little group leader, and four years later trophyslrsl Observatory bffirials4 ‘jr*i*ta*nbuT and stared intently at the fresh and the teenage waitress amazed was promoted to assistant to the ment announced today its of In Syria and\Turkey there •till' ones which Barth held in his hand. us no end. It went like this:, , friend had to suffer the indignity were no *ign« ^ general, alarm .' *"[d today. , , _ Both engines were cru.shed into V Manchester Auxiliary Police master mechanic. He .became ad fer to mediate the dispute be tangled masses of wreckage aiu! "Here, fella, have a fresh one," Waitress: ‘‘Well grandma, hbw's of being washed all over again. ministrative assistant in the tween Turkey and Syria has Premier MendereiN:ampaigntng in Th« rocket will be taking three w ill, hold an Im'portant meeting Barth said. the old lady today 7" There must be a moral to this Izmir for the Oct. TTgeneral elec- the leading cars were telescoped. Monday night in the Auxiliary manufacturing department in been accepted by both coun Part of the express was bound Stretching its neck out. the crow Woman: "I'm still living,, baby. story but it escapes us at the 1956. tion*, made hi* flr«t mehUon'of the first in the East. '1' Room at Police Headquarters. Fol snatched the cigarette from Barth's Bv the way, aren't you married moment. tries, the Egyptian Middle crisis in a campaign sp^qh. He west. snd_ finally ip, the Fa. West, fo:- Athens and London. But only Hordes Hail lowing the business session a film Onl.v 1.10 miles high, the rocket | the Issl three of 15 were Interna- outstretched hand. For nearly 10 yet?" John Frank Michael Hines East News .Agency said in a charged that Moscow Radhi. is on pwlce work will be shown.. minutes the crow remained on its Waitress: "Nope. I'm still wait Democracy at Woric urging iSirks to vote for will lie coming from a .southerly: tlonal and no casualties were re- ing." ------ »:,< dispatch from Jidda... J directipnf—the opposite of its perch and didn't leave until It had We know of. an. awful lot of Michael Hines and John Frank and was attended by over 600 ponents. Royal Pair Wilfred Stewart Crossen, son finished eating every bit of tobac Woman: "Kind of Iboks like The leader of MendereS' chief (t'ontimied on Pago Eight) Yankee fans around town who took have taken over the operation of women hank officers. ^le rocket is due In the south of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred W. Cros- co and paper which It had been you'll be waiting forever. Nobody It on the chin last weqk. How Dr. Charles F. Phillips, president Damascus, Syria, Oct. 21 position. Gen. Ismet Inohu. given. would have you. It sure is s shame the Medical Pharmacy, 341 Main asserted that the troop reinforce east^ horizon at app: oximalcly sen, 137 Elm S i, was six years old ever, the best example of a^ good . ^f Bates College. Lewiston, Maine, (/P)—The Foreign Mini.stry 7:05 [pmi. tonight in the Boston yesterday. To help him- celebrate Barth had never seen the crow that a young girl like you isn't natured ribbing also Involved a St., from the Weldon Drug Co. 'w as guest speaker." ments the Ankara government has On Parade before that morning and he hasn't able to find a man,” denied today that Syria iS nished to the border Were "unlime area. ItS^-achea its midpoint at 7:08 the event,. Mrs. Crpasen invited classic example of American Dem Frank is a graduate of the Mas have when it w1|I he about 35 degrees Britain Favors 12 of his s<^oolmates at the Bowers seen it since. Waitress’; "Well, irm certainly about to take part in media ly demonstrations” which New York, Oct. 21 ^/P)—Thfi not going to take the first man ocracy. sachusetts .CJoiiege of Pharmacy Raymond W. Cox Jr., 68 Deep- been unnecessary above the abiitheast horizon, and School, and neighboring children, High School Principal Edson M. wood Dr., recently completed a tion talks with Turkey under northeast about to attend a party at'his h.ome. Hal Who Let Him In? that comes along like you did.” and haa been a registered pharma the auspices of King Sautl. Debate Tomorrow In US' | disappear in Atomic, Rocket Queen of Britain got a king* Woman: “You'd better grab the Bailey admittedly has been a de cist for-12 years, starting in the sales seminar for district mana The U.N.