S12046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 1996 hope that we will be able to complete House of Representatives of the elec- House of Representatives, Kelly D. Johnston action on the FAA conference report tion of Gary Sisco as Secretary of the has upheld the high standards and traditions shortly following that vote, certainly Senate. of the Congress, from his serv- sometime during the day. It conceiv- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The ice on the staff of the House of Representa- tives from the 96th through the 101st Con- ably could go into the late afternoon, clerk will report. gress and then on the staff of the Senate but we believe we can get that done at The legislative clerk read as follows: from the 102d through the 104th Congress; a reasonable hour. Senators should be A resolution (S. Res. 309) notifying the and aware that votes are possible today House of Representatives of the election of Whereas, through his exceptional service with respect to any other legislative Gary Lee Sisco of as Secretary of and professional integrity as an officer and items that are in the clearance process. the Senate. employee of the Senate of the United States, The distinguished Democratic leader Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- Kelly D. Johnston has earned the high es- and I will be talking about, hopefully, imous consent that the resolution be teem, confidence and trust of his associates and the Members of the Senate: Now, there- no longer controversial items that we considered, agreed to, and the motion fore, be it can move by unanimous consent. Of to reconsider be laid upon the table. Resolved, That the Senate recognizes the course, we will advise all our col- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- notable contributions of Kelly D. Johnston leagues. out objection, it is so ordered. to the Senate and to his country and ex- f The resolution (S. Res. 309) was con- presses to him its appreciation and gratitude sidered and agreed to, as follows: for faithful and outstanding service. ELECTING GARY LEE SISCO AS f SECRETARY OF THE SENATE S. RES. 309 Resolved, That the House of Representa- OUR NEW SECRETARY OF THE Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I send a tives be notified of the election of Gary Lee SENATE resolution to the desk electing Gary Sisco of Tennessee as Secretary of the Sen- Lee Sisco as Secretary of the Senate. ate. Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I appre- ciate the cooperation of the leadership The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The f clerk will report. for getting this confirmation in place. I The legislative clerk read as follows: ADMINISTRATION OF OATH TO think the Senators are aware the name A resolution (S. Res. 307) electing Gary Lee THE SECRETARY OF THE SENATE of KELLY JOHNSTON has been officially Sisco of Tennessee as Secretary of the Sen- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The received by the Senate to be appointed ate. new Secretary of the Senate, escorted to the Federal Election Commission, Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- by the Senators from Tennessee, will and we hope in the next couple of days imous consent that the resolution be present himself at the desk to take the final action will be taken on that nom- considered, agreed to, and the motion oath of office. ination. to reconsider be laid upon the table. The Honorable Gary Lee Sisco, es- I am very pleased and honored today The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- corted by the Senators from Tennessee, that we have confirmed Gary Lee Sisco out objection, it is so ordered. to be our new Secretary of the Senate. Mr. THOMPSON and Mr. FRIST, advanced The resolution (S. Res. 307) was con- to the desk of the President pro tem- I have known Gary for over 30 years. sidered and agreed to, as follows: pore; the oath prescribed by law was We were in college together. Even S. RES. 307 administered to him by the President though he is a Tennessean, he had the Resolved, That Gary Lee Sisco of Tennessee pro tempore. very great wisdom of attending the be and he is hereby elected Secretary of the [Applause, Senators rising.] University of Mississippi at Oxford. Senate. Mr. LOTT. Thank you, Mr. President. The Senators from Tennessee, FRED f THOMPSON and BILL FRIST, I know, are f NOTIFYING THE PRESIDENT OF very proud of this new Secretary of the THE UNITED STATES OF THE COMMENDING KELLY D. JOHNSTON Senate, but he did go to Ole Miss, and ELECTION OF GARY LEE SISCO FOR HIS SERVICE TO THE U.S. keep that in mind Thursday night. AS SECRETARY OF THE SENATE SENATE But Gary has been a close personal friend. I have admired him for his atti- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I send a Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I send a tude about Government, his family and resolution to the desk commending resolution to the desk notifying the his relationships with his friends and Kelly Johnston for his service to the President of the election of Gary Sisco his work and his businesses. He is an Senate. as Secretary of the Senate. outstanding human being. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The He was born in Belvidere, TN. He is clerk will report. clerk will report. married to the former Mary Sue Baylis The legislative clerk read as follows: The legislative clerk read as follows: Sisco of Pascagoula, MS, once again, A resolution (S. Res. 308) notifying the A resolution (S. Res. 310) commending showing his great wisdom. As a matter President of the United States of the elec- Kelly D. Johnston for his service to the U.S. of fact, my wife made the arrange- tion of Gary Lee Sisco of Tennessee as Sec- Senate. retary of the Senate. ments for the first blind date that Gary Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- had with Mary Sue. She is a beautiful Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- imous consent that the resolution be imous consent that the resolution be lady. They have three children: Ste- considered and agreed to, the preamble phen, 23; John, 21; and Mary Katherine, considered, agreed to, and the motion be agreed to, and the motion to recon- to reconsider be laid upon the table. 13. I know they are very proud of their sider be laid upon the table. father this morning, and they are hon- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- out objection, it is so ordered. ored that he would be recognized in out objection, it is so ordered. this way. The resolution (S. Res. 308) was con- The resolution (S. Res. 310) was sidered and agreed to, as follows: If I can take just a few moments to agreed to. give you some more information about S. RES. 308 The preamble was agreed to. Gary. After he attended the University Resolved, That the President of the United The resolution, with its preamble, is of Mississippi and received his bachelor States be notified of the election of Gary Lee as follows: Sisco of Tennessee as Secretary of the Sen- of science in civil engineering in 1967, S. RES. 310 ate. he also received a master of science in f Whereas, Kelly D. Johnston faithfully administration in September 1970 from served the Senate of the United States as George Washington University, and he NOTIFYING THE HOUSE OF REP- Secretary of the Senate during the 104th attended law school at night at the RESENTATIVES OF THE ELEC- Congress, and discharged the duties and re- University of Memphis. Gary is a cap- sponsibilities of that office with unfailing TION OF GARY LEE SISCO AS tain in the U.S. Army Reserves. SECRETARY OF THE SENATE dedication and a high degree of efficiency; and For the past several years, in Nash- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I send a Whereas, as an elected officer of the Sen- ville, Gary has been involved in real es- resolution to the desk notifying the ate and as an employee of the Senate and the tate management and sales. And before October 1, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S12047 that, he had a very distinguished Responsible for all staff operations of Con- Nashville City Bank—Young Executives’ record in Government. After he grad- gressman Beard in Washington and the Sixth Council. uated first, though, from college, he Congressional District of Tennessee. Nashville Entertainment Association— worked for IBM. He was on active duty December 1973 to January 1975: Lamar Al- Charter Member. exander for Governor, Box 1974, Nashville, Nashville Exchange Club—Member. in the Army, and then he started work- TN 37202—State Campaign Manager. Nashville Youth for Christ—Board Chair- ing in political campaigns, including, I Responsible for all of the gubernatorial man and Advisory Board Member. am sure, ’s campaigns. campaign activities of the campaign of Gov- Tennessee Council of Private Colleges— He was the campaign State chairman ernor Lamar Alexander for Governor in 1974 Blue Ribbon Commission. for Lamar Alexander when he ran for state-wide. Tennessee Real Estate Commission—Mem- Governor and was elected. He served as October 1971 to December 1973: United ber. administrative assistant to Congress- States Senator Howard Baker (R–Tenn), 2107 f man Robin Beard in the 1975–77 period. Dirksen Building, Washington, D.C. 20510— Executive Assistant. TRIBUTE TO KELLY JOHNSTON So he will understand and have a good Federal Building, Memphis, Tennessee— relationship with the House. Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I also want West Tennessee Field Director. to take a moment to thank again Kelly Then he also worked for the Senate Responsible initially of the Memphis Sen- in a position I think that is critical ate Office and subsequently for all staff oper- Johnston for his work over many years and will be very helpful to him in this ations of Senator Baker in Washington and for a lot of different Congressmen and new position. He was the executive as- the five offices in the State of Tennessee. Senators. I did not realize that he had sistant to former Senator Howard September 1970 to October 1971: IBM Cor- worked for so many different present Baker, giving him direct involvement poration, 1256 Union Avenue, Memphis, TN Members of the Senate, I think prob- 38104—Marketing Representative. and very and very active participation ably at least three over the years. He Marketing Representative and System En- has done a great job for Senators, like in the administration of a Senate office gineer—Data Processing Division. Respon- JON KYL. And, of course, he worked and understanding the way that that sible for the installation of computers for works. IBM in a variety of businesses in the Mem- with DON NICKLES. He has done an ex- So I am really pleased with this elec- phis area. cellent job as the Secretary of the Sen- tion. I know that Gary Sisco will make October 1968 to September 1970: United ate. us all proud as the Secretary of the States Army USAPERSINSCOM, The Penta- There are some vacancies at the Fed- Senate. So I congratulate him and wish gon Room, 1A885, Washington, D.C. 20510— eral Election Commission, very impor- Automatic Data Processing Project Officer. tant positions. Kelly has cleared the him well. And all I have to say is, ‘‘Go First Lieutenant, Adjutant Generals Corps, to work.’’ process you have to go through in Automatic Data Processing Project Officer, being investigated. We need to get him Gary, good luck to you. USA Personnel Information Systems Com- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- mand, The Pentagon. there because there are two vacancies sent that the re´sume´ of Gary Sisco be June 1967 to October 1968: IBM Corpora- at the present time, and at least one or printed in the RECORD. tion, 1256 Union Street, Memphis, TN 38104— two more that will be coming up in There being no objection, the mate- Systems Engineer Data Processing Division. April, and at a time when obviously rial was ordered to be printed in the EDUCATION the FEC is going to be the busiest that RECORD, as follows: Central High School, Bolivar, Tennessee— they perhaps have ever been. Re´sume´ Diploma, May 1963. But Kelly will put his great experi- GARY SISCO University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mis- ence in the Congress and the Govern- June 1, 1994 sissippi—Bachelor of Science in Civil Engi- ment and as the Secretary of the Sen- neering, June 1967. Address: 3833 Cleghorn Avenue, Suite 401, ate to use for all Senators and Con- George Washington University, Washing- gressmen, and will work very hard, I Nashville, TN 37215. ton, D.C.—Master of Science in Administra- Telephone: (615) 385–4384. tion, September 1970. know, to make sure that we have clean Fax: (615) 385–4752. The University of Memphis—Attended and honest and appropriate campaigns. Date of birth: October 1, 1945. So, Kelly, we thank you very much, Height: 5′10″. Night Law School. Weight: 175 lbs. MILITARY STATUS and we have been honored by your State of residence: Tennessee. Captain, U.S. Army Reserves, Classified presence. Spouse: Mary Sue Baylis Sisco of IV–A. Would the Senator from Oklahoma Pascagoula. like to add anything? We have done a Children: Stephen Knox Sisco, 23; John PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERSHIPS AND AFFILIATIONS resolution commending him already, in Cartee Sisco, 21; and Mary Katherine Sisco, case the Senator did not see it. Would 13. Bank of Germantown—Board of Directors. the Senator from Oklahoma like to add EXPERIENCE Baptist Health Care System—Board of Trustees and Executive Committee Member. anything? January 1993 to Present: Apartment Man- Baptist Hospital—Board of Trustees and Mr. NICKLES addressed the Chair. agement Corporation, 3833 Cleghorn Avenue Executive Committee Member. Suite 401, Nashville, TN 37215—President/ The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Baptist Properties, Inc.—Board of Trust- CEO. BROWN). The Senator from Oklahoma. Firm specializing in the brokerage and ees. Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, one, I management of apartment communities. Belmont College: An Agenda for Greatness want to compliment my colleague, the Dixon Springs Investment Company, 3833 Campaign—Chairman of Major Gifts Divi- sion. majority leader, and join him in con- Cleghorn Avenue, Suite 401, Nashville, TN gratulating Kelly Johnston for doing 37215—Shareholder. Boy Scouts of America—Chairman of Firm specializing in the investments of Large Gifts Division. an outstanding job as Secretary of the apartment communities. Education Corporation of America, Inc.— Senate. Secretary of the Senate is one January 1978 to January 1993: Town & Chairman of Executive Committee—Board of the highest positions that we have, Country Real Estate Companies, 3815 Member. maybe the highest nonelected position Cleghorn Avenue, Nashville, TN 37215— Governors Trade Mission to Shan Xi Prov- that we have serving Congress. Chairman/CEO. ince—People’s Republic of China—Delega- I have had the pleasure of knowing tion Member. Diversified Nashville based Real Estate Kelly Johnston from Chickasha, OK, firm with management, sales, development, Health Net—Employer Advisory Commit- insurance, and investment divisions. tee. for a long time. He was my executive April 1977 to January 1978: Elkington, Immanuel Baptist Church. director when I was the chairman of Keltner & Sisco, One Park Plaza, Nashville, Institute of Real Estate Management— the policy committee, the Republican TN 37209—Partner. Member. Policy Committee. He did an outstand- Partner in charge of the Nashville office of Japan-Southeast U.S. Trade Association— ing job in that capacity. And I had the this firm specializing in condominium and Member. pleasure of working with him on the association management with offices in Japan-Tennessee Society—Charter Mem- Senate Campaign Committee, and Nashville, Memphis and Knoxville. ber. January 1975 to April 1977: Congressman Leadership Nashville—Participant. watching him do very able leadership Robin Beard, U.S. House of Representatives, Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce— as the Secretary of the Senate. Washington, D.C. 20515—Administrative As- Member. On behalf of all Senators, I just want sistant. Nashville Board of Realtors—Member. to congratulate him for his service,