FAO Forestry Paper 120. Decline and Dieback of Trees and Forests
FAO Decline and diebackdieback FORESTRY of tretreess and forestsforests PAPER 120 A globalgIoia overviewoverview by William M. CieslaCiesla FADFAO Forest Resources DivisionDivision and Edwin DonaubauerDonaubauer Federal Forest Research CentreCentre Vienna, Austria Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, 19941994 The designations employedemployed and the presentation of material inin thisthis publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever onon the part ofof thethe FoodFood andand AgricultureAgriculture OrganizationOrganization ofof thethe UnitedUnited Nations concerning the legallega! status ofof anyany country,country, territory,territory, citycity oror area or of itsits authorities,authorities, oror concerningconcerning thethe delimitationdelimitation ofof itsits frontiers or boundarboundaries.ies. M-34M-34 ISBN 92-5-103502-492-5-103502-4 All rights reserved. No part of this publicationpublication may be reproduced,reproduced, stored in aa retrieval system, or transmittedtransmitted inin any form or by any means, electronic, mechani-mechani cal, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyrightownecopyright owner.r. Applications for such permission, withwith aa statement of the purpose andand extentextent ofof the reproduction,reproduction, should bebe addressed toto thethe Director,Director, Publications Division,Division, FoodFood andand Agriculture Organization ofof the United Nations,Nations, VVialeiale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.Italy. 0© FAO FAO 19941994
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