Coulsdon Draft Masterplan Consultation Log
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COULSDON DRAFT MASTERPLAN CONSULTATION LOG REF NAME THEME SECTION PAGE COMMENT RESPONSE CHANGE REQ DETAIL OF CHANGE The Council Tax return for 650 Band D & E dwellings will result in Croydon council receiving approx 1.2 - 1.5 million pounds extra per annum. Can this money be used to improve the local facilities like a Coulsdon Library that will be open for 5 days per week or even support local police dog handlers and kennlstaff. Or, will it be used to provide We cannot confirm the level of council that will be collected as the number and size brand new furniture at Whetherill Palace (the new Council Office), at of units is not yet know. Council tax wil be spent in accordancw with the council's 199.4 H C Taylor Misc Cane Hill our expense? budget for that year. No N/A Lack of recognition that the development will impact areas outside Coulsdon and Croydon borough - I have searched the most recent Masterplan documents dated 5 February 2013 and 7 February 2013 and can find no reference to the village of Chipstead, the borough of Reigate and Banstead or the county of Surrey all of which abut the proposed development site. I find these omissions strange given that there is a whole section (2.9) devoted to the Green Belt and so am concerned that little or no consideration has been given to the impact of the development on Coulsdon's and Cane Hill's immediate The Masterplan area is defined and all within the Borough and all neghbouring 237.5 Phillip Barleggs Misc neighbours. authorities are consulted. No N/A I note that, within the Masterplan, is a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). If this analysis is supposed to relate only to the reddevelopment project itself it appears to me that a number of the so called strengths are in fact simple observations ("Its location at the point where two valleys converge gives it a unique topography") or are unspecific as to where benefits manifest themselves ("Lots of potential development sites with Cane Hill providing a significant opportunity"). I would also point out that the strengths in the document despite their unspecific nature are still outnumbered by the Weaknesses stated. The Threats section references the concern that the scale of the development may harm Coulsdon. It would surely have been appropriate to include reference that the development is also like to have a simultaneous detrimental The SWOT analysis covers the whole masterplan area and not just the 237.6 Phillip Barleggs Misc SWOT impact on areas beyond Coulsdon. redevelopment project you refer to. No N/A We are writing this as residents of Chipstead Village, obviously the most proximate built-up area to the proposed Cane Hill development. Chipstead has a serious disadvantage however, as it is located in the Borough of Reigate & Banstead , whereas only 300 yards distant from the boundaries is the beginning of the proposed development, which is actually in the Borough of Croydon. Planning thinking is therefore entirely based on the Croydon administration, with very little regard for The Masterplan area is entirely within the London Borough of Croydon and all 248.1 J & P K Ambler Misc Cane Hill the ancient Chipstead Village., which adjoins what is proposed. neighbouring authorities are consulted on the Masterplan document. No N/A On the Cane Hill site, there should be provision for allotments, created as statutory allotment land, so that they cannot be taken away at a The development will include public open space but the specific nature of this is not 273.7 David Ackland Misc Cane Hill page 108 later date at the whim/greed of the landowner. yet known and is a matter for the planning application. No N/A We also note that the Lion Green illustrative Land Ownership Plan on page 100 of the Draft Masterplan identifies Sainsury's as the landowner of the site currently occupied by Coulsdon Delivery Office. Please be advised that Royal Mail's present landlords are Telereal Trillium, we formally request that the draft Lion Green Illustrative Land Ownership An up to date land registery search has been undertaken and no amendment is 287.5 Royal Mail Group Misc Lion Green Road Car Park Plan is updated to reflect this. necessary to the land owndership plan. No N/A The development would take up quite a lot of natural area, and the The level and scale of development will be subject to planning policy. Additionally local "green spaces" would be greatly missed by local residents and the the masterplan proposes a number of new public spaces and creating a network of 294.3 Julie Chatelier Misc local wildlife. public paths through in order to access the Green Belt. No N/A Amend map on page 34: The additional Council Tax and Business Rate contributions expected from allowing this development must be used to enhance the local We do not yet know the full extent of the size and number of dwellings and therefore 1) Change 'Primary vehicular route' designation on Portnalls environment and not blight existing residents and their investment. I do do not know what Council tax and business Rates will be collected. Expenditure of Road to 'Secondary vehicular route'. not believe that the current plan's vehicle access proposals contributions will be in line with the Council's budget for that year. See response to demonstrate that considered thought has been made to reflect the representations no. 8.1 regarding vehicle access proposals for Cane Hill and no. 12.2 2) Amend 'Potential secondary vehicular route' on key to read 301.10 Nick J Foulser Misc Cane Hill effects upon the local residents nor the local area. regarding Transport Assessments for new development.. Yes 'Secondary vehicular route'. The Anglo-Saxon? Skeleton(s) found in Lion Green car park mean that a thorough investigation should be undertaken before any activity takes place in the car park or its environs. I have not seen this mentioned at 46.1 Stephen Barker Archaeology all in the masterplan. An assessment will be undertaken as part of the application process. No N/A COULSDON DRAFT MASTERPLAN CONSULTATION LOG REF NAME THEME SECTION PAGE COMMENT RESPONSE CHANGE REQ DETAIL OF CHANGE My suggestions would be: improve the safety of vehicle access; improve the signage for The Lanes (possibly even giving them names); provide some interpretation boards re the history of the old green; possibly some CCTV to protect these boards, and any expected new enterprises, and generally increase confidence there. Encourage and allow private enterprise to add activity to the rear of premises - Frames Snooker already has an outdoor seating/smoking area. Perhaps a competition with a modest funded prize, or a sponsor's prize, for the best private enterprise proposal to draw footfall to The Lanes. I note The objective of improving the lanes is supported by the Masterplan and because of Lion Green Network of some of the rear elevations around the old green are very ugly, and the fragmented ownership of the area. Improvements will come forward 179.2 David Hoole Character Lanes C4 what if the refuse problems on public and private land remain? incrementally and at that point will determine what can be provided. No N/A CIL monies from developments in the town centre and on the Cane Hill Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) will be collected from developments in site should be used to improve local infrastructure and town centre Coulsdon and the Council will assign CIL income to infrastructure types and projects improvements that benefit the local community. These should include: as set out by the Council’s CIL Regulation 123 and critical and necessary projects new combined community centre (CALAT centre and library with rooms included the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and the Council’s Capital Programme will be and halls; updated medical facilities with surgeries and clinics; provision prioritised. The borough’s CIL is not ring fenced, but it is acknowledged the Places towards step free access to Coulsdon South Station; facilities for the with greatest growth will need CIL investment. Furthermore, the local community young such as a skate park and fishing lake; public art on the Cane Hill will have the ability to assign their CIL local meaningful proportion to infrastructure site and the town centre; improved facilities for the local scout groups; types and projects they feel are worthy of support. improved leisure facilities; improved CCTV in the town centre; 28.14 The East Coulson R A CIL improved car parking. No N/A Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) will be collected from developments in Coulsdon and the Council will assign CIL income to infrastructure types and projects as set out by the Council’s CIL Regulation 123 and critical and necessary projects What is being given back to the community as a result of all the included the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and the Council’s Capital Programme will be upheaval, increased pressure on local services and increased prioritised. The borough’s CIL is not ring fenced, but it is acknowledged the Places congestion that will occur. The only sop to the existing populace that with greatest growth will need CIL investment. Furthermore, the local community we have been made aware of is a planned medical centre - big deal. will have the ability to assign their CIL local meaningful proportion to infrastructure This hardly constitutes fulfilling the strategic objective of improved types and projects they feel are worthy of support. 157.8 Anthony Smith CIL leisure facilities. No N/A In this light (see ref 176.5) it is interesting to see what Barratt has said in the past to get what was originally agreed by them under a 106 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) will be collected from developments in agreement in the Brixon area changed: Coulsdon and the Council will assign CIL income to infrastructure types and projects as set out by the Council’s CIL Regulation 123 and critical and necessary projects barratt-homes-brixton-square/7146 this shows that whatever may be included the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and the Council’s Capital Programme will be agreed now with Barratt, if the economic climate does not improve or prioritised.