Extensions of Remarks E273 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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February 28, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E273 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING THE CARTHAGE Dennis McLaughlin, Benny Mitchell, Mike Mor- Chesbro served for years in the Humboldt BULLDOGS FOR WINNING THE gan, Jay Malone, Charlie Tucker, Jim County Board of Supervisors, the California In- TEXAS 3A DIVISION I FOOTBALL Milstead, and Stephen Luman; the Junior High tegrated Waste Management Board, the State CHAMPIONSHIP Coaches Paul Bishop, Brian Caver, Jeff Grif- Senate, and in the State Assembly. In addition fin, Brian Stacy, and Damon Roberts; Athletic to his decades in elected office, HON. LOUIE GOHMERT Trainer Dustin Swaim; and Student Assistants Assemblymember Chesbro left an impact on OF TEXAS Mason Brittain, Kyla Burd, David Johnson, his community as the co-founder of the Arcata IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nicholle Moore, Cynthia Puente, Hannah Tay- Community Recycling Center and later the lor, Sydnee Taylor, and Sarai Vassar; and Northcoast Environmental Center. Friday, February 28, 2014 Athletic Secretary Mamie Vanover. As a member of the California State Senate, Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, it is a great And of course, we pay tribute to the cham- Assemblymember Chesbro authored legisla- honor to have a number of outstanding foot- pionship team consisting of Jakeldric Jackson, tion to fund rural community clinics, protect ball programs well established within the First Dylan Possoit, Keldrean Strong, Blake California’s natural resources, provide housing District of Texas. To have two tremendous Bogenschutz, Terian Goree, Jeremy Matlock, for individuals with special needs, and ensure east Texas teams as the last ones standing, O’keeron Rutherford, Clark Neuman, Kirston rural law enforcement agencies are fully fund- battling it out for a state championship title, Ingram, Troy Davis, Roberto Jimenez, Trevor ed. More recently, in the Assembly, makes me all the more proud as their Rep- Cooper, Jarod Blissett, Ross Barron, Tevin Assemblymember Chesbro has successfully resentative in Washington, D.C. Pipkin, Christian Allison, Micah Templeton, introduced legislation to promote recycling Today, we stand to recognize and congratu- Jordan Romero, Juston Clough, Tredarion statewide, support local breweries, preserve late the Carthage Bulldogs on a stellar high Jackson, Bryian Bolton, Ty Jones, Tra’Kareon forests, and protect marine mammals. school football season in 2013 which cul- Leary, James Marshall, D’Vodney Brooks, Mr. Speaker, it is fitting and proper that we minated with their claiming the Texas State Jace Zett, Johnathan Brown, Ronald honor Wesley Chesbro upon his retirement for 3A—Division I Championship over the pre- Mayweather, Javontay Brown, Christopher his work in representing the North Coast, pro- viously undefeated Kilgore Bulldogs, also an Howard, De’Arreus Hearn, Rafael Hernandez, tecting its resources, and championing its peo- extraordinarily talented group of young men Gilbert Perez, Travis Phillips, Jimmy Gon- ple. We express our deep appreciation for his who were playing in their second state title zalez, Seth Ward, Kiiron Lewis, Jonthan Sells, service, and convey our best wishes for his match in school history. Ravodney Hardy, Kedrick Henderson, Cade long and happy retirement with his wife Cindy As a result of extraordinary teamwork and Clinton, Garrett Harvey, Branton Halcumb, and his children Alan and Collin. athletic prowess, these two east Texas power- Bryce Rickert, Mario McCain, Braden Russell, f house teams faced off in what became known Micah Johnson, Hunter Hutto, Nolan Griffin, NATIONAL EATING DISORDER as the ‘‘Bulldog Bowl.’’ This canine clash Akashdeep Singh, Devon Nitzschke, TC Bry- AWARENESS WEEK came just one year after both teams were de- ant, Jonathon Rayson, Griffin Bankhead, feated in the state semifinals. More than Trevor Broadway, Brandon Carlson, Adrian 17,000 fans packed the stadium the week be- Goodacre, Dillon Husar, Cristian Jimenez, HON. PATRICK MEEHAN fore Christmas to witness this battle to deter- Jarrod McLin, Cagan Baldree, Leonard Max- OF PENNSYLVANIA mine who would be ‘‘top dawg’’ in the state of well, Marquise Guinn, Ja’Marcus Roberson, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Texas for 2013. The 34–23 victory secured and Tavorin Pellum. Friday, February 28, 2014 the Carthage Bulldogs’ fourth state champion- May God continue to bless these young Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ship trophy since 2008, the team having cap- people, their families, friends, and all those in- recognize National Eating Disorder Awareness tured three straight state titles from 2008 to dividuals who refer to Carthage as home. It is Week. The Renfrew Center in Philadelphia, 2010. my most esteemed honor to congratulate the Pennsylvania, has been a leader in the edu- The Carthage Bulldogs’ 2013 championship 2013 State Champion Carthage Bulldogs and cation on eating disorders and the treatment success is a testament to superb coaching, as everyone involved with this endeavor, as their of women since 1985. Its clinical excellence well as a tribute to the players and all who as- legacy is now recorded in the CONGRESSIONAL and supportive environment has empowered sisted them along the way. Such champion- RECORD that will endure as long as there is a women to change their lives. ships do not come without extensive year- United States of America. More than 8 million people in the United round preparation of everyone involved, the f States suffer from eating disorders. Nearly half coaches’ tireless groundwork, unrivaled dis- of all Americans personally know someone cipline & selfless teamwork of players and HONORING WESLEY CHESBRO with an eating disorder. Unfortunately only one staff, enthusiastic support and unwavering en- in 10 people with an eating disorder receive couragement from family, friends and fans, all HON. JARED HUFFMAN treatment for their disease. fueled by a dogged determination to reach the OF CALIFORNIA The theme of this year’s National Eating highest goal achievable in Texas football. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Disorder Awareness Week is ‘‘I Had No Idea.’’ The lessons learned about teamwork and Since symptoms can be different for everyone, Friday, February 28, 2014 discipline will undoubtedly improve every par- it’s not always easy for friends and families to ticipant’s life in immeasurable ways. These Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today tell when a loved one is suffering from bulimia same lessons should help boost every player, with my colleague, MIKE THOMPSON, to recog- or anorexia. For someone suffering from one coach, and supporter through the knowledge nize California Assemblymember Wesley of these diseases, it can take over their life. that potential obstacles that lie ahead in life Chesbro, who will be retiring November 30, The Renfrew Center is the nation’s first resi- can be overcome with championship capa- 2014 after 34 years of public service. dential eating disorder facility. Renfrew has bility. Assemblymember Chesbro has an illustrious helped more than 65,000 women with eating Congratulations to Superintendent Dr. Glenn record of serving the North Coast as an envi- disorders and other behavioral health issues in Hambrick, Principal Otis Amy, Assistant Prin- ronmental champion, public servant and com- their 13 locations around the country. Renfrew cipals Pat Browning and Wade Watson, along munity leader. He has devoted his career to offers help to women suffering from bulimia, with the entire athletic staff including Athletic protecting the North Coast’s tremendous nat- anorexia, binge eating disorder, and related Director and Head Football Coach Scott ural resources, advocating for underserved health problems. Renfrew empowers women Surratt, Assistant Coaches Chris Smith, populations, and promoting the communities with the tools they need to succeed in their re- Darren Preston, Andre Granger, Chris and businesses that call this region home. covery and in their lives. Cloninger, Clint Endsley, Matt Folmar, John Beginning his public service career in the The stigma that comes with suffering eating Goodwin, Brandon Hargers, Ryan Marion, Arcata City Council, Assemblymember disorders can often lead to other illnesses ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:11 Mar 01, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K28FE8.001 E28FEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2014 both physical and mental, and sufferers need tion upon the occasion of her retirement. Alice and gas stoves are sources of carbon mon- and deserve the strong support of their family, is a true American patriot with over 38 com- oxide. A leak or improper use of these appli- friends, colleagues and health professionals. bined years of supporting Military members ances can be fatal. This is where Renfrew excels, and I am grate- and families. However, carbon monoxide detectors are an ful for the staff and supporters of The Renfrew Since September 2001, Mrs. Geishecker incredible weapon in our fight against carbon Center for their dedication to this important ef- served as a Congressional Liaison Represent- monoxide poisoning. These detectors, which fort. ative with the United States Air Force House cost as low as $15, are designed to alert peo- Mr. Speaker, I thank the Renfrew