2015-16 Student-Athlete HANDBOOK

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2015-16 Student-Athlete HANDBOOK ALBEMARLE 2015-16 Student-Athlete HANDBOOK Home of the PATRIOTS Albemarle High School Athletic Department “Pursuing Victory with Honor” A Guide for AHS student-athletes and their parents Welcome to the Albemarle Athletic Department INTRODUCTION The purpose of this handbook is to give student-athletes and other interested persons a guide to the general operation of the interscholastic athletic program at Albemarle High School and Albemarle County. A student who has earned the privilege to participate in athletics is voluntarily making a choice of self-discipline and sacrifice. This concept of self-discipline and sacrifice is accepting the responsibility to understand and follow the rules, regulations, policies and procedures established by the Albemarle County School Board, the Albemarle Athletic Department and the Albemarle coaching staff. In turn, we have the responsibility to positively lead in a manner that promotes and models personal development, fosters teamwork and teaches important life skills. Successfully meeting these conditions requires responsible behavior, open communication and personal accountability from each of us; student-athletes, coaches and parents. ATHLETIC GOALS OF ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL The philosophy of athletics in the Albemarle Athletic Department considers athletics to be an integral part of the school’s educational program. Our goal is to provide positive experiences that will enhance and challenge our student-athletes physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. We strive to develop a high level of competition without losing sight of sportsmanship, personal responsibility, academic success and leadership while appreciating all of the values the come with being a member of your team. CLOSING COMMENTS This is a special time in your life and your high school years will pass by quickly. Parents, athletes, coaches, teachers and administrators are on the same team together. We each play a role in making the Albemarle Athletic experience a positive one filled with wonderful memories and lifelong friendships. It is imperative that we work openly and positively together, whether we are faced with problem solving or celebrating successes! The strength of this relationship is the anchor in making our athletic department stronger and your experience more fulfilling. Thank you for your support and commitment in assisting each of us to be our best! It is our hope that you will always be proud to be an Albemarle Patriot! Respectfully submitted, Deb Tyson Albemarle Athletic Director VIRGINIA HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE (VHSL) The Virginia High School League (VHSL) is an organization of public high schools in Virginia. The league seeks to encourage student participation in desirable school activities by conducting or supporting programs of interscholastic activities. VHSL was developed in 1913 and is located here in Charlottesville. It publishes annually a code of rules for all VHSL activities in the state. Albemarle High School Patriots Athletic Department: #434-974-4308 FAX: #434-974-4316 Website: http://schoolcenter.k12albemarle.org Mr. Jay Thomas - Principal ([email protected]) Deb Tyson - Athletic Director ([email protected]) Greg Maynard – Ass’t Site Supervisor ([email protected]) Ola Ann Perry- Administrative Assistant ([email protected]) Stacy Schurr, ATC [email protected]) - Athletic Trainer Albemarle Athletic Teams & Coaching Staff BOYS GIRLS FALL PRACTICE STARTS: Monday, Aug 3 (All Sports); Except FB – July 31 Head Cross Country - TBA Head Cross Country - Cathy Coffman Asst. Cross Country – Adrian Lorenzoni Asst. Cross Country – Shelley Knewstep-Watkins, Christine Thomas Head Football – Brandon Isaiah Head Field Hockey – Katie Robinson Ass’t Matthew Hicks, Jeff Wiley and Wendell Green, Ass’t Brittany Mceleny, Anna Karnaze Chris Black, John Garwell Head Volleyball – Mark Ragland Asst. Volleyball – Sarah Woods Ryan Schuett, Kara Elder, Mike Prudencio Head Golf – Greg Maynard Head Cheerleading – Jen Lamb Asst. Cheerleading – Roxie Mulford, Jennifer Dotson, Samantha Brandi Tony Jordan WINTER: PRACTICE STARTS: Monday, November 9 Head Basketball - Greg Maynard Head Basketball – Rachael Proudfoot Ass’t Basketball - Eric Wilson, Mark Wilson, Asst Basketball – Tammy Winterton, Tony Franklin, Ryan Woodfolk, Tremaine Wilson, Marcus Wilson Amy Sherrill, Kristen Thornhill Indoor Track – Brian Nagel Indoor Track – Brian Nagel Ass’t Indoor Track - Adrian Lorenzoni, Ass’t Indoor Track - Adrian Lorenzoni Swimming – TBD Swimming – TBD Ass’t Swimming – Abigail Kirkham Ass’t Swimming –Abigail Kirkham Head Wrestling – Phillip Plowman Asst. Wrestling – Will Everett, John Page, Cale Coryell SPRING Practice Starting Date: Monday, February 22 Head Baseball – Jimmy Bibb Head Softball – Charlie Scott Asst. Baseball - Lloyd Evans, Darren Lynch, Jeff Willy, Asst. Softball – Sue Vidano, Britt Lindemann Charlie Morris Jonathan Scott, Marcy Browden Head Soccer – Jeff Balnave Head Soccer – Amy Sherrill Asst. Soccer - Scott Jackson, Bob Warren Asst. Soccer – Pat Reilly, Anne Whitmore Head Lacrosse – David King Head Lacrosse – Lauren Thraves Asst. Lacrosse – Todd Brown, Malcolm Meistrell, Rick Ramey Asst. Lacrosse –Mackenzie Sloan, Kristen Thornhill, Kathryn Stiltz Head Outdoor Track – Tony Franklin Head Outdoor Track – Tony Franklin Asst. Track – Brain Nagel, Adrien Lorenzoni Asst. Track – Brain Nagel, Adrien Lorenzoni Brenna Johnston, Brenna Johnston Head Tennis – Chip Grobmyer Head Tennis – Rich Lindsey Asst. Tennis – Pete Gallagher Asst. Tennis – Ian Lyons Albemarle Patriot Pride ...get on board The Albemarle Athletic Department believes in “Pursuing Victory with Honor” and all that it represents. We take the responsibility of promoting and enforcing positive sportsmanship very seriously. It is our goal to create a climate that is fun, safe and healthy for all who attend and participate. Please be reminded that it is a privilege, not a right, to be an Albemarle student-athlete, an Albemarle coach or a parent of an Albemarle student-athlete. Each of us have a responsibility to represent our school and our families with class and respectfulness. Your choice of language, actions and interactions with our own team, our opponents, our guests and officials are a reflection of that commitment. This requires positive role modeling characterized by self-control, accountability and ethical conduct. HIGH 5’S for: 1. Positive school yells and cheers in a respectful manner. 2. Encouraging those fans around you to join in displaying sportsmanlike conduct. 3. Applaud during the introduction of players, coaches and officials and at the end of a contest for all performances from all participants. 4. Respectfully responding to decision of officials. 5. Shaking hands with all participants and coaches at the end of the contest, regardless of the outcome. THUMBS DOWN for: 1. Booing or heckling an official, coach, player or cheerleader. 2. Blaming the loss of a game on officials, coaches and participants. 3. Using profanity or displaying anger that draws attention away from the game. 4. Yelling in a disrespectful manner or to antagonize opponents or officials. 5. Refusing to shake hands or give recognition for good performances. THANK YOU for being on board with OUR very important mission. Albemarle Sportsmanship and Code of Ethics Coaches, athletes, parents and fans are expected to display respect, courtesy and strong character towards each other. Good sportsmanship is the clearest expression of our morals and commitment to all that is fair and good in sports. Represent your school and family with class. Each of us set the tone. Contribute to the true spirit of athletics. It is the ultimate goal of the Albemarle Athletic Department to exemplify positive sportsmanship behavior at all times. This requires a united effort from our staff, student-athletes, parents and spectators. As a member of the VHSL and the Albemarle athletic community, each of us have a responsibility to encourage and insist upon high standards. This responsibility lies with each of us. Should there be any action on the part of our student-athletes or spectators that counteracts our goal, please know that the VHSL, the AHS administration and the AHS coaching staff reserve the right to mandate appropriate consequences in order to insure a safe and positive athletic climate for all. (1) Be COURTEOUS TO ALL participants, coaches, officials, staff and fans. DESIRABLE BEHAVIOR: Applause during introductions, shaking hands of opponents, showing concern for an injured player, extending hospitality to visiting players, coaches, cheerleaders and fans. (2) Know the rules, abide by and respect the officials’ decisions. DESIRABLE BEHAVIOR: Utilizing every opportunity to promote understanding of the rules of the contest with the school and community; accept the official’s decisions without displays of temper, arguing or derogatory remarks. (3) Win with character and lose with dignity. DESIRABLE BEHAVIOR: Regardless of outcome, exchange of handshakes between opposing players and coaches; treating competition as a game, not a war; applaud at end of contest for performance of all players, not just your own. (4) Exercise self-control and reflect positively upon yourself, your team and the Albemarle Patriots. DESIRABLE BEHAVIOR: Supporting the activity by displaying TOTAL UNITY as fans; as opposed to boasting and using antics which draw attention to yourself instead of the contest. (5) Permit only positive sportsmanlike behavior to reflect on AHS and our programs. DESIRABLE
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