Ashley English | 176 pages | 16 Aug 2012 | Lark Books,U.S. | 9781454702863 | English | Asheville, United States A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies | Eat Your Books

I can say that is a real beaut filled with a delicious recipes that I am looking forward to trying as the seasons progress. Any winter day would be made better by the Maple Orange . Automatically add future editions to my Bookshelf. Categories: Egg dishes; Main course; Winter Ingredients: collard greens; chicken stock; eggs; heavy cream; cheddar cheese; hot sauce; cornmeal; malt vinegar. A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies about this book This book does not currently have any notes. Reviews about this book Lottie and Doof I can say that is a real beaut filled with a delicious recipes that I am looking forward to trying as the seasons progress. Food in Jars How about recipes for 60 delicious pies and tarts from cooking maven Ashley English and top food bloggers like Beatrice Peltre, Aran Goyoaga and Jessie Oleson? A Basics section offers six piecrust recipes, troubleshooting tips and advice on selecting seasonal ingredients. Member Rating Average rating of 0 by 0 people. Request Eat Your Books to Index this book. Your request will be added to the indexing chart. Request EYB to Index. I would like to Index this book myself. If you index this book, your free Bookshelf limit will increase by one. Request to Index. Your request has been submitted. EYB will contact you soon. Add Magazine to Bookshelf. Click here to add past issues of the magazine to your Bookshelf. Add to Bookshelf Cancel. Already a Member? Sign In Email or Username. Keep me Signed In. New here? Your cookbooks become searchable Your magazines become A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies Save online recipes in one place Chat with other cookbook lovers. And you have a search engine for ALL your recipes! Save online recipes in one place Your cookbooks become searchable Your magazines become searchable Add personal recipes. Add Bookmark. Bookmark List. Add New. Note Make this a personal note. Save Cancel. Only 5 books can be added to your Bookshelf. Upgrade your account now and start adding more! A Year of Homemade Pies Recipes for Every Season

Note: This giveaway has ended. Or, you simply might know Ashley English a the author A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies the blog Small Measure. I had initially been sent a single copy of the book to use as a giveaway, but after A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies the pages with my drool reading the book like a grown-up, I decided that there was no way I was giving this book away, and I would need a separate copy for a giveaway. Luckily, an extra copy autographed no less! This beautiful cookbook is destined to become A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies go-to resource for all things pie. I will randomly choose a winner at 9 P. Pacific time on Friday, August My favorite pie is homemade . Good luck, happy pie baking and a big thank you to Lark Books for mailing out an extra book to one particularly selfish blogger! Graham cracker crust, brown sugar sprinkled on the bottom, then crush blackberries into melted chocolate and pour into the pie. I add a little salt in the mix — just a pinch — to take the edge off of the chocolate. My favorite pie is pecan. I was born in Mississippi on an Air Force Base. There we pecan trees on the base and we would go and shake the trees and pick up the pecans. We would have bags of pecans for my mom. Great memories. Chocolate Angel Pie is my favorite. It has a baked meringue crust and the filling is whipped cream, melted chocolate, and a pinch of salt. The pie chills in the refrig for an hour or two and then we devour it. We celebrate birthdays with this pie instead of cake. No, pumpkin! Put the blackberries on the bottom, and the juice bubbles up and dyes the apples a gorgeous deep pink. OH my oh my do I love pie! It reads like a story book and has recipes too. Imposssible to find—I planted two gooseberry bushes so I could make my own pies. It has a little lemon zest and nutmeg. But, I am picky about my pie. I cannot get store bought pie past my lips. I love sitting, staring, waiting for inspiration. I look like quite the space cadet to anyone who walks past when I am dreaming up a pie. My favorite pie is one that ends up being a day dream come true. To pull a dream pie out of the oven and see people enjoy it as much as I enjoyed dreaming it and making it is definitely my most favorite pie. I think I will go make one now! Perhaps a …. Here A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies the UK, I eat different types of pie, chicken and leek pie, fish pie, steak pie…so slightly different to sweet pies. I love eating and make a mean pastry! Or sweet potato, or blueberry, or chess, or or or. My favorite pie is homemade coconut …starting with the fresh coconut, egg custard and lard crust, yum yum! Not a fan of Coconut though! I would love to read the pie book too. Pie makes everyone happy too. My favorite is homemade with vanilla ice cream — yum! I would love a copy of this cookbook! I love me a … something fierce. And, ooo, Tollhouse Cookie Pie. What a beautiful book! Yay Reese! Until I went to Hawaii…. Last year living on the Big Island of Hawaii I was introduced to an entirely different type of Sweet Potato Pie, made from Hawaiian Purple Sweet Potatoes and topped with a creamy coconut topping, called Haupia that is slightly sweet and just barely thicker than Meringue. My taste buds didnt know what to do… My brain had been challenged and I felt like an unfaithful spouse. Sweet potato is still my favorite… I love both recipes… almost equally. Nothing better! is my favorite!! Your basic apple pie baked with NY State apples! I love Strawberry-. It reminds me of when I was growing up and my Grandma would make it! Any sort of pie with blackberries in it… blackberries and raspberries together? Even better! Oh crud. Hard question. Lemon I guess. Nothing beats a homemade ! Fortunately, the two pecan trees in my yard make this a frequent dessert in my home. Homemade huckleberry with ice cream — but we have to wait til the fires are out to go pick more huckleberries! My favorite pie is Key Lime. Coconut Cream Pie has to be my all time favorite, with Strawberry-Rhubarb coming in second! Thank you Katy, for inspiring me to reconsider purchases ever since I saw your television appearance! OH my gosh, picking a favorite pie is so difficult!!! My Grandma made a mincemeat pie, only at Thanksgiving, which possibly is why this has been added to my favorite list!! Impossible to choose just one favorite! I also love apple and blueberry. Not the old fashioned kind made out of actual meat, but the raisin, apple, and cinnamon version! Love all things pie! I just cannot beat it! Got turned on to your site from your Today appearance. In the spring and summer I love any pie made with berries in season. But in the winter I love chocolate caramel peacan pies. I have two — pecan pie made with DARK karo syrup and the pecans throughout the whole pie not just a stingy layer on top and chocolate cream pie. Both make me drool like pavlovs dog just thinking about them. OH my PIE!!! But what about savory pies as in chicken ? Nancy Settel. Pumpkin or butternut! Most any kind of fruit pie is good in my book, but if forced to choose it A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies have to be peach. Or raspberry. Apple pie. I go to the store and buy 2 of each kind of apple, since I am not really sure which ones are the best for pies. This makes a delicious apple pie. Egg custard pie! Or coconut custard. Or pumpkin. Or chocolate icebox pie. Pear pie! Crumbly topping like a French apple pie, but with tender, sweet A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies inside. A nicely unexpected choice at Thanksgiving. I am delurking for pie! My favorite is strawberry blueberry! Or blueberry pear. Ok, anything with blueberries really. A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies - Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. What's better than pie? How about recipes for 60 delicious pies and tarts from cooking maven Ashley English and top food bloggers like Beatrice Peltre, Aran Goyoaga, and Jessie Oleson? A Basics section offers six piecrust recipes, troubleshooting tips, and advice on selecting seasonal ingredients. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about A Year of Piesplease sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Oct 09, Sarah Jean rated it really liked it. There are several typos in this book as well as pictures that don't match up with the recipe as written, which makes me wary of the recipes. But the recipes themselves are intriguing, and there are about 3 dozen I'm interested in trying. I was impressed by how many savory pies are in this book. Sep 19, Qianna rated it it was amazing. Who doesn't love pies? There are a few recipes that I found very interesting. Makes a great quiche!!! Most of these pie recipes seem pretty simple to make once you get the crust out of the way. I can barely pronounce this one but it looks soooo good! For those of you Who doesn't love pies? For those of you who love to cook or want to cook something new check this book out and it's many recipes! Happy Cooking Yall! Jun 03, Janine Ro rated it it was amazing Shelves: cookbooks. I love this pie book! I tried the key lime pie recipe first, which was a A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies hit for 2 occasions and easy to do. Most recently, I made the mushroom galette, which is seriously delicious. I read the whole book cover to cover. The book is beautifully made, with glossy pages and large page-size images. The book size is just right, too! One downside: the frozen recipe isn't practical--you can't really keep it frozen or it becomes so hard that it's inedible. A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies have to time it right i I love this pie book! You have to time it right in order to eat it. A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies think you'd have to make it for a party, freeze it for a few hours, and then serve all of it. It doesn't do too well as leftovers after that. Still give this 5 stars and recommend it. Thanks, author and publishing team, for this beautiful, keeper of a pie book! Jun 28, Jordan rated it really liked it. Overall great recipe book. I knocked off a star because the Minty Chocolate Cream Pie recipe has ruined several events. Every time the filling is more liquid after chilling for several hours than when it was removed from the stovetop. Jul 23, Kimberly rated it liked it. Nice collection of recipes, with a very wide variety of pies. Very nice color pictures and illustrations, although some of the pictures were not of the finished product. A few of the recipes were simple enough that I might try. The rest were just nice to look at and the types of things I would order at a restaurant but not try to make myself. Dec 17, SK rated it really liked it. I love Ashley English's work and this book is great-- some of my favorite recipes so far are the Brown Sugar and the Cranberry Mince tart. I took off one star because I had issues with two of the citrus recipes I've tried and I've tried them both more than once. The filling did not set up in both. But still delicious! Dec 16, Lynnette Ivey rated it it was amazing. The pie crust recipe is reason enough to get this incredibly informative book all about pies! Dec 21, Jessamy rated it it was amazing. Damn fine crust. I'm here. Nov 19, Elaine rated it it was amazing Shelves: wishlist. Still, who could pass up the wonderful recipes contained in this slim attractive volume? This beautifully laid out book is divided into five categories - the pre-baking stuff about equipment you're need and the standard pie crusts, Spring, Sum Title: A Year of Pies Author: Ashley English Genre: Nonfiction, Cookbook, Seasonal, Pies Plot: I discovered this delicious book at a local library this past summer and checked it out again to prepare for Thanksgiving, even though I don't usually make the pies. This beautifully laid out book is divided into five categories - the pre-baking stuff about equipment you're need and the standard pie crusts, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Each seasonal section features the fruits and vegetables in season and which you then turn into delectable pies and tarts. Each recipe is accompanied by a lovely picture and very clear easy to follow instructions. Several recipes caught my eye and made me drool just thinking about them: a yummy rich Chocolate, Coffee and Orange Marmalade Tart begs to enjoyed with deep delight, a Buttered Rum would look stunning on a holiday table, the Minty Chocolate Cream Pie would go along nicely with a dab of whipped cream or ice cream, and the Cherry Vanilla Pot Pie might soon become my favorite pie I haven't yet made but am dying to do so. The unique thing about this cookbook is that there are also "dinner" pies; classic Chicken Pot Pie, a yummy sounding Spiced Meat Pie and several vegetable-based tarts that sound divine. I can't wait to dive in! Based on how fast my brothers devoured them, we can safely assume the recipe was a hit. When I do, I'll post about it for you all. Rating: G A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies all ages. Highly recommended! Date Review Written: November 12th, Nov 01, Michelle rated it really liked it Shelves: cooking. This book is lovely, and full of scrumptious looking pies. Many look very involved, but some look worth it! My minor annoyancesLOTS of them contain alcohol or coffee why? Although perhaps that is a good thing--some might have heart-attack-inducing stats. Still, a lovely book and if one wanted to go all out on a showstopper pie, this would be a great place to start! Nov 25, Shannon rated it it was amazing. This is a great cookbook, one I will be ordering soon. A fun, unique blend of how-to for the novice-- building basic pie skills, dealing with crustphobia--and some more advanced techniques and flavors. I LOVE the unique flavors. The A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies lemon pie and the pumpkin in a gingersnap crust will be appearing soon!