Khronos Open API Standards for Mobile Graphics, Compute And

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Khronos Open API Standards for Mobile Graphics, Compute And Open API Standards for Mobile Graphics, Compute and Vision Processing GTC, March 2014 Neil Trevett Vice President Mobile Ecosystem, NVIDIA President Khronos © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 1 Khronos Connects Software to Silicon Open Consortium creating ROYALTY-FREE, OPEN STANDARD APIs for hardware acceleration Defining the roadmap for low-level silicon interfaces needed on every platform Graphics, compute, rich media, vision, sensor and camera processing Rigorous specifications AND conformance tests for cross- vendor portability Acceleration APIs BY the Industry FOR the Industry Well over a BILLION people use Khronos APIs Every Day… © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 2 Khronos Standards 3D Asset Handling - 3D authoring asset interchange - 3D asset transmission format with compression Visual Computing - 3D Graphics - Heterogeneous Parallel Computing Over 100 companies defining royalty-free APIs to connect software to silicon Camera Control API Acceleration in HTML5 - 3D in browser – no Plug-in - Heterogeneous computing for JavaScript Sensor Processing - Vision Acceleration - Camera Control - Sensor Fusion © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 3 The OpenGL Family OpenGL 4.4 is the industry’s most advanced 3D API Cross platform – Windows, Linux, Mac, Android Foundation for productivity apps Target for AAA engines and games The most pervasively available 3D API – 1.6 Billion devices and counting Almost every mobile and embedded device – inc. Android, iOS Bringing proven desktop functionality to mobile JavaScript binding to OpenGL ES Enabling the Web with GPU access Almost pervasive availability on mobile and desktop browsers Truly portable 3D apps with HTML5 © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 4 OpenGL ES 3.1 Launched at GDC! • Headline features - Compute Shaders and Draw-Indirect - Compute shaders can create geometry or other rendering data • Expecting rapid adoption - driver upgrade for many SOCs - Backward compatible with 2.0/3.0 so apps can incrementally adopt features • Enabling desktop OpenGL to be used for mobile development - ARB_ES_3_1_compatibility specification to support “OpenGL ES 3.1 context” Driver Silicon Silicon Driver Update Update Update Update 2002 2003 2004 2007 2012 2014 Working 1.0 1.1 2.0 3.0 3.1 Group Formed © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 5 OpenGL Fallacy: Old and Inefficient Immediate Display Lists Mode Fixed Function Evaluators Ancient crufty stuff Feedback Selectors Selection © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 6 OpenGL Reality: Modern & Efficient Bindless Multi-Draw ARB Indirect GL4.3 Texture Arrays GL3.0 Buffer SSBO Storage GL4.3 GL4.4 UBO GL3.1 © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 7 Classic OpenGL Model Memory… indirect draw buffer object buffer object CPU texture object buffer object buffer object texture object GPU buffer object buffer object cmd cmd cmd cmd buffer object render target Direct Drawing Commands buffer object (via the command fifo) © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 8 … Efficient OpenGL Model Memory access mediated through … Memory OpenGL fences indirect draw buffer object indirect draw buffer object CPU CPU texture object buffer object indirect draw buffer object texture object buffer object GPU buffer object CPU CPU buffer object render target CPU Writes Memory – buffer object GPU Writes Commands to Memory multi-threaded (no API)! Reads Commands from Memory No API – Minimal CPU Involvement … © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 9 Results • OpenGL enables scalable multi-threading with no new API - CPU and GPU Cores just write to memory - GPU work creation - builds buffers, constructs MDI commands • Integer multiple speedups ~5x – ~15x (not a typo) - On driver limited cases, obviously • Works TODAY on existing drivers! - Mostly OpenGL 4.2+ - Extensions are at least EXT • Does not require a new object model - Does not require breaking existing applications • © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 10 EGL 1.5 Released • EGL 1.5 brings functionality from multiple extensions into core - Increased reliability and portability Applications • EGLImages API Interop EGL provides efficient - Sharing textures and renderbuffers transfer of data and events between Khronos APIs • Context Robustness - Defending against malicious code • EGLSync objects - Improved OpenGL /OpenCL interop • Platform extensions - Standardized interactions for multiple OS Application Portability e.g. Android and 64-bit platforms EGL abstracts graphics context management, surface and • sRGB colorspace rendering buffer binding and rendering synchronization • NEXT – EGLStreams into core for vision and OS and Display camera interop Platforms © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 11 OpenCL as Parallel Compute Foundation • 100+ tool chains and languages leveraging OpenCL - Heterogeneous solutions emerging for the most popular programming languages Aparapi River Trail PyOpenCL Harlan C++ AMP Halide WebCL Compiler Shevlin Park Image JavaScript Java language Language Python wrapper High level directives for Processing binding to extensions for extensions to around language for GPU Uses Clang Fortran C and C++ and LLVM Language OpenCL parallelism JavaScript OpenCL programming OpenCL provides vendor optimized, cross-platform, cross-vendor access to heterogeneous compute resources Device X Device Y Device Z © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 12 Widening OpenCL Ecosystem Alternative High-level OpenCL C Alternative High-level AlternativeLanguage for AppsFrameworks and Kernel Source Language for Frameworks LanguageKernels for Frameworks Kernels Kernels SPIR Generator (e.g. patched Clang) SPIR SYCL Standard Portable Programming abstraction that combines Intermediate Representation portability and efficiency of OpenCL with SPIR 1.2 Released ease of use and flexibility of C++ January 2014 OpenCL run-time OpenCL C SPIR 1.2 Released here at GDC! can consume SPIR Runtime Device X Device Y Device Z © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 13 WebCL: Heterogeneous Computing for the Web • WebCL 1.0 specification officially finalized today at GDC! - • WebCL defines JavaScript binding to the OpenCL APIs - Enables initiation of Kernels written in OpenCL C within the browser • Typical Use Cases - 3D asset codecs, video codecs and processing, imaging and vision processing - Physics for WebGL games, Online data visualization, Augmented Reality OpenCL KernelOpenCL CodeKernel OpenCL CodeKernel OpenCL C JavaScript Runtime API JavaScript Platform API CodeKernel To query, select and initialize Code To build and execute kernels compute devices across multiple devices GPU DSP CPU CPU HW © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 14 WebGL/WebCL Ecosystem Low-level APIs provide Content Content downloaded from the Web a powerful foundation JavaScript, HTML, CSS, ... for a rich JavaScript Middleware can make WebGL and WebCL middleware ecosystem accessible to non-expert programmers E.g. three.js library: used by JavaScript Middleware majority of WebGL content Browser provides WebGL and WebCL Alongside other HTML5 technologies No plug-in required HTML5 JavaScript / CSS OS Provided Drivers WebGL uses OpenGL ES 2.0 or Angle for OpenGL ES 2.0 over DX9 WebCL uses OpenCL 1.X © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 15 OpenVX – Power Efficient Vision Acceleration • Acceleration API for real-time vision - Focus on mobile and embedded systems • Enable diverse efficient implementations - From CPUs, through GPUs and DSPs to dedicated hardware Application • Foundational API for vision acceleration - Can be used by middleware libraries or OpenCV open Other higher-level by applications directly source library CV libraries • Complementary to OpenCV - Which is great for prototyping • Khronos open source sample implementation - To be released with final specification - Sample - not reference - spec remains the Open source sample Hardware vendor definitive definition of OpenVX operation implementation implementations © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 16 OpenVX Graphs – The Key to Efficiency • Vision processing directed graphs for power and performance efficiency - Each Node can be implemented in software or accelerated hardware - Nodes may be fused by the implementation to eliminate memory transfers - Processing can be tiled to keep data entirely in local memory/cache • EGLStreams can provide data and event interop with other Khronos APIs - BUT use of other Khronos APIs are not mandated OpenVX Node Native OpenVX OpenVX Camera Node Node Control OpenVX Node Heterogeneous Processing Example OpenVX Graph © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 17 OpenVX 1.0 Function Overview • Core data structures - Images and Image Pyramids - Processing Graphs, Kernels, Parameters • Image Processing OpenVX Specification - Arithmetic, Logical, and statistical operations Evolution - Multichannel Color and BitDepth Extraction and Conversion OpenVX 1.0 defines - 2D Filtering and Morphological operations framework for - Image Resizing and Warping creating, managing and executing graphs • Core Computer Vision - Pyramid computation - Integral Image computation Focused set of widely • Feature Extraction and Tracking used functions that are readily accelerated - Histogram Computation and Equalization Widely used extensions adopted into future - Canny Edge Detection versions of the core - Harris and FAST Corner detection Implementers can add - Sparse Optical Flow functions as extensions © Copyright Khronos Group 2014 - Page 18 OpenVX and OpenCV are Complementary Community driven open
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