Issue 28/2009
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European Sociologist Bulletin of the European Sociological Association. Summer 2009, Issue 28 “European Society or Editor's Message European Societies?” EUROPEAN SOCIOLOGIST, the Bulle- tin of the European Sociological As- sociation (ESA), is a major channel of communication between sociologists in Europe. In this digitalized world, when mobile phones facilitate in- stant talk and electronic media report newsworthy items within seconds, the newsletter is becoming something of an anachronism. Added to this, is the fact that Europe is becoming more “green” and sociologists are becom- ing increasingly aware of our physi- cal, as well as social, environment. That is why we are adapt- ing with the times. The ESA Executive Committee has decid- ed for the first time to distribute the newsletter by email only. However, this second issue of EUROPEAN SOCIOLOGIST in its new format is not a throwaway. It contains details of the forthcoming Lisbon conference, news of the develop- ing structure of the ESA, information on an evolving net of research networks and national associations, an opinion piece on the European Union, a new feature on collabora- tive sociological research in Europe, interesting opportu- nities for students, and more. It is designed to update ESA members on the Lisbon conference, stimulate them with opinion pieces on European issues and inform them of new ventures for the benefit of junior and senior sociologists alike. EUROPEAN SOCIOLOGIST can only improve with feedback from ESA members. Clearly, the opinions expressed in the issue are not of the ESA but of individual members. If you have any suggestions and comments on this special pre- conference issue, please do not hesitate to address corre- spondence to send your ideas to: [email protected] EUROPEAN SOCIOLOGIST is available online at: The Lisbon conference, which will take place between September 2nd and php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=17&Ite September 6th 2009, is going to be ESA’s biggest ever! Three thousand ab- mid=95 The link also introduces readers to an electronic archive of stracts were submitted online to a total of 47 Research Networks and Re- past issues. search Streams. To date, some 2,500 people have registered, and the list keeps growing! The Conference program with the plenary and semi-plenary Happy reading! sessions is already online at: The Conference is being organised by a consortium including three Por- Shalva Weil tuguese university and research institutions: the Department of Sociology of ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute (the leading institution of the consor- tium), the Human and Social Sciences School of the New University of Lis- bon (FCSH-UNL), the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon Contents (ICS-UL), and the Portuguese Sociological Association (APS). The Opening Message from the President....................................…2 Plenary Session, the Special Plenary Session and the Closing Plenary Session will take place at the Aula Magna of the University of Lisboa. The Local National Sociological Associations…………...............3 Organising Committee (LOC) Chair Helena Carreiras together with Analia Torres, Chair of the ESA Conference Committee, have worked day and night In The Limelight: Closing the EU Community Deficit.......4 with members of their committee from different Portuguese universities to produce ultimate results. Presidential Candidates...........................................5-6 The Lisbon conference will prove to be a stimulating forum for the ex- change of ideas in a beautiful setting in southern Europe. The aim of the Candidates for the Executive Committee…........7-10 conference is to examine whether we can look at European society as an Research Networks.....................................................11 increasingly cohesive entity or whether divisions of nation, class, ethnicity, region, gender and other identities continue to be more salient. Tradition- European Research: Workcare............................12-13 ally, the nation state has been explicitly or implicitly the unit of analysis in European sociology. But is the nation state the most appropriate unit Student Summer Schools……....................................14 through which to explore European society or should we be trying to find other perspectives? This raises the issue of whether there is convergence What's New?...............................................................15 or divergence between regions in the European area. At the Lisbon confer- ence, sociologists from different countries and traditions will take a look at Lisbon-Here We Come!..............................................16 the role of sociology in helping to understand the entity we call “Europe”. Message from the President to establish better links market and the opportunity for between the Research circulation and different points in Networks and the As- a person’s career. It will also help sociation, so following a institutions to find and select the meeting at the last con- best candidates from the whole ference, we have a se- of Europe. ries of recommendations The journal “European Societies” and proposals to ensure continues to be an important improved communica- place where sociologists can tion and integration. publish their work and is now in- We have also raised the ternationally recognised. money available to re- We are looking forward to hold- search networks. ing the next conference in Ge- The paper newsletter neva in Summer 2011 and hope has been replaced by a to bring you more news about monthly e-bulletin con- this at the conference. taining relevant informa- Normally the conference is the The ESA Executive committee tion that can be easily accessed opportunity to increase member- have been gearing up for the using an index. This will help to ship fees. However, we will not in- next conference in Lisbon 2-5th ensure regular circulation of in- crease the fees for ESA since it is September, 2009. This looks to be formation without bombarding important that our membership the largest conference we have you with a multitude of annoy- continues to grow and that peo- ever held and we hope that the ing emails, something which ple do not feel burdened by ad- ESA will increasingly be seen as some of our members have ditional payments. However, we a meeting place for European complained about. will need to make some adjust- sociologists. The conference is An ESA summer school was or- ments for concessionary mem- designed to help us address key ganised in July 2008 by Claire bership to reflect changing levels themes facing European sociol- Wallace and Sokratis Koniordos of prosperity across Europe. ogists with plenaries on how Eu- together with the CINEFOGO We remain however, a very lean rope is seen from inside and from Network of Excellence and the organisation with only a part- outside and how sociology can University of Crete on the topic time secretary and small office in make an impact upon society. of the Quality of Life. There were Paris. Many national associations There is also a round table discus- a large number of high quality enjoy far more extensive facili- sion planned on the topic of the applicants. Another ESA sum- ties and staff. The activities of the role of sociology at a European mer school is being organised association therefore depend level. prior to the conference by Eli- upon members volunteering The number of members of the na Oinas of the Post-Graduate their time and their talents and ESA is growing fast, but so are its Committee of the Executive. at least in this respect at least activities. You will be aware that We look forward to more of we have great wealth to draw the website has become a fo- these events, which are impor- upon! The activities that we are cus of communication (we are tant opportunities for doctoral able to undertake depend upon continually updating it and look students to network with one an- the success of the conference, forward to hearing your views on other and to present their work which can generate a surplus this). I will briefly outline some of in a supportive environment,. (from non-members) that en- our activities below. We are looking at constructing ables us to carry out our various The number of Research Net- an OPPORTUNITIES DATABASE activities such as the summer works is growing and so is their where jobs and scholarships can school, the web-site, funding RN membership. Research Networks be accessed by our members mid-term conferences etc.. hold mid term conferences and and where vacancies can be We look forward to increasing run newsletters and home pages advertised on a regular basis. the size and scope of our asso- in addition to their activities at the This is more than an administra- ciation in future and I would like conference, so you may want to tive convenience. The creation to take this opportunity to thank sign up for some of their mailing of a common research area for you all for your support. lists (which is free). The ESA ex- European sociologists depends ecutive have been concerned upon having an open labour Claire Wallace June 2009. 2 European Sociologist - summer 2009, issue 28 NATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATIONS Following on from our previous feature on different national associations, this issue of “European Sociologist” focuses on Ireland. By Brian Conway* Although the origins of sociology in Ireland go back to the 19th century, the a report entitled “Postgraduate