Redalyc Sistema de Información Científica Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal Chong-yue, Li The Influence of Ideology on the Translation of Mao Zedong's Poems Babilónia. Revista Lusófona de Línguas, Culturas e Tradução, núm. 8-9, 2010, pp. 109- 116 Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Lisboa, Portugal Disponible en: Babilónia. Revista Lusófona de Línguas, Culturas e Tradução ISSN (Versión impresa): 1645-779X
[email protected] Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Portugal ¿Cómo citar? Número completo Más información del artículo Página de la revista Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Babilónia nº8/9 pp. 109 - 116 the influence of ideology on the translation of mao zedong’s Poems Li Chong-yue1 School of Foreign Languages, Jiangsu University 1 Mao Zedong’s poems hold an important place in the history of Chinese literature. From the perspec- tive of manipulation theory, the paper aims at exploring the influences that ideology exerted on the translation of Mao Zedong’s poems. These influences have manifested themselves mainly in such aspects as the organizing of translation activity, the selection of source texts, the comprehension of the texts and the freedom translators enjoy to render the poems. Keywords: Mao Zedong’s Poems, Ideology, Translation 毛泽东是诗人,也是国家领袖,因身份特殊,其诗词作品对外译介的策略不同于其他诗 人,受意识形态影响的印记明显。这些影响主要表现在:中央成立专门的专家小组负责译 文定稿、第一个外文单行本在前苏联诞生、毛泽东诗词在亚非拉发展中国家广受好评、改 革开放后毛泽东诗词的翻译出版呈多元化格局。 [关键词] 毛泽东,诗词,翻译,意识形态 1. Introduction Translation is viewed as a product of history, society and culture, and there always exists a social context in which translation activity can’t escape the influence of non-lin- guistic factors.