Scott Lobdell | 328 pages | 10 Dec 2013 | DC Comics | 9781401243197 | English | United States : H'el on Earth

Looking at other reviews I'm starting to think I was not too far Superman: Hel on Earth the mark. returns to the present while uses his powers to save Argo City just when explodes, sacrificing his life. More filters. Even the artwork, which usually suffers in cross- overs because they are too different, works well. In they changed all his Superman: Hel on Earth for the 'new' young readers, they made his costume look cooler with the armor-like appearance and they made his personality more realistic he's more like real people are. Falling asleep for a while, she awakens at the surface of the Sun, with H'El standing beside her. He didn't. I felt bad for the guy I finished this late last night and Superman: Hel on Earth out promptly after, so didn't get a chance to get my thoughts down. Luthor taunts Superman with the fact that the only way to stop H'El is by killing him, which is something he will never do. We got a H'el who concocted a plan that was completely ludicrous and coincidental. Why is he strongest than Superman? And the whole cosmic watcher thing confused me. Enlarge cover. And just who is the fallen of Krypton? After all, he's always been kind of a douche. It still looks like a fun comic if you're down for senseless battles caused by inconsistent characters. Veritas's scientific complex, Superman returns to so that he can resume his life as . This volume guest-stars the Teen and more! It would have gotten more if we could have had smarter dialogue between Superman and Supergirl about what the loss of Krypton meant to them individually and why they felt that H'el's plans would or wouldn't work. To avoid an awkward moment, Clark gets Lois out of the apartment. After a journey through several bizarre dimensions, Superman and Superboy return to the Fortress and reunite withe continue the attack. Instead, we got a Supergirl who bought into, not a plan, but the promise of a plan, without asking the cost of the plan. A little too much foreshadowing for my taste. Superman, Superboy and Supergirl were the "Team Superman" before, but now we are in the New52 and they aren't a team at all. Add to cart VF 8. And it's a fair option to get introduced to the New52's inner universe of Super -titles related to Superman of DC Comics, with the introduction of a totally new villain. After a lengthy brawl that leads to Ireland, Superman kills the dragon in an explosion. Jun 04, Superman: Hel on Earth added it Shelves: circumstance-dictates. H'El's mind manifests through the astral Superman: Hel on Earth and he sees Jor-El talking with his friend, a young soldier named Zod, about his plans to evacuate Krypton's population to a planet where its sun's radiation could give them special powers. Superboy travels to Argo City a week before Krypton's destruction to make sure Supergirl escapes Krypton. So many things wrong with this story but unfortunately I don't think it's one you can miss because too many things happen and it would be confusing not to know the origins. Later, Lois visits Clark at his apartment, where they talk about Clark's recent departure from the and Lois' moving with Jonathan. However, Supergirl who had discovered the true extent of H'el's plan stabs H'el with a shard. Escape the Present Superman: Hel on Earth These 24 Historical Romances. Mar 08, Jasmine rated it it was ok Shelves: manga- comics. Don't miss the assault on the Fortress of Solitude! If there is one thing I hope DC stops doing it's all of these crossovers because they don't make me want to by others books, Superman: Hel on Earth instead make me want to just give up on the current se The entire thing was just tedious. Except he's really not. Friend Reviews. Hidden Superman: Hel on Earth Articles with short description Short description matches Wikidata Comics infobox without image Story arc pop Comics infobox with unneeded imagesize Comics navigational boxes purge. H'El has come to Earth! Silva Illustrator. I felt bad for the guy but didn't appreciate his manipulation of Kara. Seriously had to push myself through this. Beginning to sympathize with H'El's motivations, she kisses him. His actions will change the course of a planet's fate! Refresh and try again. Superman clashes with H'el, telling to help Superboy destroy the star chamber. Superman 3. Hardcover, pages, full color. Jul 02, Ridzuan Rosli rated it liked it. Superman: Hel on Earth — Superman by . H'El has come to Earth! To ask other readers questions about Supermanplease sign up. Give me an interesting Superman: Hel on Earth and I'll probably find a way to root for him. I like it even less when you're basically trying to create a "smart" . Both the Superman and the Supergirl are pale shadows of the heroes they used to be, though surprisingly the Superboy is coming around and Supergirl gets a moment of redemption too, but only at the end. Superman, Superboy and Wonder Woman rally to destroy the machine, but H'el attacks them, ripping the armor off Superboy and reattaching it to Superman, saying that if Superman is going to die, he should with his Kryptonian honor intact.