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Sports Arts & Style Pictures from “Open Space” 2011 World Ski På skier har jeg rent; jeg har spurt exhibit at Lehigh meg frem; de frittet hvor jeg skulle; Championships jeg svarte: jeg skal hjem. University Read more on page 15 – Henrik Ibsen Read more on page 12 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 122 No.10 March 11, 2011 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidene $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at Norway’s gold rush at Oslo 2011 www.norway.com

News of Norway 12 days of world Celebrated but deported refu- championship gee Maria Amelie remains in Moscow, six weeks after she excitement was expelled from Norway fol- resulted in 20 lowing many years as an illegal alien. She still aims to return, as medals for the she awaits a hoped-for change in the law. host country (blog.norway.com/category/ news) Ni n a Be r g l u n d Views and News from Norway A storm swept the coast of Northern Norway, interrupting The huge crowds that turned traffic on land, sea and in the out for events at Holmenkollen in air, as well as power outages to the hills above Oslo and then down- several places in Nordland. (blog.norway.com/category/ town for the medals ceremonies and news) “after-ski” activities surprised even the organizers. Some had claimed Culture that the days of huge “public par- Norwegian tenor saxophone ties” tied to sporting events were artist Bodil Niska will perform over. They were wrong, as Oslo as part of Bliss Bar’s Sunday Mayor Fabian Stang was eager to point out on numerous occasions. Photo: Petter Tandberg/Oslo 2011 Afternoon Jazz Series in San Sweet victory for the Norwegian men’s 4 x 10 km cross-country relay on March 4. From left: , Tord Asle Francisco, Calif., on March 20. CONTINUES PAGE 6 Gjerdalen, Eldar Rønning and . (blog.norway.com/category/ culture) Travel Wearing your values Looking for love? A record number of foreign Oleana’s co-founder Signe Aarhus talks tourists visited Norway in 2010, Norwegian TV show following a decline due to the about entrepreneurship in Tacoma, Wash. looking for American global financial crisis. There was a 10 percent increase in cast members the number of overnight guests from 2009 to 2010. Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d (blog.norway.com/category/ Managing Editor travel) Are you looking for the love of your life? Do you live in Min- neapolis, Minn., Seattle, Wash., or What’s inside? San Francisco, Calif.? News 2-3 Norway’s Nordisk TV is put- Business 4 ting together a brand-new show about four Norwegian-Americans Research & Education 5 CONTINUES PAGE 13 Photo: Nancy Bundt/Innovation Norway Opinion 6-7 Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Great day for Canada Roots & Connections 10 Photos courtesy of Oleana Canada’s men’s Two designs from Oleana’s spring 2011 collection. Obituaries & 11 sprint team won Arts & Style 12 Ke l s e y La r s o n historic gold medal In Your Neighborhood 13 Tacoma, Wash. on March 2 Norwegian Heritage 14 “Everybody was saying, look about the size of the palm of your Sports 15 at this funny thing Oleana has hand, and apparently the competi- Ni n a Be r g l u n d done. Everybody was laughing.” tion found the idea a bit amusing. Views and News from Norway $1 = NOK 5.5591 On the evening of Feb. 23, In the end, however, it is Olea- updated 3/7/2011 Signe Aarhus addressed a sizeable na who gets the last laugh: with cli- It was the first time a men’s In comparison crowd at the Scandinavian Cultural entele among the elite of the world sprint team had even made it onto 2/7/2011 5.7833 Center at Pacific Lutheran Univer- – including Michelle Obama, who the winners’ platform at a world sity in Tacoma, Wash. She referred recently purchased several of the championships, and then they won 9/7/2010 6.1919 Photo: Tore Afdal/Oslo 2011 gold as well. “It’s amazing,” said 3/7/2010 5.8915 to her company’s decision to create signature Oleana sweaters – and Canada’s and Alex their catalogue in miniature; it is CONTINUES PAGE 5 CONTINUES PAGE 15 Harvey after the team sprint classic. 2 • March 11, 2011 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter - Ski-VM bør alltid gå i Norge Rekordmye penger i Rekordmange nominert til Nobels 2012 statsbudsjettet fredspris Nobelkomiteen har i år fått inn 241 nomi- nasjoner til Nobels fredspris, hvorav 53 er organisasjoner. – Det er det høyeste antall nominasjoner noensinne, sier Nobelkomi- teens sekretær Geir Lundestad til NTB. Den forrige rekorden var 237 nominasjoner til prisen i fjor. I 2009 var det 205 nominasjon- er og i 2008 197. – Så det går oppover nesten hvert år. Det har vært en kolossal økning de siste årene, sier Lundestad. Nobelinstituttet Foto: Yngve Ask/Innovasjon Norge oppgir aldri hvilke nominasjoner de har fått. I den grad nominasjonene er kjent, er det ren Af t e n p o s t e n gjetning eller fordi de som nominerer kandi- Tall Dagens Næringsliv har fått tilgang dater, selv oppgir det. Foto: Petter Tandberg/Oslo 2011 til viser at statsbudsjettet for 2012 vil ha ut- (NTB) Af t e n p o s t e n rose hans oppførsel tross sterke reaksjoner i gifter for over 1000 milliarder kroner. Kongeparet invitert til prins Williams Lasse Anrell, kommentator i Sveriges hans hjemland på Northug demonstrasjon på Statsbudsjettet for 2011 hadde en ut- bryllup største avis Aftonbladet, kalte Northug for 30 kilometeren. giftsside på drøyt 960 milliarder kroner, og det er første gangen statsbudsjettet her til Kong Harald og dronning Sonja representer- «Nolltug» fordi han mente at Norges ski- Han er godt fornøyd med de svenske er det norske kongehuset når prins William ikon ikke kom til å ta gull i Oslo. På den resultatene, men mener at Marit Bjørgen er, lands bikker over én billion kroner, skriver gifter seg med Catherine Middleton 29. april måten blir man ikke populær i Norge. tross sportens lille utbredelse, en av verdens DN. Videre skriver avisen at statens inntek- i år. Det er over to uker siden det ble sendt ut Derimot kan det nå se ut som om den fremste idrettskvinner. ter også øker så mye at at regjeringen uten invitasjoner til omkring 1.900 gjester til det svenske bladfyken kommer til å øke sin Nå tar nok den svenske tabloidkom- problemer vil slippe å bryte den omdisku- kongelige bryllupet i England. Kongeparet popularitet i nabolandet. Han er storslått im- mentatoren litt hardt i. Neste VM (2013) går terte handlingsregelen på fire prosent av skal være de eneste fra den norske konge- ponert av det mesterskapet som ble avsluttet i italienske Val di Fiemme. Deretter er det avkastningen fra oljefondet. familien som er invitert. med et Northug-gull foran kanskje 120.000 svenske Falun som står som arrangør (2015). Finansminister Sigbjørn Johnsen (Ap) (Adresseavisen) tilskuere søndag. Lenger er ikke FIS kommet med tildelingene, skal ifølge DN ha så mye som 5-6 milliarder – Det er eneste sak som jeg vet helt sik- men sjefen i Det internasjonale skiforbundet kroner til overs på inntektssiden, noe som gir Tidenes beste ski-VM kert nå: Ski-VM bør alltid gå i Oslo, skriver (FIS), Gian-Franco Kasper, mener at Norge den rødgrønne regjeringen mulighet for ny- Aldri har noen nasjon sanket flere medaljer, han i sin spalte i dagens Aftonbladet. bør søke nytt mesterskap jo før jo heller. investeringer. og aldri har Norge vunnet mer i ski-VM enn Han mener at det er en belønning som Sverre Seeberg er president i Norges En prioritert oppgave for Arbeiderpar- på hjemmebane de siste elleve dagene. Nas- byen er verdt og ramser opp de nesten ab- Skiforbund og kan opplyse om at det ikke er tiet vil være å skaffe penger til den nye sam- joner med flest medaljer: surde tilskuertallene. noen VM-søkeplaner akkurat nå. handlingsreformen, som skal overføre spesi- Anrell som ikke hadde de store sport- alisthelsetjenesten til kommunene. Norge 2011: 20 (8-6-6) English Synopsis: Lasse Anrell, a columnist at Swe- slige forventningene til Northug, beundrer English Synopsis: Newspaper Dagens Næringsliv re- Norge 2005: 19 (7-5-7) den’s largest newspaper Aftonbladet, wrote that Oslo også det som mannen fra Mosvik har prest- should always host the World Ski Championships with ports that the 2012 state budget will surpass NOK 1 Norge 2007: 16 (5-4-7) ert i mesterskapet. Han kan ikke annet enn å the spirit and support of Norwegian spectators. trillion for the first time in Norwegian history. Norge 2003: 16 (5-5-6) Norge 1985: 15 (5-5-5) 1989: 15 (6-5-4) Knallmåling «Monstermastene» blir bygget i 2012 Norge har vært beste nasjon i ski-VM nor- Riis-Johansen bekrefter at diske grener 22 ganger på 35 forsøk. Totalt for Høyre vedtaket om kraftlinjer fra i VM står Norge nå med 285 medaljer: 107 gull, 89 sølv og 89 bronse. Over 30-tallet i den Sima og Samnager står (NTB) fast beste målingen for Det er EU-nei overalt VG En utvidet EU-måling viser at det er flertall partiet på ti år mot norsk medlemskap i alle fylker. Også – Det er ikke forsvarlig å utsette byggin- ved oppdeling på kjønn, alder og partitil- NTB hørighet blir det nei-flertall i alle de ulike gen av Sima-Samnanger, slo Riis-Johansen gruppene. Det viser en måling fra Sentio, fast under pressekonferansen 1. mars. Høyre får over 30 prosents oppslutning i Han avviser at utredningen av sjøkabel- som presenteres av ABC Nyheter. Blant den siste målingen som TNS Gallup har gjort fylkene står Sogn og Fjordane og Oslo i alternativet har vært et spill for galleriet. for TV 2. Ikke på ti år har partiet sett et så Photo: Statnett hver sin ende. Bare 15,9 prosent i vestland- – Som ansvarlig energiminister kan jeg høyt tall, en framgang på 2,9 prosentpoeng. ikke gå på akkord med kravene til sikker sfylket er for norsk medlemskap, mens 77,2 over det statsråden hadde å melde. prosent er imot i Sogn og Fjordane, som er Høyre er med sine 30,1 prosent langt strømleveranse for Norges nest største by i Kritisk var også Ketil Solvik-Olsen det mest EU-negative fylket. I Oslo er 36 større enn Arbeiderpartiet som får støtte årene framover, sa Terje Riis-Johansen. (FrP). Han mener snuoperasjonen om sjøka- prosent for EU-medlemskap, men selv i ja- av 25,3 av de spurte, en tilbakegang på 1,6 Terje Riis Johansen viste videre til at bel i Hardanger er pinlig for regjeringen. sidens sterkeste fylke sier 51 prosent nei. prosentpoeng. For tredje måned på rad er uten en løsning for Vestlandet, vil strøm- – Riis-Johansen forsøkte å få dette til å I det politiske spekteret er det Senterparti- Høyre større enn Ap hos TNS Gallup. prisene bli mye høyere. se ut som er æresrunde. Det er viktig å huske velgerne som er mest negative. Snaut 5 Frp går mest tilbake med 1,9 prosent- – Det har ikke vært særlig god stemning at dette er alt annet enn det. Det er en straf- prosent synes Norge bør melde seg inn i den poeng til 19,7 prosent. For første gang siden rundt de høye prisene i Midt-Norge, sier han. ferunde fordi regjeringen ikke gjorde jobben europeiske klubben. Men selv hos ja-partiet oktober 2007 faller partiet under 20-prosent- Riis Johansen påpekte at det vil bli en ytter- sin, sier Solvik-Olsen til VG Nett. Høyre, er det bare 37 prosent som ønsker grensen. Et stortingsvalg basert på disse tal- ligere opprustning av strømnettet i Norge. Hardanger-saken har ført til full split- et EU medlemskap. 54 tror det er lurest å lene ville ha gitt Høyre 51 mandater og Frp Riis-Johansen lovet samtidig at det skal telse både internt i regjeringspartiene og forbli utenfor. Kvinner – der 66 prosent sier 34, til sammen et knappest mulig flertall på være tøffere krav til traseryddingen, slik at nei og 22 prosent ja – er mer EU-skeptiske mellom SV, Ap og Sp. 85 mandater. inngrepet i naturen ikke skal bli for store. enn menn – hvorav 64 prosent er imot og 28 Da VG Nett snakket med noen av de Sp gjør sin beste måling siden desember Mastene vil bli bygget slik at de går mer i ett prosent for. sterkeste kraftmast-motstanderne tirsdag 2007 og får 6,3 prosent, en framgang på 0,9 med omgivelsene, ifølge statsråden. (NRK) formiddag, var stemningen preget av resig- prosentpoeng. SV får 6,0 prosent, det samme Riis-Johansen viser til at det er teknisk nasjon. som måneden før. Venstre går svakt tilbake mulig å legge sjøkabel, selv om han gravleg- Jan Egeland får ny jobb Klaus Rasmussen, styreleder i Bevar og noterer 5,0 prosent, mens KrF nå er minst ger muligheten. Jan Egeland (53) går av som direktør for Hardanger, sukket bare i telefonen da VG blant stortingspartiene med 4,6 prosent, en – Men det tar mye lenger tid. Minst 7 år Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI). Nett tok kontakt. framgang på 0,5 prosentpoeng. å legge kabel og det krever også store arealer. Han overtar som europadirektør for Human – Dette er overhodet ikke overraskende. Produksjonen vil være veldig krevende, og Rights Watch. Human Rights Watch er en English Synopsis: Political party Høyre (Conserva- Alle signaler har vist at de ville gå for mas- tive Party) has more than 30 percent of voter support, en skal ned på 6 – 700 meter dyp. Kostnaden av verdens ledende menneskerettighetsor- tene uansett. Hele prosessen har vist det. ganisasjoner med hovedkvarter i New York. reports a new TNS Gallup poll. Høyre hasn’t seen er også betydelig større – 3,5 til 4 milliarder such support in 10 years. Arbeiderpartiet (Labor Par- Egeland skal med sete i Oslo blant annet lede kroner dyrere for sjøkabel enn kraftlinjer. English Synopsis: Terje Riis-Johansen, who resigned ty) is supported by 25.3 percent of respondents, and as oil and energy minister March 4, announced that virksomheten til organisasjonens kontorer i Fremskrittspartiet (Progress Party) has dipped to 19.7 Ola Elvestuen, nestleder i Venstre, var the government will go ahead with the power line Brussel, London, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam percent. An election based on these figures would give en av dem som fulget pressekonferansen project in Hardanger, rather than the alternative sea og Genève, opplyser NUPI. the Conservatives 51 seats and the Progress Party 34, med stor interesse. Fra bakerste rad gikk nes- cables. Opponents were very disappointed in the deci- (NRK) together allow for a majority of 85 seats. tlederen med armene i kors, tydelig skuffet sion made by the government. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news March 11, 2011 • 3 News This week on Norway.com Attended ISFiT Shake-up in the cabinet Planning of full scale CCS at Mongstad Minister of Petroleum continues student festival The planning of a full scale CO2-capture and Terje Riis-Johansen storage (CCS) plant at Mongstad is in prog- ress. There is, however, a need for further replaced by up-and- knowledge concerning the use of amine tech- coming Ola Morten Boe nology and possible effects on health and the environment. Assessment of alternative cap- ture technologies in addition to amine tech- nology will be included in the project. The Ni n a Be r g l u n d Views and News from Norway CCS activities at Mongstad are regulated in an agreement between the Norwegian state and Statoil. The Norwegian government Riis-Johansen’s departure had long been has committed to finance the full scale CCS anticipated, with critics already calling for project as laid out in this agreement. TCM is owned by the Norwegian state (75.12 per- his resignation last year, when he first had to Photo: Ragnar Semundseth cent), Statoil (20 percent), Shell (2.44 per- admit to embarrassing delays involving the Newly appointed Minister of Petroleum and En- government’s much-hyped carbon capture ergy Ola Morten Boe with outgoing minister Terje cent) and Sasol (2.44 percent). plans at Statoil’s Mongstad plant. He con- Riis-Johansen. (Ministry of Petroleum and Energy) firmed further delays on Feb. 28. Growth in number of new enterprises Then Riis-Johansen announced contro- ambitious colleague from the small, farm- A total of 12,507 new enterprises were regis- versial plans to build overhead power lines er-friendly Center Party (Senterpartiet, Sp) Photo: Carl-Erik Eriksson, kommune tered in the 4th quarter of 2010. This implies around the scenic Hardanger Fjord, another that’s a minority member of Stoltenberg’s Crown Prince Haakon gave a presentation on an increase of 6 percent compared with the dignity and health during the opening of ISFiT. messy political dilemma he’d had to deal left-center coalition government. Ola Borten 4th quarter of 2009. One out of three new with since last summer. On the morning of Moe, age 34, is widely viewed as the party’s enterprises were registered in the region of Ko n g e h u s e t March 4, he confirmed that he’d be stepping “crown prince,” waiting in the wings to take Oslo/. Over 4,700 new Norwegian down as Norway’s Minister of Petroleum over when the recently embattled party lead- division of foreign enterprises (NUFs) were and Energy. er and cabinet minister Liv Signe Navarsete His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haa- registered in 2010. In 2001 there were less He’ll be replaced by a young, highly than 200 new NUFs. This is therefore the kon attended the opening of the International CONTINUES PAGE 7 organisational structure with the largest in- Student Festival in Trondheim (ISFiT). A to- crease the last 10 years. The largest share of tal of 500 students from 104 countries partic- the new enterprises was to be found within ipated in this year’s festival, with the theme The father of modern drama professional, scientific and technical activi- of global heath. ties. Over 14 percent belonged to this eco- In his opening remarks, Crown Prince Commonweal Theatre nomic activity in 2010. Haakon spoke about the relationship be- Company announces (Statistics Norway) tween health and dignity. Working in groups, the students continued to explore the topic, 14th Annual Ibsen Mobile phones, not guns, are the best discussing the significance of dignity and Festival weapons sharing stories of dignity from their own After having studied the media landscape lives. in 137 countries, NTNU professor Indra de In the plenary session that followed, Co m m o n w e a l Th e a t r e Soysa is convinced that enabling open lines students from Egypt, Georgia, Ghana, India, of communication, such as mobile phone ca- Morocco, the Palestinian territories, South pability, is the best contribution to ensuring Africa, Syria and Tunisia shared their stories Commonweal Theatre announces its more democracy in the world. The establish- about dignity from the stage. They described 14th Annual Ibsen Festival April 15-17, 2011 ment of Telenor, a Norwegian telecommuni- meetings with individuals that had left a last- in downtown Lanesboro, Minn. Named for cations company, in a country where there ing impression, and how their work to pro- the acclaimed “Father of Modern Drama,” is a dictatorship will have much more of an mote human rights has served to enhance the festival is a celebration of Scandinavian effect in promoting democracy, for example, their own dignity. The Crown Prince led the theatre, visual art, music and dance centered than if the Minister of Development Coop- session together with Hanne Marstrand of around the opening weekend of Common- eration, Erik Solheim, has repeated meet- the organization MOT and Thomas Horne of weal’s annual Ibsen production. For 2011, ings with the dictator, says de Soysa, who Photo: Jason Underferth the theatre is proud to present “An Enemy of is a professor of political science. “TV is Global Dignity Norway. Stan Peal and David Coral star in the Common- the People,” the story of a small-town doctor especially bad for human rights, because the weal Theatre’s production of “An Enemy of the government can feed propaganda to the pop- The Student Peace Prize who finds himself standing alone against his People.” ulation,” de Soysa says. “The Internet and Duško Kostić from Croatia took the neighbors, friends, and even members of his mobile phones have the opposite effect. own family when he discovers that the wa- The Commonweal revisits this power- stage and told his story, describing what it (Norwegian University of Science and Tech- ters of the town’s famous health springs are ful story, which the theatre first produced in was like to get the opportunity to study as an nology) CONTINUES PAGE 11 dangerously polluted. CONTINUES PAGE 5

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • March 11, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (March 7, 2011) Recognizing leadership Norsk Kr. 5.5591 Norway’s business awards celebrate great ideas Dansk Kr. 5.3398 Svensk Kr. 6.3664 Canadian $ 0.9731 Euro 0.716 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no.

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Photo: Oslo Innovation Center MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE The DnB NOR Innovation Prize rewards forward-thinking innovators and entrepreneurship.

a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w Ra s m u s Fa l ck Oslo, Norway Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, commercial transactions and estate planning. Awards are good for promoting innova- is NOK 1 million. The start-up company tion and entrepreneurship. In Norway, we develops unique ceramic proton conductors have quite a few of them. The classic one is based upon research at the Norwegian Uni- 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 the Norwegian Federation of Enterprise En- versity of Science and Technology (NTNU) Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 trepreneurship Award, and the newcomers and the . They are focused Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year, on conversion of natural gas to clean syn- Proud to bring you the Innovation Norway’s different prizes and thetic for lower carbon emissions and greater Norwegian American Weekly DnB NOR‘s Innovation Award. economic value to countries and companies The competition for these prices is get- with gas reserves. ting tougher. Last year, Norway’s major bank The start-up was made possible by the DnB Nor had 822 entries, almost 100 percent seed capital fund Springfondet located at The Scandinavian Hour more than the year before. For their prize, Oslo Innovation Center. The fund invests in Celebrating over 40 years on the air the bank has entries mainly from the oil and technology start-ups across a broad range of gas industry, health care, manufacturing and industries. They are owned by Oslo Innova- KKNW – 1150 AM development, and the food sector. They are tion Center and Kistefoss. Oslo Innovation expecting increased interest this year, but the Center helps commercially viable research Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST bank clearly states that the business climate results and project ideas develop into profit- for innovation and entrepreneurship could be able enterprises. Kistefoss is one of Oslo’s Streaming live on the internet at: improved. The critical factors are risk capi- privately-owned investment companies and www.1150kknw.com tal and knowledge in the early phase before owned by Christen Sveaas. Springfondet is the start-up company is in a position to get a often a company’s first professional inves- bank loan. tor. They normally invests NOK 500,000 to Protia, the 2010 recipient of the DnB NOK 2 million initially. The fund invests up NOR Innovation Prize, was established in to NOK 10 million in a single company. 2007 and is located in the Oslo Innovation Thanks to these awards the spotlight is Center. “The idea requires very high profes- on some of the greatest heroes in Norway. sional skills, and use of ground-breaking People that take up a loan on their home, technology. There is no doubt that Protia cabin and wife, according to some, to estab- represents knowledge based industrial devel- lish and build a company on an innovative opment at a high level,” the competition jury idea! wrote in a statement. The first prize award Business News & Notes New possibilities for Northeast Passage exports registered in 2010 continuing into Jan- The melting of polar ice, technological ad- uary 2011,” says Egil Ove Sundheim, direc- vances, and the recent delineation agreement tor of market information with the Norwegian between Norway and Russia over the Barents Seafood Export Council. In January, exports of Sea are providing great impetus to the possibil- Norwegian Salmon totaled NOK 2.4 billion. ity for increased maritime traffic through the France, Poland and Russia are the biggest im- Northeast Passage. A new report by Norwegian porters of salmon from Norway. independent research institution Ocean Futures (Norway Post) has documented a holistic look at the commer- cial possibilities for these Arctic routes. Statoil and ExxonMobil cooperate in Faroe I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. (Nortrade) Islands Norway’s Statoil and ExxonMobil have agreed Scott F. Peterson Growth in Norwegian seafood exports to explore three Faroese offshore licenses joint- (206) 783-2195 The export value of Norwegian seafood in ly. This marks ExxonMobil’s first entry into the 1713 NW Market St. January totaled NOK 4.2 billion. This is an Faroe Islands. “I am very pleased with getting Seattle increase of NOK 684 million or 19% com- such a competent and experienced partner on [email protected] pared to January 2010, according to figures board in this frontier area. Both ExxonMobil from the Seafood Export Council. “Continued and Statoil have extensive experience in ex- Come and compare your current policy with one from Allstate. strong global demand for Norwegian Salmon ploring in harsh environments,” says Tim Dod- Insurance and savings offered only through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Savings applies to most is contributing to high prices for salmon, and son, executive vice president for Exploration. major coverages.Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. therefore we are seeing the growth in seafood (Statoil) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research March 11, 2011 • 5 Research and Education IbsenFest... (…continued from page 3) expert on dramatic literature and has writ- ten extensively on Ibsen’s “middle” or social 2001, with an original adaptation from Min- plays – of which “An Enemy of the People” nesota’s premiere playwright, Jeffrey Hatch- is the most well-known. er. Mr. Hatcher’s plays include “Compleat Building on the themes of “An Enemy of Female Stage Beauty,” “Scotland Road” and the People,” the Commonweal Theatre will “Three Viewings,” and adaptations of Jean partner with Lanesboro Local, Lanesboro Anouilh’s “To Fool the Eye” and Henry Arts Center and Eagle Bluff Environmental James’ “Turn of the Screw,” also produced Learning Center to add an environmental by the Commonweal Theatre in 2006 and angle to many of the festival offerings. High- 2010 respectively. “An Enemy of the People” lights will include a showing of “Troubled will be the second Ibsen adaptation created Waters: A Mississippi River Story” with a for the Commonweal by Mr. Hatcher, part of post screening discussion led by sustain- a series of new adaptations of Ibsen’s plays able agriculture specialist Loni Kemp. While developed for the American stage, beginning some events and classes require pre-registra- last year with “John Gabriel Borkman” and tion, many are free. A complete list of Festi- slated to continue through 2014 with new val events is available by calling (800) 657- Photos courtesy of Chalet in the Woods imaginings of “The Pillars of Society,” “A 7025 or going online to www.ibsenfest.org. From left: Torbjørg Grøttveit, from Oleana, Laura Almaas, owner of Chalet in the Woods; Signe Aar- Doll’s House” and “Brand.” The Commonweal is a non-profit pro- hus, co-founder of Oleana; and Dr. Claudia Berguson, Associate Professor of Norwegian and Scandi- IbsenFest offers numerous events and fessional theatre with year-round main stage navian Studies at Pacific Lutheran Unviersity. presentations throughout the weekend to and educational programming located at satisfy a variety of interests. Throughout the 208 Parkway Avenue North in Lanesboro, Wearing your values... weekend, guests may attend lectures, film Minn. For more information about the 2011 expensive textile products.” (…continued from page 1) presentations, musical concerts, and artist Ibsen Festival, contact Adrienne Sweeney at Oleana also believes in swimming displays. The Commonweal is proud to wel- 507-467-2905 x208 or adrienne@common- against the current. “We see everything the stores carrying Oleana textiles in two con- come Richard Hornby as keynote speaker. wealtheatre.org. big textile companies are doing, and we try tinents, success has come as somewhat of a Hornby is internationally recognized as an surprise to this relatively young Norwegian to do the opposite of that,” Aarhus said dur- textile company, founded in 1992 by Aarhus ing her lecture. This can be anything from and her husband. They founded the company the company’s tiny catalogue to its unique with the idea of creating more jobs in the tex- fashion shows, which employ professional We need your help! tile business in their native Norway, as most dancers rather than models. Oleana doesn’t companies were moving to countries with even sell its wares on the Internet. Did you or someone you know migrate as a young woman from the Agder cheaper labor. Now, with a factory in Besides the evening lecture, Aarhus counties (Sørlandet) to New York in the time span 1946 to 1965? and 60 highly skilled employees, Oleana has spent the day on the PLU campus, visiting Siv Ringdal, author of “Det amerikanske Lista” and “Lapskaus Boulevard,” more than met its goal of creating a unique a second-year Norwegian class, a business is conducting field research in New York in April and May, and would like to textile business using sustainable materials. class, the President’s residence for a lun- meet with people from this demographic. In her lecture, entitled “Wearing Your cheon, and the Scandinavian Shop in the Gar- Values: The Fabric of Entrepreneurship,” field Book Company to teach the employees Please contact Siv to be a part of this project! Aarhus told the story of Oleana’s creation about care and maintenance of the Oleana and worked to convey Oleana’s philosophy sweaters, which the shop now carries. Email: [email protected] – Phone: +47 977 04 873 For more information, visit www.cha- of sustainable living. Aarhus firmly believes Mail: Siv Ringdal, Pastor Fangens vei 20 B, 0854 Oslo, NORWAY that women need to own less – but “more letinthewoods.com and www.oleana.no. beautiful” – clothing (Oleana sweaters, known for their quality materials and vibrant Kelsey Larson is a senior at Pacific Lu- colors and patterns, fit that description well). theran University. Though she grew up in In many parts of the world textiles are over- Minnesota, she has really fallen for the Pa- produced and textile workers are underpaid, cific Northwest! She spent the 2009 – 2010 Student-Faculty and Oleana stands behind the belief that, “It academic year studying in Bø, Norway at is becoming more important for us to buy Telemark University College and developed clothing that is produced in a responsible a passion for and cul- Research ture. She will be graduating in May with de- manner. We can no longer accept the humili- At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community ating circumstances that many women and grees in Norwegian and English Writing. children work under in order to produce in- ensures challenge and support for every student

Chemistry Professor Neal Yakelis and Chelsea Berdahl in the Rieke Science Center laboratory. On Feb. 24, Chalet in the Woods hosted the Oleana spring show at their store in Gig Harbor, Wash. Want to study in the United States? CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS NALA helps you every step of the way. PLU Visit www.gradusa.org Tacoma, Washington www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 for more information. 6 • March 11, 2011 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway Join the conversation! On the EDGE Anti-Semitism in Norway today, a complex issue By Irene Berman, author of “We are Going to Pick Potatoes: Norway and the Holocaust, the untold story”

As a native Norwegian Jew living in the being decent tolerant “middle of the roaders” mote harassment of Norwegian Jews. This that participated in the war and can bear wit- U.S., I have been bombarded with emails to an angry group of discriminating racists..I group does not make a distinction between ness to those days. Many more came of age from friends and acquaintances asking me to feel that this perception is erroneous. the Israelis and the Norwegian Jews. This is in the post-war bubble of the 1950s – 1960s comment on the increasing and troubling PR The situation in Norway today is com- wrong. before the Holocaust silence was broken, and emerging from Norway on anti-Semitism. plex, yet at the same time simple, as several Although their religion is the same, there its testimony erupted as a cultural phenomena For the longest time I tried to refrain from contributing factors coexist in a sad mix. are many areas of differentiation. The Jewish educating and informing the world at large. A getting too deeply involved in this debate, as First of all, the right of freedom to speak, as people in Israel are a separate entity with a multitude of books have been published by I felt poorly suited as a spokesman for this mentioned, is highly respected, and is given definite agenda to remain and survive as Jews the themselves, owing up to the controversial situation, despite that most of a wide range in Norwegian media. Secondly, in their homeland. The other is a religious complexity of the fate of their Jewish broth- my friends and acquaintances in the U.S. we have to accept that certain segments in group who practice their religion in Norway, ers and sisters. It focuses on the Norwegian seem to consider me their personal default Norway are angry with Israel and their ag- their country of birth and their homeland. state police who facilitated the quick and ombudsman for Norway. Without the day-by- gressive stance to survive and protect their There are 1,500 Jews living in Norway. methodical arrest of the Norwegian Jews in day exposure to daily life in Norway, I have country. Once again, each free man or wom- Most of them observe their religion in the 1942, culminating with a swift and inhuman been hesitant to express myself on a subject an has the right to choose their own political vicinity of Oslo, with a 200 – 300 more in deportation to Auschwitz and annihilation. of this magnitude. Nevertheless, it has been agenda. Consequently many groups in Nor- Trondheim, which also has a synagogue and Do we have the right to judge people’s impossible for me to remain neutral and pas- way are anti-Zionists. The government dur- a small, but active, congregation. There have action in time of war? When your own life is sive, and I gradually found myself being ing one year even approved of Hamas, which been reports of harassments on open streets, at risk, and those of your families, how many drawn into this disturbing chain of events. in the U.S. is commonly considered to be an a couple of incidents of physical abuse, and a of us are real heroes? When push comes to Allow me to attempt to offer my person- extremist party. The minister of finance a few very real shooting and a serious attack against shove, would we have mustered up the cour- al, yet alternate and less broad based view of years ago suggested boycotting Israeli goods, the synagogue in Oslo a few years ago. The age to act differently? It seems the only op- the situation in Norway today as I have come although her proposal was withdrawn. The children of these new immigrants constitute tion during those days would have been to to understand it. Israeli anti-Semitic statements are often not large groups in the Oslo schools. Perhaps one risk their lives or attempt an escape to Swe- There is no denying that anti-Semitism backed up by facts. However, the Norwegian of the most disturbing facts is the frequent re- den. The statistical picture of the high per- has raised its ugly head in Norway once again press invariably gives these opinions free ports of abusive language and racial epithets centage of Norwegian Jewish victims mur- in this century after 65 years of calm coexis- reign. expressed by these young students, spreading dered in Auschwitz remains at the same level tence. To make it even worse, a parallel and Israel and their diplomatic spokesmen hatred and anti-Semitic slogans among their as the Jews of and Belgium, and equally frightening situation is also on the in Norway appear to have taken a deliber- contemporary peers. This hampers the teach- is surpassed by no other European country. rise in Sweden and Denmark. Consequently ate stand not to get involved in debates in ers’ ability to focus on their profession. The It is highly likely that most of the Nor- this state of affairs can no longer be written the media, and remain quiet. One can respect Norwegian government is working at rem- wegian policemen who were facing this off as minor and stand alone, to be ignored in their choice not to get drawn into media com- edying this situation and has initiated mea- choice didn’t even know a single member of the name of the right to express an individual mentary, but also argue that it is not necessar- sures to educate and ameliorate this sad and this minority, which in 1942 was only one opinion. It is indeed disturbing. ily the most practical stance. tragic climate. generation old, if that. Did this affect their Yes, Norway is a social democracy, with Close to 80,000 Muslims have made The emergence of anti-Semitism in passivity or is this an unfair theory? the prevailing attitude which has always been their homes in Norway, for the most part near Norway is not a function of 4 million peo- But this is not about World War II. This to respect freedom of speech. But at what Oslo. No doubt they are good human beings, ple who have suddenly learned to hate their is about what is happening in Norway today. price? My main objection to the article in working hard with focus on securing a good fellow countrymen – not 65 years after the And that is why I choose to express my your December issue is that it seems to affix life for their families in a democratic envi- war when 42 percent of their Jewish popula- concern in an attempt to provide more in debt a label of anti-Semitism on Norway’s general ronment. Unfortunately there is also a fair tion was annihilated in concentration camps. information. It is my deep conviction that Ola population. It implies that within a period of a amount of these new Norwegian immigrants There are still Norwegians, although this Nordmann, the euphemistic name for the av- few years the inhabitants have changed from that feed on the anti-Zionist rage, and pro- group is fading quickly as the years go by, CONTINUES PAGE 8

The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

fog so thick at times that you could barely countries boasting strong skiers like Sweden, keep going and going!” see the athletes at all. They didn’t seem to Russia, Finland, Poland, Switzerland, Aus- Northug, often viewed as being arrogant, care. It was most important, to the avid Nor- tria and Germany. By the time it was all over, ran around in front of the packed grandstands wegian skiing fans, to simply be there. Norway had won 20 medals (eight of them again after winning the championships’ final And the athletes seemed to love every gold) while its nearest rival, Austria, had 10 event on March 6. “The public deserved it,” minute of the rare attention and cheering and Sweden five. Northug told NRK. “They’ve been out here they received at every competition. Norwe- Norway probably can’t expect all the in- supporting us every day, in good weather and gians don’t just cheer for themselves, they ternational recognition it had hoped for from bad, and it’s so important. We all thank them cheer for everyone, not least the last man to Ski-VM, though, simply because it didn’t a lot for that.” cross the finish line (from Denmark) in the get much coverage in other countries like the Added the FIS president Kasper in his 50-kilometer race on March 6. He got a roar- UK, the U.S. or even France. Civic boost- remarks at the closing ceremonies: “Norway ing welcome as he finally entered the stadi- ers thought lovely video and photos from and Norwegians, you should be proud. You um, long after Norwegian skiing star Petter the hills and forests around the Norwegian have arranged an unforgettable world cham- Northug had won the race. would lure lots of visitors and boost tourism. pionships.” Nearly all the medal winners, whether That’s unlikely, but those who actually came Echoes of the past 12 days of wild cheer- they were from Norway or Austria or Poland, to Oslo for Ski-VM may indeed go home and ing at Ski-VM will likely reverberate for a commented on the “amazing” and “fantastic” boost Oslo’s merits themselves, not least be- long time. Olympic and civic boosters were spectators, thanking them for their support. cause of the sheer enthusiasm of the specta- quick to strike while the iron is hot, urging King Harald V and most of the royal family tors day after day after day. city and state officials to think seriously attended every single day, and welcome the Gian Franco Kasper, president of the In- about applying to host the Winter Olympics gold medal winners into the royal box. Even ternational Ski Federation (FIS) was among in either 2022 or 2026. the Swedes, the target of controversial teas- those enchanted and impressed by the Nor- “The world championships have con- ing by Northug, rhapsodized about the expe- wegian public. “This could only happen in firmed that Norway has the competence to rience of competing on skis in Oslo. Norway,” Kasper told reporters on March 6, arrange major skiing events,” Olemic Thom- Before the world championships be- the last day of competition, after learning that messen, a Member of Parliament for the Photo: Stian Broch gan, one journalist from Aftenposten ex- an estimated 75,000 people waving flags and Conservatives, told Aftenposten. “But it’s a Oslo 2011... plained the pre-event hype by saying that mostly dressed in red, white and blue formed matter of priorities,” he added, referring to (…continued from page 1) it was a huge event “involving something a solid line three kilometers long aside the the huge funding required. “It’s a major and we’re good at.” It was, it seems, Norway’s race route for the men’s lengthy 50-kilome- difficult issue.” chance to shine on an international stage, ter competition. And as gold-medal winner For more news and photos of the World Spectators accepted high ticket prices and shine it did. The country’s medals haul said after the women’s 30- Ski Championships, visit www.oslo2011.no. and put up with overcrowded public transport was almost embarrassing, when Norwegian km race the day before and the relay, “there Reprinted with permission from Oslo- to get to the ski races and ski-jumping com- skiers seemed to keep winning almost every- were so many people out along the course, it based “Views and News from Norway.” Visit petitions. Once there, they also put up with thing despite tough competition from other created a huge boost for us. I just wanted to www.newsinenglish.no. norwegian american weekly March 11, 2011 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Letters to the Editor 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local:(206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 fax: (206) 448-2033 • email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] CEO and Executive Director, NAF Dear Editor, Dear Editor, in sport and society. Russia still suffers from Kim Nesselquist [email protected] The Norwegian Seamans Church locat- I noted the Feb. 25 story about Nordic communist oppression of enterprise. On the Managing Editor ed at 1035 South Beacon Street, San Pedro, Naturals’ new green headquarters buildings other hand, evil lurks within; like football Christy Olsen Field [email protected] CA, was dedicated in 1951. Since that time, in California. Congratulations to you for without rules and referees, social competi- seamen, tourists, permanent residents, stu- recognizing the commitment of a business tion runs amok like American healthcare and Assistant Layout Editor Harry Svenkerud [email protected] dents, industraial workers, musicians, kings, to the health of both people and the environ- Banking. If not for human greed, what a politicians, actors, athletes, families of all ment. This type of article about businesses wonderful world it would be. Advertising & Subscriptions sizes, single people, rich and poor, have and their activities is of interest to me, so My favorite Norwegian ski story oc- (206) 441-3044 [email protected] used in church in one way or another. Today I personally hope you will publish more curred five years ago in Turin when Cana- people of many diverse backgrounds come such stories. Actually, maybe even a regular dian Olympic sprint skier Sara Renner broke Contributing Editors to our church and each have their own rea- column on businesses with connections to a ski pole in front of Norwegian coach Bjør- Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. sons, some come because they have a long Norway would be a feature that Norwegian- nar Håkensmoen, who quickly gave her his Carla Danziger McLean, Va. standing relationship and others because American Chambers of Commerce members team’s back-up pole, permitting Canada to Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. they have just discovered us. So, in 2011 the and others would enjoy. finish second and Norway fourth. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Marit Fosse , Switzerland Norwegian church in Los Angeles/San Pedro Can we imagine more than winners, los- Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. is celebrating its 60th anniversary! Mary Jo Thorsheim ers and winners take all? Winners must be Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway We have just started with our new ac- Minneapolis, Minn. rewarded, but how much is enough? Can we Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. tivities on Saturdays at 11:15 a.m. Suggested celebrate winners and all who contribute? Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. donation for each activity is $5. We’ll be Can we reward achievement without depriv- Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. showing Norwegian movies, doing exercises ing those less endowed? My mother held a A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. with yoga instructor Unni de Presno, fix- Dear Editor, different interpretation of Janteloven, “vir- Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. ing cars with caretaker and Mr. Fix-it Knut, I like NAW’s “On the Edge” pieces. In tue, my son, is its own reward.” Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. making food together in the church’s kitch- the Feb. 25, 2011 piece, Norwegian Prog- Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. en, giving advices for your trip to Norway, ress Party Leader, Siv Jensen reflects pride Norman Jensen, MD MS David Moe Juneau, Alaska having knitting class and more! More info at: in Norwegian World Ski Champions. I hear Professor, Emeritus Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Bill Osmundsen Milton, N.H. www.sjomannskirken.no/losangeles. her belief in competition and celebrating General Internal Medicine Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. The Norwegian Church will be in winners like Oddvar Brå, 1982 FIS medal- Fellow, University of Wisconsin Teaching John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. San Diego again March 20th at 5 p.m. ist despite a broken ski pole. She disparages Academy Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway at Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, “Janteloven,” a Scandinavian preference Immediate past-president American Acad- Julie Whipple portland, Ore. Roetter Hall, 4321 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, for modesty in its winners, perceiving it as emy on Communication in Healthcare Beate Ørbeck Oslo, Norway

CA 92121. For more information, call Bjarne punishment for achievement, as one might Madison, Wis. CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives Anthonsen at (760) 631-5678 or email nor- infer from the common expression, “the tall- to make its news report fair and accurate. If you [email protected]. est poppy is first to be cut.” I hear her social We want to hear from you! have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly policy analogy in recommending that educa- Letter to the Editor reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for Sincerely, tion and healthcare become competitive so- 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right Bjarne Anthonsen cial enterprises. or email [email protected]. not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. Bonsall, Calif. I share an appreciation for competition • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian shake-up American Weekly, and our publication of those views is … 1960s. Ola Borten Moe has gladly used the The third issue is over whether to allow oil not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions (…continued from page 3) and complaints about the opinions expressed by Borten name during his own climb up the and gas drilling off Lofoten and Vesterålen, the paper’s editorials should be directed to the steps down. She and the rest of the party political ladder, and now, when he’s due to where the Center Party already has firmly publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published formally take over as deputy leader of the expressed its opposition. weekly except the first week of the calendar year, have been embroiled in embarrassing cases the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of funding irregularities, and some thought party this spring, he’ll already be a govern- Riis-Johansen, meanwhile, predictably of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Borten Moe would replace her at a national ment minister. tried to put the best spin possible on his de- Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. The change at the top of Norway’s im- parture. He told Norwegian Broadcasting NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription party meeting earlier this year. Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, Now, at least, he’ll get some experience portant oil ministry means environmental (NRK) on March 4 that it was “a fine day” US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. activists and other opponents of the delays at and he looked forward to spend more time as a government minister. Borten Moe is al- SINCE MAY 17, 1889: ready a member of Parliament and clearly Mongstad and the power lines in Hardanger with his family in Telemark instead of com- Formerly Norway Times keen on being a career politician like his will now have to deal with a new minister. muting weekly to Oslo. As often happens in Western Viking & Washington Posten grandfather before him. Riis-Johansen will be spared further harsh the world of politics, he’s not being entirely criticism. Stoltenberg let the Center Party pushed into the cold. Plans are already brew- Comprising Nordisk Tidene, Decorah- Borten Moe from Sør-Trøndelag is the Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, keep the post in his government and may ing for him to eventually land the sought-af- son of farmer Peder Moe and nurse Kari Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven Borten, who in turn is the daughter of Per hope Borten Moe can start with a fresh slate, ter position of county administrator (fylkes- Borten, a former leader of the Center Party now that two of the government’s most press- mann) back home in Telemark. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. who served as prime minister in the late ing controversial decisions have been made. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • March 11, 2011 norwegian american weekly taste of norway

Anti-semitism... (…continued from page 6) state. They are relatively non-religious, and only seek the sanctity of the Church of Nor- Fish fit for a prince way whenever a child needs to be baptized, erage Norwegian, does not hate the Jews. The confirmed or married, and perhaps wants to Norwegian people as a whole have not sud- attend an occasional Christmas Eve service. denly become Jew-haters. This new expres- They know only a little of the history the sion of anti-Semitism is not broad based, but Jews starting with the repeal of the prohibition is limited to a group of extremists. There are in the Constitution in 1851 preventing Jews unfortunately many other countries in Europe from entering their borders. They are better where the population is less homogenous and informed about their destiny of the Jews dur- consequently have more diversified priorities. ing World War II. They are content to live side Here one might expect the population to have by side with their dissenting countrymen. a more varying agenda. However, most of I hope that I am right. My love of Nor- the Norwegians belong to the middle classes; way and its people has always remained an they have high morals, work hard, take care of integral part of my life, even after I moved to their families and spend their free time enjoy- the U.S. 50 years ago. It is part of my identity, ing the outdoors and the fruits of the welfare my education and constitutes an important part of my culture. I would like my adopted countrymen in the US to consider the average Hardanger Norwegian to be innocent until proven guilty. for sale Let’s hope that the efforts of the “good Nor- wegians” will prove me right, that they will • Handmade in be able to reverse this disquieting trend, and Hardanger, prove the disturbing rumors that unfortunately Norway circulate in the United States to be untrue. • Black bunad shoes, size 38 Irene Levin Berman is a • Wool skirt and native Norwegian Jew vest who has lived in the U.S. for many years. Her book • Worn by a Photo: Tine.no “Vi skal plukke poteter,” 5’7” woman, Flukten fra Holocaust, 125 pounds This popular seafood dish is from Bergen, and is served for special occasions. The reci- was published in Norway pe was created 150 years ago when the Swedish prince came to visit Bergen, and insisted on • Price: $1750 in 2008. The English ver- cod for dinner. Prinsefisk consists of cod fillets delicately poached in lightly salted water, and sion “We are going to pick Potatoes,” Nor- served on a hot dish with white sauce, garnished with shrimp, crayfish tails or lobster. This plus shipping way and the Holocaust, the Untold Story, was simple but elegant dish is a taste of Norway worthy of a prince or a weeknight dinner. sent COD, published by Hamilton Books in 2010. The UPS or Fedex English version is available at www.amazon. com. Her Web site is www.norwayandtheho- Please call (425) 438-4382 locaust.com. e-mail: [email protected] Fish for a prince Prinsefisk For the fish 3/4 cup fish stock 1 1/2 pounds skinless cod fillet 2 egg yolks 1 1/4 cup water 3 Tbsp sherry 1 Tbsp kosher salt 1/8 tsp Cayenne pepper 1 tsp white wine vinegar Salt and pepper to taste

Sauce Garnish 3/4 cup unsalted butter 4 crayfish tails 2 Tbsp all purpose flour 8 – 12 asparagus spears, steamed

Roll up cod fillets and pin together with a toothpick. Poach fillets carefully in lightly NORWEGIANNORWEGIAN TV WANTS YOU!YOU! salted water with vinegar. Remove from water, and remove toothpicks. Keep fillets warm on NORWEGIAN TV WANTS YOU! a serving platter. CouldCould the the Love Love of of Your Your LifeLife bebe Norwegian?Norwegian? Could the Love of Your Life be Norwegian? In a medium sauce pan, prepare the white sauce. Melt butter, then whisk in the flour. Simmer for 4 – 5 minutes to cook out the raw flour taste. In a thin stream, pour in the fish

WouldNordisk you likeFilm to TVdate are interesting looking forand single beautiful stock, whisking constantly, and simmer a few more minutes. Whisk egg yolks in a separate Nordisk Film TV are looking for single bowl, and stir into sauce with sherry and cayenne pepper. Bring to a boil, and adjust season- NorwegianNorwegian men and women? Americans Nordisk in Seattle Film TV is looking for participantsNorwegian for a brand-new Americans TV in series Seattle about single ing as needed. To serve, pour sauce over fish fillets, and garnish with asparagus and crayfish tails. Norwegian-Americans looking for love.

WeWe are are producing producing a abrand brand new new TV-program TV-program about Norwegian Norwegian Americans Americans Recipe adapted from “Norwegian National Recipes: An inspiring journey in the culi- lookinglooking for for love. love. Would WouldCasting you you like like toto dates:datedate interestinginteresting and and beautiful beautiful nary ” by Arne Brimi and Ardis Kaspersen. NorwegianNorwegian menmen and women? LikeLike you you they they are are all all singles singles with a desiredesire to to find find love! love! Do you have a favorite Norwegian recipe? Share it with the readers of the Norwegian seattle, Washington: March 15 – 19 American Weekly! Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Se- If youIf you want want to to be be a apart part of of an an entirely entirely newnew and excitingexciting adventure adventure please please attle, WA 98115, or email [email protected]. We would love to hear from you! san Francisco,registerregister California: atat ourour website: March 20 – 24

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6909 ird Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 www.nordicdeli.com norwegian american weekly March 11, 2011 • 9 Travel On a street in Searching for ancestors in census records is a basic step of genealogical research, but interpreting the findings is an act of the imagination

Er i c a Ol s e n Dolores, Colo.

Case in point: My great-great-grand- mother, Anna Olsen, left Stavanger for New York in 1905 with four of her five sons, who ranged in age from seven to 13. They were joining Anna’s husband, Gabriel, who was already in Brooklyn, N.Y., as was the oldest son, Andreas, my great-grandfather. Five years earlier, the Olsen fam- ily was living at No. 7 Blidensolstredet in Stavanger’s Old Town. The 1900 census, on the Web site of the Norwegian National Archives, shows the entire Olsen household, including Gabriel and Andreas. Both were sailors, and on the day of the census, Gabriel, a mate on a sailing ship, was on a voyage to Cardiff, Wales. Andreas, then just 15, was a deckhand. There were only 23 houses on this stub Photo: Erica Olsen of a street – a sailors’ street, perpendicular to Thanks to the availability of the 1900 census, Erica Olsen can trace her great-great-grandparents and their neighbors on Blidensolstredet in Stavanger. the harbor. I realized it was possible to read the census house by house, like a novel. To walk down Blidensolstredet in 1900, peek No. 8 presents a lonely picture, at first. other out. At No. 5, Ole Johannesen Liknes crossed their minds that they, too, might have through the windows, knock at the doors and Anna Rasmussen, a 27-year-old unmarried and his wife had a new baby. They may have better prospects in America. see who was home. seamstress, lived in an attic apartment. But looked to the experienced Anna for advice. According to the Stavanger Histori- At No. 7, Anna Olsen had her hands full. Miss Rasmussen may have been an indepen- And Anna probably offered consolation to cal Society, more than 10,000 of the city’s She was the only woman in a house of 12; be- dent woman, proud of supporting herself in Marie Svendsen at No. 13, who was recently residents emigrated to the United States in sides her husband and children, she had five a room of her own. When she looked at busy widowed, with her youngest child born the a 25-year period around the turn of the 20th boarders, men who worked on the docks. Anna Olsen down the street, she may have previous year. century. Hans Hanssen lived next door, at No. 6. appreciated her freedom. While the women kept house, the In 1900 Anna may have already been He was 68, unmarried, with two boarders: There were many sailors on Blidensol- younger children would have chased each imagining a new life for her family in New an unmarried washerwoman and her infant stredet, all about Gabriel Olsen’s age. Ingvald other down the cobbles of Blidensolstredet. York. But when she opened the door to the daughter. And so we have a mystery: Who Dreyer, a mate on a sailing ship, was on a The Olsen boys must have had dozens of census taker on that winter day, could she fathered Nielssine’s child? For the bachelor journey to Rio. Just down the street was Erik playmates on this street alone. have imagined someone like me someday Hans, did a baby enliven what had been a Thormodsen, also a ship’s mate, the father And at No. 2, the unmarried Sivertsen walking up her street? dull and silent house? It must have been, for of six. The wives were responsible for the sisters, Martha and Elisabeth, were both in More than a century after her departure, a while, the talk of the street. households during their husbands’ frequent their thirties, still young enough to think of I flew from California to NewY ork to Oslo, absences, and they must have helped each marriage. When the Olsens left, it must have CONTINUES PAGE 11

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By Harold Halvorsen Huntington, N.Y.

This story about me and my kicksled happened during the German occupation of Norway in World War II. At the time I was 12 years old and living in a little town called Farsund, which is as far south as you can get. One fine winter day when there was a mixture of ice and snow on the ground, my friend Otto and I decided to go sledding on the “big hill,” that is, the main drag (or Kirkegaten) that ran from the top of the hill by the church all the way to the docks. As we climbed to the top of the hill and got on the kicksled, we noticed a group of people standing in the middle of a big inter- section about half way down. Otto, being a couple of years older, was steering, while I was on the passenger seat. As we got underway, we didn’t pay too much attention to the cluster of people blocking the intersection; we figured that, as usual, we would come down the hill screaming and shouting, and whoever happened to be in the street would hear and see us and summarily move to the side. As we got a little closer, moving at an incredible speed, it became clear that this was not a group ordinary Norwegian citizens standing around discussing the day’s events. This was a cadre of high-ranking German officers in full regalia. We screamed and yelled, to no avail. They were totally oblivious. It was too late and we were moving too fast to divert our course. We plowed into the cir- cular group and came out at the other end. We hit several of them mid- calf, sending them into the air like bowling pins in a strike. We continued down the hill, heading towards the water at undiminished speed. We thought we would be pursued by somebody. As we hurtled towards the docks, however, it was becoming clear that the square (torvet), where we would normally turn and ultimately come to a stop, was occupied by a man selling fish.H e had a long wooden bench in front of him. On the bench were several crates, each one filled with different kinds of fish, mostly huge cod. Immediately behind him was a live-fish tank in the water, right off the dock. Due to ice and snow, we were out Solution in next week’s issue of control. Stopping was not possible. We hit the man selling fish, just a glancing blow, knocking him off balance, but it didn’t stop us. We ended up in the ocean, just beyond the fish tank. I went to the bottom, still sitting on the seat of the kicksled. Otto floated to the Norwegian Proverb of the Week top and fished me out. As fast as we could, we ran home to my house via a very circuitous route and put the sled in the storage shed in the backyard. “Det er håp i hengende snøre.” After we changed into dry clothing, and got a stern talking-to by my mother, we went to look at the crash scene. Some Germans were still milling around, pointing and “There is hope as long as your fishing line is in the water.” gesticulating. We assumed our most convincing innocent expression and asked what had happened. Some of the civilians were kind enough to explain to us what had occurred.

The author, a first-generation Norwegian-American, was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Ole gave his mother-in-law a cemetery but spent his youth in Norway. After completing high school (gymnas), he returned to plot for her birthday. Next year he gave her the U.S. and spent four years working on tankers and tug boats in New York Harbor. nothing. When his wife Lena asked why not, Following a tour of duty in the U.S. Marine Corps, he earned a degree in mechanical Ole answered, “Well, she didn’t use the pres- engineering. He had a long, rewarding career in the aerospace industry. He turned to ent I gave her last year.” oil painting after he retired and has had several solo art shows. Longtime residents of Huntington, N.Y., he and his wife have three children and seven grandchildren. They last What is your favorite Ole and Lena joke? visited Norway in July 2010 with three of their grandchildren. Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 or email [email protected]. Ole and Lena America’s favorite Norwegians!

Arnold Barneson Eleva WI Victoria Sandvik Porter Mastic Beach NY Roald Amundsen South Pole Expedition Centennial 15. mars 1911 – 2011 Christine Ong Brier WA From the journal of Emma Eriksen Rockford IL 11 mars – lørdag Arvilla Flesland New London MN Fremdeles tåke i dag mårres, da vi dro Rev Paul Hasvold Decorah IA avste. Pemmikankassen, som vi hadde eft- Mrs Char Brox Crosby ND erlatt hær komm åss vell tillpass. I denn har 11. mars Lars Olaf Idso St Peter MN vi næsten 4 dager foring fårr våre hunner. Vi Magne Erga Seattle WA Karl Anders Idso St Peter MN kunne følle sporene videre N over fra vor leir- 12. mars Pat Joramo Everett WA plass, men di var meget vansklie att se grunnet Laila Svarstad Blair Inger Flagtvedt Nyborg Norway Winter Harbor ME den slette belysning. Efter 6km gange mistet Sig I Gildnes Bow WA 16. mars åsså Prestrud dem, men heldivis fantt Helmer Oddbjørg Petzinger New Bern NC Alfred Th. Fodnes Los Angeles CA dem ijenn. Kort tid efter løftett tåken å da var 13. mars Karl Herje Vancouver BC Canada de ikke længere vanskli å følle. De har gått Alvin O Stensland Alvin Berg Seattle WA Anacortes WA smått i dag. Dist. 20km. Temp = – 36°C. Ansgar Dahl Rolf K Jensen St Petersburg FL Malaga NJ Diane Olsen Helen Hagen Auburn WA Richland WA March 11 – Saturday 17. mars Hans Wold Minneapolis MN Still foggy this morning when we left. Eugene Bekkevold Mrs Otis P Nelson Northwood IA Seattle WA We’ll make good use of the case of pemmi- Carl Flagstad Egil Disen Placentia CA Holiday FL can we left here. There is almost enough dog Willy J. Thornton Rita Anja Huste Houston TX Strongsville OH food for four days. We could have followed Marlene Belgum Katharine Bothner Litchfield CT Glencoe MN the tracks further N’wards from our camp site Solveig Stier Fredrikstad Norway Kelly Nordby Boston MA but they were very difficult to see because of Pastor Roy Warwick Arlington WA 14. mars the bad light. After 6 km, Prestrud lost them Ernest Andersen Hankinson ND Want to see your birthday in the but luckily Helmer found them again. After a Andrew Hexem Hendricks MN Norwegian American Weekly? short time, the fog lifted and then it was not Ethelyn Thompson Hollandale WI Give us a call at (800) 305-0217 or email us at naw@ difficult to follow. Things have moved slowly Ivar Sunde Seattle WA norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one today. Dist. 20 km. Temp –36°C. Brought to you by the Fram Museum in Oslo Aslaug Briggs Tillamook OR month in advance. norwegian american weekly March 11, 2011 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary free of charge. Lou Warwick Feeble-minded

June 16, 1939 – January 20, 2011 At times, I get the unpleasant feeling that. Of course, there are always the smart E. Louise “Lou” Nehrenberg-Warwick also was active at New Hope Free Luther- of being slightly feeble-minded, particular- people around offering to help me, but be- went home to be with the Lord Jesus Christ an Church in Snohomish, Wash., where her ly when I have to put something together I ing a proud Norwegian, I’ll have none of in Heaven on Jan. 20, 2011. Lou passed husband Roy was pastor for eight years. This have bought, by following the instructions. that! peacefully with her husband Roy at her side past year, she attended Anchor of Hope Com- It’s supposed to be easy. It’s never easy for I have to admit, there are bigger prob- at home in Arlington, Wash. munity Church in Stanwood, Wash. me! I remember buying a bicycle for one of lems in life, but who wants to wrestle with Lou was born to Ole and Ethel Fidje in Lou was a Bronze Life Master with the my kids some years back. It took me hours, the big problems when one can spend the Brooklyn, N.Y., on June 16, 1939. Lou com- American Contract Bridge League and active and then I ended up with an extra supply of time with all the small ones? mitted her life to the Lord Jesus Christ as her in the Good Sam RV Club, and a member of nuts and bolts I couldn’t fine any use for. “It’s a small, small world...” – if you Lord and Savior in her teens. She was active the Royal Travelers Chapter. Lou enjoyed Also, I have trouble opening medicine make it small! in the High School Evangelism Fellowship visiting with family and friends, traveling, containers. Sometimes it says: “Press and Do you think I can use the word from and participated in her high school choir. camping, and visited Europe, Norway and unscrew counter-clockwise.” Easy? Never James’ letter for my problem: “If any of Lou volunteered to be counselor for the Billy much of Scandinavia. for me! Or you have to line up two arrows you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who Graham Crusade in 1957, held at Madison Lou was preceded in death by her par- and lift. I have trouble even locating the gives generously to all... and it will be giv- Square Garden in New York City. ents, her sister Ellen, her husband Don and the arrows! I always run into problems like en to him.” (James 1:5). I wonder... Lou attended Trinity Bible College to her grandson Justin. Her husband Roy, her learn more about God’s word. All through sisters Marilyn (Wayne) and Ruth, sons her life, Lou was active in church serving David (Pam), Danny and Steve, and daugh- Folk art... porary Norwegian-American culture today: many activities. At Word of Life Lutheran ters Diane (Clay), Debi and six grandchil- (…continued from page 14) “One reason for delving into folk art is that it Brethren Church in Marysville, Wash., she dren survive her. Many stepchildren and is a non-language dependent way of getting helped in Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS), stepgrandchildren also survive her. great-grandfather who was a cabinetmaker, into the culture. There are a lot of ways for the Shepherd’s Group and the 50ups. She a carpenter. It appealed to me.” Bill con- learning about one’s culture. One is learning sidered the kulturhus concept in and the language, one is traveling there, living said, “I enjoy it. I think it’s a real asset to there, et cetera, and that is not always in the Ragnvald August “Ron” Bolstad the community... You get guys like Harley, cards for everyone. But, the folk arts are a some guys that are known internationally... 1943 – 2011 non-language dependent way, and an awful you’d have to travel hundreds of miles to Ragnvald “Ron” Au- chitect on many Seattle structures, including lot of people are interested in getting into as- find somebody that good, that established.” gust Bolstad passed the Rainier Tower, Husky Stadium, Benaroya pects of Norwegian culture... they don’t need When asked what these artists were bring- away on Thursday, Hall and the Washington State Convention to know Norwegian to get into rosemåling, ing to Milan, he considered the question and Feb. 24, 2011, at the Center. A gifted problem solver and mentor, or carving, or weaving, or knitting, and yet, responded, “I think it’s just... what would it age of 67. Born in he guided the careers of many of Seattle’s ar- through those folk art traditions, one can be, kind of... stuff doesn’t get lost? Culture Tromsø, Norway in chitectural leaders. He will be sorely missed start to immerse one’s self and learn about doesn’t get lost? You kind of feel like you’re 1943. Married Doro- by his friends and family in Seattle, St. Paul geography, why is it that particular kinds going back and kind of making touch with thy Ave’Lallemant and Norway. Survived by daughter Karin, of wood were used, why different symbols some of your forefathers, who probably did in St. Paul, Minn., in son Carl, grand-daughter Dorothy Luren, were used, [and] Norwegian history. So, it a lot of this just because it was something to 1964. Arrived in Se- brother Gudbrand, sisters Ann and Ingeborg. can be vehicle, an inroad into a culture,” he do on long evenings in the winter.” attle, Wash., in 1972 Memorial info here: http://bolstad.cc/ron/. concluded. Folk art can be a tie that binds, As the workshop was coming to a close, and raised two children. He was project ar- and a contemporary means by which the cul- Harley Refsal shared his opinion regarding tural faith can be kept. Student festival... the role of Norwegian folk art in contem- (…continued from page 3) ISFiT Held every other year, the International Proud to bring you the adult. Mr. Kostić, a student in teacher educa- Student Festival in Trondheim (ISFiT) is a Norwegian American Weekly tion, is the Student Peace Prize Laureate for highly popular event. This year’s participants 2011. were selected from a pool of over 4,300 ap- Each year the prize is awarded on behalf plicants from all over the globe. Does retirement feel like a distant dream? of all students in Norway to a student or stu- “I am really impressed by what ISFiT Now is the time to maximize your retirement savings with a Traditional or Roth IRA at dent organization that has made a significant has managed to achieve since its launch 20 Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. contribution to promoting peace, democracy years ago,” said the Crown Prince. “It is the To learn more: and human rights. Mr. Kostić received the world’s largest student festival with a the- Log on to Thrivent.com/readyforsteady Call our Financial Advice Center at 888-834-7428 prize for his efforts to improve the rights of matic focus.” Contact your fi nancial representative Find a workshop near you at Thrivent.com/fi ndaworkshop the Roma through education. stavanger... (…continued from page 9) serted. I was walking fast to keep warm, and stumbled on Blidensolstredet sooner than I’d expected. As I picked my way up the icy cob- then arrived, jetlagged, in Stavanger, look- blestone hill toward No. 7, I felt suddenly, ing for Anna’s house. It was early February, unexpectedly, at home. and the streets of Gamle Stavanger were de- We need your help! Did you or someone you know migrate as a young woman from the Agder counties (Sørlandet) to New York in the time span 1946 to 1965? Siv Ringdal, author of “Det amerikanske Lista” and “Lapskaus Boulevard,” Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available is conducting field research in New York in April and May, and would like to in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, 800-847-4836, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned meet with people from this demographic. subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. Please contact Siv to be a part of this project! • NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT FDIC INSURED • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY • NOT GUARANTEED BY THRIVENT FINANCIAL BANK • MAY LOSE VALUE Email: [email protected] – Phone: +47 977 04 873 !PPLETON 7ISCONSINs-INNEAPOLIS -INNESOTAs4HRIVENTCOMs 4(2)6%.4   Mail: Siv Ringdal, Pastor Fangens vei 20 B, 0854 Oslo, NORWAY 26226NAWC N1-11 201008528 12 • March 11, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style

Style Highlight of the Week Calendar of Events Sharing “Open Space” What’s going on in your neighborhood? Four artists from Norway present exhibit at Illinois Peggy Lee Tribute Lehigh University in Pennsylvania Nordic Marketplace & Luncheon April 3 March 26 Brooklyn, N.Y. Park Ridge, Ill. Join the Scandinavian East Coast Museum Join the Chicago Area Friends of Vester- for a tribute to Peggy Lee at Bethlehem heim for a Nordic Marketplace! The event Lutheran Church from 3 – 7 p.m. on April begins at 9:30 a.m. at the Park Ridge Coun- 3 (please note date change). This year the try Club, and featuring a marketplace of Scandinavian East Coast Museum cel- traditional Norwegian folk art, including ebrates the life and work of Peggy Lee, an woodworking and rosemaling. The Silent American of Norwegian and Swedish ex- Auction will have wonderful, affordable traction. Admission: $35 per person. Res- items. Luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Tickets are ervations suggested. Contact Victoria at $50 per person (includes a $15 tax deduct- (718) 748-5950. ible donation) and $25 for school-age chil- dren, 12 and under (includes a $10 tax de- Centennial of Sporting Club Gjøa ductible donation). For more information, April 8 – 10 call (563) 382-9681, email info@vester- Brooklyn, N.Y. heim.org or visit www.vesterheim.org This year marks the 100th anniversary of Sporting Club Gjøa in Brooklyn, N.Y., Maine which has been a force in competitive soc- “Birkebeiner” lecture by Jeff Foltz cer for many years by providing young April 7 players with a great environment to play Falmouth, Maine great soccer. A weekend of celebration Jeff Foltz, author of “Birkebeiner: A story will take place April 8 – 10, and activities Photos courtesy of “Open Space” of Motherhood and War,” will be the guest include an evening of cocktails, a dinner Left: Hennie Ann Isdahl’s “Just Listen to Me.” Lisa Pacini’s mirrored chair. speaker at the Maine Nordmenn meeting on dance, and a family barbeque. Tickets are April 7 at 6:30 p.m., at Emmaus Lutheran $150 per person for the weekend. For more information and to purchase tickets, call Church, 265 Middle Rd., Falmouth, ME. Li n e Gr u n d s t a d Ha nk e What role did they have in this process? The American Birkebeiner is one of the Karen Diego at (718) 921-6173 or Kathy Line Grundstad Hanke Interior Design CI: It is of great importance that Norwe- McArdle at (718) 563-8833. longest Nordic ski races in North America gian culture is able to reach the international with an annual participation of 9,000 ski- I was informed by Lise Wulff, the Nor- arena. In order to do this artists need the sup- Miss Norway of Greater N.Y. Contest ers. The Birkie commemorates a group wegian artist we introduced in 2010, about port and funding from both state and private of Birkebeiners who smuggled the son of April 16 Brooklyn, N.Y. a new group exhibit called “Open Space” at sponsors due to the high cost of producing King Håkon Sverresson from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa. international exhibitions. Without the insight to safety in Trondheim in 1206 during the The Norwegian Immigration Association presents the 56th annual Miss Norway of The group Open Space was founded and generosity of our sponsors we could not Norwegian civil war. For research on his when Mona K. Lalim wanted to establish have realized the Open Space art project. novel, Foltz went to Norway during the Greater New York Contest! This annual a show with artists that had similar interest LGH: What makes you interested in winter to ski terrain similar to that which tradition takes place on April 16 at Ar- with different expression but at the same showing outside Norway? his characters skied many centuries ago. thur Nilsen Banquet Hall at the Norwe- time would complement each other. Color CI: It is very important that art is able Admission is free. All are welcome. For gian Christian Home and Health Center in more information, contact Carolyn Browne Brooklyn. Miss Norway and her court will and Room is the common thread of the four to travel internationally to develop cultural at (207) 622-3096 or carolynbrowne@ be officially recognized at the famous 17th artists. They have worked together as a team meeting points and challenges through cul- gmail.com. of May Parade in Brooklyn. Contestants to find a message. It is a lonely world for an tural exchanges. For us it is a unique chance must meet the following criteria: Be 17 – artist to work in a studio, so to be able to to show and make our art known abroad. Minnesota 24 years of age, be of Norwegian heritage, share and work together is very challenging LGH: Is there something that you and interest in Norway. Contestants who 14th Annual Ibsen Festival and rewarding for all four artists. want to say; a message in this exhibit? If register by March 1 receive a $10 discount. April 15 – 17 Open Space tells us something about so can you explain? Visit www.niahistory.org. Lanesboro, Minn. opening up a dialogue and new possibilities. CI: This is the first time that this group Join us in the heart of Norwegian America Washington No exhibit is the same – the idea is to let the will exhibit together. We have been working in Lanesboro for the 14th Annual Ibsen space open up the possibilities and it is in with this project for more than two years and Festival! This year, we feature a world pre- Norway Day 2011 this that the excitement present itself. All this process has led to a deeper knowledge miere adaptation by Jeffrey Hatcher of Ib- April 16 four have been interested in showing their of our own artistic expression as well as all Olympia, Wash. sen’s powerful An Enemy of the People. As art abroad and to work as a team toward this the experience gained in the development of There’s more to Norway than Lutefisk and always, the festival will include lectures, goal have been a good experience. They feel the art project. We also find it interesting fine art, music, post show discussions and Lefse! Join us for Norway Day 2011, spon- sored by the Hovedstad Lodge Sons of Nor- a new start with new adventure and connec- that the group consists of three Norwegians many other events to put this Ibsen’s work tions will take place in the U.S. and one American where we have discussed into context. Call (800) 657-7025 or visit way and the Prillar Guri Lodge Daughters of Norway. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Lisa Pacini is American, but she has and worked with our cultural differences and www.ibsenfest.org. lived in Norway for 30 years. Christine Is- similarities. In the context of the art project, Thurston County Fairgrounds Expo Cen- New York ter, experience Norwegian music, dancing, tad, Mona K. Lalim and Hennie Ann Isdahl the understanding of space and color have Vikings, food, giftware, crafts, artwork and are all from Norway. been the shared step stone. It’s within this Centennial of Færder Lodge real Fjord horses. For more information, dialogue that the individual art piece has March 26 call (360) 923-1242 or email joanne@mo- Line Grundstad Hanke: Congratu- developed. We are invited as artists in resi- Brooklyn, N.Y. holtusa.com. lations on the group exhibition that is to dence, and will be part of the educational Save the date! Sons of Norway Færder take place in Pennsylvania. How did you program at the university of architecture, Lodge #109 is celebrating its centennial in Bunad Blouse Class go about making a connection with Le- art students and Museum studies amongst 2011. In celebration of this historic mile- stone, Færder Lodge will hold a gala din- April 12 – 14 high University? other events. This is a great opportunity to ner and dance at the Rex Manor, located Bothell, Wash. Christine Istad: The group Open Space, exchange cultural ideas and thoughts about at 1100 60th Street in Brooklyn, N.Y. Our Learn to make your own authentic Norwe- consists of Lisa Pacini, Hennie Ann Isdahl, the contemporary art scene. featured entertainer for the gala will be the gian Bunad Blouse. Cost is $50 to Both- Christine Istad and Mona K. Lalim will be The exhibit will open March 19 with a famous Norwegian recording artist Bjøro ell Sons of Norway members and $60 to showing at Lehigh Museums and Galleries, panel discussion at 4:30 p.m. at the Main Art Håland. Admission: $90 per person. Please non-members. Registration is required. Bethlehem after applying with our former Gallery in the Zoellner Arts Center at Lehigh join us for this special celebration. Contact For information on supplies needed and to art projects. Lisa Pacini, who was born in University in Bethlehem, Pa. The exhibit will Frank Bolstad at (732) 302-0955 or John register, please call Selma Snaring at (425) Bethlehem, Pa., and has family living there, be open to the public March 19 – July 26, Petersen at (718) 494-2080. 385-2144. introduced the art project to Director Profes- 2011. For more information, visit the follow- sor Ricardo Viera, who is the curator of the ing Web sites: Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 exhibition. • www.christine-istad.no to add your list to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! LGH: I see you are sponsored by • www.lisapacini.org the American Scandinavian Foundation • www.isdahl.info Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. and Norwegian Visual Artist Association. • www.lalim.no norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us March 11, 2011 • 13 In your neighborhood looking for love... Celebrating heritage (…continued from page 1) looking for love. The casting crew visited New Nordic heritage guide provides a map Minneapolis March 10 – 12, and will be in Seattle March 15 – 19, and San Francisco of places of interest with a Nordic connection March 20 – 24. Once the four American contestants are By Ch r i s t y Wo l y n i a k breathing through walking tours amongst its chosen, viewers in Norway can write in a re- Ballard News-Tribune quiet Nordic streets and shops. quest for meet the Americans. Each contes- The town of Ballard is known for its tant will choose their top eight Norwegians, Seattle’s Convention and Visitor’s Bu- strong Nordic ties as immigrants carved out who will then be flown to the U.S. in the re- reau recently released its newest Nordic heri- a living through the milling and shipbuild- spective cities to get to know the contestant tage guide in hopes to promote tourism and ing industries. Within every historic guide, and maybe even fall in love. encourage an interest in Nordic history. a specific neighborhood is chosen for which Per Jørgen Østby, head of entertainment Many Seattleites share a common Nor- to research that reflects the rich history cen- for Nordisk TV, says the goal of the show is dic ancestry which many communities such tral to the guide. Ballard is proud to remain to show authentic American life for its Nor- as Ballard are proud to recognize. The guide to this day a cultural melting pot alive and wegian viewers. For example, comparing features places of interest and community breathing with Nordic history. the differences between breakfast in Norway events around the Seattle area and beyond “Scandinavians are not used to promot- and the U.S., and favorite activities. for tourists to discover. One such event is St. ing themselves. A saying in part of culture is “There is something about Norwegian- Lucia’s Day, in which a young woman wear- “no tall poppies,” meaning everyone’s sup- American life that interests Norwegians,” ing a crown of candles leads a festive pro- posed to blend in... to have this recognized said Østby. cession. Other events and attractions com- attention [through the guide] is marvelous,” Bureau Visitor’s Convention and Photo courtesy of Seattle’s The show will be filmed more like a memorate historic Nordic people and events, said Kristine Leander, cultural programs di- entertaining documentary, not a reality tv providing a rich cultural experience for both rector for the Swedish Cultural Center and show like the popular American dating show president of the Leif Erikson Foundation. tourists and locals. path’ places highlighted,” said Taylor. “The Bachelor,” where all contestants live No longer will visitors need to be led The guide highlights places of interest The guide provides a window into places in a large house. Instead, the Norwegian by paper-napkin maps. The Nordic Heritage such as the Leif Erikson statue at Shilshole otherwise unknown to many Seattle residents participants will live in the same city as the guide provides a map with a legend so that Bay Marina and the Nordic Heritage Muse- and especially tourists. Its portable form fa- American contestant. Week by week, the visitors can easily navigate to places of in- um; the only museum in the nation that rec- cilitates easy transfer and sharing amongst Norwegian that doesn’t win the heart of the terest. ognizes all five Nordic countries, according interested and eager friends and family vis- American participant will be sent home to “The community is always fluid, it will to the guide. iting the Seattle area. According to Taylor, Norway. change. [This guide] is a snapshot in time. “It is important to us that the guides be one of goals of this project was to make aca- “The show’s goal is to focus on real peo- I’m very pleased with it,” said Leander. reflective of the community, are accurate and demic documentation and research of Nordic ple looking for real love,” says Østby. Over 30,000 guides have been distrib- culturally sensitive,” said Tracey Wicker- heritage more visible for the public. The casting crew is looking for single uted throughout visitor centers and places sham, cultural tourism director for Seattle’s “I’m thankful and appreciative to the Norwegian-Americans who are in their 20s highlighted in the guide, according to Holly Convention and Visitor’s Bureau. community for helping us and giving us – 40s. Interested participants should contact Taylor, Past Forward Principal. These guides Interested visitors will discover that Se- feedback. [This guide] reflects community Kristin Tangstrøm by email at kristin.tang- are constantly updated in order to ensure attle is not the only city with hidden Nordic well,” said Wickersham. [email protected] at by phone at secrets and historic adventures waiting to be accuracy. “There’s a lot of interest among Reprinted with permission from the Bal- +47 98 26 35 45. To apply online, visit www. discovered. The town of Poulsbo, nicknamed smaller places, parks, gardens, and galler- lard News-Tribune. norwaycasting.com. “Little Norway,” keeps its history alive and ies... People like to see those ‘off the beaten

The 56th Annual

Of Greater New York Contest

Saturday, April 16 at 2 p.m. Miss$25 for NIA Members, $30 forNorway Non-members Arthur Nilsen Banquet Hall at the Norwegian Christian Home & Health Center, 1270 – 67 Street, Brooklyn, New York

Freia Titland, Miss Norwegian Heritage 2010 and Helen Rell, Miss Your chance to participate in a TRADITION! Norway of Greater NY 2010. Photo: Berit Hessen On April 16, Miss Norway of Greater New York 2011 and her runner-up will Calling all youngsters be selected. They and their court will be recognized at the 17th of May Parade in Brooklyn. Prizes include a trip to Norway and more! Download application at 4 – 10 years old! www.niahistory.org, or contact Arlene Rutuelo at 718-748-1874 or write to Nordic Boys and girls with a Norwegian Delicacies, 6009 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209. connection are invited to participate in the 17th May Parade as part of Miss Norway’s Contestants must meet the following criteria: entourage. The children will ride on a • Be 17 – 24 years of age • Submit an application special float which will be drawn by a • Have a Norwegian family connection • Application deadline: April 1, 2011 Norwegian fjord horse. • Have knowledge of Norwegian heritage Proudly presented by 317 East 52nd Street, New York, New York 10022 Norwegian Immigration Association Email: [email protected] • Online: www.niahistory.org 14 • March 11, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner Contemporary tie that binds

The boys from Vangen: Using folk art as a vehicle to cultural Written by Leif Halse heritage Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri Ga r y Er i ck s o n My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian serialization of “The Sunburg, Minn. Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic! How do today’s Norwegian-Americans hold fast ved troen (keep the faith)? How do they maintain a meaningful comprehension of their immigrant forefathers’ world, and stay connected to the life-directing values created within that immigrant culture? Many Norwegian-Americans do so by practicing, appreciating and perpetuating the folk arts MONS SKREMMER VETTET AV MONS SCARES TROLL SENSELESS of Norway. These applications were born of TROLL Now Troll catches sight of the Vangen need and brought to America for utilitarian Photo: Gary Erickson Professor Harley Refsal demonstrates flat plane Der får Troll se «Vangsgutane» et stykke boys farther out in the field.H e barks furious- purposes. They served just as well as a source wood carving. ute på jordet. Da illgjør den og setter etter i ly and runs after them, taking long bounds. of culturally unique, inexpensive beauty for lange byks. Det blir et hardt kapprenn fram- It becomes an all-out sprint across the flat the household, and became something with over flatene mot Vangen. Men Kåre og Stei- fields toward Vangen. But Kåre and Steinar which the family could surround itself. yond the sole subject of woodcarving. He nar når først inn på tunet, og Steinar løper til get to the farmyard first, and Steinar runs to In west central Minnesota’s Norwegian is an historian who pauses his instruction to vedskjulet og henter ei øks til å jage udyret the woodshed and fetches an axe to chase the immigrant–rich Chippewa County lies the relate a specific aspect of Norway’s history bort med. beast away. small town of Milan (pop. 326). It is a bur- to particular species of carving wood. He is The dog comes storming up to the house. Der kommer hunden stormende fram til geoning Norwegian cultural force, becom- a philosopher who can metaphorically tie the Just then, Mons comes strolling from the barn. husa. I det samme kommer Mons ruslende fra ing part of a recent American phenomenon, nature of wood carving to economic and reli- When he sees the dog, he arches his back and fjøset. Da han får se hunden, skyter han rygg the development of norske kulturhus [Nor- gious times in Norway, 500 years prior. og freser stygt. Med ett hopper han rett i sy- hisses threateningly. Suddenly he jumps right wegian culture houses]. Milan developed About a dozen students took part in Ref- net på Troll, og biter og klorer som en gaupe. on Troll’s face and bites and claws like a lynx. sal’s three-day class. Several students were The dog gets scared senseless and runs away the Milan Village Arts School (MVAS), a Hunden blir vettskremt og tar flukten med interviewed for their opinions regarding the with his tail between his legs. non-profit 501-C(3) educational entity and halen mellom bakbeina. basis for their participation. Their reasons «Nei maken til katt!» ler Kåre. Så roper “What a cat!” laughs Kåre. Then the building – through which classes in Norwe- for participating were varied. Lila Salls of «Vangsgutane» hurra for Mons. Men et styk- Vangen boys shout hurray for Mons. But up gian and Scandinavian folk art are presented. Ortonville, Minn., said she grew up in a ke borte i lia ser de Larris. Han går og vasser on the hillside they see Larris. He is wading Classes are offered in Norwegian knife mak- i djupsnøen med de brekte skiene sine over through the deep snow with his broken skis ing, spoon carving, acanthus wood carving, Scandinavian household and stated she takes skulderen. Troll lusker etter. Larris knytter over his shoulder. Troll slinks behind him. Scandinavian flat plane carving, silver jew- classes as much for learning about Norway neven og truer mot Vangen, og det lover ikke Larris clenches his fist and shakes it at the elry construction and in a myriad of other as much as her intention to learn a new art godt for dagene som kommer. Mor Sigrid er Vangen farm, and it doesn’t bode well for the craft and art forms. form. “I like it when he [Refsal] talks about kommet ut og vil vite hva som har hendt, men days to come. Mother Sigrid has now come On this occasion, Professor Harley Ref- Norway. I’ve never been to Norway, and I er ikke så helt sikker på at det var riktig å løse out and wants to know what has happened, sal, Professor of Scandinavian Folk Art at like learning about it, the history and the cul- orrhanen som Larris hadde fått i snara si. but isn’t so sure that it was right to let the Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and recipi- ture that goes with it.” blackcock loose that Larris had caught in his ent of the St. Olav Medal of Honor from King Beth Aaberg of Starbuck, Minn., was snare. Harald V of Norway, came to Milan during intrigued by the nature of flat plane carving. Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen the second week in February 2011. He came “It’s so different from anything that you can Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. with a sharp knife and an immense ability to go buy,“ she said. “You look at a tree differ- www.astrimyastri.com convey his skill and passion for the art form ently; you look at people differently... I think of Scandinavian flat plane wood carving. there’s so much to learn from Harley, that Norwegians in America, their History and Record: Refsal carves caricatures. He memorializes it has been a wonderful experience.” Beth A translated version of the 1907 and 1913 immigrant relatives, neighbors, and Norwe- is a second generation Scandinavian wood Nordmændene i Amerika, deres Historie og Rekord gian folk lore subjects with sweeping cuts carver, and her daughter, 23-year-old Mela- Written by Martin Ulvestad, Volume 1 in wood; his subjects are those who brought nie Schwendemann of Starbuck, Minn., rep- resenting her family’s third generation, was Limited 1st edition printing of 100-year-old book! Volume 1 (of internalized Norwegian cultural values to an upcoming 3 Volume series) includes pioneers stories of emigrant America and created a new world here. His in attendance at this work shop, too. ships, canal boats, cattle cars, sickness, oxcarts, dugouts, sod huts, Bill Hoberg of Benson, Minn., re- numerous pastors and churches, livestock and crops, grasshoppers, carvings display humor but not ridicule. prairie fires, blizzards, Indian Wars and more! They emphasize the artistically obvious but members carving since he was a kid: “You are not photographic images. “I’m more out used a dull knife, strange wood, and you • 1825-1907 emigration from Norway bled a lot!” he said laughingly. “I had a • Immigration to USA (41 states) & Canada for impressions than realism,” he said. • Bilingual English translation & Norwegian transcription Refsal’s teaching, however, goes be- CONTINUES PAGE 11 • Hardcover, 480 pages, maps, index contains 5,700 • $29.95 with FREE shipping in the USA

Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Email: [email protected] 602 3rd Ave SW Phone: (563) 568-6229 Waukon, IA 52172

Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates Organization of the Week in the United States Norwegian American North Dakota Genealogical Center Honorary Consul Leading research center for Norwegian-American genealogy and Ronald H. McLean family history. PO BOX 6017 Fargo, ND 58108 For more information, contact: Tel: (701) 232-8957 415 W. Main St., Madison, Wi 53703 Fax: (701) 237-4049 (608) 255-2224 • www. nagcnl.org [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, Left: Flat plan woodcarving is a traditional woodworking method in Norwegian folk art. Right: Bill visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations Hoberg of Benson, Minn., enjoys the kulturhus concept in Milan. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports March 11, 2011 • 15 sports Oslo 2011 in photos World Cup ski mania Excitement at Oslo 2011 includes US women

Jo h n Er i k St a c y Seattle, Wash.

Norwegians are crazy for skiing and their mania was pumped to the bursting point as hosts of the World Cup championships in Nordic Skiing. “The Norwegian skiers here are like rock stars” writes U.S. skier Holly Brooks on her blog. She notes the yield for skier signs on country roads and ski figures on milk cartons. Sadie Bjornsen from Win- throp, Wash., writes that she experienced “a whole new meaning of cheering and crowds” and that “the crowd would go wild...even when we were just warming up!!” It may seem natural then that Norway Photo courtesy of Holly Brooks Photo: Petter Tandberg had nine gold medals in the 12 cross-country (from Minnesota) and Holly Crowds turned out by the thousands to support their athletes. events. But when you consider that the Ger- Brooks (from Alaska) in front of Holmenkollen mans, Russians, Fins, Estonians, Poles, Slo- ski jump at the 2011 World Cup. venians, Slovaks, Austrians, Swiss AND the The women’s relay was a high point Swedes (!) are also pretty darn serious about for the U.S., with Jessie Diggins (Afton, the sport, you can appreciate how remark- Minn.) fighting up to 9th place: “That’s the able the Norwegian performance indeed is. great thing about relays – no matter how bad And you can begin to fathom the type of you’re hurting, you can never throw in the competition faced by U.S. skiers competing towel when you know your teammates are on Norwegian snow. counting on you!” CAnada… (…continued from page 1) the race, and receive their winners’ bouquets. “We had read that Norway has won more Canadian team member . “It than 100 gold medals in the world champi- was so loud,” he added after crossing the fin- onships, and this was our first-ever... so we ish line, referring to the famously cheering are very happy,” Kershaw told NRK. crowds at Holmenkollen events. “It was like Russia won the bronze medal in the being at the Stanley Cup (in hockey), and for sprint event, with team members Alexander a Canadian to say that, it’s fantastic.” Panzjinskij and Nikita Krujukov later deliv- ering a special greeting to the crowd at the Photo: Petter Tandberg Photo: Iselin Naess Harvey and fellow Canadian Devon medals ceremony. They were clearly happy Norway’s Therese Johaug celebrates her gold “Munch in snow and ice” was presented in Spik- Kershaw were up against Northug and Ola medal in the 30 km mass start. “It’s the greatest ersuppa at the beginning of the World Champi- Vigen Hattestad from Ørje, on the south- with their own medal, while the Canadians day in my life... Today I got a gold medal, and onship, and the exhibition was a huge success. eastern Norwegian border to Sweden. “I looked very proud indeed as their national it’s just a dream. When I was a little girl, I saw Ice sculpters from around the world interpreted was leading the last 20 meters, just to make anthem played for the tens of thousands famous Norwegian artists Edvard Munch’s into Marit take a lot of gold medals in , and that clear, so I would have gladly taken the gathered in downtown Oslo for the evening ice sculptures. I hoped to do the same today,” she said. gold,” Hattestad told Norwegian Broadcast- ceremony. ing (NRK) afterwards. “But it’s just to con- It was the first time in several days that Final Medal Count from Oslo 2011 gratulate Canada.” Norway didn’t dominate the winners’ plat- The finals of the men’s sprint were even, form. Not only did Canada take gold in the NATION GOLD SILVER BRONZE TOTAL tight and tough. Northug said later that he men’s team sprint, Sweden won the women’s Norway 8 6 6 20 shouldn’t have changed tracks in an effort to sprint and France won the men’s combined event at the Holmenkollen Ski Jump. Austria 7 2 1 10 get around Kershaw. “I had to switch again, and then he got a few meters over the top,” “I love the fact that Canada won,” wrote Sweden 2 2 1 5 Northug said at a press conference. one Norwegian in NRK’s online forum. “The Kershaw and Harvey were thrilled to world championships should be fun, serious jump up on the winners’ platform justFull Serviceafter Agencyand open With for Experienced everyone!” Norwegian Speaking Consultants! Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] Verrazano TraVel & leisure 1 (718) 979-6641 LUNDE [email protected] ELECTRONICS, INC. [email protected] and Service

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