
A Rite for the Blessing of Water

This draws on the BCP blessing in the Baptismal Rite.

The is always a recollection of . The use of blessed water is also a recalling of baptism. The two are often used together.

Blessed water, or , might be used in the blessing of people, places and things, for example: 1. In the baptismal font and holy water stoups near the entrances of the , 2. – sprinkling the congregation, 3. In blessings of marriages, commendation and the committal, 3. In blessing of pets on the Feast of Saint Francis, 4. In blessing rings, crucifixes and crosses, icons, palms, candles, a grave, the Advent Wreath, candles, ashes, a home.

A Rite for the Blessing of Water

Water is poured into a font or other container. A small amount of salt may be added.

Friends in Christ, we will use this water to remind us of our baptism. Let us ask God to bless this water that we might be renewed in our baptismal life so all may be to the Glory of God.

Priest The Lord be with you. People And also with you. Priest Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People It is right to give him thanks and praise.

Almighty God, by water we are joined to your acts of Creation, the Red Sea, the Prophets, the Baptism of our Lord, and the waters of the Holy City. + Bless this water that it may be a sign of your grace in renewing our baptismal life, healing us from illness, protecting us from evil and forgiving us our sins; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Rev’d Robert A. Gallagher, 2013