A Scheme Foreign Function Interface to JavaScript Based on an Infix Extension Marc-André Bélanger Marc Feeley Université de Montréal Université de Montréal Montréal, Québec, Canada Montréal, Québec, Canada
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT FFIs are notoriously implementation-dependent and code This paper presents a JavaScript Foreign Function Inter- using a given FFI is usually not portable. Consequently, face for a Scheme implementation hosted on JavaScript and the nature of FFI’s reflects a particular set of choices made supporting threads. In order to be as convenient as possible by the language’s implementers. This makes FFIs usually the foreign code is expressed using infix syntax, the type more difficult to learn than the base language, imposing conversions between Scheme and JavaScript are mostly im- implementation constraints to the programmer. In effect, plicit, and calls can both be done from Scheme to JavaScript proficiency in a particular FFI is often not a transferable and the other way around. Our approach takes advantage of skill. JavaScript’s dynamic nature and its support for asynchronous In general FFIs tightly couple the underlying low level functions. This allows concurrent activities to be expressed data representation to the higher level interface provided to in a direct style in Scheme using threads. The paper goes the programmer. This is especially true of FFIs for statically over the design and implementation of our approach in the typed languages such as C, where to construct the proper Gambit Scheme system. Examples are given to illustrate its interface code the FFI must know the type of all data passed use.