The Longman Anthology of British Literature

David Damrosch General Editor



THE VICTORIAN AGE Heather Henderson and William Sharpe

THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Kevin Dettmar and Jennifer Wicke


: of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

§1 '.'':' New York •;Reading,/]*tassachusetts • Menlo Park, California • Harlow, §, ".•U''«»'* "J Don TyUlls, OMBrio • Sydney • Mexico City • Madrid • Amsterdam CONTENTS

Preface xxxiii

Acknowledgments xxxix

The Romantics and Their Contemporaries 2

ANNA LAETITIA BARBAULD 29 The Mouse's Petition to Dr. Priestley 29 On a Lady's Writing 31 Inscription for an Ice-House 31 To a Little Invisible Being Who Is Expected Soon to Become Visible 32 To the Poor 33 Washing-Day 33 Eighteen Hundred and Eleven 35 The First Fire 43 COMPANION READING John Wilson Croker: from A Review of Eighteen Hundred and Eleven 45 PERSPECTIVES: THE RIGHTS OF MAN AND THE REVOLUTION CONTROVERSY 46 HELEN MARIA WILLIAMS 47 from Letters Written in , in the Summer of 1790 48 from Letters from France 52 EDMUND BURKE 57 from Reflections on the Revolution in France 58 MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT 67 from A Vindication of the Rights of Men 67 " THOMAS PAINE 76 from The Rights of Man 76 WILLIAM GODWIN 82 from An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and Its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness 83 THE ANTI-JACOBIN 88 The Friend of Humanity and the Knife-Grinder 88 HANNAH MORE 92 ' Village Politics >92 • . vi Contents

ARTHUR YOUNG 99 from Travels in France During the Years 1787-1788, and 1789 100 from The Example of France, a Warning to Britain 101

WILLIAM BLAKE 104 All Religions Are One 106 There Is No Natural Religion [a] 107 There Is No Natural Religion [b] 108 SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND OF EXPERIENCE 110 Songs of Innocence Introduction 110 The Ecchoing Green 111 The Lamb 112 The Little Black Boy 113 The Chimney Sweeper 114 The Divine Image 115 HOLY THURSDAY 115 Nurse's Song 116 Infant Joy 116 COMPANION READING Charles Lamb: from The Praise of Chimney-Sweepers 116 Songs of Experience The Fly 119 The CLOD & the PEBBLE 120 HOLY THURSDAY 120 The Tyger 120 The Chimney Sweeper 122 The SICK ROSE 122 AH! SUN-FLOWER 123 The GARDEN of LOVE 123 LONDON 123 The Human Abstract 124 INFANT SORROW 124 A POISON TREE 125 A DIVINE IMAGE 126 The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 126 Visions of the Daughters of Albion 139 LETTERS 145 To Dr. John Trusler (23 August 1799) 145 To Thomas Butts (22 November 1802) 146

PERSPECTIVES: THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY AND THE SLAVE TRADE 149 OLAUDAH EQUIANO 151 from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano. 15,1 MARY PRINCE 157 from The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave 158 • • ; Contents vii

THOMAS BELLAMY 161 The Benevolent Planters 161 ANN YEARSLEY 168 from A Poem on the Inhumanity of the Slave-Trade 168 WILLIAM COWPER 172 Sweet Meat Has Sour Sauce 173 HANNAH MORE 174 The Sorrows of Yamba 174 ROBERT SOUTHEY 178 from Poems Concerning the Slave Trade 179 DOROTHY WORDSWORTH 180 from The Grasmere Journals 180 GEORGE GORDON, LORD BYRON 181 from Detached Thoughts 181 THOMAS CLARKSON 181 from The History of the Rise, Progress, & Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave-Trade by the British Parliament 181 190 To Toussaint L'Ouverture 190 To Thomas Clarkson 191 from The Prelude 191 from Humanity 192 Letter to Mary Ann Rawson 192 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW 193 from Abstract of the Information laid on the Table of the House of Commons, on the Subject of the Slave Trade 193 MARY ROBINSON 195 January, 1795 196 Sappho and Phaon 198 4 ("Why, when I gaze on Phaon's beauteous eyes") 198 12 ("Now, o'er the tesselated pavement strew") 199 18 ("Why art thou changed? O Phaon! tell me why?") 199 30 ("O'er the tall cliff that bounds the billowy main") 199 37 ("When, in the gloomy mansion of the dead") 200 The Camp 200 LYRICAL TALES 201 The Haunted Beach 201 London's Summer Morning 203 The Old Beggar 204

MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT 206 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman 208 To M. Talleyrand-Perigord, Late Bishop of Autun 208 Introduction 210 from Chapter 1. The Rights and Involved Duties of Mankind Considered 213 from Chapter 2. The Prevailing Opinion of a Sexual Character Discussed 216 viii Contents

from Chapter 3. The Same Subject Continued 227 from Chapter 5. Animadversions on Some of the Writers Who Have Rendered Women Objects of Pity, Bordering on Contempt 232 from Chapter 13. Some Instances ofthe Folly Which the Ignorance of Women Generates; with Concluding Reflections on the Moral Improvement That a Revolution in Female Manners Might Naturally Be Expected to Produce 233 Maria; or The Wrongs of Woman 235 [Jemima's Story] 235

PERSPECTIVES: THE WOLLSTONECRAFT CONTROVERSY AND THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN 247 CATHERINE MACAULAY 247 from Letters on Education 248 ANNA LAETITIA BARBAULD 250 The Rights of Woman 251 ROBERT SOUTHEY 251 To Mary Wolstoncraft 251 WILLIAM BLAKE 252 from Mary 252 RICHARD POLWHELE 253 from The Unsex'd Females 254 PRISCILLA BELL WAKEFIELD 258 from Reflections on the Present Condition of the Female Sex 258 MARY ANNE RADCUFFE 262 from The Female Advocate 262 HANNAH MORE 269 from Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education 269 MARY ANNE LAMB 275 Letter to The British Lady's Magazine [On Needlework] 276 WILLIAM THOMPSON and ANNA WHEELER 279 ' from Appeal of One Haif the Human Race, Women, Against the Pretensions of the Other Half, Men, To Retain Them in Political, and Thence in Civil and Domestic Slavery 280

JOANNA BAILLIE 287 Plays on the Passions 287 from Introductory Discourse 287 London 292 A Mother to Her Waking Infant 293 A Child to His Sick Grandfather 294 Thunder 295 Song: Woo'd and Married and A' 297

Literary Ballads 298

RELIQUES OF ANCIENT ENGLISH POETRY 299 Sir Patrick Spence 300 Contents ix

ROBERT BURNS 301 To a Mouse 302 Flow gently, sweet Afton 303 Ae fond kiss 303 Comin' Thro' the Rye (1) 304 Comin' Thro' the Rye (2) 304 Scots, wha hae wi' Wallace bled 305 Is there for honest poverty 306 A Red, Red Rose 307 Auld Lang Syne 307 The Fornicator. A New Song 308

SIR 309 Lord Randal 309

THOMAS MOORE 310 The harp that once through Tara's halls 310 Believe me, if all those endearing young charms 310 The time I've lost in wooing 311

WILLIAM WORDSWORTH 312 (1798) 313 Simon Lee 314 We Are Seven 317 Lines Written in Early Spring 318 The Thorn 319 Note to The Thorn 324 Expostulation and Reply 326 The Tables Turned 326 Old Man Travelling 327 Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey 328

LYRICAL BALLADS (1800, 1802) 332 Preface 332 [The Principal Object of the Poems. Humble and Rustic Life] 332 ["The Spontaneous Overflow of Powerful Feelings"] 333 [The Language of Poetry] 334 [What Is a Poet?] 335 ["Emotion Recollected in Tranquillity"] 336 There was a Boy 336 Strange fits of passion have I known 337 Song (She dwelt among th' untrodden ways) 338 Three years she grew in sun and shower 338 Song (A slumber did my spirit seal) 339 Lucy Gray 340 Contents

Poor Susan 341 Nutting 342 Michael 343 COMPANION READINGS Francis Jeffrey: from A Review of Robert Southey's Thalaba 354 Charles Lamb: from Letter 357 Charles Lamb: from Letter to Thomas Manning 358 SONNETS, 1802-1807 359 Prefatory Sonnet ("Nuns fret not at their Convent's narrow room") 359 The world is too much with us 360 Composed upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802 360 It is a beauteous Evening 360 I griev'd for Buonaparte 361 London, 1802 361 COMPANION READINGS Charlotte Smith: from Elegiac Sonnets To Melancholy 362 Far on the Sands 362 • • To Tranquillity 362 Written in the Church Yard at Middleton in Sussex 363 On being cautioned against walking on an headland overlooking the sea 363 THE PRELUDE, OR GROWTH OF A POET'S MIND (1805) 364 Book First. Introduction, Childhood, and School time 365 Book Second. School time continued 379 [Two Consciousnesses] 379 [Blessed Infant Babe] 380 Book Fourth. Summer Vacation 381 [Encounter with a "Dismissed" Soldier] 381 Book Fifth. Books 384 [Meditation on Books. The Dream of the Arab] 384 [A Drowning in Esthwaite's Lake] 388 '["The Mystery of Words"] 388 ' Book Sixth. Cambridge, and the Alps 389 [The Pleasure of Geometric Science] 389 [Arrival in France] 390 [Travelling in the Alps. Simplon Pass] 392 • Book Seventh. Residence in London 396 [A Blind Beggar. Bartholomew Fair] 396 . Book Ninth. Residence in France 399 [Paris] 399 [Revolution, Royalists, and Patriots] 403 Book Tenth. Residence in France and French Revolution 406 [The Reign of Terror. Confusion. Return to England] 406 [Further Events in France] 410 [The Death of Robespierre and Renewed Optimism] 412 [Britain Declares War on France. The Rise of Napoleon and Imperialist France] 414 COMPANION READING William Wordsworth: from The Prelude (1850) 418 Contents xi

Book Eleventh. Imagination, How Impaired and Restored 418 [Imagination Restored by Nature] 418 ' •• • • ["Spots of Time." Two Memories from Childhood and Later Reflections] 420 Book Thirteenth. Conclusion 423 [Climbing Mount Snowdon. Moonlit Vista. Meditation on "Mind," "Self," "Imagination," "Fear," and "Love"] 423 [Concluding Retrospect and Prophecy] 428 Resolution and Independence 430 I wandered lonely as a cloud 433 My heart leaps up 434 Ode: Intimations of Immortality 434 The Solitary Reaper 439 Elegiac Stanzas 440 from Preface to The Excursion 442 COMPANION READINGS William Hazlitt: from The Character of Mr. Wordsworth's New Poem, The Excursion 445 Francis Jeffrey: from A Review of William Wordsworth's Excursion AAG Surprized by joy 447 Mutability 448 Scorn not the sonnet 448 Extempore Effusion upon the Death of James Hogg 448

DOROTHY WORDSWORTH 450 Grasmere—A Fragment 451 Address to a Child 453 Irregular Verses 454 Floating Island 457 Lines Intended for My Niece's Album 458 Thoughts on My Sick-bed 459 When Shall I Tread Your Garden Path? 460 Lines Written (Rather Say Begun) on the Morning of Sunday April 6th 460 The Grasmere Journals 462 [Home Alone] 462 [A Leech Gatherer] 463 [A Woman Beggar] 463 .' ' ' " [An Old Soldier] 464 •:••.•• [The Grasmere Mailman] 465 [A Vision of the Moon] 465 [A Field of Daffodils] 466 [A Beggar Woman from Cockermouth] 466 [The Circumstances of "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge"] 467 [The Circumstances of "It is a beauteous evening"] 467 [The Household in Winter, with William's New Wife! Gingerbread] 467

LETTERS 468 To Jane Pollard [A Scheme of Happiness] 468 To Lady Beaumont [A Gloomy Christmas] 469 xii Contents

To Lady Beaumont [Her Poetry, William's Poetry] 471 To Mrs Thomas Clarkson [Household Labors] 472 To Mrs Thomas Clarkson [A Prospect of Publishing] 473 To William Johnson [Mountain-Climbing with a Woman] 473 476 Sonnet 478 COMPANION READING William Lisle Bowles: To the River Itchin, Near Winton 478 478 This lime-Tree Bower My Prison 480 The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere (1798) 482 Part 1 482 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1817) 484 COMPANION READINGS William Cowper: The Castaway 499 Samuel Taylor Coleridge: from Table Talk 500 501 Christabel 503 518 Dejection: An Ode 519 On Donne's Poetry 522 Work Without Hope 522 Constancy to an Ideal Object 523 Epitaph 524 from. The Statesman's Manual [Symbol and Allegory] 524 525 Chapter 4 525 [On Lyrical Ballads] 525 [Wordsworth's Earlier Poetry] 525 Chapter 11 526 [The Profession of Literature] 526 Chapter 13 528 [Imagination and Fancy] 528 Chapter 14 531 [Occasion of the Lyrical Ballads—Preface to the Second Edition— The Ensuing Controversy] 531 [Philosophic Definitions of a Poem and Poetry] 533 Chapter 17 533 [Examination of the Tenets Peculiar to Mr. Wordsworth. Rustic Life and Poetic Language] 533 from Jacobinism 537 from Once a Jacobin Always a Jacobin 538 Lectures on Shakespeare 541 [Mechanic vs. ] 541 [The Character of Hamlet] 542 [Stage Illusion and the Willing Suspension of Disbelief] 543 [Shakespeare's Images] 544 [Othello] 544 Contents xiii

COLERIDGE'S LECTURES IN CONTEXT: Shakespeare in the Nineteenth Century 546 Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb Preface to Tales from Shakespear 546 Charles Lamb from On the Tragedies of Shakspeare 548 William Hazlitt from Lectures on the English Poets 551 • from The Characters of Shakespeare's Plays 552 On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth 552

GEORGE GORDON, LORD BYRON 555 She walks in beauty 557 So, we'll go no more a-fovirig 558 CHILDE HAROLD'S PILGRIMAGE 558 Canto 3 558 [Thunderstorm in Switzerland] 558 [Byron's Strained Idealism. Apostrophe to His Daughter] 560 Canto 4 562 [Rome. Political Hopes] 562 [The Coloseum. The Dying Gladiator] 563 [Apostrophe to the Ocean. Conclusion] 565 COMPANION READINGS John Wilson: from A Review of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage 567 John Scott: [Lord Byron's Creations] 568 DON JUAN 569 Dedication 570 Canto 1 574 from Canto 2 [Shipwreck. Juan and Haidee] 616 from Canto 3 [Juan and Haidee. The Poet for Hire] 631 from Canto 7 [Critique of Military "Glory"] 639 from Canto 11 [Juan in England] 640 Stanzas ("When a man hath no freedom to fight for at home") 643 On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year 643 LETTERS 644 To Thomas Moore [On Childe Harold] 644 To John Murray [On Don Juan] (6 April 1819) 645 To John Murray [On Don Juan] (12 August 1819) 646 To Douglas Kinnaird [On Don Juan] (26 October 1819) 647 To John Murray [On Don Juan] (16 February 1821) 649 To Augusta Leigh [On His Daughter] 649

PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY 651 To Wordsworth 653 Mont Blanc 653 Hymn to Intellectual Beauty 657 Ozymandias 659 Sonnet: Lift not the painted veil 659 Sonnet: England in 1819 660 Contents

The Mask of Anarchy 660 Ode to the West Wind 670 To a Sky-Lark 672 To — ("Music, when soft voices die") 675 Adonais 675 COMPANION READINGS George Gordon, Lord Byron: from Don Juan 690 George Gordon, Lord Byron: Letter to 691 George Gordon, Lord Byron: Letter to John Murray 691 Hellas 692 Chorus ("Worlds on worlds are rolling ever") 692 Chorus ("The world's great age begins anew") 694 from A Defence of Poetry 695

FELICIA HEMANS 706 TALES, AND HISTORIC SCENES, IN VERSE 707 TheWifeofAsdrubal 707 The Last Banquet of Antony and Cleopatra 709 Evening Prayer, at a Girls' School 713 Casabianca 714 RECORDS OF WOMAN 716 The Bride of the Greek Isles 716 Properzia Rossi 721 Indian Woman's Death-Song 724 Joan of Arc, in Rheims 725 The Homes of England 728 The Graves of a Household 729 Corinne at the Capitol 730 Woman and Fame 731 COMPANION READINGS Francis Jeffrey: from A Review of Felicia Hemans's Poetry 732 William Wordsworth: from Prefatory Note to Extempore Effusion on the Death of James Hogg 735 • . .

JOHN CLARE 736 Written in November (1) 737 Written in November (2) 738 Songs Eternity 738 [The Lament of Swordy Well] 739 [The Mouse's Nest] 744 Clock a Clay 744 > "I Am" 745 Contents xv

JOHN KEATS 746 On First Looking info Chapman's Homer 748 COMPANION READINGS ' •' ; Alexander Pope: from Homer's Iliad 748 George Chapman: from Homer's Iliad 749 Alexander Pope: from Homer's Odyssey 749 • • " George Chapman: from Homer's Odyssey 749 On the Grasshopper and Cricket 750 from Sleep and Poetry 750 COMPANION READINGS John Gibson Lockhart: from On the Cockney School of Poetry 752 John.Gibson Lockhart: from The Cockney School of Poetry 755 On Seeing the Elgin Marbles 757 On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again 757 Sonnet: When I have fears 758 The Eve of St. Agnes 758 • • La Belle Dame sans Mercy 768 Incipit Altera Sonneta ("If by dull rhymes") 769

THE ODES OF 1819 770 Ode to Psyche 771 Ode to a Nightingale 773 Ode on a Grecian Urn 775 Ode on Indolence 776 Ode on Melancholy 778 To Autumn 779 The Fall of Hyperion: A Dream 780 This living hand 793 Bright Star 793

LETTERS 794 ( , •..-., To Benjamin Bailey ["The Truth of Imagination"] 794 , . • - . To George and Thomas Keats ["Intensity" and "Negative Capability"] 795 To John Hamilton Reynolds [Wordsworth and "The Whims of an Egotist"] 796 To John Taylor ["a few Axioms"] 797 To Benjamin Bailey ["ardent pursuit"] 797 To John Hamilton Reynolds [Wordsworth, Milton, and "dark * , • Passages"] 798 . .i \- •; To Benjamin Bailey ["I have not a right feeling towards Women"] 801 To Richard Woodhouse [The "Camelion Poet" vs. The "Egotistical Sublime"] 801 To George and Georgiana Keats ["Indolence," "Poetry" vs. "Philosophy," the "Vale of Soul-Making"] 803 Contents

To Fanny Brawne ["You Take Possession of Me"] 807 To Percy Bysshe Shelley ["An Artist Must Serve Mammon"] 808 To Charles Brown [Keats's Last Letter] 809

MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT SHELLEY 810 Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus (1818) 811 Frankenstein (1831) 927 Introduction 927 from Volume 1, Chapter 1 931 COMPANION READINGS Percy Bysshe Shelley: from Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude 932 Mary Shelley: Journal Entries 938 Mary Shelley: from Letter to Edward John Trelawny (April 1829) 939

FRANKENSTEIN IN CONTEXT: Romantic-Era Writers and Milton's Satan 940 John Milton from Paradise Lost 941 William Godwin from An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice 948 George Gordon, Lord Byron Prometheus 948 Caroline Lamb from Glenarvori 950 John Keats To one who has been long in city pent 952 • from Marginalia to Paradise Lost 952 William Hazlitt from Lectures on the English Poets 954 Percy Bysshe Shelley from Preface to Prometheus Unbound 955 • from A Defence of Poetry 955 Thomas De Quincey [What Do We Mean by Literature?} 956

PERSPECTIVES: POPULAR PROSE AND THE PROBLEMS OF AUTHORSHIP 958 SIR WALTER SCOTT 960 Introduction to Tales of My Landlord 961 CHARLES LAMB 965 Oxford in the Vacation 966 Dream Children 970 Old China 972 WILLIAM HAZLITT 975 On Gusto 976 My First Acquaintance with Poets 979 THOMAS DE QUINCEY 992 from Confessions of an English Opium-Eater 993 JANE AUSTEN 1020 from Pride and Prejudice 1021 from Emma 1022 Letter to James S. Clarke (11 December 1815) 1028 WILLIAM COBBETT 1028 from Rural Rides 1029 Contents xvii

The Victorian Age 1032

THOMAS CARLYLE 1057 Sartor Resartus 1059 The Everlasting No 1059 Centre of Indifference 1063 The Everlasting Yea 1070 Natural Supematuralism 1076 Past and Present 1082 Midas [The Condition of England] 1082 from Gospel of Mammonism [The Irish Widow] 1085 from Labour [Know Thy Work] 1086 from Democracy [Liberty to Die by Starvation] 1087 Captains of Industry 1089 PERSPECTIVES: THE INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPE 1093 THE STEAM LOOM WEAVER 1095 FANNY KEMBLE 1096 from Record of a Girlhood 1097 THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY 1098 from A Review of Southey's Colloquies 1098 PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ("BLUE BOOKS") 1100 Testimony of Hannah Goode, a Child Textile Worker 1100 Testimony of Ann and Elizabeth Eggley, Child Mineworkers 1101 CHARLES DICKENS 1102 from Dombey and Son 1102 from Hard Times 1103 BENJAMIN DISRAELI 1105 from Sybil 1105 FRIEDRICH ENGELS 1106 from The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844 1106 HENRY MAYHEW 1114 from London Labour and the London Poor 1114 JOHN STUART MILL 1120 On Liberty 1121 from Chapter 2. Of the Liberty of Thought and Discussion 1121 from Chapter 3. Of Individuality, as One of the Elements of Well-Being 1124 The Subjection of Women 1132 from Chapter 1 1132 Statement Repudiating the Rights of Husbands 1141 Autobiography 1142 from Chapter 1. Childhood, and Early Education 1142 from Chapter 5. A Crisis in My Mental History. One Stage Onward 1144 ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING 1151 To George Sand: A Desire 1153 To George Sand: A Recognition 1153 xviii Contents

A Year's Spinning 1154 Sonnets from the Portuguese 1155 1 ("I thought once how Theocritus had sung") 1155 13 ("And wilt thou have me fashion into speech") 1155 14 ("If thou must love me, let it be for nought") 1155 21 ("Say over again, and yet once over again") 1156 22 ("When our two souls stand up erect and strong") 1156 24 ("Let the world's sharpness, like a clasping knife") 1156 28 ("My letters! all dead paper, mute and white!") 1157 32 ("The first time that the sun rose on thine oath") 1157 38 ("First time he kissed me, he but only kissed") 1157 , 43 ("How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.") 1.158 Aurora Leigh 1158 Book 1 1158 , . ' [Self-Portrait] 1158 [Her Mother's Portrait] 1160 [Aurora's Education] 1161 [Discovery of Poetry] 1166 Book 2 1168 •• v [Woman and Artist] 1168 [No Female Christ] 1171 • • . [Aurora's Rejection of Romney] 1172 Book 3 1176 [The Woman Writer in London] 1176 Book 5 1179 [Epic Art and Modern Life] 1179 from A Curse for a Nation 1182 A Musical Instrument 1183 • The Best Thing in the World 1184 ., ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON 1184 TheKraken 1187 Mariana 1187 . The Lady of Shalott 1189 The Lotos-Eaters 1194 Ulysses 1198 • Tithonus 1200 ' > . . , Break, Break, Break 1201 : The Epic [Morte d'Arthur] 1202 • . The Eagle: A Fragment 1204 LocksleyHall 1204 . THE PRINCESS 1210 Sweet and Low 1210 The Splendour Falls 1210 Tears, Idle Tears 1211 Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal 1211 . Come Down, O Maid 1212 ["The Woman's Cause Is Mans"] 1213 Contents xix

from In Memoriam A. H. H. 1214 The Charge of the Light Brigade 1243 Idylls of the King 1245 The Coming of Arthur 1245 ; '• " • Pelleas and Ettarre 1257 The Passing of Arthur 1270 The Higher Pantheism 1280 Flower in the Crannied Wall 1281 Crossing the Bar 1281

CHARLES DARWIN 1282 The Voyage of the Beagle 1283 from Chapter 10. Tierra del Fuego 1283 from Chapter 17. Galapagos Archipelago . 1289 On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection 1293 from Chapter 3. Struggle for Existence 1293 The Descent of Man 1298 from Chapter 21. General Summary and Conclusion 1298 from Autobiography 1304

PERSPECTIVES: RELIGION AND SCIENCE . 1313 THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY 1314 , from Lord Bacon 1314 CHARLES DICKENS 1315 from Sunday Under Three Heads 1315 DAVID FRIEDRICH STRAUSS 1318 from The Life of Jesus Critically Examined 1318 CHARLOTTE BRONTE 1321 from Jane Eyre 1321 ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH 1323 Epi-strauss-ium 1323 The Latest Decalogue 1324 from Dipsychus 1324 JOHN WILLIAM COLENSO 1325 from The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua Critically Examined 1326 JOHN HENRY CARDINAL NEWMAN 1327 . from Apologia Pro Vita Sua 1328 THOMAS HENRY HUXLEY 1334 from Evolution and Ethics 1335 SIR EDMUND GOSSE 1340 from Father and Son 1340

ROBERT BROWNING 1345 •' Porphyria's Lover 1348 Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister 1349 My Last Duchess 1351 How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix 1352 xx Contents

Home-Thoughts, from Abroad 1354 Home-Thoughts, from the Sea 1354 The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed's Church 1355 Meeting at Night 1358 Parting at Morning 1358 A Toccata of Galuppi' s 1358 Memorabilia 1360 Love Among the Ruins 1360 "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" 1362 Fra Lippo Lippi 1367 The Last Ride Together 1375 Andrea Del Sarto 1378 Two in the Campagna 1384 A Woman's Last Word 1385 Caliban Upon Setebos 1387 Epilogue to Asolando 1393 CHARLES DICKENS 1394 A Christmas Carol 1396 from A Walk in a Workhouse 1444 COMPANION READINGS Dickens at Work: Recollections by His Children and Friends 1448 Kate Field: Dickens Giving a Reading of A Christmas Carol 1450

Popular Short Fiction 1452 ELIZABETH GASKELL 1452 Our Society at Cranford 1453 ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON 1467 Thrawn Janet 1468

THOMAS HARDY 1476 The Withered Arm 1477 SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE 1495 A Scandal in Bohemia 1495

EDITH NESBIT 1510 Fortunatus Rex & Co. 1511

GEORGE ELIOT 1521 Brother Jacob 1522 Margaret Fuller and Mary Wollstonecraft 1548 Contents xxi

JOHN RUSKIN 1553 Modern Painters 1554 from Definition of Greatness in Art 1554 from Of Water, As Painted by Turner 1555 from Of Modern Landscape 1556 The Stones of Venice 1560 from The Nature of Gothic 1560 from Modern Manufacture and Design 1570 Praeterita 1573 Preface 1573 from The Springs of Wandel 1574 from Herne-Hill Almond Blossoms 1576 from Schaffhausen and Milan 1578 from The Grande Chartreuse 1580 from Joanna's Care 1582 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE 1583 Cassandra 1583 PERSPECTIVES: VICTORIAN LADIES AND GENTLEMEN 1600 FRANCIS POWER COBBE 1602 from Life of Frances Power Cobbe As Told by Herself 1602 SARAH STICKNEY ELLIS 1606 from The Women of England: Their Social Duties and Domestic Habits 1606 CHARLOTTE BRONTE 1609 from Letter to Emily Bronte 1609 ANNE BRONTE 1611 from Agnes Grey 1611 JOHN HENRY CARDINAL NEWMAN 1612 from The Idea of a University 1612 CAROLINE NORTON 1613 from A Letter to the Queen 1614 THOMAS HUGHES 1616 from Tom Brown's School Days 1616 HARRIET MARTINEAU 1618 from What Women Are Educated For 1618 ISABELLA BEETON 1621 from The Book of Household Management 1621 QUEEN VICTORIA 1623 Letters and Journal Entries on the Position of Women 1623 CHARLES KINGSLEY 1628 from Letters and Memories 1628 SIR HENRY NEWBOLT 1629 Vital Lampada 1629 MATTHEW ARNOLD 1630 Isolation. To Marguerite 1632 To Marguerite—Continued 1633 xxii Contents

Dover Beach 1634 Lines Written in Kensington Gardens 1635 The Buried Life 1636 Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse 1638 The Scholar-Gipsy 1643 East London 1649 West London 1649 „ Thyrsis 1650 . .. The Function of Criticism at the Present Time 1656 Culture and Anarchy 1673 from Sweetness and Light 1673 from Doing as One Likes 1675 from Hebraism and Hellenism 1681 from Porro Unum Est Necessarium 1683 from Conclusion 1686 from The Study of Poetry 1687

DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI 1693 The Blessed.Damozel 1694 The Woodspurge 1698 The House of Life 1699 The Sonnet 1699 4. Lovesight 1699 6. The Kiss 1699 Nuptial Sleep 1700 The Burden of Nineveh 1700

CHRISTINA ROSSETTI 1705 Song ("She sat and sang alway") 1706 Song ("When I am dead, my dearest") 1706 Remember 1707 After Death 1707 A Pause 1707 Echo 1708 Dead Before Death 1708 Cobwebs 1709 A Triad 1709 In an Artist's Studio 1709 " .,., A Birthday 1710 An Apple-Gathering 1710 Winter: My Secret 1711 Up-Hill 1712 Goblin Market 1712 "No, Thank You, John" 1724 Promises Like Pie-Crust 1725 ' • . . . In Progress 1725 What I Would Give? 1726 A Life's Parallels 1726 Contents xxiii

Later Life 17 ("Something this foggy day, a something which") 1726 Sleeping at Last 1727

WILLIAM MORRIS 1727 The Defence of Guenevere 1728 The Haystack in the Floods 1735 from The Beauty of life 1739

ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE 1745 The Leper 1746 The Triumph of Time 1750 I Will Go Back to the Great Sweet Mother 1750 Itylus 1751 . Hymn to Proserpine 1752 A Forsaken Garden 1755 The Higher Pantheism in a Nutshell 1757

WALTER PATER 1758 The Renaissance 1759 Preface 1759 from Leonardo da Vinci 1762 Conclusion 1763 from The Child in the House 1765 Appreciations 1771 from Syle 1771

GERARD MANLEY HOPKINS 1777 God's Grandeur 1778 The Starlight Night 1779 ; Spring 1779 The Windhover 1780 Pied Beauty 1780 Hurrahing in Harvest 1780 . . . Binsey Poplars 1781 Duns Scotus's Oxford 1781 Felix Randal 1782 Spring and Fall: to a young child 1782 As Kingfishers Catch Fire 1783 [Carrion Comfort] 1783 No Worst, There Is None 1784 I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark, Not Day 1784 That Nature Is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection 1784 Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord 1785 from Journal [On "Inscape" and "Instress"] 1786 from Letter to R. W. Dixon [On Sprung Rhythm] 1788 xxiv Contents

RUDYARD KIPLING 1789 Without Benefit of Clergy 1790

JUST SO STORIES 1804 How the Whale Got His Throat 1804 How the Camel Got His Hump 1806 Gunga Din 1808 The Widow at Windsor 1810 Recessional 1811 If— 1812

PERSPECTIVES: TRAVEL AND EMPIRE 1813 FRANCES TROLLOPE 1814 from Domestic Manners of the Americans 1814 ALEXANDER WILLIAM KINGLAKE 1820 from Eothen 1820 SIR RICHARD FRANCIS BURTON 1827 from A Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah 1827 ISABELLA BIRD 1832 from A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains 1832 SIR HENRY MORTON STANLEY 1839 from Through the Dark Continent 1839 MARY KINGSLEY 1846 from Travels in West Africa 1846

OSCAR WILDE 1854 Impression du Matin 1856 The-Harlot's House 1857 Symphony in Yellow 1858 from The Decay of Lying 1858 from The Soul of Man Under Socialism 1873 Preface to The Picture of Dorian Gray 1881 The Importance of Being Earnest 1882 Aphorisms 1922 from De Profundis 1924 COMPANION READING H. Montgomery Hyde: from The Trials of 1931

PERSPECTIVES: AESTHETICISM, DECADENCE, AND.THE FIN DE SIECLE 1936 W. S. GILBERT 1938 If You're Anxious for to Shine in the High Aesthetic Line 1938 JAMES ABBOTT MCNEILL WHISTLER 1940 from Mr. Whistler's "Ten O'clock" 1941 Contents xxv

"MICHAEL FIELD" (KATHARINE BRADLEY AND EDITH COOPER) 1945 La Gioconda 1946 A Pen-Drawing of Leda 1946 "A Girl" 1946 • . • • ADALEVERSON 1947 Suggestion 1947 ARTHUR SYMONS 1952 Pastel 1953 White Heliotrope 1953 •••... from The Decadent Movement in Literature 1954 from Preface to Silhouettes 1955 RICHARD LE GALLIENNE 1956 A Ballad of London 1956 LIONEL JOHNSON 1957 The Destroyer of a Soul 1958 . ; The Dark Angel 1958 A Decadent's Lyric I960 LORD ALFRED DOUGLAS I960 In Praise of Shame 1961 Two Loves 1961 Impression de Nuit 1963 OUVE CUSTANCE (LADY ALFRED DOUGLAS) 1963 The Masquerade 1964 . . Statues 1965 The White Witch 1965 AUBREY BEARDSLEY 1966 The Ballad of a Barber 1966 . . MAXBEERBOHM 1969 Enoch Soames 1969

The Twentieth Century 1990

JOSEPH CONRAD 2013 Preface to The Nigger of the "Narcissus" 2016 Heart of Darkness 2018 COMPANION READINGS Joseph Conrad: from Congo Diary 2072 Sir Henry Morton Stanley: from Address to the Manchester Chamber of Commerce 2074 Gang of Four: We Live As We Dream, Alone 2079

THOMAS HARDY 2080 Hap 2081 Neutral Tones 2082 Wessex Heights 2082 The Darkling Thrush 2083 On the Departure Platform 2084 xxvi Contents

The Convergence of the Twain 2084 At Castle Boterel 2085 Channel Firing 2086 In Time of "The Breaking of Nations" 2087 I Looked Up from My Writing 2087 "And There Was a Great Calm" 2088 Logs on the Hearth 2089 The Photograph 2090 The Fallow Deer at the Lonely House 2090 Afterwards 2091 Epitaph 2091 BERNARD SHAW 2092 Preface to Major Barbara 2095 Major Barbara 2119 COMPANION READING Emmeline Pankhurst: Address 2178 Shakes Versus Shav 2182 LETTERS To Francis CoUison (20 August 1903) 2186 To Eleanor Robson (13 April 1905) 2187 To Louis Calvert (23 July 1905) 2188 To Louis Calvert (29 November 1905) 2188 To William Stead (13 December 1905) 2189 To The Times (31 October 1906) 2189

PERSPECTIVES: THE GREAT WAR: CONFRONTING THE MODERN 2191 BLAST 2191 Vorticist Manifesto 2193 Rebecca West: Indissoluble Matrimony 2207 Ezra Pound: The New Cake of Soap 2224 Ezra Pound: Salutation the Third 2225 2226 The Soldier 2226 T. E. LAWRENCE 2226 from The Seven Pillars of Wisdom 2227 SIEGFRIED SASSOON 2239 Glory of Women 2240 Everyone Sang 2240 WILFRED OWEN 2241 Anthem for Doomed Youth 2241 Strange Meeting 2242 Duke Et Decorum Est 2242 ISAAC ROSENBERG 2243 Break of Day in the Trenches 2244 DAVID JONES 2244 from In Parenthesis 2245 Contents xxvii

KATHERINE MANSFIELD 2265 The Daughters of the Late Colonel 2266 ROBERT GRAVES 2279 from Goodbye to All That 2280

SPEECHES ON IRISH INDEPENDENCE 2295 Charles Stewart Parnell 2296 At Limerick 2296 Before the House of Commons 2296 At Portsmouth, After the Defeat of Mr. Gladstone's Home Rule Bill 2298 Speech Delivered in Committee Room No. 15 2299 Proclamation of the Irish Republic 2299 Padraic Pearse 2300 Kilmainham Prison 2300 Michael Collins 2301 The Substance of Freedom 2301

WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS 2305 The Lake Isle of Innisfree 2308 Who Goes with Fergus? 2309 No Second Troy 2309 The Fascination of What's Difficult 2309 The Wild Swans at Coole 2310 Easter 1916 2310 The Second Coming 2312 A Prayer for My Daughter 2313 Sailing to Byzantium 2315 Meditations in Time of Civil War 2315 Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen 2320 Leda and the Swan 2323 Among School Children 2324 Byzantium 2325 Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop 2326 Lapis Lazuli 2327 The Circus Animals' Desertion 2328 Under Ben Bulben 2329

JAMES JOYCE 2332 DUBLINERS 2335 Eveline 2335 Clay 2338 Ivy Day in the Committee Room 2342 The Dead 2352 Ulysses 2379 [Chapter 7. Aeolus] 2380 xxviii Contents

Finnegans Wake and a First-Draft Version of Finnegans Wake 2405 [The Fall] 2406 [Shem the Penman] 2409 [Anna Livia Plurabelle] 2414 >

T. S. ELIOT 2417 The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 2420 COMPANION READINGS Arthur Waugh: [Cleverness and the New Poetry] 2423 Ezra Pound: Drunken Helots and Mr. Eliot 2425 Gerontion 2427 The Waste Land 2429 Journey of the Magi 2442 Four Quartets 2443 Burnt Norton 2443 Tradition and the Individual Talent 2447

VIRGINIA WOOLF 2453 Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street 2455 The Lady in the Looking-Glass: A Reflection 2461 from A Room of One's Own 2464 from Three Guineas 2499 from The Diaries 2514

PERSPECTIVES: BLOOMSBURY AND MODERNISM 2527 LYTTON STRACHEY 2528 from Eminent Victorians 2529 E. M. FORSTER 2543 ADRIFT IN INDIA The Nine Gems of Ujjain 2544 Advance, India! 2546 Jodhpur 2548 The Suppliant 2550 ROGER FRY 2552 Culture and Snobbism 2552 VIRGINIA WOOLF 2559 Letter to Vanessa Bell 2559 Letter to Gerald Brenan 2560 Letter to Vita Sackville-West 2562

D. H. LAWRENCE 2563 Piano 2565 Song of a Man Who Has Come Through 2565 Tortoise Shout 2566 Snake 2568 Bavarian Gentians 2570 Contents xxix

The Fox 2571 Surgery for the Novel—or a Bomb 2614 from Etruscan Places 2617

EVELYN WAUGH 2626 Cruise 2626 COMPANION READING Monty Python: Travel Agent 2630

GRAHAM GREENE 2633 A Chance for Mr Lever 2633

P. G. WODEHOUSE 2643 Strychnine in the Soup 2644

W. H. AUDEN 2656 Musee des Beaux Arts 2658 In Memory of W. B. Yeats 2658 Spain 1937 2660 Lullaby 2662 September 1, 1939 2663 In Praise of Limestone 2666 Writing 2668

PERSPECTIVES: WORLD WAR II AND THE END OF EMPIRE 2678 SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL 2679 Two Speeches Before the House of Commons 2680 STEPHEN SPENDER 2687 Icarus 2688 What I Expected 2688 The Express 2689 The Pylons 2689 ELIZABETH BOWEN 2690 : Mysterious Kor 2690 GEORGE ORWELL 2700 from Inside the Whale 2701 Politics and the English Language 2708 SALMAN RUSHDIE 2717 Outside the Whale 2717 Chekov and Zulu 2726

DYLAN THOMAS 2736 The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower 2737 Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night 2738 Return Journey 2738 xxx Contents

SAMUEL BECKETT 2745 Krapp's Last Tape 2747 Texts for Nothing 2752 4 ("Where would I go, if I could go, who would I be, if I could be") 2752 8 ("Only the words break the silence, all other sounds have ceased") 2754 The Expelled 2756

V. S. NAIPAUL 2763 In a Free State 2764 Prologue, from a Journal: The Tramp at Piraeus 2764 Epilogue, from a Journal: The Circus at Luxor 2772

HANIF KUREISHI 2777 My Beautiful Laundrette 2778

MARGARET DRABBLE 2823 The Gifts of War 2823

PHILIP LARKIN 2831 Church Going 2832 High Windows 2834 Talking in Bed 2834 MCMXTV 2835 from Preface to All What Jazz 2835

PERSPECTIVES: WHOSE LANGUAGE? 2842 SEAMUS HEANEY 2843 Feeling into Words 2844 MEDBH MCGUCKIAN 2857 Mr. McGregor's Garden 2857 The Dream-Language of Fergus 2858 Coleridge 2859 NUALA NI DHOMHNAILL 2859 Feeding a Child 2860 Parthenogenesis 2861 Labasheedy (The Silken Bed) 2862 As for the Quince 2863 Why I Choose to Write in Irish, The Corpse That Sits Up and Talks Back 2864 NADINE GORDIMER 2872 What Were You Dreaming? 2873 JAMES KELMAN 2879 Home for a Couple of Days 2880 DEREK WALCOTT 2888 A Far Cry from Africa 2889 Wales 2890 Contents xxxi

The Fortunate Traveller 2890 Midsummer 2895 50 ("I once gave my daughters, separately, two conch shells") 2895 52 ("I heard them marching the leaf-wet roads of my head") 2896 54 ("The midsummer sea, the hot pitch road, this grass, these shacks that made me") 2896

Political and Religious Orders 2899 Money, Weights, and Measures 2905 Literary and Cultural Terms 2907 Bibliographies 2931 Credits 2969 Index 2973