Royal United Service Institution
Royal United Services Institution. Journal ISSN: 0035-9289 (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: Royal United Service Institution To cite this article: (1911) Royal United Service Institution, Royal United Services Institution. Journal, 55:400, iii-xxi, DOI: 10.1080/03071841109434568 To link to this article: Published online: 11 Sep 2009. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 4 View related articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Download by: [University of California, San Diego] Date: 26 June 2016, At: 13:09 Royal United Service Institution: rHE EIGHTIETHANNIVERSARY MEETING WAS HELD AT. THE ROYALUNITED SERVICE INSTITUTION, WHITEHALL; S.W., ON TUESDAY,MARCH 7TH, 191 1, AT 4 P.M. ADMIRALOF THE FLEET,Sir C. H. U. NOEL,K.C.B., K.C.M.C.,(Chairman of the Council) tn the CHAIR. THECHAIRMAN : Gentlemen, the Secretary will' read the notice -cynvcning the meeting. .. THESECRETARY (Lieutcnant.Colone1 A.. Leetham) read the notice. 1 ANNUAL REPORT. ThecCcuncil has the hcncur to sutmit itr rcpcrt for the year 1910. .. I " PATRON;'. , , , . His Majesty King George V,'has graciously intimated that he is picad '1 to become Patron of the Institution. .I . t ROYALVISITS. During the year the Institution was visited by His Late Ma$y King Edward VII., Hir' vajesty King'iCcorge V., Her Majeaty The Queen, Hkr Majesty QuLn Alexandra, 'His Roxal' Highniss' Prince Hcnr). of Pruuia. Their RoyJl'Highnesses the Crown Pricce and Princess of Si-eded, His Royal Hiihrmi Prince' H:n&, Field hlarihal IHh.Roybl Hi8hr.e~ 'The Duke' of Connaught, K,C.'(Prcsidcnt of' the 'Inrtitutwn) -.
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