Flora Survey, Urunga & Coffs Harbour Management Areas, Northern

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Flora Survey, Urunga & Coffs Harbour Management Areas, Northern This document has been scanned from hard-copy archives for research and study purposes. Please note not all information may be current. We have tried, in preparing this copy, to make the content accessible to the widest possible audience but in some cases we recognise that the automatic text recognition maybe inadequate and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. FLORA SURVEY, URUNGA AND COFFS HARBOUR MANAGEMENT AREAS, NORTHERN REGION, NEW SOUTH WALES By T. D. Tweedie, S.Bruskin, W.S. Chapman and R.W. Heyward S TAT E FORESTS RESEARCH DIVISION FT.....ORA. SURVEY, URUNGA AND COFFS HARBOUR MANAGEMENT AREAS, NORTHERN REGION, NEW SOUTH WALES by T.D.1WEEDIE. S. BRUSKIN. W.S. CHAPMAN AND R.W. HEYWARD RESEARCH DIVISION STATE FORESTS OF NEW SOUTH WALES SYDNEY 1995 Forest Resources Series No. 33 November, 1995 The Authors: T.D. Tweedie, Forest Assistant, Northern Research Centre, State Forests of New South Wales, Coffs Harbour. S. Bruskin, Research Centre Manager, Northern Research Centre, State Forests of New South Wales, Coffs Harbour. W.S. Chapman, Forest Assistant, Northern Research Centre, State Forests of New South Wales, Coffs Harbour. R.W. Heyward, Research Assistant, Northern Research Centre, State Forests of New South Wales, Coffs Harbour. Published by: Research Division, State Forests of New South Wales, 27 Oratava Avenue, West Pennant Hills, 2125 P.G. Box 100, Beecroft. 2119 Australia. Copyright. © 1995 by State Forests ofNew South Wales DDC 581.9099443 ISSN 1033-1220 ISBN 0731067223 CONTENTS ABSTRACT iii INTRODUCTION 1 MEI'HODS 2 1. SURVEY DESIGN 2 2. FLORISTIC AND VEGErATION STRUCTURAL DATA 3 3. HABITAT DATA 4 4. UMITATIONS 4 5. DATA FROM OTHER SOURCES 4 6. TAXONOMY AND NOMENCLATURE 4 7. DATA ANALYSIS 7 RESULTS 9 1. FWRISTICS 9 2. FOREST OVERSTOREY COMMUNITIES 9 3. NON-EUCALYPT (UUNDERSTOREY") FLORISTIC COMMUNITIES 9 4. VEGETATION TYPES 13 A. RAINFOREST 13 B. WET SCLEROPHYLL FORESTS 18 C. BLACKBUTTFORESTS 23 D. DRY SCLEROPHYLL FORESTS 25 E. NEW ENGLAND HARDWOOD FORESTS 31 F. SWAMPY SCLEROPHYLL FORESTS 32 G. SEDGELAND AND SAND DUNES 34 H. SOFTWOOD PLANTATIONS 34 5. UNDERSTOREY DESCRIPTIONS 35 DmCUS~ON 48 1. SIGNIFICANT PLANT SPECIES 48 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 53 3. CONSERVATION OF PLANT COMMUNITIES 55 4. RESERVATION OF COMMUNITIES 56 (a) Existing State Forest Reserves 57 (b) Additional Reserve recommendations 62 5. IMPACTS OF DISTURBANCE 65 6. WEEDS 66 7. HARDWOOD PLANTATIONS 66 8. SOFTWOOD PLANTATIONS 67 STATE FORESTS OF NEW SOUTH WALES FLORA SURVEY. URUNGA AND COFFS HARBOUR FOREST RESOURCES SERIES NO. 33 MANAGEMENT AREAS. NORTHERN REGION. NSW ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 68 REFERENCES 69 TABLES Table 1. Comparison and conseIVation status offorest vegetation communities 10 FIGURES Figure 1. Map offlora sUIVey plots 6 Figure 2. Dendrogram 8 APPENDICES Appendix 1. Occurrence ofvascular plant species by broad vegetation type 72 and logging category . Appendix 2. Plot locations 83 Appendix 3. Rare or threatened plants found in the current sUIVey 88 Appendix 4. Rare or threatened plants. Miscellaneous sUIVeys within 90 Coffs Harbour/Urunga Management Areas ADDENDUM 92 FLORA SURVEY, URUNGA AND COFFS HARBOUR STATB FORESTS OF NEW SOUTII WALES ii MANAGEMENT AREAS, NORTHERN REGION, NSW FOREST RESOURCES SERIES NO. 33 ABSTRA eT The purpose ofthe sUlvey was to describe the vegetation ofthe Coffs Harbour and Urunga Management Areas in the context of commercial forest management. To accomplish this 171 flora plots were established to provide an indicative survey of the vascular plant species occurring in the Management Areas. Additional data were gathered from outside sources and from previous surveys to provide a re~onably comprehensive listing of plants. A total of695 vascular plant taxa were recorded during the survey. These are grouped into 45 overstorey communities and 35 understorey communities using anumerical hierarchical agglomerative classification process. All ofthese communities are described and are related to existing Forest Types as used by State Forests. A broad correlation exists between overstorey and understorey communities although several understorey communities occurred across a range o(overstorey communities and vice versa. Significant plant species encountered are described and the conservation of plant communities is discussed. Existing reserves are described also and recommendations are made for additional protection and reservation. The impacts ofdisturbance have been analysed and the results indicate that floristic patterns are primarily determined by fire history and climate rather than logging. The analysis is made difficult due to extensive logging in the area. Comparisons between stands of different logging ages may be more reliable than comparisons between logged and unlogged plots. STATB FORESTS OF NEW SOUTH WALES FLORA SURVEY, URUNGA AND COFFS HARBOUR FOREST RESOURCES SERIES NO. 33 MANAGEMENT AREAS, NORTHERN REGION, NSW iii INTRODUCTION This report describes the results ofasurvey ofvascular plant species in the State Forests ofthe Urunga and Coffs Harbour Management Areas on the north coast ofNew South Wales. The study area is bounded by latitudes 290 47' S to 300 52' S and longitudes 1520 28' E to 1530 15' E and is confined to State Forests covered by the Management Plans prepared for Macksville (Forestry Commission ofNew South Wales 1978), Bellinger (Forestry Commission ofNew South Wales 1982a), Urunga (Forestry Commission of New South Wales 1984a) and Coffs Harbour (Forestry Commission of New South Wales 1984b). The physical characteristics and forest management histories of the area are described in the referenced Management Plans. The purpose of this survey was to describe the vegetation in the context of management ofthe area for commercial forestry purposes. The objectives were: 1) to describe the terrestrial vascular flora ofthe area, particularly the vegetation types and distribution, habitat and abundance ofplant species; 2) to relate vegetation types to Forest Type map units used for forest management purposes; 3) to identify vascular plant species ofparticular botanical or conservation significance; 4) to identify vegetation types or communities ofbotanical or conservation significance and suggest representative areas for reservation where considered necessary; 5) to compare the flora ofareas with various forest management histories and consider likely impacts ofproposed forestry operations on flora. The field work was carried out by Terry Tweedie and Roger Heyward ofState Forests Northern Research Centre from September 1992 to June 1993. Douglas Binns of State Forests Research Division and Bill Chapman ofthe Northern Research Centre performed the data analysis. STATE FORESTS OF NEW SOUTII WALES FLORA SURVEY, URUNGA AND COFFS HARBOUR FOREST RESOURCES SERIES NO. 33 MANAGEMENT AREAS, NORTHERN REGION, NSW 1 METHODS 1. SURVEYDESIGN Survey methods followed the "Flora and Fauna Assessment Survey" guidelines developed for use in New South Wales State Forests (York et al.!, unpubl. data). Floristic data were derived from a series ofnon­ permanent plots established within the study area. Plots were initially marlced on 1:25 000 topographic maps using a stratified sampling design. The basic plot sampling strategy was as follows: 1. Stratification was based on mapped Forest Types (Forestry Commission ofNew South Wales 1989a) derived from field checked aerial photography. The area of each Forest Type in the Management Area (M.A.) was obtained from State Forests' Geographic Information System (GIS). The Forest Type areas were then used as a basis for determining the number ofplots to be established. ForestTypes were used because a) they are broadly related to overstorey population, b) they act as a surrogate which integrates a range ofphysical environmental attributes providing greater efficiency of sampling, c) they are part of a standard management system, which facilitates translation of survey results to management options and d) they are presently mapped. All plots were located on maps randomly within strata before field surveys commenced. AlthoughanumberofmappedForestTypes had beenamalgamated into broad plantcommunities, as for example the amalgamation of"moistblackbutt" into "moisthardwood", every effort was made to objectively locate plots within individual Forest Types. Some Forest Types were not surveyed although the most common Types were covered. Types that covered limited areas but were of special interest such as sand ridges (Type 233) were surveyed. 2. Plots were allocated to Forest Types with recognition thatthe more extensive ForestTypes were likely to be floristically more heterogeneous and would require more plots to sample the range ofvariation. Emphasis was placed onForestTypes occurring in recently logged and olderlogged areas. The majority offorests within the Urunga/Coffs Harbour Management Area have been logged and minimal undisturbed forest remains. 3. An attempt was made to allocate plots to each stratum on the basis of total area using the following system: >20,000 ha One plot per 2000 ha 1,000 -20,000 ha minimum three plots then one plot per 1000 ha 500 -lOOOha three plots < 500 ha two plots Each Flora Reserve received one plot. One plot was also allocated to each ofthe Forest Types that were limited in area but of special interest. Rainforests were allocated a minimum of one plot and up to five plots for each Forest Type depending upon the extent ofthe Forest Type but rega.rdless ofmanagement history. Rainforest was comprehensively surveyed by Floyd (1990), but
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