Inexhaustible Substance Who Is Your Mother?
Inexhaustible Substance by Genevieve Courtney Maurer Who Is Your Mother? by Dana Gatlin MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO CHRISTIAN HEALI Devoted to Christian Healing Charles F illmore, E d ito r George E. Carpenter, Associate Editor Vol. 82 Kansas City, Mo., May, 1935 No. 5 CONTENTS The Right Use of Substance............................. 2 by Genevieve Courtney Maurer Who Is Your Mother? by Dana G atlin.............. 10 Finger Exercises, by Mildred R. W hite.............. 19 The Soul's Pentecost, by Ernest C. Wilson........ 22 Transplanting, by Elizabeth Hibarger.............. 28 God’s Idea (Part I), by Clarence E. G ray.......... 32 The Greater Love, by Eleanor Cloud.................. 42 “Ye Are Gods,” by Inez Russell.......................... 4 7 Sunday Lessons...................................................... 4 g Love (Song) ............................................................ 65 To Unity Leader’s Everywhere .......................... 66 Silent U n ity ............................................................ 67 Health and Prosperity.................................. 68 Prayers Answered.......................................... 71 Help from Silent U n ity ................................ 79 The Purpose of U n ity .......................................... 83 Entered as second-class matter. July 15, 1891, at the post office at Kansas City, Missouri, under the act of March 3, 1879. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage, provided for in section 1103, act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 28, 1922. ,R A - _______________ > I R i 2 Inexhaustible Substance The Right Use of Substance (B/* GENEVIEVE COURTNEY MAURER A plentiful supply depends upon an inner conscious ness of plenty God substance is the one source of all good, of all wealth, of all prosperity, of all supply The only way to be assured of plentiful supply at all times is to rise above conditions to the con scious use of the one God substance UR GREAT, PRESENT need is to understand clearly the unfailing and complete availability to man O of ever-present, unlimited substance.
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