Organization Lobbyist Registration - Semi-Annual Renewal

OL-10507-02 - Semi-Annual Renewal Status Active

Registration Details

Registration Number OL-10507-02 Type of Registration Semi-Annual Renewal Initial Filing Date 24-Mar-2017 Official Filing Date 31-Oct-2017

Designated Filer Information

Organization Name Rothmans, Benson, & Hedges Designated Filer Name Peter Luongo Position Title Managing Director Previous Designated Filer Name

Business Address: Street 1500 Don Mills Road, 10th Floor City North York Province Ontario Postal Code M3B 3L1

Lobbyist Information

Current Lobbyist Information

Please add the name of each individual in the organization who will be engaged in lobbying activities. These individuals are organization lobbyists under the Lobbyists Act.

Name Title Vasie Papadolous Manager Fiscal Affairs Michael Westcott Manager Corporate Affairs

Former Lobbyist Information

Please add the name of each organization lobbyist (employee/director/officer) named in the last return who ceased to be engaged in lobbying activities.

Name Title

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Former Public Office Holders

Is any lobbyist named in this return a former public office holder?


Lobbying MLAs and Executive Council

Have any lobbyists named in this return lobbied in the previous 6 months, or expect to lobby in the next 6 months, any MLA or any individual on the Member's staff?


Have any lobbyists named in the return lobbied in the previous 6 months, or expect to lobby in the next 6 months any member of the Executive Council (includes all Ministers and Premier) or any individual on their staff?


Contract to provide paid advice

Does any lobbyist named in the return hold a contract to provide paid advice to a department or a prescribed Provincial entity?


Does any person associated with a lobbyist named in the return hold a contract to provide paid advice to a department or a prescribed Provincial entity that is on the same subject matter as the lobbyist's lobbying activities?


Organization Information

Organization Information

Does your organization have members?


Please list all directors of the organization.

Jackie Taylor Ken Morrison

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George Samardzic Michael Klander Dane O'Neill

Please list all officers

Please describe your organization’s business or activities.

RBH Manufacturers, Distributes, and Sells of Tobacco Products in . RBH has over 800 employees in Canada, and has a manufacturing plant in Quebec City. It has a national sales force, and distributes its products directly, and through wholesalers.

Parent Corporations and Subsidiaries

Does your organization have any subsidiary corporations that have a direct interest in the outcome of your lobbying activities?


Does your organization have a parent corporation?


Name of parent corporation Address Phillip Morris International 120 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 of America

Private Funding

Has any individual or organization, during the organization’s financial year that preceded this filing, contributed $1,000 or more towards lobbying activities on behalf of your organization?


Government Funding

Does any government or government agency fund the organization, in whole or in part?


Lobbying Activity Previous 6 Months

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Description of Lobbying Activities

Subject Matter Who is Being Lobbied? Subject Matter Details

Health Alberta Health Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution:Potential Premier's Office Legislation or Regulation of Vaping Products Executive Council Educating relevant stakeholders with respect to Alberta Legislative products sold by RBH which provide - Assembly containing alternatives to combustible tobacco Alberta Treasury Board products including products which produce a vapour and Finance for inhalation such as heated tobacco products or electronic .

Taxes and Finance Alberta Health Existing Legislation: Tobacco Tax Act Alberta Treasury Board Monitoring / advocacy relating to existing levels and Finance of taxation of tobacco products. Should a specific amendment to tobacco taxation be proposed in forthcoming legislation such as the Budget, this registration will be modified accordingly.

Communication Techniques

Please specify all communication techniques used. Meetings, Presentations, Arranging one or more meetings, Written communication whether in hard copy or electronic format

Lobbying Activity - Next 6 Months

Description of Lobbying Activities

Subject Matter Who is Being Lobbied? Subject Matter Details

Health Alberta Health Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution:Potential Executive Council Legislation or Regulation of Vaping Products Alberta Treasury Board Educating relevant stakeholders with respect to and Finance products sold by RBH which provide nicotine- Premier's Office containing alternatives to combustible tobacco Alberta Legislative products including products which produce a vapour Assembly for inhalation such as heated tobacco products or electronic cigarettes.

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Taxes and Finance Alberta Health Existing Legislation: Tobacco Tax Act Alberta Treasury Board Monitoring / advocacy relating to existing levels and Finance of taxation of tobacco products. Should a specific amendment to tobacco taxation be proposed in forthcoming legislation such as the Budget, this registration will be modified accordingly.

Communication Techniques

Please specify all communication techniques used. Meetings, Presentations, Arranging one or more meetings

Additional Information

Please provide any additional information you feel was not covered by this registration (optional).


Declaration and Certification

I declare that (select only one)

• No lobbyist named in the return holds a contract for providing paid advice to a department or prescribed Provincial entity.

I further declare that every lobbyist named in the return, and to my knowledge after reasonable inquiry, every person associated with those lobbyists, are not in contravention of section 6 of the Lobbyists Act

I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information contained in this return is true.

Designated Filer (DF) Name Peter Luongo

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