January 2006 CMSNA Membership Statement

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January 2006 CMSNA Membership Statement TheClanMacLarenSocietyofNorthAmericahas descendantcharts,pedigreecharts,aswellascopiesof agenealogycommittee(seetheSocietyGenealogy yoursourcerecords. (Sendmeyourquestionsand Brochure for more details). I am the PATTERSON/ deadendsalso--I'llseewhatIcandotohelp.)With MacPATRICK surname genealogist for Clan yourcooperation,I'llbeabletobuiltaPATTERSON/ MacLAREN. However,Iamnotjusttrackingthose MacPATRICK database that will be of help to all. PATTERSONswhoareclearlyidentifiedasbeing MacLARENs(sincethisissodifficulttodo).Asthe Clan MacLaren Society of North America: PATTERSON surname genealogist for Clan MacLAREN,IwilltrackallPATTERSONs. Iam WeinviteyoutojointheClanMacLarenSocietyof currentlybuildingtwoPATTERSONdatabases-- NorthAmerica. YoucanjoinbyvisitingtheClan PATTERSON marriages and PATTERSON MacLarententataHighlandGamesorvisitingour immigrants.IalsohaveacquiredtheSocialSecurity web site. Master Death List. Home Page: www.ClanMacLarenNA.org ThisDeathListisquiteaninterestingresource. Thereareover36,000PATTERSONsand1,300 WHO ARE YOUR PATTERSONS? PATERSONslisted,givingsocialsecuritynumber, dateofbirthanddateofdeath. Althoughsocial Chairman, Genealogical Committee by securityisrelativitynew,someofthebirthsprecede socialsecuritybymanydecades. ThelistingsI Robert D. McLaren Robert D. (Bob) McLaren obtainedhave98PAT(T)ERSONsbornbetween1850 7810 Kincardine Court and1859.Someoftheseindividualslivedquitelong Alexandria, VA 22315-4025 lives. Forexample,IdestaPATTERSON,born21 (703) 971-6924 January1857,diedDecember1968--anageof111 email: [email protected] WhoarethePATTERSONs?FrankAdam,inhis years. Idesta'ssocialsecuritynumberwasissuedin book TheClans,Septs&RegimentsoftheScottish CaliforniaandshemostlikelydiedinCalifornia. Patterson/MacPatrick Surname Genealogist Highlands (Johnston&Bacon,Stirling,Scotland, DelbertPATTERSON,born30March1856,died EighthEdition,1984,FirstPublished,1908),includes December1967,aged111years. Delbert'ssocial Robert D. McLaren in Clan MacLAREN septs: securitynumberisoneofthoseissuedtorailroad 7810 Kincardine Court workers. Alexandria, VA 22315-4025 PATERSON,MacPATRICK. --Inbondsof (703) 971-6924 manrentgivenbytheMacLARENstothe Iintendtocontinuetoamassinformationon email: [email protected] CAMPBELLsofGlenurchyin1559,andalsoin PATTERSONs. ThemoreinformationIcollect,the 1573,occursthenameof"MacPATRICK". moreIwillbeabletohelpPATTERSONsearchers PATERSONisbutaLowlandrenderingofthe samename.MacPHATERandMacFEATare tracetheirgenealogy. Idohaveanextensive JOIN THE CLAN MACLAREN SOCIETY genealogylibraryandamnowcollectinganyandall equated with PATERSON. PATTERSONinformationthatIcanfind.Hopefully, thiseffortwillreachcriticalmasssometimeinthe Alan McNie, in Clan MacLaren (Cascade futureandIwillbeabletohelpmanyPATTERSON Publishing Company, Jedburgh, Scotland, 1986) searchers. includes under associated names of Clan MacLAREN: Letmeconcludebyaskingforyourhelp. Ifyou PAT(T)ERSON; MacFATER, MacFEAT, have PATTERSON/MacPATRICK information (or MacPATRICK and MacPHATER, Gaelic MacFEAT,MacFATER,MacPHATER,etc.),please variables of PAT(T)ERSON. Many sendmeacopy.Letmeknowaboutyourfamily.If PAT(T)ERSONs with early origins in youareagenealogist,sendyourfamilygroupsheets, MacLARENcountyareconsideredassociated names.ThenamePAT(T)ERSONisoneofthe MargaretMacLarenmakesaninterestingpointin ThePAT(T)ERSON/MacPATRICKsurnamehasa most frequently occurring surnames in theparagraphabove.ShenotesthatPATTERSONis numberofspellingvariants,ascanbeseenfromthe Scotland. notnecessarilyaMacLARENsurname. PhilipD. discussionabove. (Remember,nottoolongago Smith,in TartanForMe! (HeritageBooks,Inc., spellingwasacreativeart,especiallywhenanEnglish NotethatMcNiedoesnotusethetermsept. I Bowie,Maryland,1992,ExpandedFifthEdition), speakertriedtowritedownGaelicnames!)Smithdoes understandthatseptisreallyamisnomerwhenapplied showsPAT(T)ERSONassociatedwithfourotherclans listanumberofsuchvariantsassociatedwithClan totheScots(itisanIrishterm).Whatarenormally -- LAMONT, MacAULAY, CAMPBELL, and MacLAREN. These are: calledtheseptsofaclanconsistofavarietyof FARQUHARSON. Inthesecases,thesurnamemost surnames--somespellingvariationsoftheclanname likelyalsoarosefromasonofaPatrick.FrankAdam MacFADE MacPHAIT (suchasLawinourcase),someotherfamiliesthat does give some explanation for the name MacFAIT MacPHAT(T)ER soughttheprotectionofalargerclan,andsomethat PATTERSONinthreeofthesefourotherclans.For MacFAT(T)ER PATRICK actuallyderivedinsomefashionfromtheparent Clan LAMONT, Adam states: MacFATE PEATRIE surname.AccordingtoMargaretMacLaren(motherof MacFEAT PEATRY our Clan Chief), the latter is the case for MacPATRICK,PATRICK. --Theaboveare MacFEET PETERSON PATTERSON.In TheMacLarens,AHistoryofClan aliasesoftheLAMONTs,descendedfrom MacPEETERS PETRIE Labhran (LoweandBrydoneLtd.,Thetford,Norfolk, BaronMacPATRICK,whowastheancestorof MacPETRIE PETRY GreatBritain,SecondEdition,1976)shediscussesthe the LAMONTs of Cowstone. MacPETRY Septs of Clan Labhran: For Clan MacAULAY, Adam writes: (I'msurethatifwesatdownandconcentratedwe Thesecondgroupincludesthelargestandbest couldcomeupwithmorepossiblevariants.) While knownseptoftheclanthePAT(T)ERSON, MacPHEDRON,MacPHEIDIRAN. --Byboth most of these names are variants of with the Gaelic variations, MacFATER, Buchanan the historian, and MacIan, the PAT(T)ERSON/MacPATRICK,inatleastonecase, MacFEAT,MacPATRICKandMacPHATER. MacPHEIDIRANsarealludedtoasaseptofthe thenamedoesnothavetoderivefromPATTERSON. TheearliestreferencetoaPATERSONisto MacAULAYs of Ardincaple, Dunbartonshire. ThesurnamePETERSONcanbeaspellingvariantof DuncanPATERSONwhowasimplicatedwith PATERSON;however,PETERSONalsomeanssonof otherMacLARENsinthekillingoftheVicarof For Clan CAMPBELL, Adam has: PeterandisacommonGermanicsurname. Iwould Balquhidderin1532.HemaybetheDuncan, expectthelatterexplanationastheoriginofmost son of Patrik M'EWYN V'LAURANE MacPHEDRAN. -- The name of a small PETERSONs. mentionedintheBondofManrentof1559but Argyllshire sept, whose ancestor, Dominic both Duncan and Patrick were favourite MacFEDERAN, was, by the 1st Lord So much for the question, who are the MacLARENnamesanditisnotpossibleto CAMPBELLofLochow,grantedthelandsof PATTERSONs?Nowforthesecondquestion--"I'ma makeapositiveidentification. Therewereof PortSonochanonLochAwe,alongwiththe PATTERSON(orPATRICK,orMacFEAT,or...)and course PATERSONs from other parts of officeof"porterandhereditary ferrier"(i.e. wanttoknowofwhatclanaremyPATTERSONs?" ScotlandwhowerenotMacLARENsbutthose "Ferryman"). Becauseofthewidespreadoccurrenceofthesurname, fromBalquhidderandStrathearnbelongto thisisnotaneasyquestiontoanswer. Ideally,you Clan Labhran. Adam,inhisdiscussionoftheseptsofClan wouldhavetotracebackyourancestorstotheir FARQUHARSON,doesnotshowanyPATTERSON, originalterritoryinScotlandandthenfindoutwhat SotheoriginofthePATTERSONsurnameinClan or any surname that could be translated as clanwasinthatarea(ifindeedyourPATTERSONs MacLARENcouldbefromdescendantsofthisPatrick PATTERSON.Therefore,Idon'tknowwherePhilip wereassociatedwithaclan).Thismayprovetobea MacLAREN(PATTERSONmeanssonofPatrick).Or SmithderivedtheassociationofPATTERSONwith verydifficult,orimpossible,task.ClanMacLAREN, thePATTERSONsurnamecouldhaverisenanumber ClanFARQUHARSON.Finally,giventhefrequency however, welcomes all PATTERSONs. oftimesfromvariousPatricksinClanMacLAREN.In oftheappearanceofthePATTERSONsurname,I anycase,thePATTERSONsurnameislongassociated suspectthatthissurnamealsoaroseatothertimesand with Clan MacLAREN. places in Scotland..
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