
Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and poles Weyl-gauging The WZ

Conformal anomaly actions for interactions

Mirko Serino

University of Salento

QCD@Work, Giovinazzo, 16 June 2014 Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action

1 Introduction

2 The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles

3 Weyl-gauging

4 The conformal anomaly WZ action Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action Chiral and conformal anomalies

Chiral anomaly

2 Q ναβ ∂ j s = ǫ Fν Fαβ 5 16 π2 5 Fν = ∂Aν ∂ν A j ψγ¯ γ ψ − 5 ≡ Conformal anomaly

ν κ ν gν T s = nI βa(I ) F + βb(I ) E4 + βc (I ) R nV F Fν   − 4 I =Xs,f ,V

αβγδ αβγδ αβ 1 2 F C Cαβγδ = R Rαβγδ 2 R Rαβ + R ≡ − 3 αβγδ αβ 2 E4 R Rαβγδ 4 R Rαβ + R ≡ − Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action Anomalies in the perturbative picture

Anomalies provide a perturbative window on nonperturbative physics, as they show up in perturbation theory but are otherwise independent of the energy scale, thus affecting both UV and IR physics: ’t Hooft anomaly matching conditions (1979) Komargodski-Schwimmer’s weak proof of the weak a-theorem (2011) Massless scalar degrees of freedom in IR (Mottola, 2008)

The (Adler, 1968; Bell, Jackiw, 1969) has solved the phenomenological puzzle of the decay π0 γγ through modified PCAC. →

In the 1-particle-irreducible effective action, the perturbative signature of both chiral and conformal anomalies are anomaly poles, especially featured by 3-point correlation functions (Dolgov and Zakharov in 1970 for the AVV , Mottola and Giannotti in 2008 for the TVV ...). Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action The AVV and the chiral anomaly pole

k 1 k V q V q V 2 A A A q − k = 1 + k k V q − k V q − k V k1 k2 The on-shell matrix element in the massless limit i Q2 kλ ∆λν (k , k ) = ǫναβ k k A˜ (k ) A˜ (k ) 1 2 2 π2 k2 1 α 2 β 1 ν 2 where the anomaly pole is manifest and is coupled (non-zero residue) in the massless limit.

The pole is the perturbative signature of the pion ! ⇒

Sum rules approach shades new light on the issue of anomaly poles: listen to Luigi delle Rose on Wednesday. Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action Wess-Zumino anomaly actions

The 1PI effective action is non-local but the appearance of anomaly poles implies the possibility of extra local degrees of freedom.

Local solution to the anomaly equations are provided by Wess-Zumino anomaly actions all anomalous interactions encoded. ⇒

For the case SUL(3) SUR (3) it was done by Wess and Zumino (1970). ×

Local degrees of freedom = pion fields. 5-pion vertex: 1 1 ναβ tr 2 5 ǫ (Π∂Π∂ν Π∂αΠ∂β Π) , Π = λi Πi 6 π Fπ 2 Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action The anomaly pole for the TVV


p + l p k k k p = l + exch. +l l − q + exch.

l − q q q q (a) (b) (c) The conformal anomaly shows strikingly similar features: on shell correlator in the massless limit of QED e2 1 ναβ k2 pβ qα k2 g αβ p pν q qν k2 g ν Γ ( , 0, 0) = 2 2 2 2 +2 − 48π  k h −   − i 1 k2 k2 + 12 log 35 pqν + pν q ηαβ + ηαν ηβ + ηαηβν 3   2  −   2   2 ν k αβ α β βν β ν α αν α ν β η ( η q p ) η p + η p q η q + η q p A˜α(p)A˜β (q) − 2 − − −    C. Corian`o, L. Delle Rose, A. Quintavalle, M.S., JHEP 1306 (2013) 077 Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action

It is quite natural to identify the pole as a signature of the (pseudo-) Goldstone of scale , the dilaton (τ). Under scale transformations

x eσ x τ τ +Λ σ → ⇔ →

The 1PI effective action in the gauge sector (F 2) of the conformal anomaly is easily obtained from the diagrammatic computation:

4 τ ν Γ[A,τ] = d x F Fν + ... ( terms) , Λ = conformal scale Z Λ This implies anomalous enhancements in the 2- and 2-gluon channels ! But what about the rest...? There is no dilaton self-interaction in here...anything else ? Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action Classical Weyl gauging

Question : how to write an anomalous effective ( low energy ) action for the dilaton, encoding all the anomalous interactions ? Answer : thoroughly exploit Weyl symmery and its relation with (Zumino, 1970): a theory which is Weyl invariant in curved space is conformal invariant in the flat limit. General strategy for making a classical field theory Weyl invariant: Weyl-gauging (Iorio, O’Raifertaigh, Sachs, Wiesendanger, 1996): for a scale-invariant theory, embed it in curved space and make the replacements

Φ Φ edΦτ/Λ → ν ν +( dΦ δ +2Σ ) Wν ∇ → ∇ −

W is an abelian gauge vector field

2 σ(x) gν gν e gν , Weyl transf. → W W + ∂σ → Just like electrodynamics... Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action

If you want to include dimensionful parameters, no way: need a dilaton (τ) ! Just a compensator field at this stage...

− e dµτ/Λ → Under Weyl symmetry

2 σ(x) gν e gν τ τ +Λ σ(x) → ⇔ → One can make a minimal choice and introduce only one new d.o.f.

∂τ W ≡ Λ Then Weyl gauging is simply given by

− m me τ/Λ → −2τ/Λ gν gˆν gν e → ≡ Φ Φˆ Φ edΦτ/Λ → ≡ ν ν ∂ν τ +( dΦ δ +2Σ ) ∇ → ∇ − Λ Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action Dynamics from Weyl gauging

Example: the free scalar field

1 d ν 2 2 φ = d x√g g ∂φ∂ν φ + m φ S 2 Z   →

1 d 2 2 2 −2τ/Λ φ,τ = d x √g (∂φ) + m φ e →S 2 Z  d 2 τ d 2 2 (∂τ)2 + − φ2 + − φ2 2 Λ  2  Λ2  Complete Weyl variation:

δ φ,τ δ φ,τ δW φ,τ S (δW gν ) + S (δW τ)=0 S ≡ δgν δτ

2 Hint: we have got interactions φ2 τ and φ2 (∂τ) authomatically... ∼ Λ ∼ Λ2 Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action Quantum Weyl gauging

There can be two kinds of contributions to the dilaton effective action: 1 Diff- Weyl-invariant terms, carrying non information on anomalous × interactions; 2 Diff- but not Weyl-invariant terms, encoding anomalous interactions. Easy to classify all the diff Weyl invariant contributions, × 1 4 n n d x gˆRˆ Λ2(n−2) J ∼ Z p and get what the non anomalous part of the dilaton effective action looks like

2 4 − 4 τ 1 − 2 τ 2 τ (∂τ) Γ0[g,τ] n[ˆg] d x e Λ α + e Λ (∂τ) + 36 γ + ... ∼ J ∼ Z  2  Λ − Λ2  Xn We focus on classically Weyl-invariant theories ! Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action

It is most interesting to investigate the effect of Weyl gauging on the Weyl-non-invariant part of the effective action, which is best done working in dimensional , because in such a scheme Anomaly 1-loop counterterms ⇔

Γ[g] = Γ0[g]+ΓCt[g] −ǫ d ΓCt[g] = d x √g βaF + βbE4 , ǫ =4 d − ǫ Z   − δΓ [g] g 0 = 0 ν δg ν d→4

2 δΓCt[g] 2 gν = βa F R + βb E4 √g δgν  − 3  d→4

What does the Weyl gauged effective action look like ?

Γˆ0[g]=0 ΓˆCt[g] =? Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action Weyl gauging of the counterterms

Start with a very general expansion of the gauged counterterms (everything computed in d )...

∞ i+j ∂ √gˆ Fˆ (Eˆ4) 1 d 1 d 1 i 1 d x gˆ Fˆ (Eˆ4) = d x ǫ h i − ǫ Z − ǫ Z i!j! Λj ∂ǫi ∂(1/Λ)j p iX,j=0 but only the O(ǫ) contributions are significant !!!

4 ΓWZ [g,τ]=Γren[g,τ] Γˆren[g,τ] = d x √g − Z 

τ 2 2 R 2 2 4 2 2 4 βa F R + (∂τ) +(τ) (∂τ) τ + (∂τ)  Λ  − 3  Λ2  3  − Λ3 Λ4 

τ 4 αβ R αβ 4 2 2 4 + βb E4 R g ∂ατ∂β τ (∂τ) τ + (∂τ)  Λ − Λ2  − 2  − Λ3 Λ4  Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action

Γˆren[g,τ] = Γren[g,τ] ΓWZ [g,τ] − δW Γˆren[g,τ] = 0

We have got a Weyl-invariant quantum effective action at the price of introducing the dilaton.

1 If there is a dilaton, then it should describe the IR limit of some theory to be unvealed at the (presently unknown) scale Λ; the analogy with the pion can be pushed quite far: composite dilaton, new conformal sector... (Grinstein B., Goldberger, W. D., Skiba W., 2007; Grinstein B., Uttayarat P. 2011). It predicts all the anomalous self-interactions. By far the most interesting scenario... 2 If no dilaton is there, then we are just using a mathematical trick to isolate the anomalous contritubion to the effective action, but this is not for nothing, we can draw some interesting conclusion anyhow... Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action

4 2 βa 2 4 2 2 4 ΓWZ [δ, τ] = d x (τ) +(βa + βb) (∂τ) τ + (∂τ) Z  Λ2  − Λ3 Λ4  After coupling to gravity, we get the most general effective action for residual anomalous self-interactions in the flat limit as well...(computed also in 6 dimensions) C. Corian`o, L. Delle Rose, C. Marzo, M.S., Phys.Lett. B726 (2013) 4-5, 896-905 C. Corian`o, L. Delle Rose, C. Marzo, M.S., Class.Quant.Grav. 31 (2014) 105009

Easy to extract the dilaton vertices n(x1,..., xn) : I n δ Γˆren[δ, τ] Γren[δ, τ] n − δ ΓWZ [δ, τ] n(x1,..., xn) =   = I δτ(x1) ...δτ(xn) − δτ(x1) ...δτ(xn) Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action Limit on anomalous dilaton self-interactions

Most importantly

n(x1,..., xn)=0 , n 5 I ≥ Constraint (holds in general even dimensions): n-dilaton anomalous interactions vanish identically in 4 dimensions for n > 4. Why ? Direct consequence of the 4-derivative structure of the anomaly R2 ∼ σ∂ τ ∂ τ∂στ ρ∂ τ ∂ τ∂ρτ Rˆ νρσ = R νρσ + gνρ ∇ + gνσ ∇ +  Λ Λ2  −  Λ Λ2  2 ρ∂ν τ ∂ν τ∂ρτ σ∂ν τ ∂ν τ∂στ (∂τ) + δ σ ∇ + δ ρ ∇ + + δ ρ gνσ δ σ gνρ  Λ Λ2  −  Λ Λ2   −  Λ2 2 τ (∂τ) ∂ν τ ∂τ∂ν τ Rˆν = Rν gν (d 2) (d 2) ∇ + −  Λ − − Λ2  − −  Λ Λ2  2 ν 2 τ τ (∂τ) Rˆ gˆ Rˆν = e Λ R 2(d 1) +(d 1)(d 2) ≡  − − Λ − − Λ2  Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action Energy-momentum tensor Green functions for conformal field theories

n 1ν1 nνn n δ Γ[g] T (x1) ... T (xn) 2 ≡ δg ν (x1) ...... δg ν (xn) 1 1 n n gµν =ηµν 1ν1...nνn [Γ[g]] (x1,... xn) ≡

ν gν T s T s = [g] ≡ A It defines an open hierarchy

n 1...n T (k1) ... T (kn+1) = 2 [√g [g]] (k1,... kn+1) A 1...νn n

2 T (k1) ... T (ki−1)T (ki+1) ... T (kn+1 + ki ) − Xi=1 Iterate it and end with n 1 metric variations of the anomaly functional for a − n-point correlator ! The difficulty grows very rapidly... Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action Recurrence relations: the idea

Anything else interesting from the Wess-Zumino effective action? Yes, if you take a closer look from another point of view...

An equivalent expression of ΓWZ [g,τ] is given by its perturbative expansion −2τ/Λ for a conformally flat backgroundg ˆν = ην e in 1/Λ...

∞ n −2 τ/Λ ( 2) τ n gˆν = ην e = ην − ( ) n! Λ Xn=0 1 d d Γˆren[δ, τ] Γren[δ, τ] = d x1d x2 T (x1)T (x2) τ(x1)τ(x2) − 2!Λ2 Z

1 d d d d x1d x2d x3 T (x1)T (x2)T (x3) τ(x1)τ(x2)τ(x3) − 3!Λ3  Z

d d 2 +6 d x1d x2 T (x1)T (x2) (τ(x1)) τ(x2) + ... Z  Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action Recurrence relations: how to solve an infinite hierarchy

Clue: anomalous dilaton vertices as linear combinations of traced Green functions of the energy-momentum tensor ! 1 2(k1, k1) = T (k1)T ( k1) I − Λ2 − 1 3(k1, k2, k3) = T (k1)T (k2)T (k3) I − Λ3 

+2 T (k1)T ( k1) + T (k2)T ( k2) + T (k3)T ( k3)  − − −  ... There must be exact matching for consistency: thoroughly checked in 2, 4 and 6 dimensions !!!

4 T (k1)T ( k1) = 4 βa k1 − − 2 2 2 T (k1)T (k2)T (k3) = 8 βa + βb k k2 k3 + k k1 k3 + k k1 k2  −   1 2 3 

4 4 4 + βa k + k + k  1 2 3  ... and so on, ad infinitum...everything purely algebraic ! Outline Introduction The AVV and TVV correlators and anomaly poles Weyl-gauging The conformal anomaly WZ action Summary and conclusions

Just as in QCD, triangle diagrams feature anomaly poles, suggesting the presence of new scalar effective states Wess-Zumino effective actions are the natural way to provide an infrared description of a system affected by an anomaly Weyl gauging is a straightforward method to predict the structure of Wess-Zumino conformal anomaly actions in full generality Is the dilaton an effective state pointing towards new physics or is it just a mathematical artifice ? An infinite hierarchy of recurrence relations stems from consistency requirements on the effective action