focus MONTHLY college clay college Ralph Bacerra, 1938–2008 focus college clay SEPTEMBER 2008 $7.50 (Can$9) Ceramics Monthly September 2008 1 MONTHLY Ceramic Handbook Series Publisher Charles Spahr Editorial
[email protected] telephone: (614) 794-5895 fax: (614) 891-8960 Electric Firing: editor Sherman Hall assistant editor Brandy Wolfe assistant editor Jessica Knapp technical editor Dave Finkelnburg online editor Jennifer Poellot Harnetty Creative Techniques editorial assistant Holly Goring Advertising/Classifieds
[email protected] telephone: (614) 794-5834 fax: (614) 891-8960 classifi
[email protected] telephone: (614) 794-5843 advertising manager Mona Thiel What can you do with an electric kiln? advertising services Jan Moloney Marketing There seems to be no limit to the possibilities. In telephone: (614) 794-5809 marketing manager Steve Hecker Subscriptions/Circulation Electric Firing: Creative Techniques you’ll be inspired customer service: (800) 342-3594
[email protected] by the range of techniques covering many facets of Design/Production production editor Cynthia Griffith design Paula John pottery making and surface treatments. And you’ll Editorial and advertising offices 600 Cleveland Ave., Suite 210 also get information on materials, maintenance, Westerville, Ohio 43082 Editorial Advisory Board Linda Arbuckle; Professor, Ceramics, Univ. of Florida glazes or even how to make a wood- or gas-fired kiln Scott Bennett; Sculptor, Birmingham, Alabama Tom Coleman; Studio Potter, Nevada out of an old electric kiln. From Pennsylvania red- Val Cushing; Studio Potter, New York Dick Lehman; Studio Potter, Indiana Meira Mathison; Director, Metchosin Art School, Canada ware and lusters to maintenance and glazes, you’ll Bernard Pucker; Director, Pucker Gallery, Boston Phil Rogers; Potter and Author, Wales find your electric kiln is capable of most anything.