16 Pages Price 10,000 Rials 38th year No.12956 Sunday OCTOBER 22, 2017 Mehr 30, 1396 Safar 2, 1439 to establish new UNESCO tag forecast Iran to face Panama “Blockage”, “After My supreme council to to draw more foreign in friendly in Austria: Death” share best film oversee macro policies 2 tourists to Yazd 10 report 15 award at Busan festival 16 Helga Schmid: Iran’s missiles not related to nuclear deal Iran sets $100b non-oil The technically detailed nuclear deal nically detailed document and it is work- is working and there is no reason to ing, she said during her speech at the change its terms, the EU official says 2017 Moscow Nonproliferation Confer- Helga Schmid, the secretary gen- ence on Saturday, according to TASS. export target eral of the European External Action She noted that Iran’s missiles are not Service, has said that the 2015 agree- a subject of discussions on the Joint ment on the Iranian nuclear program Comprehensive Plan of Action, the is working and there are no reasons to formal name for the landmark nuclear See page 4 change its terms and conditions. agreement clinched between Iran, the The agreement is a very clear, tech- European Union, Germany, 2

Afghanistan grieves terror victims By staff & agencies jured, authorities said. At least 15 military cadets were killed The cadets were trainees from the in a suicide bombing in Afghanistan’s Daud Khan Military Hospital. capital Kabul on Saturday, AFP re- Elsewhere, two rockets have ported. The explosion took place in struck near the headquarters of the PD5 district of Kabul at the entrance NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organ- gate of the Marshal Fahim National ization) military mission in Afghani- Defense University, according to Tolo stan’s capital, Kabul, with no reports News. At least four cadets were in- of casualties. 3

Iran has to pursue long term strategy towards U.S.: Adib-Moghaddam By Javad Heirannia es in global thought and compar- Professor Arshin Adib- ative philosophies, also says “The Moghaddam, chair of the Centre Trump years will be over, sooner for Iranian Studies at the London rather than later, and Iran has to

Amin Jalali Middle East Institute, believes pursue a long term strategy to- “Trump is operating on the basis of wards the United States that is not a hysterical form of politics, that is merely reactive in the moment, IRNA/ irrational and delirious.” but looks beyond current predic- First Vice-President Es’haq Jahangiri addresses the opening ceremony of the National Exports Day conference in Tehran on Saturday Adib-Moghaddam, who specializ- aments.” 7

ARTICLE Environment chief: ‘Painful’ decisions needed as Iran faces water shortage ARTICLE By Shervin Abdolhamidi SOCIETY , the new chief of sions. We must decide whether we want to development the Environment Protection Haniyeh Sadat Jafariyeh deskthe Environment Protection have a country or not. It is a difficult task. In Organization is duty bound to guard the Tehran Times Journalist Organization, says Iran must take “tough” and general, ruling the country is a difficult task. rights of future generations.” “painful” decisions to save the country from the You should decide whether you want a coun- The top environmental official said it shrinking water resources. try in the future with the name of Iran or not. is true that the Energy Ministry is tasked The spirit of Ashura “The county has reached a point in “It is like curing a disease for which with handling issues related to water in the water resources which… must take ‘tough the physician reaches the conclusion that country but his organization is “tasked to Trump turns off he days of Muharram fill the decisions’,” Kalantari told IRNA in an interview he must remove a part of the body of the guard the country’s environment”. Iran’s green light to air of Tehran, and Iran with a published on Saturday. patient. Now we have reached that stage. It The current approach in water consumption special atmosphere. The streets Water shortage is Kalantari’s chief concern means the country must take ‘painful and is “unsustainable” and the environment organ- U.S. firms T because he believes the future of Iran will be great decisions’. We should know that with ization must definitely raise public awareness are covered in black flags and banners. Along the sidewalks, on the buses, on in danger if the water consumption continues the current use of water there is no way to about the impending water crisis, he warned. dopting a harsh new approach the metros, you see masses of people with the current speed. save the country.” On his proposal for saving water resourc- last week, Trump struck a wearing black, honoring the Martyrs of “If we want this land (Iran) to survive, Kalantari, who served as agriculture es, he said, “My proposal is that that the con- Ablow against the 2015 Iran Karbala and expressing their devotion we must speedily lower the use of water,” minister in the administrations of Akbar sumption of water must be reduced at any nuclear agreement- known as the and respect to Imam Hussein. asserted Kalantari. Hashemi Rafsanjani and Mohammad cost and the establishment and government Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Throughout the months of “Now the country must take tough deci- Khatami, added, “In line with sustainable must accept its consequences.” (JCPOA). In defiance of other world Muharram and Safar, and especially powers, he decided not to certify that the first ten days leading up to Ashura, Tehran is complying with the deal. a palpably forlorn vibe permeates here Academics named as energy, science ministers The act aroused a chorus of criticisms throughout all of Tehran and surely the POLITICS TEHRAN – In a letter on PhD in horticulture and oenology from the among affiliated European leaders rest of Iran. Every night this feeling of deskSaturday, President Hassan University of Adelaide in Australia in 1996. who unanimously stated commitment sadness and tragedy is signified as Rouhani introduced two candidates, most Currently, he is president of Bu-Ali Sina Uni- to the complete implementation of the air resonates with the sound of notable for their academic careers, for post versity in Hamadan. JCPOA, confirming Iran’s compliance the eulogies and drums emanating of science and energy ministers to the parlia- Ardakanian was born in Yazd in 1958. He to the deal. Iranian officials were also all across the city, as people take to ment, IRNA reported on Saturday. received a BS in civil engineering from Sharif angered by the U.S. president’s move the streets to express their love for Rouhani nominated Reza Ardakanian as University of Technology and a master’s de- warning him of reciprocal measures. Imam Hussein (AS), and mourn and energy minister, after his first pick, Habibollah Reza Ardakanian gree in water engineering. He holds a PhD The American President’s decision commemorate his sacrifices. Bitaraf, failed to receive a vote of confidence. liament on August 8. degree in water resources management about JCPOA, however, has had minor In Iran and other Shiite countries Rouhani’s other ministerial pick is Man- Gholami was born in Hamadan in 1953. from Canada’s McMaster University. He is the impact on European’s economic attitude and communities the first ten days of sour Gholami, who has been proposed as the He received a BS degree in agriculture from founding director of the UN University’s Insti- towards Iran. No matter what Trump’s the Islamic month of Muharram are new science minister. The president did not Bu-Ali Sina University in 1976. He also has tute for Integrated Management of Material attitude towards Iran is, Europeans are marked with a period of mourning, introduce any candidate for the post when he master’s degree in horticaltural sciences from Fluxes and of Resources (known as UNU- determined to pave their way to do where Shiites commemorate the introduced his cabinet members to the par- Tarbiat Modares University. He received his FLORES). business with Iran. For instance, French heroic, selfless uprising and subsequent businesses will meet Iranian foreign and martyrdom of Imam Hussein, the finance ministry officials this week to grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, get better acquainted with the possible who rose up against the tyrant kalifate consequences of Trump’s decertification of the time Yazid in seventh-century Iran’s of Iran nuclear deal on doing business Karbala. In what is regarded as one with Tehran, Reuters reports. of the greatest historic epics of Shiite While Europeans do not seem to step Muslim history, Imam Hussein and motorcycle back, it is worth noting that according to 72 of his willing, loyal followers were US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the all martyred fighting outnumbered racing held Trump administration isn’t seeking to against an overwhelming army. For disrupt European business deals with Muslims Ashura and Imam Hussein’s Iran, Wall Street Journal reported. martyrdom is a lesson never to yield in Tehran In addition, as Iranian senior officials to a tyrant, and to stand up and resist, have repeatedly announced during regardless of the repercussions. The third edition of the Iran’s the past few days, Iran’s gateways are The mourning ceremonies started motorcycle racing was held in Tehran’s open not only to Europeans but also as a way for Shiites to remember Imam Azadi Stadium on Friday. to U.S. companies who want to benefit Hussein and his lessons, which have Motorcycle racing (also called moto the country’s lucrative market. been commemorated for centuries racing and bike racing) is the motorcy- “We never told Americans to stay through mourning ceremonies and cle sport of racing motorcycles. away from Iran’s market and doing busi- even reenactments of historical events Major genres include motorcycle ness with us. It is the U.S. government Behnam Tofighi leading to Tasuah the ninth day road racing and off-road racing, both who deprives them from doing trade of Muharram when Imam Hussein either on circuits or open courses, and with Iran,” Iranian First Vice-President turned off all the candles at night and track racing. Es’haq Jahangiri announced on Satur- permitted everyone who is not ready Other categories include hill climbs, day addressing the 21st ceremony on drag racing and land speed record

for martyrdom to leave in the cover of Times/ Tehran the National Exports Day at the Tehran’s darkness, 12 trials. Summit Conference Hall. 4