Tarrlj, 190 I. Present-Rev
298 S, ALBANS AND HERTS .\RCIIITECTURAL AND .\RClllEOLOGil'AL SOCIETY. (!bencral :Wetting ycl~ at tge ~crhi (J!;onntu En5rnm, .on j'rihau, 15tl] jl!tarrlJ, 190 I. Present-Rev. G. H.P. Glossop, in the chair; numerous members of the Society, and others, and the Hon. Secretaries. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. F. G. Kitton read his paper on ''The Clock Tower, St. Albans,'' which was followed by a discussion. \VALTER J. LAWRANCE. 'QGgc innunl Euting of tgc ~oridy b.nrn gtlb nt tgc ltrfo QLouuty Emstum, on ~ebnrnbny, 22nh ipril, 1901, nt 8.30 p.m. Present-The Very Rev. the Dean of St. Albans, in the chair; Messrs. Morgan, Toulmin, Clarkson, Tarte, Wilton Hall, Gibbs, the Hon. Secretaries, and others. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Kitton made a statement as to the subscription-list for the Lewis Evans Collection of Topographical Prints, and reported that there was nuw only £22 needed to complets the required sum of £300. Mr. Toulmin, as treasurer, presented the balance-sheet, which was duly passed on the proposal of Mr. Ekins, seconded by Mr. Morgan. The followiug gentlemen were elected as the officers and committee of tho Society for the ensuing year :-President, 'fhe Very Rev. the Dean of St. Albans; Vice-Presidents, Lord Cranborne, Sir John Evans, K.C.B., Lord Verulam, Canon Davys, M.A., Mr. E. N. Wix, MA.; Committee, Mr. W. Carey l\Jorgan, B.A., Mr. F. G. Kitton, 320 S, ALBANS AND llERTS ARCHITECTURAL AND -~RCHAlOLOGICAL SOCIETY.
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